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63.63% Marvel : The Summoning System / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Seeds of Change

Capítulo 14: Chapter 14: Seeds of Change

The holographic room in the Grant Enterprises safehouse buzzed with an strict atmosphere as the Task Force: STALKER, a.k.a. "Ghosts," gathered to discuss their situation. Elias T. 'Scarecrow' Walker, Thomas A. Merrick, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, and the others examined the holographic display showcasing recent events in the Marvel Universe, particularly the successful rescue of Tony Stark.

Scarecrow, the commanding officer, leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "This isn't our world, but the similarities are uncanny. Advanced technology, superhumans, and now extraterrestrial threats. We need to assess our situation and decide how we fit into this universe."

Ghost, standing with his arms crossed, observed the holographic replay of the rescue mission. "This Hunter guy seems to know what he's doing. The operation was precise, calculated. He evaluated my abilities and acknowledged my input. Covered up for the skills I lacked in the job."

Alex V. 'Ajax' Johnson, the sergeant of the group, chimed in, "Our skills are adaptable. We've dealt with advanced tech and supernatural threats in our world. This Marvel Universe might be different, but we can handle it."

Keegan P. Russ, another sergeant, added, "If there's a chance to make a difference and secure our place here, I say we take it. Hunter owes us for the summoning, and this world might need what we bring to the table."

Ghost nodded in agreement. "I've observed Hunter's methods. He's building something here, something big, I don't know what it is but some of his top executes are busy there. The assassin 'Haythem' seems to have another higher up who has direct contact with Hunter, he is filling in for him due to his absence. If we're part of it, we could make a real impact."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as the Ghosts considered the potential alliances and challenges in this unfamiliar universe. Scarecrow, after a moment of reflection, addressed the team, "We're not here by choice, but we can choose what we make of this situation. Let's cooperate with Hunter, assess the threats, and use our skills to navigate this, Marvel Universe. We're the Ghosts, and we adapt to survive."

With a collective agreement, the Ghosts decided to cooperate with Hunter and Aegis. Elias turned to the holographic interface, initiating communication with Hunter. "We're in. Let's see what this universe has to offer."

Hunter, receiving the transmission, nodded with a smile. After the transmission ended, Hunter said to Hiroshi who was sitting in his office, "What info did you give to them?"

"Just some of the common available information regarding the nukes and all, then added a bit of supernatural entities like ten rings, a prehistoric mafia gang; a blad businessman; and alien civilization; Also, SHIELD and Hydra. But no info which would give out our structure of Aegis, though they have seen me and Aizawa."

"Well, that's okay. Besides 'Ghost' might have reported everything to 'Scarecrow' he could have observed about me in time he was with me."

On the Ghosts side, as the holographic display dimmed, the Ghosts prepared to integrate themselves into the operations of Aegis,

Scarecrow addressed, "The guy didn't even ask for a promise or some form of contract. Just a simple nod?"

Ghost replies, "That's not it. I think other formalities will be discussed by that 'Hiroshi' guy.", to 'Ghosts', 'Aegis' was still a mystery.

In the dimly lit command center of Grant Enterprises, Hunter was engrossed in analyzing data and formulating a plan to make a contact with Nick Fury, when a familiar notification chimed through the system. The holographic interface illuminated, displaying a prompt that stirred Hunter's attention:

[Summoning System Active]

Hunter leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the holographic display. The system's message indicated that a summon was available, a consequence/ reward of his successful intervention with a main character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

A surge of anticipation coursed through Hunter. The summoning system had proven to be both an enigma and a source of valuable allies. He wondered which character from the MCU would be the next to enter the ranks of Aegis. With a decisive nod, Hunter activated the summoning process, eager to discover the new dynamics this summon would introduce and the impact it could have on the unfolding narrative of Aegis in the Marvel Universe.

As Hunter stood in the secured basement of Grant Enterprises with Aizawa, he initiated the summoning process with a decisive click. The holographic display flickered, and a mystical aura enveloped the room. The system worked its intricate algorithms, aligning the threads of reality to bring forth the next addition to Aegis.

To Hunter's surprise, the summoning yielded an object rather than a sentient being. The holographic display presented a three-dimensional image of a peculiar seed, radiant with a mesmerizing glow—the Seed of the Tree of Souls from the world of Pandora, (Avatar 2.)

Hunter raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected nature of this summon. The Tree of Souls, a sacred entity in the Na'vi culture, held profound significance on Pandora. Its seeds were said to embody a connection to the spiritual essence of the planet. As the holographic display projected the intricate details of the seed, Hunter pondered the potential uses and implications of this unique addition to Aegis.

Hunter brought forth the status of the seed


Seed of the Tree of Souls:

Origin: Pandora (Avatar 2 Universe)


Radiant Glow: The seed emits a subtle glow, reminiscent of the spiritual energy associated with the Tree of Souls.

Connection to Pandora: While within the Marvel Universe, the seed retains a metaphysical connection to the ecosystem and energy of Pandora.

Potential Applications:

Spiritual Energy Source: The unique properties of the seed might offer a new avenue for energy research or serve as a catalyst for spiritual connections within Aegis.

Avatar Technology Integration: Exploration of the seed's potential integration with existing Avatar technologies, if applicable in the Marvel Universe.



Note: The Seed of the Tree of Souls introduces an element of possibility, and its true potential may unfold as user and his team delve deeper into their exploration of the Marvel Universe.


As the Seed of the Tree of Souls rested in Hunter's hand, its mystical aura intrigued him. The intricate patterns and roots? on the seed seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Unsure of its significance, Hunter decided to consult with Aizawa, his trusted ally, in the dimly lit basement of Grant Enterprises.

Aizawa, observing the seed with a curious gaze, voiced his thoughts, "This seems like something out of a fantasy movie. What do you plan to do with it, Hunter?"

Hunter, contemplating the possibilities, responded, "I have no idea, but there's something unique about it. I was thinking of taking it to Azmuth. He might be able to make sense of it with his technological expertise."

Aizawa nodded in agreement, "Azmuth is our go-to expert for anything beyond the ordinary. Let him analyze it. But, Hunter, we should be cautious. The unknown can be unpredictable."

Hunter acknowledged the caution, "You're right, Aizawa. We'll leave it to Azmuth. Also, I need to visit the Red Room. There's something I want to discuss with them."

As Hunter prepared to leave, Hiroshi, overhearing the conversation, approached them and said, "Hunter, I overheard about your visit to the Red Room. I'm coming with you. I might be of help."

Hunter, appreciating Hiroshi's commitment, replied, "Alright, Hiroshi. Your skills might come in handy. Let's go."

With the decision made, Hunter contacted the Red Room authorities. His holographic interface projected an image of a stern-looking individual on the screen. Hunter spoke, "I'll be visiting the facility soon. Prepare for the arrival."

The Red Room representative at this time, Ezio, acknowledging the message, replied, "We'll be ready, Hunter." Understanding the message Ezio, went to the control room to lower the altitude of the facility.

Meanwhile, news of Tony Stark's decision to close the weapons manufacturing wing of Stark Industries reverberated across the corporate landscape. The unexpected move fuelled speculations and discussions among industry insiders.

As Hunter, Aizawa and Hiroshi prepared for their visit to the Red Room, the air was charged with anticipation. The mysterious Seed of the Tree of Souls held secrets yet to be unveiled, and the trio ascended in to the direction of red room.

The sleek aircraft descended, landing gracefully on the fortified grounds of the Red Room. Hunter, accompanied by Hiroshi, took in the impressive sight of the transformed facility. Fighter planes lined the runway, defensive mechanisms stood vigilant, and cutting-edge equipment adorned the landscape, whose purpose was not sure to him.

Expressing his admiration, Hunter mused, "They've certainly upgraded since my last visit. It seems they've integrated some advanced tech. I'll have to ask Azmuth about this."

Ezio, donned in his signature attire, approached the landing site. With a respectful nod, he welcomed Hunter, Aizawa and Hiroshi. "Good to see you. Follow me, and I'll give you a tour of the upgraded Red Room."

As they walked through the bustling corridors, Ezio provided a brief overview of the recent developments. "Jiraiya and I have been successful in our efforts to brainwash and tame the widows. The Red Room is more efficient and controlled now."

Hiroshi, intrigued, asked Hunter if he could explore the Red Room further to gain insights. Hunter, trusting Hiroshi's investigative skills, replied, "Absolutely, Hiroshi. Feel free to scout and gather information. We need to understand the Red Room's capabilities and potential."

Ezio guided them through the command area, where operatives moved with precision, monitoring screens displaying data from various sources. The atmosphere was a blend of order and secrecy.

As they reached a secured room, Ezio gestured towards the holographic display. "This is the nerve center. We've integrated some Galvan technology to enhance our capabilities. It's been a collaborative effort."

Hunter, intrigued, observed the holographic interface. "Impressive. I'll have to consult Azmuth about these integrations. It seems you're making good use of our resources."

Ezio nodded, "Indeed, Hunter. Our goal is to be at the forefront of technology and strategic operations."

Hunter, "By the way, where is Jiraiya?"

In the training area, Jiraiya, with an amused grin, found himself surrounded by a group of widows, each displaying an air of subtle charm despite their previous lethal training. The atmosphere in the room was strangely harmonious, considering the initial tension that permeated the Red Room.

"Ah, my lovely ladies, I must say you're adapting quite well," Jiraiya exclaimed, donning his signature confident expression.

The widows, now under the influence of Jiraiya's unique blend of charisma and persuasive jutsu, responded with polite smiles and nods. They seemed intrigued by the eccentric man who had somehow won their allegiance.

Jiraiya, always the opportunist, took advantage of the situation. "Now, let me show you some legendary ninja techniques," he declared, much to the widows' curiosity.

As Jiraiya proceeded with his exaggerated ninja moves and theatrical explanations, the widows observed with a mix of bemusement and genuine interest. The scene unfolded like a bizarre blend of espionage and comedic performance, with Jiraiya's antics taking center stage.

Unknown to Jiraiya, Ezio, who had just concluded his briefing with Hunter and Aizawa, entered the room, witnessing the peculiar sight before him. He raised an eyebrow but decided not to interrupt, realizing that perhaps Jiraiya's unconventional methods were achieving a result. Soon, Hunter and Aizawa followed and watched the training session.

In the midst of the peculiar training session, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "With my expertise, these widows will become a force to be reckoned with! A legion of alluring, deadly kunoichi!"

Ezio, leaning against the doorway, shook his head in a mix of amusement and disbelief. Despite the oddity of the situation, he couldn't deny that Jiraiya's methods, unconventional as they were, seemed to be working in their favor. However, the nature of his instruction took an unexpected turn as he directed the widows into various poses, each accentuating their curves and agility.

"Ah, yes, ladies! These poses are crucial for your combat effectiveness. Trust me, it's all part of my extensive research on... um, tactical maneuvers!" Jiraiya declared with a wink, attempting to justify the seemingly inappropriate nature of his training.

Ezio, Hunter, and Aizawa, observing this spectacle from the sidelines, exchanged amused glances. They couldn't help but find the situation both perplexing and entertaining. Ezio, in particular, raised an eyebrow but couldn't deny the sight for sore eyes.

Hunter, with a smirk, remarked to Aizawa, "I never thought I'd see the day when Jiraiya's 'research' would involve the strategic use of... well, let's call it charm."

Aizawa, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't hide a subtle chuckle. "At least he's keeping them distracted. It seems to be working, in a strange way."

As Jiraiya continued his instructional theatrics, the widows, despite their lethal backgrounds, followed his lead with a surprising level of enthusiasm. They executed each pose with precision, inadvertently revealing a blend of lethal grace and, as Jiraiya insisted, enhanced combat capabilities.

Ezio, leaning against the wall, quipped, "I suppose we can add 'charismatic trainer' to Jiraiya's list of talents. Who would've thought?"

Hunter, thoroughly entertained, nodded in agreement. "Well, if it helps them adapt and keeps the atmosphere light, I won't complain. Let's just hope Jiraiya doesn't take his 'research' too far."

Deciding to leave Jiraiya alone, the trio of Ezio, Aizawa and Hunter made their exit from another gallant tale of 'Pervy sage'.

In the heart of the Red Room's upgraded facility, the trio of Ezio, Hunter, and Aizawa walked through the buzzing corridors, heading towards the central control room that doubled as Azmuth's lab. As they entered, Hunter couldn't help but express his admiration for the advancements Azmuth had brought to the Red Room.

"Your work here is impressive, Azmuth. It seems you've integrated some of your Galvan technology with Earth's. And these resources from the Soviet Union must have played a role," Hunter remarked, eyeing the sophisticated equipment and technology surrounding them.

Azmuth, focused on his work, acknowledged Hunter's words. "Indeed, Hunter. The collaboration has proven beneficial. The advancements you see are a fusion of Galvan ingenuity and Earth's resources."

As they engaged in a discussion about the technicalities of the upgrades, Hunter reached into his pocket and retrieved the seed of the Tree of Souls. Holding it carefully, he handed it over to Azmuth. "I found this during a summon. I thought you might be able to make sense of it. Keep it safe."

Azmuth examined the seed, his keen eyes assessing its properties. "This is intriguing. I'll conduct thorough research and analysis. There might be untapped potential in this seemingly um... unordinary seed."

As they conversed, Azmuth directed their attention to a remarkable device on his workbench. "Now, let me show you something else." He presented a compact DNA scanning device, explaining its capabilities. "This device can scan for foreign alien DNA. It's a useful tool to update our library so I can create one of my greatest creation 'The Omnitrix'."

Just as Azmuth was elaborating on the applications of the device, Hiroshi entered the room, his presence triggering an unexpected response. The DNA scanner activated on its own, emitting a soft hum as it analyzed Hiroshi's genetic makeup. The display promptly confirmed, "Successful scanning of Skrull DNA."

Aizawa, ever vigilant, responded by activating his abilities. The green-skinned Skrull form of Hiroshi shifted back to its original state, revealing the truth. The room fell into a momentary silence as the implications of the discovery sank in.

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