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50% Im Marceline from Adventure Time? / Chapter 3: Trial Run

Capítulo 3: Trial Run

(*Time Skip 1 Month*)


'Ok Marcy, just land one hit!' I thought while running on fumes. For the entire week since Hunson Abadeer showed up, he has been training me to fight him and to survive this world.

'More like just beating me up and telling me to land a hit on him.' I grumbled at my thoughts of the torture he had put me through in only 1 week.

In general, he has made me carry everything myself with little to no breaks as we approached a so-called "special destination", and he also made me find food for the both of us as "training".

This alone wouldn't be too bad, but it was the random "training montages" that he spurred on me. One minute we could be walking through a destroyed city and the next he would attack me or make me run away from Oozers, or even a mixture of both.

He has also been making me carry heavy weights that he got from a destroyed gym while doing all of this. Really, I think he just likes torturing a little girl, as if I wasn't half-demon I am sure I would have passed out from overexertion. 

"Come on Marceline~ If you don't land a hit on me before we reach our destination I am destroying that doll of yours!" Hunson shouted at me, bringing me from my short reprieve from my training.

'No not Hambo!' I thought desperately before running towards him to land a punch on his face only to trip and fall on some ice. 

"Gah!" I exhaled sharply as I face-planted the ruined road that we were fighting on.

'Ughh… I need to do this with a little more brain.' I decided before groaning in mock pain from my fall. Sitting up wiped the dirt and snow off of my face before glaring at Hunson, who had a camera filming me.

'Wait? A camera?' I stared at the camera before I realized something. He was filming me! "Hey! Quit filming me!" I shouted at him and got up in anger only to see him chuckling behind the camera.

Hunson chuckled some more as he filmed me glaring at him. "Alright camera, here we can see little Marcy failing to even run towards me." He cackled some more before dodging a rock that I threw at him.

*Groaah* A echoey groan was heard from the nearby building.

Quickly snapping my head backwards I saw a door collapse outwards from the force of a decent-sized Oozer. 

'Oh snap!' I thought as I stared at the Oozer before running towards Hunson. "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" I yelled as I saw more Oozers exit the door following the one Oozer who began to chase me.

"Now we see Marcy running from some gross Oozers as she likes to call them." Hunson whispered to the camera as he stepped back away from me.

Running towards him I watched as he quickly began to run backward, without even looking where he was going he began to perfectly run down the road while filming me.

"Daughter! You better pick up the pace if you don't want to get eaten!" Hunson shouted at me causing my eyes to open wide in shock.

'HOW!?' I angrily watched Hunson somehow sprint backward before hearing the snow crunch faster behind me.

Turning around I saw at least 9 Oozers have begun to chase me. "Ahhhh! Why aren't you helping!? Normally you help if there's more than 3!" I shouted at Hunson as I picked up my pace to chase after him.

"Don't worry honey! You'll be fine! Just don't die!" He laughed as he continued to film me running from the Oozers.

'Shoot! I am going to run out of energy if I keep this up!' I thought tiredly. My body was already sore and exhausted from my earlier training with Hunson, and it could barely continue to run forward.

*Grahhh!* The moans got louder as I heard them right behind me.

"Ahhhh! Think! Think! Uhhh!" I shouted as I looked around my surroundings before seeing an alley in the distance with a fence and a large pallet at the entrance. 

"Boom! Idea!" I shouted as I made a sharp turn into the alley before grabbing the pallet and using it as a temporary blockade. I heard multiple groans as the Oozers fought to get over the pallet giving me a few seconds of valuable time. Running towards the trash can I pulled myself on top of it and nearly slipped while doing so. 

"Parkour!" I yelled as I ran across the wet trash can only to feel it rumble. Suddenly a green melted hand punched a hole through the cover of it causing me to nearly lose my balance.

"AHHH!" I screamed in fear before hearing a shattering noise. Looking behind me I saw the pallet was smashed and all the Oozers were rushing me.

'Now or never!' I hastily thought before running and jumping off the edge of the trash can and grabbing the edge of the tall wooden fence. 

It was almost like a scene from an action movie. The Oozer from the trash can reached for my leg and just barely missed it as I jumped away from it. Around 12 Oozers fought each other to make their way through the narrow alleyway leaving green acid everywhere as they tried to get to me. 

As for me, I was hanging on the edge of a slippery wooden fence with a horde of Oozers clawing at the fence to get to me. Taking a glance down I almost let go of the fence from sheer fear.

'Be strong!' I pumped myself up before groaning as I pulled myself up over the edge of the fence. "Gyhhh! Bam! Let's go!" I cheered happily as I made it over the edge of the fence, landing in a pile of old sweaters.

"Ha! Eat that Hunson, I ain't dying today!" I cheered happily only to hear the snow in front of me crunch.

Snapping my gaze forward I saw the last thing that I wanted to. Another Oozer and I now had nowhere to go.

'Oh Glob! Uhhh!' I looked around for any possible escape only to see a hole being punched into the fence behind me by the other Oozers.

"Crap…" I quietly muttered as I frantically looked for anywhere to go. Walking backward I dodged the grabs of the Oozers on the other side of the fence and backed into a corner.

'Is this it?' I thought in despair as I watched the Oozer get closer and closer to me while groaning. 'Am I really going to die a third time?' was the only thought that was ringing around my head.

Raising up my hands to at least try and fight back I was gifted a miracle in the form of a giant double-sided red axe chopping the Oozer in half.

"Hey, chump step off from my daughter." Hunson coldly said as in one hand he had a camera and the other the axe that he just used to cut the Oozer in half.

"Eugh!" Hunson flinched back in disgust as some Oozer juice got onto his pristine red boots. "Gross, okay Marceline let's go I think that's enough fun for now," Hunson muttered as he grabbed my arm, pulling me with him as we left the alley.

My heart was beating like a jackhammer. 'I nearly just died again…' I blinked once, then twice before feeling tears leave my eyes. 'I nearly just died! Again!' I shouted in my mind as I followed Hunson.

Looking at Hunson I saw that he was no longer as happy as he was earlier. He had put the camera away to hold my hand, while the other hand carried the double-bladed axe as we walked down the road.

Whenever an Oozer approached us he would glare and simply swipe the axe in their direction, cutting them in half as an arc of darkness would fly in their direction.

'I need to be stronger…' I felt determined when those thoughts bounced around my head. Fate changed, and I did something that the original Marceline never would. "Huns-no Dad, I need to be stronger," I said with determination while looking at the back of my Dad's head.

Hunson stopped in place when he heard those words, before happily turning to look at me with a large grin plastered across his face. "I know right? You are all mushy and soft right now but don't worry kiddo I will fix that." He said before turning to look down the road.

I watched as he turned his back on me with his guard completely lowered. 'Shelve that thought of strength, he's open!' I thought before raising a fist aimed at his liver.

He didn't notice my actions and chuckled lightly before saying. "Well kid, best we get a mov-ugh!" Hunson gasped in pain as I molly-whopped him right in his liver.

"Womp! First lesson you taught me! Don't let your guard down!" I cheerfully laughed as I watched him groan in pain from his now bruised liver. Seeing him on the ground I decided to make sure he stayed down by kicking him in between his legs.

"Aghh! Ohhhggh… why..." He groaned in pain while clutching his legs. 

I looked at him on the ground and did a small dance. "Now you can't kill Hambo! Haha! Get trashed on!" I laughed loudly while he groaned in pain on the ground.

It got even better as I saw the camera fall out of his pocket, leading to me picking it up and filming the entire experience. It was what one could say was the perfect end to a day of trouble and turmoil, except for the part of him being mad after it.


(Time Skip 4 Years)

"No Dad! I don't care how many times you try to convince me with awesome gifts I don't want to rule this trash pit!" I yelled at my Dad after knocking away a living snake necklace that he tried gifting me.

Hunson looked a little depressed at seeing this before he smiled and laughed. "Ah guess you aren't old enough to care yet, oh well. Don't forget tonight you gotta fight some more bozos!" 

And with those words, Hunson closed my door to the room I've had for 4 years. Turning around I flopped on my bed before staring at my axe set up in the corner of the room.

'Ughh how did it come to this? 4 Years in this dump…' I thought dejectedly while remembering what led me to get here. 

It all started after I filmed kicking Hunson in the marbles, and that led to him getting pretty angry. Enough that he made me fight off any Oozers that approached us for the rest of our trip to his "special spot". 

What was this "special spot" you might ask? Well, it was a portal. A portal to the Nightosphere that was in the cellar of some dead creepazoids basement. I remember being opposed to going in the portal, I even fought Hunson to not go but he just simply picked me up and dragged me in.

Since then he has been showing me around the Nightosphere, training me to fight, and teaching me to be his heir. For the entire time that I have been down here, he has been trying to get me to sign a contract saying that I accept being his heir. 

At first, it was just him trying to guide me into signing his contract, then when that didn't work he made me fight some dumb demons that he rules. When he watched a few matches of me fighting his demons that "volunteered" to fight me loose, he began trying to tempt me with gifts.

And that began a full year ago. I am now a little over 11 years old and I have begun to grow into being an adult. It was weird at first, considering that both of my memories have never dealt with girl puberty before, but I have been handling it the best that I can.

Apparently, Dad had no clue what was happening to me when I had… that… the thing that happens once a month…

Yeah it was really awkward, he got really nervous thinking I was cursed or something, and then he began rampaging until finally he calmed down and yanked one of the surviving humans from the surface to help me.

Said humans also didn't know what was happening as when I told him my age he said that it couldn't be possible, then my Dad began freaking out again until he remembered that demons mature faster, and then the whole ordeal was over.

'That really was the worst.' I shuddered at the memories of how awkward and scarring that situation was. 

Demons mature a few years ahead of humans so that was a really awkward situation. According to Dad, demons once they reach early adulthood they pretty much stop aging. They don't stop entirely but I guess that's why in the Farm-World Universe, Marceline could live to 1000.

Besides all the jazz about learning about my physiology, I have been taught everything that I didn't know before. Politics, schooling, shady deals… everything. Hunson has deemed it important to know a little bit of everything considering he wants me to be his heir, so I now have to take classes from him every day.

But that wasn't the worst part about being here. No, the worst part was that I was almost always with Hunson! Every day he teaches me to fight, makes me fight his cronies, teaches me school junk, and finally he tries to convince me to sign that damned contract almost every other hour.

I could put up with the intense heat, the lame smell, the bananas, and even the literal Hell that the Nightosphere is. It's just that Hunson makes it almost impossible to do anything!

He eats my food, he complains that I suck, and he bothers me nonstop while knowing no personal space at all!

"Yip!" a strange bird-dog amalgamation flew up to the ledge of my window making me jump from my thoughts. It was a horrible nightmare child of a dog and a hawk, having a pug's size, but having a dog-sized hawks head. Feathers didn't even grow fully on parts of it.

 Taking a quick look at the creature I watched it make a noise again before inverting itself… Literally inverting itself.

"UGH GROSS!" I yelled and flinched back as I watched the weird pug-hawk hybrid start jumping around the ledge of my window, with each step making a fleshy squish noise.

"Yip! Yip!" The thing continued hopping around before flapping its wings in an attempt to fly onto my bed only for it to land in a meaty squish on the floor. 

"Step off! Step off!" I threw a few mock punches at the creature before I heard something I would dread. 

"Yip!" "Yip!" "Yip!" "Yip!" I heard multiple yips before I saw 5 more of them fly through my window. Once they landed they too… inverted onto my floor, jumping around and pecking things in my room.

"Ahh! Gross! Hey! Don't touch that!" I shouted as I watched one of the curious creatures try to peck a picture I drew of Simon on the floor.

'Yeah no these ugglies gotta go' I thought darkly before punting one of the creatures into the wall. 

"Step off!" I shouted before I watched the rest of the creatures stop moving to slowly turn towards me. One hopped, then another, and finally, the rest all began hopping towards me while the one recovering from my kick got back up and charged me.

"AHHH! THEY'RE JUMPING ME!" I started really screaming now, as all of the inverted dog-birds tried to peck my legs. 

Stepping backwards I tripped on one of the dog-birds that were pecking my foot, falling over onto my back. 

The creatures took this chance to reignite their attack on me, and each began to hop toward my face.

"AHHH! STEP OFF! STEP OFF!" I screamed as I felt their meaty faces begin to peck my face. Punching a few off from me I backed away and kicked one into the air, only for it to land onto my portrait of Simon that I was making.

'Wait what!? No!' I watched as the inverted dog-bird left a large stain on my portrait causing me to get furious.

Staring at the ruined portrait I felt the creatures begin to peck my leg again, but I completely ignored it. 'The portrait… it's… ruined.' I sadly thought before grabbing my axe off the wall.

"Ahh! I said! Step Off!" I shouted as I felt a somewhat familiar energy flow from my chest, into my arm, and down into the blade of the axe. Once this energy reached the edges of the axe blade I watched it take on an eerie dark glimmer.

Swinging my axe while yelling I watched a dark crescent shoot out from the axe, chopping all but two of the dog-birds in half. 

'Oh, crap.' I looked at the large line cut into the wall while ignoring the cut-up birds. "Crap" I muttered before looking at the last two dog-birds before punting each out the window.

"Crap! Oh, this is bad!" I shouted as I watched my wall collapse from the large slash that was cut through it. "Dad going to kill me!" I dreaded what Hunson would do to me.

I knew Hunson wouldn't actually kill me as this has happened before, but he will almost certainly get mad. And a mad Hunson means I get put through literal torture, be it training or class.

"Daughter! What a fine job you did killing those goobers!" The very person I dreaded voiced out from behind me. 

Flicking my head around as fast as possible I saw him squinting his eyes while smiling darkly. "I see you have been paying attention to what I have been teaching you! There is only one thing you messed up on!" He yelled the last bit.

'Uh oh…' I whimpered slightly while hugging the axe to my chest.

"And… what is that… Dad?" I slowly asked, already knowing I would be afraid of whatever answer he gave.

His form slowly morphed, at first his neck twisted around a full 360 degrees. Then it was his head elongating and growing large, as dark inky black tentacles grew out from his back. Finally, his form shifted into what one could only call an Eldritch Horror. 

"YoU FoRgOT AbOuT YOuR CoNtROl LeSSoN!~" He yelled ferociously before a dark tentacle from him came flying towards me.

"Ahh! I'm sorrrryyyy!" I yelled while dodging the tentacle, watching it leave a crater on the floor. 'BAIL BAIL!' My mind shouted at me to run… and run is what I did.

"GeT BAcK HeRe!" Hunson yelled monstrously as more of his tentacles began to swing and miss my form running out the door.

"PLEASE FORGIVEEEE ME!" I yelled as my voice got further and further from Hunson, my little form already running down the hall.

The room was left completely silent except for the monstrous cackling of Hunson echoing around the room. Slowly his form shifted back into a more human form, with a pristine black suit and bright red boots.

"Ahhh" Hunson sighed before wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "That was funny, always makes me crack up seeing her scream for her life! Welp best get this fixed up." He muttered the last bit before walking out of the room to find some of his demon henchmen to repair the room.

"That girl is just getting stronger and stronger…" He muttered while looking at the dark red floor.

Quickly turning he glanced at the wall and thought back to the one thing that Marceline had ever asked of him. Her asking for help to get stronger.

'Welp… don't worry sweety, I'll make sure no gonk will be able to pull your leg too easily… I promise.' Hunson was left with only his thoughts and the sound of his boots clicking against the floor to keep him company while walking down the hallway of his castle.


 A/N: Helllllllooooo! It's me! I am sorry for this mid chapter but I have been busy today writing for college. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the brief bit of comedy in this chap.

Next chapter look forward to seeing more about the Nightosphere, more of Marcelines daily life, and more about her past self.

Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I haven't had much time to reread or correct this chap, Anyways!

If you enjoyed this chapter or story so far make sure to save it to your library or comment! Bye bye~.

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