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66.66% Naruto: Uchiha Brothers / Chapter 26: Ch.26 Do better

Capítulo 26: Ch.26 Do better

"Alright Kojiro I'm trusting you to get all of those books published for me," Yo says preparing to leave the Daiymo's estate.

"You do realize I am a swordsman not a publisher…"

"A swordsman with a lot of money and connections to invest in another of my brilliant ventures. Realistically a five year coma does no favors for your wallet," Yo laughs. "Be sure to follow my instructions on release dates and distribution. Oh, and I gave a specific pen name to use for the author of each story you publish. Mashiro, Oda, Ohkubo, and then there's-"

"There is no need to name them all out right here. You labeled everything, did you not?" Kojiro stops Yo before he got too into it.

"I know you aren't bothered by getting a lot of attention, in fact you live for it. So why not just use your own name?" Shisui asks. "Or just one pen name?"

"I want it to seem like there was a boom of talented writers and artists throughout the land, not just one person who has a golden formula for stories. That way more people will feel like they could get into it too, bringing in more fresh ideas. We'll start a whole new movement! 'Plus credit should be given where credit is due.' This sun will light the way for brilliant minds to produce even more great works that even I wouldn't think of!"

"Not a bad plan," Shisui agrees.

"Well, I look forward to another successful endeavor," Kojiro says with a nod.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Yo says as they shake hands. "Now, it's about time for me to get these brats back home. Say your goodbyes! We're leaving!" He yells to Beni and the others.

After saying their goodbyes, Yoriichi has a clone use the flying thunder god to send Naruto home before he, Beni, Sasuke and Toneri returned to Fugaku's house. Appearing in Sasuke's room they come out to see Mikoto sitting by herself knitting a scarf. Both Itachi and Fugaku were long gone by now.

"Good morning, where are you boys coming from?" Mikoto asks without looking up as they all enter the room.

"We went and had breakfast with Kojiro and Shisui," Yo answers taking a seat next to her. "Oh and I have a disciple now, this is Toneri. Toneri meet my auntie Mikoto."

"Hello little one, it's nice to meet you." Mikoto says with a friendly smile.

"Hello," Toneri responds with a head nod.

"I'm surprised you're taking a disciple so soon. You hardly woke up two days ago."

"Eh, things happen. I think he has a lot of promise," Yo shrugs. It dons on him that with adding another person in the house it's going to be crowded now. Toneri doesn't have anywhere he can go aside from here either. "Hey, Auntie Mikoto I was thinking, doesn't dad have a house in this compound too? Actually, I haven't heard anything about him since I've woke up. I know he was losing it the last time I saw him, but it's been five years is he any better now?"

Mikoto, Beni and Sasuke's expressions all darkened a bit. "Umm about your father Natsume…h-he-" Mikoto starts shakily.

"What?" Yo asks noticing how the mood shifted in the room.

"Well he, he's-"

"Father left the village," Benimaru cut in. "He also vowed to destroy the Uchiha clan."

"What?! Destroy the Uchiha? What the hell! How did that happen!" Yo wasn't expecting to hear the best news considering Beni still lives here, but this was almost as bad as it could get! How far gone is the man?!?

Mikoto starts explaining. "Your father did move into a house in this compound, but his behavior didn't change for a long time. He refused to see baby Beni, or any of us for that matter. We were painful reminders of what he lost. Natsume remained reclusive at first. It hurt to see him like that, we did everything we could to help him get back on his feet. Fugaku and I made sure Beni was taken care of too. After some time, he did start to get better. Natsume began talking to Fugaku again at first. Eventually he started interacting with the rest of us and going on missions too, yet he never once came to see Beni. We should have known there was still something wrong."

"As far as father was concerned, he had no living children…though I was in no rush to bond with him either." Beni adds. "My earliest memory of my father is him coming into my room to take my life while I lay helpless in a crib and he tried it again the next time he saw me…father holds a deep-seated hatred for the child that took away his wife," Benimaru says with a guilty expression on his face. "I doubt that hatred will subside in this lifetime."

Yo sat silently for a moment "…He tried to kill you again?" He asks with an eerily calm expression. "Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"We didn't want to-" Beni started before Yoriichi snatched him up by his shirt. He moved so fast no one was able to react until after the fact.

"It doesn't matter what bullshit excuse you had, if my dad tries to kill my brother I want to know!" Totally loosing his cool Yo's expression switched to pure rage. "DO NOT start with the secrets, I'm honest with you, be honest with me! … You know what?" With a single breath Yo calms himself down before gently setting Benimaru down. He claps his hand three times and everyone is surprised to see ninja in all black and an oni mask drops appears next to him. "Reports please." The ninja produces a few scrolls and hands them to Yo, who then dismisses him with a simple wave of his hand. The ninja disappears without a trace.

With all eyes on him, Yo skims through the first one quietly. Something he read upset him as he made an occasional sour face, but he kept reading. He finishes the first and starts on the second. "Yo-" Beni starts but Yoriichi puts his hand up and continues reading, his sour faces started to grow more frequent with glances towards Benimaru too.

"BROOOO you gotta do better!" Yoriichi groans as he facepalms. "I'm caught up now, and I have to say I don't like how you're moving, AT ALL! Never mind dad we'll worry about him later, you're the one killing me right now."

"Wha-" Beni is interrupted again when Yo tosses him a scroll to read from. His face starts to darken as well while he reads. "Is all of this true?" Benimaru asks, clearly a little shaken by the contents of the scroll.

"Is all of what true?" Mikoto asks. "Who did you just summon? What is in that scroll?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Sasuke also asks.

"Give us a moment Aunty. I'll explain later," Yo responds with an irritated smile before dragging Benimaru into another room, soundproofing the walls by quickly drawing a seal with his finger. "What the actual fuck Beni!? Have you just sat on your ass for five years?! What have you accomplished? It says here this little guy Suijin all but rules the land of Sound, he's working with Orochimaru and is amassing more followers and money by the day. You're what a house Uchiha with a flower? Do you even want to be hokage?"

"I do…and don't call me a house Uchiha."

'You look like the poster boy for house Uchiha,' Yo thought, but he decided against saying it aloud.

"What have you done to prepare yourself for that goal? Have you set up any organizations? Business ventures? Hell, an information network? I did all of that before I went to sleep! And over the years it all functioned just fine! As you saw my Oniwabanshu spies haven't missed a beat! The daimyo who signs the hokage's checks is in my pocket! I did it all at your age, ya hear? And I don't even want to be hokage." Yo lectures with an irritated expression. "I assume Suijin wants more than just a mere hokage's seat and has already started working towards that end. You gonna be his lackey?"

Benimaru couldn't refute too much of Yo's argument but his brother did strike a nerve. "I'd rather die." Benimaru growls. "And I didn't even know I was racing against Suijin again until our conversation, he was supposed to be dead! What are the odds of the both of us reincarnating?"

"Come on man, if you had a magical flower that brought you through time and space and he had the rivaling magic flower, why wouldn't he be able to come too? That's just sounds illogical." Yo answers. "It's plain as day to see."

"You could only guess that so quickly because you know the 'story' and those stupid troops so well…" Benimaru says sullenly knowing Yo was not wrong.

"Troops? What troops?" Yo asks.

"The storytelling troops, that 'writers' use to 'create' our worlds." Benimaru says trying to recite something Yo had told him.

"Tropes not troops, dammit! And you have some cheat knowledge too, why are you not using that to your advantage. Instead, you're just using your skills to flex on the normal kids. Suijin did not need to be told you were alive to start doing his politics, he's playing chess not checkers! I'm disappointed in you…It's like Masamune got the useful one of you too…" Yo shakes his head feeling like he lost some sort of subliminal contest to the hollow. It seems Suijin's thought process was more similar to his own.

Benimaru was shut down at the moment. Yo had made him question many of his second life's decisions, was he really wasting time that much? Clearly something has to change or he will make no difference in this era. Naruto and Sasuke are hot on his heels, and Yo isn't the only person stronger than him(politically or in fighting power). He had gotten too comfortable with this era of false peace and it is showing badly now. With that realization he just walks out of the room, muttering to himself.

"Hey, where are you going? I'm not done talking yet! Beni!" The sound of another door opening and shutting was all he heard. "Oh well, if that was too much for him to deal with he wasn't cut out for this path anyways. I guess I should go and deal with them now... how long have they been out there?" Yo heads for the front door. "Toneri come with me," he says going outside.

"Coming," he follows Yoriichi out to see a large group of Hyuga clan members kneeling patiently outside of the door. They all start to murmur nervously amongst themselves when they notice Yo and Toneri have arrived. "Um teacher, who are they?"

"Your terrestrial relatives. The other descendants of Hamura Otsutsuki," Yo explains as he sweeps over the crowd with a sharp glare. They all wait patiently for him to address them, Hamura must've really let them have it. Yo finds the person he was looking for and calls out "Neji!"

"Yes?" A small boy's head raises. As soon as he looks up Yo snatches the wraps from his forehead.

"No seal, good…this just saved his life." Seeing the seal wasn't on Neji, Yo's desire to kill Hiashi lessens just a little bit (No one dared bring up the fact that was Hamura's doing). His anger isn't quelled by this too much though, he checks several more branch Hyuga clan members present to see they were still branded. He can only shake his head with disappointment.

"Yor-" BOOM! A swift and powerful palm thrust sends Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan, flying into a wall. He coughs up blood violently before falling onto his face, struggling to rise again.


"Clan head!"

"Are you alright?"

Various degrees of offense at Yoriichi and concern for Hiashi showed on the faces of the clan members. They rushed to their clan head's aid, but those watching Yo were hesitant to make their move. Yoriichi takes a deep breath and lowers his hand. "You'll never be even with your brother, but with that much I don't want to kill you myself anymore. What?" His eyes sweep back and forth at everyone who had any hostility towards him. "Yeah I hit the clan head, wanna do something about it?"

"Damn brat! How dare you!" One of the elders couldn't tolerate being taunted by a child and rushed Yo with four others following suit.

"Watch closely Toneri. This taijutsu will compliment your abilities well," Yo says sliding into a sideways crouching position with his his arms held out, one low in front and the one behind him held high. His red eyes go wide as he breathes in deep takes aim on the first opponent coming up. "Eight trigrams…"

"Is he attempting to?"


"You fools stop!"

Too late Yoriichi takes off like a streak of light. As the others suspected he dances through the crowd with a particular style of taijutsu that only the Hyuga should be able to use. With his transparent world, he too could use x-ray vision like the byakugan so his attacks did not miss the chakra points targeted. "Two palms, four palms, eight palms…"

Hiashi was dumbfounded more than he was in pain just then. "How is this possible!? He's using the-"

"Sixty-four palms!" Yoriichi roars as he jabs the last opponent with two fingers coated in chakra, effectively blocking his chakra flow and sending him flying. "You trash main branches do all that to protect the byakugan, but can't even protect your own people. I held a lot of respect for Hizashi, he was a good man who had to die because you were too weak. The cloud came in, kidnapped royalty, and then punked you for defending yourself? What is that?!"

"We had no-"

Yoriichi cuts off the old elder trying to explain. "Shut up, that was rhetorical. I'm still talking." He Says with a narrowing glare and a burst of spiritual pressure, the elder quickly recedes into silence. "Where was I… Oh yeah. What will you do now that a non-clansmen can use your techniques with ease? My eyes lack nothing yours have but a three-sixty field of vision. Even though the Uchiha are known for genjutsu and ninjutsu, I am also skilled in kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, taijutsu as you can see and many other arts as well. Where do you get off thinking this inflated sense of pride is OK? Learn something other than a palm thrust you one trick ponies!" With that, Yo feels he has nothing left to say. "Get out of here before I get mad again!"

"But our great ancestor appeared to us and told us to-"

"I don't care what Hamura told you to do! I don't want to look at any of you!" Yo cuts in with his hostility rising again. "Neji is welcome to stay, the rest of you kick rocks! I bet he told you to get those seals off of his descendant's heads too! Go start with that!" His face shows he meant business and the Hyuga elders knew it, they picked their allies up and departed.

"Those are your clansmen Toneri. Sorry you had to see them like that, but I think you'll help them be truly elite again. As they are now, they only have the arrogance of descendants of the Otsutsuki…the Uchiha too for that matter. We've got to shake them up a bit." Yo explains.

"Yes Yo sensei, we will correct them and guide them down the right path to protect the clan's honor." Toneri agrees.

"Ugh, Sounds kinda zealoty when you say it…" Yo says going back into the house.

"Zealoty? Is that bad?" Toneri asks following behind. "And when can I learn that taijutsu?"

Inside the house Yo goes and plops down onto the floor in the family room. "Is everything alright Yo?"

"Not really…people irritate my soul sometimes." Yo says. "Like everyone just likes making bad decisions or something. They have to do better as a village."

"Be the change you want to see first, they may need you to lead the way." Mikoto says offering a more positive attitude. "You've always thought outside the box. It's one of your greatest strengths."

"That's what I was afraid of," Yo sighs. "I'm not carrying that many people on my back."

"I'm sure your friends can rise to the occasion," she says with an optimistic smile. "Just give them another chance. They might surprise you."

"I'd love to see that," Yo closes his eyes to take a nap. "Right now I'm doubtful…" he drifts off with that.

"Umm you want to go train?" Sasuke offers to Toneri seeing Yo went to sleep. It sounds like they should find something productive to do

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