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40% The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse / Chapter 4: Transforming Hell

Capítulo 4: Transforming Hell

Hell was large, there were many other dimensions there in Hell, the demon realm being among many. in fact, there was more than one demon realm in hell, with each being under the control of their own demon lord.

In the past, hell was united when Lucifer was cast from heaven, he created the demons with the help of Lilith and used them to fight against god where Lucifer fell in battle. from there, the demons were never united and they all fought for the little resources hell had.

But every few thousand years, there would be someone to come up to unite the demons, Lucifer was the first, and Ainz was the last. but after Ainz's death, fights amongst the demons, and fights between heaven were brought out, leading the demons to no longer be united.

At that moment, I sat on a throne. the demon lord Throne, while reading a book that talked about the history of the demon realm. Flipping to the last page, the words on the book entered my mind thanks to the glasses I was wearing, after a moment, I looked at the high-ranking demon nobles

"Alright... let me get this straight. In my past life, I wanted to reincarnate as a human to be able to create a way for us to leave right?" I asked while rubbing my head

"Thats right father." A handsome red-haired man said with a smile, everyone nodded while looking at me with smiles.

"So, as soon as I awakened my gift before I even made a name for myself. you thought the right move was to take me away from the human realm? I will ignore how she went out and just spoke about me being her father, I will ignore the fact she even tried to stay back and fight. Why did you come to get me?" I asked in annoyance, 

"You reincarnated, so you had no memory of your past... we couldn't risk you being fed false information by the humans, so we..." Isabella said in a soft voice.

"So, your idea was to come get me with a group of demons and tell the world why you were there? Do you all know what stealth is? Stop acting like you thought of what was best for the demon realm, you wanted to push me into a corner to come here. You stabbed yourselves in the foot to make things simpler." I said making everyone's face drop.

"From what I see, you demons are experts at stabbing yourselves in the foot. You're all so nice to weaken yourselves, leading to you always suffering loss after loss against the heavens. You all only accept those in power to lead you, just stupid. I was given the task of bringing you all out of hell? Do you know how impossible that is if all of your actions are not united to one cause and only care for self benefits?" I asked in pure annoyance, 

"Sir Ainz, you say that but you have forgotten the many benefits we brought to our side. I will admit, we demons are not the most united, but we do not fear death." A huge, red-skinned demon covered in red armor said in rage.

"Yeah, you killed angels and humans. but you won a battle, how many wars have you all won? how much have you all lost to win a battle you have won? I don't care for the smaller pictures like how many angels you have killed, or even how powerful those angels were. I care for how many wars you have won, I barely know demons and I already knew the way you fight." I said in annoyance.

"Billions of years and the only way you all fight is through head-on clashes, right? while others learn from their mistakes, you demons fail to do the one thing demons should be skilled at, and thats scheming. How the fuck am I going to bring you all out of hell." I said while almost pulling out my hair, about to go mad at the impossible task ahead of me.

"Lord father, thats why you reincarnated as a human right? We demons are scheming, but we fall lacking in the art of war. I have heard of you speaking about how we just don't learn from our mistakes and pass on our teaching to the next generation," the red-haired man asked with a deep breath.

"and even after his death what move have you done to pass on your teaching to the next generation?" I asked coldly, making him lower his head as he had made zero attempts. 

"Okay. Since i'm the new demon lord, I will try my best to improve you all. First thing first, we need information. Has anyone ever done any research to see if plants and other stuff can be grown in hell?" I asked with a defeated sigh, but at my words, no one said anything as zero attempts had been made.

"Okay, understandable. You're demons, you think more of taking than something like studying dirt. So, let's first try and see if we can use magic to turn parts of hell to grow resources. I want us to start a farm, we can take farms from Earth and bring them here, and try and mimic the conditions on Earth for farm animals to survive here. those who still need food will no longer would need to eat their kinds." I said with a sigh,

"If that doesn't work?" the red-haired man asked with an unsure look

"We take over a planet that has no life. Humans without magic were already working on ways to do so. if you can't all do that, kidnap humans who know what to do, and use magic to make them do it. Also, for now, let's avoid conflict," I said making everyone frown

"Is that not cowardly?" the demons all said at once, making my face turn ugly

"Cowardly? Why don't you storm the gates of heaven? What scared? pointless death is scary? what are pointless battles then?" I yelled almost in tears, leaving the demons with their mouth shut not knowing what to say.

"You have more to lose going to battle than staying back and improving ourselves... at least one year of you all trying something new," I said with a downcast look.

"Father, don't be down. I will ensure everyone obeys your order while you regain your former powers." The red-haired man said seriously, to which I just nodded while having him go kidnap humans with knowledge of plants or something, at the same time, demons skilled in controlling earth, water, and time were called.

I had used x0 to erase parts of my emotions, I didn't want my human morals to get in the way of my dream. So what if I slaughter countless people, I have a goal in front of me, and I will not stop until I reach my goal.

After waking up in the demon realm, I was quickly told I was the new demon lord. Why? Because the weapon Ainz left behind accepted me as its new owner. That weapon held the power Ainz Had.

AInz's piece was called Oblivion. It was the power to turn anything into Oblivion be it souls, bodies, magic, attacks, and the list went on. he can even turn cause and effect into Oblivion, leading to crazy stuff happening. this power was passed down through his descendants, although not as powerful as Ainz.

The sword was called the Sword Of Oblivion, as it was created using Ainz's body, all but his bones. Now, the sword could be summoned by me, and it was protecting me, the main reason I could just give everyone a middle finger as they feared the power of that sword.

of course, Ainz's power had limitations, his magical powers heavily limited the power of Oblivion. When I used my power x0, I fainted as I had no control, plus the fact I had targeted something like an event. it sucked me dry of my magical energy. I was able to stay awake to tell Isabella a few things, 

That red-hair demon was called Amon Ool Gown. he was a part of the Ool Gown Family, and Isabella was his half-sister, Isabella Ool Gown. Ainz had a harem, although most of his children were slaughtered, and few remained. 

Amon was the demon king of this land, drawing upon the sword of Oblivion to protect this dimension. although the dimension had grown smaller over the countless of years. the sword of Oblivion couldn't leave this dimension, Ainz feared it being lost or something, so it could only remain within the range of his demon lord castle.

My first job right now was to see if the land of the demon realm could be of any use. I mean there were trees and plants in the demon realm, but they were all demonic and wanted to eat you or drink your blood. so they were of no use.

"Lord Father!" Isabella cried after me while I was walking through the large palace halls, I turned to look at her in confusion.

"You do understand I'm not your father? Yes, me and your father do carry the same soul, but we are completely different. Even when I do gain his memory, I will remain myself." I said to which she nodded in understanding.

"I know, I just don't know what to call you." She said awkwardly, to which I just told her to call me Daniel. 

"We demons are not as bad as you made us out to be... there are a few demons who had taken an interest in the world outside and tried to see if they could recreate them." Isabella said softly,

"Yet not weapons? nothing to support the growth of the demon race... but forget that for now. I need to start training," I said to which her eyes brightened

"Can I teach you?" She asked to which I shrugged as I didn't mind so she brought me to the training ground where she began to start helping me in controlling magical energy.

"Okay, magical energy is all built around one's belief and reason. I will not teach you another world power system as it is complex, so for now, your world power system is what I'm going to teach you." She said with a smile, but deep down she was panicking. magic comes to demons, they don't need to go out of their way to learn it, so how can she just teach it?

But her attention was drawn towards me as she watched me gather magical energy around my palms.

"I already learned to feel and control the magical power within me. what I'm more curious about is how to cast spells and stuff and control it." I said calmly, to which she nodded, 

"For that, you just need to fight, thats how we do it." She said with a nod of my head, causing me to sigh softly while standing up.

"Can you use magical energy to stand on water?" I asked, to which she nodded lightly in confusion.

"It's not a spell or something right?" I asked to which she nodded, still confused. 

"Water walking is a hard skill to learn, so many of us don't learn it and just use flight spells or other spells to walk on water." She said to which I sighed softly while having someone give me some grass from outside, which was a confusing request

"I will try something. when everything is ready, just tell Amon to have the person he kidnapped get to work with leading the demons." I said to which Isabella nodded before leaving, leaving me to try and use my magical energy to hold the grass, to say the least, this grass was no normal grass. they were all one piece of grass that had spread out, trying to cover as much land as possible so it could suck up as much blood as it could.

As for why I was trying to have the grass glued to my palm, there was an anime called Naruto. there was step-by-step training in an energy called chakra control in that anime. the first step is sticking a leaf to one's forehead and using chakra to keep it there. the second step was to walk up trees without hands, and the last step was to walk on water.

These steps were something I wanted to recreate, and by the time I reached the stage where I could walk on water, then I would be able to control magical energy to a level where I would use the right amount of energy.

When using a spell or any technique, a certain amount of energy is needed. if given too little energy, then it would fail to activate. if given too much energy, then although the technique or spell would be active, it would have the same power as someone who used far less energy. hell, the spell might not even work.

So I got to training, and as I could train anywhere, I went on to ensure the demon realm was working perfectly. Amon leads a group of demons to kidnap humans. remembering my words, he tried to be stealthy,

Isabella didn't draw much attention when she came to get me simply because she wasn't that strong. there was a wall around the human realm, weaker demons couldn't be sensed, but stronger ones could easily be sensed due to how strong they were. Isabella was only sensed after she got to fighting, leading to her falling back before stronger humans came.

To say the least, these humans were mind-controlled by the demons and were put to research. There were many types of demons, time-related demons were rare, but they were among the many who got to work.

Humans are born with an affinity towards a type of magic, but they can also learn other forms of magic. Demons? they were limited to the magic they were born with, yes they could learn other forms of magic, but they would need far more energy to use other forms of magic, just for it to be weaker than others.

This is where humans stood out as given the knowledge, they could learn other types of magic if they put in the work and had the talent. I planned to learn other magic as well, my x0 was just a gift, so I had to pick up magic to learn.

With time being sped up, and the farm's knowledge and the many demons working together. it took a few days, but the first ever flower was born in the demon realm. of course, to do this, they just needed a water mage which they kidnapped from the human realm.

I entered the garden which had lightbulbs shining on the flowers that had grown. of course, they stole these. All of the demons had gathered, joy in their eyes at the sight of the flower that was grown. many didn't even dare to breathe too hard out of fear that the flower would die.

"Now we have proof that the demon realm can be transformed. Does anyone still have anything to say?" I asked calmly, looking at the demons who had been unwilling to follow my orders.

"No lord." They said while getting down to one knee in respect. Demons are born fighting for their lives, they are born hungry so they kill their kind to survive. those who survive either have strength above their kind or have parents who care for their existence.

Demons of their level don't need food, water, or such things. they evolved long ago, but this only left a hunger for a better place other than hell. I wasn't allowed to go outside the demon castle as everything outside would kill me... well, not kill me, but it would torture me.

Demons who have left hell fell in love with the outside world. to them, it was heaven. every day demons are in pain, everything in hell is made to torture someone. only small regions in hell were free, and Ainz had created the castle as a place where even a human could live.

So, the chance for hell to be transformed moved them, and the fact I brought such an opportunity moved them all to the core, which pretty much won over their hearts.

"We will expand things on a greater scale. let us not rely too much on Earth, instead let's try and recreate these things using the resources that could be found here. I want to limit the risk of heaven finding out about this, that would increase our chances of victory... that is if you all still want to fight them." I said calmly, to which they nodded.

"then again, people who live without seeking improvement are foolish. Heaven would not ignore us just because we don't attack them." I said softly,

"I will also begin to start training the fighters in energy control. I have mastered it in the past few days, so I will pass it on to you all. While teaching you, I also plan to start learning magic.... so let's attack the magic academy, while taking the books there, let's take a few gifted students there to join us." I said calmly stunning Amon

"Half human and Half demon are going to be powerful. I don't mind demons and humans uniting. I will even join the attack to use my power to ensure we can't be sensed." I said to which they all nodded lightly.

"Father, when should we do the attack?" Amon asked to which I thought for a moment while looking around.

"In 1 month. what was that magic academy called? whatever, we shall attack it, steal its resources, and so on. I will go there on my own to look around and see what I can do about that place, knowledge is power." I said calmly, to which everyone frowned.

"lord father, we can't allow you to go by yourself. It's too dangerous." Amon said in shock, to which everyone nodded lightly.

"Then come with me, I will use my powers to shield you. but we need to do a few tests with my powers first." I said to which Amon nodded...

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