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72% Leo A Journey Through Worlds / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 Travels, Training and everything nice

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18 Travels, Training and everything nice

Chapter 18

After spending what felt like a very long day in the DC universe, I wanted to return home but had to return the animals first, say goodbye to Alfred, get my photo back, talk to Tim and Jason, and answer their questions about my new powers. Having a meta in the family with epic powers like mine got them motivated to not be left behind in the dust. And they vowed to train hard with Dad and show me that they would become better heroes than I ever could. I had to wait in my world until I could go to U.A. to become a hero, so they had a leg up on me to become famous and show me their resolve.


Alfred told us to keep the challenge friendly. It's ok to be competitive, but don't let your friendship get hurt because of it, and we all answered yes, sir, and saulted him before giggling at how funny it looked. I made my way home and soon appeared in my bedroom. And if anyone asks, I did not forget to fly and did totally not land in my face… ouch!


"Mom! Dad!"


"We are in the living room, darling," mom shouted back. I ran over to the living room and found them cuddling on the sofa. I went over and sat down beside my mom.


"So, how was your trip? Learned anything new?" Mom and dad asked.


"YA dad helped me test out my inventory. And I could use my rift while there were animals in my inventory but I had to return them as dad had to return them to wherever he got them. Oh I also got to meet the Teen Titans another hero group that Dick is in"


I explained how I wanted to test my flight power, and dad had given me a flight assist tool to show me where to fly to and a way for him to keep track of me. I had forgotten I had not given back the watch, so I showed it to them. I turned on the volume and showed them my flight path. They were gaping at how long and far I flew to get from Gotham to Jump City. With my flight speed, I could cross Japan in like 10–15 minutes.


"That is very impressive," dad said before my mother glared at him.


"You know you are not allowed to do that here, young man, until you become a hero."


"Hai mom"


Then I explained my small adventure of how I wanted to prank Dick and sneaked inside the hero base without getting noticed with my powers. My mother was upset when I used my powers to break into a hero team's base. What if I got arrested? But I had to remind her that this was another world with different laws. And that Dick was part of the group, and the worst that happened was that I got captured by Ravin and had to explain who I was, and she called dad, and then everything was fine. Then I showed them my photo of Dick and the story of what happened after. I might have glossed over playing video games and told them of the food made by an alien and Dick being taken to the infirmary.


My mother did not like my misadventure without any supervision, but I reminded her that dad knew where I was, that Superman or any of the other heroes could get to me almost anywhere in the world, and that they had teleporter technology. This did relieve her… somewhat, but I was "asked" to take some time off and stay home for a while.


The next month, I focused on Izuku and school. Bakugo was more or less angry all the time, so nothing much happened there. He tried to bully Izuku a few more times, but I kept him occupied and focused on me instead. The other kids were a bit confused about how to treat me. I had the best quirk in class, and that made me popular, but then I played with Izuku, the outcast, and that made the dynamic a bit weird. But Fluffy was still super popular, and even Bakugo kind of liked him. It was me he did not like, even if he called Fluffy a dog to rile him up at times.


I have known Izuku for almost half a year now, and we have become really good friends. I was finally going to travel to another world to get Izuku a power. First, I was going to go for a devil fruit, but later I changed my mind. There had been other ideas along the way, like the super soldier, RWBY aura, and a few others, but I knew I was going to want to travel to other worlds, and to keep this world safe, I needed someone to protect this world and maybe help me sometimes on my adventures, so I wanted to give Izuku a power that was stronger. So I was going to try getting the Chemical X from the power puff girl's world and give it to Izuku. This would make him as powerful as All Might in his prime, if not stronger.


Later at home, I went to find any of my parents and found mom sitting in her sofa chair by the bookshelf and reading a book that looked like a sappy romance story with some buff guy on the front of the book.


"Mom!" Can I go to another world?


"What world?" my mother asked skeptically.


"Ehh, so I wanted to give Izuku a quirk, but I did not know how to do it, so I used my power to look into other worlds, and I think I found one that could give Izuku powers that are similar to All Might." And when I say "looked," I mean watched on tv in my previous life.


"They can give quirks in that world?" My mother asked me with a raised eyebrow, not believing me.


"What… No! So there is this scientist who created a chemical that can grant people temporary or permanent superpowers, and I wanted to see if he could give me a vile to give Izuku.


"Oh, sweety, it is so nice of you to think of Izuku... But is that world safe? And I don't like it when you go alone."


"Ehh, it sometimes gets attacked by villains and godzilla-like monsters from time to time, but they have their own superheroes that take care of them, so I should be fine, and I will only be in and out, I promise, PLEASE!!" Insert puppy eyes and quivering lips here, together with Fluffy, for extra effect.


My mother looks at me for a good long while thinking before finally giving me a nod in affirmation, and I give her a bright smile and a hug. She then proceeds to lecture me to take care, not to talk to strangers, and to be safe. and if anything happens, leave the world and don't stay and fight.


After nodding and saying my goodbyes, I made my way to my room to get a change of clothing, as I did not want to go in my school uniform. After getting changed, I opened my rift and jumped through, focusing on going to the power puff girl universe. And soon I flew out of my rift, landing on my back again… I forgot to fly… again. I've gotten better at not tumbling out of my rift, but sometimes I zone out, like today, when I focused too hard on the mental image of where I wanted to go.


"Hey kid, where did you come from? Are you okay?" I heard someone say this from behind me as three girls flew over and hovered around me. And I saw that the girl in pink had asked.


That must be Blossom. The team leader and the smartest member of the group. She has a big red bow on top of her head, red-orange hair, and pink-colored eyes and clothing. 


"Are you here to pick a fight?" The girl in green said...


This must be Buttercup the battlejunkie of the group; she likes to fight first and ask questions later, but she is a good person at heart, even if she can be… rather violent. She has green eyes, black hair, and green clothing.


"PUPPY," I heard Bubbles say as she flew closer.


Bubbles is the cheerful, go lucky girl of the group, she loves animals and is the strongest one in the group, even if she can act a bit like a pacifist at times. She has blond hair, blue eyes, and blue clothing.


"I am not a puppy. I. AM. A. FOX!" Fluffy said annoyed.


"THE PUPPY CAN TALK." Bubble's squealed


I activated my own flight power and flew up to hover beside the girls, and activated my intangibility just in case. These girls are both stronger, faster, and can work together.


"Wow you can fly like us!" all three of them said they were not expecting it.


"Let me introduce myself. My name is Leo, and I am a superhero in training," I say with a hand on my hip.


"And my name is… Fluffy, and I am this guy's power." Fluffy says his name reluctantly.


"Hi Fluffy, my name is Bubbles. Can I pet you?" Bubbles said it excitedly. Fluffy gave a silent nod, and I handed him over to her as she gave a squeal and started to pet him.


"You don't seem like a bad guy, at least. My name is Blossom, the team leader of the Powerpuff Girls."


"My name is Buttercup, and I am the biggest badass on the team. Want to fight?"


"Buttercup, no swearing in class!"


It's only now that I actually took a look around and could see that I am in what looks like a kindergarten classroom, and all the kids in the room are staring at us. Oops, I did not think I would fall into the powerpuff girl's kindergarten when I came here. I thought I landed somewhere in the city and would have to fly around and ask for directions, or maybe find the mayor and ask for directions. 


"Now you sit in the corner for 5 minutes and think about what you said." I had zone out and missed when the teacher lectured Buttercup.




"Now, young lady."


"Yes, Ms. Keane." Buttercup reluctantly flew over and sat in the corner, head towards the wall, as the teacher turned her gaze to me.


"Now can I ask why you are here, young man?" the teacher, now known as Ms. Keane, asked me in a gentle tone.


"Oh yeah, I'm sorry to intrude. I came to this world to help my friend."


"To… this world? Are you not from this world? Is the multiverse real?" the last part she whispered to herself but I could still hear it.


"Yes, I come from a world where around 80% of the world's population has some type of superpower."


"That is remarkable, and how old are you?"


"I have technically three ages. I am physically five years old, but I am mentally seven years old, but my documents say I am six years old."


"That… sounds very confusing, but you seem to be a very smart young man."




"So you say you are here to help a friend?"


"Ya, I have the power to travel to other worlds, and by using my power, I found that a man called the professor could help my friend."


"Are you here for dad?" asked all three powerpuff girls when hearing someone ask for the professor.


"Yes? Is he super smart?"


"Yah, he is the smartest; he is the one who created us," Blossom said proudly.


"Then maybe it's him?"


"Do you want to meet him?" Bubbles asked me while petting Fluffy.


"Yes… Bu-"


"Oh no, you don't. There is no emergency, so you have to stay until the professor gets home like normally before you are allowed to fly home." Ms. Keane said it firmly but calmly.


"Leo can stay here until your dad gets home, and then you can fly home together if that is ok with you, Leo."


"Ya, I can wait; I can just use my rift to go home just before I left anyway."


I heard her mumble something about superhero kids getting all the cool powers under her breath as she continued class, and Buttercup was allowed to join us again. Before the class could resume, she had me do a bit of show-and-tell and the kids got to ask me some questions to get them to calm down. She would ask me some math questions, but 1+2 was not very hard and even less hard after getting my study power.


The rest of the day was rather uneventful; there were no monsters attacking, just kids wanting to talk and play with me. I learned that all the kids in the kindergarten were around five years old. I had always thought the Powerpuff girls were older, but maybe I just miss rememberd.


Later, at around 3 pm, she got a call and told us we could fly home and not stop to pet any squirrels on the way home… I think that one was specifically for Bubbles, as she looked like she wanted to object but then remembered Fluffy in her arms and instantly perked up again.


As soon as she was done speaking, the powerpuff girls flew home at top speed, and I just stood there mouth agape. I can fly kind of fast, but it takes me some time to build up speed, but they were gone in a rainbow flash. It took them like halfway home before Fluffy could tell them that they left me behind as Bubbles was still holding him. They flew back and sheepishly said sorry, and we flew back at my top speed.

We soon came to the powerpuff girls' home. They live in a two story building where there are three windows on the top floor that they use to get in and out of the house quickly. Other than that, it's a normal white house with a garage attached to the house.


We flew through the open windows, and in the doorway stood the professor, waiting. All the girls flew over to him, gave him a hug, and then introduced me to him as he assessed me.


"Greetings, young man, my name is Professor Utonium, and welcome to our house."


"And you must be the boy that appeared at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Ms. Keane told me all about you, and you sound like a lovely young man, and she told me you are very smart for your age." He said it in a friendly tone.


"Ehh, thank you," I said, not knowing how to answer. The professor sounds so friendly and approachable. 


"Well, young man, follow me to my lab, and we can talk."


"Can we come with you, professor?" the powerpuff girls asked.


"Of course you can."


So together, we all followed him to his lab, which was in the basement of the house. He did not have any safety doors to his lab but I guess with super powered kids who can bench press a city there would be no way to really lock the door I guess. His lab was full of what you would find in a lab: lots of bubbling beakers, shelves full of materials for his experiments, and, huh, a box of toys. I guess the girls play down here sometimes.


The professor made his way over to a chair and sat down before taking out some papers, putting them on a clipboard to write on, and clicking the pen he took from his pocket.


"So you came looking for me to help a friend. What help did your friend need?"


"Well, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He is also six years old, and we go to the same school together. In my world, 80% of the population has superpowers, just like me. The range of superpowers can be something as small as being able to grow your toenails to being able to have low reality manipulation." At the grow toenails Bubbles went Eww


"But... the people who grew up without any type of superpower get discriminated against for not having powers, and Izuku has the potential to become a superhero. I have seen it in parallel worlds where he has had super powers."


"Wow, that's... a lot to take in," the professor said as he was writing something down on his clipboard.


"So, what do you want me to do?"


"Chemical X"


"That's not something to play with."


"I know, but I really want to help him get a superpower, and if he can get superpowers like your daughters, he could help save so many lives when he becomes a hero." I pull out a picture of me and Izuku smiling towards the camera, making silly faces, and hand it over to the professor.


"That's him and me. He doesn't have any friends, and they exclude or bully him for not having any powers. His best friend stopped being friends with him when he learned that Izuku was quirkless and started to bully him instead."


"That's not right. You should not bully someone for being different," Blossom said, getting angry on Izuku's behalf.


"He should just punch those jerks in the face," Buttercup said while punching the air.


"That's so sad," Bubbles says, tearing up as Fluffy comforts her, and she hugs him closer to her.


The professor listened to my explanation, and he was writing on his clipboard and looked sad at the life Izuku must have lived but. I am not entirely sure I convinced him to help me. I was running out of options on what to say to help my case.


"Professor, you've got to help him." Blossom said


"It's not so simple, girls. Giving powers to someone is a lot of responsibility, and what if he uses them for evil?" he says, trying to make Blossom understand where he is coming from, I presume.


"But if he turns evil, don't you have a way to take away his powers? And Izuku is the nicest boy I know." I tried pleading with him.


"Hmm, I do have a way to remove the power, but..."


"Then we got to help him." Bubbles says, eyes are still teary, and I could see Fluffy's fur was wet from her tears.




"Ya, he needs powers so he can punch those bullies in the face," Buttercup said. I do not think she is helping with my argument.


The professor looked at the powerpuff girls and sighed as he looked defeated by their pleading eyes for him to do the right thing. I don't think they understand the ramifications of what they are asking him to do, but I thank them none the less for helping my case; they are good kids.


"I... will help your friend Leo, but if anything happens or he uses his powers for evil, come here directly, please."


"Yes, professor," I answered with a salute, and that made the girls giggle.


The next few hours, we helped him make the potion to give Izuku, and he explained what he was doing to myself and the girls. The girls loved helping the professor in his lab, and they told me stories like the time when stuff had blown up in their faces or the time everyone in town got sick and they had to help the professor make a cure.


The original recipe to make the powerpuff girls was sugar and spice and everything nice, and then adding the chemical X to the mix. But making the potion for Izuku was taking a long time. He boiled liquids in beakers, took measurements, and finally, after all that time, he took out the chemical X and added it to the beaker. The colors swirled around, and with a puff of white smoke, the potion was finished. He gave it to me gently after pouring it out into a beaker and putting a cork on it. I put the vial into the inventory and then turned to the professor.


"Thank you," I said, giving him a hug around his legs, and the girls joined in and hugged him also.


"You're welcome," the professor said, and then looked at his watch.


"Oh, it's getting late; I should cook some dinner. Do you want to stay for dinner before you need to leave Leo?"


"Ya, I love to stay for dinner," I said, feeling like I needed to thank him for doing me such a big favor.


We followed the professor upstairs to the kitchen, where he started to pull out ingredients to start cooking. And while he was cooking, the girls asked to play some games with me, and I suggested hide and seek As we all had superpowers, we could use some creative hiding spots. I was the first one to seek, while the others hid all over the house. And that's how we passed the time until the food was ready and the professor summoned us for dinner.


While eating, Blossom asked me to tell them some stories of my adventures. So I told them about the time I pulled a prank on the Teen Titans, as it was the freshest in my mind. Then I told them of the USJ incident in the parallel universe to mine where I had seen the other Izuku and how they fought the villains who invaded the school, and that led me to tell them of the League of Villains that was going to appear in my world unless I stopped them before they could form. Buttercup wanted to go there and beat them up, but the professor put a stop to that.


After the dinner was done, we talked a bit more about our adventures before the professor said that it was bedtime for the Powerpuff girls. I had already started to yawn myself as I had not had a nap the entire day and was running on fumes. All of them wanted to see me off, but Bubbles did not want to give Fluffy back but reluctantly had to do so when the professor gently told her that she could not keep him.


After getting Fluffy back, I felt a lot better, and with a smile and waving, I opened a rift behind me and jumped backwards into the rift and watched as it closed. I soon appeared in my room. I shouted that I was back to my parents, then I flopped on the bed and was asleep in moments. When I woke up, I saw I was dressed in one of my onesies I got from the DC universe. My parents must have come and checked on me when I had not come running to them after getting home like I normally do.


I noticed I tend to tell them everything after coming home from one of my adventures, whether it's for good or ill, and I think it's my child's side wanting my parents approval. I love them as much as my old parents, and I could not ask for a better family, but I do sometimes miss my independence. I wonder when I will ever grow out of this phase of my life. It's not that bad. I tend to make mistakes that I might not have made in my old life, and not being so emotional and crying would be appreciated.


I shake my head and get out of bed, as there's nothing I can do about it at this moment in my life, so I just have to work within the boundaries I have been given. I look at the watch beside the bed and see it's 5 p.m. as I go looking for my parents and see them cooking in the kitchen.


"Good morning," I said, rubbing my eyes still.


"It's evening," my mom says with a snort.


"What she said" Fluffy snarked


"Good evening then," I said, sticking my tongue out.


"So how was your trip?" my dad asked me while cutting some onions… ew…


I explained my adventure to my parents, how I got there and spent most of the day with the powerpuff girls at their kindergarten, and then we flew to their home, where I met the professor. And after getting help from the girls to convince him, he finally said yes and helped make the potion that would give Izuku his powers. My parents were astounded that someone had actually made a quirk in a bottle and told me to wait to give it to Izuku so they had a chance to invite his mother and Izuku over so they could talk it over.


After dinner my parents called Inko and asked if they could come over this Saturday as there was something important to talk about. I had a few hours before bedtime, so I went to my room and used my closet door to open my inventory, and stepped inside. The inventory had changed over the last few months and now looked more homely.


When you enter the inventory now, there is a long corridor with doors along the corridor. The hallway is made with wooden walls and marble flooring. I have my display cases along the walls with paintings I made out of the photos I took. There are plaques over every door saying the name of the universe, and inside the rooms, I decorated them with a theme to fit that universe. In the DC universe, I made the watchtower with windows overlooking the earth. The Minecraft door is my base, but the chests are outside, and the base is much bigger. and if you get to the end of the corridor, you will find the house I made. It's bigger on the inside, like my own Tardis.


I made the house to be able to expand if I ever needed to take more people with me. I have absorbed tons of water with the help of Alfred. I made it so I could use the water in the house, as that's not something I could just create as it would have no nutrition. I also have a fridge full of premade meals that are hot and ready for anyone to eat, as they won't ever go bad as long as they're in my inventory. 


I added a bunch of conveniences, so when you enter my inventory, there is a button you can press that will compress the hallway so you don't have to walk the entire way to get to my house. When you get to my house, the outside has a grass and gravel pathway up to the door. And the outside has a big sakura tree that has endless petals falling down and then disappearing, making it look very picturesque. There is an artificial sky that makes it feel like you are outside. And as a joke, I made a small little dog house with a sign above it saying Fluffy. The great and terrible.


"I like it, but why did you make it so small?"


"You can expand the inside like I did with the house, and it's not like you will use it, right?"


"Nope, but it's the thought that counts."


I walked down the corridor, and there was a new door. Above the door, it said Powerpuff Girls. I enter the room, and it's just an empathy room, and the vial is sitting on a royal red velvet pillow on top of a marble pillar with a glass covering it. I start by moving the vile out of the door and making the powerpuff girl's house while the memories are fresh. I soon have something resembling their neighborhood, and the inside of the house looks almost the same, but in the lab in the basement, I made the storage room, but I put out bubbling beakers and stuff along the room's walls and then placed the vial into the room.


I called it finished, I made my way out, and saw my mom standing by the entrance to my inventory.


"Hi mom"


"Hello, my little sons, it's getting late. You two should head to bed, you have school tomorrow."




"Yes mom"


My mom tucked me into bed, and we talked for a bit before I fell asleep. The next day, I told Izuku that I had a surprise for him the next time he came over to play. Izuku got excited, and for the rest of the day, he begged me to tell him what the secret was, but I would not say anything.


A few days later, it was finally Saturday, and Izuku and his mother were coming over at around 10 a.m., but I was already awake at 6 a.m. I spent the morning watching TV and eating breakfast with my parents, and finally it was time for Izuku to come. I was so excited to see his reaction to getting his own quirk.


The doorbell rang, and there stood Izuku and his mother, Inko. I pulled Izuku inside, and his mother smiled as they took off their jackets and boots. My parents had just come from the kitchen and welcomed the Midoriya family into our home. I had convinced my parents to do the explanation inside my inventory, as I had already prepared a spot for us in anticipation for the conversation. I have been working on my inventory, adding more and more details and designs when bored, as it's very simple to play around with.


"Hello Izuku Now let's go," I said as I pulled him along with me as our parents followed us to my room.


I had decided to use my room's closet doors, as I could open both doors for great effect. I have not told Izuku about my latest powers; he only knows what I showed in class, as I wanted to save it for just such an occasion.


"Is there something Sora wants to show us in his room?" Inko asked my parents


"Oh, we don't want to spoil his surprise." I heard my mother say


I opened my door to my room, and after Inko and Izuku were inside, I smiled.


"Izuku, are you prepared for a huge surprise?"


"YES!" He mumbled something under his breath, then stopped.


Izuku had not had as much of a chance to become bullied as in the original story, so his mumbling was mostly nonexistent at this time of his life. I have been helping him the times he does mumble, and that has helped him notice it himself when he does do it.


I walked over to my closet doors, and Izuku knew that was my closet, so he was confused, but maybe he thought whatever I hid was inside, so when I flung open both doors, They saw a very ornate hallway, and I could see their metaphorical jaws hit the floor in surprise. There is no way a corridor this long could exist without going through the neighborhood.


"W… wa" Izuku was speechless.


"Oh my," Inko said as she looked at my parents, then back at the hallway.


"Izuku, do you remember my inventory I showed you? Well, I got a quirk to let me enter it."


"Wa... you kept this a secret from me," Izuku said, sounding a bit hurt that I had not told him earlier. But it also appeared that he wanted to ask me a million questions.


"Well, it was not done when I got it. Everything you see here is my own work. I spent the past few months working on it, and this is not even why we asked you to come over here. Follow me, and I will show you the real reason."


As we were walking down the corridor, Izuku asked me questions about the paintings and display cases along the way, and Inko and my parents just followed after us and listened to what we were saying. We soon got to my house, and the Midoriya family once again looked astonished, as it looked like they were outside. They followed me as I walked towards the house, but then took a side path to the sakura tree and patio. When we got to the patio, I went and sat down on one of the chairs by the coffee table. There was coffee, tea, cookies, and lemonade on the table. Everyone took a chair and sat around the table, and the entire walk here, the Midoriya family's heads had been on a swivel, looking all over in astonishment. I put Fluffy down on the table beside me.


"Sora, did you build all of this?" Izuku finally asked me


"Yupp, look," I said as I created a small figurine of Izuku and put it on the table beside Fluffy.


"It can't leave the inventory, so everything in here is purely decorative, but it also lets me make the most comfortable bed to sleep in."


"Ya, he dragged me around the entire time," Fluffy complained.


"You could have helped."


"Maybe," he said, pulling his tongue out.


"No fighting," my mom scolded us.


"Sorry" x2


"So what did you want to talk about?" Inko asked getting us back on track.


"Oh ya" I looked at Izuku intensely just long enough for Izuku to get uncomfortable.


"Izuku, how would you like to have your very own quirk?" I said with a shit eating grin and watched Izuku's face go through a million different emotions.


"I.. w… WHAT!" Both Izuku and Inko were in shock.


"Is… is this for real?" Inko asked, looking at my parents for confirmation.


"Yes, young Sora here wanted to help your son after learning he was quirkless, but he did not want to tell you guys about it until after he got something in case he failed to not get your hopes up in vain."


"Wait, so you succeeded? You got me a quirk?" Izuku looked at me in astonishment and started to cry with happiness.


This made Inko very happy, and they hugged one another and cried and… thank God that they could not flood my inventory. After crying and hugging one another, my mother gave them handkerchiefs to dry their eyes. Izuku looked at me like I was his savior and then finally asked me.


"So what type of quirk did you get me? Can I fly? Can I be like all might? Do I have the same powers as the other me?"


"Wait, wait, calm down." I waved my hands around.


"Oh, I am sorry."


"Hehe, well, the power I got for you doesn't really have a name. In one of the worlds I found, there was a man called Professor Utonium, and he created something called Chemical X. He wanted to create his own children, but in the process of making them, he accidentally added the Chemical and created the Powerpuff girls. These girls have about the same powers as All Might. Super strength, speed, durability, agility, and senses. They can also fly and have some type of special ability that is unique to each girl, so we don't know what that unique power would give you."


As I went on, Izuku got more and more excited as he could finally get powers like his all-time favorite hero, All Might. I could see it in his eyes as they lit up in excitement.


"There is more to their powers, but you have to figure them out as you learn how to use them."


"So do you want the power?" I said with a big smile.




"Is it safe?" Inko asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, as I did not know, but I trusted the professor.


"The professor is a genius, and he made the power. He already created the powerpuff girls, so I don't see why it would not be safe." She reluctantly agreed.


"To be safe, let's walk to an open field over there," I said as I pointed towards an open area some way away from my house.


We quickly got there, and I took out the vial. I told Izuku to swallow it and not to spit out anything, even if it might have a horrible taste. He nodded, took three big gulps, and then stood there waiting for something to happen. At first, nothing happened, and Izuku looked at me as if I had answers. I shrugged my shoulders and told him to wait for a bit. As he was standing there, he started to levitate without noticing, and from behind me, I heard Inko gasp, and when I turned around to look, I saw tears in her eyes.






"Look down"


"W… WA" He was surprised to see that he was flying.


Izuku started to panic and spin around like he was in zero gravity. I started to giggle as the more he panicked, the faster he started to spin.


"It's. Not. Funny. Help. Me. Sora!" 


He said one word every few rotations. I flew close and grabbed him to stop him from spinning. After holding him for a while, he calmed down and glared at me when I smiled.


"Ok, first, let's try learning how to fly... Boop, you're it," I said, and I flew a bit away. He was surprised when I tagged him, and then he smiled, and we started an impromptu tag match.


Izuku would chase me, and I would dodge and use intangibility as he gradually got better at chasing me. Now you might ask me what color streak he got and... If you guessed green, you were right. Izuku gradually got faster and faster and took less time to orient himself. I was now the one that was on the backfoot as he got faster and faster than me. Izuku started to tag me more often, and without buying any more powers, I would lose, so I stopped the tag match.


"Wow, Izuku, you are even faster than me now."


"What? Really?"


"Yupp, it will take me a few more years before I can catch up to your new powers," and when I say a few, it might be 10–15 more years.


"That's so cool," he said, hugging me.


"Well, next up, let's test your strength."


I created a big boulder and asked him to punch it, but he was reluctant as he was not used to being able to do it, so I had to work on his courage. First, I gave him a rock to squeeze into dust. Then we worked up to stronger and stronger materials and bigger targets. Soon, he was hitting a block of steel without flinching.


"Next I want you to hit this dummy without breaking it."


I made a yellow crash dummy on a stand appear beside me. Izuku winded up a hit and took a swing at the dummy as it… exploded in fake blood and gore.


"What!!!" Izuku said now, with fake blood covering both of us.


"That dummy had the same consistency as a normal human body. You learned how to punch and use your strength; now you have to learn to hold back and not break people."


Now you might ask, How do I know how to make a human like dummy? Well, when I was learning and working on my inventory, I had made swords, and having nothing to hit was boring, so I created those fake targets, like on that one show called Forged in Fire, where the dude goes the weapon will keel.


Izuku was looking at the fake blood covering his hand in both fear and determination. I used my cleaning power on the both of us and then removed the dummy and all of its pieces, then put up a new dummy and asked Izuku to try again. This repeated several times as Izuku gradually got the hang of not breaking a normal human like a twig. I was surprised at how fast he learned how to control his powers. I don't know if it's something innate to Izuku or the powers he has.


When I remembered my parents, I looked back and saw them sitting a bit away on ornate thrones and Fluffy sitting on my mom's lap, getting petted. Inko was watching Izuku and me like a mama hawk. I turned my attention back to Izuku and saw him punch the dummy again without any visual damage. He could be breaking their internal organs, but I did not know.


Well, I tested Izuku on everything I could think of. He can now fly and control his powers enough not to break the dummy. The next thing would be sparring but… I could not heal, so that one was out. For the rest of the day, Izuku and I played with our superpowers. And to say the area looked like someone had dropped bombs all over it would be an understatement. I think the worst offender was us playing catch with a big steel ball, and when we missed it, it would crash into the ground and spray dirt all over.


It was around lunchtime when my mom asked us to wrap it up, and together we left my inventory to go and eat. My parents talked to Inko, and me, Fluffy, and Izuku trailed after them. I think next time I buy new powers, I need rapid regeneration so I can spar with Izuku.


While eating lunch, Izuku froze up and looked at me in panic, and after swallowing the bite he took, he asked me.






"What are we going to say to the school when I all of a sudden have powers?"


"Well, you can always say you got them from me, but that would be a pain, so why not say you got a stockpiling quirk and it only activated after getting enough power stockpiled and how you can mold the energy to use your different powers."


"That sounds awfully rehearsed," my mother said to me.


"Hehe, I cheated."


"What do you mean?" Dad asked me


"Well, Izuku from that other world described his power the same way."


"I… he did?"




"What were his powers?" Inko asked.


"In that world, All Might had the power to transfer his quirk, and in that world, Izuku got his power."


"What? So he was like, All might in that world?"




"Is his power transferable in this world also?" asked my dad


"Ya but… shh it's a secret" I said taking another bite.


"THEN WHY YOU TELL US?" they all reacted.


"Because we got the new symbol of peace right here," I pointed to Izuku and made him blush scarlet red.


The rest of the day, me and Izuku played. He only broke a few pens when we drew before he learned to control his finer motor strength. He always apologized when it happened, and I told him it was ok and that I have more pens than I know what to do with them.


After Izuku left, I went to bed, me and Fluffy took a nap after playing all day. I think I will never give up on taking naps ever again, even if I don't need them. They just feel too nice, I thought as I snuggled down ever deeper in bed.

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