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93.75% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 105: 105 Forceful Dreams...

Capítulo 105: 105 Forceful Dreams...

(A/N: Warning R-18 content later on the chapter...)



This time due to the recent miscarriages of the Queen, Betha and Shaera had pleaded to Paul to go Kingslanding to give Rhaela Targaryen a potion to at least ensure she is going to be healthy.


Paul did not want to at first since there are still many variables that might influence the future if he interferes too early.


Yet he agreed nonetheless as he felt he might need a new perspective on things as his frustration grew having no idea how to increase the completion rate of the tasks at hand.


He did see an 8% increase when he started teaching Rhaenys magic making him understand that someone had to learn the developed magic and not just recorded.


Still no more increase was seen even when he found a few young children to teach magic to.


He also tested the Great Warriors and only Kaash, Ruka, Okkun and Ugg had an affinity to a branch of magic that Paul had developed.


Ruka and Ugg had the possibility of becoming skin changers thus he started on having them train to sense magic and the mysteries that power it in this world.


So far only the darker magic were not developed by Paul like necromancy as there indeed were practitioners in this world.


It was in Yi Ti and Leng where they developed a zombie similar to that of a jiangshi in movies.


He learned that when he started to send a separate trade fleet towards Qarth to see if there were other types of spices already available in this world.


It was due to him needing more samples to create variations of fragrance since his perfumes became a hit and are best sellers in the city of Braavos and Lys.


Other than necromancy, Paul did not try to develop Blood Magic since all he read from the scrolls and tomes copied from old town were full of sacrificial rituals.


From what he can deduce at learning them was that the magic was still full of waste as the wanted results were too little compared to the cost made.


Sure there was the essence of making a deal with a strong magical entity like the Gods with the part going to them from the sacrifice are equally paid with magic worth the sacrifice.


But the results of the ritual is too pathetic, the magic used for the result was only a small part of what was bought with the sacrifice thus wasting the rest in the process.


Also the fact that most of these rituals always noted that a pure sacrifice is always better but the interpretation of the idiots of this world is to use human virgins, babies and other misinterpretation that always lead to an innocent human dead.


Paul knew he could refine it to make the results better but what he does not need is an increase of idiots killing people to make stupid wishes from eldritch creatures.


Paul might have been weakened but he can still feel where the ritual is going to ask for magic in return. The feeling reminded him of the Splinter Realms but only for this reality.


This might be this world's version of hell or hells depending on what the people here believe in, but he knew that he could complete the task of refining it making no more unnecessary sacrifices in rituals.


Yet he rather wanted to just have every record of blood magic as well as dark magic and Necromancy be forgotten by everybody, but that is too tall a task unless he still has his full powers.


He'd rather develop the divination magic, elemental magic, Skin changing, Glamor spells(Illusions) and possibly holy magic.


It was something he realized was possible since the power of faith of the people here were rather pure that they can become infused by holy powers.


Each faithful person he had met had a different nature in them, the worshippers of the Seven had a rather weird nature of Holy power but he does not want to teach them at all on how to tap on that power, they had the dumbest fanatics after the bearded priest of Norvos.


The Iron Borne also had a special holy attribute that connects them closely to water magic, similar to the Volantene who were descendants to the Rhoynar but the nature of the other was different.


The Iron borne had this fierce untamable feeling that would not back down even from a storm and would even try to drag you to the depths with all its might.


The Rhoynar in the other hand had a gentle nature like a calm lake yet can be strong as well like a ranging river.


How Paul discovered this was due to him being an object of faith as well, he can see it if he focuses enough but he cannot do it for long.


Thus the Holy Magic area is still in development as no one had started to dab in this subject yet.


On the completion rate however, there are other increases of about 1% every time over the past few years which Paul thought was because the parents of the people needed to be born now exist.


Another reason he agreed as he knew he needed to improve the health of Queen to ensure she does not die accidentally from giving birth in the future.


Paul was still not sure she can live long enough to give birth to Deanerys, from all these miscarriages even he felt worried for the Queen.


So now he was with Queen Dowager Shaera on their way to the capital in a carriage on the Rose Road.


They had teleported on Standfast so they were now being escorted by one Great Warrior, 5 knights, 20 footmen and ten archers.

The footmen and archers were secretly trained forces of Paul in Westeros, they were mostly broken men who did not resort to banditry but were just lost and does not know how to return home.


They were mostly from the Reach as well as Paul had their families relocated to the small towns of Standfast in a discreet manner over the years.

He had handpicked them out of the many Broken men he found as they were mostly honest farmer boys or fathers that had some good moral behaviors.

Rohanne had proposed this to him so he could have at least some forces he could call on to when he needed them one day so now there are small fiefs secretly owned on each of the Kingdoms where at least a force of 200 well trained soldiers could be called upon by him.

Though they mostly live in secret settlements so not other lord would try to call upon them as levies if there is a war to come, they are mostly in places owned by poor landed knights.

The five knights with them were some of the veterans that Paul helped as some relocated here on Westeros under the arrangements of Rohanne.


Other than the now adult spies he had trained, he employed the various crippled threats to travel as hedge knights or adventurers that would accept task from various places in Westeros.


They mostly were hired to clear out bandits, kill troublesome pests on farms like boars, wolves as well as other feral animals and escort caravans of merchants to their destinations.


Now there is rarely a secret of the nobles that Rohanne doesn't know off due to being able to create the spy network so successfully.


Paul was glad his preparations had born fruit, even his years of training an army has given him benefits.


For the past few years there were times when he had the need to mobilize his troops.


Some cannibal tribes deep inside the Green Hell had amassed one time and tried to attack the Beastment tribes.


Usually they would defend using the brindle ghouls but Paul had been buying them slowly but surely while the tribes nearby were getting dependent on Yeen.


Roads and Trade come hand in hand thus having experienced an abundant life made the Beastmen Tribe want to come under Paul's banner.


So far there are six Beastmen Tribe that swore to serve him to become his citizens and this massive gathering of the cannibal tribes had ten more large tribes asking to join him.


Thus he raised an army of 3,000 spearmen(shields), 2,500 Heavy Infantry(Mace & Shield), 1.5K archers, 500 mounted Archers(Zorse), 300 boar riders, 100 Pouch Tiger Riders, 300 Spear throwers, 200 Elephants and 50 Wyvern Knights.


Over the years more and more migrating brindled men joined and the younger ones from before grew thus wanting to join the army seeing the event held every two years and recently some youths from the beastmen tribes joined as well.


The City of Yeen reached around 150,000 in number while 6K are slaves bought by Paul from the Slaver cities.


Flask Basin still held around 4K+ as Paul was limited on the amount of vaccines he can make to enable humans to live in Green Hell with all its diseases and he does not want to over crowd that settlement.


The enemies had reached around 25K in number but Paul was able to win a massive victory since they were still barbarians to the end.


They were all lured into a 100 meter wide valley between two large stone pillars, they made a stand there where the infantry created a shield wall while archers and spear throwers positioned above the stone pillars.


The mounted troops on the other hand attacked the groups that split off to attack the rear while the Elephants were behind the cannibal army pushing them into the valley.


If any tried to climb the stone pillars to attack from above as well, the Wyvern Knights would swoop down to push them off.


It was a total massacre but something Paul needed to do, reason why they attacked is because the tribes they used to hunt were now gone and migrated to Yeen.


Thus they decided to attack en masse yet did not expect this army with armors of steel and iron while they still played with stone clubs and stone spears.


Even when there was no enemy, Paul had ensured that there would be scheduled training exercises between battalions every year as well.


This was not even all of Paul's forces as he still has the navy as well as the 200 Sea Knights which were and elite force in sea battles.


Also the Wyvern Knights all rode on the large sized wyverns like the brindled wyverns, Green Wyverns, Gold wyverns and Blue wyverns.


There was rarely a shadow-wing wyvern as they were rather proud ones, but Paul already has ten on the flock with Shadow as the flock leader.


Many Great Warriors shone on the battle especially Ugg who fought a large cannibal even bigger than Ogap. But Paul thought it was more of a hypothyroid condition as all he has is size since the cannibal did not seem to be as strong as Ogap.


Ogap was sad when he returned after routing the split group with Ruka wanting to fight the big enemy.


Paul also participated and finally rode Cera(the ceratosaurus) to battle and loved the scared faces of the enemy when the beast roared like thunder has descended.


This war gave Paul a long free time due to not having to worry about jungle raids for the nearby time from cannibals.


Though he lost around 40 soldiers which was rather a pity but he did gain around 10,000 beastmen to swear loyalty to him.


This demonstration solidified that Paul was the owner of the strongest army currently in Sothoryos and the strongest military power that seemed to be undefeated.


Not even the Great Beasts of the forest dared to attack Yeen since there were groups of Great Beast of their own staying there in the city like the giant turtles, giant crabs and the largest wyverns by the dozens.


Now that the beastmen joined, the goat tribe, cat tribe and dog tribe became great assets since they were the intellectuals of the beastmen tribes.


They provided great help to Betha in handling the matters of the city, reason since Paul did not make more puppets or else the ambient magic would have thinned greatly.


For now only 10,000 puppets work in various sectors in the city, though most can be repurposed from time to time.


The other beastmen tribes showed great promise in many areas like fishing, hunting, farming and especially herding since they have better senses in guarding larger herds or flocks of domesticated animals.

Plans were also underway in making the floating Island that Paul had designed.


It was at most 500m wide, 2.5km long and 200 meters tall and shaped like a spitzer bullet head cut in half lengthwise. It would look like a giant ship but without the sails, he planned to have puppet powered giant paddles five on each side to move the Island.


There would be a small city built atop the island, he drew inspirations in modern ship designs but also added a lot of what he wanted on it.


Instead of a Funnel, there would be a tower 100 meters tall attached to where the bridge is supposed to be or superstructure but was made into a Keep about 50 meter tall, 500 meter wide and 500 meter long placed on the center of the island with towers around 70 meters tall on each corner.


Where the deck should be which is shaped like a bullet point, is a small town area about 500mx500m in size occupying the inner half of the deck near the keep. other half is an open area but walled with 10 meter tall 4 meter thick stone walls and few 20 meter tall watch towers.


Where the Poop deck should be was an enclosed port, yes a port which Paul drew inspiration from the flask basin. The sides were 50 meters thick walls where the paddles were connected too so the weight is still balanced to the front part.


The port could be accessed on the back where a giant gate around 150 meters wide and 250 meters tall could be seen. The poop decked is walled as well while the walls near the gate were thicker due to the mechanisms inside to open the giant gate.


It was more of a sliding door type which would part in the middle and not the swinging type as it was rather hard to produce enough force to open the gates while in the water.


Sea water would be able to pass through it but Paul did not worry since it would not affect the ship at all. The whole island would be at submerged for about 100 meters in his calculations which made the bottom part of the island submerged enough to have a proper port.


He designed it as such since he plans to bring the Sea knights and they needed and area where the sea horse could stay and not be attacked by sharks or rapist dolphins.


The inside of the island has facilities to house the monsters including an inside farm which could be illuminated using windows and mirrors.


As well as an inside jungle which also housed some monsters he plans to bring once the Island is finished.


The port on the back would be able to accommodate even the Leviathan and a dozen other ships inside since the waters are around 60-70 meters deep.


Bellow that would be the Hull, where the Keel that is the core part of the ship, which that would enable the whole Island to float even with its massive size.


Paul was not sure when he thought about having a floating Island if he can do it since the one he originally planned was similar to the floating Island he found in Rita's world and might be destroyed by the bracelet.


The floating Island of New York(A/N: If anyone is confused search Lee Gyuntak Leviathan manhwa and try to read it, it's a hidden gem that rarely is being talked about online by manhwa lovers.) but when he started refining the water magic learned from the Old men of the River then he found a high chance of success in making the super structure.



The Keel would be a 3km long, 200 meters wide and 40 meters thick made of the largest cedars he found attached together with high quality steel pillars enchanted with hundreds of magic formations made using around a thousand soul energy each.


It used a formation inspired from the magic flow on the shells of the Old men of the river, Paul found it odd before how their heavy metal like shells could still be carried even when they have some air bag organs on the inside of their bodies.


His curiosity enabled him to discover the faint pulsing of magic on the shells which would have water around it to help push the creature. This explained how even with the high density shells that are hard to pierce even with a Valyrian spear could float in the deep waters of the Rhoyne.


He then spread more formations on the Hull which would have a pattern similar to turtle shells, since he had it shaped as a round bottom, along with some protective wards to strengthen the whole structure.


From his calculations, he can house about 20,000 in the floating Island this does not include the amount of monsters he could keep inside as well as the ones that would man the other ships in the port of the floating Island.


On the lower parts of the giant tower behind the keep, there is a rookery meant for wyverns facing the port below where he could keep around 50 fully grown mountable wyverns.


On the sides of the port, where the tall walls around the port, were smaller rookeries for golden eagles and brown belly wyverns that were bonded to some of the soldiers and warriors.


There were also gun ports everywhere numbering around the thousands but Paul equipped it with ballistas first as he does not plan to shock the world of the existence of cannons yet. The metal he had were mostly focused on the large project while keeping a small part for the other needs in the City.


After integrating the many beastmen tribes close by, Paul found the large deposits of iron and various other metals thus prompted him to start the project around 267AC.


Five years since then, the whole Island is only around 20% finished and is being built in an uninhabited Island by the Basilisk Isle covered with a wide continuous Glamor Spell to hide from prying eyes.


Only Paul knew of this project and probably Rohanne but she does not know much as she just knows that Paul redirected thousands of puppets to work somewhere else.


She felt that much workforce gone for five years meant Paul was building something quite large or planning something that needed a long time to achieve.


But her inquiries had stopped for a bit when the anxious Betha and Shaera asked for her help in convincing Paul to go to Kingslanding.


Now he was gazing in a snow covered road on the window of his carriage, besides Queen Dowager Shaera there was the group of servants that used to serve her on another carriage behind them.


They were contacted in their retired lives by Shaera herself and due to her request to Rohanne, they were all living close to each other near Tumbleton.


With Paul was a guard that is one of the 10 Great Warriors whom he calls White Lizard, the guy was mute and albino thus he did not have the brindle patterns of his kind.


The guy was quite skilled and taught personally by Paul in the arts of the heavy spear. He was donned in an all-black armor that highlighted his very light complexion as well as his red eyes.


White Lizard was also has alopecia all over his body thus he was smooth all over, yet his face still showed fierceness and power even from a simple frown that developed of years of his kind treating him as an outsider being hairless and pale as a ghost.


He stood 6'8" and was ripped in muscles from the special training regime Paul had for the Great Warriors.


He wields a 2 meter black steel spear weighing around 15kg and rode a Zorse which is also albino, so it appeared all white with red eyes from afar.


Only close by would you notice the patterns on the Zorse, Paul had to have some guards with him but he only brought the 5 one legged knights and White Lizard along with the basic soldiers.


He also wore a few weapons himself and these were weapons made with magic he developed here. Just a valyrian steel han sword with dragon bone handle and a pair of small Damascus steel hatchets with golden tree handles, seems too little but they were enough for Paul.


To appear foreign Paul prepared a few sets of traditional male hanfus as well as put his hair up using a pin but he still has the power belt of his equipped.


He went for the young master attire that showed his sigil's colors, Black and Blue Azurite.


His aura was also adjusted as he appeared gentle and well-mannered that even Shaera was stunned for a while when he came out in such clothing from the bathroom.


Also to ensure the success of this request, Paul had to glamor Shaera to appear older than she had shown herself to be.


Good thing they were not too obvious in their travels since the Anniversary Tourney for the tenth year of King Aerys' reign is going to be held soon in Kingslanding.


So they encountered a few carriages on the way as well going to the capital to attend the event. A good reason for Shaera to check up on her daughter there, as the constant news of miscarriages also worried her for the health of Rhaella.


Still the journey was rather tense as Shaera had been eyeing Paul for quite some time since he donned on the Young Master get up.


Paul also remembered why she was rather familiar, he recognized the face from one of the 'Research' folders his father and uncles had hidden in their computers where he found hundreds of 'films' that educate the people of the activity to make babies.


Yes, seggs. Paul found a Corn Star that looked similar to Shaera with the only difference was the hair and eye color with the name of Rae Lil White, what his father called one of the classics and best in hard core exercises according to his uncle's accounts.


So when he remembered that memory, he had a rather hard time looking at Shaera the few years before since he would always get hard as soon as him mind went to that direction of the videos he 'researched' before he was diagnosed of his illness.


He totally missed the time when he can control all of his biological reactions but since being limited he can only calm himself after a minute of focusing yet a minute is enough time for others to see the bulge even when he wore loose pants.


Thus he had Kaash with him all the time so he could release some tension from time to time, he was still frustrated not being able to unlock the rest of the marbles on him too so stress release was necessary.


Shaera getting younger and fit still did not help as Paul regretted introducing the existence of sun dresses and lingerie which pronounced the beauty of the women in his city.


Even Lady Betha looked like a super model now, still Paul stopped himself from doing anything rash since they were both widows but it didn't help at all when Rohanne got herself pregnant making the two reignite their motherly instincts.


Yet they too were rather reserved since they were once noble ladies of prestigious families in Westeros.


Still Paul tried to ignore the fluttering eyes of the mother and daughter that were staring at him from time to time when he goes to practice with the Great Warriors.


He was also glad he introduced sex toys as well including a book with illustrative images printed so some horny teens could have an outlet.


He knew giving a nut to a slave would make him prone to his hormones, thus he created such to have them release the stress so they would not go and do something stupid.


He did add in the lectures in the sex education subject that masturbation is necessary for a healthy body and other practices to ensure a healthy life.


At least this slowed down the pregnancy rate of the city while introducing a beauty standard to everybody while instilling honorable moral conducts to them.


Warning them of not doing such acts in public but in secret since that would entail they were perverts, yet even with the brainwashing of Paul there tend to be irredeemable idiots who wanked their wang in public.




Paul was then taken out of his reverie as he felt the cold wind passing through his nape, he pulled his collar up when he was not that cold but did not want to have a wet neck since his body heat would melt the snow as soon as it touched his skin.


He would look like he was steaming from afar if he was half naked but with the long sleeved hanfu and his long hair he was covered with enough cloth to keep away from the snow.


Soon their group is passing through the Kingswoods, Paul had seen a few noble families pass by and were shocked in meeting the Queen Dowager thus behind them were a few carriages that now act as their guards on the way.


They knew of the growing paranoia of the King and wanted to at least fawn over the mother that was thought to have been dead as she was gone for almost ten years already.


Though Shaera appeared old to them, some nobles were still able to recognize her from some past meetings at balls and parties held in many places.


It was rather annoying for him but their visit was not entirely secret as he had allowed Shaera to send a letter to announce her visit upon Kingslanding for her children and grandchildren.


He just sighed as he sat by the carriage while drawing a portrait in his hands on the way.


[Shaera's POV]


"I apologize for our selfish wishes Lord Paul, it is rather hard to hear such problem falling upon my daughter. Though I still did not consent on my late Husband in having my children marry each other, I am in no place to lecture as I have too wed my brother." I had been at awe towards Lord Paul since I saw him perform magic in person.


Regaining my youth also affirmed my veneration making me think that not even the Seven or the old gods could bless their faithful with such gifts.


No one knew where he came from as all from the accounts of the first servants like Ugg the Bearslayer, a rather barbaric brindled man who only likes to fight, Lord Paul appeared one day beyond the fiery sand sea south most of Sothoryos.


A land no one from the Seven Kingdoms or even the people of Essos has ever been.


Teeming with monsters that live by the sands so hot the skin burns and during the night the air so frigid that breath freezes over after it escapes the lips.


Yet this majestic specimen of a man came from there, riding a shadow wing wyvern that was known as a bringer of death in Green Hell, making it act like a tame dog even children could pet.


His knowledge of the arcane, his abilities to give life to statues, his kind heart in guiding these men others thought were lesser by giving them knowledge as well as enlightenment, his deep forlorn eyes that shows frustration yet kept on helping others like the slaves and many other qualities I had observed through the years.


I can see it, my mother's eyes of worship as well as mine, our hearts have yearned for a man like him.


Every princess or lady had dreamed of such a person arriving in their lives to sweep them away to paradise yet reality sometimes shows us that the gods can be cruel in their plans.


Giving our family the punishment of madness, as we now suffer the sins of our family's traditions and actions, yet seeing him made the hopeful girl that I was think of the tales sung by many in far places.


He had said he can read minds, but I know he does not do so to us his retainers as he calls it. A group of old people given a second chance in life that no one would be able to experience.


I know I should have forgotten my past and fully serve him as there is no better honor than doing so.


Yet hearing of my daughter's plight as well as the actions of my son brought worry over my heart as well as my mother's.


I look up at Lord Paul who looked at me with no judgment in his eyes as he said.


"I have agreed in helping you for your services done for me, if only I kept asking and not giving then it is no better than slavery in what I am having you and your family put up with." Lord Paul said while my eyes see what he drew on the book at his lap, an image of a pretty blonde woman.


I had seen her in many of his artworks, I believed he called her Shanna once as he was in a rather dazed state.


His eyes of longing and worry makes my heart lurch, I can tell that my heart desires for him to gaze at me with such tender affection.


But I can only look upon him with want yet can see his eyes hold no lust for us at all. Lady Rohanne had said that Lord Paul might have lived far longer than they ever had so I know it is not age that concerns him.


It is that he already someone in his heart that he holds dear, yet hope has not diminished yet as I look upon his handsome face shone upon by golden sunlight from the windows of this carriage.


His nights with the Lady Kaash, a rather tall spear woman that could have been a fair beauty if she grew like a noble in the seven kingdoms, were quite known that some of the maids were speaking that they go on for hours.


I feel my cheeks heat up as I calmed myself down from my thoughts, still going to Kingslanding is a risk and I know many things might go wrong but I would repay this favor with giving my all in service to the development of Titanus.


"My lord Paul, I swear on my name once we are done with the matter that I would help in convincing many of my distant family to join us in helping you save the world." I had been told why he was building such a formidable army.


He had said the Long Night is close at hand and he would need the strength of men to finally get rid of the beings he called the 'Others'.


To thing the tales told to me by my wet nurse as well as the accounts from some maesters were true, creatures of the night that would feast upon the living.


I would not have believed it from any other person but to have even this powerful man with god like abilities prepare a formidable army more fierce than the famed legends the Lockstep legions of the Ghiscari empire.

I was sleepless for many nights when I learned of this, even my mother, Lady Rohanne, Ser Duncan and the new Retainers were shocked of learning his purpose.


He had stated that he avoided in interfering with the matters of the Seven Kingdoms as he said it would become a hindrance to the plans of Fate.


I never understood much about esoteric knowledge like that but I can understand that if we dabble too much in the affairs of Westeros, the development of those Lord Paul called the 'fated' persons might be prevented.

People said to be the ones who would save the world from the long night, yet even with such people Lord Paul made preparations as contingencies.


Good thing my daughter is connected to one of the fated persons as the prophecy had cemented her role in the future.


Yet the disturbing news kept coming and it made us anxious, I just hope that we are successful in our visit.


"I am really thankful for your words Shaera, yet it still is a duty of mine knowing full well it was with your help I was able to find the Dragon Seeds that were exiled in many places. How else would I have created the Wyvern Knights?" Lord Paul smiled as he waved his hand and a cup of tea floated from the nearby fire place and landed on his hands.


I am always awed seeing him move objects with nothing but his thoughts, this was not even the limit as I saw him pull a rock weighing more than an elephant from the ground, these always make me believe that he is a god on earth.


"I am happy that my idea had given you great pleasure, I just had the luck of knowing where my distant relatives live. I was just as surprised as you my Lord when even one of those three generations before me still lives." I chuckled as I thought about the woman that is training with diligence in pyromancy after our spies had found her still alive.


Maybe the rumors of her practicing in magic were true but Lord Paul affirmed that Lady Shiera was just gifted in using magic that she has unknowingly used glamor spells on her.


Constant magic flowing in her veins slowed her aging but it is nothing compared to some that he said to have lived centuries already and those people mostly exist in Asshai.

Our spies were able to track her in a hidden dwelling in a small Island near Lys where she had stayed for decades in hiding.


Magic, something that was accessible to all but now too few practice this art in a refined manner as Lord Paul declared.


He was rather angry when he spoke about the useless rituals done by many that caused the reputation of magic to be stained for many generations.


Lord Paul proclaimed that he needed the people close with magic and high likely would be people connected to the Targaryens, the First men like the Starks who had dealings with the children of the forest or people who had gifts like wargs and greenseers.


I was happy learning that I might be able to use magic and learn yet from his findings I am not specially attune to a certain branch of magic meaning I can practice all but would find it harder than others favored by a nature of magic to master spells faster.


I didn't mind, knowing I still have decades left to live means I have time to learn and would live longer if having magic flow in my veins prolong my life.


At least the work done had been divided now that there are more retainers serving Lord Paul, they too were given the promise of youth as well as strength of a hero.


The journey goes by as I start to anticipate lunch time, I had been spoiled of the great dishes Lord Paul has been making that our days had not been dull.


I look up and see him look at a time piece on his pockets, his talents in creating items no one has seen before also astounds me as that little metal thing in his pockets are able to tell the time of the day.


Wordlessly he goes to the cabinets and checked the supplies we have, my heart flutters every time I see him work seriously like this.


I never knew that cooking would make a man so handsome. Who says a kitchen is no place for a man?


Soon he pulls out a few loaves of bread and other ingredients that he also created, this white thing called mayonnaise, ketchup made from tomatoes and soft cheese he had made before we got on our journey.


I was dazed as I stared at him, the cold outside seemed so distant as the carriage warmed just from his presence.


But I was awoken by the tantalizing smell of the grilled cheese sandwich being made, I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I feel that I do something I would regret later on if my mind


Soon we were camped the night in a clearing within the Kingswood, I lied upon the bed knowing his excellency would just sleep upon the couch for the night.


I still cannot understand him, he is clearly the one with power yet he shows no thoughts about flaunting his own strength to me who I even think am lesser.


I know I have gained my youth back yet I still know I am mortal, he is a god but he acts like the dream knight of many young girls had dreamt of.


Oh my heart pounds again like a stampede of horses as I dream of him holding me, I had not been with anyone but Jaehaerys. But I know I am quite pretty and one to be desired for by most men.


Soon my chest stills in calm as the warmth of the hearth within the carriage makes me feel safe, his presence makes me feel safe…



[Paul's POV]


Shit, I was getting nervous of the many wet eyes stares she had been giving me. Phew, not that I don't want to but girl I stop myself from taking you because I get too easily attached. Shit I already decided to even take Kaash with me before I leave…


Damn this sucks, should I have brought Kaash with me?


That would be to cruel, I had just pulled out her Wisdom teeth as well as placed her on bed rest so she can recuperate for a week.


Ughh,I am so backed up… huh?


I slowly sit up as my mind picked up a few people creeping from afar watching over our camp.


Closing my eyes a bit I realized they were bandits, reading their surface thoughts for a bit made me understand that they were assessing the situation of the camped nobles.


I had heard reports from Rohanne about a certain group of broken men and bandits operating in the Kingswood.


I should give a warning, so I reached out in the air and pulled out my dragon bone bow which was the best bow I currently have with me.


I silently get out of the carriage as I looked over the slightly full moon and placed my quiver by the side.


White Lizard who was resting under a tree was alarmed seeing me come out with a bow but I just raised my hand to calm him down.


Some of the knights and men at arms of the nobles that followed behind us looked in curiosity at me as I stood in the open area while looking at the distant cliff a kilometer away.


There he can see the scouts of the bandits looking over us like we are a group of easy prey.


It was then I felt the sight of one who held a Myrrish lens lock on me, I look at him back as I smiled making me see his body flinch.


I did not need to hear what they were talking about to know what they said to each other.


I can just see an older man look somber as he too stared at me standing in the open area with a bow.


The man's face scrunched up as he placed the lens down and pulled out his own bow shocking those besides him.


I had a smug smile as I looked towards their general direction, I can feel we are down wind and it would make the range of the arrows fly farther.


Added to the height of the cliff, they were in the best position to snipe our position.


Soon I can see the guy aim for me, I did not move as the arrow flew, then the whole world slowed down as I focused on the arrow flying towards me.


It was like bullet time in some anime as I reached out my right hand flicking the arrow at its tip making it flip mid-air then grabbing the nock in a smooth motion as I nocked it in my bow, taking a step back, aimed and then fired back.


Followed by me drawing four more arrows in a split second and shooting it behind the first arrow sent.


The one who shot the arrow was side eyed as he took the lens and watched to see if I was hit but witnessed my actions of catching his arrow then sending it back in one fluid motion while accompanied by four more arrows.


'That should scare them.' I thought as I did not wait for their reactions knowing the result already. While the knights and guards of the other groups were confused at to what they had just witnessed not knowing they were being spied on by bandits.


[3rd person POV]



"Seven Hells, he shot back dem five arrows in one second from downwind. Lucky us we were bit far and he was no good shot eh?" a red haired bandit with freckles holding a Myrrish lens said as he looked at the arrows embedded to the trees on their left.


"No, he did not miss. Look at dem positions of da arrows lad and look at us standin 'ere, he coulda hit us if he'd aimed true at all ours heads with dem shots." A middle aged man said with his rough voice and dialect while holding a golden tree bow as he frowned while walking to the trees five meters to their left and pulled out one arrow.


"And 'dis the arrow I shot just now, he caught it and shot it back. Tell commander that dis group a nobles be no easy pickins, there's a shot even I can't beat right there…" the man's rough voice sounded defeated as he held the arrow so hard it snapped in his hands.


The scouts were shocked especially a man in his early 20s who looked shocked seeing his teacher feeling defeated.


He and the others looked at each other realizing that even their teacher who has said to have the aim of the gods could show such a face in regards of skills in the bow.


'Who was that man?' thought that young bandit as he looked at the camp fires on the clearing a third of a league below their positions.


As they left Paul was in rumination as he looked dazed while watching the sleeping figure of Shaera.


He had spread his telepathic powers to pick up on the ill will of any people present in the other groups following them or other men like bandits and assassins lurking nearby.


Yet he forgot to filter the thoughts of the people near him and he received the surface thoughts of the dreaming Shaera.


And he was quite speechless knowing what she thought of him and what she wanted him to do to her, a rather rough and forceful action while she dreamt of being tied down to the bed.


'Damn, never thought she was that wild…' Paul wondered as his eyes unknowingly stared at the butt of the sleeping Targaryen.


'Why am I even hesitating?' Paul wondered as he thought about it properly, it then dawned on him that after hearing the nature of the power of the being used as the power source of his wishes being an embodiment of desire, most prominently lust and that had made him rather cautious in doing depraved matters.


He calmed down as he sat by the couch thinking of the many things he had forgotten then took out the small book from his storage ring where he listed possible things he knew.


There had been too much information within his head that he could only access those he thought of needed at the moment.


Yet he could not remember everything as his faculties were sealed, Paul spent a few hours reviewing the notes written since the book acted as sort of a journal for him in his stay here.


Soon he realized a pattern, he focused on the minute details as he turned page by page then he compared it to the actions he had done on his stay here and realized something.


Like that being that gained enough power to bypass his senses before and manipulated one of his clones to host an night of carnal pleasure with his 'employees' that were 'actresses' of his company Brazzers to recharge his powers in his own words.


A company he had bought to increase the quality of adult content for that Marvel World's earth.


Gaining power through acts of lust and depravity, yet the being was forced in doing so since his initial acts of pleasure with Natasha and Shanna had turned into gentle acts of love brought upon the growing affection he has for them as they to him.


Paul closed his eyes as he tried to remember the feelings and changes in that time as well as his actions here making him realize he grew to care for Kaash that his powers had been gradually getting stronger over the years.


Clenching his fist, he felt the strength within it and found that he seemed to have become 50% stronger than his initial strength since arriving here.


He had not paid attention to this as he thought that the bracelet might have stopped this yet it became apparent what he earned was different from what he gained making him remember the part of the task that needed him to push the developments of the current era into the steam age.


He could not create the Steam engine but others might be able to achieve it for him, he then knew he had to spread more knowledge and not gate keep it back at Yeen.


But that would be for later once the people that were needed to be born are alive. Then he could go and churn the whole timeline into a mess of trouble as long as he wanted it.


'Hmm, I could reach 2 km farther than before now that I focus on my telepathic abilities…' Paul thought as he saw the various creatures living in the vicinity then went to focus on one.


A rather large Boar of similar size to the one Ogap has been riding, such sizable beast are rare in the Seven Kingdoms so he went and slowly tamed the beast as it slept with its herd.


He would return to them later on after his visit but then he picked up on Shaera's surface thoughts again as her dream was becoming more vivid.

'Sigh, she's still dreaming about that?' Paul sighed as he looked at the bed where Shaera slept wearing a thin silk dress which showed the red lingerie she wore making his hesitation go paper thin until he remembered the videos he had watched of her look alike before.


'Well, we do need for her to act like she is old and having trouble walking…' Paul did not care anymore as he drew a silence spell and reinforced the carriage as to not have it sway in the next few hours as he is going to fulfill the dream of this sleeping targaryen.


Shaera's skirt slowly got up as Paul noticed she wore a rather risque lingerie under her night gown, he smiled as he dispelled her Glamor spell returning her to her youthful self.


'Since you dream of being taken by surprise from behind by a strong man while being pinned down then I shall oblige you…' Paul loomed over the woman sleeping on her stomach as his spear positioned over the gates as her underwear has an opening not needing it to be set aside at all.


Shaera felt her legs a bit cold making her open her eyes drowsily trying to make what had brought her sleeping gown up, it was then Paul's thrust penetrated shocking the sleeping woman awake.


"Argh!!" the sudden expansion made her gasp as she felt pain while also a sense of excitement within her since she had been dreaming for a bit about a similar situation, thus the insertion was rather smooth as her insides were already slippery wet.


As she tried to move her hands were held in place by a bigger pair of hands, then she had both arms held above her head as the thrusting suddenly picked up pace making her breathless at the giant spear stabbing and churning her insides.


Shaera was gasping and moaning breathlessly as her mind finally registered what is happening to her, her mind was filled with fear but her heart was pounding as her inner desires were being fulfilled as her inner parts were being filled full.


Pak! Plak! Plop! Clap!


Such obscene sounds echoed within the carriage coupled with Shaera's grunts, gasps and moans as she is being forcefully taken with Paul also nibbling at her ear whispering to her how her dreams leaked due to her fervent desire.


"Do you like it this way Shaera? Am I forceful enough for you? Your dreams were quite vivid I must say that I was even able to pick up on it while I am not trying too." Paul kissed, nibbled and rested on Shaera's neck as he pounded her like a piston on a V8 engine.



Shaera was instantly brought to climax many times from the whispers and rough handling of her body that she forgot holding her voice back since she processed it was her Lord Paul taking her forcefully.


Her eyes rolled back as she lolled limply with her tongue hanging out as Paul kept pounding her witless, she was in total bliss as her body was handled like putty in Paul's hands.


She was brought in and out of consciousness from severe climaxes and loving caress throughout the night that she even dazedly rode Paul a few times on her own as they painted the whole carriage with their scent and fluids.


She was placed in positions she never would have dreamed or thought off and learned many ways how to please Paul in a way he likes, it wasn't until the morning that she finally got her senses about with her.


Yet when waking up she realized she was still atop a sleeping Paul with his still hard spear within her as she snuggled on his chest.


Shaera wanted to move but she felt her whole body was so sore that she cannot muster the strength to get up.


So she just kept hugging Paul trying to remember the things she did last night and it made her blush in embarrassment of all the things she screamed as her body was brought to the edge.


Then it dawned to her there were other people camped near them but before she could force herself to get up, Paul's left hand rested on her back making her look up and see him staring at her with gentle eyes.


"Relax, I placed spells on the carriage so no one would know what we were doing the whole night as well as hear what you said in promise to me." Paul smiled smugly as he waved his right hand that sent a white glow over the carriage which Shaera realized was covered with their fluids last night.


But the white glow slowly cleaned everything like nothing happened making her amazed at the magic in front of her, yet something did happen as she can still feel the large throbbing sword sheathed inside her.


She was weak but she can tell that what pierced her was very large and long as between her thighs she can feel the warmth of the rest of the length.


"So this is what Kaash has been dealing with all by herself? No wonder she won't go to train the day after she spends a night with you." Shaera wrapped her hands around Paul as she snuggled closer wanting more skinship with him.


"We'll be in Kingslanding soon, so let's get you ready and dress up so we can meet your daughter." Paul said as he sat up with Shaera still wrapped around him.


He floated towards the bath on the carriage where he spent an hour cleaning Shaera thoroughly as they had another bout of sword sheathing then helped her dress up, he then pulled out to puppets dressed as hand maidens with veils so no misunderstanding would come if he and Shaera one goes out of the carriage.


He did have these puppets appear every time when a noble asked for an audience with the Queen Dowager on the way.


Soon breakfast came and Shaera reappeared in front of the nobles in the camp as a small tent was raised so she can have her meal while being helped by the Puppet Handmaidens while she walked weakly while bowlegged making others think that the Queen Dowager was indeed in her twilight age.


Not knowing that she is controlling herself not to blush in shame as she knew what happened to her last night as to why she is like this. But it did help in the act of looking old since she never showed herself much outside as she only met people while she sat on the carriage.


Some ladies did try to help her as they tried to curry favor since her grandson was heard to be a very handsome young man already.


They also saw the insides of the carriage when they helped the Queen back up after her meal, they were impressed at the amenities that there was even a bath and a toilet that could be used.


The small hanging fire place as well which warmed the insides made them awe while also took some furtive glances towards Paul yet when Shaera introduced him to be the infamous Blood Lord some ladies were pale while some ran back to their group in fear.


Some Lords were shocked that the infamous weapons merchant of the free cities and heard to be a monstrous person was a handsome looking young man that was thought to have been a guard of the Dowager Queen.


It was then they learned he was invited by the mother of the King to look into the health of the current Queen since he also had the reputation of being a very skilled healer.


Many rumors of Maesters had spread about their success in healing others after they had read the books written by the Blood Lord.


Yet the young handsome face as well as unique clothing made them a bit suspicious since they had heard of him over a decade ago and words were that he was already an adult then.


Then Queen Shaera suddenly said that since a decade ago that she met him, Paul had never aged for a day which made others spread rumors of him being a practitioner of magic go around.


Soon the group of carriages continued on the journey as they were now close to Kingslanding, Paul frowned as they neared as he can smell the putrid stench of the city even from afar.

(A/N: Ayo, so my horny ass mind wanted some lemons and thought why not fulfill it here while making lemonade using my wishful thinking of having time with a revered 'actress' of our generation.

I confess I did nut to many of her videos if you know who I mean and lately being single sucks so I am quite backed up and thought why not have some faces of the characters be those of famous beautiful women I would find pretty on the internet.

I even have a girl I think would totally look the part of Betha Blackwood, I found her on Tiktok where you can look for many pretty faces that you could only meet in your dreams and never have a chance of being in a relationship with them.

[Sobs in the corner....] T_T

But anywho I am going to assign images to them later on if my goldfish-like brain can remember in the future....)

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