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61.97% Fate/DC Universe / Chapter 88: Battle of the Strongest

Capítulo 88: Battle of the Strongest

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"So, why do we have to go anyway? What's taking them so long?" said Raiden, he, Megan, and Connor were approaching Rimbor, the planet where the Justice League is being trialed

"Well, it's a bit complicated" replied Megan with a defeated tone, "Try me, I'm curious as to why Earth's greatest heroes are still playing court with these aliens" 

"Well, to make matters simple, the Rimbor high court is known for bribes, and since the league refuses to pay a bribe, they are still stuck in court, they don't really care about justice or what really happened five years ago, all they care about is the money," said Connor, explaining the situation to Raiden

"Wait, Wait, Wait why didn't they pay the bribe then? Are you telling me that they could've returned to earth and helped with the Reach problem and the WarWorld, but instead chose to not pay the bribe just cause of their stupid egos?" said Raiden, shocked about the situation, he knew they represented justice, but that didn't really matter in space

"Well, you have to understand Raiden, the League can't be known for paying bribes, or else they'd just be hypocrites" explained Megan, knowing full well that most members are brainwashed with the importance of justice, Raiden chose to ignore her words saying "Yeah Right, what a joke, they abandoned earth to clear their names in a different Solar System"

"Anyways, you guys got a plan to deal with this high court? Cause I got an Idea" said Raiden, Hearing that both Megan and Connor looked at each other with shock, realizing that Raiden's ways weren't exactly conventional, so Megan chimed in saying "Well I've got a plan, so don't worry about it, Raiden" 

"Well? What is it?" 

The Ship quickly arrived in Rimbor, since they teleported to a nearby planet using the zeta tube, then flew to Rimbor directly

Raiden, Megan, and Connor watched as the court kept stalling the date of the judgment, just so they could force the league to pay the bribes, lucky for them however, the court was mostly empty, with only a few guards and the judges themselves, as the audience was bored with the trial, they had expected it to end quickly with bribes, but since the Earthlings refused to pay, it grew boring real quick

This gave Megan the stage as she spoke from the Audience seats "WAIT!" 

"Who dares interrupt the Court!" shouted one of the judges, a very fat alien

"Uhm, Dear High Judges of the Rimbor court! My name is Megan, I'm from Mars, and live on Earth, I'd like to provide some context for the case!" 

"What! Another damned Earthling? We don't care about your context! It's clear what needs the happen! But these damn barbarians refuse to pay! I mean refuse to pay tribute, Yes" 

"Well, it's about that! You see, what if the High Court quickly ends this case? This will show the world the Rimbor High Court is very wise and fair! Making it famous and famous means more people choosing to solve their problems here! More cases mean more….Tributes!" said Megan, indeed that was her brilliant idea, it was to entice the Court to be fair so they get more cases later, this prompted Raiden to say "As if that would work" 

The Judges discussed this amongst themselves for a bit, then making Raiden swallow his words they said "Hmmm, That's a Brilliant Idea! We hereby approve of this! We judge the Earthlings known as the Justice League with the ruling, NOT GUILTY! We hereby shut the case of the Rimbor attack five years ago" 

"What! How the hell did that work!" said Raiden from his seat, to which Connor replied happily "I knew Megan could do it! She's cut out for this kind of stuff!" 

"Anyways, What was your plan anyways Raiden?" asked Connor, to which Raiden shrugged saying "I don't know, probably threatened to kill them, or destroy Rimbor, I may have even paid the bribe myself" Hearing that Connor smiled warily "Well, glad we didn't have to go that far" 

"Listen, Connor, here take this" Raiden handed him a paper, in it were coordinates "These are coordinates for a nearby abandoned planet, make sure all the league members, you and Megan go there first, I'll be waiting for you guys" 

"Wait, you aren't joining us?" asked Connor to which Raiden got up and started leaving the court saying "He might lose it if he sees me, so just deliver them there okay? You'll understand why once you get there"

Raiden sat down on a rock, looking in the skies, awaiting the Arrival of the ship, spotting it in the skies, he waited for it to descend, the Martian ship opened its gate as the members in it started to come out

Inside were, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, Green Lanterns Hal and John, and finally Icon who was acting as their speaker, following after were Connor and Megan

The first one to speak was Wonderwoman saying "Why did you bring us here Raiden" Everyone was wondering the same of course, but one man had a different thought, Death to Raiden Kagawa

Immediately launching himself at Raiden, Superman tried to strike him where he stood, a punch with the intent to kill

"Superman! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" shouted Batman, everyone opened their eyes wide, as they watched Raiden Dodge backward thinking 'Damn if that hit I'd have been dead! That damn mental note has finally grown too strong for him to hold it in' 


The members tried to interfere with the battle, but emerging from the Shadows and from the space surrounded by flowers were Scáthach and Merlin, the former spun her spear and pointed it forward at the leaguers whilst the latter spoke "We'd like you fine gentleman and ladies to not interfere in this battle" 

"What! Who are you people!" then she looked at Scáthach saying "I know you! You are one of Raiden's transformations, you fought alongside me! Get out of the way, we have to save Raiden," said Wonderwoman angrily, to which Megan spoke "You guys are Raiden's friends aren't! you have to let us help him!" 

"The young hero has decided to battle Superman on his own, to prove some sort of a point, and he asked us to not let you interfere, we'd like you to honor his wishes" spoke Merlin again, this prompted Batman to Reach for his belt while Wonderwoman tried to reach her Lasso but Merlin said "No, No" as Batman's bet disappeared into an Illusion than he said "Demi-Goddess, don't do something you'd regret, the scary lady beside me is a God-Slayer, you're practically her favorite prey" 

The League didn't take kindly to this as they prepared for battle, but Megan acting as the voice of Reason spoke "Wait Wait! He's telling the truth! Raiden was the one to ask us to come here! There must be a reason why he and Superman are fighting" 

"Indeed there is! It seems that your companion has been affected by mind control, a suggestion that increases his hatred for Raiden over time, It's practically potent as it has grown for about five years, and Raiden is trying to rid him of it" spoke Merlin, trying to de-escalate the situation as much as possible, he was confident that with Scáthach's help, he'd be able to stop the leaguers from doing anything to stop the battle, but he wanted to watch it, just in case his new master required his assistance

"Please, Trust Raiden, he knows what he's doing" 


("Archer Class Servant Heracles, A new feeling, interesting, it would seem you require my help master, Shall we?") Spoke the new servant, Archer Class Heracles, a top-notch servant, with both fame and power, the most famous hero in Greek mythos, The Strongest Human in history, a man who ascended to the rank of gods by hard work 

Raiden's body changed, to the form of a chiseled hero, His body was that of a work of art, standing at two and a half meters tall, with an immensely muscular body, His appearance was said to be beyond human, as he looked more like a statue of a god

"I'm going to kill you and every transformation you have" said Superman, as he released his laser beams, as it was to impact Raiden, he dodged it and summoned a bow saying "Well, Ain't this Ironic" releasing his magical arrows, if a normal person were to look, they would have seen Raiden nock only one bow and release it, but what came out was more than twenty arrows, all opening up, and striking at different locations, Superman dodged most of them, but the ones that hit pushed him back a bit 

"The Strongest person on Earth, and its number one protector, falling victim to mental control by mere British mind freak, what a joke, you don't deserve the title of the Strongest, I'm taking it" 

("Master, That Man, he isn't human correct? Not a god either, this is quite the battle we're in, I'm getting excited")

"King's Order: Twelve Glories

«The Twelfth Labor, Cerberus »"

From the underground, a massive three-headed Dog, the size of an elephant, the Guard dog of Hell, Cerberus, jumping on top of it, Raiden nocked his arrows and spoke "Kill him" 

The dog started running towards Superman, it started to release flames from its three heads, chasing Superman, whilst simultaneously Raiden was releasing Arrows from his bow directly at Superman, who was destroying the arrows with his laser, whilst trying to dodge the dog's flames

"ENOUGH" screamed Superman as he slapped his hands together, releasing a sound wave that destroyed both the Dog and Raiden's ears, with his ears bleeding and the dog stunned, taking advantage of this, Superman delivered a hellish punch to the underbelly of the dog sending it flying to the skies with Raiden on its back, he then rammed into it with his two hands, this forced Raiden to jump off, as superman dragged the dog away, grabbing it from its tail and spinning it over and over again before throwing it to the ground, Killing it 

"King's Order: Twelve Glories

«The Sixth Labor, Stymphalian Bird»" releasing more arrows, this time they were different, the arrows turned into Birds, known as the Stymphalian bird, these birds were fearless and blood lusted, with bronze skin, they could dodge the enemy's defenses and throw themselves at him

The birds flew directly towards the floating Superman as they tried to scratch his skin and bite his head off, half of them were already killed by Superman's laser in the skies, while the other half was too weak to damage him as he spoke "Weak beasts" grabbing them by the neck, he snapped their necks or slammed them on the ground, killing most of them

("What a powerful entity, Master I don't think this tactic will be sufficient, it's time to get serious")

"You know, for a man that was first to welcome me, you sure as hell want to kill me now, dontcha?" mocked Raiden, to which the floating superman said "You're a parasite that needs to be killed, you bring more harm than good, jeopardize the lives of the innocent, and a killer" 

"Not liking me for being a killer whilst trying to kill me is Hypocritical don't you think? But I can't blame you, I doubt you even realize the shit that you're saying right now, after this battle, you should work on your mental protection, but for now, I'll beat you into becoming normal again" 

"I stand firm, my soul unyielding against the shadows of eternity. 

With unwavering resolve, I cast myself into the fray, guided by virtue and valor. 

Join me, my worthy adversary, in this honorable duel.

Nine Lives"

The Nine Lives, Heracles's favorite attack, whether he is summoned as a Berserker, Archer, Saber, Rider, or Caster, it didn't matter, as this attack changes form In each class to suit him, in this form, it's in the form of Nine Arrows, Each one, Stronger and Faster than the other

The First Arrow was dodged easily as it destroyed a rock, the second one was dodged as well as it created a small crater on the ground, the third one was dodged by Superman as well as it created a larger crater, the fourth one was dodged but destroyed half a mountain, but the Fifth it hit, a mountain crushing below, shooting down superman to the ground, following after it, the sixth one was undodgeable as well as superman was stunned, the seventh he barely escaped, destroying the ground, creating a mountain-sized crated, the eight, struck him on the back, sending him flying as his bones felt immense pain

The Ninth, was true pain, as it pierced the hard Kryptonian Skin superman was so proud of it, creating a hole in the side of his abdomen

The Arrows were pure magic, no material was involved, not even kryptonite, Superman was harmed by the pure strength of Heracles 

Superman's vision became blurry, as his eyes looked at Raiden with anger, he broke the sound barrier closing in on Raiden, who thought Superman would be in more pain than this, so he couldn't dodge the punch coming his way, it sent him flying few kilometers away, as superman came rushing again, grabbing him from the neck, he held him in a choke hold, before using his other hand to break his bow saying "NO MORE TRICKS" 

Superman's anger was boiling as he released his laser beam directly at Raiden's head, frying his eyes, and piercing his skull, killing him in an Instant before snapping his neck and throwing him on the ground "Die a Dog's death you monster" 

As Superman turned around and tried to leave, he heard it, a single heartbeat, he turned around to see steam rising from Raiden's body, then shocking him Raiden got up and punched him right in his wound, adding more to his pain, his forced his hand inside his wound drawing blood from his insides and then he threw it into his eyes saying "Yeah, you're fucking right, No more trick, I'll fight you head on, for I am the strongest human in the Universe" 

The effects of his third Noble phantasm, God Hand, Revived Raiden, not only that, when he released his onslaught of attacks, superman tried to blast him away with his laser beam, but his body didn't even flinch, as it was now ineffective, God Hand granted Raiden immunity to anything that has killed him before, and God hand granted him twelve lives

"That shit took four of my lives"

Realizing this, superman started punching him back, the two exchanged blows like there was no tomorrow, shocking Superman, he never expected a human to keep up with him, not when he was going all out like this, trying to fly away, Raiden went back to his weakness, the hole in his abdomen, punching it over and over again 

"ENOUGH!" screamed Superman as he slapped his hands again, making Raiden's ears ring as he bled from them, Superman started another onslaught of attacks, Raiden dodged and punched, more battle experience and martial arts, something Superman lacked, helped him keep up with the Alien

Heracles was in his Archer class right, but that didn't lower the power of his physique, Heracles was known to fight monsters such as Cerberus with his bare hands, he was a monster in his own right, standing tall amongst the gods as the God of Strength and Bravery

The two kept going at each other for hours, with the others watching, as Raiden died multiple times, consuming eleven lives in this exchange of blows, Superman's body was also wrecked, the wound in his abdomen eventually grew to more than he could handle, the pain, and suffering he experienced today was more than he's ever felt, the others who were watching the battle eventually gave up on interfering with the two monsters as they watched in horror, their friends, and teammates fight like cornered animals

Eventually, the two of them fell on their backs and passed out

A Draw was the best result Raiden could achieve


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