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59.18% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 28: Nostalgic Energy

Capítulo 28: Nostalgic Energy

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

A radiant dawn embraced the Magic City of Sharia, heralding the new day as the sun ascended beyond the horizon.

The sky, devoid of yesterday's snow clouds, painted a clear canvas above the city.

Cobblestone streets, once desolate, now stirred with the diverse tapestry of races - Mainly those toiling in the city's bakeries, mills, and tending animals at its outskirts.

Yet, waking up at this early hour would have been a lamentable prospect for one particular man.

That man was presently lost in the comforting embrace of a deep slumber within the confines of an inn.

His mouth hung open, a testament to the tranquility of his rest. A stray leg dangled over the bed's edge, and the blanket barely covered one foot. His face never seemed to make contact with the pillow at the bed's edge.

Much like the man himself, his sleep position was an example of chaos and disorder.

A vulnerable and carefree sleep position that would get most people of notable repute killed without difficulty.

Of course, this man's vulnerable sleep habits were well-founded.

This man was Gojo Satoru, and he could sleep in a dragon's lair without a care in the world -Or so he claimed when questioned about his seemingly vulnerable sleep habits.

As Satoru basked in peaceful relaxation, the rhythmic knock on his wooden door disrupted his peace.

He reluctantly and lazily opened his eyes, emitting a groan of displeasure, "Who is it at this hour?!"

In a fit of irritation, Satoru added mentally, 'If it's Nina, I'm beating her up in our next Sword Spar.' A bit petty and hypocritical, perhaps, but Satoru was not in the mood for unexpected wake-up calls.

A haughty yet refined voice responded to Satoru's irked inquiry from beyond the door, "Is this Gojo Satoru's room?"

Satoru's Six Eyes focused on the door, revealing beyond it an extremely short, stiff, stout, mustached older man adorned in a fancy suit and robe, his garb adorned with numerous emblems.

This man, Satoru presumed, held some significance.

Breathing in, Satoru shook off the weariness from being woken up suddenly and formed his conclusion about the individual in question.

'This short geezer is probably Principal Georg' Satoru managed to conclude from the clues.

Georg - The principal of the Ranoa Magic Academy holds influence akin to royalty or even of a king of a moderately powerful country, his connection might surpass even Asuran royalty thanks to the global significance of the educational institute he heads.

He'd read all about him and this Academy back in the Holy Land Of Swords - It was the very reason he decided to head over here, even prior to his formal invitation to enroll.

The looks, the clothing, the royal demeanor, and the impressive amount of mana were a dead giveaway for Satoru.

'The Academy... Will I find a method to get me home?' Satoru wondered in his mind as he was about to meet the literal principal.

Shaking his head, Satoru considered, 'I'll cross that bridge when I get there.' 

'Until then, though... I'll have some fun.' Satoru concluded with glee, He narrowed his eyes, scanning through the door.

It seems, even with an individual like Georg - A person critical for Satoru's personal goal of finding a method to return home, Satoru truly couldn't help but be... Himself.

Another person's status never restricted Satoru's more playful antics - This was the same back in Japan.

And this world was no different.

He remained unbounded in the acts of innocent shenanigans!

A trait, he often believed, that made life all that more exciting for everyone!

...And by everyone - He means himself.

Regardless, Satoru has a crutch for his rude shenanigans this time...

What stood out to Satoru in the visage of this apparent powerful and short old man, was the wig he wore on his head.

With a smirk forming on his face, as his emotional state transitioned from irritation to his usual amusement he answered, "Yeah, that's me. Whatcha need baldy~? I don't appreciate being woken up, so make it quick!"

Georg, huffed in annoyance from beyond the door, yet he maintained composure.

'This youngster is brash and arrogant, but he nevertheless is a Great Power - His rudeness is not something that can be easily punished, it seems. Regardless, I have wronged the boy.' Georg noted his hand on his chin.

Georg responded in a composed manner, "I apologize for waking you up, would returning at a later time to converse be a better fit for you?"

'Unfazed, huh? How boring.' Satoru's disappointment lingered in his thoughts.

Satoru got up from his bed and replied nonchalantly, "No, just make it quick. You can enter, by the way." He leisurely donned his shirt and pants, all the while contemplating the possible avenues the Academy might offer for his quest to find a way home.

His seemingly carefree demeanor masked a mind that never stopped strategizing.

'As for if the Academy can't teach me anything to get home... If I can't find anything in a couple of months - I'll be off to Asura. I can't use magic and I can't be holed up for another half year without a method to return home in my hands.' Satoru confirmed his first contingency.

'Though, of all places in the world - If a method to return back home existed, it'd most likely be here.' Satoru assumed.

Satoru had taken his time in traveling and enjoying himself thoroughly on the way here.

Although he'd enjoyed his time in this world thus far, he'd planned to get to the Magic University, find a method to return, and simply do so.

Or at the very least secure a method to return and then continue journeying at his leisure.

A flawless plan!

...Under the assumption Satoru finds the method to return home, that is.

His assumption is well founded - Out of all places in the world, indeed the Magic University Of Ranoa is the best candidate to hold the key to his return home.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee.

And Satoru knows it - But he stays optimistic.

Worse, comes to worst - The Vacation continues.

...How carefree!

Is his lack of a rush a result of the trust in Suguru or simply negligence?

Georg opened the door with an audible creak at Satoru's agreement.

With an audible creak, Georg opened the door, meeting Satoru's ethereal ocean-blue gaze.

Thanks to the considerable size difference, Satoru's Six Eyes lazily looked down at Georg.

A glint of a researcher's curiosity sparkled in Georg's eyes as he marveled, "Ah, the rumored "Six Eyes". You managed to see through the door and figured out that my wonderful hair is but a removable attachment. Much like the rumored capabilities... How fascinating."

Satoru, arms folded, smirked at Georg, "Amazing, aren't they~?"

Nodding in agreement, Georg stated, "Indeed, they are quite curious. Unfortunately, that is not the reason behind my visit."

Georg, still maintaining composure, proceeded to address the reason behind his visit, "I assume you are not aware of my identity and I'll ignore that rude comment, attributing it to your ignorance. My blessed stature is not as rare as some would believe."

Snorting in clear amusement, Satoru responded, "Mind clueing me in~?"

With a kingly bow and noble etiquette, Georg introduced himself, "I am Georg. King Class Wind Mage. Saint Water, Fire, and Barrier Class Mage. But you mayhaps have heard of my more illustrious title - Principal of the Grand Academy Of Magic In Ranoa." Each word was accompanied by Georg's theatric pinching of his self-proclaimed glorious mustache.

Satoru's mouth hung loose, "Ah. Hehe, my bad~! I didn't know it was you!" He chuckled and threw a wink and pointed his finger at the short Principal.

And there it is! Satoru's crutch in the situation!

Gojo Satoru Secret Technique Number 7 - Feign Ignorance.

A technique Satoru has "mastered" and has been used against the most powerful of opponents like:







And particularly noteworthy - Utahime.

Apparently, due to unknown reasons, this technique seldom works, unlike the more successful Technique Number 5 - Ambiguous Response.

Georg gave a momentary look of disbelief in Satoru's direction and then proceeded to cough, breaking Satoru out of his amused state as he waved him off, "That is fine, boy. A question to you, are the rumors of you intending to enroll in my Academy truthful and not baseless?"

Satoru tilted his head and responded with a nod, "Yup, I'm planning on enrolling for a while until I learn what I want to learn."

'Having come to greet me personally, in my Inn room early in the morning for that matter, he's not here to exchange pleasantries - He knows why I'm here.' Satoru analyzed neutrally.

Georg pinched his mustache, his tone pleased, "Splendid! Gather your belongings and let us head towards the Academy, we shall finalize your admission and the nuances there. I'll await you at the Inn's lounge downstairs."

Without hesitation, Georg turned around and his leisure steps on the wooden floor echoed in the room as he began making his way outside.

Satoru grinned, his amusement evident. "Oh~? You're quite assertive. I haven't even introduced myself!"

Georg stopped momentarily, turning around to meet Satoru's Six Eyes with a confident look, "I wouldn't have reached my current position without a modicum of assertiveness, now would I? And a touch of patience for that matter." Georg subtly added, exhibiting a hint of irritation.

Georg continued, "Now, as for you, young man. I'd sooner be senile than not recognize who you are. 6th Of The Great Powers, The Anomaly - Gojo Satoru. An upstart with the strength to back up his claims of being the "Strongest". So far, no evidence against your claims has been provided, Quite the opposite in fact, the more I heard about you, the more your claim seemed less outlandish. So, for now, I am inclined to trust that claim myself. Certainly, you are the most impressive young man I've ever heard of." With those parting words, Georg headed downstairs, leaving Satoru to gather his things.


What a bootlicking fellow.

Satoru thought otherwise...

His loud voice echoed out even downstairs, "COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!"

At that, Satoru proceeded to quickly gather his things and head downstairs to meet up with Georg at the lounge.


The resonating symphony of carriage wheels gliding upon cobblestone and the rhythmic clattering of horse hooves resounded in the distance, indicating the passage of a horse-drawn carriage through the eastern gateway of Sharia.

As the carriage approached, the imposing campus of The Ranoa Magic Academy came into view, perched majestically upon a distant hill, its grandeur painted against the canvas of the horizon.

Within the confines of this distinguished carriage, two occupants indulged in the fine leisure of tea sipping while discussing, enveloped by an ambiance of sheer serenity and tranquility.

...For Satoru, at least.

Georg seemed to be having a difficult time whilst trying his best to keep a composed posture whenever Satoru threw an unexpected and rather uncouth verbal jab after every other semi-serious topic.

"You seek to study Teleportation Magic... Similar to another one of our Special Students." Pinching his mustache, Georg continued, "However, I must issue the same stern caution I gave to Miss Silent Seven Stars."

His eyes narrowed at Satoru, "Although you are a Great Power, and that is comparable to the might of some countries, you must not underestimate the Old Taboo of Teleportation Magic - Especially following that recent Calamity when the wounds are fresh for the Asura Kingdom. Should you overdo it, I will be forced to expel you from my institution."

With a shake of his finger, Satoru proceeded to point at himself, his entire being exuding unadulterated arrogance, "Don't worry~! I'll be fine! I'm the Strongest~!" He flashed Georg a wicked grin.

Not a single ounce of doubt or fallacy were in Satoru's words.

Shaking his head, Georg responded, "While I lack much doubt regarding your claim. Even a Great Power can't match the force of multiple countries - Who could employ a Great Power or two of their own depending on the circumstances."

Nodding, Satoru responded, his tone unconvinced, "Duly noted."

Georg harbored a tentative hope that Gojo Satoru would take heed of his cautionary words. Failure to do so could potentially yield consequences contrary to the positive impact Georg had envisioned for both his esteemed academy and his own reputation.

Satoru, humming contentedly, leaned casually into the plush cushions of the carriage.

With a feigned innocence dancing in his eyes, visible through the dark shades, he posed a seemingly innocent question, all while savoring his tea, "Say... Are we on this carriage because you'd have difficulty walking this far?" He gestured playfully towards Georg's undersized and fat legs, employing a whimsical walking impression with two extended fingers.

'This again?' Georg deadpanned internally at another one of Satoru's abrupt quips.

Arching an eyebrow and savoring another sip of tea, Georg responded with measured calmness, "No, Gojo. We engage this carriage because I embrace both affluence and efficiency. The prospect of traversing back to the Academy unaccompanied poses no challenge for me."

Satoru shrugged, "Could've fooled me."

Georg huffed, his boundless patience finally finding a worthy opponent in the form of Satoru's boundless annoyance.

Observing students en route to the Academy on foot, Satoru chuckled wryly, "You're certainly cheap. Making students walk all the way from Sharia to the Academy. Don't you have enough rooms over there~?"

Georg retorted promptly, "Your accusation is unfounded, my boy! Accommodations are the student's responsibility. We extend such privileges to exceptional performers, contributors, and Special Students. It is a system designed to inspire merit. Should they seek lodging and other benefits, even free tuition, they must prove their worth. Furthermore-"

Satoru, growing disinterested, gazed out of the carriage window at the passing students once again.

Despite noticing this fact yesterday, a niggling curiosity compelled him to revisit the thought.

Muttering to himself, he pondered, "Their uniforms look oddly Japanese..."

Although lacking concrete evidence, Satoru's mind raced with possibilities.

Having lived long enough in this world, he knew that similarities between this world and his own were abundant, yet he couldn't shake off the peculiar feeling.

He sighed, 'Nah, It's probably nothing. Just another coincidence.'

Closing his eyes, he somehow leaned in even further into the luxurious couch, his eyes closed behind the shades - Whilst his ears, unfortunately, weren't capable of ignoring the endless lecture being puked onto him.

"And someone of repute like a Great Power should only be escorted by the Principal - Or I'd make myself a disrespectful brute. Additonally-" Georg continued without pause.

...He deserves that much for poking the bee's nest!


The Ranoa Magic Academy is a spectacle to be certain, having exited the carriage just outside the main gate leading into campus.

Gojo Satoru found himself marveling at the sight of the Academy.

"Wow... Not bad, baldy." Satoru grinned as he threw a glance at Georg who stood beside him.

...Below him if we consider the painful height difference.

"Pst, hey! Could that be-?!" A female student who passed by whispered to her friend as they glared at the rather eye-catching sight of the luxurious carriage of Principal Georg along with the man himself and the white-haired stranger.

Yes, Random Girl - That is indeed who you think it is.

Georg ignored Satoru's rudeness in favor of beaming at the praise and awe his Academy had induced in Satoru.

This is his pride and joy.

Pinching his mustache, he let out a pleased and haughty tone, "Impressive, isn't it? Constructed entirely with Magic Resistant Brick of the highest quality! The ones in the City can't even compare!"

Satoru tilted his head, "For real?" 

'Might as well see what he means... Does more Mana in the brick result in better resistance?' Satoru was about to test the theory.

He slowly removed his shades, revealing the mystifying Six Eyes to the world.

His eyes narrowed as he scanned the entire campus, the structures, the people... Everything.

That was the last clue the countless curious onlookers needed to confirm their theory.

Only one man can have these mysterious ocean-blue eyes.

"It's Gojo Satoru!" One guy pointed out.

"Woah, he's more handsome than rumored!" A girl yelled out giddily.

It wasn't soon after that a crowd of students trying to enter the campus began to flock and surround the duo of Satoru and Georg.

Noticing this, Georg broke out of his own stupor and fascinated analysis of Satoru's enigmatic Six Eyes as he audibly coughed and scanned the crowd, "Carry on, students. You can introduce yourselves to Gojo when I am done with his enrollment." He stated with authority, also casually confirming the identity and enrollment of the young man beside him.

Sounds of both protest and excitement came from the crowd, but they mostly relented out of respect for the Principal as they distanced themselves, allowing for free passage to the duo.

Nodding in satisfaction, Georg directed his gaze to Satoru, "Now then, let us move on to the campus."

Georg began walking, his steps audible on the rough ground, yet he failed to detect any noise of Satoru's footsteps.

He wasn't following him.

Georg, turning his attention back to Satoru, witnessed a scene frozen in time.

Satoru, usually brimming with boundless energy, stood like a statue, eyes wide and fixated on a building's third floor.

"Is something the matter, Gojo?" Georg inquired, unaware of the revelation Satoru had uncovered.

A shockwave of astonishment rippled through Satoru as his Six Eyes bore witness to an unexpected revelation.

Cursed Energy, existed faintly yet unmistakably in an individual - That wasn't him.

The Six Eyes, like a parched wanderer stumbling upon an oasis, focused intensely on the meager and weak Cursed Energy, dissecting it from the surrounding mana that attempted to overshadow its presence.

Satoru's gaze penetrated the veil of mana, revealing Cursed Energy - Something he had not encountered since his in arrival in this world eight months ago.

Something that only he had, thus far.

"Cursed Energy... It's faint. But it's there." The announcement, delivered with a profound gravity, echoed through the air.

Yet, his task wasn't complete - He had to discern the identity and familiarity of this individual by analyzing his Cursed Energy.

In the blink of an eye, Satoru's intense scrutiny unveiled the source of the Cursed Energy.

Thankfully, this Cursed Energy, was one Satoru had endeavored to memorize.

A familiar one.

"That girl!" Satoru's voice cut through the stillness, a revelation that hung in the air like a premonition.

"...Might I ask, what girl?" Georg, caught in the middle of Satoru's revelation, sought clarification.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

I've taken the liberty to be creative with the wasted Character that is the Principal of the School so yeah. :P

Now, technically Gojo IS enrolled in the Academy - So it just gotta be finalized and shieet.

So I kept my promise? (Tomorrow = 48 hours by the way).

Here's a cringy example of my current state of mind:

As the Strongest Gojo Glazer, BurgerNoTomatoes fought the Fraud.

The King Of Time Consumption.

He began to open his Domain.

Real Life Responsibilities shrunk back in fear.

Then, BurgerNoTomatoes said:

"Stand Proud Real Life Responsibilities, you are STRONG"

Anywho, I might be an asshole, I might be sadistic and I might be both and I just might be overdosed on green tea.

Because... I apologize, but this fic will be going on a 20-30 Day Hiatus.

20 Days being the minimum and 30 days being the maximum.

I will be locking in on the Ten Shadows Fic during that period to complete the rather ambitious arc I plotted for myself - And I've been neglecting that one for way too long.

So, meanwhile, if you are waiting on this fic you could go and read that one (Not sponsored)

Or any of my other fics (Don't read the Danmachi one, I was young and let out all the goofy)

Or read some other fic that isn't mine.

Or better yet... Join the dark side and form a mild addiction to Manhwa.

The choice is yours, people!

Thank you for the support and feedback!

I'll see you "relatively" soon!

Have a nice day!

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Did you accidentally slip your foot into liquid nitrogen and now require it to be cut off?!

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Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

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