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57.14% Jobless Transportation - The Honored One / Chapter 27: Magic City Of Sharia... Entered Legally

Capítulo 27: Magic City Of Sharia... Entered Legally

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(As a side note, as this fic is basically my playground to improve my writing among other things, I will be making noticeable changes/experiments with my writing and have, as well, taken into consideration any advice and or constructive criticisms you guys have provided me. I want to thank you all for the feedback, support and keep em coming! If there's any issue with the changes I make please notify me! Thanks!)


-Story Start-

Describing the current chilly afternoon in the northern lands of the Central Continent as merely "Chilly" would be a stark understatement.

Cold enough to freeze the marrow in your bones would be a more precise description.

The season of Winter is particularly harsher for the residents of the north.

Besides the obvious cold, they have to deal with:

The shortages of food.

Average Monster Strength that is second only to those in the Demon Continent.

Slave Traders.

Crooks, bandits, and their ilk.

Merchant "Friendly" geography.

Nevertheless, the resilience and adaptability of mortals - Exemplified best by the Human Race was not to be underestimated.

Even here, under such conditions did they thrive and manage to craft a phenomenal society.

A kingdom.

The Kingdom Of Ranoa.

Unlike their distant neighbors in the Holy Land Of Swords - They pursue the way of Magic rather than the way of the Sword.

But, even for a kingdom that rivals the Shirone Kingdom in terms of power and influence - Even they'd be hard-pressed to create such a city in the harsh northern lands as the one before us:

The Magic City - Sharia.

An awe-inspiring city that can be seen from miles away.

Its population numbers over half a million people of all races - Although the majority comprised of Humans.

Its design is based on the capital city Milishion of the Holy Country Of Milis with the added bonus of having a good majority of the buildings reinforced with magic-resistant bricks, which would be expensive for any other country to obtain.

This was simply not the case in Sharia, as the bricks are produced locally and they hold a complete monopoly over its production.

Amid the snow and dim light of the winter afternoon in the north, in complete rebellion, the city stood warm, inviting, and lustrous.

Achieving such a grand city would have been impossible for the Ranoa Kingdom.

The question arises, then how does it exist in the first place?

The answer lies in the existence of the Magic Triumvirate - A mutually beneficial peace alliance between the neighboring Kingdoms of Ranoa, Neris, and Basherant.

Through the funding and pouring of tremendous resources from the three United Kingdoms.

Firstly for the purpose of mutually advancing magical research, eventually through time, this stronghold for magic became a place of residence, learning in the form of constructing the greatest magic academy in history, and much more.

The Magic City Of Sharia was born - Located at the edge of the Kingdom of Ranoa, bordering with the two other allied kingdoms.

Each of the Kingdoms contributed to the construction of Sharia, and as a result - Although it was in the borders of Ranoa, it doesn't truly constitute a city belonging to it.

Our story continues in this city - A grand and illustrious mark of civilization that would no doubt affect many generations of both residents and would-be visitors.

Now, let's focus on one such would-be visitor...


The northwestern gate - The least populated entrance gate of Sharia.

Unlike its northern counterpart - Trade routes with the Neris Kingdom.

And its Western counterpart - Merchants heading to Asura through the Red Dragon Upper Jaw crossing.

A gate that rarely has any traffic besides merchants heading to the Holy Land Of Swords and the odd adventurer.

And since merchants that go so far as to brave the monster-infested paths and harsh climate and geography just to trade with the Holy Land Of Swords are so rare - This entrance gate was rather barren at the moment.

...On some days, monsters are the most common visitor.

The burly old man working as the guard of this gate was completely fine with this arrangement.

Used to the cold in addition to being dressed appropriately in warm clothing, the spear-wielding guard stood steadfastly, his eyes closed yet his other senses sharp.

He relished in the chaotic yet harmonious norm:

On one side - The sounds of anvils, the running of mills and forges mixed with the sounds of bantering and negotiations of salesmen and their clients. Originating from the city behind him.

On the other side - The screeching of the Squirrel Parrots that the cold wind failed to silence, the feeling and steady fall of snow on both his shoulders and the surroundings.

Truly, this duty-bound older fellow wouldn't trade this for anything else in the world.

...Not even his nagging wife, he'd admit.

In such a meditative state the guard did his work, only to be disturbed and broken out of his trance by the approaches of visitors.

Much as is the case right now...

Cracking one eye open, the guard stares into the distance, around a hundred feet from him the audible sounds of ruffled snow could be heard - intensifying as they leisurely got closer and closer.

'A visitor. Quite rare at this hour.' The guard noted curiously.

Squinting his eyes, he registered the approaching figure.


He blinked, once, twice.

Yet, comprehension eluded him as he beheld the spectacle before him.

A towering human figure, draped in beautiful obsidian-colored attire that exuded both style and expense. White hair framed a face adorned with shades.

Thus far, a look that seems ill fit for this side of the world and climate.

This claim was redeemed by his last piece of clothing - An impeccably tailored Ice Claw Tiger hide scarf.

A backpack that seemed to have seen some things from how beat up it appeared.

And finally, a fancy-looking sheath holding what appears to be a thin blade.

What confounded him, however, was the falling snow around the man. It slid off him without a single touch, as if defying the very essence of touch.

The guard, a seasoned veteran, quickly composed himself as he narrowed his eyes at the approaching odd figure.

A simple easygoing smile was held in place of the approaching figure as he confidently and casually strode towards the guard.

So far, this wasn't out of the ordinary - A visitor need not fear a guard if he is not entering for the sake of causing any trouble or otherwise.

Thus, the approaching man's confident stride was well-founded.

Yet, the battle-hardened guard was not fooled.

With a glance, he could tell, 'His confidence doesn't come from being naive... He must be either an arrogant kid or a strong one.'

His thought process was broken by the casual wave of the approaching man, now within ten feet of him, "Yo!"

The guard huffed, ignoring the friendly greeting as he gruffly replied, "Ya got identification?"

Identification was indeed an issue in these parts.

But having some form of it makes the process of entering so much easier for both the guard and the intending visitor.

Though the guard was almost certain this stranger held identification.

'With those clothes... No identification could mean the kid's a crook.' The guard tiredly and reluctantly noted, his gaze sharp regardless.

Although duty-bound and satisfied with his work, the guard was not one to enjoy the probing aspect of his duty.

Nodding, the man replied with an even tone, "Yeah, just give me a second to find it."

The man fished out his backpack and began digging through the pockets of the backpack in front of the scrutinizing gaze of the guard.

Humming, the white haired man mumbled nonchalantly, "Hmm... Could've sworn it was here."

The guard sighed, looking over the man's shoulder, "No identification, is it?"

The man shrugged an amused smirk forming on his face, "Oh, well. Guess I'll have to go look for it."

At his words, he suddenly turned around and went in the opposite direction, back where he came from.

Slowly but surely distancing from the bewildered guard's eyesight before he disappeared.

The guard's contemplation about the odd boy lingered, 'Could've let him enter after a few questions... Ah well, that ain't my problem.'

The guard, as the momentary oddity vanished, relaxed the unconsciously strong grip he held on his spear, returning to relishing the chaotic norm.

'Though, I could've sworn I had heard of his looks described to me...' He noted absentmindedly.

What the poor memory of the guard failed to remind him, was of the clear instruction by Principal Georg of the Magic Academy.

Guards were instructed to direct a man named Gojo Satoru, with that eye-catching look of white hair, obsidian-colored clothes, and exotic shades and expression, to the Academy should he make his appearance.

...Oh, well.


Obviously, the odd man that had lost his method of identification - His Adventurer Card or any other method or document of identification.

Was none other than Gojo Satoru.

And, as is obvious with Gojo Satoru.

He entered the city without any identification or legal channel.

Before entering, he contemplated the location of his Adventurer Card momentarily.

'Nina probably took it.' Was the conclusion he came upon, the mere thought of him having lost it never crossed his mind.

Gojo Satoru losing something so important as the Adventurer Card gifted to him with an instant "Honorary A - Rank" due to his status as one of the Seven Great Powers would be an outrageous and scandalous claim!

...Key word being important for Satoru in this case.

He shrugged, 'Well, I'll just ask the guys over here to issue me a new one.'

The penalty of his rank starting anew from F due to losing his card never crossed his mind.

How carefree!

Thus, Satoru simply teleported past the gate, much to the bewilderment of the dwarf and human kids playing in the alley just beyond the gate.

One outgoing child exclaimed with awe, "T-THAT WAS SO COOL MISTER! YOU JUST APPEARED HERE!"

Satoru replied with equal cheer, "I KNOW! I'M JUST COOL LIKE THAT!" He pointed his finger at the kid.

The kids both laughed and kept their excitement as the more outgoing one pressed forward, "SAY! CAN WE DO THAT TOO? CAN YOU TEACH US?!"

Satoru chuckled as he lowered himself to ruffle the kid's hair, offering a sympathetic smile, "I can't. Sorry, kid..."

The kids were visibly disappointed that they couldn't do that magic-appearing trick, but Satoru then regained a grin on his face as he lectured with mirth, "Well, you got spirit, you might not be as good-looking and talented as me when you are my age, but you could definitely be someone if you work hard enough I guess!" He ruffled the kid's hair one last time as he got up, starting to make his leave.

The kids simply observed the distancing figure of Satoru after his short lecture, their faces exuded mild confusion.

The kid that got lectured expressed confusion, "THAT DOESN'T HELP ME AT ALL MISTER!"

It seems, that the - "Endlessly talented and always good at everything he tries" Satoru can't teach for his life just about anything.

Spewing some vague and general advice he'd picked up from somewhere that he had never applied in his own life...

Having left the alley, Satoru found himself amid a street filled with stands selling various wares.

And most importantly... Food.

And where there is food, there are...

'Sweets!' Satoru cheered in his head.

Subsequently, ensued the usual loop that Satoru engaged in every new town he found himself at.

Eating the local sweets, and foods as well as exploring the town.

The odd looks and approaches of those familiar with his title that he quickly dismissed or played around with before making his exit for the more important nuances of his exploration and the odd looks of those unfamiliar with him but seemed intrigued by his looks littered Satoru's stroll.

Nevertheless, Satoru was fine with attention of all sizes - He thrives in all environments - Self admittedly, of course.

This was Satoru's first time in a city of such gargantuan proportions - Exploring it all in one day would be impossible for him without a rush.

Without "Cheating" with his Six Eyes, of course.

And that would be boring, distasteful, and just draining.

Following the completion of his usual loop, the cold night greeted the Kingdom of Ranoa and Satoru found himself in his room at a rather expensive Inn, lying in his bed as he fell asleep.

Tomorrow was a big day for Satoru - He'll be officially enrolling in the Magic University.

Along with Nina, but Nina is probably still making her way here, he mused.

As Satoru slept peacefully in his room, the news had already reached the ears of most Academy students - Especially those of the female gender and the higher-up individuals and staff.

The news of the 6th Of The Great Powers Arriving in Sharia - The Anomaly Gojo Satoru.

Much to the glee of a certain Immortal Demon Lord and Homesick Shut-In.

...And much to the dismay of a certain mage suffering from performance issues.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Now, I could be a bit more organized and effective by NOT Dividing this chapter into 2 parts - But I just did.

So technically, yes, I did lie - Gojo has not enrolled in the Academy just yet.

Sorry for teasing ya :P

But! This time I promise!

He'll be doing so in Part 2 of the chapter which comes out TOMORROW SO DON'T ASK!

But can ya blame me? As the self-proclaimed master of pacing and somehow writing/yapping so much with so little plot development (it's a weakness I know, but I'm trying to overcome it!), I quite underestimated the length of the chapter I planned and well, simply put - Gojo wouldn't have just straight-up run over to the Academy in a rush.

Dividing this into 2 parts also allows me to put more effort into the next chapter, and just in case it somehow crosses the 4000-word mark.

Which I don't think it will?

But who knows?!

I sure do love my over-detailed shit.

As for Satoru's deeper contemplations, opinions, and other stuff - Those will appear in the following chapters and steadily - Especially his opinion on SLAVERY. Though I am curious how you guys think THIS Gojo sees slavery, the literally legal slave market, and whatnot.

As a side note - Here's a fun fact for you guys.

Before I wrote this fic, I actually had 3 choices where to throw Gojo in.

(1) This Fic - Mushoku Tensei.

(2) Frieren - I liked it, and it felt like a good place to throw Teen Gojo in, but I was not familiar enough with the manga nor was it so expanded upon like Mushoku Tensei so this was rejected.

(3) Re:Zero - I fiddled with the idea for a bit, but understood this would be much too hard and serious to write, with little goofy potential in my humble opinion. And honestly, Gojo isn't the "Strongest" in that world no matter what unless I heavily involve some plot stuff out of my ass. Sorry not sorry but Gojo is NOT beating Reinhard, that guy is the definition of broken. Thus this was rejected :P

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

Have a nice day!

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