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16% Naruto: Shinobi SI / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: First Taijutsu class

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: First Taijutsu class

—===1 month later===—

The first day of physical training at the ninja school had finally arrived, and I could feel the anticipation building within me. It was time to put my training to the test, to see if I could keep up with my classmates.

Little did I know just how embarrassing the day would be. The embarrassment would only be below the day I got found with porn by my dad.

Thoughts of my dad rapidly turned to the parents in this world, whom I don't remember. Considering my brain is too young at the time to remember the info.

Still, the fact they look the same fucking burned me inside out.

The result is making me crave more power.

When I look at the academy, I can only think that Power can be found here.

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the training grounds, and the air was filled with a sense of excitement and nervous energy.

The day started with various tests and exercises. We were handed kunai and shuriken and instructed on the proper way to throw them. I watched as my peers effortlessly hit their targets, while my attempts fell short, missing the target by a meter.

"Woah! You only need a centimetre to hit the target, except it's the next one. Haha!"

"Yeah, So funny."

"I thought I was the worst, but this guy showed me the truth."

"What's that?"

"My old man only uses I am not good as an excuse to scold me."

"I see. My dad is the same."

I had a long way to go about mastering these basic skills.

Next came the sparring sessions, an accurate test of our combat abilities. It was here my ego got raped.

I was paired with Kurenai.

Ok, as per my canon knowledge, she is a future Genjutsu specialist who is trolled on the internet for using Genjutsu on Itachi Uchiha.

As the spar began, I found myself on the defensive, trying to evade Kurenai's attacks. Fuck.



Her strikes came at me fast and furious, and I quickly realized that I was outmatched.

I failed to evade one punch, clearly heading for my stomach, but so, I put my hand in the way as per the stance I practiced. The punch hit my guard. But, it didn't hold because of my lack of experience.


Intense pain burst at the point of contact on my stomach. I can hear the AI prompt in the bruising being formed. I could taste the eggs I ate in the morning.

I only stayed on my feet out of stubbornness.

Seriously, this girl will be an eye candy cannon fodder in the future to highlight Itachi, but she is crushing me with ease.

I had no time to think as another punch came, this time for my head. I did my best to guard it, keeping in my head to hold the guard as much as I could.


Thankfully, Pain seems to be the best teacher, but that is the only thing I could do, taking a step back each second.

After just a minute of confrontation, she had me cornered at the border of the ring.

Not wanting to step out, I took another punch to the stomach wanted and tried to punch back for the first time.


As my surroundings shifted, I could feel the cold steel of her kunai against my neck.

The bitchy thing was that I only remember her ducking to escape the punch and, perhaps, her leg sweeping from under my legs, making me fall back.


The next thing I know she is on me, with her kunai on my neck.

This was my first spar in this life, which showed that my glaringly obvious flaws. My lack of dexterity and experience whidh left me defenseless.

Even Kurenai who is average in Taijustsu easily exploited those weaknesses without mercy.

As the spar ended, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment. I had hoped to perform better.

But I was utterly crushed, and that is the reality.

But as I watched my classmates continue their training, I knew I couldn't give up. The monsters out in the world will not give me the peace of mind to sleep at night. So, I took the path that helped me stand above the other civilian-born.

I cheat.

So, which means I should go to the Library.


The physical training had left me exhausted, but my thirst for knowledge to make me strong was insatiable. I wanted to make the most of every opportunity at the ninja school, and that included soaking up as much information as I could.

The library was a treasure trove of books, each one holding the potential to expand the civilian's understanding of the shinobi world.

I began scanning the titles, my eyes flickering over the spines in search of something that piqued my interest.

Ninja Handbook - A basic guidebook for ninja training.

Taijutsu in Konoha

Genjutsu introduction

Ninjutsu introduction


Seals and their origins.

As I delved deeper into the Academy Library, I couldn't help but lose track of time. My AI worked tirelessly, scanning and storing the information from each book in my mind. It was a slow but rewarding process, and I knew that this knowledge would serve me well in the future.

As I was reading, a joyful commotion from the library entrance caught my attention. It was a familiar voice, filled with tears of happiness and relief. I turned to see Guy and his father, Duy.

Guy had tears streaming down his face, and his father wore a proud and beaming smile. I realized what had happened,

"Guy! Duy!" I called out to the green mirror images.

They turned towards me, and Guy's tears of joy turned into a radiant smile. "Kyudo! You won't believe it! They turned towards me, and Guy's tears of joy changed into a radiant smile."Kyudo! You won't believe it! The ninja school accepted me!"

I couldn't help but share in their happiness. Guy had a fiery spirit and a determination that was truly inspiring, mostly the right needs for a Taijutsu user.

His acceptance was well-deserved.

"That's incredible, Guy! Congratulations!" I said with genuine enthusiasm.

Duy clapped a hand on Guy's shoulder, his own eyes glistening with pride. "My son, a ninja in the making," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

As we chatted, I couldn't help but think it's absurd these two who are being ignored and disdained by everyone are the ones who will leave their names in history as legends.

[Might Duy:

He had a different title among the villagers — Eternal Genin.

It was because of the flawed evaluation standards of current times that the maker of Eight Gates is still Genin.

While the concept of Eight gates exists and is even common knowledge for Jutsu creators, only this man, Might Guy, is crazy enough to train his body to open the natural limiters of chakra.

He broke the seven swordsmen of mist in the future. A squad designed and accomplished to kill S ranks.]

[Might Guy: One line from Madara can describe Guy's future, "I, Madara, declare you the strongest."]

After a few moments of conversation, I shared my own experiences from the day. I told them about my performance in the Taijutsu class, and how I had struggled and fallen behind my classmates. The honesty in my voice must have been clear, as Guy and Duy listened intently.

"Kyudo-kun, don't worry," Duy said with a reassuring smile, "You've got the determination, and that's what matters the most. "

Duy nodded in agreement. "Papa is right."

Their words touched me deeply, and I felt a surge of gratitude and, from there, a surge of guilt.

Perhaps, this is a chance encounter for them, finding someone who supports them, but this is a wanted encounter for me. I fulfilled my need first. "Maybe you can help me, Duy. You are genin right."

Duy just thought for a while. Frankly speaking, his thinking looks weird. I automatically gulped seeing the smiling man who had insulted me for a month suddenly becoming serious. I got odd flashes of Fanfics l read in my past life, internally cursing my passion for Naruto.

Duy ended up being just Duy, "Sure, I am happy to be of Help. YOUTTHH!"

Guy, the mini Duy, mimicked him by shouting, "YOUTH!"

I felt a smile come to my face, seeing two spandex muscle heads posing like with both hands on their hands, shouting, Youth.

I had not only gained two loyal friends but also found a support trainer that I hadn't expected.

It seems like a joke to me as I wished for such good friends in my previous life, but now I attained them easily because of my interactions with them, based on the canon knowledge.

The days passed quickly as I continued my rigorous training with Guy and Duy. Each evening, after our school sessions, we would gather at the training grounds to hone my Taijutsu skills. Guy and Duy were exceptional mentors, and their ridiculous regimes and antics inspired me to push my limits.

However, I couldn't help but feel frustrated at my slow progress.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the training grounds, I confided in Duy about my concerns. We sat together on a grassy patch, our breaths heavy from the day's intense workout.

"Duy-San," I began, "I appreciate all the help and guidance you and Guy have given me. But I can't help but feel like I'm falling behind. I struggle to keep up during sparring sessions, and my Taijutsu skills are nowhere near as advanced as yours or Guy's."

Duy looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Kyudo, everyone starts somewhere," he said, while looking at the moon he continued, "The path of a shinobi is a long and challenging one. What matters is your determination to improve. You have that determination, and that's what counts."

I nodded, appreciating his words of encouragement. This may be the greatest benefit for me in this relationship. These two are just too good at giving motivation. Each time I compare myself to them, I realize I had it better than them.

"Thank you, Duy-San. I'll keep pushing forward."

With their motivation, I continued my training, pouring all my energy into each punch and kick.

Several days passed, and our training sessions grew even more intense. We were pushing our bodies to the limit, striving for improvement in Taijutsu techniques. The strain on our muscles was clear, and we often ended our sessions with minor injuries and bruises.

One evening, after a gruelling training session, Duy suggested something that would change our futures a lot.

"You know," Duy said with a mischievous grin, "there's a way to speed up our recovery and heal those minor injuries."

I looked at him, curious about what he had in mind. "What do you mean, Duy-sensei?"

Duy motioned for us to follow him, and we made our way to a secluded area on the outskirts of Konoha. There, hidden from prying eyes, was a small pond surrounded by lush greenery.

Duy explained, "This is a pond."


You know and Guy were expecting more, but the simple croaking of frogs dispelled our illusions and we just started stripping to bathe.


Duy-San laughter was something else that made me smile. I jumped into the pond and splashed the water on them.

With that, Guy and Duy stripped down, revealing their well-toned bodies covered in minor scrapes and bruises.

As we immersed ourselves in the pond, I could feel the soothing effects of the chakra-infused herbs washing over me. It was an incredibly refreshing sensation, and I could sense my minor injuries healing almost instantly. I then released the nature of the water from the rumours I heard from the clan kids. Duy-San confirmed my guess by saying, "It's filled with chakra-infused herbs that aid in healing. A chakra bath can work wonders for your body after intense training."

[AI Prompt:

The chakra herbs, which were extensively cultivated by Hashirama Senju himself, are a unique resource of Konoha found in its forests.

These herbs are renowned for their chakra-enhancing properties and their ability to speed up the natural healing process.

By harnessing the power of these chakra herbs, Konoha has gained a significant advantage in the development of its shinobi.

Of course, except for the rare legendary herbs that bloom once in a century in 3 sage lands, all the chakra herbs are mostly boosters of natural healing. But those legendary herbs can even grow back limbs.]

It was a wonderful decision for me to add information from books I could find to the AI database.

It was due to that reason, My AI managed to help me by providing the information about the herbs and their chakra-infused nature, explaining how they boosted our natural healing abilities.

Right info at the right time can change the shinobi's destiny.

It was like a warm embrace, and I couldn't help but relax in the healing waters.

I turned to Duy, who was soaking in the pond with a contented expression on his face. "Duy-San, why don't you use this every day? It's incredible for recovery."

Duy chuckled awkwardly, his cheeks tinted with embarrassment. "Well, Kyudo, as wonderful as it is, these herbs are quite expensive. Most shinobi can't afford to use them every day. I only started using them once a week after becoming a genin."

I nodded in understanding of the luxury this pond represented.

It made me understand the dedication and sacrifices that shinobi like Guy and Duy, had done for the next generation.

Duy-San worked for decades to allow these resources to Guy. Then Guy must have used these resources for Lee in the future every day to boost his strength.

Each generation, the growth rate increase under this cycle of sacrifice.

As we bathed in the chakra-infused waters, I couldn't help but think about the ways to make this everyday thing.

The need for money had been lingering in the back of my mind, a constant reminder of my financials.

It was time to address the wealth my late father had left behind, secured in the bank of Konoha. Their untimely demise in an accident involving Konoha shinobi had left me the sole inheritor. However, a past friend of my father, who became a bandit, orchestrated the robbery that followed. It was not even a scheme.

After all, my father went to the village on his own to greet the village chief about some trade.

I knew I had to shift my focus back to the matter at hand—the bank account. Normally, I would receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 Ryo until I turned 18, at which point I would gain full access to the substantial 2 million Ryo stored in the account. It was a substantial sum.

AI shows the mission rewards.

Author's note: All these are for normal missions without combat. Combat missions double or even become 10 times based on the mission. Also, the mission payments will change based on the importance of the tasks. For the same cat mission, if coming from a Daimyo, may reward 50,000 directly.

[D-Rank Missions:

These are simple tasks like finding lost pets or delivering messages.

Payment for D-rank missions is typically quite low, often ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 Ryo.

C-Rank Missions:

C-rank missions are of moderate difficulty and can involve activities such as escorting individuals, completing minor combat assignments, or collecting rare materials.

Payment for C-rank missions is higher, with rewards ranging from 20,000 to 30,000 Ryo.

B-Rank Missions: B-rank missions are more challenging for shinobi and can include tasks like subduing dangerous criminals, guarding important individuals, or handling threats to a village. The payment for B-rank missions is significantly higher, often starting at 40,000 Ryo and going up from there.

A-Rank Missions:

A-rank missions are quite dangerous and may involve taking on powerful opponents or dealing with critical situations. Payment for A-rank missions can range from 80,000 to 100,000 Ryo or more.

S-Rank Missions:

The highest level of missions, S-rank missions, are reserved for the most skilled ninja. These missions are extremely perilous and may include tasks such as assassinations of high-ranking individuals or dealing with existential threats. Payment for S-rank missions can be substantial, with rewards often exceeding 200,000 Ryo.

It's important to note that these payment ranges can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the mission, the village or client making the request, and the negotiation skills of the ninja taking on the mission.

Successful completion of missions can lead to increased reputation and opportunities for advancement within the ninja ranks.]

So, it is a lot of money, but I can't wait for the age of 18, just the age where my growth speed will lessen a lot. If you don't get it, it's sarcasm.

Thankfully, or I must say horrifyingly, I am not the first case like this.

The matron can sign off part of the funds based on my needs and plans. Of course, a review from the administration is important. They say someone from the administration has stationed a Nara to evaluate the proposal and give the go-ahead. You know a Nara- from a clan filled with mind geniuses in IQ.

Their clan leader and heir possess an intelligence comparable to that of Sherlock Holmes. From looking at a napkin, a fork and a fart, they can tell you breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The scheme of ensuring that the shinobi forces' wealth is saved and brought to their kids even after their death is good.

Now, I need to a plan to make money workable enough to get a go-ahead from the matron and Nara.

I was a Medico; I didn't do any business before. It was while thinking about my past habits that an idea struck me. I asked Guy and Duy to come to the orphanage tomorrow after class and ran back to request the Matron.

"I know of a way to earn money. Just come at 5:00 pm. Also, take a bath if you train in the morning."

Guy and Duy did their default reaction to any puzzling situation, "YOUTH!!!" 

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