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61.22% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 29: Enrollment & Meeting

Capítulo 29: Enrollment & Meeting

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

"...Might I ask, what girl?" Georg's inquiring tone was lost on the distracted and still figure of Satoru.

His thoughts raced.

The source of the Cursed Energy Satoru detected was unmistakable.

'The girl from that lover's spat in the middle of the road...' Satoru confirmed in his mind.

Memories of that fateful day flooded back - Specifically the three people affected by the energy that brought him to this world.

'She's here too... I held her hand, so why were we separated?' The question lingered, one that had puzzled Satoru since his arrival, resurfacing upon the revelation.

Even with more experience and a modicum of knowledge of Mana and Spells, Satoru couldn't find a logical answer to their separation.

Most of his time in this world was spent in the mostly illiterate Holy Land Of Swords, after all.

His education regarding Mana and Spells besides what he managed to learn from Alistair, Gal Farion, and the Old Healer Ave were only bits and pieces he managed to scavenge from the odd book or mage.

Both are quite rare - Even when he explored in his "Short" journey here.

In-depth beyond surface-level knowledge in magic even more so.

Thus, for Satoru, Teleportation Magic was the only clue, but it didn't explain how he got separated from that girl when he held her hand... What was the differentiating factor that caused their separation?

Huffing in frustration, Satoru shook his head. "I'll figure it out, talking with her should clear things up. It's not that important," he mumbled.

'More importantly, that's one down, two to go - The boyfriend and the pack of Mochi.' Satoru verified.

Satoru's eyes narrowed. 'Could they have survived?'

After a moment's thought, he dismissed it. 'I already saved them once. If they're dead, then that's that,' he shrugged.

"Gojo..." Georg called out again.

Regaining his composure, Satoru regarded Georg with interest. "That girl," he pointed at a distant building on campus.

Georg sighed. "That's a building, Gojo."

Satoru smirked. "I know~"

Georg sighed, "Even with my vast knowledge and bottomless wisdom, I fail to reach a consensus that a building is a girl. Especially the Research Building. Might you care to elaborate? Your "Six Eyes" presumably see a girl over there, one who seems to have affected you profoundly. I am curious as to which student of mine that is."

Satoru waved him off, "Yeah yeah, whatever you say... On the Third Floor - She's alone, and there are many Magic Circles and other mana-emitting things."

After a beat, Georg exclaimed, "Ah! Miss Silent Seven Star, the young lady I mentioned earlier."

Satoru hummed, rubbing his chin. "I see..."

"Are you familiar with her, Gojo? Your reaction suggests so. However, I find it peculiar you're unfamiliar with her title. Her actual name is known to very few."

Satoru responded nonchalantly, "Something like that... Let's get this enrollment over with." He marched forward, signaling for the shorter Georg to follow, covering his eyes with his shades.

'After the enrollment, I'll head to that girl. If she's studying Teleportation Magic as he had said...' Satoru's serious thoughts were cut off by Georg.

Quickening his steps to catch up, Georg huffed, "Arrogant boy, do you even know the way to my office for you to be leading like this?"

Snorting, Satoru smirked, "That's easy. The tallest building on the highest floor in the most extravagant room." He pointed to a window in The Academy's Main Building on the Highest Floor.

Satoru's remark was met with stoic silence.

Said silence was Satoru's cue to burst out in laughter, slapping Georg on the shoulder. "BAHAHAHAHHAA!"

"People like you are a dime a dozen, baldy! BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!" Satoru quipped in between laughter as he led the way forward.

There was merit in Satoru's words - He had dealt with many arrogant and prideful individuals back in Japan, amplified by being the wielder of the Six Eyes and Limitless Cursed Technique.

He would jest with Suguru and the uptight Utahime that killing the Higher Ups was preferable to dealing with them or perhaps even the best solution regarding those nosy and meddling old farts.

Safe to say, Utahime's reaction never got old for Satoru.

Suguru was simply concerned because Satoru's statement mayhaps have been delivered as a joke - But there was little doubt in Suguru's mind that Satoru has considered or is still considering said... Solution.

Nevertheless, the irony and hypocrisy of Satoru's quip at Georg were apparent. If he were in Georg's position, he'd have done the same with his own office.

It seems Georg failed to see that of all people - Gojo Satoru is the last person to criticize someone for flaunting their power and ego.

"...I am still within authority to remove you from my institute," Georg replied, considerably weaker than before.

This only prompted Satoru to laugh even harder. "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!" This time pointing at the poor Principal's "Hair."

Satoru and Georg strolled towards the office, seamlessly navigating through the campus. They followed the main road, leading them to the imposing Main Academy building, which they entered without trouble along their path - Satoru's inquiries regarding the academy were swiftly answered with pride by Georg.

Only to be verbally abused when he least expects it by Satoru's sharp and quick wit.

A worthy opponent for Georg indeed.

As onlookers and passersby observed the sight of a genuine Great Power, "The Anomaly," there was a mixture of intense interest and curiosity that was only held back by concern and caution in regard to the odd duo of powerful and reputable individuals - Resulting in lack of approaches, but not lack of looks.

Indeed, thus far for the Academy Students that had not encountered Satoru back in Sharia, "The Anomaly" seemed to live up to his name... In the behavioral aspect, that is.

Or so was the consensus of the more analytical less passionate Male observers.

Quite the Anomaly.

An anomalous lack of respect - Georg would add internally.

However, the Academy as well as the whole of Sharia will be quick to learn that - "The Anomaly" of the Great Powers lives up to his title in All aspects.

Some, more than others...


The Halls of the Academy were abuzz with movement and excitement.

Classes were about to start and truthfully, a most fascinating new student was currently making his way through these very halls.

However, these disturbances were currently ignored by a man who was busy seducing the two large-breasted young ladies who were glued to his arms.

"The radiance of your smile is the light of my day, worthy of being immortalized even in the halls of the most extravagant Milis Churches." The man flattered, his eyes burning with passion and his tone suggestive as he smirked at the girl on his right.

"Hahah! Quit it, Luke-sama~!" The girl at his right laughed nervously as she blushed crimson, yet boldly pulled the now-named Luke's arm deeper into the crevices of her bosom.

"Heeeyy~! What about me~?" The girl on his left pouted as she pinched Luke's arm.

He chuckled, "Gently there, my winter flower-"

Back-and-forth flirtations and flattery flew effortlessly from the experienced Luke's mouth as he expertly lowered the defenses of the well-endowed girls at his side.

Who were very cooperative in this endeavor.

'I like them a little bit more difficult but... They'll be mine by the time I get to class.' Was what the womanizer Luke concluded as he strode slowly and purposefully towards his intended morning class.

This shameless womanizer with an appetite for the well-endowed was none other than Luke Notos Greyrat.

A handsome young man and Knight.

The son of Philemon Notos Greyrat - Head of the Notos House.

A major house of Nobility in the Asura Kingdom.

Through certain circumstances, Luke was tasked at a very young age with the appointment of being the Guardian Knight of the second princess of the Asura Kingdom - Ariel Anemoi Asura.

A task he is dutifully acting out to this very day.


Luke Notos Greyrat is a rather incompetent knight.

Evident by his lack of spatial awareness - Too busy ogling and flirting with the girls to notice that he walked in the way of a few special individuals.

While the girls at his side were too entranced with him as well.

Murmurs went straight through his head, unheard as he continued his passage without care or pause:

"Is Luke-sama going to talk with him?"

"Oh! Oh! They're going to fight over who's the most handsome!"

"Don't be stupid... Principal Georg is here, they won't be doing anything."

"And you think the Principal can stop a Great Power? I heard this guy's eccentric."

Eventually, Luke paused as he was about to collide with a rather tall man.

Throwing a practiced smile he stated, "Sorry, my mind was preoccupied with these fine ladie-" Only for his expression to freeze as he lifted his head to meet the looming and recognizable shades-wearing figure of...

'G-Gojo Satoru.' His mind supplied nervously, reflexively taking a step back with the girls as they also seemed gobsmacked at the close encounter.

Expertly, Luke's awareness skyrocketed, noticing the situation as well as the Principal beside Satoru, he gave a refined noble bow, "My apologies, I was not looking where I was going. It is an honor to meet an esteemed figure such as yourself. My name is Luke Notos Greyrat." His tone was now contrastingly professional and genuine to his prior one.

Satoru innocently tilted his head as he mumbled, "Notos... Greyrat?"

A mental lightbulb mentally lit up in Satoru's head, 'Ah. He's unlike Eris who quit being a noble - He's from the Notos house of the Greyrats.'

'Not dealing with those stuffy politics in this world. I've had enough of that in Tokyo. And will be having more when I get back. Not dealing with it here. I've ignored all those pesky letters back in the Dojo.' Satoru announced mentally with passion.

Waving him off, disregarding all etiquette, Satoru responded, "Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you too. Mind moving out of the way?" Satoru asked nonchalantly, a confident smirk on his face.

Blinking, Luke nodded reflexively and moved alongside the girls at his side, clearing the way for Satoru and Georg to pass.

As they silently passed by, much to Luke's dismay, Georg threw a question.

"A fine morning to you as well, Luke. How are your studies going?" Georg's tone was casual and innocent.

Luke's eyes narrowed, yet he kept himself professional as he responded to the slowly distancing figure of Georg, "It is progressing smoothly, Principal Georg."

"I am pleased to hear that it is so! I pray you will find yourself more skilled to serve the young princess more dutifully." Georg's words seemed harmless and perhaps nice in plain sight.

But there was a biting undertone below those words - Striking Luke deep in his insecurity regarding his competence in the one thing truly more important to him than seducing fine ladies.

Dutifully protecting and serving Ariel Anemoi Asura.

Biting his lip, Luke's tone was apologetic to the girls at his side, yet it regained a professional edge that contrasted with his usual flirtatious undertone, "I'm afraid there is a sudden change of plans. I must go report to Ariel-sama. I'll meet you at another conjunction."

Without wasting a moment to hear the reactions of the girls he had swooned, as well as the words and whispers of the surrounding crowd that kept its distance, Luke turned and strode towards the Student Council Room.

His expression was conflicted, 'Why did Ariel-sama have to send out Sylphy on that trip with Rudeus, when she knew well that Gojo Satoru was in town and going to enroll at any moment?'

He sighed heavily, 'And to think, that Rudeus was so desperate - He accepted the invitation to get out of town so eagerly. We weren't even sure of his chances of acceptance.'

His steps echoed loudly in the halls as he ascended the stairs, eventually reaching the Student Council Room.

Nodding, Luke ignored his doubt before the door, 'Either way, I follow my lady's orders.'

'Though, an explanation wouldn't hurt.' He lamented.

Deep down, Luke feared there was no logic behind her orders - Except satiating her obvious sadistic tendencies he has regrettably grown accustomed to.


As Satoru had predicted - Calling the office he had found himself at, extravagant, would be a stark understatement.

Even calling it an office would be incorrect.

It was almost as spacious as the lecture rooms and classes of this academy.

Decorated with medals, gold, emblems, and other status-reflecting items.

The table is made of the finest wood imported straight from the Great Forest located in the Milis Continent.

The Chairs are made of fine leather by the finest leatherworkers.

Whilst the walls encasing this grandiose room were constructed with another layer of Magic Resistant Brick.

Bookshelves ate up a majority of the space, each one filled with hundreds of books.

In a world where books and paper were scarce and a sign of prestige and wealth - This was a literal example of status and prosperity.

As Satoru sat down at the most comfortable chair he had ever sat on in this world he could only conclude one thing:

Of course, he had to vocalize his mighty opinion, "You're quite full of yourself, aren't you baldy?" He innocently stated.

Raising an eyebrow, Georg replied matter of factly, "Elementary, my dear boy. A man of my accomplishments and caliber should enjoy the fruits of his labor, should he not?"

Humming, Satoru glanced at the proud Georg, dissecting him with his eyes through his shades.

"You're definitely compensating for something."



What followed was a pleasant conversation about how the Academy functions, emphasizing the privileges granted to Special Students.

Satoru silently listened along, mentally noting the useful information uttered by the short baldy.

"Regarding classes, where do I find the timetable? Do you give it out in papers or something?" Satoru questioned.

Georg stared at Satoru as if he had grown a second head, "Where do you think paper comes from? It doesn't grow on trees! The timetable for all lectures and classes can be found at the Main Hall attached to the wall. As a Special Student, you may freely attend any class you wish. Though depending on your knowledge of the appropriate subjects, I'd recommend avoiding any advanced classes."

Satoru deadpanned momentarily and pointed at the bookshelves, that collectively held tens perhaps hundreds of thousands of papers.

And they even have a library here!

"Do you really not care whether I can use Mana or not? Any practical magic classes would be useless for me." Satoru questioned, curious at Georg's opinion.

Which Georg promptly provided, "That is no issue of mine. But yours. As a Special Student, you are free to use the boundless knowledge stored within the Academy's halls that have no equal in any other establishment in the world. Whether lectures on Magic, Brewing, Monsterology, Etiquette, and more."

Pinching his mustache, Georg continued, "However, I find this odd - Haven't you come here with the singular purpose of researching Teleportation Magic? Why might you divide your focus into participating in practical magic classes? With the exception of the fundamentals of mana and magic circles, I see no advantage for you in regards to your purpose here."

"You're right, I am here primarily to research Teleportation Magic. But only doing that and just that would be boring. I'm in no rush, and generally, magic fascinates me." Satoru shrugged, replying honestly.

'Maybe studying another type of energy will help me figure out that one...' Satoru mused.

At the admission of having an interest in Magic, Georg perked up, "How delightful! Then, I will provide you with a few words of advice. If it was not obvious, I'd suggest seeking out Miss Silent Seven Stars. Although the young girl is reclusive to a fault - I doubt you'd find an expert in Teleportation Magic better than her. Even I know not where her research has led thus far."

A mumble of, "She's provided enough to this Academy. Probing would be in poor taste."

"But, given you apparently are acquainted with such a reclusive individual, it'd be a grave mistake to disregard her."

Satoru nodded.

Nodding as well, George finished off the enrollment for Satoru.

The impact of a pair of keys hit the table, as two keys were visible.

Georg stated, "Here's the key to your private room. While I would've been delighted to tour the peerless grounds of my establishment with you. I'm afraid I've run out of time to entertain you, so I will be asking someone else to guide you to the dorms."

Satoru shook his head, "That won't be necessary, I'll find my way there. I have to go somewhere beforehand." He continued, pointing at the second key that was on the table, "What about that one?"

"As long as you don't cause havoc and completely disregard the rules. Then we won't have any problems. As for that second key, call it an investment - It's for a Research Room of your own. Now, before you ask, Special Students can Borrow a room for research. But in your case, you Own that room much like Miss Silent does."

Clicking his fingers, Satoru got up from his chair with a smirk, quickly grabbing the keys, "Nice! Thanks baldy!"

A tick mark appeared on Georg's rather spacious forehead and he waved him off, "Now, scurry along. I believe I have had enough of you for quite a while."

"One can never have enough of me~" Satoru haughtily claimed.

Satoru didn't hear Georg's response to that claim as he chuckled and turned around, making his way out of the office, only to pause at the now relatively distant tone of Georg, "Oh I forgot. Miss Farion requested me to inform you that she has already enrolled and has gone into town to tend to her sick horse personally. Therefore, not setting out in search of her."

Snorting, Satoru replied with good humor, continuing to make his way out of the office, "She knows I won't be going looking for her."

'Tending her sick horse on her own? She's as thorough as always.' Satoru shook his head in helplessness.

As he arrived before the door, Satoru realized something odd, "Huh... She arrived here first. That's new."

With a creak of the door opening, he quickly dismissed that irrelevant realization in favor of heading out toward a more important matter.

The sound of the door being shut reverberated throughout the spacious office, as Georg sighed tiredly, "Ah. Now I have to deal with setting up the arena for the Brute as I had promised. Then again, it is a wonderful publicity and financial opportunity. Georg! Stay strong!" He psyched himself up.


Nanahoshi's private research room was as eerily quiet as always.

Overlooking another prototype for a magic circle to hopefully pass the first phase in her experimentation.

Summoning inorganic matter from Earth to here.

To no avail thus far.

Yet, she sketched and sketched without pause.

The only frustrating part - Was that her assistant, Rudeus Greyrat had set out on a sudden and as he claimed, short, journey.

Whether she liked it or not, she had grown used to him and his... Absurd Mana Capacity.

Now she had to resort to the old and primitive method of Mana Crystals.

'If only I had Mana...' Nanahoshi's thoughts and complaints flowed freely in her mind as she stewed in her solitude.

Shaking her head, Nanahoshi's thoughts roamed to the more exciting news she came across, "I wonder if he's here... Maybe I should go check?" She mumbled as she stopped writing.

From what she knew, Gojo Satoru was in town and was almost certain to enroll in the Academy.

According to rumors, he freely admitted his intention to do so.

Then again, from his travels from the Holy Land Of Swords to here, it was also evident that the man was easily distracted by how long it took him.

The details are fuzzy, but those who were helped by him along the way were certainly detours from the standard route to here from that brutal country.

Again, Nanahoshi was not keen on all the details - She isn't the most social of people and would rather not go interact with those of power when she can help it.

As Nanahoshi juggled with the lamentable prospect of going out and interacting with the residents of this world...

Suddenly, a confident and curious voice was heard beside her.

"Who's he?"

Obviously, she jumped reflexively as her heart drummed, and she extended her fist that wore a ring in the direction of the supposed assailant ready to defend herself at any moment.

Her eyes narrowed and quickly took in the individual in front of her, as her eyes widened behind her mask.

"Gojo Satoru..." She stated.

Satoru nodded a smile on his face, "Got it in one. Also, I have to thank you for my vacation!"

Nanahoshi was thoroughly confused, "Vacation?"

Nodding once again, Satoru pointed at her, "Whatever transported you wasn't meant to take me along for the ride, but here we are! It's a good thing you weren't as jumpy as you are now back then with the truck. Else I wouldn't have had as much fun as I had thus far!"

A look of realization crossed Nanahoshi, yet Satoru hadn't let her have any moment as he continued, only with a chastising tone this time, "But honestly... How stupid could you be? A lover's spat in the middle of a high-traffic road in Tokyo? What were you thinking?" He shook his head in disappointment.

Nanahoshi was still gobsmacked as Satoru gave one last statement before awaiting her response.

"Though, I am glad you're still alive, after I went through the effort to save ya. Hope you've been having as much fun as I had thus far in this world." He stated genuinely as a small smile formed on his face.

'Considering she has no Mana and or usable Cursed Energy...' Satoru's conclusion was quite the opposite of his hope for the girl.

At that moment, Nanahoshi balled her fist.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello people! Before we go in-depth - the Next Chapter Comes Out Tomorrow!

So yes, This isn't that big of a cliffhanger - But I do love em.

Gotta be honest, the Luke part with his flirts was genuinely cringing for me to write like I physically convulsed, but meh. I do it for character consistency! (Hopefully)

Now then, hope the chapter was to your satisfaction and up to par in quality and stuff.

I've been pretty down on time these past few weeks, so I hope the chapter doesn't come out to reflect that in a bad way lol.

See ya tomorrow!

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

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