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84% Yuno in Naruto / Chapter 20: Enter Naruto Uzumaki

Capítulo 20: Enter Naruto Uzumaki

POV Naruto

"OH NO! I'm gonna be late!" I yelled as I ran out of the house.

Today is the last graduation exam for the academy, I finally get to become a genin. I have been training with my brother for many years now and I have learned a lot. But I can't seem to catch up to him. He recently taught me the shadow clone jutsu as a gift for passing his fuinjutsu test, he said with the amount of chakra I have it would be a really useful asset for me. Apparently the shadow clone jutsu creates physical clones that can interact with the world and transfer the memories it gains back to the user after it's dispelled.

"And, made it!" I exclaimed as I entered the classroom.

"Naruto, you're late!" Iruka sensei yelled.

"Sorry sensei, I slept in because I was so exited about today."

"You really need to get rid of that bad habit of yours Naruto, you're going to be a ninja, you need to stop being so childish." Iruka said.

"Sure, thing," I replied.

"Sigh, go take a seat." He said.

I walked over to my seat next to Shikamaru and Choji.

"Hey guys, how's it going," I said.

"Hey Naruto," Choji said while stuffing his face with chips.

"Sigh, this is such a drag, I can't wait until this is over so I can sleep." Shikamaru said.

"Today's finally the last day, we just need to showcase a couple of jutsu and we'll be good to go." I said.

After I finished talking, Sasuke walked back into the room. From the smile on his face, I could see that he was happy with his results.

"Heey, how was the test did you pass?" I asked.

"Of course I passed, what did you think I wouldn't?" He said.

"Well, yeah, you suck. I saw you during my brothers test the other day and you were beat, I wonder how he let you pass when you ended up like that?" I said, squaring up to Sasuke.

"Huh?! Say that again." He said.

"Naruto, what are you doing! Stay away from Sasuke-kun!" Sakura said.

"Yeah! Get away from my Sasuke you bozo!" Ino said.

"You're Sasuke? Sasuke isn't yours!" I could the fangirls get more riled up which pissed me off even more. Am I not good looking? What do they see in Sasuke anyway?

"Heh," Sasuke smirked mockingly which ticked me off.

Third Person POV

Naruto and Sasuke were now butting heads and throwing insults at each other. It may not seem that obvious to the other classmates but they were not really that serious. They have become friends and they both know it, but neither wants to be the first to admit it. It was a secret battle that they've had going for the past three years.

While they were butting heads, some of the students where playing catch in the back of the class, but one of the kids threw the ball too far and the catcher had to run after it, he managed to catch the ball but landed awkwardly and tripped and fell backwards bumping into Naruto and pushing him leading to an accidental kiss between Naruto and Sasuke.

"Bheh! Bheh! Oh my god, I'm gonna die! There's poison in my mouth! I can't believe that just happened!"

Naruto, ever the obnoxious type, reacted extremely loudly. While Sasuke just quietly and robotically sat in his seat. The girls in the class were frozen, with all the color drained from their bodies.

Another girl however reacted similarly, but for a different reason.

A student walked back into the class and said, "Naruto, it's your turn."

"Okay," I said and walked to the testing area.

"I would say good luck but it seems your boyfriend gave you enough of that," Shikamaru said, causing all the boys in the class to laugh.

"Screw you guys!" Naruto exclaimed.

Naruto walked into the testing area, where he saw Iruka and Mizuki.

"Okay, Naruto I want you to perform the clone jutsu. It's considered a pass if you can conjure at least two clones that look exactly like you. Go ahead," Iruka said.

"Okay, here we go," Naruto said.

Naruto made a ram hand sign and said, "Clone jutsu!"

Then, dozens of clones appeared throughout the room, some standing on the walls, others hanging from the ceiling. Iruka and Mizuki were shocked to say the least, Naruto had blown their expectations out of the water. The clones looked identical to him and where placed strategically throughout the room so that Naruto could stay hidden.

Iruka smiled and said, "Well done Naruto, you pass. Come take your headband."

"Awesome, thank you." Naruto said.

"It's been fun to teach you Naruto, I wish you a successful career." Iruka Said.

"Thank you," Naruto said, with tears in his eyes.

"I wish you the best," Mizuki said.

"Thanks," Naruto said.

"Well, go back and call Shikamaru," Iruka said.

"Alright," Naruto replied.

Naruto walked back to his classroom, and called Shikamaru.

The next day Naruto came back to the class to get assigned to a team.

Naruto walked into the class and said, "Hey guys. Check this baby out!" He said while pointing to his headband.

"I know, you showed it to us like fifty times yesterday." Shikamaru said.

"It's still cool you know." Naruto said.

Iruka then walked into the class and said, "The next step is the assignment of official duties to you all on behalf of our village. We will begin by dividing you into three-man cells. Each of which will be mentored by a Jonin, a more senior ninja who will guide and coach you as you become more familiar with your various assignments."

"I wonder who'll be on a team with Sasuke?" Ino said.

"I don't know," Sakura said. 'Damn it, I'm the one who's going to team up with him of course!'

"I made the selections so that each cell's abilities would be approximately equal... Next, cell number seven, Naruto Uzumaki"

"Huh," Naruto looked towards the front.

"Sakura Haruno," Iruka said.

"Yeah!" Naruto stood up from his seat and exclaimed happily.

"I'm with Naruto...?" Sakura looked down dejectedly.

"And Sasuke Uchiha," Iruka said.

"Yeah!" Sakura exclaimed whilst standing up from her seat.

"I'm with Sasuke...?" Naruto said while looking down dejectedly.

"So I'm in a different group than Naruto-Kun," Hinata said while looking at Naruto.

"Next team 8, Hinata Hyuga,"

"Y-yes!" Hinata said.

"Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame."

Sakura looked back towards Ino and showed a peace sign victoriously while Ino looked really upset about not being in a team with Sasuke.

"Why do you get to be with him?" Ino said angrily.

"Maybe instead of being so focused on a boy, you should focus on training. Especially since we're actually ninja now, why do girls like such a guy anyway?" Shikamaru said.

"Shut up Shikamaru, that's why you're not popular. I wouldn't want to team up with a guy like you," Ino said.

"Team 9 is still active and team 10 is Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara,"

Shikamaru looked at Ino with a smile and said, "Looks like you have to team up with me." Which made Ino angry.

"And Choji Akimichi" Iruka finished.

'And a fatty?' Ino said while looking at Choji who was stuffing his face with chips.

"Iruka sensei! Why did you put the both of us in the same team!? You said the teams are equal, but all our team members are in the top ten best of the class!"

"Yeah, I was confused about that as well but I got orders from the higher ups to put you two together with someone lacking in the practical aspect of being a ninja as an experiment."

'Aww, they'll work it out.' Iruka thought whilst looking at Naruto getting berated by Sakura for laughing at her.

"I'm going to introduce the Jonin teachers in the afternoon, you're dismissed until then."

That afternoon.

"He's late," Naruto said looking out into the hallway.

"Naruto, why don't you just sit still?" Sakura asked.

"But why is our teacher the only one late? All the other groups went somewhere with their teachers already, and Iruka sensei already went home!" Naruto said.

"That's not important- hey, what are you doing Naruto?" Sakura asked.

Naruto was laughing while setting a trap for his teacher, "It's his fault for being late."

"A Jonin isn't going to fall for a stupid trick like that," Sasuke said.

As Sasuke was speaking someone came into the room and caught the eraser before it could fall on his head.

"Aww, it didn't work," Naruto exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sensei I tried to stop him," Sakura said while secretly being upset that the prank failed.

Then all of a sudden a log tied to a string fell from the ceiling, heading straight towards the person. The log hit him squarely in the face and while Sakura was panicking Naruto and Sasuke where shocked that such a trap could actually work on a Jonin. Then all of a sudden, the person vanished in a puff of smoke.

"How do I put this," They all heard a voice behind them, quickly turning around they saw the person sitting on the window sill with a book in their hand and the wind blowing their hair.

"I hate you. Meet me on the roof," He said and disappeared.

'He's fast' Sasuke thought.

"That was awesome! I wonder how he did that," Naruto said. "Let's go to the roof guys."

"Let's see, why don't you introduce yourselves." The person said.

"Introduce ourselves? What should we say?" Sakura asked.

"What you live, hate, your dreams, and hobbies. Something like that." He said.

"Hey, hey, why don't you introduce yourself first, Sensei." Naruto asked.

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes."

"Huh?" Naruto and Sakura said.

"As for my dreams...

I have few hobbies."

"So all we found out was his name," Sakura said.

"Yeah," Naruto agreed.

"Now it's your turn, your first," Kakashi said.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like the ramen at Ichiraku that my brother buys for me. I hate the torture my brother puts me through that he calls training. My hobbies are trying new jutsu and comparing them. And my dream is to become greater than the Hokage's!" Naruto said with enthusiasm. "That way, I can finally order my brother around for a change."

'I see, he mentions his brother a lot,' Kakashi thought.

"Okay, next," He said.

"I'm Sakura Haruno! I like... well, the person I like is..." Sakura said while sneaking glances at Sasuke.

"And my hobby is... well, my dream is to..." Once again sneaking glances at Sasuke and squealing like a bi- ahem.

"And? What do you hate?" Kakashi asked.

"Naruto." She said without hesitation.

"Ehh!!!" Naruto exclaimed.

'Girls at her age must be more interested in love than ninja training.' Thought Kakashi.

"Last guy," Kakashi said.

Sakura was giggling while waiting excitedly for Sasuke to speak.

"My name's Sasuke Uchiha. There are many things that I hate, and there aren't a lot of things that I like." Sasuke's tone got really serious. "Also, I have an ambition that I have no intention to leave as just a dream. The revival of my clan and to find my brother."

'Damn, that was deep,' Naruto thought.

'Sasuke's so cool,' Sakura thought.

'Just as I thought,' Kakashi thought.

"Okay, you three all have unique personalities. I like that. We're going to begin a mission starting tomorrow." Kakashi said.

"What kind of mission is that, sir?!" Naruto said.

"First, we're going to do something that we four can do." Kakashi said. "Survival training."

"Why are we going to train when it's a mission? We had plenty of training at the academy." Sakura asked.

"This is not ordinary training." Kakashi said.

"Then what kind of training is it?" Asked Naruto.

"Hahaha," Kakashi started to laugh.

"What's so funny, Sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Well, if I say this, I'm sure you three are going to be surprised." Kakashi said.

"Huh," Naruto said, confused.

"Out of the 27 graduates, only nine are going to become Genins. The other 18 will be sent back to the academy. In other words, this training is going to be a very hard test with a dropout rate of 66%. See? You three are surprised!"

"No way! I went through hell to get here. What was the final exam for?" Naruto said.

"That? It just picks out those who are qualified to become a Genin." Kakashi said.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Anyway, I'm going to determine whether you pass or fail tomorrow at the training grounds. Bring your ninja equipment and meet at 5 am." Kakashi said.

'Eh, whatever, I'm sure I'll be fine. Me and Sasuke trained with my brother, if we team up we can take him.' Naruto thought.

'If I fail this test, I'm going to be separated from Sasuke-kun. This is a trial of love!' Sakura thought.

Sasuke clasped his hands tighter together, 'I got this, the teacher is really fast but I'm sure I can catch him off guard if I work with Naruto.' Sasuke thought.

"Now then, meeting over. Oh yeah, don't eat breakfast. You're gonna throw up if you do." Kakashi said.


I'm back baby! I'm close to hitting 100k views so I thought I'd post another chapter to see if it takes me there. This chapter is mainly copied from the canon, I know Sasuke and Naruto have their first kiss after they graduate but I had already written it and didn't make sense to me to have Naruto provoke Sasuke like he did in the anime given that they're secretly friends here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, don't expect another chapter anytime soon since the next one is gonna be survival training and I'm gonna have a hard time writing the action scenes.

Question! Should I give Seishin a wind summon?



If yes, should it be the same one as in black clover or a completely different one?

I was thinking of Seishin getting a scroll from his mom that has the summon and it's another "family heirloom" that is passed down in the family. But should the summon be a land full of elemental spirits or should it be just one of a kind?

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