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5.47% Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings / Chapter 3: Ch 3 Reunion And A Mother's Love

Capítulo 3: Ch 3 Reunion And A Mother's Love

I walked towards Kattegat alone while dressed in leather and my Wolfskin over me while I used it's head used as a hood, with my axe at my hip and dagger on my wrist.

Hilrae had tattooed my chest and back extensively with Runes and Wards to protect and empower according to her but I think she just wanted an excuse to poke me with a needle a million times.

Four slaves were burned alive and their ashes used for the ink on my chest and back.

My Right eye could see much further than my other eye.....I could see hundreds of people lining up far in the distant Kattegat as I walked through the rolling hills just outside the town.

Hilrae decided to stay and Althea was too exhausted to even walk after I the state I left her in.

I checked my System on the walk to the gates.







Damn, I was definitely fucking my own mother.....if the quest came up it means that she's here somewhere....

I arrived at the Gates and a guardsman called out.

"State your name and purpose for visiting Kattegat!!!" The guard called From atop the wooden wall.

"Thenn Odinson The One Eyed, Here to pledge myself to Earl Haraldson!" I shouted.

"Come in, I heard plenty of tales about you boy....did you hunt that wolf yourself?'" the guard asked.

I pulled out a necklace from within my clothes lined with dozens of Wolf and Bear Teeth...

"Maybe you are blessed by Odin, best of luck to you young Thenn!!!"

I showed them then walked off towards the Great Hall.

I walked on deeper into town, I carried a pack on my back and had enough coin to get whatever I wanted....Hilrae always earned good money and would only spend on a slave or two if she needed a good sacrifice.

Before long I reached the great hall and I requested entrance to the guards.

"The Ceremony to swear your Oath is tomorrow, the hall is closed for right now young one." The guard told me.

"Do you know of a place to sleep and drink for now? I have naught else to do." I asked.

"Aye, ignvild tavern over yonder, if you ask she might have a room for rent if you have the coin." He spoke and I thanked the man.

Soon after I spotted Ragnar and Rolling Talking with a Pretty Blonde Girl who seemed to be ignoring both of them which made them try harder.

I walked by and winked at the Blonde Girl who quickly left the two brothers and ran to my side.

"Are you Thenn The Son of Odin?" She asked cutely while looking intently at my face.

"If I'm the Son of Odin then surely you're the daughter of Freja." I spoke in cadence and brothers looked angrily at me....

I was far taller and stronger than either of them so I'd not need to worry.

"You didn't answer my Question!!! Tell me if you're the One Odin Blessed!!!" She shouted loudly.

I looked over to her and smiled at her. 

"If you give me a kiss I'll tell you." I spoke and she punched my arm hard with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Very well.....I'll have to go find another girl who will, I'm sure there are plenty." I spoke happily and walked away from her without a second glance.

Immediately she ran up and held my arm. 

"Don't go find another girl!!! You don't want them, They're all stinky except for Torvi." She said and walked side by side with me while holding tightly to my arm.

By this point the two brothers lost their cool and walked up to me.

"You can't just take away Lagerta, we won't have mercy just because you're blind!!!" Ragnar spoke out loud and many people turned in our direction to watch what was going on.

Rollo just glared at me from the side, neither of them had weapons so it shouldn't get serious.

"Did you hear that? these two think you belong to them...." I spoke and made a disgusted face.

"NO!!! I DO NOT BELONG TO THEM!!! WHY WOULD I BE SHARED BY BOTH OF THOSE UGLY BOYS!!!" Lagerta yelled out and a few onlookers giggled.

"Really...?" I asked while looking into her pretty eyes then I leaned my face closer and closer to hers as she turned more and more red.

"Umm....well...I...." Was all she managed to say before Ragnar Ran towards me and swung his fist at my face.

I slipped the punch and responded with a knee to the gut then an elbow to the Temple which sent him tumbling into the soft earth.

"Who taught you how to fight???" I shouted and immediately Rollo ran at me.

He was much larger than Ragnar and threw harder and better punches.

We traded about twenty blows before I kicked Rollo's thigh and he lost balance, with a hard hook to the jaw he fell beside Ragnar as they groaned.....I could have broken their bones in a few punches but that's a bad way to start a family reunion so I held back.

 I stood over the two boys and a few of the people smiled at my performance.

I spotted guards making their way over so I turned to Lagerta.

"Can I get a kiss on the cheek for good luck? I think we're getting taken to the Earl for punishment." I spoke and her eyes widened and she closed her eyes and moved to kiss my cheek.

I turned my face and our lips touched as people laughed at my audacity.

She slapped my face while blushing and then the guards snatched up us three boys and dragged us to the main hall for causing a disturbance.

fights like this had a time and place, and this was not it.

We were taken inside and dragged before Earl Haraldson, he was in his forties and a formidable warrior.

His beautiful wife Siggy stood beside him, she was in her mid twenties and as expected of an Earls wife, I just wanted to sink my teeth in her fat ass...

Earl Haraldson turned to his main advisor.

"Svein, what did they do?" He asked gruffly and drank from his cup.

"The Three boys fought near the town square, no property was damaged but fighting the day before the ceremony is intolerable." Svein spoke.

Earl Haraldson looked at us one by one....I was Last.

"Rollo Sigurdson.....Ragnar Sigurdson....and Thenn Odinson, I'd recognize your eye anywhere boy.....why were you fighting your brothers?" Earl Haraldson asked while looking in my eyes, I was the only boy not looking at the floor in fear.

"Merely an eventful family reunion My Lord, Ragnar fought for the attention of his love Lagerta, and Rollo fought for the Honor of his brother who I beat up.....I fought out of principles since men of Norway do not ignore an attack no matter how minor." I spoke and Earl Haraldson smiled and nodded his head.

"Well spoken, as expected of Hilraes boy....who threw the first punch?" He asked and leaned back in his chair. 

"I...It....Was" Ragnar spoke without lifting his head.

Earl Haraldson looked at the trembling boy in disappointment and sighed. "Three strikes on the hand for attacking your own twin, or you can make a sincere apology.....I will ignore this since no one was seriously hurt if you make peace." Earl Haraldson spoke.

Ragnar walked beside me and spoke.

"I apologize for attacking you, you did not deserve it and I regret doing it." He spoke and I patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, it's good to meet my twin after hearing about you for so long." I spoke and he looked up at me strangely....I think it's the first time he really realized who I was.

I was an entire head taller than him and half a head taller than Rollo, it was just too strange.

"Ragnar, Rollo go out I need to speak with Thenn." Earl Haraldson spoke and they were quickly escorted out by the guards.

"Take a seat, someone bring him mead. " the Earl spoke and a slave ran over with a pitcher and served me a tankard.

"So Thenn, how come you never came to visit Kattegat in all these years?" Earl Haraldson asked.

"My Lord I enjoy the wilderness and the warmth of home, I have seen no need to come until now." I spoke and he nodded.

 his wife sitting beside him looked at me judgingly and looked down at me crotch as if evaluating me.

"I've heard many tales of you walking naked and covered in blood while carrying wolves or dragging bears these past years...." He spoke and sipped his golden chalice.

"Not naked my Lord, I Always wear my Wolfskin and this wooden bangle carved by my Milk Maid." I spoke and he laughed a bit as his wife smiled..... She had lips designed to be wrapped around a cock.

"How do you like your first visit to the town boy?" He asked.

"The Beautiful Women make me want to come by more often..... I just can't wait to go raiding for once." I spoke and he nodded.

"Aye the women of Kattegat are the most beautiful and strong.... Tostig had expressed that you are more than ready to sail with us, but tell me why you wish to go raiding?" He asked and started into my eyes.

"Mother Hilrae says I can't Marry Althea until I raid, I wish to pay for my Marriage with what I earn raiding.....I make good money with my hunting and medicine work but I'd rather bring honor to my soon to be Wife and test my skills while I'm at it....and which man of Norway doesn't want to earn a name for themselves." I spoke.

"So the rumors are true?" His wife Siggy asked.

"What rumors My Lady?" I asked and looked into her sultry eyes like a predator, I noticed her shift in her seat.

Earl Haraldson spoke instead of her.

"The rumors that you have sex with your milkmaid for hours on end until she can't walk, your slaves gossip when they visit town so word got around that even at the age of eight you were bedding your milk maid." He spoke.

"Since the age of Seven my Lord, I just can't resist when I see her....I fear I will need a second Wife one Day." I spoke and he laughed heartily while Siggy bit her lower lip while eyeing me up and down.

"Very well, I will permit you in our next Raid, you are tall and strong enough....also you clearly aren't an idiot....I will allow you to stay in this hall as a guest, but for now go and visit your mother Alfhild. From what I have heard she has missed you greatly since you two were separated." He spoke and I thanked him and left.

A slave guided me to a small room with a bed and chamberpot so I set my stuff down and walked out.

Immediately outside I spotted Ragnar and Rollo standing there.

"So you're actually my twin?....why are you so much taller then?" Ragnar asked.

"Yes, only I was given away to Hilrae the Crone when we were born.....Sigurd did not think I would be strong enough to survive Winter, and with one eye he saw it best to get rid of me." I spoke and his eyes widened....I don't think theyd ever heard it put that way.

Then Rollo spoke. "But I've heard you hunt bears and wolves naked with only a spear....surely you aren't weak." 

"He can't hunt bears or wolves brother, he's my age!" Ragnar shouted and patted his shoulder.

I pulled out My necklace lined with dozens of teeth and fangs.

"Are you sure about that little Ragnar?" I asked and immediately a punch flew at me which I dodged and slapped his face.

"How are you so fast!!!" He shouted and held his red cheek as he groaned.

"Even my blind eye sees better than both of yours." I boasted then he and Rollo chuckled.

Before long we reached a small hut which Sigurd had rented.

Rollo and Ragnar walked inside first and spoke to both Parents.

I heard scrambling then the front door swung open.

Immediately Mother ran out and wrapped her arms around me tightly and began to cry.

"My....My Baby boy...I missed you....." She sobbed and I just held her tightly.

She smelled of honey and blackberries and was still very beautiful.

 my Odin Eye could see she hadnt been with a man In years since Sigurd was too old.

I cast a Man Repellent Talisman on her just in case.

I held her tightly and patted her head as she sobbed and cried about how sorry she was for letting me go.

I brought my face to her ear and whispered.

"It's okay, I don't blame or hate you for it Mother, I have grown well and strong under Hilrae, You are both beloved mothers to me no matter what."

I spoke and she cried some more and dug her face into my chest.

Soon after Sigurd walked out, he was larger and more bulky than I remembered with a braided gray beard that reached his belly and a wrinkled but powerful face.

He saw me holding Alfhild and spoke. "You have grown well, far stronger than I ever imagined.....visit more often, if not for my sake then for your mother's boy." He spoke in his deep gruff voice while eyeing me.

"Sigurd, good to finally meet you. And I will visit more often, if you approve then Mother could visit my new home as well, we'd be more than happy to have her visit." I spoke.

"Aye, that is possible....we have enough slaves and my boys are old enough to do well with her away for a while." He spoke and Alfhild smiled and kissed my cheeks happily as tears still moved down her face.

"Let's go inside, we have a stew cooking if you'd join us for midday meal." Sigurd spoke and I nodded.

"Of course, thank you for offering." I spoke and we all walked in as Mom clung to my arm.

We all sat and Mom asked me hundreds of Questions.

"Is it true you sleep with your southern milkmaid?"

"Have you found a girl you want to marry?"

"You shouldn't hunt naked, the cold is bad for you!" 

"Wolf Stew is your favorite? I'll have to make it for you someday!" 

"What do you mean you all fought.... and over a girl?" 

. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ...

A few hours had passed and the Men had all left to visit a family friend for the afternoon while I stayed with Alfhild in the small house while I talked with her.

She was beautiful, only in her late twenties and a curvy thick body....she had a few scars on her face from being a shield maiden but it did little to hide her beauty.

After one long silence I leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.....they were soft, warm, and sweet.

She froze and stared at me for a few moments after we separated then closed her eyes and spoke. "It's the least I can do after abandoning you." She said and leaned forward.

I grabbed her face and began to slowly and lovingly kiss her deeply as my hands wandered around her body, she was completely pliant to everything I did and didn't move to stop me no matter what I ded or where my hands wandered.

Alfhild thought this was a small recompense to give her beloved abandoned son.....she owed him so much more in her eyes.

Before long I picked her up and set her on the table and began to hike up her dress.

She had long thick legs and her body was soft and warm.

Eventually I reached her panties so I pulled them off and set them beside us.

Her pussy was already dripping wet so I pulled my throbbing cock out and she guided it in with her soft warm hands.

Her velvety pussy lips stretched around my cock and I enjoyed every inch of her sopping wet insides.

I looked at her face and I found her smiling with tears of joy on her face.

I hilted myself inside which drew a soft moan as my cock kissed her cervix then I latched my lips to hers and began to enjoy her delicious taste while my cock was enveloped in her warm and wet hole.

Eventually I started moving inside of her which drew out her sultry moans, I needed her to be quiet so I stopped kissing her and placed my hand over her lips as I began pounding away inside her perfect motherly hole.







After an hour of fucking her as she squirted and moaned quietly under my hands I pulled out and brought her to her knees a few feet away as I placed my cock near her lips.

She looked confused as to what to do.

"Swallow what's coming out, I don't want to leave a mess everywhere." I told her as I used all my power to hold in my cum which was building up.

She nodded and clumsily put the tip of my cock into her little warm mouth.

I released my orgasm and my throbbing cock began spurting out hot thick cum into my mothers waiting mouth as she looked up at me lovingly and drank it all down to the last drop.....she clearly had never done this but God's did her warm mouth feel good.

After three cups of thick Semen I had finished and my dutiful mother hadn't spilled a drop as she was still swallowing and sucking out every last drop that leaked out of my tip.

Her soft clumsy tongue moved around the entire head as it lapped up every drop of semen.

Once she was done she pulled my cock out of her mouth with an audible *POP 

I looked down at my beautiful mother and grabbed her soft face.

"Show me that you swallowed it all." I spoke and she nodded before opening her mouth to show me it was all gone.

I patted her head and spoke. "You're my woman from now on do you understand." I spoke and she looked at me shyly before nodding.

"I....I'm....your Woman Son..." She spoke while looking into my eyes.

I gave her a kiss and stood her up and helped her to the bed after I wiped her clean and put her panties back on.

I waited with her as I held her hand for the other two return after I cleaned the floor from her nectar and placed some sage leaves in the fire to cover any smell after I opened the windows.

We chatted for another hour as I ran my fingers through her hair then Sigurd and my two brothers came in.

"Thank you for staying with her Thenn, do you have a place to stay? We don't have much space here but we can manage." Sigurd spoke.

"Thank you but the Earl has offered me a room in his hall on account of Hilrae, I thank you for the offer however." I spoke and he nodded.

"I regret giving you away but you have grown into a fine young man, I have a feeling it was for the better through." Sigurd spoke while looking at me.

"Aye, I think so as well....but I'm glad to have met all of you again, especially you Mother." I spoke and gave Alfhild a hug as she lay there in the bed.

After that I said goodbye to Ragnar and Rollo then walked back to the Great hall.

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