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68.75% Azula's Inner Demon / Chapter 11: Chapter 10: The Road to Master

Capítulo 11: Chapter 10: The Road to Master

"The weather is beautiful today. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. On such a clear day, young people like you should be enjoying life, not pushing themselves so hard with training. However, you're doing great, not wasting your time. We can see land ahead, and we'll soon be on solid ground," the spirit spoke as Azula paused her lightning-bending training, gazing at the blue skies.

Drenched in sweat, Azula felt the fatigue and pleasant soreness from her daily training. She was satisfied with her work and her own progress. Breathing deeply, she watched as the island slowly came into view. While she took in the view from the ship's bow, the spirit commented on it, while Azula simply acknowledged it.

In the distance, land was visible, and the ship was inexorably approaching it. Soon, she would set foot on the shore. However, Azula's mind was preoccupied with thoughts, and she hardly appreciated the surrounding beauty.

"Perhaps it's worth freshening up and presenting yourself in the best possible way? Or do you plan to meet the master in this state? I understand the sea is beautiful, but it doesn't look like you. Have you been thinking about something?" the spirit inquired with a hint of teasing, catching Azula idling.

With two quick blinks as a negative response, Azula stopped gazing into the distance and shifted her focus. Turning around, she headed towards the pagoda, a special structure built exclusively on her ship. As she ascended the stairs, she encountered her two advisors sitting on either side of the entrance. They had been observing her training from their elevated vantage point.

"For today, I've had enough training. I need to prepare for my meeting with the master," the princess announced as she passed by her advisors.

"Your progress in mastering lightning is swift and remarkable. Don't abandon it until you achieve the desired perfection," one of the sisters admonished.

"Success is closer than it seems. Some things require time. We'll make sure your orders are carried out in your absence. Your ship will wait for you as long as you wish," her other sister added. Even with her keen observational skills, Azula couldn't tell the two identical elderly advisors apart.

Azula silently passed by her elderly mentors and headed to her chambers, where she took a bath, fulfilling the spirit's request to cleanse the body so he could enjoy the warm water. She knew well how such a small gesture pleased the spirit. Immediately after, the princess went to the chambers of her servants, where they prepared her to perfection. An hour later, Azula stood on the ship's deck again, with her hair done, a clean body, and her usual stern expression, gazing at the land, which was now very close.

"Mistress, I'm afraid the tide won't allow us to enter the port until nightfall," the ship's captain approached the princess.

He was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with black hair and a touch of gray, tanned skin, and the uniform of a ship's captain. His distinguishing features were his thin, long mustache and a slight goatee. Men like him were a dime a dozen, if not more. Adding to his standard appearance was a typical name for Fire Nation people—Lee, Bruce Lee. That's how the captain of Azula's personal ship was named.

Hearing his words, the princess didn't even grace Bruce with a glance.

"Perhaps I'm not well-versed in maritime matters, but how can the tide prevent us from entering the port?" the spirit interjected with an opinion that no one asked for.

"I apologize, Captain, but I'm not familiar with this 'tide' concept. Could you explain it to me?" Azula began in a cool and authoritative tone after brief reflections on the new information.

"Yes, mistress," the captain said, sensing his mistake and lowering his head slightly. He already had an inkling of what would follow after such a chilly tone from the princess.

"Is the ship commanded by the tide?" Azula pressed, not even turning to face the captain. She seemed to sense his weakness as if she possessed a sixth sense.

"Uhm... I don't understand the question..."

"Destroy him! Humiliate him! Crush him! Insult him! He's just some Bruce Lee, an unknown loser who somehow became the captain of your ship. Come on! Boost your self-esteem at the expense of a subordinate who can't argue or respond!" continued the spirit in his usual manner. His words had no effect on Azula.

"You mentioned that the tide won't allow the ship to enter the port. Does the tide command the ship?" Azula began to press, her gaze still fixed forward.

"No, my lady," the captain lowered his head even further.

"And if I were to throw you overboard, would the tide decide whether to throw you onto the rocks or not?"

"No, mistress," Bruce Lee lowered his gaze to the deck.

"So perhaps you shouldn't worry about a tide that's already decided to kill you and instead think about me? Because I haven't decided anything yet," the princess turned around, her stern golden eyes piercing the trembling captain.

"We will enter the port..." Bruce replied, the only thing left for him to do was to bow and hastily carry out his princess's command. For his age, he ran quite swiftly, as if he had completely forgotten about the gray in his hair. When it came to instilling fear with her mere presence, Azula was a master, let alone the subtle hints in her conversation.

"You know, we may be in a hurry, but if the ship runs aground, it will be entirely your fault. I hope you understand navigation better than Bruce," the spirit shared his opinion when the conversation ended with the captain's frightened retreat.

Azula blinked once, affirming the spirit's words with her agreement.

The princess had been well-trained in both military tactics and seamanship. Thanks to the Fire Nation's formidable fleet, they were considered the rightful rulers of the seas. As a princess of her nation, she had an excellent understanding of this field. This explained her confidence that the ship could enter the port during high tide. Standing at the ship's bow, she saw all the possibilities for solving the task and was well aware of her ship's capabilities.

The ship entered the port, following the princess's orders, and then anchored, waiting for a more suitable time to dock. The crew received orders to stay in this port for a day, awaiting further instructions from the princess, which she planned to send via the postal hawk she had brought with her on her journey. Azula herself, carrying a bag of her personal belongings over her shoulder and a small pouch of gold, headed into the city, which was a bit further from the port.

Of course, the imperial entourage tried to stop her, reminding her of her duty to protect the imperial family. However, Azula brushed them off with words, calling them all weaklings. If anyone doubted her words, she was more than willing to prove herself with her mastery of firebending through a sparring match against the entire imperial entourage. Despite there being thirty elite firebending masters among them, none of them questioned the words of the Blue Flame Conqueror.

Azula safely disembarked from the ship and, along with her ever-present spirit, embarked on their first joint adventure...


A young girl walked alone along the road that led deep into the island toward the city, through plains and hills. Perched on her shoulder was the postal hawk. With its small eyes, it looked at the girl in shock as she composed rhymes of forgiveness.

I implore you, forgive me,

Take the anger and set it free,

Give me a chance to make amends,

And everything will make amends!

Forgive me, I beg of you,

You mean so much, it's true,

Tell me, how can I make it right?

How can I clear my conscience tonight?

How can we start anew?

Forgive, oh please forgive me!

"It's already much better. Either your genius is showing, or we're getting closer to each other. It's impressive," the spirit's voice sounded in response to her rhymes in her mind.

"Will you forgive me?" Azula asked with mild curiosity, addressing her companion.

The bird perched on the girl's shoulder still didn't understand anything. The hawk continued to look at the girl who was talking to an unknown entity as if it understood every word. Perhaps it was so; dragon hawks were highly intelligent birds.

"No," Azula sighed disappointedly at the response from her companion.

"How much longer do I have to compose various verses for you?" Azula responded calmly to yet another rejection. This was probably the hundred and first poem she had composed for the spirit. But it seemed that he still did not appreciate her efforts.

"Don't bother yourself. Focus on Master Piandao. And yes, let's slow down a bit. I want to admire the beauty of this place. I think I hear a waterfall. Shall we check it out?" the spirit replied enthusiastically, watching over the mountain valley adorned with green meadows that Azula had to traverse along the road from the port.

"It's impossible to understand you. You should decide what you want from me. I don't like doing pointless things," Azula calmly responded, furrowing her brows and wrinkling her forehead.

"Piandao, but nothing will hurt us to appreciate the beauty of nature on the way. It's better to stop talking to me; the hawk is already looking at you too strangely, and there are city buildings ahead," the spirit appealed to her better judgment.

"Let's go to the sound of the waterfall. We have no hurry, and I'm quite curious to see the local beauty," Azula agreed to this small detour and veered off the road, walking across the field.

The city of Shu Jing was nestled in a mountain valley dotted with meadows. The road to the city was very winding, leading up one hill and then down another. Everywhere, the surroundings were adorned with green meadows. Not a single tree was visible amidst all this beauty. It was a quiet and peaceful place, a rarity in the Fire Nation. Nature here was exceptionally beautiful. Climbing the nearest hill, Azula's eyes beheld a river flowing through a gap in the rocks. The river had numerous rapids and waterfalls, and underground streams flowed into it from the depths of the earth.

"Beautiful, I've never seen anything like it. It's a shame I can't capture such beauty on canvas," the spirit enthusiastically exclaimed in Azula's mind. He could see all the beauty of nature through her eyes. However, this picturesque scene didn't impress the princess at all.

"Remind me, why do I compose poetry if you don't want to forgive? Have I already mentioned this? I don't like engaging in foolish and useless things," Azula attempted to return to her previous topic, paying no attention to the beauty or the sound of the dozens of waterfalls.

"Mastering the art of beautiful words is very useful. The ability to convey your thoughts effectively to your interlocutor, captivate a crowd of subordinates, inspire soldiers to heroic deeds, boost the morale of an army, citizens, and society. Instilling in them faith in a better tomorrow, preventing despair. Poetry is just a way to train the power of your words so that you can not only instill fear but also sow seeds of respect in the hearts of your subordinates. The power of words is far greater than that of lightning, you know it yourself. Or am I mistaken?" the spirit spoke in an instructive tone.

The girl calmly listened to him, showing no negative emotions. After pondering the spirit's words, Azula spoke with a slight smile.

"In this, I agree with you. The word is the most powerful weapon of a person."

"I'm glad our opinions align," the spirit responded joyfully, savoring the moment.

"Well then, have you seen enough? How much longer do I have to stand here?" Azula asked.

"Yes, thank you. You can go to the city and find your way to Piandao," receiving the response, the girl headed towards the city, which was already visible on the path.

The city was further along the river. The buildings, made of white stone with red roofs, were built directly on the hills. The settlement matched the landscape; it was peaceful and tranquil. Princess Azula had never traveled to such cities without proper escort. She found everything happening before her eyes fascinating. The lives and daily routines of ordinary people, farmers, peasants, merchants, and other citizens.

As Azula walked through the city, she observed how people lived their lives, free from cares and problems. The market was bustling with locals trading produce grown by local farmers, various shops selling their wares, and artisans taking orders. The streets were crowded with people, and the closer she got to the market, the more citizens walked the streets. Azula's attention was drawn to young couples walking hand in hand. She quickly averted her gaze, not allowing herself to become absorbed in watching them.

Little children played in the meadow with sticks, imagining themselves as brave soldiers of the Fire Nation. Among them were even a few girls who actively engaged in stick battles with the boys.

Unintentionally, Azula found herself captivated by their play. They were not fighting for real, trying not to harm each other, but their smiles, their laughter... They must have been having a lot of fun. Her contemplation of the children was interrupted by the spirit's voice.

"How cute, they want to kill and die for a stranger from such a young age, patriotism at its finest," the spirit commented on the scene while Azula watched a dozen kids play with wooden swords. She couldn't respond to the spirit in any way. Doing so would raise suspicion among the passersby, and that was the last thing she wanted.

The princess silently continued to explore the city.

"Wow, that's a triceratops! Of course, I knew that there are all sorts of creatures in this world, but a dinosaur? Are you breeding them or something?" After observing a couple of dozen grazing Komodo rhinoceroses on a large meadow, Azula found nothing strange about it and moved on, blinking once in response to the spirit.

With this action, she conveyed to her companion that, yes, they were indeed breeding them.

"Alright, I get it. There are meadows everywhere, so it must be a great place for breeding herbivorous livestock. But I must admit, they look quite powerful. Beautiful creatures with three horns. I've never seen them with my own eyes, though I'm looking at them through someone else's eyes now, haha," the spirit's attempt at humor was once again ignored.

Azula continued to stroll through the city.

Walking among her own people without bows, false flattery, guards, and all the rest... it was so unusual for Azula. Such an unfamiliar and undoubtedly new feeling for the young woman. Despite her rich clothing and armor, she had taken nothing that would give away her identity as a princess, as per the spirit's advice. No one noticed that a member of the imperial family was currently walking among the citizens in the streets of the city. All of this was mesmerizing, and the princess even considered extending her walk through the city, trying to blend in as an ordinary girl, secretly savoring the new sensations.

"You seem to be looking at young families quite often. Reminiscing about your own childhood?" the spirit noticed the oddity in the princess's behavior.

Azula blinked twice lazily, expressing her denial.

However, that was a lie. She did find herself gazing at happy families, contemplating her own life, including her family. The spirit didn't press further, allowing Azula to be alone with her thoughts for a while. And so, she roamed the city, observing the daily lives of its citizens and their routines, slowly inquiring about the way to the master.

"Mom, look, it's the lady with the bird," passing by one woman, Azula drew great interest from a child she was holding in her arms.

Chirped the dragon hawk on Azula's shoulder, quickly realizing that the talk was about him, and he puffed out his chest, adopting a very proud look.

"So that's who you really are, Lady. Hehe," the spirit commented silently.

"Don't point, it's not polite," the mother gently scolded her child.

"Bird! Bird!" the child repeated with excitement.

This scene made Azula pause briefly and simply watch the interaction between the child and the mother. Something about this situation stirred something in Azula's heart, something she didn't know, didn't understand, or perhaps had just forgotten. She continued to stand and observe the young woman with her child, not quite comprehending what she was feeling or why she was so captivated by them.

"Please forgive my daughter, she is too curious," the woman turned to her, glimpsing Azula's rich clothes.

"I hope you're not planning to reprimand her like you would your captain. I'd be terribly ashamed of your behavior and rudeness towards this young mother," the spirit commented in a serious tone, fearing Azula's potential actions.

His concerns were valid, given Azula's character, but the princess surprised the spirit with her next words:

"It's okay. Could you help me find my way? I'm new to this city and looking for Master Piandao's estate."

"Of course..."


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