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48.21% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 53: Chapter 53 – A Man’s Weakness

Capítulo 53: Chapter 53 – A Man’s Weakness

~ En Route to Gizard Wasteland: Moments Before ~

Ajax raised his hand instinctively, shielding his eyes from the blinding brilliance that erupted in the sky above him. The radiant light gradually dimmed, revealing an enormous white sphere suspended in the air. It spun slowly, casting an ethereal glow across the battlefield.

In the ensuing moments, the roar of something incredibly large and furious reached them. Ajax tightened his grip on Nappa's cast, the sound triggering a familiar sense of fear and unease from his past life. The disembodied voice of a phantom PDA echoed in his ears.

'Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?'

No. No, it wasn't, but he didn't exactly have an alternative. 

As the light faded, only Piccolo reacted to the situation, his instincts kicking in. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached out, tucked Gohan securely under his arms in a protective embrace, and promptly retreated from Ajax. The sudden movement caught Gohan off guard, and a surprised yelp squeaked past his lips as he was unceremoniously yoinked out of the air.

Piccolo wasted no time distancing himself and Gohan from the looming threat of Nappa. Despite the increasing gap, his apprehension lingered, gnawing at him. Vivid memories of a fierce struggle against a transformed ape monster flashed through Piccolo's mind—an encounter that had tested his limits a year ago. Back then, it had been an untrained Gohan. Nappa on the other hand…

Meanwhile, Krillin had no idea what kind of shit had just hit the fan, but he could sense Piccolo's Ki in rapid retreat and that alone was more than enough for him. He refused to play the role of some dumb horror movie character who, instead of just booking it, foolishly looked back and screamed. Krillin darted away from Ajax and Nappa with a defensive stance, eyes wild as he tried to identify the threat.

In the center of all this, Ajax came to an abrupt stop, taken aback by everyone else's sudden actions. The sudden halt jolted Nappa in Ajax's grip, his form swaying unsteadily as if he were mere baggage. And just like that, the entire group froze in place, exchanging confused and bewildered looks with each other.

Nappa and Ajax looked at each of the Z Fighters, then at the luminous ball in the sky, then at each other, their thought processes aligning in that brief moment. Ajax pointed at Nappa's bloodied posterior at the same time as Nappa jerked his chin toward it.

The Z Fighters shifted their attention to where Ajax indicated, their collective gaze settling on Nappa's tailless butt. A wave of realization swept through the group.

Nappa shot a venomous look at Ajax, his eyes narrowing in accusation as a scowl appeared across his face.

Ajax, however, displayed no hint of remorse. Instead, a shit-eating grin spread his face. He winked at Nappa cheekily, a teasing glint dancing in his eyes in lieu of offering any form of apology. Why the hell would he apologize? Why else had he specifically chosen to tear off Nappa's tail instead of going for direct damage back then? Ajax needed Nappa alive for reasons extending beyond the Saiyan invasion, but that correspondingly meant that he could not afford to have Great Ape Nappa as a wildcard.

If anything, Nappa needed to thank him. He was missing an appendage, yes, but in countless other timelines, Nappa's death would have been inevitable without Ajax's intervention

Nappa, however, was in no mood to appreciate the results of any strategy at the current moment, even if he had known. The Saiyan General's already imposing scowl deepened into one of pure irritation as Ajax's wink pissed him off even more.

A short distance away, Piccolo released his hold on Gohan. With that gesture, the tension that had gripped the Z Fighters dissipated, if only for a moment, as they eased out of their defensive postures.

In the background, the vibrations of an enormous explosion reached them, reminding them all of their crucial mission. With a renewed sense of purpose, the Z Fighters resumed their flight, streaking through the sky.

Ajax unceremoniously dropped Nappa on the ground as they descended onto a discreet outcropping bordering the battlefield. Nappa hissed, muttering insults under his breath at the minor drop. His colorful commentary went largely unnoticed, overshadowed by the great battle in front of them.

Vegeta's towering figure commanded their attention as he rampaged across the battlefield with unbridled fury. Each thunderous step sent tremors through the earth as he pursued a smaller figure accentuated by a crimson aura. The smaller figure, Goku, skillfully eluded Vegeta's grasp with swift and elusive movements. While Goku wasn't precisely on the edge of defeat, he certainly wasn't winning either.

"Well, Goku is doing... uh, well, alright? Doesn't look like Vegeta is very fast in that form of his," Krillin stated everyone's thoughts.

Of course, Krillin's big mouth had jinxed Goku, as in the next moment, Vegeta delivered a devastating blow that sent him crashing through multiple pillars. They toppled like dominos in Goku's wake, creating a line of destruction and dust that rose lazily in the air.

Krillin and Gohan tensed, ready to spring forward and assist Goku. However, they were immediately restrained by Ajax and Piccolo, who moved in perfect unison. Ajax and Piccolo exchanged a glance. Clearly, the two of them are on the same page.

"Guys, calm down. Let me brief you on the plan first. We're going to be cannon fodder if we charge in without one," Ajax advised, his hand gently tightening on Krillin's shoulders.

Piccolo nodded in agreement. He had intended to discuss a plan of action, but Ajax seemed to have beaten him to the punch by having one already prepared. Piccolo didn't understand the 'how' yet, but he knew Ajax had an uncanny ability to anticipate and prepare himself for any developments. It was as if he had a plan ready for every conceivable situation. Piccolo, however, was not going to complain. He was still alive, so the effectiveness of Ajax's past plans spoke for themselves.

"Alright, work your magic, brat," Piccolo folded his arms across his chest.

"Ha! Save your breath, all of you. There is no plan you can make that could make a difference!" Nappa's dismissive words cut Ajax off, stifling any words of strategy before it could take root. Nappa continued. "In our Oozaru forms, our power levels surge to approximately 10 times higher, placing Vegeta at 180,000! This transformation is why we are feared throughout the universe!"

"Wha– you've got to be kidding me! 180k! That's impossible to defeat!" Krillin practically choked on his words as the staggering heights of Vegeta's power registered in his mind. Krillin swallowed hard to suppress his apprehension. If Nappa could effortlessly obliterate them at a mere 5.5k, what can 180k do…?

Nappa smirked at Krillin's reaction, relishing the satisfaction of the panic he had sown. With an air of superiority, he continued to brag about Vegeta's insurmountable might.

"That's right, dipshits! The Great Ape form has no weaknesses! The only way to defeat it is through brute force, and in this form, only Lord Frieza himself rivals Vegeta in raw power!"

"But he does have weaknesses. I can list at least three exploitable ones right now." Ajax remarked, rolling his eyes. Nappa could posture and grandstand all he wanted, but Ajax knew better.

"No, he doesn't." Nappa refused adamantly, his tone bordering on petulance.

It was clear to Ajax that Nappa's pride in the invincibility of the Oozaru form had blinded him to the vulnerabilities inherent in the transformation. Drawing from canonical knowledge, Ajax knew that the Oozaru form was not some invincible juggernaut. The notion that they automatically became 10 times stronger in every physical aspect was too simple of a perspective, one that Ajax was quick to refute. If the Oozaru had genuinely been a tenfold multiplier, Ajax would've hung up the coat and called it a day.

But it wasn't, and Ajax hadn't dedicated over a year to considering various strategic possibilities only to arrive at the battlefield empty-handed. Admittedly, he had spent less time than he would've liked. In the canon, Yajirobe had swiftly dealt with Great Ape Vegeta, and he had naïvely thought he could count on the swordsman. He was wrong, because this time around, they weren't afforded that luxury.

Back in the present, Piccolo nodded in agreement with Ajax. Taking a step back, he subtly huddled with the other Z Fighters, strategically positioning himself to ensure his voice could be heard over the cacophony of the ongoing battle.

"The tail. He's going to revert if we cut or rip it off. But it's going to be difficult with how much he's moving. Unfortunately, his size doesn't seem to compromise his agility as much as it should've."

"Correct, Piccolo. The glowing ball up in the sky is likely another one. I presume it serves as an artificial moon of sorts, so destroying it should bring him back to normal too." Ajax, however, wasn't finished with his deductions. He turned to everyone else with a wicked smile on his face. "But there's a third weakness, and it happens to be his most significant: his size."

"What do you mean?" Gohan furrowed his brow in confusion, scratching his head

"Yeah, we may not be inherently faster, but we're not exactly easy targets either. We can be pretty fast and nimble in that form when we want to be," Nappa supplemented Gohan's question with some experience of his own.

Ajax, however, shook his head. "No, no. Both of you are missing the point. Specifically, what I meant was that his size amplified the weakness that all men share."

Gohan remained perplexed, but that was because of his youthful innocence. Piccolo didn't get it either, but that was also because he was technically a youth. While the duo looked to Ajax for clarification, Krillin and Nappa comprehended Ajax's message perfectly.

"You mean…you want us to hit him in the dick?" Krillin asked incredulously.

Ajax shot a finger gun at Krillin. "Exactamente."

In a moment of mutual understanding, Krillin and Ajax smiled conspiratorially at each other like rascals plotting mischief, all the while ignoring the fuming Nappa on the floor beside them.

"Mr. Piccolo, what's a dick?" Gohan asked, tilting his head. He was unfamiliar with the term and did not know why it triggered the reactions it did.

"It's the male reproductive organ. Don't ask me for more details because I don't have one."

The sudden revelation about Namekian anatomy piqued the interest of the entire group. All eyes immediately focused on Piccolo, their curiosity leading them by the nose like piranhas homing in on injured prey.

"Holy shit, slug! You really don't have one?!" Nappa burst into laughter, momentarily setting aside his indignation at the planned strategy due to the unexpected hilarity of this newfound trivia.

Piccolo's expression wavered between annoyance at Nappa and horror at the direction the conversation was heading. It settled on an interesting blend of both.

"No, I don't. But we need to discuss the battle plan right now. Let's return to this topic never."

Ajax graciously provided Piccolo an escape from the awkward situation he found himself in. He was nice like that. Ajax smoothly redirected the group's attention back to the matter at hand, skillfully steering the focus back to strategizing for the upcoming battle.

"Let's keep the plan relatively simple. Defensively, our primary focus is evading his attacks. Maintain as much distance as possible when attacking because if even a single hit lands on us, it's potentially game over. When attacking, prioritize targeting the tail if possible. Take turns distracting him using techniques like Solar Flare or any other tools at our disposal, and strike Vegeta Jr. as hard as you can when the opportunity presents itself. Otherwise, take advantage of his size and hit him with cutting or piercing attacks to gradually whittle him down. "

The sinister charm of the plan appealed to Krillin so much that he couldn't suppress his dark delight. His schadenfreude smile evolved into a chuckle, and soon, he surrendered to a full-blown fit of evil laughter. "Muahahahaha! I LOVE this plan!"

"Remember, if he gets stunned or if any opportunity to cut off his tail arises, we take it." Ajax wasn't sure if the still cackling Krillin was even listening anymore, but he emphasized the point regardless.

"As good a plan as any, I suppose," Piccolo remarked, rising to his feet and brushing dirt off his clothes.

However, not everyone in their small group shared the enthusiasm.

"You f*cks! You can't do this!"

Nappa, unable to restrain his outrage any longer, unleashed a furious scream of raw frustration beside the Z Fighters. He had clung to the thin hope that they were merely discussing the option of this dishonorable strategy but the realization that it was intended to be their primary plan pushed him over the edge, shattering the thin veneer of composure he had. The Saiyan General wriggled like a worm on the ground, his rage spilling forth in a torrent of curses and accusations.

"You dishonorable curs! Not only are you planning to intervene in an honorable one-on-one match, but you're also planning to violate the Universal Fighting Bro Code?! How dare you!"

Ajax had only an amused expression in response to Nappa's meltdown. He patted Nappa's back comfortingly, "There, there. Sorry, sacrifices have to be made."

"Y-you all! Shit! Unbelievable! You bunch of backwater dishonorable savages! WRRRRRYYAAHHHH!" No one paid him any mind. Exasperated by the apparent lack of attention, Nappa squirmed to face Gohan, the only other Saiyan in the vicinity, spitting out dirt that had found its way into his mouth in the process

"Kid, Gohan, come on! You're a Saiyan, and honor courses through your veins! You can't be seriously considering all this, right? Much less break the Universal Fighting Bro Code!"

"I don't know your past, Mr. Nappa. Maybe you had a family once upon a time." Gohan looked at Nappa, his mouth pressed tightly into a resolute line. "And I get it, how important honor must be to you. But, if your family's life is at stake, do you think you would care about ephemeral things like honor?"

Nappa's mouth clamped shut, his teeth clicking together audibly. His outraged expression wavered and his eyes lost focus as he searched the depths of his soul for distant memories of a better time. Lost in introspection, an uncharacteristic melancholy draped itself over Nappa's typically boisterous face.

"That's my dad out there." Gohan's outstretched fingers pointed towards the ongoing battle in the distance. "He has already died for me– for all of us, once. If there's anything I can do about it this time, then I won't let history repeat itself!" Gohan crouched, his eyes meeting Nappa's at eye level, exuding a newfound certainty. In fact, Gohan felt more certain than he ever did in his entire life. A flicker of unyielding conviction that Vegeta would be familiar with flashed in Gohan's eyes. "I'm not going to be a bystander and watch this time, Mr. Nappa, because I am not a coward."

Nappa's gaze met Gohan's, and at that moment, a silent understanding passed between them.

"I did teach you to never surrender, didn't I?" Nappa sighed once more, the weariness in his eyes deepening. He looked at his self-proclaimed protégé in the eye. "Don't die, Gohan." 

Gohan nodded.

As Nappa observed the young Saiyan, a nearly forgotten sensation started to stir within him: pride—in someone else.

Nappa turned to the rest of the fighters the best he could, his tone immediately changing, "For the rest of you shits, I just ask you don't hurt the royal penis permanently. That's the future of the Saiyan race."

"I'll do my best to not damage it permanently?" Gohan said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He cast a quick glance at the others, only to be met with unsympathetic expressions and indifferent shrugs. Ajax was the sole individual to offer an affirmative reply with a thumbs up. "Maybe...?"

In the distance, the vibrations of a horrendous impact trembled through the earth as Goku failed to dodge in time once again.

Whatever hopes the Z Fighters may have harbored of Goku's triumph were mercilessly shattered before their eyes. Without mercy, Vegeta sent Goku hurtling downward like a projectile, his body smashing into and drilling vertically through an entire rock pillar like a ragdoll. The bone-crushing impact disintegrated the pillars into rubble, succumbing to the sheer force of an entity piercing straight through it.

As the dust settled, Vegeta could be seen effortlessly clearing the rubble with a swipe of his finger. Below him, Goku fought to rise from the debris, his battered body bearing the marks of the intense battle.

"Enough talk, guys! Goku is in trouble! We need to go now or there'll be nothing left for us to save!" Krillin shouted urgently, eyes widening in concern as Goku's battered form came into view. "Let's move!"

With that, the quartet raced toward the battlefield once more, each step feeling like a desperate race against the ticking clock.

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