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Violent Delinquent World Violent Delinquent World original

Violent Delinquent World

Autor: LowkeySpider44

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Prologue

Chicago's heart pulsed with a rhythm unlike any other.

Neon lights, reflections of the city's vibrant soul, painted a detailed tapestry on rain speckled pavements.

The towering buildings formed canyons, their windows glowing like a thousand watching eyes.

Yoh standing tall in his apartment faced the mirror, he methodically dressed for the night.

Yoh slim cut black suit contoured perfectly to his athletic frame showcasing his commanding presence.

His pristine white shirt provided crisp contrast along with the jet black tie, tied in an elaborate Eldredge knot.

Gleaming cufflinks engraved with his initials flashed at his wrists.

Everything from the elegant peak lapels to the smooth lines of his trousers spoke of privilege and status.

Yet he wore it all with an air of casual indifference.

This finery was simply part of his armor, projecting an image of wealth and success.

Under the surface, he was always ready for action.

His outfit was complete with a pair of polished leather oxfords.

Italian made, they reflected Yoh's appreciation for quality and added another two inches to his already impressive height.

Yoh's designer suit gave him an air of authority.

He figured the expensive brand name clothes would help establish his image as an influential person.

In his world, appearance was critical. The right look could open more doors than fists alone.

He ran his fingers over his weapons, double checking their positions.

Every weapon he possessed felt like an old friend, constantly reminding him of his quest.

The city's energy mirrored in his gaze.

Yoh grinned, already thinking about cracking open the newest manga volume he'd been anticipating all week.

The latest volume of "OUT" had to be in his hands tonight.

Swinging the door behind him, The heavy metal door creaked shut behind Yoh as he stepped out into the night.

The sounds of the city enveloped him distant sirens echoing down alleyways, rumbling traffic, and the steady thrum of music from a nearby club.

Neon lights splashed vibrantly across damp sidewalks.

Yoh inhaled deeply, letting the unique aroma of the streets fill his lungs. This was his element.

Hands tucked casually in his pockets, Yoh strolled with purpose.

He knew these streets like the back of his hand.

Just a few blocks away nestled a sanctuary Manga Mania.

That cozy little shop spilled a golden light, beckoning to anyone looking for an escape.

Pushing open the door, a bell chimed merrily overhead.

The packed bookshelves were gateways to magical worlds filled with thrilling quests and larger than life characters.

As both a collector and connoisseur, Yoh felt at home among the rows of vividly colored spines.

He nodded to the clerk, a willowy girl with candy pink hair who gave him a shy smile.

Yoh made his way past displays of the latest issues to the classics section.

Yoh browsed the shelves leisurely, his fingers trailing over glossy manga spines, until he found the latest volume of "OUT" he was looking for.

Grabbing the graphic novel, he headed to the counter where a petite girl with candy pink hair rung up purchases.

Yoh set the manga down and flashed her a disarming grin.

"First time I'm seeing you here, isn't it?" His voice was smooth and friendly, with an undertone of flirtation.

She flushed slightly, casting a coy glance from under her eyelashes. "Y-yes, I started last week."

"Well I'm Yoh, a regular here. I love the hair by the way, it's very simulacrum." He gestured in an admiring way at her neon pink locks.

Amber's cheeks flushed even redder at his compliment.

"Thanks! I'm Amber..." she said softly, shyly meeting his gaze.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." Yoh laid on the charm as Amber rung up his purchase, too distracted to notice when he smoothly paid in cash.

"I guess I'll see you around, Amber," he said with a wink as he grabbed his manga.

She watched him walk out the door, eyes lingering on his self assured stride.

There was just something magnetic about him that lingered in her mind after he left.

The cool night air embraced Yoh as he exited the shop, manga in hand, leaving a flustered Amber in his wake.

The scent of rain mixed with distant sirens and the murmur of life created an urban symphony.

To many, Chicago's heartbeat was a whisper of lurking dangers, shadows pregnant with unsaid threats.

But for Yoh, every sensation was pure adrenaline.

Chicago's energy was his muse and its challenges, his elixir.

Manga in hand, Yoh slipped into the alley between the abandoned warehouse and some beat up office building.

The warehouse bricks were faded and busted up, with weeds pokin' out all over the place.

The narrow alley smelled like wet pavement and garbage from the dumpsters.

Yoh plopped down on a busted wooden crate tucked against the warehouse wall.

The uneven bricks made for a pretty hard backrest, but they'd do.

From this spot, hidden away from the street, he had a good view through a cracked window overhead.

He fished a neatly rolled blunt from his suit pocket and made himself comfortable in the shadows.

Wasn't exactly prime real estate, but it was private perfect for lighting up and flipping through his graphic novel.

He fished a neatly rolled blunt and lighter from his suit pocket.

Cupping his hands, Yoh inhaled deeply, letting the unique aroma of the streets fill his lungs.

As he leaned against the bricks, the weed started mellowing him out.

Yoh relaxed and opened up his new manga.

Yoh was engrossed in the story, turning pages eagerly to see what happened next.

"Man, I can't wait to see more of Minagawa Josuke," he muttered, turning the pages eagerly. "Dude seems like a total loose cannon."

As Yoh lost himself in the story, Drake's music pumped through his headphones the perfect background vibe for his reading session.

He bobbed his head slightly to the slick beats and raspy vocals.

Occasionally the glint of his Rolex caught his eye, a shiny marker of success.

In a dog eat dog city like this, appearances mattered.

The expensive Rolex on Yoh's wrist showed off his money and success to anyone who saw it.

He leaned nonchalantly against weathered bricks, the history of the city etched into its very fabric.

The cold, a piercing reminder of the city's temperament, bit through his designer suit.

A playful gust briefly showcased his tattoos, dropping hints of a life filled with urban tales.

Yoh was imposing, not just in character but in stature.

His height, rarely matched, offered a vantage few had.

His lean, tan, muscular physique spoke of years in the trenches, sculpted from memories of street brawls and intense, rigorous training.

As dusk began its dance with the night, the wind mischievously tousled Yoh's dark mane of curls.

Stray strands fell rebelliously across his brow, but they didn't obscure his gaze.

Behind those fiery eyes lay tales of battles faced and an iron will.

Suspended around his neck, a pendant hung heavy, not with its physical weight, but with the burden of memories it carried.

Memories of past sacrifices and decisive moments surged in his mind.

Lana had tragically been caught during one of Yoh's initial encounters, a haunting echo of the consequences he bore.

From the exquisite cut of his tailored designer suit to the impeccable shine on his polished shoes, Yoh was a man who paid attention to detail.

Concealed beneath his attire, an arsenal awaited its moment the Glock 19, the sleek dagger, the trio of finely balanced throwing knives, and the compact folding blade.

So engrossed was he in his reading that he failed to sense an approaching presence, a rarity for Yoh.

Vinnie a specter from the past, emerged from the concealing shadows, his silhouette distorted by the neon haze.

As Vinnie emerged from the shadows, each step resonated with a history that only the two of them shared.

Yoh noticed the telltale limp Vinnie carried from their last confrontation, the scars crisscrossing his face a testament to their tumultuous past.

Vinnie's stormy eyes held a cold fury that spoke of years spent nursing old wounds.

The atmosphere grew dense.

Vinnie, older by a few years, had lines on his face that spoke of hardship.

"Vinnie. This is a surprise," Yoh drawled, voice dripping sarcasm.

"Not as surprised as you were at the west side docks." Vinnie's grin was razor sharp. "Thought you outsmarted me, eh?"

Around them, the city hummed. Yoh met his icy stare. "Clearly, since you're still limping."

Vinnie stepped closer. "Cut the innocent act. It won't work."

Yoh feigned confusion. "Act? You'll have to remind me."

"The kids, Yoh!" Vinnie's voice shook with rage. "They were just kids."

Yoh's face hardened. "In this life, people get hurt for things they didn't do."

For a few tense seconds, only the hum of the city filled the void between them.

Vinnie's anger, however, bubbled again. "What would you know about loss?"

Yoh's grew quiet , his hardened face replaced by a look of haunting pain. "More than you think," he whispered.

Vinnie's anger flared anew. "This ends tonight." He flashed a signal to his men.

Surrounding Vinnie, a crew of assassins appeared.

One with a jagged scar, another with a snake tattoo on his neck.

Steel glinted in the neon lights. Outnumbered, Yoh sprang into action.

The first man lunged at Yoh, a blade gleaming with malicious intent.

With a swift move, Yoh sidestepped, driving his elbow into the man's throat, crushing his windpipe.

Yoh flung the knife toward his attacker.

The man shrieked in agony as the knife plunged into his eye.

He stumbled backwards, hands clutching his face as hot blood streamed down his cheek.

The knife handle stuck out grotesquely from the mutilated socket.

Blood poured down his cheek as he staggered back, hands cupping his mutilated eye while he wailed in sheer agony.

Another foe swung a chain. Yoh narrowly dodged.

Grabbing the attacker's wrist, Yoh twisted it viciously, snapping the bone.

The sickening crunch was drowned by the man's scream.

As he writhed in pain, Yoh delivered a brutal kick, sending teeth flying and painting the pavement with blood.

But as the bodies piled up, Yoh wasn't without injury.

His arm pulsed where the knife had struck, dark blood dripping steadily.

The coppery scent of blood mixed with the cold rain, a sensory testament to the violence around.

The rain made the ground treacherous, but Yoh turned it to his advantage, using the pendant's chain to disarm an opponent

Then, Vinnie lunged, his dagger aimed squarely at Yoh's heart.

They clashed, metal on metal, strength against strength.

Yoh's blade sliced Vinnie's cheek, spraying droplets of blood in an arc.

The two were a flurry of aggression, each blow more savage than the last.

A bullet from an unseen gun struck Yoh's thigh.

He winced as agony lanced up his leg, yet his determination remained unshaken.

In a burst of raw anger, Yoh threw himself at Vinnie, bringing him crashing to the rain slicked pavement.

They grappled, Vinnie's knife coming dangerously close to Yoh's neck.

But with a burst of energy, Yoh headbutted Vinnie, a crunch signaling the breaking of the latter's nose.

In the end, with a primal roar, Yoh smashed Vinnie's head repeatedly into the wet, unyielding brick until his struggles ceased and a pool of dark red formed beneath him.

Gasping for breath, Yoh was momentarily vulnerable.

Suddenly, another bullet ripped into him, scorching pain flaring where it hit.

Blood poured out, staining his designer suit as the vibrant colors of the city blurred.

As he sank to the ground, his vision blurring, memories of Lana and his past flooded back.

As his vision dimmed, an eerie silence took over.

Suddenly, from Yoh's pocket, an unexpected light broke through the enveloping darkness.

His damaged phone miraculously came to life, its screen void of color.

Names scrolled mysteriously: "Crow", "Out", "GTO", "A-Bout!" "Clover" "Tokyo Revengers"

The list seemed never ending.

The soft glow of the phone flickered and then vanished, plunging the space into silence.

LowkeySpider44 LowkeySpider44

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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