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Capítulo 9: 8)Two years. Gun and Crews [2]

(AN: I'm bad at fight scenes. Irony right? I'm writing a fan fic about fighting right?)

A night sky while raining was considered a relaxing atmosphere for most people but that was not the case for today.


A sound of metal being hit was made as Ian punched landed on one of metal beamers which now has a hole in it. Gun dodged it while looking complexed.


Suddenly Gun eyes went wide as he blocked instinctively as multiple blows sterted to land on his body.


The barrage of punches stopped as he was suddenly sent flying back with a kick even though Gun blocked it.

A tinge of smoke came from Gun arms as he blocked the kick while the skin of his arms turned purple.

Ian started to jump mildly as he stretched his arms and legs.

'And technique….He has it.My arms are feeling numb already. Feels like I got hit by a metal anchor And yet, he's not even taking me seriously…it pisses me off' Gun thought as he stood up and gave Ian a nasty expression.

"Gonna hide your strength like you did when you fought with them?"

"Well-" Gun appeared in front of Ian as he bended backwards. "Whoa, reminds me of someone."

With one feet, Ian used it to push himself up while delivering a kick which Gun blocked with his shoulder and sent him flipping back. But it was a mistake as the kick dislocated it.

Ian landed on his feet as he put his hands in his pocket.

"Hahahah!, Oh Wow, this is what I was looking for!" Gun laughed loudly as he popped his shoulder back in place

"Ready? Here I come!" A speed faster than the previous attack was coming for Ian but it got blocked by his forearm.

"Made you use your 2 hands!" Gun creepily smiled throwing a kick to Ian stomach but it suddenly went up and striked his neck.

"Kyokushin?" Ian grabbed his foot before the blow could strike and slammed him on the ground.

Gun immediately got back up "Is this how you do it?" Ian asked as the next second he used the same move Gun did but it was better,stronger and faster.

Gun looked annoyed as he barely dodged but it did graze his back which made him grunt a bit.

"Wow, so the rumors were true!" Goo said as he looked astonished. Meanwhile Johan looked shocked more than anyone.

He didn't realize anyone had his talent, no, Johan could do the kick Gun did but what Ian did was make it perfect, faster and stronger.

That's something he couldn't do, he could copy but not do it like Ian did.


'The king of Seoul, I see now why he has that title…..he's not even taking this seriously but already has Gun being in defensive…' Jake thought as he wanted to know more about Ian.

'Can he....'

'Eli...where did you bring me'

'Strong' Was all Eli thought as Gun slicked back his hair and took a deep breath.

"No more playing around now"

"…Careful Gun, Goo might have to step in"

They weren't surprised Ian knew who they were, after all they did cause a loud ruckus with Big Deal.

He dismissed him as Gun took the offensive and began to deliver punches and kicks while trying to slip Ian feet.

A Brazilian kick was caught by him while Gun was countered with the same technique but couldn't block it due to the speed.

He was sent back as he got back up and wiped the blood off his mouth.

"You know why I'm copying you even though I have mastered numerous martial arts? It's because it's fun!" The smile of Ian got wider as Gun started to laugh.

"I'm more pissed than happy now."

"Okay, I'll give you a sneak peak" Ian smiled innocently with the creepy smile nowhere to be seen."So I was at what? 49% I guess 50% now" He started to talk to himself as he stretched

"50 per-" Gun was cut off when Ian fist suddenly appeared before him but was blocked by Goo Metal katana and Gun's elbow.

"Oh man oh man, surprised you didn't I huh?" The taunt in Ian voice was perfectly heard as Goo stepped in knowing that punch was dangerous and deflected it with his short katana

"Hey Gun, this fucker is playing with us."

"How long has it been since we had to fight together?"

Lightning struck as it shown a bright picture that Ian saw and made him tear up.

Gun with his shirt ripped off was standing next to Goo who was wielding the katana.

"So so beautiful"

"This crazy bastard has gone insane."

"Not!" Ian appeared in front of them both and tried to deliver a body blow but they blocked it with some tinge of smoke coming from Goo and Gun forearm.

"Ah damn, sneak attack didn't work." He took back his punch and turned around as he shook his head. But then he was suddenly sent back by Goo katana that he was wielding.

"A sword user? I thought people didn't like them anymore!"

Goo didn't cast out any snarky response as the blow he just gave to Ian was meant to cut him open, but he just tanked it?

'It's a shame I can't make him my secret friend, curse you Choi!' He thought as he shed a single tear.

"My Goo Goo" Ian said sadly as he ran towards him but stopped midway when he saw Gun coming and throwing a low kick in which he did a side flip and kicked Gun with his feet but it got blocked by Gun crossing his arms over each other.

But that's when His foot went underneath Gun block and lifted him up, throwing him backward with just pure leg strength.

Ian did that while he landed on his feet with numerous sword strikes headed his way but Ian dodged them and quickly grabbed goo hand that held the katana.

Gun came behind him and tried systema but before his blows could hit him, he was suddenly lifted in the air as in that second he blocked the punch, Ian grabbed his fist and lifted him up as he let go of Goo and kicked him which was blocked by the katana, sending him back while throwing Gun towards him

"Son of a"

"Sorry gun!" Goo chuckled as he didn't catch him and instead dodged and went after Ian.

'Krav maga?' He thought as Ian blocked his sword strikes which were enough to make him dangerous, so dangerous that Tom got worried when he knows Goo is only getting stronger.


Being tossed was new for Goo as he never met anyone except for his teacher to throw him like a new born baby.

Gun came in as he used a different technique but Ian only stepped to the side and delivered 2 hits with his fist to the cheek and a kick to his thigh.

Ian way of fighting could come to three types. Quiet and sophisticated, Cruel and vicious or Goofy and playful

While the fight was happening, everyone in the vicinity was amazed on how not only Ian was holding his own but also pushing them back.

His fighting techniques were at perfection as well with the baics. No unnecessary movements were made as Ian perfect coordination with insane power and speed made him an opponent with no flaws. And this was the fact when he wasn't even giving his all.

He kept shouting percentages as it would go from forty nine to fifty two. Everyone knew that's how much effort he gave to face off Gun and Goo.

Jake and Johan were the one most shocked by this. They each had their own stories but nevertheless wanted Gun position.

But now, would it be enough?

"Hahahha, you guys sure are tough!. Let's make a deal if I win you guys owe me a favor! But if you manage to give me a scar I'll owe you guys one!"

Ian said that out loud as he stood proud and pointed at himself making Goo and Gun turn defensive

"And where do you get the idea we want your deal?"

"Hey. I'm being nice while I'm at it" His look turned serious while titling his head a bit and for a split second, Gun and Goo hair stood up as they unexpectedly took a step back.

"Now now, don't turn on your own word Mr.Sun!" Goo said excitedly as there was finally something worth this fight.A favor from the strongest man in Seoul and possible in all of Korea, made them both excited.






"Well, I didn't see that coming…." Ian said amazed as he stood above Gun and Goo while they were panting heavily.

Ian upper body was exposed as a scar mark the length of 2 pens put on eachother was on his solar plexus as his black pants were stained with blood while the clothes on the pair thet were on the ground were no longer washable.

Bruises were able to be seen on both of them as they each had a slash mark going from the top to the bottom.

This new scar that was given to Gun by Ian overshadowed Guns old scars. While the scar given to Gun was on his chest, Goo scar was on his back which was all the way to his shoulder to his hip.

"Well it was fun."

Cain came behind Ian and put a black coat over his shoulders as they started to walk away but not before Ian putting a purple gold card on top of them. Gun and Goo barely stood up with their strength a second later

"You guys must be the heads of the crews. Hostel, God dog and Big deal"

He casually said that with a bloody body as his upper body was exposed. His body was Jacked while his muscles were notacible but not to big like a body builders and also his tattoos

His shoulders were broad as they saw Ian chest with solid packs and few scar wounds that were big and even a bullet wound on his right chest.

They were barely made out thanks to Ian tattoos going on top of them as they didn't see his back but they could imagine it must be the same.

But even though he just fought, he didn't show any sign of weakness or exhaustion. In fact, he looked lively as he smiled and nodded at them.

"Let's go Cain and Yosef, Im pretty hungry. Heard Sushi is great for a Weekend"

"Yes sir"

"Bye guys" Ian waved as he started to go down the flight of stairs while they subconsciously waved back.

They all looked at each other and then back at the Duo that got up and started to stretch.

'Strong...No, powerful' Although they didn't say it, that's what they all thought of Ian.

And just like that, the annual meet up came to a close with everyone departing their ways

"Did you like the show, Eugene? I still don't know why you hid yourself" Said Ian as soon as he got to the bottom of the construction site. Eugene followed behind him as he smiled and didn't talk.

'Ian Sun…no weakness, unless we include Mia but…..' Thinking about a past event 8 months ago where Incheon strongest person kidnap his sister, it didn't end well as no one was their match.

Ian alone conquered 4 districts with his 2 buddies conquering the rest. It was brutal, it even gained the attention of the news.

But ultimately, they never figured out what was going on.

Anyways, Eugene knew Ian group was strong despite only having 5 people with No.4 being at least crew head power level.

While the top 2 were said to be on par with first generation kings or even a tad bit stronger. And on top of these people stood Ian.

Incheon was bathe in blood as Ian couldn't be stopped and that was when Ian, The Devil, "came out"

'Weakness is his sister but that would make my death go quicker…" He thought as he put his finger under his chin and began to think on how to counter this devil if it were ever his enemy.

"Anyways I gotta thank you, black badges really do look cool." He took a small badge from his pocket as he held it up and showed it to Eugene.

"My pleasure, it is the least I could do. Your a figure who many respect and fear"

"Come on don't say that, that's so cheesy, but you are right" Ian stated as he put an arm around his shoulder and chuckled.

They stopped walking as they came to the sidewalk where their cars were parked.

"I will make sure to never get on your bad side." Eugene smiled innocently at Ian as he saw him going into an expensive looking car.

"Well, that depends, I owe people favors and some of those favors might not be in your favor. Anyways got this bad boy imported from America a Mclarry P1" Showing off his ride, Ian turned it on and closed the door as he lowered the window.

"Stay safe kid.Although I won, Goo and Gun are still growing, I bet they would be the strongest after James's or even stronger who knows."

And with that, he rode off with a loud car roar which was followed by two other black out cars.

"He's a ticking time bomb. No one can hold his leash, but that may not be the case in the future."

While Ian just left, Johan was already on his way back to his territory but stopped near an empty park due to it being night.

He closed his eyes as he recalled the fight back and copied Ian moves. He did it, he copied Ian, Moves.

Although he did copy, He didn't copy Ian, what Johan did was only copy the move which was his goal but he still felt something was missing.And Johan knew that, he knew he didn't copy his strength behind it. But he was willing to give it a shot.

But what a horrible thing he tried to do, because as soon as he tried to do it, he suddenly cried in pain and collapsed.

Copying was easy but copying someone else who was leagues above your own, well that was suicidal.

And luckily for Johan, he didn't die.

(AN: one chapter coming Friday)

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