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88.13% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 52: What If...We Saved Reality? [Season 3 End]

Capítulo 52: What If...We Saved Reality? [Season 3 End]

 "Girls?" Tigra barely managed to whisper out as her head felt suddenly clear.

 The pain from the last minute was suddenly gone, as if the pain had never been there in the first place. Her memories had felt like they were wrapped in rope and suffering extreme rope burn until suddenly, the rope was gone.

 Her memories still felt all over the place, but more like a mechanic dropping their tool box onto the ground instead of several tool boxes dropping to the ground. She could now clearly see her memories apart from these fake memories.

 Fake memories that were quickly being forgotten.

 She couldn't dwell on the fake memories for long before two bodies slammed into her and wrapped their arms around her.

 "Tigra?" Adora asked with a plea.

 "Yeah, it's me dummy." Tigra patted her back.

 She held a sad smile on her face as she scratched the back of Catra's head.

 "Thanks for not leaving me in make believe."

 "With that," Bow started. "Welcome back to Reality, even if it is collapsing at the moment."

 As if Reality had waited for that moment, Tigra could see that, through the bay window, the sky cracked .

 Pink and purple cracks littered the sky as pink light started coming out of the cracks. As she stood, still holding her girls, she could see that the Whispering Woods were being swallowed by the light. The trees didn't fall so much as they just went with the land and disappeared.

 The light was slowly getting closer to them.

 "Sitrep, now." Tigra commanded.

 "Adora and Catra came from the Horde, which they've said has been swallowed by that light. Until they managed to convince us that our memories were being messed with, we didn't remember them or even the Fright Zone, let alone the Horde." Bow addressed.

 Catra and Adora slowly backed away from Tigra but still kept a hand in each of her hands.

 "This happened because of the Portal. Madame Razz told me to go to my beginning to find the Sword, but it wasn't at the Fright Zone nor is it here in Brightmoon." Adora informed.

 Tigra filed 'Madame Razz' away for the future, seeing as it likely isn't too important at the moment.

 "The Portal is causing Time and Space itself to come undone. We've been teleporting around and Time is passing at random when that happens." Catra expanded. "While we don't know for sure, we don't expect anything good to happen when the light encompasses all of Etheria."

 "Nothing good." Tigra agreed. "At best? We may be stuck in this make believe world. At worst? We may just stop existing."

 "It may be more complicated than that." Bow spoke, catching everyone's attention. "I thought more about the situations we were in and honestly, it seems like our timeline may have been merging with others."

 He gestures to himself.

 "A Universe where I kept up my studies and stayed out of a war to keep Etheria free from the Horde." Towards Glimmer. "Where her father wasn't lost in The Battle of the Zone and came back home. This led to the Previous Alliance ending in a good manner instead of fear." He gestured towards Catra and Adora.

 "We became Force Captains at the same time and had the respect of everyone in the Zone. Weaver was an actual guardian that treated both of us like actual children under her protection instead of pieces that could help her further her own goals." Catra told.

 "And I never got sent away by my Mom. The Magicat Kingdom wasn't destroyed and I got to grow up with my birth family. Which led to me growing alongside Glimmer as Brightmoon is one of Half Moon's biggest allies. Which also resulted in me never gaining the name Tigra and never meeting Catra and Adora."

 "There are too many 'What Ifs' to conceivably happen within the same timeline realistically. It's more likely that some things happened from other timelines than to create an entirely new Universe with new memories while simply hiding old memories, seeing as they weren't erased, only heavily repressed."

 They were quiet for a moment.

 "So these memories could have been real?" Tigra asked.

 Bow seemed to struggle to come to an answer.

 "Yes." Glimmer spoke for him. "My father is gone, but this version of my Dad is nearly all that I could imagine we would have been had he still been around. All the way from having fun with him and Mom to him ruling alongside her. None of the affection could have been as easy to say that it was fake. To call it fake would be to deny everything I remember about my Dad."

 "So a 'What could have been' then?" Tigra asked.

 Tigra could feel her girls squeezing her hands slightly, as if knowing just how much she really needed to know that someone else would agree that, while the memories may be fake, the affection must have been real.

 "Yeah." Glimmer's voice was surprisingly soft. "Just what could have happened if certain events didn't happen. But it's not all bad! If this life was exactly this way, you would have never met Adora or Catra."

 Tigra did smile at the obvious deflection from the heavier topic. "And I would have grown up knowing you for over 10 years instead."

 Glimmer fake gasped at that. "I'll have you know, knowing me since childhood is a gift! Right Bow?"

 "Ehh." Bow did a so-so gesture. "You loved pushing any boundaries that Angella gave you, which often led to both of us getting in trouble. Still wouldn't trade that friendship away though."

 Glimmer glowered slightly, yet she wasn't who Tigra was looking at.

 Something about how Bow looked was incredibly familiar.

 It wasn't his physical looks, more on the lines of the expression on his face.

 It clicked in a moment where she's seen that before.

 Adora wore that expression a few times in the Horde, usually after looking exasperated with her and Catra.

 Tigra shook her head lightly before taking a small breath.

 'Power - Sheet.'

Tigra | 18


Level 72 (5505/18000) | 30.58%

HP: 11,900 | HPR: 5355

MP: 9120 | MPR: 4642

SP: 5950 | SPR: 2678

STR: 165 | DEX: 799

CON: 595 | INT: 456

WIS: 344 | CHA: 154

New information acquired while disconnected from the host.

New Quest Discovered!

Collapsing Reality

The Portal didn't fully work. Space and Time from Despondos are flowing into an empty portal.

When it runs out of those, Etheria will cease to exist. You must stop it. Otherwise, your story ends here.

Objective: Close the Portal

Hidden Objective: ???

Rewards: 50,000 EXP, 2 trait upgrade points, Fixed Reality | ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???

Failure: Etheria is removed from existence, Game Over


New Spells Learned!


[Fire Teleport LV 1 (0/750) - You can create a portal to travel 1 mile for every ( (50 - LV/4) * 0.75 [One with Fire] ) MP. You appear there instantly. MP: MP_USE]


[Store LV 1 (0/500) - A Unique way of using pure magic to manipulate the fabric of space just slightly. Just barely outside the [???] branch of magic. You can store 3 + LV/25 items in a pocket space. MP: 100 to store and remove from space. Current Items: Crescent, Silva's Spellbook, Queen Seline's Spellbook]


Quest Updated!

Family Knowledge

Objective: Master all of the spells in the book from Vi'ra [2/9]

Bonus Objective: Master all of the spells in the book from Rey [4/14]

Bonus Objective: Master all of the spells in the book from Silva [5/22]

Bonus Objective: Master all of the spells that Queen Seline gave you [2/19]

Reward: Spellbook's x2 multiplier increases to x4 for all books, increases teaching multiplier from x5 to x10 | increases Spellbook multiplier by 2 and increases teaching multiplier by 5 per Bonus Objective Completed [Maximum of 10x and 25x]

Welcome back, Tigra.

Warning: Due to [C̶̨͊o̷̖̒r̸̦̅ŗ̴͝u̸͈̓p̶̞͑ẗ̸͜i̵̭͌o̴̯̐ǹ̵͙] to Power, most abilities will remain 'offline' for 10 minutes as Power goes through to remove any and all potential bugs. At which point, all abilities should return to normal. 

Spells will remain unchanged, but, due to the host's main usage pushing some skills far past their origins, a warning about how Dash has returned to a 50% increase along with Run returning to a 25% increase in Dexterity has been issued.

Time until fixed: 09:32

 'Alright. So some things from Py'ra's life are still around. Whether they will be around once we apparently fix Reality though, that's another question for later. But it seems as if everything is working again, or technically will be working.' She thought.

 She looked back at Catra and Adora, before she noticed a knowing smirk on their faces.

 "Guessing everything's back to normal with you?" Catra asked.

 "Yeah. Everything's back to Tigra. But that's not what we should be focusing on."

 She looked over the four of them.

 "How are we going to fix Reality? You said that the Sword isn't here or in the Fright Zone. I have no other clue on where that thing could be. Without that, your 'Madame Razz' basically implies that we can't fix Reality."

 "However, there is one other option available to us. If we can't figure out where her sword is, we just need to find Entrapta." Catra reminded.

 "The failsafe." Tigra nodded. "Alright, are we running there, or what?"

 Adora shook her head.

 "When Catra and I were escaping the Horde, we saw the light and cracks coming after us along with heading North and South. If I had to guess, it likely has split the continent into at least two separate places. We don't know if the path to Entrapta is blocked or not."

 Tigra frowned.

 'Man. I could have gotten us there in under a minute if my Power was working completely.' She thought. "Alright. Next plan."

 Catra turned to Glimmer.

 "Can you teleport us to Dryl? It may allow us to get there without crossing that light."

 Glimmer shook her head. "The farthest I can get from here is maybe Thaymor. Even then, using that much magic would mean that I wouldn't be able to teleport anymore until the next day or I recharge with the Moonstone."

 Tigra looked at Fire Teleport and thought.

 'If I was to use all of my MP, I could create a portal that would transport us…about 240 miles. While not as impressive as my speed, it could be more useful in evacuations of hundreds of people. Just create 11 clones that do the same and we could transport an entire city in moments.'

 "What about that flaming oval you created, Tigra?" Adora asked.

 She shook her head as a negative.

 "At the moment, Glimmer is more skilled in teleportation than I am." Tigra ignored the 'At the moment?!' from Glitter. "I also assume that the connection with the Moonstone is boosting her teleportation as well, seeing as she's not creating an oval like I do. At the moment, I can only create a portal that transports us about 240 miles away. It'll be a short amount of time before I can do that again. If we were to try and use my portals as the method, it would take us just under 2 hours to reach Dryl. I highly doubt that we have that much time."

 "Let's focus on step 1 for now." Bow started. "We need to get out of Brightmoon."

 Everyone looked out of the window and saw the sky crack again as more light appeared, breaching the forests on the outskirts of Brightmoon now.

 "Quickly if that's any sign."

 Tigra used half of her MP and summoned a portal about 100 miles away. While it wouldn't help them in the long run, she'd rather try an avenue in the case that they do need to get away from where they are in a hurry.

 She almost stepped into it before she came to a full stop.

 "Tigra?" Adora asked, all while Catra was looking at the portal as well.

 "Is that?"

 Everyone caught sight of a thin stream of pink light that started to come out of the fiery circle. Another beam followed after a moment. Then another.

 Tigra cut off her connection to the portal as soon as the light's frequency started growing faster and faster.

Fire Teleport gained 4560 [MP/2] * 16 [P.O.F., Genius, Pyromaniac] = 72,960 EXP!

Fire Teleport leveled up! LV 1 → 14

[Fire Teleport LV 14 (4710/10500) - You can create a portal through your fire magic that can travel a maximum of MP_USE/{(50 - 3.5 [LV/4] ) * 0.75 [One with Fire]}. Maximum: 261.5 miles]

 "Alright then," Tigra mumbled. "I can't get us away. If the light is interfering with a portal 100 miles away, it'll likely interfere if it's 200 miles away."

 "How is it interfering, if you can guess?" Bow asked.

 "From how it feels, my spell is trying to connect two spots in space. I can feel it creating a connection right in front of us, but the instant it goes about 20 miles out, that's when it seems to be wonky. I can't really determine if the light is 100 miles in the direction I meant to go, or if the light at the edge of the forest is interfering with the spell. Either way, I can't get the five of us through that light."

 "Which means…"

 "We have to find a weak point." Catra finished Glimmer's thought.

 "Let's get going then. We don't have time to stay here."

 "There are guards around us. They already don't trust Adora and I, seeing as 'dora may have accidentally-"

 "Threaten the King by saying that he's usually dead while under a Truth spell?" Tigra finished with a raised eyebrow. "Py'ra told you that a guard informed her and the family, right?"

 "Honestly, that got lost while trying to convince you that you were Tigra and not this 'Py'ra' character." Glimmer admitted.

 "Well, once we are going, we're going to have to keep going."

 "Wait, what's the plan?" Bow asked.

 Tigra looked at Catra and Adora with a smirk, which Adora gave back and Catra groaned.

 "Wing it?"

 "Wing it." Tigra confirmed before opening the door and running out.

 Adora and Catra weren't too far behind as they knew what was happening. While Glimmer and Bow had to scramble to catch up.


 Tigra rounded a corner and looked out a large window to see that the light got brighter before the castle started shaking.

 'The cracks reached the area. How the fuck are they traveling so quickly? It would have taken me 3 minutes to reach here to the trees and I can travel 111 mph even without the bonuses from Dash and Run. They reached here in under a minute. Which makes the cracks faster than 300 mph, yet the speed isn't consistent.' She noticed.

 The group of five continued running, all of them worried about the castle shaking, not a single one of them ignorant of what that entailed.

 'If it could keep moving at that speed constantly, it would have overtaken us half a minute ago, regardless of where we were in the castle. It's almost as if…'

 She was struck with a realization.

 "Speed doesn't matter." She muttered.

 "What did you say?" Catra asked, the only one with good enough hearing to hear her.

 "I thought the light and cracks were moving at a high speed if they were able to reach here after you two took a Skiff to reach the Whispering Woods. But it also reached the castle from those trees in about a minute but didn't engulf the castle."

 "The speed varies." Catra concluded.

 "Either that, or it just doesn't have speed."

 "How can something not have a speed?" Glimmer asked.

 "It's affecting Space and Time, isn't it?" Tigra asked for assurance, getting a yes from Adora and Catra. "Speed is measured in Distance being divided by the difference in the passage of time. Space divided by Time. Decrease Distance or increase Time, you decrease Speed. Decrease Time or Increase Distance, you increase Speed. The three variables are intrinsically linked with each other. It affecting Space would also explain why my Fire Teleport spell can't work. Space itself isn't working right.

 However, if both of what makes one variable are adjusting at extreme levels, the finished variable is practically a non-factor. Similar to explosives. You can dodge the physical bomb, but most aren't going to be able to react the instant that bomb activates. The speed it moves at is so fast that, unless you have enough Space to avoid it or somehow enough Speed to avoid it, you won't have enough Time to avoid it."

 "You're talking about the equations? The fact that the variables are changing to that level of extreme would mean that we can't plan with it in mind or around it. We could only do so by taking the fastest it's gone as its baseline, but there's nothing saying that we've seen it's fastest." Bow concluded.

 Glimmer managed to get ahead of them before they ran into a guard.

 "Princess Glimmer? What is-! Are those-"

 "Sorry bud," Tigra told before jumping at them.

 In the eyes of Adora, she practically saw history repeat itself as the guard found a leg into their helmet and slammed into the ground.

 Only, the ground was cracked after the impact.

 "Come on!" Tigra reminded. "We don't have time to stop!"

 Glimmer rounded a corner and stopped.

 Tigra would have growled in annoyance, had they not come to a dead end.

 "What, but…there's supposed to be a door here." Glimmer spoke in confusion and worry before Catra and Adora's eyes widened.

 "It's already affecting the castle." Adora spoke. "This happened in the Fright Zone. Doorways and hallways were just gone."

 "Great." Tigra muttered before a blue flame surrounded her fist. "Stand back. I'm breaking us out. Literally."

 Tigra moved her arm back to punch forward, only for two voices to stop her and cause her flames to disperse.

 "Glimmah!" Angella shouted. "Get away from my daughter!"

 "Py'ra!" Vi'ra exclaimed. "What are you doing with the criminals?!"

 Tigra looked back to see all of their parents: Queen Angella and King Micah looked ready for a serious fight.

 Vi'ra looked concerned and shocked and Rey looked confused and annoyed.

 Silva however, was looking at her, as if she was studying her to try and figure out how this situation even occurred.

 After all, while all three of them raised Py'ra, Silva would be the first to notice that something must have happened for Py'ra to suddenly act so out of character.

 "Mom," Glimmer started, yet Tigra blocked her out at that moment.

 While she isn't Py'ra anymore, besides having that name as her middle name, she could still remember her life as Py'ra.

 Her Mums weren't going to listen to any of them besides her.

 "Do either of you three remember what we talked about 2 days ago?" Tigra asked. "How about supper 3 nights ago? What did we do last night? Who did I know from school until graduation?"

 "What are you talking about? We…huh." Rey looked even more confused. "Why can't I remember?"

 "Because there's nothing to remember." Tigra stressed. "We have memories that seem more like summaries over a year. Rey supposedly taught me swordsmanship, but how? When did we start? What kind of blade did I use? Did I prefer magic over physical training?"

 Each question was using logic to break down the false memories. While they were of a lifetime with each other, besides maybe 4 moments, there was nothing that she could truly remember.

 Tigra could remember her 17th birthday, beginning Shadow Magic with Queen Seline, fighting soldiers in the military, and the last 'day' that Py'ra had. 

 Anything other than that? Nothing more than something saying that it was right. While that may be enough for almost everyone else on the planet, it was a problem for one specific race: Magicats.

 Even the most forgetful Magicat can still remember a conversation word for word from a month ago. The Royal family had such things drilled out of them to the point that they should be able to remember a conversation word for word from almost 2 years ago, and that's if they were forgetful. Most of the Royal Family - from Py'ra's memories - indicated that almost all of them had eidetic memory. The point is that they could remember a conversation exactly from the day Py'ra was born as if it happened 5 minutes ago.

 So it's a problem for Rey, a Princess that had lived under Queen Seline for nearly 20ish years before living with Silva and Vi'ra, that she can't remember her daughter's preferred weapon and that's not even talking about how she can't remember what they did yesterday .

 "Silva, do you remember my grades at the school besides being top of the class? Did I ever have a sick day? Did I ever get injured? How many times have you come to pick me up alone? How about how many times in the last week that I've helped you make breakfast, lunch, or supper? How many missions have you gone on in the last 3 months?"

 Silva's eyes were wide before she seemed to have gasped lightly in horror.

 'Note to self: Silva definitely knew Py'ra best.' Tigra filed away.

 She turned to Vi'ra, who was…afraid.

 "Vi'ra. When was the last time you held me in your arms? When was the last time you said goodbye to Rey and Silva? Who hired you to be an Academy teacher? What class did you teach the longest? Who was your best student? What element did you like to teach more than anything else? When did-"

 "Stop." Vi'ra whispered, wearing a haunted look.

 Vi'ra looked at her with shiny eyes before twin streaks of water ran down her cheeks, just as large cracks appeared across the floors and walls without light yet.

 "You're not Py'ra, are you?" Her voice broke.

 "I am, and I'm not. I'm not the Py'ra that you raise with Silva and Rey. I'm not the Py'ra that you raised in Half Moon. I'm not the Py'ra that you taught magic to; had dinner with; got to see grow up; nor am I the Py'ra that looked at you as if you three hung the Moons while telling her that she'll eventually be able to hang her own Moons in the future."

 "Then…who are you?" Silva asked, her own eyes shiny but seemed to have come to terms that something is wrong.

 Tigra smiled a bittersweet smile.

 "I'm Tigra, the Py'ra that was taken from Half Moon by Vi'ra for a reason I don't yet know. But both Rey and Silva were in agreement with said action. I'm the one that Vi'ra teleported to the Fright Zone by accident, where I would find my future Chosen or Mate. I'm the Tigra that has become fast enough that not even Bolt can keep up with me anymore. I'm the Tigra, who is teaching over 200 total students with the certainty that they'll be the strongest generation in the last 5, if not the strongest generation. I'm the Tigra that…is on their way to overthrowing the ruler of the Horde."

 Tigra looked over each of them and they could see her slightly hurt face.

 "I'm the Py'ra that never got to truly know her parents. But in exchange, I found my family. I found friends that don't care about my prowess or my speed. I found two people who I will never be able to remove from my life, regardless of affiliation. I found my way to being one of the strongest soldiers of the Horde."

 "Py…Tigra," Rey started. "You've been out of the Kingdom for most, if not all, of your life? Without seeing Silva, Vi'ra, or me?"

 Tigra nodded.

 "Well, if we remember this, Silva and/or I will likely be seeking you out. We may never get to know our daughter Py'ra besides these memories that, even with our eidetic memories, we may not get to remember. But there's still time to get to know our daughter Tigra." Rey finished.

 "Time…" Vi'ra commented suddenly before gasping and looking at Silva and Rey.

 " She captured me!"

 Tigra had no idea who she was, but after a moment, Silva and Rey grew horrified and, in Rey's case, furious.

 "She…" Rey growled.

 "Rey," Vi'ra held her face with both hands. "I need you to leave it be for now. You can't save me without endangering everyone you know now. For now, leave me be and wait for the right time. With what we know now, that damn prophecy is true. Just had to be that one out of the hundreds we've heard. Instead of trying to change it and make it worse, prepare."

 "Vi…" Silva started. "You understand what our future is looking like now, right? If this goes wrong, it could be the end of Half Moon, let alone just us."

 "Then do your best to make sure it doesn't go wrong." Vi'ra voice turned strong. "There's a time and place for everything. You just need to hold out. I'll be with you two soon enough."

 "What's going on?" Tigra asked worriedly.

 Rey turned her head towards her and Tigra…Tigra swears that Rey's red sclera was replaced with black before her pupils gained a crimson iris. Her fur had also turned gray for a moment before returning back to normal, along with her eyes returning to red sclera and black pupils.

 Rey walked over before placing her hands on Tigra's shoulders.

 "Your Mom's in some trouble in the real Reality. Your Ma and Mother are going to have to do preparations to have the best outcome happen without too much losses. For now, keep doing what you're doing and we'll reach out when the time is right. The Horde, right?"

 Tigra nodded with a tight throat.

 "Real or not, this is a fact: We love you, Py'ra or Tigra. We were given the chance to know Py'ra. Now, it'll be time for us to get to know Tigra. The three of us are going to love getting to know you in the future."

 "Tigra!" Catra exclaimed.

 Tigra's face swung and noticed that the floor under her and the group of four was cracking and began to fall.

 The last thing she saw before being surrounded by pink and purple light was Rey's face and sad smirk.

 "Go get them, Ember."


 Screams surrounded Tigra as they all were sliding down giant pipes and slides before crashing onto the ground.

 They groaned as they slowly got up.


 They looked up to see Entrapta working on something while being surrounded by her many humanoid robots.

 "Do I know you?"

 Every single robot turned to look at them at the same time.

 "Charles, can you provide the guests with tea?"

 'Charles' beeped before wheeling away and coming back not soon after with an already steaming pot of tea.

 Five arms came out from the middle of it holding plates and tea cups before pouring the tea into them.

 Each arm held out the plate to each of them.

 "First time anyone non-robotic showed up here. Usually it's just me and my friends."

 She gestured to all of her robots and that slightly made a pang of hurt in Tigra's chest.

 While Entrapta was far from what most would say is normal, Tigra still knew her. While singular focused on any new subject, she never went against her "subject's" wishes.

 The one and only time that Tigra mentioned early on that she'd prefer her 'experiments' on her be away from the Black Garnet, Entrapta never did her tests on Tigra near that room again. Didn't ask why or try to convince her that it was alright.

 Just one thing asked of her and Entrapta didn't.

 While her Power says that Tigra doesn't truly see her as Family just yet, she still sees her as a high Friend, which is pretty good, considering that she met Entrapta less than a year ago.

 "Entrapta," Tigra started. "Have you noticed anything strange going on?"

 "Do you mean besides the unstable portal slowly consuming and warping our very own reality?" Entrapta asked, as if anything else could be what she was talking about.

 "Wait, you know about that?" Adora asked.

 Which is fair. No one else in this reality seems to know that this reality is fake.

 Entrapta used her hair to walk over to a screen as text flew by.

 "Oh, I figured it out a while ago. An unstable portal is the only thing that would account for all the anomalies I've been picking up in my research. The portal exists somewhere in our world and as long as it's still open it's gonna keep destabilizing reality, making things disappear faster and faster until, Bam! Nothing's left! Which…is bad. Considering that it would prevent me from doing any more of my experiments."

 "So how do we shut it down? You created a failsafe before this Portal was activated." Catra pointed out.

 Entrapta hummed as she started thinking before shaking her head.

 "That's impossible." Entrapta denied, shocking those that knew. "A portal is a gateway between two separate points. The only way to stop something like that without being able to access the controls that are keeping said portal active, would be to shut it down from within. If such a thing were to happen, whoever would be doing such a thing would find themselves stuck in between dimensions, possible for all of eternity!"

 "But you wouldn't lie about this." Tigra denied. "I told you that I wouldn't let you even activate the Portal without you creating a failsafe in the scenario something goes wrong. Like say, Reality collapsing?"

 Entrapta hummed again.

 "How much time did I have?"

 "About 20 minutes."

 She shook her head again.

 "I wouldn't be able to create something like that in that short amount of time, even for me. I would have needed days to calculate all of the variables that a technological portal would need to keep track of. The only thing I could do with that amount of time would be giving whoever shuts down the portal a bit of mercy. I would only have been able to make it so that one doesn't get stuck in between reality."

 "Well, not great but-"

 "They would be Erased." Entrapta finished. "Everything of themself would be Erased down to their Quarks. Which are what make up neutrons and protons. They'd be ripped apart until not a single thing but Quarks would be left. Even then, those may get destroyed."

 "But…you wouldn't activate a Portal with something like that as your backup plan." Catra told.

 A memory slammed into Tigra's mind.

 "Finally, after decades of work, it will work!"

 Hordak pulled the lever before everything Tigra could see turned pink.

 "She didn't." Tigra muttered with wide eyes.


 "Entrapta is not the one who jumped the gun and pulled the lever. Hordak did."

 Everyone's eyes widened at that. Entrapta held her head for a moment.

 "You mean Hordak pulled the lever without knowing the consequence."

 Tigra shook her head.

 "While I can't know for certain right now, Entrapta likely wouldn't have hid something like that from him. But the better question to ask is: Would Hordak sacrifice someone in order to get whatever goal he needed his Portal to accomplish?"

 Nobody said anything, all of them knowing that Hordak would indeed do something like that if his goal was within his grasp.

 The ground shook heavily as they could see pink light close by.

 "Shit! This light really doesn't have a speed! Its method of travel is just Space!" Tigra exclaimed.

 "We should have had more time, even then!"

 "It's you." Entrapta spoke, drawing attention. "It's centered on your Sword, which is connected to you. That's why you don't seem to be surprised about the light coming after you again. The unstable wormhole is following you."

 "So we just…remove the sword, yeah?" Catra asked for confirmation.

 Tigra closed her eyes for a moment.

 'Power - The Myth is Real.' She thought.

[The Myth is Real - You are one of the very few Magicats to be born with a strong connection to life. As such, Life has gifted you with 7 extra lives. Should you die in a way that none of your other abilities would bring you back, you will return to 50% HP, MP, and SP after 4 minutes, regardless of the type of Death]

Traits will be active once more in 02:47

 'Welp…Time to test that theory.'

 The area glows pink as Entrapta begins to become transparent.

 Tigra reached out a hand, only for it to go through her.

 "Remove the Sword from whatever is holding it and Reality should go back to normal."

 The area flashed purple before they disappeared, Entrapta fading into nothingness with a smile.

 "I'm glad you are my friends."


 They landed on the ground again, outside the Ruins.

 "The Beacon?"

 'Guess that's its name.' Tigra thought as they got up again.

 Tigra looked around before looking into the sky and gasping.

 "Rao's True Flames." She muttered.

 In the sky were hundreds of small lights that Magicat legends stated that Rao had placed them all around the sky, so that, no matter what time it is in the Universe, all were able to know that Andra was looking over them, protecting them while Rao would reveal any threat to their children long before it would be a problem.

 The sky flashed before it suddenly became night time, revealing thousands of lights. Each speculated to be the pinnacle of Fire Magic possible but all who would try would only find themselves burned as a warning from Rao that his flames were not meant to be wielded by mortals.

 The few that continued? A large crater the size of entire cities while filled with molten slag was all that they needed to see to know someone did not hear Rao's wisdom.

 "Adora, what's going on?"

 "Entrapta was right. Reality is unraveling at such a fast speed…I think it's too late now." Adora muttered.

 "Not yet." Tigra denied. "Not until the last piece of Reality is gone."

 Suddenly, another person appeared in front of them.

 It is a slim woman with brown hair styled up into a ponytail with the end inside a clamp. They wore a light blue leotard with a purple belt over it and her blue pants, covered by a partial white cape that only surrounded what looked to be her sides and backside. To finish it off, she clearly wore some kind of boots that seemed like purple combat boots.

 "Mara?!" Adora exclaimed.

 Mara seemed as shocked to see them as they were to see her before the ground split once more as purple light shot out of the ground, erasing the Beacon and Mara along with it.

 "You…You need to stay here." Adora spoke. "The Portal is drawn to me and if you stick around, you're bound to be erased as well."

 Catra frowned while Tigra poked her forehead.

 "I can't speak for Archer and Glitter, but we're with you until the end of the line. If that happens to be here, then that's that."


 "Guys?" Bow spoke, drawing attention.

 It drew an inhale from Adora as Glimmer and Bow were becoming transparent.

 "No." Adora whispered.

 "Hey, we know you." Glimmer started with a smile. "Believe me when I say that you've got this. None of you three let separate sides of the war force you to hurt each other beyond scrapes. The Northern Reach doesn't count as that was She-Ra and not Adora." Glimmer cut that argument off before it could begin.

 They were almost gone after that.

 "We'll see you three back in Reality." Bow told.

 And then they were gone.

Upkeep complete! All functions of Power have been restored!

 Adora fell to her knees, but Tigra pulled her back up.

 "We need to keep moving." Tigra demanded. "The three of us are all that remain to save Reality and I'll be dead and gone before I let you two cease to exist."

 Tigra looked into the distance and saw a faint speck in the sky.

 "I can see the Sword in the distance. It's about 200 feet in the air with a lot of magic swirling around it."

 Adora rubbed her eyes before gaining a stone-like face.

 "Let's do this. Let's fix Reality."

 With that declaration, Tigra grabbed the two of them before they disappeared.


 They reappeared underneath the Sword, but the ground split open.

 Catra started to fall but Tigra pulled her back after Catra hissed.

 Tigra looked down at Catra's foot and found her normal foot from base to halfway up her shin had been replaced by a blackness darker than Shadow Magic with a pink/purple line similar to cracked glass.


 "Still operational." Catra grunted out but was still able to stand on it. "I can't feel it but it's working as normal."

 "Tigra, I need to get up there." Adora told, looking at the Sword.

 "You!? You'll cease to exist , Adora!" Catra exclaimed. "This isn't something to just call 'dibs' on!"

 "And what? Let you do it? You and Tigra are in the works of taking over the Horde! You two are Etheria's best chance at stopping this war!"

 Catra stopped and turned to Tigra.

 "I was talking with Mums and it slipped out? I'll admit, I couldn't hear anyone but my Mums until someone shouted my name." Tigra shrugged.

 "If the Rebellion learns that the Horde sacrificed She-Ra and Adora, there will be no peace ." Catra explained. "It's one thing for us to end the war, but it is another to remove the one the Rebellion loves and then essentially say: 'Whoops. Sorry about almost destroying reality and getting rid of She-Ra. Cool if we end the war?' There would be another war in less than a decade with that kind of ending!"

 Tigra watched with confusion before Fire Step activated and she floated above them.

 "Adora," Tigra started. "In what Universe do you think I'll carry you up there while knowing that there wouldn't even be a single atom left of you to at least bury?"

 "See!" Catra started.

 "And what makes you think I'll help my Chosen give their life uselessly when that isn't even necessary to save Reality?" Tigra asked, floating higher.

 "Tigra," Catra warned, Fire Step coming out of her feet as well. "What are you doing?"

 "Currently? Kind of regretting the fact I taught you that spell." She admitted. "Now? Knowing I'm going to get screamed at when this is over by both of you most likely."

 "What?" Adora muttered before Tigra disappeared.

 And reappeared with her fist in Catra's gut.

You dealt 5000 non-lethal damage!

H2H gained 5000 EXP!

Catra | LV 72

HP: 3360/8360

 Catra heaved before falling to the ground in pain and shock.

 Adora was nearly the same as she ran next to Catra and held her up to look her over.

 "What are you doing Tigra!?"

 "I told you: I'll be dead and gone by the time I let either one of you erase yourself from existence." Tigra answered, floating in the air. "We all know that I can risk my life 7 times more safely. Neither of you can risk your life once safely."

 "Can you even guarantee that you'll come back!? Entrapta said you'll be broken down even smaller than atoms!" Adora yelled.

 "We're just going to have to trust in whatever this power I have is. After all, just like you two, I'd give my life to protect both of you."

 Tigra shot upwards, leaving one woman in pain and despair, and the other only in despair as they held the other one before being enveloped in light.

Reputation with Catra decreased by 20. [90 → 70 [Chosen] ]

Reputation with Adora decreased by 25. [149(x) → 149(x) [Family] ]

 "Who would be pulling the Sword out of the Portal was never a question that needed an answer." Tigra spoke to herself, going towards the Sword. "It was always going to be me doing this. The question was simply how I was going to stop both of you without either of you trying to get around me."

 Tigra was almost there when a figure appeared beside her, stopping her in her tracks.

 "Tigra?" Queen Angella spoke, looking around. "Where's Glimmer and Adora?"


 Angella looked heartbroken.

 "How do we fix it?"

 "You do nothing while I pull out the Sword and Reality will go back to normal." Tigra started heading up before a hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around.

 "And you as well, General Tigra?"

 No response.


 "I'll be ripped apart down to what makes up my atoms."

 Tigra didn't expect to see Angella look confused, shocked, and worried for her .

 "What do you mean 'ripped to atoms' Tigra?"

 "Just that. Whoever pulls it out will be ripped to atoms. They wouldn't return back to Reality but would fix it."

 Angella was quiet for a moment.

 "Are you really Vi'ra's daughter? Or is that a make believe thing?" Angella asked.

 "I am her daughter. I also carry Princess Rey's blood in me." Tigra confirmed with a raised eyebrow.

 Angella gave a smile and something felt wrong for Tigra.

 "Say hello to Vi'ra for me, would you? Also, stay away from Queen Seline. I always liked Princess Rey more."


 Tigra felt herself teleport away and spun around, finding herself miles away from the Sword and a dot was almost at the Sword.

 'Brightmoon loses their Queen. The Rebellion would be devastated but more determined to win the war. Glimmer would abhor the Horde even more. Adora will be devastated.' Tigra thought as Neuron had activated right as she was being teleported.

 Tigra snarled before her right leg was covered in blue flames as a blue oval appeared next to her.

 She entered, just as her area was consumed in light.

 For better or worse, this would be decided in the next few seconds.


 Queen Angella knew that she couldn't let Tigra perish here. While she would love to see Glimmer grow to become someone who would take her place as Queen eventually, Tigra's death would create chaos and despair not known since the fall of the First Alliance.

 The Horde's soldiers may just turn on Hordak violently. In doing so, the Fright Kingdom would fall to anarchy. Then those left would come to despise the world and would simply want to hurt the world. They may attack another kingdom in desperation, no longer caring if they would come back from a fight.

 Those were always one of the four worst soldiers to face: those who had nothing to lose, those who had everything to gain, those who had everything to lose, and those who would die for their cause.

 Also, it would devastate young Adora. She would likely fall into a shell of herself similar to how Angella would have if she did not need to raise Glimmah. Sure, her friends would maybe stave off the worst of the dark depressing thoughts, but she would also likely want to be there for young Catra, who seems to have decided that young Tigra would be the one she wants to spend this life with.

 If young Catra wished to continue fighting, she would be fighting with angry soldiers who may decide the Rebellion was responsible in one way or another. There would be so much anger there that they would just need 1 reason to let that anger out.

 With Adora, Bow, and the other Princesses, she knew Glimmah would grow into a wonderful woman.

 So she was still surprised when a blue portal appeared in front of her. Then Tigra's furious face appeared.

 Then a blue blazing foot slammed into her midsection and sent her flying downward.

 Only with her wings and magic was she able to stop herself from falling into the light.

 She grimaced before looking up and frowning.

 12 Tigras were in front of her, each wearing her signature yellow lightning armor.

 Angella knew a couple of spells that could likely disarm Tigra and stop this pointless fight from happening, but there lied an issue.

 The light that was stated to destroy everything swallowed by it was closing in fast. All it would take is one strong hit from Tigra and she could send Angella flying out and into the light.

 Suddenly, one charged for the Sword.

 She held her hands out: one created a barrier around herself and a light portal in front of that Tigra.

 The result was blocking 10 Tigra's from attacking her, each slamming into a barrier that held ~80% of her magic, yet that had several cracks. It would likely only survive 20 more hits from each of the clones at that same speed before shattering, but that wasn't her focus.

 No, it was how the Tigra charging for the Sword flew into the portal without hesitation.

 Then she realized something major.

 She could only account for 11 Tigras.

 Where was the 12th?

 Only for a blue fist to slam into the side of her head sending her smashing out of a point of her barrier, which had been attacked by all her clones at full power while she was focused on that 1 Tigra.

 She flew out of it and watched as the one who hit her was the only one left as the clones disappeared quickly 1 by 1, a blue portal closing inside of her barrier.

 Angella closed her eyes as she was swallowed by the light, saddened that, even when she tried to be brave enough to finally stop being a coward regarding the war, she couldn't even save one child.

 Her body broke into purple particles, leaving no trace that Queen Angella II had been in the area.


Hidden Quest Completed!

Fallen Angel-la

Through one way or another, you found yourself fighting the Queen of Brightmoon: Queen Angella II. She is just another ruler who is standing in your way of your objectives.

Objective: Defeat/Eliminate Queen Angella II

Bonus Objective: Don't be hit once

Rewards: 60,000 EXP, 2 trait points, [Fighter of Rulers] Trait | 100,000 EXP, 1 special race trait point

[Fighter of Rulers - When fighting a Princess, Prince, King, Queen, Lord(e), or any other position of ruling, your attribute points are increased by 25%]

Leveled up! LV 72 → 79!

New Update!

EXP requirements from LV 75 → 100 is increased to LV * 300, Attribute per LEVEL increased to 20 and Skill points to 4 per LEVEL.

Due to reaching LV 75, 2 special race points have been granted.

125 Attribute points and 25 skill points awarded!

Total Rewards: 125 Attribute Points, 25 Skill Points, 2 trait points, 3 racial trait points, [Fighter of Rulers] trait

 Tigra watched as the Queen of Brightmoon broke into particles of light as the messages finished up.

 "Power, is there any trait that will help me survive this more than what I already can?"


Negative. Racial Trait: [The Myth is Real] is the best option for surviving atomic destruction regarding your current Stats.

 Tigra sighed as she floated to the Sword.

 She grabbed the handle before everything just…froze.

 "You are not my chosen avatar." An ethereal voice spoke, sounding annoyed more than angry.

 Tigra spun around before being faced with 9 different humanoid beings.

 One she remembered seeing before, being made of red flames with blue flames for eyes. She knew that this was the figure she saw from the Spirit Ember.

 The second was a calm blue figure that seemed built like a female but would change shape seamlessly into a male form the next second, yet they kept a tail that would switch either from what was reported that Mermista could do to normal legs. Yet their eyes were a deep blue, as if holding all the power found at the bottom of an ocean. If she had to guess, this must be the Pearl.

 The third was a light green, almost invisible, figure but there was almost a dark gray to their eyes, as if one could hunker down in a castle, but they would remove said castle eventually. Either slowly over time or violently all at once. She had never heard of an Air Runestone, but it would make sense that there must be a Runestone that keeps the winds in check. So she'll refer to them as Air. They seemed to keep a constant stream of wind around their head.

 The fourth figure was the one that was white that sent a chill down Tigra's back and her eyes held a hard blue that seemed almost see through. They held a presence about them that it did not matter how hot she made her flames, they would be snuffed out in this figure's presence. Tigra had no doubt that this was the Frostal Flake.

 The fifth was a figure that seemed connected with the ground, despite there being no ground . They were a lush brownish/green with pink for eyes. Their presence seemed gentle and caring, but could easily be switched to strict and will remove one if they prove to be disruptive. This must be the Heart-Blossom, for there could be nothing as nurturing and cruel as Nature.

 The sixth was a dark purple figure with an abyss for eyes. Their eyes felt and seemed as if they were capable of swallowing everything into them. The thing that unnerved Tigra the most about the figure was that she couldn't feel their presence, as if they were able to hide everything down to their magic from her, despite seemingly being right in front of them. Tigra guessed that this was the Onyx that Rey talked about.

 The seventh was a pink figure with wings that held shifting eye colors. They felt gentle and caring, as if they wanted to provide the world to them, but that couldn't hide the pure potential power from her. If the Spirit Ember felt like power as wide as a forest fire, then this one felt like its power was meant to be concentrated into a beam. Tigra could guess that this is likely the Moonstone.

 The eighth figure was a bright blue figure that seemed to spaz slightly that their body was jumping out of itself. Their eyes though were a crimson red with red bolts coming outward slightly. The energy was so familiar to Tigra that she could feel that she knows this feeling of pure power that simply wants to be released in whatever fashion possible. This was the Black Garnet.

 The final figure though was a golden base with a clearly powerful body. They looked as if they could tear apart anything with their hands and could create a chasm with a simple step. They wore a white cape of energy that seemed to flutter in non-existant wind. Their eyes were a cold light blue that simply radiated power. There was no other way of stating what Tigra felt from those eyes. It made her feel as if she was simply weaker than when she started off as Level 1.

 This had to be the Runestone in She-Ra's sword.

 "Convince us that you are worthy of even holding the blade, considering that you have fought my avatar multiple times." She-Ra's multiple voices echoed.

 "Do you not see what is going on?" Tigra gestured around to the frozen purple and pink lights. "I have fought Adora and She-Ra multiple times but none of that matters now! Everything is already being erased! If you don't see that, without me pulling you out of this Portal, Etheria and yourselves will cease to exist!"

 "Would that be so bad?" Onyx asked. "That would stop any and all those who wish to abuse our power. The Weaver of Shadows," Onyx scoffed at the title. "Created a parasitic bond with Garnet while the Tamer of Time has abused my power for centuries."

 "But what about those that you would genuinely bond with? While I don't know about you specifically, surely none of you want those that you care for to cease."

 "All things must end eventually." Blossom spoke. "What has been created will always return to the Source eventually. Trees must wither, bones must decay, and even the strongest flame must burn out eventually."

 "But is there a need to speed that up? This was the result of us misunderstanding the situation around technological portals. Surely that's not enough to speed up the end of Etheria?"

 "It is not." Flake told. " Like all ice, the top layer is always weaker than those that have been created in the depths. Even if this generation isn't the one to return Etheria back to where it should be, there will be one eventually."

 "But whether this is simply the time for a strong storm to fix the broken board, that remains to be seen. " Air spoke. "None of us want to cease, but we all accept that it must happen one day."

 "But answer this, Tigra of the Horde." Pearl started. "Are you simply one to swim at the top of the surface, looking afraid or happy at the power of the waves? Or are you one who is willing to risk one's life to understand the power of the Ocean's depths?"

 "If it means having the power to protect those I care for, I will swim down to the deepest depth that you have. Other than that, I'm fine floating."

 "My longest Connection was willing to be destroyed atomically for you." Moonstone stated. "Until you prove otherwise, I will defer to her as she seems to be able to see something in you enough to do so. Do not make her choice end up being wrong."

 Tigra nodded.

 "You tried Connecting to me a while ago." Garnet began. "While I commend you for doing so, you are simply not ready. Mentally and physically. You have done well trying to learn my base element to understand how to properly use my power in the future, but you aren't proficient enough yet for me. After all, one wrong surge of power will result in the destruction of your neural pathways, rendering you unable to so much as twitch one of your claws.

 Then there's mentally. My parasitic Connection used my power to hurt you for many years. You don't have much aversion when it comes to Lightning and little aversion when it comes to my Crimson Current, but I can still feel it. You still worry that my Current will still cause you pain, despite my Gift that you won't be able to be hurt by any electrical attack using our power. Learn more about my electricity and try again in the future."

 While Garnet didn't outright give their support, Tigra caught the hidden meaning that she did have their support, seeing as Garnet wanted her to try again in the future .

 "And what about you, Great Flame? You were the first to throw your support behind them and yet, you are the last to speak in her defense." She-Ra commented.

 Ember stayed silent for a moment.

 "Tigra is one of my greatest Flames. She has the urge to grow stronger like any flame, the potential power to reach or even surpass my True Flames, yet the knowledge of knowing that using said power would likely end everything she cares for. She's a blazing inferno that I had thought had been extinguished 250 years ago. 

 You pointed out how I have been quiet? That's because I gave my answer months ago. Tigra has my support and I can't wait for the day that all of you are behind my decision as well."

 Everyone was quiet as it seemed She-Ra was coming to a decision.

 "This once, I will allow you the smallest amount of my power to remove me and shut down this Portal." She-Ra decided. "I will also provide you with a test. A potential to see if you will live up to the belief that the Great Flame holds for you."

 Tigra felt herself become filled with power as she could feel herself growing taller and filled with magic.

A New Trait has been Gifted!

[Potential Avatar - Etheria itself seems willing to give you a fraction of its power to help you and in doing so, has allowed you access to a transformation only seen twice in 1000 years. Should you become an actual Avatar of Etheria, this trait will evolve. It can not evolve in any other way.

For every Connection you've acquired, this form will increase ALL stats by 25%. Current Boost in transformation: 25%.]

 She could feel the power flowing through her that simply wanted to be unleashed.

 Five words slammed into the front of her mind.

 "For the Honor of Grayskull!"

 She pulled the Sword before…


 Her Power tried its best to save her by focusing on healing her as it has always done so, but it would never be enough as she is now. After all, she was being destroyed far faster than she could heal.

 She could feel every single cell of hers being broken down before being destroyed. There wasn't a single place in her body that was left untouched. The agony was intense enough that she blacked out instantly.


 When she came to, she could see a swirling mess of green energy and took a step towards it. Then another. And another.

 Until she was running towards it and gripping the Sword in her hand, which had changed to look like Dark Flame but a golden and silver version.

 Until she exited the mass of energy.


 Everyone in the room held onto something as the Portal was going out of control. The energy was shooting everywhere.

 Catra had to loop an arm around a thick metal pipe while the other was wrapped around Adora's waist, preventing her from going anywhere.

 They could only watch in horror as the Portal was growing more unstable and some pink was seen.


 A figure walked through.

 They had long blonde hair blowing due to the power coming off of the Portal, blue irises that seemed startling like Adora's, orange fur, white and gold armor on top of a black under suit but their hands were free to reveal black claws.

 In their hands was a golden hilt with a silver bladed Jian. In the middle of the base of the sword's blade was a teal orb.

 The figure looked over all of them before turning back to the unstable Portal.

 They raised their blade and slashed the machinery.

 The result was an explosion of energy that sent everyone flying.

 Hordak was knocked unconscious by slamming into a wall almost head first. Entrapta was surrounded by her purple hair in a ball-like shape.

 Catra and Adora were about to go flying when they suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around them to prevent them from flying and slamming into a wall.

 When the energy stopped, they looked at the figure before seeing them glow and shrink down to reveal…

 "Tigra?" Catra asked in confusion.

 Tigra held the jian out to Adora, which transformed back into Adora's blade.

 "Get out of here now. The Sword isn't safe in the Fright Zone." Tigra commanded. "We'll meet you in Thaymor in 2 weeks."

 Tigra pushed Adora forward before Adora started to run, looking back.

 Tigra nodded before she left.

Quest [Collapsing Reality] Completed!

Objective: Close the Portal

Hidden Objective: Prevent Angella from closing the Portal

Rewards: 50,000 EXP, 2 trait upgrade points, Fixed Reality | +75 REP with Brightmoon, +100 REP with Glimmer, +75 REP with Bow, +50 REP with Adora, 30,000 EXP, 1 race trait point

Leveled Up! LV 79 → 83

80 Attribute points and 16 Skill points awarded.

Glimmer's Relationship: [33 [Acquaintance] → 83 [Friend] ]

Bow's Relationship: [40 [Acquaintance] → 65 [Friend] ]

Adora's Relationship: [149(x) [Family] → 149(x) [Family] ]

Brightmoon's Relationship: [-55 [Dislike] → -30 [Acquaintance] ]

Tigra | Age: 18

Level 83 (2355/24900) [9.46%]

Attribute Points: 205

Skill Points: 48

Trait Points: 5

Upgrade Trait Points: 2

Race Trait Points: 4

40 points into INT. 456 → 508

140 points into WIS. 344 → 505

25 points into DEX. 799 → 846

Milestones reached!

500 INT: Genius upgraded into Prodigy!

[Prodigy - All Spells EXP are multiplied by 4.]

500 WIS: Meditation upgraded into Enlightened!

[Enlightened - You now regain up to 25% of your Regenerations during combat]

25 skill points turned into 5 trait points.

 Tigra pushed the rest to the side for the moment and waited.

 Only for Catra to poke her forehead.

 "I am angry but understand. You were right that you were the only one that could potentially come back from atomic destruction. Still can't believe you did though." Catra muttered that last bit.

 The two left the room quickly, not wanting to be in the room with something that nearly destroyed Reality.

 After they got far enough away, Tigra spoke.

 "What is the earliest we can commence that plan you were talking about before that mess happened?"

 "Probably a month if we tried to push it. I assume that it's because you're worried about escalation?"

 Tigra nodded.

 "Hordak managed to create his Portal and may have managed to do whatever he wanted to do. It will almost certainly get worse if he wants to try and do that again."

 Tigra growled lowly.

 "This Portal was my fault. But if he opens another one like what just happened? We'll be dealing with immediate fallout because the Horde won't be making a third Portal."

 Catra slowly nodded.

 "I'll get in contact with them. For now, you need to rest and hopefully there aren't any repercussions for what just happened to you."

 Tigra waved it off.

 "I feel fine and my Power is saying there's nothing out of the ordinary."

 "Alright. I'll see you in our room in an hour."

 Tigra did wrap her in a quick hug.

 "Please do know one thing. I never want to leave either of you like what could have happened. But I'd never forgive myself if one of you sacrificed yourself when I have a method to keep all three of us around."

 Catra leaned into it.

 "I know." Catra whispered. "It doesn't make it any easier to watch you risk and/or throw your life away just because you have an extra life. At the end of the day, we still know that you died. Speaking of, did it actually…"

 Tigra looked at the trait even though she knew the answer.

 "Yep. I'm down to 6 extra lives through that skill. If I have any say in it though, it will remain at that until all three of us go through age."

 "I know." Catra sighed. "That's why I can't truly be mad at you. This is, unfortunately, no different than you staying behind to let more soldiers escape certain death. If it was anything else, I would be fuming with you."

 "I know words won't help. So please, simply watch and see that I truly do want to be with you. I don't want to adopt Adora's old martyr syndrome that we managed to largely get rid of."

 Catra leaned away as she started to stand forward before an idea sparked in Tigra's mind.

 She spun Catra around and gave her a peck on the lips before leaning back.

 She smirked as it seemed to cause Catra to reboot before her fur stood up slightly as her tail swished quickly behind her.

 "What was that for?"

 Tigra smiled. "Cause I love you. Do I need any other reason?"

 Catra simply looked to the side, trying to look annoyed, but her tail easily gave away what she was feeling.

 "I'll see you later?"


 Deciding to not be outdone, Catra stood up on her toes and gave her own peck back.

 "I'll see you later."

 Catra left her then, but both of them knew that their talks weren't going to be over about what happened.

 Yet they both knew that it wouldn't be enough to break what they wanted to keep going.

Relationship with Catra increased by 35! [ 70 → 105 [Chosen] ]

 Tigra headed back to their room, all while keeping a low smile on her face as her tail whipped side to side.


 She laid on their bed before finally going through her things.

 'First off, Skill Points will remain for now, seeing as I need those to learn more spells. So next up: Trait Points.'

Trait Shop: All [10 Points Remain] 


[One with Ice - Ice spells require 25% less MP than usual] 

[One with Darkness - Shadow spells require 25% less MP than usual] 

[One with Air - Air spells require 25% less MP than usual]

[One with Water - Water spells require 25% less MP than usual

[One with Magic - Pure spells require 25% less MP than usual] 

[Charging the Connections - Damage inflicted through Electric attacks are increased by 50%] 

[Freezing in Ice - Damage inflicted through Ice attacks are increased by 50%] 

[Fade to Shadows - Damage inflicted through Dark/Shadow attacks are increased by 50%]

[Feel the Flow - Damage inflicted through Pure attacks are increased by 50%]

[Strong - Multiples Final STR by 1.15]

[Muscular - Increases [Strong] Final STR multiplier to 1.3]

[Peak - Increases [Muscular] Final STR multiplier to 1.5]

[Tough - Increases [Durable] Final CON multiplier to 1.3]

[Mountain - Increases [Tough] Final CON multiplier to 1.5]

[Brainiac - Increases [Intelligent] Final INT multiplier to 1.5]

[Idol - Increases [Charming] Final CHA multiplier to 1.3]

[Aphrodite - Increases [Idol] Final CHA multiplier to 1.5]

[In the Shadows - Multiplies [Sneak] bonus by an additional 50%]

[Sharpened Blades - Multiplies [Blade] bonus by 2]

[Pointed Spear - Multiplies [Spear] bonus by 2]

[True Regen - You can focus ALL of your Regenerations into 1 Regeneration]

Traits: [One with Ice], [One with Shadows], [One with Air], [One with Magic], [One with Water], [Tough], [Brainiac], [Sharpened Blades], and [True Regen] selected.



9 traits purchased!

INT: 508 → 587

CON: 595 → 673

 "Racial Trait Shop."


Racial Trait Shop: All [4 points]


[Warrior - Based on your actions, increases STR + 87 and CON + 85]

[Mage - Based on your actions, increases INT + 82 and WIS + 84]

[Artemis - Increases [Huntress] CON and DEX multiplier from 1.25 to 1.75. This also boosts the maximum level for [Dash], [Run], and [Sneak] ]


[Perfected Instincts - A Magicat from the past had spent their entire life perfecting their instincts. You simply used a point. With this, you will know the intention, direction, and how dangerous a person is to you should they be threatening you in one way or another. You also have a sixth sense when it comes to telling if someone is lying, regardless of how proficient they are at lying] 


[Top Cat - There have been many leaders throughout Magicat history. From the kindest Queen to the tyrannical Empress, they were known to be the strongest, wisest, and most cunning of that generation. This will increase all stats by 25% and increase REP gain with [???] by 50%] 


[Master of Hands - Several Magicats have trained and improved many different styles of fighting. With this, you're Hand To Hand will gain 3x EXP than normal and double its effect] 


[Master of Speed - Some of the fastest creatures in the universe belong to the Magicats. Some used their bodies, some used tech, and others used magic. At the end of the day, they could outspeed nearly anything. With this, [Run] and [Dash] will gain 3x EXP]


[Master of Magic - By gaining the experience from the past, you will have a deeper understanding of your magic and how it works. This multiplies your MP and MPR by 2]


[Magic Storage - One Magicat had been born with the ability to continuously store their magic in the case of emergencies. Allows you to store 5x your maximum MP] 


[Fate Breaker - One magicat had been born, survived events that should have killed them, and saved several people who should have died. With this, no one from beyond this Universe can decide your fate and if they do, you do not HAVE to follow their path. Not even the Creator can decide your fate.]


[Meditation - Many Magicats who focused on magic realized that there were ways to increase their magic regeneration. With this trait, your MPR will be multiplied by 2 passively or by 5 if actively meditating]

Racial Traits: [Artemis], [Perfected Instincts], [Master of Magic], and [Fate Breaker] chosen.



4 racial trait points used!

CON: 673 → 942

DEX: 846 → 1184

MP: 11740 → 23480

MPR: 6815 → 13630

Milestone reached!

1000 DEX: [Dilation - Allows you to slow down time around you that makes you appear to move 4x as fast as you normally would to those that aren't you for 5 minutes a day.]

 That was the last of them. She'd be hanging onto the Upgrade Traits for when she needs them.

 She got Fate Breaker due to what Vi'ra had said in that reality, about there being a Prophecy. She's not letting anyone control her future, let alone a prophecy. Who knows what that prophecy was about. It seemed a better choice to just be rid of it.

 Not a moment too soon as Catra entered their room and plopped onto the bed, immediately wrapping her arms around Tigra and stuffed her face into the crook of her neck.

 "Just a few more months." Tigra muttered, laying her head on top of Catra's lightly. "Then Hordak won't be in charge of us any more."

 Catra purred as she spoke, giving her voice a rough drawl to her voice.

 "Tomorrow." She spoke as she dug further into her neck.

 And with that, Tigra learned something new about herself.

 She closed her eyes as the two fell asleep.


 Unaware that 2 other Magicats woke up suddenly while shedding tears and looking horrified at what they would have thought was a nightmare if they hadn't both had it.

 "Vi'ra." Silva whispered in horror.

 "I know." Rey softly spoke, rubbing a hand through her Mate's hair. "My family captured her."


Tigra | 18

Level 83 (2355/24900) | 9.46%

HP: 18,840 | HPR: 8478

MP: 23,480 | MPR: 13,631

SP: 9420 | SPR: 4239

STR: 165 | DEX: 1184

CON: 942 | INT: 587

WIS: 505 | CHA: 154

Skill Points: 23

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 2

Speed: 164.4 MPH

Magical Control: 347%


[H2H LV (4)33], [Run LV (2)45], [Dash LV (5)51, [Blades LV (1)49], [Spear LV 50]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 87]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Clone-Fire and Lightning

Fire Step, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Lava Armor LV 75, Flame Charge, F. Shield, Crimson Slash, Flame Fists, Fireball, F. Dagger, F. Arrow, F. Falchion, F. Spear, F. Form LV 1, Nova Flare LV 1, F. Teleport LV 14

L. Armor, L. Claws LV 20, L. Falchion LV 61, L. Spear LV 44,

L. Arrow LV 3, L. Dagger LV 54, Lightning Slam LV 23, L. Clothing LV 21

Chill, Ice Armor, Ice Clone LV 74

Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 72, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse


Bubble, Stream, Wave, Water Armor LV 63

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 18, Truth LV 18, Lie LV 18, Store LV 1


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Artemis], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Tough - Multiplies final CON by 1.3]

[Brainiac - Multiplies final INT by 1.5]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Maniac - EXP x2: Fire, Water, Pure, Electric, Ice, Shadow, Air]

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire. Period.]

[Proof- Can't be hurt with ill intent: Physical, Electricity, Ice, Shadow]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations +200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One With: |Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, Shadow, Pure, Air| spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 6 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]

[Bonded: Draeka - LV 83 Basilisk]

[Limit-Breaker - Can increase a spell to the next tier of magic once a week]

[Potential Avatar - When transformed, increases all stats by 25% per Runestone Connection]

[True Regen - Can focus all Regens into 1]

[Fighter of Rulers - All stats increase by 25% when fighting Rulers]

[Sharpened Blades - [Blades] bonus is multiplied by 2]

[Perfected Instincts - you will understand intention, direction, and how dangerous a person is towards you]

[Master of Magic - MP and MPR x2]

[Fate Breaker - No one can control your future. Not even the ones who gave you your Power]


[Prodigy - All EXP for spells is x4]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Dilation - For 5 minutes a day, you slow down time to move 4x as fast]

[Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances]

[Enlightened - Regens remains active at 25% while in battle]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]

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