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72.4% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 242: 242 Loki's Massacre, My Deer Friend Noko-tan and Bocchi's Despair.

Capítulo 242: 242 Loki's Massacre, My Deer Friend Noko-tan and Bocchi's Despair.

While Allen was having trouble with Bocchi, the second doll, a girl in a schoolgirl uniform and deer antlers, was having a conversation with the system.

*???'s POV*

In this world, there are wondrous and inexplicable creatures, but it's each person's responsibility to open their heart and accept them as they are because that's what makes a deer.

[That phrase is very strange...]

(A/N: Remember that dolls can communicate directly with the system.)

My name is Kanoko Noko, you can call me Noko-tan~


I'm a hybrid between a human and a deer.

[That explains the horns...]

Now, the reason I'm here... I forgot it!


Details don't matter; now I must repay my debt to Onii-san (Brother).

[With the host? What kind of debt do you have with him?]

My arrival in this world is the greatest blessing that could exist, although to move around, I had to sucked Allen Onii-san's energy.

[Don't say 'sucked,' it sounds vulgar.]

Anyway, I've been waiting for my moment to come out. I thought I'd do it at Christmas dressed as Santa Claus.

[In your case, wouldn't it be better to be dressed as a reindeer?]

IDIOT! I'm a deer, not a reindeer! It's like saying a human should dress as a chimpanzee!

[Oh... sorry.]

Hee hee, don't worry, system-chan. Your deer sister has a big heart, and I'll forgive you this time~


Well, kind viewers, you've already noticed that I'm unique, sexy, adorable, and the perfect waifu, so I hope for your support from now on!

[Who are you talking to?]

Ara~ Lying is not good, system-chan~


Well, it's time for Noko-tan to make her appearance and help find Bocchi-chan!~

[No, the host already found her...]





(Five minutes earlier)

Allen snapped out of his surprise and decided to search for Bocchi after understanding the situation.

Gwen proceeded to give Allen a description of the girl. She had long pink hair, big blue eyes, and an expression of absolute depression and despair.

"She also had a large bust and was very pretty..." Gwen narrowed her eyes as she said the last phrase. Allen coughed, feeling like a Rentarou version of the hundred girlfriends with waifus by correspondence. He kissed Gwen, knowing she wasn't truly upset.

"I'll be back soon," Allen said.

"Allen," Gwen stopped Allen before he left, her expression worried. "I'm not fragile, but even I would feel lost in a strange world far from everything and everyone I know."

"I know... I'll find her."

Wednesday, Rebecca, Artoria, Esdeath, Makima, 2B... each one is a unique and different woman. While Wednesday used to be relatively common, this time what Allen had feared happened: an ordinary girl arrived in this world as a doll.

"Ordinary?" Allen frowned as he flew over the New York skyline. There's a detail that doesn't match Bocchi's description, and Allen couldn't ignore it.

Allen was surprised when the girl turned to dust and disappeared. Dolls have a kind of teleportation ability and can become invisible, but it doesn't work and doesn't look like how Gwen described it.

Magic, spiritual powers, special abilities—could the girl be not ordinary?

The physical description Gwen gave didn't help Allen identify the girl among the long list of dolls. There are some girls with pink hair on the dolls list, but he doesn't feel like any of them have those kinds of abilities...

Of course, Allen couldn't know that Bocchi would gain powers to alter reality upon arriving at Marvel.

Is it too much to believe that a high school girl dealing with depression, social anxiety, and low self-esteem could have such powers?

In anime, there are characters capable of crazy things but not taken seriously, like Arale causing chaos and effortlessly defeating Vegeta.

Throughout Bocchi The Rock, Bocchi makes references to other series, explodes, teleports, disappears, and turns into different things like a slug or even Godzilla, Gotohzilla—the latter only in her mind.

Upon becoming a doll, Hitori Gotou (Bocchi) underwent a strange phenomenon where her illusions seemed to acquire some reality...

Allen flew all over New York, but it was a huge city, and he didn't know where to start. The reason Allen doesn't think Bocchi is out of NYC is because he feels her close. Allen has a connection with the dolls, and even if he doesn't know where she is specifically, he can sense her relative position.

Bocchi clung to the Statue of Liberty, trembling with a darkened look.

"I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die..."

Bocchi knew that thinking pessimistically wouldn't help, but there was no way a lonely girl who spent her time locked in her room playing guitar would have the mental fortitude to handle such a situation.

"I don't want to die!"

A gust of wind caused Bocchi to lose her balance, but she recovered.

"No, this is your bad habit Hitori. Okay, let's analyze the situation. I'm in an unknown place out of nowhere, maybe this is an isekai."

(A/N: Technically, it is...)

Confidence shone in Bocchi's eyes. She knew that being in an isekai meant she should have received a golden finger.

"I think I feel something!" Bocchi began to perk up, escaping into her fantasies.

Bocchi saw it as a modern city and not a fantasy world.

"Maybe I have superpowers!" Bocchi suddenly felt powerful. "Hahaha!"

Like a person in prolonged social isolation, Hitori often fantasizes about things she desires but doesn't have.

A gust of wind pushed her a bit, and Bocchi trembled as she clung to the statue.

Bocchi shook her head vigorously. "Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri"

(Muri = Impossible)

"I'm sorry, God. Hitori is a foolish and arrogant girl. How dare she think that such a pathetic and miserable existence like hers can earn your favor!"

Bocchi started crying as she trembled.

"I want to go home! I'm sorry for being such a pathetic girl! Improve my life! I won't lock myself in anymore!" Hitori looked at the sky, thinking her life would end like this. "At least I'd like a safe place... In the end, I never achieved anything with my life."

Bocchi made a lot of promises, but nothing happened. However, when she wished for a safe place, she teleported.


Allen searched for Bocchi everywhere without success.


Looking down, he saw a woman being mugged in an alley. MJ and Gwen aren't working as superheroes now, Allen was in a hurry but didn't want to ignore it so he landed.

The thief panicked at the sight of someone falling from the sky but immediately shot in fear. The bullets hit Allen but seemed to hit a steel wall and didn't even tear Allen's clothes.

"Allen... Walker?!" The woman was scared but recognized who had saved her, and her face lit up. She got mad at the thief and kicked him in the groin.

"Ahhhhh!!" The man groaned and fell to the ground.

"Allen, can I take a picture with you?!" The woman ran excitedly towards Allen. "No one will believe I met you kyaah!!"

"I didn't need to save you, right?" Allen had an awkward smile as the woman in her thirties pulled out a phone.

"Haha~ that's not true. I wouldn't attack an armed thief if you weren't here," the woman winked at Allen.

Finally, Allen took a picture with the woman, and she left happily while receiving dozens of messages and calls from her family and friends.

Allen looked at the man and wrote a spell in the air to teleport him to the police station with a USB from the system recording everything that happened.


Allen left the alley. The huge buildings of this massive city would make it difficult to find the girl.

"You seem troubled, brother~"

Allen stopped and looked up. There was a girl with deer horns hanging from two power lines. She had dark brown hair and wore a Japanese schoolgirl uniform.

Allen looked dazedly at the girl. "I think you need more help!"

"Nah~ this is part of my performance, don't worry!" The girl smiled arrogantly and gave a thumbs-up.

"I see... then I won't bother you." Allen continued walking without looking back.

"Wait, Onii-san! Don't let this cute deer die here!"

Allen instinctively felt he shouldn't get involved with that horned girl. However, ignoring her also seemed wrong.


Allen decided to help her down; he floated over to where she was and grabbed her waist, realizing at that moment that the girl was a doll.

The girl smiled happily. "I'm alive!"

"Let's have a treat~" The girl grabbed one of the horns of her own head, pulled it off and opened it to pull out a banana., which she happily ate. "Delicious :3"

"I didn't realize until now that she was a doll!" Allen looked cautiously at the deer girl. Just then, the horn she had taken off reappeared as if nothing had happened.


[Host, this is the girl who's been sleeping in your inventory for a year!]

"That's impossible; the girl in my inventory was Ophis from DxD!"

"HAHAHA," the deer girl laughed and crossed her arms. "Onii-san, a quality deer knows that camouflage is the best defense."

The girl suddenly turned into Ophis. Allen frowned; he didn't know this girl at all.

"Who are you?"

"Hehe, I'm Kanoko Noko, you can call me Noko-tan!" The girl disappeared and reappeared next to Allen with the appearance of a character from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Then she licked his cheek. "I hope we get along well, Onii-san ❤️~"

Allen felt like he had met someone very troublesome.


In a distant galaxy, a humanoid alien knelt before an imposing throne.

"The Tesseract has awakened... on a small planet..."

"Humans desire its power but only our ally knows the true potential of the Tesseract."

"Soon our path will be paved, that world will be his, and the universe yours..."

The figure on the throne did not respond as if seeing something more in what was happening. This giant with purple skin had his arms rested with barely perceptible movements.

He knew it was not his moment; he was patient and careful with each step he took. To his subordinates, Loki might triumph, but to this purple-skinned man, Loki was merely a pawn destined to serve in measuring the strength of the Earth.


The Enchantress was a beautiful woman, blonde with a natural seductive charm, yet her laughter was laced with poisonous thorns.

"Wait, Loki." She made a gesture with her hands and Loki regained the scepter he had once lost. He looked puzzled at the Enchantress, but she was under no obligation to explain how she got it back.

"A woman has her secrets~"

Loki snorted at her reply but thought no more of it and advanced. He knew this was his last chance; if he lost again, even if his father and brother did not kill him, that monster that haunted Loki would find and kill him.

"No! I am a King! IT IS MY RIGHT!"

Loki remembered the nights his mother and brother visited him in prison. Loki hesitated for a moment but grabbed the scepter.

"I was born with a glorious purpose..."

- "Is this your glorious purpose, god of lies?"

Allen's words hammered Loki's mind painfully, fueling his anger.

"Shut up, mortal!"

Loki shouted at Allen in his mind; he could not forget the last look of pity on Allen's face.


What was the Tesseract and why did everyone want it?

The Tesseract was being researched at Project P.E.G.A.S.S.U.S., which was a top-secret scientific facility in the Mojave Desert, United States. The principal head of this project was Dr. Erik Selvig, who was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Tesseract is a bright blue metallic cube with golden markings. At its center lies a brilliant blue gem, the Space Stone, which is one of the Infinity Stones.

Everyone in that facility was evacuating as Nick Fury and Maria Hill arrived by helicopter to be greeted by Phillip Coulson.

"Agent Coulson, how bad is it?"

"That's the problem, we don't know," Phillip said as he escorted Fury and Maria inside. "Selvig detected an energy surge in the Tesseract hours ago."

"The NASA hadn't given Selvig permission to investigate."

"He wasn't investigating, it activated on its own," Coulson replied.

Fury frowned; the value of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. was too great to fail at such an early stage.

On the way to the lab, Fury sent Coulson to finish the evacuation and Maria to move the phase two prototypes of the project out of here.


Upon entering the lab, Fury saw a glowing object surrounded by several scientists, among them Erik Selvig, a middle-aged Caucasian man with a bit of a paunch.

"Dr. Selvig, what's happening?"

"The Tesseract is misbehaving," Servig replied as he walked towards Fury.

"Am I supposed to laugh?"

"I'm sorry, it... it's manifesting; energy levels spiked uncontrollably out of nowhere."

"Can't you shut it down?" Fury asked, looking at the shimmering cube.

"The Tesseract is a power source; when you turn it off, it immediately turns itself back on!"

"We can't afford to lose the chance to control space energy." Fury gave a severe look and a grave tone. "Allen Walker made it clear; we are not alone in the universe, and there are many worlds beyond ours, all real and dangerous."

"I know..." Servig looked worried.

"By the way, where's Agent Barton?" asked Fury?

"Hawkeye? He never leaves his nest," Erik pointed to the roof where Hawkeye was watching the situation closely.

Nick Fury was in the same situation as many in the world; all this time they thought they lived in the desert, but it turned out to be a carefully overcrowded apartment. Can you blame them for being afraid? However, playing with such a powerful artifact they can't even comprehend could destroy the world.

Maria radioed Fury, in favor of informing all personnel of the danger, but Fury refused.

"Until the world disappears, the world will function as usual," he told Maria.

"At least you can warn Allen," Maria advised, and Fury fell silent. After a moment's hesitation, Fury gave permission but at the same time prepared to take the Tesseract from this installation.

"Director," Hawkeye said after descending.

"Barton, I asked you to keep an eye on the project."

"I see better from afar, and Servig is honest; he hasn't contacted anyone. Whatever activated the cube, it wasn't from our side?"

Upon hearing Clint Barton's words, Fury raised an eyebrow. "From our side?"

"Yes, that thing is a door to the other side of space... do doors open from both sides?"

With Hawkeye's words hanging like a curse, the Tesseract began to activate and created a portal. Shortly after, a figure knelt through the portal.

The malevolent smile of an old acquaintance caught them by surprise.

"Tsk, I knew it was a bad idea to let this mad god return with the Viking." Clint Barton drew his bow and shot an arrow.

Loki destroyed it with a blast from his scepter, then fired again, killing several agents and scientists. Coulson shielded Fury, and chaos ensued. Loki breathed heavily as he attacked everyone.

"All of this has a reason!... I am right!"


A/N: Loki went from villain to madman...

"My Deer friend Noko-tan"

Kanoko Nokotan can be a difficult girl to deal with because of her personality, but I think she will be nice to have around the house.

My new patreon is:

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