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74.35% Naruto: Uchiha Brothers / Chapter 29: Introducing the Shinsengumi

Capítulo 29: Introducing the Shinsengumi

"Shinsengumi? Isn't that the group Yo was working on before 'that night'?" A girl and her friend make their way to the spectator area of the hidden leaf village's final chunin exam grounds. They walk down a corridor of the large stadium like building while they talk.

"Yeah, he and the daimyo's son, young lord Kojiro, were trying to make a special police force to protect the citizens of the land of fire. After the attack however, they've shifted their focus to finding and destroying hollows wherever they cause problems throughout the land of fire." Her friend explains as they keep walking.

"The hollows? Those horrible monsters with masks!? I'm glad someone is doing something about them!" The girl says.

"Yes, many people have lost their lives to those hollow's vicious attack. Thank goodness Yoriichi was there to help us. Today he and lord Kojiro, are going to demonstrate the progress of the shinsengumi's skills. Even though they haven't operated for long the Shinsengumi have raised nothing but high quality warriors. I hear the strongest of them, the zodiacs are basically as strong as the hokage. However, with their techniques they can kill strong hollows with a single stroke of their sword!" The boy says with stars in his eyes.

"Really?!? One slash?!?!" the girl exclaims "If I had power like that, I'd have taught those hollows a lesson for even setting foot in our village!" She declares resolutely.

"A single stroke of my blade may be a bit generous, heheh." The kids look up to see a friendly looking teenager with short messy red hair and a scar above his left eyebrow. He is dressed in a black uniform like the other Shinsengumi but over that he wears a white chef styled coat with a character for 'pig' on his back, and a long white wrap around his wrist. The two short swords sitting sideways on his back were shaped more like large kitchen knives than swords.

"My?" It dawned on both of them that they were suddenly in the presence of one of zodiacs.

"I'd like to think my swordsmanship is pretty good, but I still have a ways to go. but don't worry we'll do our best to keep you safe from the nasty hollows. The Shinsengumi is getting stronger and stronger by the day... and between you and me I think the bosses are going to do some recruiting today. So, If you really want to teach those hollows a lesson, come find me afterwards." The swordsman assures the two of them while giving them both some baked goods. "Oh snap! I'm going to be late! You guys stay out of trouble!" he says rushing off down another hallway.

"Do you think he was really?" The boy asks half-stunned.

"Well he was wearing the uniform…" the girl surmises while trying one of the cookies. "KYAAAAAAAA!" She was knocked off her feet, drooling and lost in a stupor.

"What is it? What's wrong?!" Her friend goes to check on her thinking she'd been poisoned or came down with something.

"The cookies…they-they're soooooo good…." She barely manages to say.


Outside in the stadium many villagers; ninja, noble, and civilian alike fill the large colosseum-like stands overlooking the large arena the chunin exams finals are held in. Kojiro, Shisui, Hiruzen, Danzo, Homura, Koharu, and several volunteer jonin, all stand centerfield in front of a group of Shinsengumi swordsmen all standing in a neat array awaiting their orders.

"How is it that only your low-level subordinates are present on time?" Danzo asks Kojiro, he's already irritated the presentation these brats put on is being delayed because his so-called elites are late. To make matters worse, Yoriichi is also nowhere to be seen.

"Well at least one of the zodiacs you called in are on time," Hiruzen sighs. Looking at the hulking swordsman with a longsword twice as thick as a regular sword. He blankly faces forward in front of his junior Shinsengumi waiting patiently for further orders. The zodiac's sleeveless uniform is covered by a short white vest that bears the crest of a zodiac, the character 'ox'. "And you are?"

"Ushi… Or Ox" the swordsman answers plainly. His almost dead eyes barely move towards the Hokage.

'This one seems a bit rough around the edges but, he looks pretty strong….' Koharu thinks watching him. 'I can only imagine what the others are like.'

"Umm actually there are two Zodiacs present. I'm Kenshin," another red- haired swordsman waves politely to them. He has an X shaped scar on his cheek, his much longer hair is tied back into a messy ponytail, and he has a slight build. He seems soft, not a single ounce of aggression or bloodlust could be felt from him…but there was something in those eyes that show he'd seen a great deal of bloodshed. Also, he did wear a red kimono over his uniform with the character for 'dragon' on it's back. "It's a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to working alongside you." He says with a kind smile.

'He's like an innocent child… I can't bring myself to believe he's ever even taken a life…' Homura thinks to himself sizing up the boy who's entire aura screamed pacifism…ignoring the sword on his hip. "I don't mean to be rude young lord Kojiro, but are you sure these people are the answer to fighting hollows?"

For the briefest of moments kojiro's eyes sharpened in offense. Even though everyone looks at Yoriichi as the face of the Shinsengumi, anyone in the know knows he takes the most pride in their roles being carried out efficiently and works the hardest to make sure it happens. "You will not be disappointed," he answers. "Their strength is the real deal."

"Hrmph, we'll be the judges of that that…" Danzo grumbles matching Kojioro's serious expression. While his colleagues weren't as vocal, the silent stares that swept over the seemingly inexperienced warriors showed mixed emotions about them.

"Just relax and enjoy the show, honored council members. We may be young, but we have poured our all into the building of this group." Shisui says trying settle them.

"Look who I found!" A young woman with flowing white hair breaks the tension walking up to the group dragging pig by his collar. She also wore the hollow slayer uniform but with a skirt instead of pants with black thigh high socks, and she too wore an extra robe over the uniform. A solid white kimono that has the character for 'rabbit' is tied at the waist with a sash but otherwise open to reveal a little cleavage and her long sexy legs. Her katana is held up via her sash.

"Hi guys, kinda got lost in there…hehehe. Sorry." The chef themed swordman chuckles nervously as she drops him to the ground. "Oooow Rana, you don't have to be so rough!"

Before Rana could even open her mouth to reprimand him, a calm but ice-cold voice started first. "You're late Souma. Remember as a Zodiac you must lead by example." Kojiro's face doesn't show it but his anger boiling. He takes the upmost pride in the Shinsengumi, and if anyone knows that it is the Shinsengumi's members themselves.

It felt as though a thousand swords were pointed at him in that moment, though it was only one pair of eyes. "U-uh yes sir," Souma picks himself up and dust himself off. "Sorry to hold things up," he says with an embarrassed chuckle while scratching the back of his head "But ummm…where is Yo? We need him to start, right?" That question made everyone groan because that question has no definitive answer, he could be here already waiting for a dramatic moment or off helping some old person cross a street on the other side of the village…that's Yoriichi.

"I should have told him we're starting an hour earlier," Kojiro shakes his head.

"Hahahahahaha! The best must be saved for last, and the whole world will know when the sun shines!" A massive pillar of sunlight crashes down from the sky near the group and Yo appears posing in the center with his arms outstretched, grinning ear to ear "Behold my-"

"Yo!" Kojiro shouts interrupting his grand opening speech with a deathly glare. "How dare you!"

"Why are you mad? Was it my entrance?" Yo asks genuinely confused.

"I could care less about your excessive entrances, but I want our group to be taken seriously. I keep saying punctuality is important!" Kojiro snaps.

"…Hmm. True. Sorry about that, well I'm here now! I had something extremely important to take care of."

"Extremely Important? What could you possible put above the entire village's time?" Danzo snaps.

"Oh, I have a decent list." Yo answers plainly with no regard how anyone felt about it. He saw the four zodiac present, which meant he was ready to begin. "So shall we get to it? Hey what if we-"

"No. You don't get to show up last minute and just suddenly make changes as you please." Kojiro stops him. "We're sticking to the plan."

"What? Why not? The Shinsengumi were my idea?! How can I not do what I want with them?"

"The moment we agreed I would oversee their activities while you do "Yo stuff" as you put it, this operation became ours."


"Yo is late to another meeting he set up? We're going to have to have a serious talk with that boy about managing his time. And he abuses the clone technique more than anyone I know," Naruto doesn't know why he randomly sneezed. "Bless you Naruto." Kushina says as she rants from the stands. "How is he never on time!? Would it kill him to be on time once?"

"I'm sure he had a good reason to be late Kushina, Yoriichi usually does." Mikoto says trying to comfort her friend.

Fugaku agrees with them both, but Yo's whimsical nature is as helpful as it is stressful. "As much as he talks of being clan leader, it is something he has to fix…even if it is usually because he's being a good Samaritan.

Naruto and Sasuke were taking notes, to them the coolest people there were the first and last to arrive. Kojiro and Yoriichi. They didn't back down on their decisions no matter who they were talking to, dauntless and unwavering like a sword. Their group put together a force that is dedicated to truly keeping the people safe, and they could back it up with strength. This is obviously what a role model looks like. Kimmimaro is really intrigued to see what the Shinsengumi were like. Unlike the stories of brave noble warriors Shisui told him about they seemed pretty goofy so far… including, no especially Yoriichi.

Toneri watched and waited patiently for those on the field to begin. Whatever he was going to see would be incredible and he did not mind waiting.

On the other hand, Benimaru was starting to steam. Yo can't insult him for not being a good leader when he does stuff like this. 'What could possibly keep you from the demonstration that you are leading? Don't call me trash when you do stuff like-' his thoughts were interrupted someone sitting in a row behind him tapped on his shoulder.

"Hello little Beni! Are you well today?" A young woman smiles at him.

While she seemed vaguely familiar, he couldn't place who it was. Turning around Benimaru was stunned beyond belief to see this gorgeous young woman smiling at him, she could've easily pass for about his parents age now. He figured he had never seen her before but those kind eyes are something he'd never forget, not even as an infant. "N-nanny Baba? Is that really you?"

"Mhmm, it's really me. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you as much lately. My health had started to get worse- oh!" The whole group is startled to see Benimaru jump over the seat and hug her. He hardly ever shows that much love.

"I am happy to see you are well Nanny Baba." Beni says as a single tear trickles down his face. "I'm sorry there wasn't more I could do for you."

She merely hugs him back and wipes the tear away, "Do for me? Your head has gotten as big as your brother's over the years I see. We adults should be the ones looking out for you children, not the other way around. Still, it means a great deal a young child I only cared for such a short time is this happy to see me…You even tried to learn medicine on my behalf." No matter what, Benimaru would never forget the woman who had saved his life so many times before his Aunt and Uncle took them in…and it was from his own father's hand at that.

"I'm glad to see you in good health, but HOW DO YOU LOOK MY AGE!?!?" A confused and frustrated Kushina interrupts to say what everyone who has been listening was thinking. "Is it a transformation or something like the hundred healings? Did you find an elixir for immortality?"

Nanny Baba simply shakes her head no. Her gaze shifts to center field and all eyes go to the boy who believes this world was made for his amusement. "I'm privileged to have met such a caring boy, who would defy even logic itself for those he loves…" Everyone looked down at him yelling at his partner and higher-ups.

"What did he do?!" Kushina asks again.

"Trade secret," Nanny Baba chuckles thinking back when Yo's clone appeared before her a couple of days ago.


Having sent a clone as soon as he finished his battle with the other kids, Nanny Baba was one of the first people Yoriichi went to see. He broke into the old woman's house to find her bedridden and sickly. Seeing how the last five years treated her was very distressing to Yoriichi. Fortunately for him he had an ability to restore someone's vital energy and had no problem abusing it again. The old woman was startled when her old charge drew his sword on her.

"Wait, Yo what are you doing?" Nanny Baba shouts. What she didn't notice was that in the span of the last few seconds another presence in his sword made itself known to him.

"What's up Yoriichi," a regal and kind voice speaks from his palace.

"That voice…wait, are you-"

"You are already aware of who I am?"

"I'd probably be able to name all nine of you if I just heard your voices." Yo says. "Anyways, what's up? Did I earn your acknowledgement?"

"Not quite, the voice answers. How you answer my question will decide it." The unnamed king says as his mellow tone becomes more serious. "If at all possible I would like you to refrain from using all of your vital energy every time a friend's health becomes an issue."

Yo immediately got offended, "hey! All of this is my power to do what I want with, I'll use it to save or kill whoever I want. Right now, I'm saving Nanny Baba. That's final."

"I don't expect a king to abandon his people in their hour of need, but he does need to make responsible choices on how he helps them."

"I know you've been listening from in there…I'm not going to be the first king of the Land of Fire! Beni is!" Yo shouts. Such a responsibility did not interest him at all. His brother however, seemed more interested.

"Did I say king of the land of fire? I know you aren't responsible enough for that alone, but there is a role that I think suits you more."

'Not responsible enough?' An even more offended Yoriichi thinks.

"When the time comes for your brother to ascend to the throne, he will need you more than ever. Can you be counted on to support his kingdom?"

"Are you insinuating I be some kind of ninja wizard king?"

"Precisely," the king answers.

"I'm not working for my brother…"

"I asked you to support him. You are much more prepared for the times that lie ahead than he is. In strength and knowledge."

Yoriichi gave it some thought. In actuality, this meant he will probably just show up to help Beni in major battles. If that was all it took for this power, that was simple enough. "Alright, you've got a deal."

"Good thinking, now speak my name and restore this woman's time."

Drawing his sword in real life, Yoriichi speaks the command. "Defend the Kingdom, Wizard King Julius Novachrono!" The next thing the woman knew she was half her age, and in perfect health.


Now that all has been settled the show is finally ready to begin. Shouting at the top of his overpowered lungs, Yoriichi made sure everyone could hear his announcement.


Yo explains as he motions to the other swordsmen standing around him. The roaring applause that he got ruined anyone else's chance to speak after him. It being the first time many have seen the hero of the leaf in five years only added to his hype. "NOW WITHOUT FARTHER ADO! LET'S BEGIN

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