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85.71% Really? I'm in Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls) / Chapter 6: Whiterun

Capítulo 6: Whiterun

A voice, a whispering essence, called out my name, its words piercing the darkness like sighs. I sought to find purpose, a destiny, amidst the chaotic waves of my mind. I struggled to grasp its nature, but there was no physical form in this incoherent space, only a tangled web of confusion.

The darkness enveloping me was profound, seeming to have a life of its own, pulsating and undulating like an ocean of uncertainties, each wave whispering fragments of an unknown story. The words of the voice were like distant stars, flickering in a dark firmament, and I longed to decipher their constellation.

My consciousness wandered through this ravine, attempting to unravel the question that called to me. The words seemed to carry a weight, a responsibility that I barely understood. The presence seemed to be made of memories and desires, a fusion of past wills echoing through the void.

Suddenly, I was ripped from this state, opening my eyes to the reality of my room. I sat up in bed, still confused and disoriented, trying to make sense of what had just occurred.

"Good morning, Kvolt," Za'ren-Dar murmured, with a weak smile that couldn't disguise his evident hangover.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, a melancholic humor tingeing my voice.

"No beer and wine for today," he replied, suppressing a nervous laugh. "Anyway, it seems like the time to depart has come."

With a silent nod, we set out on our journey down the main road. The fresh morning air, once carrying the scent of green grass and wildflowers, was now tinged with the acrid smell of smoke and destruction.

We left Riverwood with a knot of anxiety in my stomach, journeying towards Whiterun, the commercial heart of Skyrim. With each step we took, Skyrim's natural beauty transformed into a desolate war-torn landscape.

The once prosperous fields now lay dry and yellowed, marked by craters and furrows carved by swords and arrows. Families of peasants, with weary faces and desperate looks, fled from their devastated lands, carrying the few belongings they had left. The silence was deafening, broken only by the crows cawing over the corpses strewn along the road.

As we pressed forward, our eyes fell upon a scene. A family, a man with tired eyes, his wife with a look of despair, and a young daughter, who must have seen far more than any child deserved.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I approached the man struggling to carry his heavy pack, a symbol of the few possessions that remained.

"Please, tell me," I began courteously, "what is happening here? What is the reason for all this turmoil on the roads leading to Whiterun?"

The man let out a deep sigh, his weary voice echoing the bitterness of his recent experience.

"Don't you know?" He asked wearily. "It's because of the war. Patrols have been reduced in crucial parts of the roads, allowing bandits to proliferate. I've been robbed five times since all this started, had to flee my home. If things continue like this, I could lose my wife and daughter to these monsters."

The man's words entered my ears. The realization that this was now my reality hit hard. But, as an instinct to maintain my own emotional control, I buried the thoughts deep within me.

A natural sigh escaped my lips... Those who only sought a peaceful life and a chance at prosperity were now at the mercy of an uncertainty that threatened to devour what little remained of their hope. The war, with its trail of destruction and despair, revealed itself as a true torment afflicting the land of Skyrim.


After a day and some more time, we caught sight of the walls of the great Whiterun. The city in the distance, vast in proportions that I couldn't mentally measure. Unlike the game, which presented only a few scattered residences, the city sprawled far away, adorned by a profusion of houses clustered around the walls.

"It seems we've finally arrived," the Khajiit proclaimed. "But he presume this is as far as this khajiit can go this time."

"Don't worry, my friend," I reassured him confidently. "My persuasion is as sharp as a Nord warrior's blade. I'll manage to secure us entry into the city."

As we approached the gates of Whiterun, a haughty Altmer crossed our path. His piercing eyes met mine for a brief moment, and I noticed a deep scar marking his mouth. With a cordial nod, he continued on his way.

"That guy gave me chills," I commented, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

Za'ren-Dar chuckled, remarking, "We're in Tamriel, my friend. Here harbors the greatest dangers."

And we continued walking until we reached the gate guards.

"Halt!" the guard on the right barked. "What's your business here?"

"We've come to report to the Jarl about the dragon threat," I replied firmly. "We possess vital information for the city's safety."

The guard eyed me skeptically, his intrusive gaze searching for any signs of falsehood. The other guard, more calm, pondered the situation for a moment.

"Let them in," he finally decided. "The Jarl has ordered that any information about the dragons be prioritized."

"You may pass," the first guard then conceded, but his tone remained hostile. "And watch where you step, Khajiit," he finished, casting a disdainful glance at Za'ren-Dar.

As we entered the gates of Whiterun, my eyes surveyed the vastness of the scene. The city's inhabitants went about their daily tasks, while children ran around, filling the air with laughter and play.

"This Kajhiit owe you thanks, Kvolt," exclaimed Za'ren-Dar, his voice filled with joy. "It's rare for Khajiit to have the opportunity to conduct business in a Skyrim city. I'll make the most of this chance."

"That's true, my friend," I replied, contemplating the grandeur of the walls surrounding Whiterun. "Now, we have important matters to discuss with the Jarl."

The place was more complex than I had thought. My knowledge of the place only helped to recognize some initial residences, but the city was so huge that we had to ask for help from other people not to get lost.

we ascended the stairs that would lead us to the Jarl's palace. Along the way, we were occasionally detained by vigilant guards, whose suspicion especially fell upon my exotic Khajiit companion, whose unusual presence was a constant subject of questioning.

As we crossed the thresholds of the Jarl's grand hall, I was met with the sight of the city's leader, seated on his throne, engaged in a serious conversation with his advisor. The suspicious gaze of Ilieth, the Jarl's Dunmer protector, fell upon us, making me a little tense.

"What do you seek with the Jarl? This is not the time for trivialities," declared Ilieth with authority.

I responded with courtesy, aware of what I was about to reveal: "We have come here to discuss the dragon threat looming over Skyrim."

Ilieth's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "More news? The Jarl must be informed."

We approached the Jarl, who sat in a chair adorned with a latent concern. Proventus Avenicci, the skillful steward by the Jarl's side, broke the silence that enveloped the room upon seeing me.

"What news do you bring to the Jarl?" inquired Proventus, his tone curiously skeptical.

"Allow me," I began with a respectful bow, still uncertain if my clumsy etiquette was not embarrassing me for the occasion. "I have information of utmost importance regarding the recent events involving the dragons."

The Jarl sighed deeply, aware of the news unfolding before us. "It seems these dragons are an undeniable reality. Proceed."

"I myself witnessed the dragon responsible for triggering this crisis and am aware that it is resurrecting its brethren," I continued, sharing the carefully chosen words.

"Resurrecting?" exclaimed Proventus with a touch of disbelief. "That sounds absurd."

Jarl Balgruuf intervened with authority. "Silence! These news suggest we face a real threat. Fortunately, we've sent an eager adventurer in search of the artifact we need."

I contained my curiosity about the mentioned adventurer and continued: "I presume you are referring to the DragonStone, correct?"

The Jarl tilted his head in suspicion. "How do you know of this?"

I noticed a hint of surprise and doubt on Jarl's face. Well... The DragonStone was nothing less than a stone that revealed the places where dragons had been buried by the Nords long ago. This information is of vital importance to the Dragonborn at the beginning of the game, as this artifact contained the map where dragons were buried, which were now being resurrected by Alduin, one by one.

But if someone already had knowledge of all this, it wouldn't be necessary for him to go through all that ordeal. Whoever the Dragonborn is now, he's not an ordinary individual, and proof of that will be when he returns alive from his journey to find the DragonStone.

At this moment, i was still not strong. i was worse, weak, disoriented, and in the short time i spent here, i was already feeling the withdrawal from my unproductive sessions on YouTube and other platforms. But luckily, not all was lost; i have an advantage, knowledge was on myside... And i had to act fast.

"I have also obtained knowledge of this relic from some sources," I admitted. "This relic contains the locations of dragon tombs, being of significant help in tracking which will be the next target of the one responsible for these resurrections, but it's not just for this reason that I'm here."

"No?" questioned the Jarl with curiosity. "Then what else do you know?"

"As I said, I am aware that an ancient dragon is resurrecting its peers. I fear it is a creature that only the Dragonborn can subdue," I revealed with a sigh. "I also know that another dragon plans to attack the Western Watchtower, and there, the Dovahkiin will reveal themselves."

Proventus Avenicci couldn't contain an ironic laugh. "How can you make such claims with such certainty?"

"I witnessed it with my own eyes," I affirmed.

Proventus retorted. "I don't trust your words. Everything you've told us could have been leaked or be lies. And a dragon resurrecting others? It's a joke, it must be."

I ignored him and directed my gaze to the Jarl. "The events in Helgen must have informed you, correct? We are facing something more than superstitions. If you wish, you can send someone to Riverwood to confirm. As for the Dovahkiin, I cannot provide tangible proof, but I ask that you reinforce the garrison at the tower. Soon, we will have the answers we seek. Also, I plan to remain in Whiterun until the dragon in question manifests."

The Jarl, recognizing the importance of the information I brought, raised his head and looked directly at me. "If what you say is true, you have brought us invaluable information. But I must agree with my advisor. How do you know of this information?"

"If I said I was chosen by one of the divines? I think it's hard to believe, right? It wouldn't be well-received," I exclaimed anxiously. "So, I ask you to wait a while, and my predictions should come true."

Proventus couldn't contain his laughter. "A seer? That's all we needed," he said, hand on his forehead and an indignant sigh. "Don't tell me this Khajiit is a sage," Proventus finished with obvious mockery.

The Jarl promptly raised his hand to interrupt his advisor. "I didn't want to believe it either, but the current times leave me apprehensive," he declared, intensifying his gaze with a challenging expression. "You mentioned the gods. Be aware that if this prediction proves false, especially before me, a leader whose responsibilities include the protection of my city and my people.

"...The dissemination of a falsehood of this magnitude will be punishable by death. Do you understand?"

Even though I knew I was right, I swallowed hard, a reflex of fear.

"Time will honor my words. And sir, call me Kvolt," I replied.

Removing his authoritarian expression, a smile spread across the Jarl's face. "I will increase the garrison at the Western Tower; I hope the movement of my men bears fruit. And, is there anything else I can do to stop this dragon?"

"If you could give a pass for me and my Khajiit friend, so that we can move freely around the city. Besides that..." I hesitated. "I'm an apprentice mage with a thirst for knowledge. I would like to learn magic from your mage. Of course, with your permission."

"Hmm... I'll keep my guards watching you," he said, stroking his chin. "So be it. You two will stay here, in Whiterun, under my protection until we confirm all you've told me. But you'll be barred from leaving the city until your prediction comes true. Any attempt to flee will be seen as treason."

Proventus furrowed his brow and shook his head in disagreement. "You'll regret your kindness and naivety, my Jarl."


Korniel Fael

I left Riverwood for a reflective walk, ready to continue my mission to Bleak Falls Barrow. Farendar mentioned something about a DragonStone, and clearly, I couldn't refuse this offer to gather information and gain Balgruulf's trust.

But something happened. Some Thalmor members intercepted my path with inquiries. I had to be careful in my responses, or they would discover that I was not just a simple refugee.

Luckily, they were looking for a Khajiit girl and quickly left when I showed ignorance on the matter. But what were they searching for? Amid threats like dragons, why would they pursue a mere Khajiit?

The Aldmeri Dominion has been increasingly turbulent since the end of the first great war against the Empire. The faction in power seems to be taking increasingly drastic measures for control.

My master will be pleased with the information I have gathered so far. If we can replace the Aldmeri council members, we will be one step closer to power.

We Thalmor and the High Elves need true leadership.

Interrupting my reverie, I noticed a sound coming from the foliage at the Riverwood exit. My eyebrows narrowed slightly as I stealthily walked to identify the problem.

My gaze fell upon the scene. There were two men, perhaps mercenaries, restraining what seemed to be a Khajiit.

The features of this Khajiit are peculiar. Half cat and half human, uncommon traits in the Skyrim region. Or rather, more commonly found in Elsweyr.

It was likely that this was the Thalmor agents' search. A smile couldn't help but spread across my lips.

I approached the scene; the two mercenaries held her to the ground, and their lecherous glances made their repulsive intentions clear. There was no time for words or negotiations. My hand was already on the hilt of one of my blades, and with a swift motion, I plunged into the shadows.

The mercenaries barely had time to realize my presence before my blades pierced their bodies. One, then the other, both fell into silence, shock painted on their faces as life drained from them.

She, a bit frightened, got up. "Why did you save her?" said the Khajiit.

"My curiosity about you led me to dedicate some of my time to you," I replied, casting her an evaluative glance. Her body language's innocence and her weakened appearance intrigued me. What objectives could the Thalmor have with her?

She pouted and threatened to run. But I quickly grabbed her arm.

"Where do you think you're going? Don't tell me I have to put a leash on you?"

"Hissssh!!" The Khajiit emitted a sharp sound, resembling a threat. "She can go wherever she wants. You're not her owner," she said, showing her teeth, in a sharp growl.

I didn't have time or patience to argue, so I raised my hand and slapped her face. "As long as you're with me, you'll do as I say," my words echoed, emphasizing my authority.

The girl lunged at me, attempting to scratch me, but with a precise movement, I made her lose her balance and fall to the ground.

And then, she shrugged, her tail curling up, realizing her inferiority. "She apologizes, please. This Khajiit will listen to you from now on."

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