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53.7% One piece : King Luffy / Chapter 58: Chapter 58 Haki lv4! Set Foot On Prehistoric Island

Capítulo 58: Chapter 58 Haki lv4! Set Foot On Prehistoric Island

Two days later.

Logue town, Marine Base.

"The power that injured you is called Haki."

In the courtyard of the base, Garp sat casually on a chair, eating senbei in his hand, with crumbs all over his mouth.

Upon hearing this, Tashigi, who was beside him, pushed her glasses and said softly, "So, your grandson, Straw Hat Luffy, was able to catch Vice Admiral Smoker's true form using Haki? Even if his body turns into smoke, he can still be hit. That's really unfair!"

"It's the Logia ability users who are unfair, Tashigi-Chan. As long as they eat a fruit like that, they are almost invincible against enemies without Armament Haki," Garp said with a smirk. "But relying too much on abilities is not good. Smoker, didn't your teacher Zephyr teach you that? You don't even know Haki."

He looked towards the center of the courtyard.

Smoker covered his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Begin."

In front of him, a Marine soldier held a wooden stick, looking embarrassed and unsure whether to strike or not.

After learning about the power of Haki, Smoker wanted to learn it immediately.

This was training in Observation Haki.

Blindfolded, he had to dodge unknown attacks. According to Garp, when he could completely dodge and sense the aura of the person swinging the stick, he would have mastered the basics.

Of course, it was only the basics.

"I told you to begin, didn't you hear?" Smoker urged sternly when the attack didn't move.


The soldier answered with a stiff face and prepared to swing the stick.

At this moment, many Marine soldiers walked in and came to Garp.

"Bogart, how is the situation being handled?"

Garp saw his subordinates, the commanding officer who had been sent to Shells Town to handle affairs.

"Mr. Garp, everything has been arranged properly."

Colonel Bogart reported, "After Shells Town, a new colonel will be sent to guard it. All personnel from the 863rd branch who were involved in accepting bribes from pirates have been taken down. Currently, the warship is ready to return. Please give your orders!"

"Then let's go back."

Garp stood up, leading the people to leave. But just as he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped. " Tashigi-Chan, come with us to headquarters. Smoker, your subordinate has been taken away by the headquarters."

Tashigi was stunned for a moment, but quickly replied, "Yes, Vice Admiral Garp!"

She didn't know why Garp wanted to take her away, but she wasn't really stupid and had some idea about the secret of that Straw Hat Luffy... that silver-white form.

Regarding this, Smoker didn't object, nor did he have the position to object.

Tashigi would go to headquarters for further training, which was a good thing.

Continue with the training of Observation Haki.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a few minutes, Smoker was covered in bruises from the sticks.

He gritted his teeth and took off the blindfold. "Completely useless!"

"Colonel... Colonel Smoker," the soldier said with an awkward smile.

"Help me submit an application to headquarters. I want to enter the Grand Line!"

Smoker took a deep breath and said coldly, "In a place like the East Blue, there's no decent opponent! Straw Hat Luffy, I will repay him for that punch sooner or later!"

"Yes, sir!"

Grand Line, a certain vacation island.

Next to an outdoor pool, were men and women in swimsuits.

On a beach chair, a tall and thin man held a cup of tea, leisurely savoring it.

"Ah~ such a relaxing life. Only I, as a high-ranking agent, can enjoy life like this in a place like this. Those low-level members with code names below 5 are now busy making money for the organization. Poor guys."

Listening to this arrogant remark, a little girl standing beside the man licked her lollipop expressionlessly.

"Mr. 3, sir..."

"Don't call me by my code name in public, Miss Goldenweek."

The little girl looked up and stared at the man's hairstyle.

A number "3".

["If you don't want to be exposed, don't keep this kind of hair. Clearly, he is very proud of his status."]

She silently criticized in her heart, but still showed no expression on the surface.


"You've been quiet since yesterday. It's a rare day off. Are there any interesting news in the newspaper that you've been staring at?"

Mr.3 took a sip of tea and spoke with the confidence of a winner in life.

"It's not the newspaper, it's the boss's task instructions."

"I see, it's the boss... Why didn't you say so earlier!?"


Mr.3 sprayed the tea out, coughed, and snatched the paper from the little girl's hand, quickly scanning it with his eyes.

"Mr.5 got taken out? It's not surprising at all that this idiot who only knows how to rely on his fruit abilities would end up like this."

Mocking, he pointed to his own head. "As a professional criminal, you have to use your brain. It's really impossible to work well with these bugs."

Being taken out by a woman, what a pathetic waste.

If I had to be taken out, why couldn't it be Mr... Then I could get promoted without doing anything!

Mr.3 muttered in his heart, got up, collected the task instructions, and took a final sip of tea.

"There's work to be done, Miss Golden Week... Of course, it has to be Earl Grey for the tea!"

The Merry, on the deck.

"Does anyone need my special drinks?"

Sanji walked out of the cabin with a tray of drinks.

"Me! Me!"

"Quack! Quack!"

Usopp, who was chasing after Karoo, raised his hand immediately, and the duck also responded.

Sanji handed out the drinks to them, then looked at Luffy sitting on the sheep's figurehead.

"Luffy, do you want one?"

"Thanks, Sanji. Take some to Nami and the others too."

Luffy nodded and extended his arm to grab a cup of drink from the tray.

Upon hearing that he could go on the Sunny, Sanji became excited and was about to run over.

Unfortunately, Bartolomeo stopped him.

"Sanji, the Sunny is Luffy-sama's harem ship. Men are not allowed to step on it. Leave this to me, the little brother!"

"Why? Aren't you a man too?" Sanji transformed into a shark's mouth.

"I am Luffy-sama's loyal little brother. I'm different from you, a perverted kappa!"

"Who are you calling a perverted kappa!? Ah, the newcomer is getting more and more arrogant! You big-nosed freak!"

"Who are you calling a big-nosed freak!"

"Take this, flying kick!"

The two of them immediately started fighting.

Incredibly, during the fight, the tray in Sanji's hand remained steady as a rock.

Luffy sighed and rubbed his forehead.

He just wanted to separate the male and female crew members, but to call it a harem ship, he really dared to say it.

This was done to protect the privacy of the female crew members, absolutely no lewd intentions!

As the captain, he was such an upright person!

The world misunderstood him too deeply.

Ignoring the two clowns, Luffy opened the system and counted his gains from the past two days.

[Invite crew member Nico Robin, a qualified ability user and archaeologist, reward: 500 adventure coins]

The same reward as Nami.

[You have sailed in the Sea of Paradise for 2 days, reward: 20 daily rewards multiplied by 10, so comfortable~]

[Adventure coins: 3515!]

Unknowingly, he had saved up so much...

Luffy thought with emotion and decided to spend some of it.

Open the store today, close after three seconds.

Very good, still didn't get the Haki fruit today.

This won't do, Luffy doesn't believe his luck is so bad.

[Would you like to spend 10 adventure coins to refresh the store?]

[Would you like to spend 20 adventure coins to refresh the store?]

40... 80...

Each time you refresh, the price doubles.

After refreshing four times, I finally saw the desired items, and they were in bulk, two at a time.

[Haki Fruit (Boxed): 5-in-1 gift box, priced at 2000 adventure coins.]

[Six-Style Fruit (Boxed): 6-in-1 gift box, priced at 1000 adventure coins.]

Because the rewards for sailing in the amusement park have increased tenfold, Luffy now sees prices in the four digits and doesn't feel much, even thinking it's a good deal.

Small change, buy it.

A box of Haki fruit, eat it on the spot.

[Observation Haki]: Iv1 → lv2

[Armament Haki]: Iv2 → Iv4

[Conqueror's Haki]: v2 → Iv4

"With just one level difference in Armament and Conqueror's, I can master a new skill."

Luffy nodded in satisfaction, it's just a matter of waiting a few days, he'll eventually eat them all.

Wait, can he really eat them all? The system didn't say that Iv5 is the highest level...

After thinking for a moment, he spent another thousand to buy the Six-Style gift box.

[Adventure Coins]: 3515 → 365

"Who should I give the new six fruits to? Sanji? Usopp? Joseph? Zoro? Johnny? Chopper? Nojiko? Or Robin?"

Why not give one to each person?

Nami has already eaten all the six styles fruit, and at the same time, Luffy also understands that eating the system's fruits will not provide feedback for crew member development rewards.

No bugs to exploit... what a pity.

As for Kaya and Vivi, they are not members of the Straw Hat crew, at least not now.

He can't give things to people outside the crew.

Just as he was thinking, Nami's voice came from the Sunny.

"Luffy! Everyone! We can already see the island!"

As soon as they heard about a new island, everyone became excited and gathered at the bow of the ship.

"Oh!! It's an island! We can see it!" Usopp shouted excitedly.

"Quack! Quack quack quack!"

"Why are you so excited, you duck!"

Zoro stopped his training, covered in sweat, and walked out of the cabin to look at the distant island.

"Luffy, I sense the presence of fierce beasts. There seems to be something on the island!" he said seriously.

"Hmm? Has your Observation Haki awakened?" Luffy turned around in surprise.

Sanji and Bartolomeo, who were fighting, also suddenly stopped and instantly formed a united front.

"No way! Absolutely not! The first person to comprehend Haki should be me!"

"No no no, only I, who is deeply trusted by Luffy-sama, should be the first to comprehend! Even if it's Captain Zoro, I can't give in!"

What are these two idiots talking about?

Zoro's eye twitched fiercely.

Luffy glanced at the system, confirming that he didn't miss any prompts.

If Zoro comprehends it, he should receive a large reward.

"You should be close to awakening, don't forget this feeling. But I thought you would awaken Armament Haki first, I didn't expect it to be Observation Haki..."

Considering Zoro's natural beast-like fighting intuition, it's not too surprising.

Soon, the two ships approached Prehistoric Island.

There is a river channel extending deep into the island, with lush forests on both sides, and the roar of wild beasts can be heard.

"Is this Little Garden? It's such a big island. I wonder who named it," Nami complained.

"What a dense forest. I hope it's not an uninhabited island," she continued.

"Listening to the roar of wild beasts... I... I have contracted a disease that prevents me from going ashore!" Usopp exclaimed, clutching his heart in fear.

"Now that we're here, why not explore?" Luffy teased.

"No, I'll stay on the ship with zoro,  Right, Zoro? You'll be staying on the ship to train anyway..." Usopp said.

Zoro, with one foot on the ship's edge, preparing to jump, heard Usopp's words and responded, "I'll go and hunt some wild beasts to get some exercise. Usopp, you want to come too?"

Usopp shook his head vigorously.

Sanji chimed in, "By the way, we don't have much food left on the ship. Bring some back."

"Okay, it will definitely a huge creature that you won't be able to hunt, Curly eyebrows."

"What did you say, curly eyebrows?" Sanji immediately became indignant and jumped off the ship, rolling up his sleeves. "Perfect, let's have a competition! Let's see who can bring back more meat. You know how much Luffy consumes in a day, right? We need to bring back several thousand kilograms at least!"

"Oh, did I mishear? Isn't it several tons? You're such a useless perverted chef!" Zoro retorted.

"You're really provoking me. If I win, you have to step down from the Vice captain's position!" Sanji challenged.

"No, you can't!" Zoro protested.

As the two argued, they walked deeper into the jungle.

Nojiko laughed and said, "I really can't tell if these two have a good relationship or if their personalities just clash."

Luffy interjected, "Several thousand kilograms and several tons are not the same thing. Your math teacher would cry, hey!"

"I declare free time. Nami, are you going ashore?" Luffy asked.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and guard the ship," Nami shook her head.

Nojiko also chose to stay behind, saying, "I'll keep Nami company."

"Anyway, do as you please. I'm going for a walk," Luffy jumped off the ship.

"Luffy-sama, I'll come with you," Bartolomeo followed suit.

Seeing this, Vivi suddenly said, "Can I come too?"

"Huh? Vivi, are you going ashore?" Nami was surprised. "It's all jungle, and there are wild beast roars everywhere. There's not much to see."

"I've been staying on the ship for too long and I feel a bit restless. I want to go for a walk," Vivi pursed her lips. "And, if I follow Mr. Luffy, I'll be safe."

"Maybe we'll see prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs. Nami, don't you want to see?" Luffy smiled.

Nami thought for a moment and shook her head.

Luffy didn't insist and immediately headed towards the depths of the forest with Vivi and Bartolomeo.

"Prehistoric island..." Vivi admired the scenery along the way and explained, "Traveling between islands in the Grand Line is very inconvenient, which has led to a peculiar phenomenon."

Some islands are inhabited by humans, with developed countries, towns, and technology, thriving and prosperous.

Some islands are rarely visited by humans, seemingly frozen in time, with little change for thousands of years.

"Moreover, due to the problem of magnetic disturbances, the climate on each island is completely different," Vivi continued.

"It can be simply classified into four types: spring, summer, autumn, and winter islands. Each type of island has its own four seasons, so there are a total of 16 different seasons."

"This island should be a spring island, and it's currently spring and summer," Vivi said.

Upon hearing this, Luffy chuckled and said, "You're becoming more cheerful, Princess Vivi."

"Just call me Vivi. Thank you for all the trouble with Alabasta, Mr. Luffy. You've been a great help," Vivi said.

"Even without you, I would have gone to meet Crocodile and helped you solve your so-called trouble," Luffy replied.

"Are you trying to comfort me? Mr. Luffy, you're really a good person," Vivi smiled.

Bartolomeo, who was following behind them, fell into deep thought.

Am I... am I a third wheel?

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