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4.08% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 12: The dangerous sex doll Wednesday Addams

Capítulo 12: The dangerous sex doll Wednesday Addams

When a person feels in danger, their response might be to freeze, flee, or fight.

'This will hurt tomorrow,' thought Allen with an ironic smile.

Ever since he felt his life was in danger, his instinctive response was to use his arms for defense. A stab in the arms was better than one in the neck; then, Allen would take out the neuralyzer to stop girl, but it wasn't necessary.

"What?!" Surprised, Allen looked at the gothic girl who stopped her attack. Allen felt odd seeing Wednesday here, but even more so when she stopped. According to what he knew of her, the sadistic Addams gothic girl, Wednesday wouldn't hesitate to stab someone if that was her goal.

"I lost the bet..." murmured Wednesday before dropping the knife and remaining silent in front of Allen.

"Are you Wednesday Addams? Are you the real Wednesday Addams? Are you the girl that was in the coffin?" Allen stopped before calling her a sex doll, he thought it would be rude. He still had too many questions here.

[Host, are you okay? I seriously recommend using the neuralyzer; then you can ask her whatever you want.]

"Thanks for caring about me, but I think it's all right," Allen could tell by Wednesday's expression that she wouldn't attack him.

Wednesday's eyes were cold and indifferent as she looked at Allen. "You're quite observant, master. Although it's pretty obvious, yes, I am your sex doll."

Wednesday was not a girl who felt ashamed of speaking plainly. It's a fact that She was the sex doll that was in the coffin.

[This is...]

"System, do you know what's happening?"

[She's a doll physically, but it seems she has her soul. I don't know who or what reincarnated her, but it's a cruel entity for doing so.]

"Wait! Souls? Reincarnate? I can't keep up with this," Allen took a step back and breathed deeply. He thought Wednesday was just a normal doll that came to life, but if she has a soul, it means someone put it in that doll. He doubted that Wednesday herself would have wanted this.

There are many questions and few answers. Allen kept getting himself into weird situations. Since he saw Hulk on TV and Tony Stark admitted to being a superhero, he knew his world wasn't normal. But Wednesday's existence goes beyond a green monster and futuristic technology.

"Wednesday... do you know what you are?" Allen asked, feeling a knot in his stomach.

Wednesday sighed as she crossed her arms. "You're quite stupid if you ask the same thing twice. Yes, I'm the doll you ordered. For some reason, I have consciousness. I don't know why I'm alive. I have memories of my life as Wednesday Addams, but at the same time, I'm aware that I'm a sex doll, and you're my owner. Additionally, I tried to stab you to gain my freedom."

"Wait, how would killing me give you your freedom? I have no intention of stopping you; I didn't even know this would happen."

"I know that... I heard your conversation with the girl you call the system."

"What?!" Allen felt a wave of terror hearing that someone could hear his conversations with the system. He assumed that not even God could, as it was in the stories he read.

[Don't worry, Host. Even the true god of telepathy wouldn't be able to hear me speak. It's just that that doll... Wednesday is classified as your property. It's like an object, and therefore, can hear me.]

The system immediately discovered the reason why Wednesday could hear and blocked that connection so she couldn't hear her speak.

[Also, she can only hear me when we're close and I allow it.]

"It's true, it's a shame. You're the kind of girl I don't dislike," said Wednesday, feeling a sort of wall between the system and her.

But Allen, on the other hand, focused on another matter, he felt displeased hearing that Wednesday was like an object of his property. How can a girl be an object?

[Host, don't be mistaken, she is physically an inanimate object that is effectively your property. Unfortunately, there's a soul that reincarnated there, it's not the fault of either of you.]

"Can you free her?" Allen asked.

[That would be equivalent to killing her.]

'What?!... darn it, it's true, she has reincarnated into the doll; releasing her would mean killing her.'

Wednesday sighed; she was trapped in a situation with no escape other than death. Although she didn't rule out that option herself, Wednesday is not a girl who fears death. In fact, as a proud member of the Addams family, she awaits death with a cup of coffee and cookies.

Allen, on the other hand, found himself in another unwanted predicament, one that forced him to make another difficult decision.

"Darn it, my bad luck is on a streak! It's the second time it forced me into a fucking situation!" Allen started losing patience and with it, decency. When his emotions stir, he tends to start swearing a lot.

'Freeing Wednesday from being a doll involves her death; on the other hand, not doing so, she would be treated as an object,' Allen began to internally debate which was the best decision. But neither of the previous two options gave a perfect result. It's a shame, but that's how difficult decisions always are, or they wouldn't be difficult.

Wednesday looked at Allen intensely and expressionless; she knew her fate was in Allen's hands.

"Wednesday, give me your hand..."

After a couple of minutes, with a serious look, Allen approached Wednesday to ask for her hand.

Wednesday trembled at the request but extended her hand toward him. Allen's face darkened upon seeing this; she did it against her will. Allen understood that Wednesday couldn't disobey any of his orders.

Clamping his teeth, Allen knew that doing this to a person goes beyond unpleasant. If Allen were a bastard the doll would have a miserable future.

"Wednesday Addams from now on," Allen shook his head and didn't think more, he was going to set her free.

[Host, I don't know the origin of this, but by seeing the way Wednesday's soul connects to the doll and with you, if he breaks the connection with her, Wednesday Addams' soul will leave the doll; in other words, she will die.]

"Impossible! Didn't you say she reincarnated?!" Allen got upset upon hearing this, as it only complicated everything.

[Host, think about it, she has no internal organs, and she cannot eat or sleep. Where does she get the energy to move?]

"From me?"

Wednesday pursed her lips upon hearing that. It's true, Allen couldn't free her because she's something that shouldn't exist. If Wednesday were a ghost possessing the doll, it would be different, but she reincarnated into the doll. If something happened to her body, she'd feel it. She lives and dies with the body of Wednesday Addams' doll.

Allen felt as if someone was making him eat tar. He touched his forehead, feeling tired. Someone made sure Allen couldn't make an easy decision.

Letting go of Wednesday is killing her. But leaving things as they are is something Allen wouldn't like. Allen couldn't bear the responsibility of knowing that with just an order from his mouth, Wednesday would take her own life.

"Things were easier when I only had to worry about a debt," Allen sighed, unable to do anything else. Allen slapped his cheeks hard and looked at Wednesday determinedly. "It's enough!"

The girl observed Allen with deep and lifeless eyes. No matter how indifferent and emotionless she might appear, she is not a robot; she feels and, therefore, can suffer.

But what could Wednesday do? She knows she's beautiful; she knows most men would kill to be in this situation. She knows even saints and heroes would be tempted to have a woman who would unconditionally obey them. Wednesday could only accept her fate.

"Wednesday, from now on, I command you to disobey me if you find my requests unpleasant," Allen declared as he let out the air from his lungs. "But you remain mine."

Against his morality, Allen decided to be a shit and have Wednesday as his property, but he also gave her a certain degree of freedom. It's not the best decision, but it would work.

"Huh?!" Wednesday's eyes went completely wide; she had never been more surprised by anything. She looked at Allen as if she were seeing a weird bug.

For the first statement, it's easy to know what would happen; Allen wouldn't strip a girl of her dignity. Wednesday knew this because, in this short period, she could see a bit of Allen's nature, and although he's quite selfish, he's not a bastard. But even she didn't know what to say to the second statement.

Did he tell her to be his?

Wednesday hid a strange sensation in her chest that she couldn't explain.


*Wednesday's POV*

It was dark, cold, and silent... a pleasant environment in my opinion. I couldn't speak or move, so my first thought was that someone had kidnapped me.

Minutes passed, and I waited for someone to come and demand money. Well, there's a chance that they aim for my organs; in that case, I can admire the good taste of my kidnappers.

After all, my body is still healthy, pure, and perfect; they would pay a lot for my heart, liver, lungs, and other organs.

Jokes aside, unlike my parents, I don't see my pain and suffering as pleasure and a delight in life.

I maintain a radical stance and think that others' suffering is better. So, I wouldn't want them to take my organs... yet.

Sure, there's also the possibility that they desire my body to commit indecent acts. Unfortunately, even if I'm indifferent to torture, my pride screams that I must give the worst possible death to any bastard who tries to take my purity.

But first... I need more information...

My name is Wednesday, a proud member of the Addams family. Knowing my family's long history, it's easy to deduce that this could be revenge from one of our enemies. I hope they show up soon.

I waited and waited... Hours passed, and no one came to demand anything... how unprofessional.

Days passed, and still, there was silence and darkness...

As expected, I reevaluated my situation, and my conclusion was that I was dead. I don't know how, when, why, and by whose fault, but I was embraced by the coldness of death.

I feel frustrated. Though knowing me, I should have died after enormous resistance and, hopefully, taken my killer with me. If not, my father would be disappointed.

It's curious; I expected a sea of fire and a huge crowd of people suffering in hell, and it wasn't like that. Just emptiness and the despair of nothing. I wasn't wrong; my stance toward death was always scientific, and I expected eternal nothingness upon dying. But deep down, I wished I was wrong and that hell existed, because absolute "nothing" is boring

I'm not wrong, but being right doesn't give me as much satisfaction as I thought.

I would have liked to lead a life different from my parents; I would have liked to live longer... but I guess I'll just accept this fate.

I always hated being surrounded by people for too long, but now I can't feel completely comfortable if there's nothing.

More time passed, and I saw a light... I didn't expect an exit from here, but whatever it is, it's better than absolute nothingness.

I went toward the light...

After the light dimmed, it was dark and cold again but not silent; I heard a person nearby, it was the voice of a guy and a girl.

My first thought was that I wasn't dead but in a coma, or maybe I was dead and had just reincarnated.

I quickly understood my situation because a wave of basic information entered my mind. I was a doll, destined to be an object to fulfill a man's desires. I felt disgusted upon realizing that, but at the same time, I felt better. Anything was better than that place; I wouldn't have even endured an eternity in nothingness. However, thinking about my future, I felt repulsion towards that destiny.

I am a sex doll, and my owner is the young man I'm hearing. I can't accept it, no matter how suitable it may be for what I am now; I can't accept something like this.

I continued to hear Allen Walker's voice along with the emotionless woman's voice. Despite hating socializing, I don't think I'll get along badly with her.

I thought of waiting for my chance for a final desperate attempt at rebellion and a glorious, beautiful death.

Allen is my owner, and I'm obliged to follow all his orders, no matter how degrading they might be. But if I don't give him time to order anything, perhaps I'll have a chance.

I involuntarily heard everything that happened. It seems my owner is not a normal person. I analyzed every gram of information I obtained and concluded that Allen Walker is unaware of my existence as a thinking being. Additionally, he didn't seem to desire to acquire me.

That changes things; he's innocent...

unfortunately, my survival instinct forces me to accept his sacrifice, even if he's innocent.

I prepared myself, and when he opened the coffin where I was, I acted like a true doll. After he left, I got up. My body felt light; I didn't have a pulse or breathe, but that's normal; I'm a doll.

Allen Walker entered the next room; I took the opportunity and went to the kitchen to get some cutting or stabbing weapon, maybe a knife or something.

Unexpectedly, there were two knives in the room. Unfortunately, they weren't rusty, but I guess this is okay. I shook my head disapprovingly.

What a careless man; bladed weapons should be strategically placed for proper use along with torture tools. No matter, it's convenient for me.

I took the survival knife and returned to the room where my coffin was. My footsteps were almost non-existent due to my weight.

I waited for Allen to return and attempted to stab him, or so I tried. But at the moment I directed my hostility towards him, I felt a horrible impulse to stop. Unable to control my mouth, I spoke with him while trying to move. But I immediately understood; I was his property, and I couldn't harm him.

Then I looked at a young man debating between morality and desires. I must say that despite hating good people, I don't entirely dislike that my destiny depends on one. At least the humiliation of being a sex object can be avoided. As I mentioned before, I don't mind the idea of torture; I could even advise my master. But I wouldn't want to be humiliated.

"Wednesday, give me your hand," said the young man with white hair and light gray eyes.

His words were like an absolute spell that I couldn't refuse. I felt helplessness beyond possible.

All my training... All my preparation... All my skills... All my plans... everything is useless if I can't disobey Allen.

It's over... my only solace is that after analyzing him, I can confirm that he's not an unpleasant bastard. So I guess among the bad endings, he's the best.

After I handed him my hand, he looked at me as if he had tasted spoiled food. Wait, that doesn't sound so bad...

"Don't worry; I can't disobey any of your orders..." I spoke coldly. It's unpleasant, but I'll accept that he's my owner.

Allen slapped his cheeks in a kind of ritual and looked at me seriously.

"Wednesday, from now on, I command you to disobey me if you find my requests unpleasant," Allen declared as he looked at me. "But you remain mine."


I was speechless; I couldn't predict this action, there was no way to understand what he had declared.

"Aren't you afraid I might stab you?" I asked after a while.

"Truthfully, yes... but it's the least I can do to avoid the guilt of not giving you freedom."

My heart beat irregularly; a part of me expected a heart attack.

(A/N: Wednesday doesn't have a heart, but she has a core that functions as one, and that's what can be heard beating.)

"Your actions are not only illogical, they're dangerous," I said, finding it difficult to look him in the face. Am I suffering from a disease?

"I know," his eyes were unwavering in response.

"..." I remained silent; it was the first time I couldn't give an argument.

"It might sound hypocritical, but even if you're free not to obey my orders, I want you to remain my doll."


Now I'm sure I'm having a heart attack, and the worst part is I don't even have a heart.

"Don't regret it," I said, unable to look at him for longer, and I transformed into a two-foot-tall handmade doll. My mind ceased to function, and I decided to remain here.

Perhaps it's my nature as a doll to belong to someone, and of all the people I could have had the misfortune to be my owner, Allen Walker isn't so bad.

Allen approached me and carried me in his arms. It's a strange, unpleasant feeling to feel his warmth, but I've resigned myself to being his doll...


A/N: In the previous chapter it seems that Tony is the bad guy.

Of course not, I love Tony!, he's just joking, you realize he's pretending not to know who Natasha is talking about but he already knows. hahaha

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