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31.03% The Thread Nicker (PJO OC/SI) / Chapter 9: Enter Percy

Capítulo 9: Enter Percy

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CHB May 1,2006

Chiron was making his rounds around the Camp like always but this time he had a purpose in mind looking for someone important. He made his ways to the training ground where the clashing of swords met his ears. He looked and found the subject of his search. Harlequin Liones. The boy now was about 5'6", he kept his dirty blond hair short and his forest green eyes seemed to have a glint to them like he was always thinking, but that is how it always is when he is in a spar. The boy wore a dark blue pair of jeans with way too many pockets, a pair of combat boots, and an orange Camp Half Blood shirt. He was currently locked in a sword battle, he was wielding a bronze sword, The Elucidator. While his opponent was female she had black hair and was fairly built. The new counselor of cabin 5 Clarisse La Rue was holding a spear in her hands. After a few more minutes of sparing Chiron coughed to get their attention. King looked at Chiron and then turned to Clarisse, "Good Spar Clarisse you are definitely getting better." She smirked and then said, "Yeah, yeah don't give me that I don't know how you can be so lazy but still be better than everyone at the camp." King shrugged as the girl walked away.

"Hey Chiron, what's up." Chiron took a second and said, "I need your help." King raised an eyebrow and said, "Help with what exactly?" "Grover has found another Demigod and they are very powerful. We need our help to extract them and bring them here once their school is done with." Chiron said. King sighed. "Why me? Chiron, you know I do not have a good track record when it comes to escorting demigods." King said. "You lie we both know you have the best rate of getting demigods back to camp. The only injuries ever reported are your own or the satyr's." Chiron said. Over the years Chiron and the Elven Council sent him out when a satyr couldn't do their job properly. Although it was frowned upon for demigods to leave camp he was the exception. Even without his main weapon he was deadly to monsters. "What's the name, place and parent?" King asked, feeling he already knew the answer. "Perseus Jackson, or Percy for short, he is in New York at Yancy Academy, as for his parents it's unknown but Grover says he is very strong." King sighed again and told Chiron. "How are you going to get me into a fancy school just to watch a kid, isn't the year almost over?" Chiron smiled and said, "Well we will use a little bit of Mist manipulation and no one will be the wiser." King nodded defeatedly. "Fine ya stubborn horse. I need to make a run to the Forge however first I need to upgrade my weapon." Chiron nodded it was a known fact that King used the forge often changing out his sword all the time he was on the 3rd sword of the Elucidator the first one he actually gave to Annabeth when he did he told her the sword would be better than a dagger because of the reach. He's the second one he broke during a demigod retrieval against some cyclops. "Is your blade failing you already?" Chiron asked. King shook his head, "No the Elucidator is I just need to make my second weapon. I'm going to be using some runes to make it stronger. Also I have some stronger materials to make the Elucidator out of so why not." Chiron nodded seeing his point King was deadly with one sword which was usually accompanied with a dagger. But when the boy had two swords it was like he could take on the strongest of monsters and win. "I will leave you to your pleasures. You will be heading to Yancy on the 8th, which is a week away, make the most of your time. And do tell Annabeth where you are going this time. I don't need her or the children of Aphrodite destroying the camp looking for you." King sweat dropped at Chiron it was true he usually had fangirls after him around camp and they threw a fit when he wasn't there for them to try and seduce. King waved off Chiron and the old horse trotted off. Once alone King looked at his Stats.

[Harlequin Liones

Age: 13

Level: 40

Hp: 9,075/9,075


XP 375/30,325

~Str: 62

~Dex: 83

~Vit: 67

~Int: 63

~Wis: 63

~Luck: 56 (Fridays)

Point: 39

$2,190,428 / 750,930D]

Once he hit his Str and Luck stat at 50 he gained new abilities.

[Herculean Strength! (Passive) Once your health hits 25% because of battle Strength Doubles!]

[Lucky day!(Passive) On a set day of the week your luck stat doubles!]

All of his other skills that he used in battle had made great leaps. Thanks to the update that he got in the system all of his skills got organized to ones that are completely maxed and ones that still need work. The best part was that he could flag skills that he needed to work on or close to level up and work on them. He had also made quite the killing selling all his drops from monsters when he was let out of the Camp. He closed his status screen and made his way to the Forge, the main place he hung out that or in the big house with his head in a book or his sketchbook still trying to find a way to break the Barrier on Zeus' cabin. Reaching the Forge King checked in with Charles. "Hey, Charles, I'm hitting the forge again. Try and keep the Aphrodite kids away this time please I don't need them under my toes." Charles Laughed at King, "I will try but I can't make any promises." "Stop trying to suck faces with Silena and we wouldn't have issues." King said smirking at the fluster look on his face as King walked into the workshop. He pulled out a blueprint. "Sword of the Thunder God" The side of the Blueprint read. He hadn't tried making this sword because it actually required some knowledge of ruins to make as well as some special Material.

[Sword of the Thunder God- S class Weapon

Created by The Second Hokage the sword of the thunder god channels lighting through it using seals and the natural Lighting in the air. It can easily slice through many things if sharpened correctly and conducting lighting.

Uses (1), Runic Copper Required! Rune Knowledge required Moderate Knowledge 25/250 required!]

King now had all the Knowledge and equipment to make the weapon. He brought out a piece of Hunters Silver and a piece of Runic copper. The silver would be used to make the handle while the copper the blade itself. The copper had properties that allowed the user to etch ruins in it and not lose any efficacy. King Hammered away at what seemed for hours until he was done with the weapon itself. It just looked like a thin silver can but when he picked it up and channeled some magic into it the blade expanded and started to glow at the power going through it. "I swear if you weren't Claimed I'd think you were a Child of Hephaestus." King turned around and was met with the smiling face of Annabeth. "Hey wise girl what's up." King greeted. "Oh, nothing I was looking around for you earlier and saw Charles chasing away some Aphrodite Children from the forge, so I figured you were here." Annabeth looked exactly like they described in the Books, but she walked a little taller and confident. and her hair was longer. "Good he finally did what I asked. I hate when all those fangirls are crowding around the room it makes it harder to focus." King said as he took off his sweat covered shirt not minding his Longtime Friend was there. He pulled up a stool and sat at the workbench and pulled out an etching kit. A reddened faced Annabeth tried to concentrate on anything but the boy without a shirt on not that she minded. "So, what are you working on? A new weapon?" King nodded, not looking away from the weapon or the blueprint. "Yeah right now I am putting on the finishing ruins." "What's it called?" Annabeth said, mesmerized as she watched King glide across the blade. "The Sword of the Thunder God. In memory of Thalia... I made the blueprints once we lost her. It took me so long to gather the materials that I needed and gain the knowledge required but after all these years it is about to be done. It's the least I can do." Annabeth's eyes softened at the mention of Thaila she walked over to King and placed a hand on his cheek. " You know we do not blame you for what happened King. Even if you were awake when the fates tried to enact their plans, they are the 3 fates King you can only do so much." Grey met green as they looked at each other.

"Ahem.." They both turned to see Charles watching with a smirk on his face. "Hey Annabeth, King, what cha doing?" He said smiling. They both backed away blushing and stuttering, "Oh be quiet and go suck faces with Silena," Annabeth said pouting at the ruined moment. King stood up grabbing his new sword. He channeled magic into it now instead of just glowing it started to Crackle with lighting. Bitz, Bitz. Both Annabeth and Charles stopped their verbal battles and looked at the weapon in awe the sword glowed and lighting raced upon it. He took a scrap sword that was laying in the forge and placed it in a vice. He swung the sword. Cling! The sound of the scrap sword hit the ground. " Holy Cow it cut right through reinforced Celestial Bronze! What is it made out of!" "Runic Copper, Hunters Silver, Years worth of rune knowledge, and a memory of a Friend." King replied with a small smile on his face which Annabeth mimicked.

[Ping! Sword of the Thunder God! S-class weapon

Damage Str+(Wis x Int)x10 when Lit, Possible Paralysis when struck]

"It's awesome! I want one!" Charles yelled. King laughed it never failed when he made a weapon someone wanted. "Once I make a new Elucidator you can have this one I am using." King replied. "But it's not a magical Lighting channeling sword." Charles pouted Annabeth and King just laughed as they both walked away. King clipped the New sword onto a belt loop. "Annie I was given another retrieval mission." King said as they made their way to the Big house for lunch. "Where to and for how long?" "I will be in New York and I'll be there until Grover decides to ship the kid over here. Supposedly he is a strong one his aura it's as strong as hers." King explained. "So another one broke their Oath." King nodded. "Just make sure you come back okay Luke and I don't need to light a shroud for you anytime soon." Annabeth said.

Luke had been something that King had not been able to change. The fates or maybe even the person who ordered them around to lock away Thaila always made sure he was busy in some way. This prevented him from actually studying and figuring out how to break down the barrier. The boy still resented the gods and his hate kept boiling over more and more. King knew that his friend was practically all but gone. "I'll try. I just hope nothing bad happens at Half-Broke Hill." King joked. Over the years he kept breaking weapons on Half-Blood Hill that he nicknamed it Half-Broke because all the majority of his weapons were broken in half. This time King was going on a mission with proper Durability and strength. Annabeth Laughed at King's misfortune. " Well a half weapon is better than a half you got that." She demanded Annabeth was always worried about King leaving for a mission. "I will be back in one piece after all I am the Thread Nicker." King said as he walked away from the blond hair girl.

The day that King was ready to leave the camp he stopped at the Hearth. "Hey Hestia" King said with a smile. " Hello King, what brings you here so early usually you do not visit me until later in the day?" Hestia asked as she stopped poking flames to look at him. "I just wanted to let you know I am going on another mission for Chiron. Retrieval here in New York. I do not know when I'll be back. I am letting you know because I do not want to be dodging Fireballs for not letting you know where I was at." King told the young Goddess. Hestia Chuckled, "That was one time when you are going to forgive me King." She finished with a small pout "When I do not get the third Degree for stepping out of camp." She just glared at King and then asked, "Who is it this time?" "Percy Jackson, Grover is the satyr in charge he thinks he could be another Thalia Situation." Hestia Flinched a little at the mention of her niece. "It won't be like that you got it covered after all you're the Thread Nicker, right?" King nodded and started walking away, "Cya Lady of the Hearth." He called out, waving her off. Hestia smiled and then flamed away.

One Drive Later

King and Chiron arrived at Yancy and used the Mist to get King Enrolled and Chiron a Job as a Paralyzed teacher named Mr. Brunner. King was given an Identical Schedule to his Objective and when on his way. King walked into his first class English and found his way next to Grover, "Hey Goat boy how's it going." Grover was surprised at his friend's appearance. " King, what are you doing here?" "The old Horse said he might need some extra muscle so here I am. So where is the kid?" King responded. "He should be here soon." As if on cue Percy Jackson came running into the room just before the bell Rang.

[Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Level 12]

King looked at Grover, " You sure know how to find them don't ya Grover, does he know yet?" Grover shook his head, "No exposure so far, Any guesses to who is the father?" King nodded " Yeah I know exactly who it is, their auras are the same. Speaking of Auras, it seems Chiron and I are not the only ones who caught wind of him there is a monster in the school it is probably suppressed but there is a monster here." King explained before Grover could speak, Percy walked up. "Hey G-man who is this?" "This is Harlequin Liones he is a good friend of mine he just got transferred we go to summer camp together." Grover said his rehearsed back story. "Hey Harlequin I'm Percy Jackson nice to meet you." Percy said, sticking out his hand. King shook his hand. "Nice to meet you to Percy." The class started when the Teacher walked into the Room. "Class, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself." King did the only right thing in this situation, "My name is Harlequin Liones, Likes yeah I have some of those, Dislikes got those too, Hobbies I do not feel like sharing, Goals ehh to troublesome to think about." King said. Somewhere in another universe a silver haired person sneezed. Everyone looked at King with a dead panned expression while some girls had hearts in their eyes at his mysterious Behavior and his looks. King sat back down and opened his sketchbook that had he notes on Thaila's Barrier.

King had a boring day; he mainly stuck to his one vices and looked over his notes. He finally made it to his second to last class of the day Math. ~Miss Dobbs is here by now, that's who I felt earlier I just know it. I wonder if Alecto will want a rematch.~ King thought smirking to himself. He entered the room and found a seat in the back. All the kids filled the room. He saw Alecto walk into the room and he smirked. "Okay class I was informed that we have a new student where ever he is, Please stand and introduce yourself." King stood up still wearing his smirk. "My Name is Harlequin Liones, I like playing fetch with huge Dogs, I dislike Bats, my hobby sword fighting, goals kill any creepy bats that I run across." King said as Alecto glared at the boy. "Okay Hunny sit down." She spoke with Venom. King happily took his seat and again sketched in his notebook. The class was slow and he was asked a lot of questions all that he answered correctly at the end of the class everyone filed out. King was about to leave but he stopped and turned to Alecto. " Long time no see Anger. Just letting you know Percy Jackson is under my protection. Do not cross me. I don't sense your sister nearby so taking you alone will be like clockwork." "You will not interfere again, Liones!! If the boy is a child of Poseidon or Zeus, he will die!" King Chuckled. "Well sounds like a familiar reminds me of our last encounter. How did that work out for you again?" Alecto looked at King furious. "Do not stand in my way! Lord Hades will have the bolt!" "He doesn't have the bolt or any exposure to the Demigod world at all. I doubt the kid even knows where Olympus is." King said calmly. "If the boy is the result of the broken oath he will die." King sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, yeah whatever."

He said making his way to Chiron's Class. " Yo Mr. B '' he said as he entered the class. "You are practically late Mr. Liones." " Sorry if Miss Dobbs needed to talk to me I apologize. She gave me note." King handed Chiron a fake note from Dobbs written on the paper that said Dobbs is Alecto. Chiron Nodded to King and said, "Okay take a seat." King sat next to Nancy of all people. "Hey new kid," She said " Yo." King replied, waving and smiling. "I do not know who said you can sit next to me but beat it." "Hmm did you say something?" King replied once again a Silver Haired Person sneezed in another Universe. Nancy just looked at King like he was stupid. "You'll get what's coming to you new kid." She said, He just shrugged and carried on with his day. Class was over and King found himself just sitting in the yard laying in the grass. A ball came out of Nowhere and tried to smack him in the face. He caught it with one hand and said, "Hey, your ball went out of bounds." Looking at the person who tried to hit him which was Nancy. She looked in awe at the boy and just took the ball back. In a small voice she said thanks and they went on their ways.

Weeks had come and gone for King as he mainly stuck to Grover and Percy while making sure Alecto did not try anything. "Okay class we will be taking a trip to the History Museum on Friday so please plan accordingly." Chiron announced. ~Finally, some action~ King thought. Remembering the scene that is going to play out. The class was dismissed, and King stayed behind. "She will be making her Move soon. I can feel her aura slipping here and there spilling out. It's only a matter of time." Chiron Nodded at King's prediction and they went their separate ways.

At the Museum

King was itching and ready for some form of action at this time as they walked through the exhibits. "Can anyone tell me what this is a picture of? Mr. Jackson care to answer?" King tuned out the conversation that was to follow looking around the museum so things caught his eye mainly the pictures of His Mother and Grandfather. The school group broke for lunch where King watched the Famous Fountain scene play out. ~It's Time.~ King thought as he snuck away from the group to follow Alecto and Percy.

"You have been causing us a lot of trouble Honey! I will give you a moment to give me what you stole or face your doom!" Alecto yelled. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Percy said in return. "Time is up!" She shouted as she started changing into her true form shedding her skin. "Aghhhh!" Percy yelled as he was dodging swipe marks for Alecto barely. "Die Honey!" Chiron Showed up and yelled," Whoa Percy!" He threw Percy's soon to be famous Ballpoint pen. Percy looked at it and then uncapped it causing it to grow into a full length sword. Percy sliced at Alecto and Killed her. He made his way back to the group after noticing Chiron gone. "I hope Miss Kerr punished you!" Nancy yelled. "Miss Ker? What are you talking about?" Percy Questioned, "What about Miss Dobbs." Everyone just ignored Percy thinking he was crazy when he asked Grover about her he just stammered and lied his way out of the situation. He turned to King. " Hey Harlequin who are they talking about Miss Ker?" King looked up from his book and then said, "Hmm I'm sorry did you say something?" Percy just waved him off and then walked to Chiron handing back his pen.

The rest of the school year was monster free after all they only had 1 week left. King found himself on a bus with Grover and Percy heading deeper into New York. The bus all of a sudden stopped working. King widened his eyes realizing what was happening. ~The old hags are nearby!~ They unloaded the bus and then the King saw them.

[The Fates-2ohf02 Error!]

King stared them down and made his way to them ignoring his friends. "Harlequin Liones." One spoke. "The Thread Nicker!" Three said. "Hello ladies," King said, looking at them. "It seems we will meet face to face at last. I will be letting Thaila out of your stupid barrier soon and you won't stop me from protecting her this time." "The time is near for the daughter of Lighting to be free anyways so good luck." Two spoke as she raised a pair of scissors looking away from King. "Snipping another thread, I see. It would happen to be Sally Jackson's would it." The three fates stopped their actions and looked at King. " I wouldn't cut that one you see I am protecting the Child of Prophecy right now that includes his mother, and we all know I do not like it when people die on me so keep that thread nice and safe eh ladies." "You do not command us!" Three spoke. "She will not die. I know what you all are doing. She will be taken captive." One spoke this time to King's response, "OH really how do you know this?" King sighed, "She is the mother of the "Lighting Thief" the best bargaining chip to use against him after all his fatal flaw is his loyalty. I am willing to make a wager on it. "King said with a smirk. " Name your wager!" Two spoke. "I bet you I can keep her from being kidnapped and used against Perseus." King said "What are you willing to bet." "I will give you my life of service in exchange If I win I want 2 people's threads." The fates looked at each other having a conversation in their head. "Who's Threads?" "Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo's" King said with a smirk. The fates looked and then smiled and said as one "DEAL!" They shook on the terms and then vanished.

[Ping! A deal with the Fates!

You have bargained with the fates over two strings to ensure Sally Jackson is not taken!

Rewards: Life strings of Zoe Nightshade and Bianca DeAngelo, ?, ?, ?

Failure: Life of service to the Fates!]

King shooed away the screens and smirked as he made his way back to Percy and Grover. Grover Kicked the bus and it started back up. "What did you tell them?" Grover asked King. "I made a deal with them." King said. "Deal with who some Kindly ones?" Percy said Grover's Ears got pink and he tried to make up a lie. "No, a deal with the Fates." King said with a serious voice. They got off the bus and then they separated King going with Percy. The two boys made their way to his house where King met the one person he never wanted to.

[Gabe, Pig of a Man, Walrus, Level2]

King sat back as Gabe took the money off Percy and then followed the boy to his room. A few hours later Sally Showed Up. "There is my son!" Sally yelled as she wrapped her boy up in her arms. She stopped once she saw King. "Oh, who is this?" Percy motioned to King, "This is Harlequin Liones. He's a friend of Grover's that he met at camp." Sally's eyes widened a little at the implications. "Yeah Mrs. Jackson, it's been great getting to know your son. But he is a little waterlogged sometimes." King said Jokingly. King left the room and Sally shortly followed. "Who's? '' She asked. "What do you mean?" "Whose Child are you and is it time?" "I am a child of Demeter legacy of Apollo; I give off the aura of a child of the big three but it is currently surprising so I am not attracting everyone monster in this state also yes it is time for him to go. I am surprised that his father hasn't tried to get him there sooner." King replied. "You know about his father?" She whispered. "Yes I am very in tuned to sensing auras and one as powerful as the God of the Sea is not an exception. I recommend you take him to the camp ASAP." "One more night that's all I need with him." King nodded his head. "You understand the risk right?" Sally Nodded her head then went to tell Percy about their trip to the beach.

King was heading out of the car grabbing his stuff making sure he had his Thunder God sword clipped to his waist ready for a fight just in case. "Okay guys let's unpack!" Sally said after unpacking the group found themselves around the campfire where Sally tells Percy about Camp. They all turned in for the night as King just laid in bed ready to protect Sally at all costs.


Okay that is it for this one! Make sure to comment if you have any suggestions on what I should add to this series. I am open to suggestions. Go check out the patreon!

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