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57.95% THE EMBODIMENT OF WRATH / Chapter 46: CHP46: Being Reborn & Ramifications

Capítulo 46: CHP46: Being Reborn & Ramifications


My birthday is today!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.



[Primordial Void]

Back in the Void, we can see the purplish black egg quietly sitting and still absorbing the essence of the Void and the Celestial.

Coming closer to the egg, we can see that the fetus has grown a bigger, from a pea sized fetus. To now the size of a two-year-old child.

But this was not a normal fetus, so we cannot compare the form and size to us normal humans.

Even though it looks small to us, if we were to compare the size of it to a human, then it would be like comparing the size of our sun to the size of a building on earth.

That's how much bigger the baby is compared to us, it was humongous!

But pass the size of the baby, if we observe it closely, we can that the skin on the child is like if stars and marble had been plucked, refined and compressed like diamonds millions of times.

The skin was so pure and not contaminated that the essence of the Void and the Celestial was outlined as it traveled into its body. We could see purplish black veins connecting it from the stomach to the egg.

Each body part looked like it was sculpted by a divine or supreme hand personally. Even though it was baby, the body already had its limbs look like it was hand crafted to perfection.

On the body where the chest was, there were purple and red vein like lines running across the entire baby's body. From the chest to its arms, then legs, and all the way up to the head.

And where the veins connected on the child's head, there were two black small nubs like something was growing there. 

Above its forehead the hair was so black that even though it's short, the hairs looked lit the abyss given form and it gave of a feeling that if you looked to long it would devour you whole.

Then if we come closer and look inside of the body of the child, we can see what should have been blood or even the organs of a child. But no there was none, only energy, just pure energy. 

No brain, heart, lungs, or any type of organ that a normal being would have. All that was inside of the baby was energy and an exoskeleton of bones that were completely black.

And as well a greenish black orb that blazed like a flame and buzz like lightning, the white and black marble has been consumed by this orb. But we will come back to this later.

The energy was four different colors.

The colors were black, purple, red, and green. And they all formed a rainbow-like pattern and moved like a raging current.

Or a better example, it was like an inferno blazing and burning all, it came in contact to into ashes.

As the energy ran through the baby's body, we could hear the sounds of wailing and wrathful roars. The energy moved like it would destroy all in its path and it would continuedly twist and turn.

Then it would compress and shine brightly, and every time it did the energy would become thicker, heavier and stronger. 

It was like it would eat itself in order for it to evolve and become more perfect. The energy devoured the nourishment from the void and celestial like it was starved.

The exoskeleton in the baby was not like normal bones of a human or Godly being. It was like it was a monster from the depths of the abyss had been formed inside of the bones.

They were all thick as a planet and thrummed with power. The bones gave of the feeling of destruction, and it vibrated with such power that you could hear them moving and connecting inside the baby.

The bones shined with power and sparks of the energy in the baby.

All in all, this baby looked like it was untouched by mortal and divine powers and would be the beginning of a supreme being in the future.

Now back to the greenish black orb that was inside of the baby. This was its budding soul or how should I put this.

It was the origin point of this baby, and its where we can find out who this baby was. The surrounding fade away as we enter the flame like orb.

The inside of the orb was like a green and black volcano full of greenish black, red fire and this flame reflected Bruce's and the Hulks entire life. From the beginning of their birth all the way until now.

The flames all ran in a tornado like spiral down to the depths of their soul, off into a completely black area. Following the lines of flames and lava off to the center of this black space. We can see that they were connected to completely black and red throne.

And sitting on this throne was different but familiar person or should I say a humanoid monstrous being.

Bruce and the Hulk had merged with their true origin and transformed into a completely new type of being. It was completely different to how it was before, now the two of their personas had merged into a new one.

The shape of the humanoid being was like a huge monster, it had huge shoulders that stuck out like mountains, and they were illuminated with a red color that shot off power in the form of red lighting.

The red destructive energy surrounded and buzzing around the being's entire body.

Its chest pulsed with even more red energy that crackled all over its body, moving like snakes striking the atmosphere around him.

Its arms and hands were covered in black and red gauntlets from arms and hands. The claw like fingers were entirely red in color compared to the rest of its body.

Coming to its head, it had a reddish black crown of thorns that looked like bolts of lightning. Starting from the forehead and coming out then curving backwards.

And floating above his head and crown there was white and green flame.

It was like a bonfire in its size, and what was it you ask?

It was the source of a new type of gamma energy from the white and black marble, it pulsed with a destructive feeling the space around it would distort.

Coming back to the body it had a long, huge black rod in his right hand. The blackness of the rod moved like water and tendrils of darkness extended from it from time to time.

But it looked as if the rod wasn't complete with its forming, as it only had a sword like handle in its right claw like hand.

Kinda like it was missing a component in order for it to be fully complete.

Then coming to its face, we couldn't fully see it, but we could see a bit of the area of where its eyes are supposed to be located. But it was different than normal, in the normal place where there was two, directly above them were another pair of eyes.

All four were closed, and the beings head was laid in its left claw like hand like it was sleep. Its entire left arm was rested on the left arm place of the it's throne.

And coming down to its legs, we can see that from his waistline down to its feet, all he had on were just blackish armored legs, but nothing on its feet.

He was barefoot!

His feet which were completely black and bare, he had black nails like claws were his toenails were supposed to be.

This was the new persona or new being after the merging from Bruce and The Hulk, as of right now it was sleeping as its physical body grew to maturity.

Only then will this being awaken! 

Coming out of the soul place of this new being, we can that the baby has matured even more to that of a six-year-old child. It won't be long till it's birth and the beginning of his rise!

But as this new being was being made and eventually will be born, the entities who felt its birth were all gathering and planning what to do when it fully emerged from its place of origin.


[Marvel, The Overspace]

As the rebirth of The Hulk and Bruce was happening, the ramifications of the fight and of them breaking free from the chains binding them made ripples all across the entire creation of Marvel.

Especially in one place, The Overspace.

The Overspace is a dimensional space above and apart from all other realities where one can confer and communicate with abstract cosmic entities. Some examples of such entities are mainly Eternity, Death, the Living Tribunal.

This dimension was and is completely white in color, and vast beyond mortal comprehension. 

Usually it would be quiet, but right now waves are being set off by a meeting being held from the entities mentioned above.

Coming to the center of this dimension, there was a simple black, gold, and gray table floating. It had no table legs like regular tables do. It just floated in the center of three huge beings of great power.

They were none other than Death, Eternity, and the Living Tribunal himself. The three entities were speaking with one another, and the conversation was particularly heated.

"I'm just saying that this monster could one day spell the Destruction of the entire cosmos and multiverse!" An entirely black being with the very cosmos on the place where his skin would be.

"And I'm saying that I understand you Eternity, but we have a job to do." A huge three headed golden humanoid being spoke.

"And I know that the both of you and in a rivalry. But I need you alongside Death to help me make sure that your siblings do not antagonize this new being.

"Nor try to involve him in your petty bets, squabbles. We do not need another Oblivion!" 

It was silent after Tribunal said these words, Eternity was silent, but you could tell he was annoyed as he looked at his rival Death herself.

Death was in a black robe of darkness and with a skull mask covering half her face diagonally. She was sitting with her arms crossed as he looked bored from even being involved in this situation.

But in her mind, ideas were storming as she wondered what this new being was and represented for the multiverse. She was curious about this entire ordeal ever since she felt the sudden emergence of another entity, but her curiosity increased even more when Tribunal called this meeting and only invited her and Eternity.

So even though she didn't like to be around her rival, she still came. And from seeing how serious and maybe nervousness she thought she saw on the Tribunal's face from talking about this new entity. 

She decided to meet this new being to see what the fuss is all about and to relive her boredom. Also, to have time to herself and to avoid that purple creep who has become a lot stronger recently.

Seeing her rival still steaming over this matter, she decided to put this to rest and move on so she can meet this new entity.

Smirking for a bit, she sat up and said, "I'll help Tribunal."

Eternity was shocked and his mouth hanged open.

The Tribunal looked at her and paused, it was like he was trying to look through her very being to see any lies or plots, this went on for a few minutes.

Then he said, "Alright then." He looked over to Eternity and asked, "And you?"

Eternity took a moment and pulled his eyes away from Death, his brain was racking with thoughts of maybe Death was playing him and the Tribunal. Maybe she was playing the long game in order to get this new being on her side in order to erase him.

All kinds of thoughts swimming threw his mind, until he finally said, "I will help as well then." "Only to make sure no one tries to influence this new being for their own purposes and goals."

He said that last part looking directly at Death herself, who only smirked. Pissing Eternity off even more than he already was since he arrived here.

Tribunal looked at the two of them for a minute pondering his own thoughts over the matter.

Until he said, "Fine, but any falsehoods or tricks to get him on your side for your own plans...."


The atmosphere got very heavy as the Tribunals body let of a heavy golden pressure around the surroundings. And his six eyes sparkled with power beyond Death and Etnernity themsleves.

Reminding them of his position and the judge in the multiverse once again.

"Then I will personally come and Judge the both of you!"

After he said that the pressure faded away like smoke.

Then Death released a breath she didn't have as she doesn't need to breath, as she was not under the power of the Judge any longer, it felt better.

Eternity didn't fare any better as well.

It felt like he was holding them both in his hands and could squeeze but a little and they would fade out of existence. 

Eternity felt the exact same as Death.

Then a thought came to Death's mind, and she said, "what about those other people, I'm sure they would try to come and observe or maybe even eat the new entity."

"Especially him.... The First!"

Tribunal looked at her, and after a moment he said, "The First Firmament Huh, don't worry about it."

"After that last war it left him and them severely weakened and all he can managed to do is send some aspirants."

"And as you know newly born entities hold grudges and considering the first would try to do that then it would result in him being devoured instead."

He paused, then he said, "That being even though it's still maturing and has not emerged fully out of his origin egg yet. It's power eclipses them all and all they would do is feed it."

"Its power is already equal to your other siblings and once it fully matures it will be stronger than even the both of you as you both are the strongest currently among your siblings."

Death and Eternity jaws were hanging wide open, but what the Tribunal said next shocked them to their very cores of origin.

"And once he matures completely and can begin to explore, learn and grow, he will become even stronger than I."


Eternity screamed out, shaking the entire dimension of the Overspace itself. Death was just silent, but her mind was in turmoil over this new information.

Tribunal seeing his wanted effect of telling them this news smirked in his mind. Then he said, "That is why I don't need any funny business concerning him."

"Do the both of you understand me."

The both of them just nodded absent mindedly. Tribunal then said, " Good, then make sure you both keep your siblings inline."

 As his voice faded the avatar of the Tribunal faded from their sight, his destination unknown.

And with the other two entities in the Overspace, there was nothing but silence. Until Eternity said, "I will deal with infinity, Master Order, Lord Chaos, and the In-betweener."

"And I'll deal with the others...…and with a roll of her eyes she said, "Even Phoenix herself." Death responded. 

Eternity smiled at her misery.

It is known in the realm of the Cosmic Entities of how much that her and The Phoenix are at odds.

Mainly because, well Death loves death and the Phoenix well, she always rebuilds or breathes life into whatever Death was responsible for killing or destroying.

And because of the destruction from that purple idiot's quest to win Death's affections, the Phoenix really does not like how Death doesn't stop or at least warn him to stop needlessly destroying life.

So, since Death never stops him or what he does, the Phoenix is always annoyed with her and with how she does things.

Death ignored his smile and said, "Then let's go ahead and get started then, I kind of don't want to miss the birth of the new entity."

Eternity nodded and they both disappeared from the Overspace, as they left the table faded out of existence.


[Back in the Destroyed Universe]

In the destroyed Universe, there were specks of antimatter flying all around the dark expanse of the dead and decaying universe.

Spatial storms were rampant, there was no life, and everything was either black or red and white in color.

And in one part of the dead universe, a grey portal opened up, and a group of six completely black beings appeared. These six individuals were humongous, five of them were the same size as Galactus himself.

And one in the middle, who had red highlights all over its body was the biggest of them all. And it was in the middle.

The other five of them had blue lines going all across their body like the red and black one.

As they appeared they were unaffected by the destruction of the universe and instead they all seemed to be looking for something.

This went on until one of them looked in a certain direction towards the northern most part of the dead universe. It was the red one who was looking at the north.

Then it looked towards the others and its booming voice said, "The newly born entity that we need for nourishment and for our creator is in the northern most part of this destitute universe."

It pointed towards the north as it talked.

"There is a crack in the Void and a mass convergence of energy is being drawn inside of the cracks. So, our target is close, there can be no mistakes none whatsoever, do I make myself clear."

The other five nodded and one of them tore open a hole in the space-time continuum and they all walked through it.

All while the red one said, "for our creator, the First!"

They all thought that this newly born entity was easy pickings, and from not sensing the presence of the other cosmic entities here. This further incentivized them to grab this entity from themselves and for their creator.

Little did they know that it was not the Entity that was nourishment but themselves.


[Void, Egg of Origin]

At the same time as those beings were approaching the cracks in the leading to the Void itself.

Inside the Void, there was a rumble. as in the center of the darkness as huge purplish black egg can be seen sitting still.

And inside this egg we can see the form of a flawlessly divine and beautiful thirteen-year-old boy.

The boy was the new entity being born, but we know the boy real self as the merging of Bruce and the Hulk. And right now, his eyelids were twitching as if he was dreaming or thinking about things.

The reason for this twitching, was because of his cosmic awareness sensing the rapidly approaching group of six beings.

He could sense their hunger, desire for his power, Their greed and disrespect. For they ignore his standing and know not their own standing in his very own realm of existence.

And even thought he was not fully awake, his power and concept felt disrespected by the audacity of those Aspirants for even daring to allow the thought of trying to eat him.

And a single thought was echoing and pulsing in the boy's mind....

"They deserve... DESTRUCTION ITSELF!!!"

And with a single opening of his eye, a black, red beam shot out into the cosmos. It was so fast that we couldn't even see nor register it at all.

The reason we know what happened was because of a little red hole that appeared in the distance that led to the dead universe.

The hole was the length of a metal pipe and it stretched for a bit, until it faded going to its destination.

After that, the boy went back into hibernation, as what he just did was just procure that he has extra energy to absorb and fully be born.


[Cracks leading to the Void]

At this time the group of Dark Celestials or better known as Aspirants were very close to the cracks leading to the Void.

The red one was in the back as he was letting the other five take the lead and he was watching out from the back just in case they were attacked from anything.

But he stopped flying forward as he felt a sense of foreboding out of nowhere.

He was confused as to why he would feel like this, as nothing was here and the newly created entity had not yet been born.

As he was thinking this a sense of death and destruction filled the entire universe and bright flash of red and black light appeared.

As the light appeared so did a blackish red beam of pure destruction came out of the Void and like it had a mind of its own it zigged zagged to each of the Aspirants burning a hole in their heads and chest in the blink of an eye.

The red leader was horrified, and he couldn't move as the red and black light came close upon him like he was nothing but a speck of dust to it.

And as the red apparent was readying itself for death, it didn't come. He looked up at the huge red and black light confused as to why it did not kill him yet.

He would get his answer soon as a voice came from the light. The voice was neither young nor old, the red Appairent couldn't tell if it was female or male as it spoke to him.

"Go back and tell your creator, that because of his disrespect and disregard for failing to understand our standings in the cosmos, that I will be coming to bestow upon him, True Destruction!"

As the voice fell, the red and black light drowned the red aspirant, and banished him from its universe.



After the speck dust was gone, the light then turned back around to the other five dead Aspirants.

It moved towards them and covered all of them in its power and brought them all back to the void.

This entire situation only lasted nothing but ten seconds.


Back in the Void, the red and black light encompassing the dead Aspirants arrived near the egg that was incubating. When the light arrived the egg throbbed and rumbled with a noise that somewhat sounded like a growl from a stomach.

Then a suction force arrived and dragged the dead Aspirants close to the egg, once they were nearby the egg began devouring their power and essence.

The speed at which they were being drained was much faster than how the egg was draining the dead celestial that Knull used.

And the boy inside egg began growing much faster than how he was before. His form began maturing and becoming fuller.

What this means?

It means that the birth of something magnificent is about to happen.



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