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88.46% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 89: Chapter 83: Mad Dream; Family Trip**

Capítulo 89: Chapter 83: Mad Dream; Family Trip**




On a quiet night in Gotham, a couple and their 8-year-old son had left the theater quite cheerful and happy. The son was quite excited, remembering every exciting movie scene of the movie he had seen, threatening that, the next day, he would tell all his friends about it. Something that made this married couple laugh.

The couple, by their fine clothes, you could clearly tell they had money. The woman was wearing a rather elegant designer dress that enhanced her beauty. Around her neck, adorning the dress, she wore a rather expensive and unique pearl necklace. These pearls were pink, pearls that were worth more as they were unique.

The man wore a custom-made designer suit. His height, imposing physique and handsome face alone made him look like an aristocrat. The boy, though lacking this elegance due to age, by inheriting the best features of his parents, it could be said that in the future he would be a total heartthrob for the female gender.

This family was the enigmatic Wayne family. Father Thomas, mother Martha, and little Bruce Wayne.

Thomas had been busy campaigning for mayor of Gotham, and Bruce had complained that he was being pushed aside. For that very reason, the couple had taken a day off to spend with their son. They ate at Bruce's favorite restaurant. They went to the arcade. To the museum. And they finished with the movies. Quite a nice family day for the family.

Unfortunately, this day had to end. Alfred would pass by them to the main avenue. The movie theater, while very modern for the era they were in, was located on a street with zero parking spaces. Let alone for the big limos the Wayne's had.

"My heels hurt, love. I don't think I should have worn these so high. Any more and I feel like they're going to hurt me" Martha whispered to Thomas. The heels she wore matched the dress she was wearing. The problem was that they were very new and still didn't fit her foot, which is why the sole of her foot rubbed when she walked. This rubbing had caused her to start bleeding slightly. An unbearable pain that she could no longer bear.

You would think that to take your child to the movies you would wear more comfortable clothes. And under normal circumstances they would, but Thomas was under public scrutiny for his candidacy, and on every outing they always had to look their best. Even Bruce had to wear a suit.

Thomas, seeing that there was still several hundred yards of walking to the avenue, suggested taking a shortcut. There was an alley that cut off many yards to the main avenue. It had little light, the result of a burned out bulb, but it was the best option if they wanted to get to Alfred, who was surely already waiting for them.

"Let's go this way. We'll cut several yards and get to the avenue in less than a minute" Martha nodded and they started walking to the alley.

But just as they were about to move forward, Bruce shouted.

"WAIT. NOT THAT WAY" Bruce finally reacted. At first, it was all like a movie. Seeing his younger self's memory of what it was like the last time he was with his parents. Something he couldn't change.

But just as they entered the alley, as if a switch flipped, he was able to control the body of his younger self. At this moment, the one seeing, controlling and saying, was the adult Bruce Wayne. "DON'T GO. MOM, DAD, DON'T GO IN THERE!"

He yelled, pleaded and pulled his parents to keep them out of the alley. Unfortunately, this had no effect, as his parents, as if in a trance, entered the alley and kept walking as if Bruce had never called them.

From then on, everything remained the same. A robber pointing his gun at them and demanding all their goods. Thomas wanting to reassure him. Martha looking for where Bruce is to protect him. The thief becoming more and more anxious. And the famous, and clear. "BANG" signaling the shooting of the couple. All that, in less than a minute.

The robber, as he did before, ran having fired, leaving the lifeless bodies of Bruce's parents lying in the alley.

Bruce dropped to his knees in defeat. Tears streamed down his face at the sight of the familiar scene that haunted him at night. He wanted to move and avoid everything. He even thought of sacrificing himself and throwing at the moment of the shooting to save his parents.

But, when he wanted to do so, again his body became a spectator, and no matter how much he wanted to, he did not move an inch.

"Why, why do I have to live my greatest misfortune. My greatest failure. Not even in my dreams can I save them"

However, just when he thought the nightmare was over, at that, something strange happened.

"Why are you crying, Bruce?" it was the voice of his mother, Martha, who spoke. This made Bruce stop bawling and raise his face in surprise.

There he saw how his parents were slowly rising from the floor, like two rag dolls. They had their heads down.

"Yes, Bruce. You mustn't cry. We're fine"

Right there, they raised their heads. However, their faces had changed. On their faces, there was clown makeup, with a blood red smile adorning their lips. They both wore maniacal smiles as they looked at 'their son'.

"We're perfectly fine, Bruce, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

The scene changed. Bruce, now in his adult form, watched as the streets became a graveyard. On every gravestone were familiar names.

<Clark Kent>

<Victor Stone>

<Diana of Themyscira>

<Edgar Bones>

<Hal Jordan>

<Barry Allen>

<Selina Kyle>

<Dick Grayson>

<Alfred Pennyworth>

Every member of the Justice League, as well as every friend of Bruce's, was written on every gravestone. Right in the center, was the largest tombstone, And, right on that tombstone, was the name <Bruce Wayne>. As if that wasn't bad enough, on top of the tombstone was none other than the Joker, with his maniacal grin.

"Hehehe, Hi, Bruce, Did you miss me?"

Bruce, despite the surprise that all this carried, controlled all his feelings and returned to his characteristically controlled character.

Although he was not wearing his costume, even so, the behavior that Bruce wore at this moment was the same as Batman. Something that made the Joker smile even harder.

"No" Batman resolutely replied without expressing any emotion. "You're the only dead guy I'm not going to miss"

"Dead?" the Joker stood up and approached Bruce. "But I'm here. Can't you see me?" Joker gestured pointing completely at him. When he saw that Bruce didn't react, he made a sad, pained face. "Oh, Bruce, you hurt me so much. And I had come back from the dead just to see you"

"You're not real. You're just a construct of my mind. Fruit of the breakdown of my neurotransmitters due to stress. A mere nightmare from which I will soon wake up"

"Oh, hahaha, funny. But it's not a nightmare. It's more... a warning. I'm just coming to warn you"


"Yes, hehehe. It pains me to think of myself as a messenger, but yes. You see, all this" said the Joker, as he pointed to the tombstones. "It will happen. And you won't be able to do anything to stop it"

Then the scenery changed again. In the sky, thousands of spacecraft began to bombard the Earth. Thousands of dead on the ground. Winged demons flying. Parademons fighting these demons. Gods killing each other. And the Justice League... dead in combat.

"If you think the death of your parents is your greatest misfortune, I think you should rethink it better, Brucy, haha. Because what's coming, hehe, you won't be able to avoid it. Everyone will die. But that's our fate, Batman. In the end, we're only human. A mere spectator in the great ready-made play of the gods"

"I'll avoid it" Bruce muttered as he watched all this.

"What did you say, I don't think I heard you-"

"I will prevent it" he finally concluded resolutely. "I will prevent the destruction of Earth, Joker. I will, whatever it takes"

This made the Joker smile again. His smile looked like a smile of victory, as if he had achieved his task. With amusement, he said, "Hehehe, I'm looking forward to seeing it..."




With that said, everything fell apart. When that happened, Bruce woke up.


'Damn dream. And the joker... it all felt so real' Bruce thought. Sweat was pouring down his face, as he recalled each scene. 'Calm down, Bruce. He died. He's gone. It's just a dream...'

However, something in Bruce's mind activated. A sense of urgency began to well up in Bruce's heart. He was just a human, fighting alongside gods. Gods who, if they went against humanity, would only bring doom to all.

Added to the fact of all the enemies lurking in the shadows, i.e. demons, old and new gods, intergalactic threats, only made Bruce realize that they had no chance of victory for the future. The future of humanity looked bleak.

'It's a dream... but a dream that can happen. And I have to take it upon myself to prevent it'

Bruce got up as quietly as possible. Beside him, asleep, was Selina in her nightgown. From her calm breathing, apparently her sleep was not disturbed by Bruce.

Bruce put on his Batman suit and left for the Batcave. There was a lot to do if he wanted to avoid everything. But he would do it. He would save them all.

This would be the precursor to future events quite compromising. The creation of OMAC. And later, the creation of Brainiac. The creation of his special suits that could rival a god. The creation of secret destructive weapons that only he had access to. The accumulation of all the kryptonite in the world. Of more efficient contingency plans than he had against The Justice League... EVERYTHING.

But also, it would be the precursor to Selina's concern. Apparently, his escapades weren't as quiet as he might think. Selina, was becoming increasingly worried about Bruce because of his growing pannonia. He used to be paranoid. But now, it seemed Bruce trusted no one. As if he expected even his closest friends to betray him.

And all of that, the fruit of a dream. A dream that involved his greatest nemesis, The Joker. A mad dream....


Aegean Sea, June 20, 22:38, 2017

"Come on, dinner's ready" Edgar shouted, as he put the finishing touches on the big, juicy fish Diana had caught. Behind him, was the luxurious camping van, which had everything needed for camping and vacationing for the three days. Which obviously included the grill, the seasonings, and the picnic table that Diana had previously prepared.

At Edgar's shout, two beautiful women in bathing suits approached. Diana was wearing a red two-piece bikini, which made her look spectacular. Her large breasts, coupled with her worked out body, which revealed her chiseled abs, made her the envy of 9 out of 10 women. Her beautiful black hair was flowing out, the result of how wet it was from the sea water. 

Raven, who was wearing a purple one-piece swimsuit, looked no less spectacular. Although she was only 16 years old, with the Titans training she was subjected to, plus her innocent beauty inherited from her mother, made her look beautiful and elegant.

Raven had never learned to swim, but with Diana's help, she could now say that she could swim quite well. They had enjoyed this last moment playing in the sea. They both had smiles of happiness about this, as they approached the campsite for dinner.

Even though it was night, the fire, plus the light of the stars and the moon, only highlighted the ethereal beauties of both of them. They looked like two fairies that came down from the sky to delight the heart of anyone who looked at them.

Such beauty would make them the envy and desire of all who looked at them, however, at this moment there was no one, other than Edgar, who could enjoy such a view. (AN: Well, Edgar couldn't see them either, hahaha)

And the thing is, where they were, it was a small deserted island, very close to the Aegean Sea. In fact, quite close to Themyscira. Surprisingly, the island was not owned by Edgar, or any other rich friends they had, but by Diana. An island she herself had acquired quite some time ago, and which was her getaway when she was young due to the proximity to her birth home. 

Three days had already passed, and they were ending their vacation on this island far from the hustle and bustle of the cities. And it was just today, from what Diana was saying, that there was going to be a meteor shower. Something that Raven had never seen before and which, frankly, excited her.

The first day, they had spent going to all of Raven's favorite places. Her favorite pizza restaurant. The ice cream she loved. The arcade games. The bowling. A pleasant enough day, fulfilling the purple-haired girl's every whim.

The second day they went to visit the most famous places in the world. The Eiffel Tower, The Tower of Pisa, The Roman Colosseum, The Pyramids of Egypt, etc. Each place where they had surely already been, but that, in family togetherness, it felt different to visit. Here was a day where many touristy family photos were taken that would remain for the memory.

And on the third day, to change the routine and make it a more relaxing day, they had come to this beautiful virgin beach, to enjoy the sea, the stars, and the bonfire they had lit.

Raven was grateful for all they had done for her. This vacation, though short, had been a stark reminder that she was important to them. A reminder that even though they were busy saving the world, she would always be their priority. A reminder of the love they had for her. 

Edgar held out a plate, where a beautiful, finely gilded fish, awaited them. When they tasted it, they couldn't help but gasp at how tasty it was. The fish was crispy on the outside, but the skin was so well cooked that it fell apart with every bite and released that juice mixed with the lean sauces it was cooked in.

The combination with the special seasoning that Edgar had prepared only made the flavor of the fish stand out. A special dish that they could only taste here, and it was tastier than any fish prepared in any restaurant.

"This is very tasty, love" expressed Diana happily as she tasted such a delicious delicacy.

"Mmm, very tasty, Ed" stated Raven, which made Edgar smile.

"I'm glad you like it. There are drinks in the fridge. Help yourselves and let's eat, the shooting stars are coming in less than an hour"

"I'll get them"

With that, they passed the time eating, while chatting about everything they had seen on their trip. Or telling stories from the past, like Justice League fights or anecdotes from Diana and Edgar's youth that entertained Raven.


"So, what was your first date like?" asked Raven curious. They had told her how they met, but they had never told her what their first date was.

"That's actually quite a funny story, isn't it, Diana?" Edgar smiled in amusement, as he said this. Diana, to Raven's surprise, turned red with embarrassment at these words. Apparently the story wasn't as simple as she thought.

"I...umm, cough, cough, you better tell the story, Edgar"

"Fine" Edgar nodded in amusement. And it's just that the story, was a bit embarrassing for Diana. He understood why she didn't want to tell it.

"Our first official date wasn't that long ago, Rae. With the events of The Light plus the subsequent instability in the world caused us to postpone a lot of things. We were already living together, but had never officially dated. Diana, would make pretty direct hints to me to ask her out, but months had gone by and I hadn't done it. Something that made her, frankly, angry. I could feel it. She was boiling with anger that I wouldn't take her on an official date"

"It had been four months Edgar. It was fine living together, but I wanted to go on a date. Clearly, I was going to be angry" Diana interrupted.

"Yes, yes, my mistake. But you know I did it for a good reason" Edgar continued, as he turned to look at Raven, who was listening intently to the story,

"I asked her out after 4 months for a good reason. And that is, I had prepared a special day for her. Obviously, I wanted it to be a special day. I took her to her favorite restaurant in Paris, a rather exclusive one with a long waiting list, and reserved it exclusively for the two of us that day. I ordered her favorite dishes. And, I also prepared some special cookies that her mother used to make her as a child for dessert. Recipe her mother gave me. That's what took me so long. I corresponded with her mother a couple of times via letters to get that cookie recipe"

"Something that made me love you more than I already did" nodded Diana. "Convincing my mother, who was keeping that cookie recipe a secret, came as quite a surprise to me. That's why I know she holds you in such high regard"

Raven nodded at this. She was pleasantly surprised that Edgar was so detail-oriented and had gone out of his way on their first date.

Though, come to think of it, this wasn't so much of a surprise when thinking about how much these two loved each other. They would lower the very sky if they could just to make each other happy.

However, it still didn't explain why Diana was so embarrassed about this date. So she asked.

"But then, why were you embarrassed?"

The one who answered was not Diana, but Edgar, who graciously explained.

"Because Diana got so desperate because I wasn't asking her out that she exploded and screamed in an official meeting, 'I WANT YOU TO TAKE ME ON A DATE, OR ELSE YOU'LL SLEEP ON THE SOFA FROM NOW ON', in front of everyone. I guess she really wanted to go on a date, hahaha"

Diana turned red with embarrassment at the thought of one of her most embarrassing moments in the Justice League. As Edgar said, she was so desperate that she just...exploded. Even Shayera, Marie and Dinah remind her of that embarrassing moment to the present day.

"It was a mistake. Oh look, the star shower has already started" good thing Diana was quickly able to change the subject, and avoid further embarrassment in front of her family. As if the timing was perfect, the shower of shooting stars began to flood the sky. A beautiful sight, which made Raven quite amazed.

Edgar was the only one who couldn't enjoy this spectacle, but that didn't matter to him. He felt that Diana and Rachel were happy and that was all he needed. Taking a swig of his beer, he thought.

'Yes, this is all I need in my life. Them'

Rachel, while watching this spectacle, turned to look slightly at Edgar, who was drinking his beer and Diana who was looking excited as a child at this spectacle, while resting her head on Edgar's shoulder. She just smiled and went back to looking at the stars. In her mind, she had only one thought.

'I love you so much... mom and dad'



"You didn't tell him what we did after dinner. And how we wrecked a whole hotel room that night" said Diana amused, as she watched her beloved put out the campfire. Raven had already gone to sleep, the result of the exhaustion of all their vacations, leaving them alone with only the sound of the wind and the moonlight keeping them company.

Edgar, though he knew what she was referring to, feigned ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about, I think my mind forgot about that night. I think you'd better remind me"

Diana just smiled and moved closer to Edgar. She began to kiss him with desire, as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. With the shirt unbuttoned, she began to run her hands gently over his marked abs that always drove her crazy. However, before continuing, she stopped abruptly, "Wait, Raven..."

"Quiet. Her room has noise protection. Also, I put in a silent magic stone to prevent any inconvenience. We're fine"

"That's great" giving the green light, Diana moved. Without waiting for him, she grabbed Edgar and led him away from the campsite. In one swift movement, they had already reached some rocks that were near the beach.

When they did, Diana tore off all of Edgar's clothes, leaving him naked. His swimsuit lay torn into a thousand pieces, revealing his war-ready rod in all its glory.

Diana began to kiss Edgar. Her full lips began to kiss every inch of Edgar's neck, chest, and abdomen, while her hands, the fruit of her beloved's numerous nights of experience, skillfully caressed the large, thick rod, making Edgar moan with pleasure. Diana knew how to make him feel good.

With one hand she kneaded his balls, while with the other she cupped and massaged his rod, until she reached the throbbing head and massaged it finely making him shudder with pleasure. She was not idle either. Little by little she was going down, giving kisses to her beloved, while appreciating every part of his body.

Finally, she knelt completely down on her knees, coming within inches of such a powerful weapon of which she was addicted. "You are always wrong to say that ice cream is my favorite dessert. I will always put this juicy, tasty piece of meat I became addicted to first" saying that, Diana, in one agile movement swallowed ¾ of Edgar's member.

She could take no more, as, with just that, it was enough to leave her breathless and feel the big lump stuck deep in her throat.

But Diana, despite the choking, persisted. Tears ran down her face and saliva dripped from her mouth, lubricating Edgar's member. Her eyes, almost white, a sign that her consciousness was becoming blurred by pleasure, only broke the image of an Amazon warrior leaving only a woman surrendered to pleasure.

Then, slowly she released him, and with a "POP" she stopped harboring such a tremendous rod in her mouth. Edgar could not take it anymore. The heat, plus Diana's saliva, only made him break the little sanity he had left and surrender to his animal side. Grabbing her roughly by the back of the neck, he made Diana choke again with his rod.


Drowning sounds began to be heard as the movement of Diana's head began to take place. With no gag reflex, she began to move her head back and forth giving her the most pleasurable blow job she had ever given her beloved.

Each time the rod went forward to her throat or backward releasing from her mouth, Diana massaged the veined rod with her tongue giving Edgar more pleasure.

Edgar, already surrendered to his wild side, grabbed Diana roughly and lifted her up, turning her around to leave her in a 69 position. They were not lying down, on the contrary, Edgar was holding Diana standing upright. At this point, Diana, who was still at work giving Edgar the blowjob of his life, had been left face down, while her juicy ass had been left at the mercy of Edgar's mouth.

Edgar began to inspect Diana's treasure cave with his tongue. Skillfully, he ran over every inch of his beloved's tremendous delicacy, which was already brimming with love juices released from the previous pleasure.

Finally, having had enough, they both, in synchrony, released the torrential rain of pleasure. The semen bathed Diana's face, who gladly received every milliliter of this tasty juice of her beloved to which she was addicted. The rain released by Diana bathed Edgar's face who also received it gladly.

Edgar, took Diana and placed her in the doggy position. He lined up his rod and penetrated her completely, making her release a great cry of pain and pleasure.


Edgar, not caring about this, began the hammering. With his hand, he grabbed Diana's neck, and, with an agile, strong, and powerful movement, he began to penetrate Diana.

With every movement Edgar made, he expanded Diana's hot, tight cave, which pressed Edgar's member every time it passed, threatening to squeeze it completely. Each penetration Edgar gave reached right to the bottom of Diana's vagina, making her moan with pleasure.


Diana, almost losing the strength in her body from the pleasure, could only hold on to the rocks to keep from falling. Her legs, trembling from the speed and force of Edgar's assault, were slowly giving way.

Edgar did not stop, but turned her over, putting her on her back. He then laid her down on the sand and continued the hammering.

Edgar took Diana's big mounds with his hands, and pinched her nipples, making her scream with pleasure.


He then took Diana's pink nipples into his mouth and began biting, licking, and sucking on said mammary glands, causing Diana to again release the second torrential shower of her love juices.

Edgar, having had enough, could take no more, and said.

"Diana, I'm going to cum"

"Inside, ahh, ahh, do it inside, ahh"

With that, he released liters of semen into the love cave, as she released her third orgasm, mixing said semen with her own juices.

When it was over, Edgar lifted her up like a princess and put her in the sea. Embraced, they began to kiss, continuing the sexual act in a quieter and more romantic way, but just as pleasurable, with only the moon and the sea as witnesses of their great night of love.



In space, a Green Lantern was speeding toward Earth. The Lantern stopped just a few feet from the Watchtower. It was John Stewart who had finally returned from his long journey to Oa. A journey that was quite an adventure. And one that brought him both good and bad news.

John looked far away at the Earth. Thousands of bright spots, derived from the many lights that lingered in the night in the cities, made it apparent that this world never rested. For better or worse, this world was always in motion. Constantly changing.

But this alone made him smile. He had been in space a long time, having been through numerous adventures and stories to tell. But no matter how big or beautiful space was, nothing compared to home.

'I'm home' with that thought, he flew straight to the Watchtower.

John Stewart, Earth's second Green Lantern, had finally arrived....



Next: Pre-battle preparations 1

Next Next: Important conversations

Next Next..... Next: Thor vs Wonder Woman

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