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91.96% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 103: 103 Developments

Capítulo 103: 103 Developments

"So this is the woman that made even the honorable Lord Commander of the Kingsguard dared to violate his vows?" Paul said as he looked at the small old lady being embraced by Duncan, news had reached of his death to this place yesterday and found the old lady about to off herself had Paul not intervened.


It took them ten days of journey in which Paul only had the small Puppet be with them to instruct the guard puppets on what to do and say if they meet with strangers on the road.


They did fight some bandits and there he saw the skill of the old knight, Paul was amazed at the old fellow, if he was younger and in the prime of his life then he can probably defeat any of his great warriors except for Ogap.


Only if Ogap has the fully heavy armor on that would make him very hard to pierce through. But without that then the Kingsguard would topple him after a long bout.


The only people he has that have skills like his and could last a while were Kaash, Ruka and Okkun. But Okkun is a ranged fighter while Ruka liked fighting mounted on her tiger.


Kaash might be good but she does not have the extensive experience of fighting other humans, her skills were mostly made for hunting large prey. The spear techniques Paul gave here were not yet mastered as she was still transitioning.


Paul felt that once he has this Knight on his employ then he can improve the Great Warriors by sparring with him. Then he also got to know the former Queen as she was very intelligent and rather free spirited in her opinions.


They were now currently in a small fief at the Reach called the Standfast, a stronghold owned by the landed knights of House Osgrey. The head of the house 40 years ago was the former husband of the woman in front of him as well as a friend of this love struck knight in front of him.


Also he found out she was the grandmother of Tywin Lannister, meaning future great great grandmother to the King of the seven kingdoms if the little brat ever gets borne.


Her name was Lady Rohanne Lannister nee Webber, was famously known as the Red Widow which remind Paul of Natasha.


But her tale is different, it was just most of her husbands died and her children before were still born or dies before a year passes by.


She was called as such as people thought her to be a witch and she uses infants for blood sacrifice, at first she was having young romance to the son of the head of the Osgrey house but the head Ser Eustace denied the marriage.


So she got married at ten years old to a squire of her father the head of House Webber, who brought her husband a twelve old kid in a war between Targaryens and died along with the childhood sweetheart making her hate the head of House Osgrey.


Her next marriage was at 13 years old to a 54 year old man who died six months after their marriage while she gave birth six months after the death of her husband to a child that also died within three days.


The third died choking on a chicken bone, the fourth one died to an illness and she gave birth to a daughter to either of them but the child died before a year passed.


Thus gaining her the nickname, her father wanted her to marry but she refused so he pulled a dick move by stating in his will that if she does not marry within two years after his death the castle would be given to her cousin.


So the one her father wanted her to marry used the rumors to scare off suitors even when she was so young and a beauty at that time.


So one thing led to another which led to the meeting of this two which was a trial by combat and Duncan killed the sneaky dude that spread the rumors to keep off competitors.


But during the time in diffusing the trouble between her and Eustace, this dude got his heart stolen by her and him stealing hers as well.


Yet he was injured during the combat, not knowing his old friend Eustace the almost grandpa age guy whose kid was the childhood friend of Rohanne, went like 'Hey' and seduced her at the side of his son's grave.


Dunk was sad, he got better from the wounds and was offered to be the captain of the guards yet he refused. She then goes on about what she should give him to remember her by, but Dunk was sulking because she did not visit him on his room as he was recovering ever.


She offered the position of the guards, or would he like a horse but dude Dunk refused thus the two argued but somehow they ended up kissing with passion which ended in Dunk cutting her long braided hair deciding it as his memento.


But Dunk still received the horse while his squire Egg got one of his own too, so they parted ways and Dunk kept thinking about this 4'11" girl that got his 6'11" tall big boy heart go doki doki.


Years passed with him still infatuated till he became Kingsguard and she got married, after the death of Eustace, to the House Lannister to Gerold Lannister giving him four sons.


Until she gave birth to the youngest Jason Lannister then disappeared a year later like an African American dad going to get some milk cause her heart was also going doki doki as well for Duncan.


Dreaming for Dunk, to dunk her insides like churning butter, in secret here on this discreet area of the Reach where no one would bother them.


The two had been having secret rendezvous from time to time as Lady Rohanne still has control of this small land. The Knight that now owned it owed Duncan his life thus agreed to house her in secret.


Paul was covering his mouth trying not to look moved as he read the memories of the two in tandem.


'Shit this hits my kokoro deeply.' Paul stopped the water works as he saw the old woman calming down after Dunk had been whispering to her about what Paul offered, he can hear them whisper but Dunk was slowly getting through her as she held his face within her hands.



Soon she fixed her appearance and sat straight like a proper lady, for a woman at the age of 75, she was still energetic. It was even odd a woman of her age could live this long in this world lacking proper health care.


"Is it true? That you can rejuvenate us if we accept your terms?" the old lady asked as she had heard from Duncan the contents of the contract which he signed.


She knew she does not have to agree to any contract since she would still be rejuvenated but Duncan being gone far away somehow doesn't sit right with her.


She had been loved by this man for years that having her youth but unable to see him again does not give relief her mind feeling she might never be able to see Duncan again.


"Change the contract, I will put my service for life as price to what he has agreed on his contract and that his service would not be for life which also includes a clause that he can terminate it anytime he wants to." The old lady appeared to have regained strength as she said these words.


"Rohanne!" Duncan was surprised as he had initially wanted for her to regain another chance in life as he goes to serve Paul as his knight.


"I agree, but with you there means he'll still stay with me. And by signing this, your life will no longer be yours to end but mine and mine alone. Don't expect me to let you have a new easy life from now on as I will work both of you down to the bone." Paul's eyes shone in sinister luster as he said this.


At the end of the day Paul gave them potions that were mild but effective in giving the three new retainers energy. Rohanne still looked old but she looked like she is at her 50s as some of her hair regained color.


Duncan's beard regained some too while Betha looked like she was in her late 30s as she seemed like a young mother.


Paul also got the loyalty of the lord of Steadfast as most of the people that worked in the stronghold were veteran knights with arms cut off or lost a leg and some injuries that stopped them from lifting a sword.


Paul spent a few days healing them and making prosthetics that could at least help them in doing daily chores.


The Stronghold is decent as well, outside it was like a small stone tower only four stories above ground at the top of a rocky hill. To get here you would have to walk a narrow stone path that could only be passed through in single file.


There is only one entrance which is an Oak and iron door twenty feet above the ground which you have to reach through a stone step made of old smooth black stone that seemed to have been worn out by the years.


Halfway up the stairs you will meet a set of wooden stairs that could be pulled up like a draw bridge. The Steadfast is deceptive in appearance because outside you'll only see a 9x9 stone castle four stories tall with renovated upper floors that added a pair of turrets.


But underground however is connected to a complex system of deep vaults and cellars cut inside of the large stone hill.


There was also a well inside in the under cellar so even if the castle is guarded by 50 men, they can defend this place from a thousand others.


As long as they stock up the place could last very long in sieges, and even if they try to burn the castle, they would have also burnt the wooden drawbridge-like stairs.


Also with the higher ground the archers would hit the enemy first as they go up the narrow path of between rugged rocks.


Sadly there was little ventilation here and the toilets were buckets that were taken out and thrown to back the part of the Stronghold.


He took a liking of this castle as he scanned it thus he decide to show off and have these commoners worship his awesomeness.


So he healed them as well as gave them new legs and arms carved from quality teak wood. He also said he would build a formation here next week because he needed to gather the needed materials first to create what he plans to build.


Liking the cool underground space he gave them plans on how to expand and connect to an underground cavern with an underground river which is rather spacious and also a way to install a working waste disposal system.


But since he needed a week to gather the materials he had Duncan and Betha stay here which is not problem as being a rather discreet country side area there are no presence of spies here.


The three villages under the protection of Steadfast were a close knit community of peasant farmers and they also have positive feelings for their liege lord.


It is also unlikely for the House Rowan which is the liege lord of the House Osgrey, to call for arms the bunch of crippled veterans to war.


There are no bandits here either since the House Webber who was nearby also got rid of those problems, thanks to the past connection the current head of House Webber helped them from time to time.


Though they do have a force of 50 militia men patrolling the towns nearby, they were all situated on the foot of the Horseshoe Hills where Steadfast stood on the largest hill on the left side of the Horseshoe shaped hills.


They mostly handle the herds of sheep and cattle while also tending to the fields of wheat and barley.


Paul left the small puppet made of steel and wood here with a trained golden eagle partner. The other one with the albino metal eagle was flying back to Kingslanding with the carriage that brought them here.


While Paul was away, the puppet was the one he controlled to administer some acupuncture to the three retainers to slowly ready them in the super soldier regime.


There were four puppets left there as well slowly carving out the hill to ensure a natural ventilation system similar to earthship houses as he had the small puppet dig a small tunnel leading to a steep side of the stone hill.


There he found a viable corner which is hidden and would receive strong winds from the other hills.


He dug tunnels with the puppets while also expanding the underground hallways.


He knew that the Hill is sturdy enough for his renovations while a puppet were retraining the old soldiers with Duncan along with the castle lord in sword fighting.


He found their system of sword arts and refined it based on many similar techniques that use the same sized sword.


Even Duncan was amazed at the teachings of Paul while Betha and Rohanne were being taught by Paul about Algebra and economics as he wanted them to handle the businesses he has in many cities.


Right now he is in the Flask Basin restocking supplies and planning a trade route that would enable a single trip to pass by all the cities he has shops in.


He still plans to buy a place around Lys, the Summer Isles, Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh and Braavos by the end of the year.


But right now he is planning to gather more soul energy to use for the teleportation device he is going to make based on the summoning Jutsu.


Since he was able to travel in space through summoning mean that there is hope in having a working teleportation device made with the hybridization of chakra and magic.


Still he needed a few days to gather enough soul energy for this in preparation but the time he needed to create and theorize the spell circle would be much longer.


Yet that did not deter him, for now he arrived in the Flask Basin and checked on the developments of the slaves as well as the process of making a series of waterways made using canals that pass through all the buildings clinging to the cliffs.


Also in the middle he transplanted most of the other trees and different areas while making similar ones grow near each other but also following what Paul knew about advanced horticulture.


In the middle the towers were being built and there were tall cedar trees being transplanted as well.


He want to make a hanging village with at least a layer every 10 meters which means there would be four layers where the many hanging houses he designed as well as dozens of areoponic gardens would be made as well.


From the rate they are going, the whole project would finish in two years which would at least give this settlement an economy that could sustain about 5000 people.


Also they are trying to breed captured Boars to turn into domesticated pigs while at the shore line the port is starting to expand in size.


He saw the waters in the inland shore had an abundant ecosystem of clams, oysters, shallow reef fishes, crabs and many more.


But he saw the rocky shore outside is very great for Scallop farming, so he placed a pin on the calendar to plan for such so he can add it to the products he can trade.


He decided to not intrude too much in the matters of Westeros for now and rather solidify his financial situation so he can make more preparations for the future.



[Three years later]


"Haha you can't catch me!!" Paul shouted as he rode atop a 1 meter tall sponge crab while being chased by dozens of small children around the age of 2-3.


These were the kids born between some of the slaves he has that were rather enthusiastic after having one ball transplanted to them.


Though the kids would not look like them, they still loved them as their own. They didn't mind if an Andal couple has a kid that looked like a Summer Islander.


Or a Summer Islander with a Westerosi woman have a much whiter ginger kid that could pass for irish, Paul did this stupid idea of giving couples a nut that came from different colored people to mess with the results. Still he made sure to give them matching bloodtypes.


Also to control their urges Paul placed a law on only having one partner and not to sleep with others because if he learned they violated this then he will transplant the nut to another obedient slave.


They behaved and this resulted in the few fellows he is playing with near the small forest area on the Flask Basin settlement.


"Kyaah! Get him!" a small boy said as he rode another large sponge crab to chase Paul with other kids riding their own crabs.


So far Paul had only unsealed the mild natured leviathans to become some sort of domesticated creatures.


"Whahahaha, you sure are persistent young knight. Have at thee!" Paul held a branch like a sword and fought the many children who also held branches in their hands.


"We will not back down!" a chubby kid said as he swung his stick to Paul, who from the start just blocked or deflected the strikes from the kids with gentle force.


"Shoot him!" the young boy who seemed like the commander of the kids said while a few young girls held toy bows with arrows that have round wooden balls as tips.


"Fire!" the archer's leader was a young 2 year old girl with short silver hair and purple eyes looking brave atop a crab of her own.


The toys cold only fly for fifteen meters or so and very harmless but when used by kids it can only fly for ten meters.


"Whahaha that won't work on me!" Paul then deflected the arrows that were sure to hit him.


"Spear wall!" the young boy said again as a few kids holding thin bamboo poles with the tip also a wooden ball covered in cloth walked from the sides and wanted to trap Paul between them as he was being distracted by the others.


"Oh no! You'll never trap me!" Paul urged the crab to book it as he was about to get surrounded by the kid.


"Hehahaaha!" the kids laughed as they chased after him.

"Charge!" the young said as he smiled having fun.

"Get him!" the girl looked serious but it can be seen she was enjoying the game too.


This scene was seen by all the slaves and thought their master was a weird one playing with them while the warriors were watching with rapt attention in Paul's moves.


Especially the now Younger Duncan who looked like a middle aged man with a thick dirty yellow beard.


Besides him were the Great Warriors panting in exhaustion from their spar as well as Lady Rohanne and Lady Betha who had been brought here by Paul almost three years ago.


Since Paul liked Steadfast he was able to have the current Ser Osgrey(A distant family relation to the last head of Osgrey family) to swear loyalty to him along with the old veterans that lived there.


The underground area of the Stronghold was expanded and Paul was able to make a successful pseudo-teleportation device that used chakra to power it while a formation that operates it.


The Spell formations cost Paul a lot of soul energy that he gathered for five days in the land of Old Valyria.


It has similarities to the small teleportation formation on the ship Leviathan but this one has a self-charging function, good thing the Horseshoe hills was sort of a leyline for magic to pass through.


The formation would charge for two hours then it would brand the people atop the spell circle to be designated as summons with a temporary contract.


Then the other side of the formation would proceed to summon them to the other side. As you arrive the formation would then erase the temporary contract so as not to pull the person back to where he was taken.


The erasing function was what caused a lot of trouble for Paul to solve and its cost for soul energy accounted for 85% spent in making the formations.


The formation in Steadfast is connected to the Flaks Basin formation, good thing is that Paul can add five more coordinates for each formation to connect to.


Thus he made one in his Manse in Yunkai since it was in the middle of the three cities of Slaver's Bay.


One in Volantis where he gained 20% of his revenue, then another at Lys where he bought a rather beautiful sea side mansion guarded by 200 Unsullied he bought and lastly one at the Lotus Port in Summer Isles.


The Trade route he developed was for two brigs with 60 warriors each and 15 cogs that have 20 warriors filled with various products like fresh fruits, seafood, rock salt, variety of spices, Glass wares and weapons.


Each ship is driven by puppets so the warriors are always in great shape for a fight, there is also at least a couple of golden eagles with them to scout ahead.


The Brown belly wyverns were too noticeable and are only applied in Paul's fleet where he can remove the memories of those that encounter him.


The trade fleet would go first to Slaver's bay where he can use the gold earned to buy ores of copper, tin and iron. Then he had them buy some unprocessed gemstones as well as barrels of pitch to bring back.


There are still some products would still be left for Lys and Volantis, which would be the next place the ships would go.


The gold earned would be stored in the mansion he has there, which had been used by him to establish a coordinated business syndicate in the Long Bridge.


Where a few gambling dens, brothels and bars are now under his control, having 200+ crippled knights/mercenaries given prosthetics guarding them and ensuring his employees are not disrespected.


For the past years his infamy grew when some rowdy pirates dared to not pay after getting service while also hitting her prostitutes, so as any good pimp would do, he got the guy kidnapped then released a week after where the people saw him act like a crazy person.


He was feared by many before but now he walks the streets of Volantis with only hemp for clothes and wouldn't speak about what he had experienced after being captured by the people of the Infamous Blood Lord.


Well no one would dare complain because they can see the establishments built by Paul were held in a certain standard that customers cannot even complain.


Also the Clinic he built near the manse was a hit as he made a few skilled puppets in medicine while only asking little for the service done.


Even commoners could receive check-ups, he did make two separate entrances for the clinics.


One for the poor and one for the wealthy, he had a lot of customers coming and going for the past year when even threatened by others to disclose the details of what a person did inside, Paul just went and destroyed the group that person who threatened him both physically and economically.


He declared the patient's confidentiality is something he should protect unless he gets consent from the patient to publish the results.


Many didn't like this, especially some Measters who condemned Paul about his practices and that he is a quack but Paul just ignored the old men.


Continuing the Trade ship's route, they would then go to the Summer Isle at Lotus Port to sell the metal ores in a higher price than he bought them but a bit cheaper than the other merchant's price.


The place has scarce sources of metal thus they buy every ore they can from every merchant, the lumber they produce here is quite in demand as well but Paul only trades with Gold.


In his first time here he discovered their golden trees which they guard very greedily as they were great materials for making bows, the range of their bows were better than even those of the dothraki.


Only one better would be bows made from dragon bone which was very rare now that dragons are extinct.


So as any good collector do, he grabbed a few small golden trees in secret which he had transplanted already back at Yeen.


The Summer Isles were famed for their skilled archers as they are very formidable at sea, the Swan boats which were invented here was made especially for them.


The front part of the ship has an elevated platform where dozens of archers could stand and shoot the enemies. Even the iron borne dared not to face the Swan Ships of the summer Isles as it would cost them a bit to fight in the waters.


The Swam ships were fast but that is only if the weather is good but without it they are a bit slower than other ships.


After then the Ships would make a return towards the Flask Basin to restock and repair any damages received from bad weather or attacks from Krakens.


Yes, he encountered Krakens and they were totally giant squids. But the ones that attacked him were at most 100 feet long from the tip of its head to the longest tentacle it has.


Still larger than the normal ones on Earth, their meat were tough but Paul just turned them into dried squid which makes them rather delicious.


By the end Paul would have made 60,000 gold dragons after all the taxes removed and buying necessary resources on the way for every circle which would take three months to make.


But he sends a trade fleet every month which was only stable since last year, his whole stash of gold dragons were now about 2,432,000 and he plans to build a bank soon.


He still goes once every six months on each city which means he goes on the route himself with his fleet that earns him about 100,000 in his 40 day trip.


For now he limited the trade in these cities as he had not yet gone to Myr, Pentos and Braavos yet to establish his shops.


It was in the middle of 262AC as Paul now stood on the balcony of the largest tower in the middle of the Flask Basin after his last trade run.


It was situated at the neck of the flask enabling him to see the bustling hanging village that has 4000+ people living in it.


Every six months he would change places with the strongest puppet he made in Yeen so he too can handle the large city which now has 65,000 brindled men living inside and 20,000 beast men wandering about to trade or for work.


He was able to slowly affect them by making them need the use of the coins he made to trade inside the city thus their economic stability is slowly being controlled by him.


Slowly but surely he is influencing them in many cultural aspects that some tribes closer to Yeen had forgone the use of most of their Brindle Ghouls which Paul bought from time to time.


He needed to give his soldiers experience thus he held a simulated war to put new troops in the field to face these maddened ghouls.


It was sort of a baptism for the soldiers who had never seen blood and death of a fellow Brindled Man even if it was a zombie made from blood magic.


The slaves in the Isle of Basin were also trained in a different manner, Paul had raised a few hundred of the Seahorse already but it would take 2 years for the young ones to grow up large enough to be ridden.


Since he has these he should make a marine knight regiment which would have men hold tridents riding the sea horses.


Paul thought about the faces of others when he pulls up at sea with hundreds of men mounted on these guys breaking the hulls of the ships sinking them.


Thus he added a new training regime of improving how long the slaves could breathe underwater.


But since this was experimental, he only chose 50 men and women that were good at holding their breaths. Oddly enough the majority were women who were bedslaves, making Paul understand where they learnt to hold their breath that long.


The matter of Yeen is mostly being handle by Betha as she has experience in managing a large city. But it was only after a year of extensive training and educating her about the situation in Yeen did he let her handle the affairs.


He had not brought them yet there since he is slowly giving them vaccines to the many diseases present in the Green Hell.


Also for the situation in Westeros, it did not change much as the Ninepenny kings were defeated.


The war lasted for a short while but many names became famous, like Brynden 'Black Fish' Tully, Tywin Lannister, new commander of the Kingsguard Ser Gerold Hightower, Steffon Baratheon, Kevan Lannister, Arys Targaryen and especially the young Ser Barristan the Bold for killing the head of the enemy in single combat after charging alone in behind enemy lines.


King Jaehearys II Targaryen ruled fairly and the kingdoms prospered and a long winter has just started.


Tywin Lannister became head of House Lannister, while showing his might during the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion which gave birth to the song Rains of Castamere.


Paul did send a small puppet with a golden eagle north where he built small Aviary bases for the eagles to rest on.


He had a bunch of them made to become an information network like no other, the bases were mostly dug in high rocky areas on mountains with no possible way for anyone to reach.


A dozen in the Westerland's rugged Stone Hills, twenty in the Red Mountains since it borders the Reach, Stormlands and Dorne, fifteen at the mountains of the Vale, Five in the Flint Cliffs at the Neck and a few sporadic bases in many places.


He plans to make a few in the Northern Mountains and the Grey Cliffs, right now he has built an information network that was better than any of those present since he learned from an angry man with an eye-patch.


Some suggestions given to him by Natasha also helped when he bought four hundred slaves of different descent to be trained as his information gatherers.


He wanted to build an extensive network of spies to give him the latest news that would at least arrive to him within 2-3 days even from the farthest outpost.


They were currently being trained in Volantis where they are learning at least five languages and various common knowledge from other slaves he bought that were teachers.


This plan would need a few more years to come to fruition but he funded it nonetheless, one he left to lead this project was Lady Rohanne as this would also help in the businesses he has in various cities.


They were also taught acting, water dancing(Sword style from Braavos), espionage and a few assassinating skills.


It was like building his own Red Room that would be monitored by the various small puppets around the world.


Other than Westeros, he had also built more bases for the eagles within Essos with only the Dothraki Sea as exception. All in all he already had hundreds of eagles gathering information all over the world.


Thus he would know when someone tries to play tricks to his businesses, hiring pirates to destroy his Trade Fleets or blocking the sale of his goods.


But none succeeded as they face greater loss from many unlucky events happening to them.


Then a piece of news came that troubled the heart of one person within the settlement as she now crept at the shadows going for the port.


"Lady Betha I find this behavior to be quite concerning, must you really leave your duties behind? Such actions would lose you the favor the Lord has given you." A puppet which worked for Betha said in a mechanical manner.


"You wouldn't understand Sven(S7), I know my son and from what I had heard his illness has gotten worse at the arrival of this winter. I need to be there at his side, what mother would I be to let my son die knowing there is someone who can heal him here." Lady Betha looked around as she dodge the patrols wearing a long cloak to hide her face.


"Yet that is not enough reason to go there without the Lord's permission." Sven said as it also seemed flustered while walking like C3PO.


"What would your Lord Paul say if I told him I'll be going to the Seven Kingdoms?" Betha looked at the Puppet which she treated as a person since other than their mechanical actions, they are able to understand a person and emulate emotions.


"Well of course he would deny it because your duties here are paramount of importance." Sven said confidently as he(A/N: If anybody tries to say how dare I am to assume the gender of this puppet then go ahead, because indeed I dare to assume the gender mwuahahaha!!) looked at Betha then realizing why her discreet actions.


Thing were going well until the news that the King, Jeahearys II Targaryen, has fallen ill which made lady Betha try to sneak out and go to her child if not for Rohanne stopping her in her tracks.


"Lady Betha, Rhaenys was looking for you." Rohanne said as she held the small young girl with short silver hair, waiting by the Port.


"Lady Rohanne, why are you here in the middle of the night and why is Rhaenys with you?" Betha frowned as she looked at the small red haired woman.


"Lady Betha, I am the Master of Whisperers in this Settlement. Every news pass by through me so I would know what would you do once you hear of this news." Lady Rohanne looked at the eyes of Betha who seemed impatient but the voice of Rhaenys calmed her down.


"Mommy, where are you going? I can't sleep." The girl rubbed her eyes as she felt tired from the dreams that waked her up in her sleep.


"I-I… I just…*sigh* I was just getting a breath of fresh air my dear." Betha seemed to struggle as she trailed her eyes to a small Ketch on the port. But in the end she let go of the conflicting feelings as she went and picked up Rhaenys from the hands of Rohanne.


"Mom a weird old guy has been talking to me at my dreams, we have the same hair color but he looks sick and tired…" Rhaenys said as she was held by her mother who paused at her words.


"Really dear? Did he say anything to you?" Betha asked as she walked back to the path she took while hugging the small girl, she had Rhaenys rest on her shoulders so she wouldn't see the struggle of her mother in holding back her tears.


"Uhm… he said to protect you mom. Also he said goodbye…" the girl somehow felt sad as she said that, her eyes started to moisten as she was being held by her mother.


"I see, did he look like your father?" Betha had asked one day for a painting of Aegon from Paul when she remembered he was rumored to be a great painter.


"Uhuh, but father was bigger. That man was thinner than father." Rhaenys said as she felt her cheeks were getting wet making her look at her mom.


"Mommy what's wrong? Did I say something bad?" the girl looked guilty as she tried to wipe the tears of Betha.


"No my dear, I am just happy. I love you my child." Betha hugged the girl tightly who responded in kind.


"There there mommy, here's a healing hug and I wuv u too." The girl wanted to comfort her mother as she pasted her face to Betha's cheeks, behind them followed Rohanne who was looking at this scene fondly.


She stopped in her tracks to let the mother and daughter have their time alone, Duncan then appeared from the corner while also looking at his former Queen seemingly much brighter than before.


"Thanks Rohanne, I couldn't do it myself because I might leave with her if I came near the port. Jaehaerys was willful indeed but he was a good son to her majesty." Duncan said as he gave Rohanne a side-hug.


"I want a kid." Rohanne said as her eyes turned misty looking up to the tall burly knight.


"Has it been three months my love?" Duncan looked down as he asked this, their sessions of medicinal baths to rejuvenate their biological functions had ended few months prior and Paul warned them to give it three months until they try making mini versions of them.


"Hmm, there is still a few days left." Rohanne seemed sad and impatient as she said that while holding herself back.


One thing they learned was the Paul's medical skills were way ahead of their time, he said this was the result of years of studying the human body which reminded them of the details of his books.


Well books since Paul wrote two more, but this time it was more of knowledge in taking care of animals and details of different animals drawn in detail.


It became a hit for the farmers and herders that they hired teachers to learn how to read, this caused many problems in taking care of animals to be solved that the meat produced became better in quality.


It also was bought by maesters and poison makers because he gave detailed information about various poisonous fishes.


From where their poison is located, what effect it has on people, where the fish could be found and drawings of the fish to enable people to identify it should they catch one.


Most fishermen only knows the local fishes but every once in a while a fish from different waters is caught and unfortunately some died eating them without knowing how to process the fish.


Some sea creatures no one even saw were in the book making them realize there is much to the sea than they can ever know.


Paul had witnessed this but he did not stop it as he at least gave some freedom to his retainers, still he was glad Betha was dissuaded by Rohanne.


He slept that night tired of all the things he had to do, but he does give himself time to rest thus a whole week was scheduled for him to do nothing but wander in his lands.


Though he mostly spent his days playing with the kids, cooking anything he could with the possible ingredients available and some cardio exercise with Kaash from time to time.


Soon the news of the King's passing was heard and that day Lady Betha wore mourning clothes as she did when her husband had died.


Young Rhaenys also wore mourning clothes as she accompanied her mother, Ser Duncan and Lady Rohanne were with them and Paul gave some form of condolence as he gave Betha a painting of all her children in one large painting.


Duncan, Jaehaerys, Shaera, Daeron, Rhaelle and finally young Rhaenys, Paul didn't mind for the child to learn who her family is. He just hoped they wouldn't go and try to take the iron throne unless he thinks it is safe enough that the world would not fuck things over for him.


Then for the next few years, a two year winter passed by and the rule of Aerys with the help of his Hand Lord Tywin Lannister, the Seven Kingdoms were brought peace and prosperity that Paul was now able to focus on other matters.


263AC was where he had bought properties on Tyrosh, Myr, Pentos and Braavos by developing a more comprehensive route with the help of Lady Rohanne.


To ensure security, he bought around 1000 unsullied, which makes all the unsullied he owned up to 2000 already. His name and renown was spread all over while still not developing connections upon Westeros.


This time Paul had built few more teleportation formations there making the year very hectic for him. Yet the Quarterly profit in his trade routes increased even with the upkeep he had on all these manses, slaves and unsullied hired.


Eddard Stark was born, Tywin got married to his cousin Joanna and Rhaella Targaryen had another miscarriage.


Even with Paul giving some basic advices to the populace on what to avoid in pregnancies as well as how to take care of the child, the current Queen still had a miscarriage.


Also under the behest of Lady Betha, they were able to secretly contact Queen Dowager Shaera, her daughter. It took a long time of persuasion from her mother but she also accepted a life of exile with her hearing she has a new younger sister.


She had been living alone at Dragonstone caring for her grandchildren but the loss of her husband had her depressed so she rarely shows herself in public.


Shaera left a letter for her son, King Aerys that she wanted to live a life away from Westeros as it reminded her of the late King Jaehaerys too much, the King was a bit sad hearing his mother had gone but it had little impact in the Seven Kingdoms.


Soon Betha and Shaera were reunited in the Flask Basin where she also swore a contract to serve Paul under the urging of her mother who looked younger than her now.


It was mostly the promise of staying young that helped in convincing her as she does not want to look too old for her younger sister.


She really liked the life in the Flask Basin, but she had to stay a bit longer as she has not yet been vaccinated for the journey to Yeen.


Well she was not alone though, with her were the past servants of her mother that were loyal and had no house or noble family to return to. They were mostly commoners with no family and liked to serve the Queen.


Being reunited with them enable Paul to have them regain the locked memories of the matter about Betha's fake death.


It was another slew of contracts but mostly to keep them quiet, so no special training or anything at all, just servants to the two former Queens.


Paul had brought Duncan, Rohanne, Betha and Rhaenys to Yeen aboard Leviathan while Shaera was given the role in handling the businesses on the free cities.


Soon Betha became busy as she finally saw the city that she was studying to handle while Duncan was given the role to train younger warriors on the way of the sword.


Paul needed an army specialized in fighting men in messy wars, while Lady Rohanne reviewed the current economic status of Yeen and understood Paul's plan in slowly taking over the Beastmen tribes.


The three were shocked learning of the truth behind their existence and thought that the Blood Mages might have become too unbridled in their actions that the dragon lords sided with the fire mages.


They theorized that maybe this caused an internal war that left too little fire mages to control the fourteen fires thus causing the Doom of Valyria as theorized by past Maesters.


Betha also theorizes as such as she read some ancestral records of the Targaryen family but the information was not that much to understand the whole thing.


While they were in Yeen Paul sent the battle puppet to the Flask Basin to help Shaera in handling matters there. He had also restructured the magical core of the puppet to enable it to use Chakra but it weakened many functions.


Still it could still outperform Paul in battle even when their base stat were now almost equal because the versatility of the puppet increased being able to perform jutsus.


And with a strong body it can show the hard fist taijutsu as well, Paul can use it too but sadly when he attempted to open a gate the bracelet reacted.


Paul got frustrated for a time but he got over it, business wise his best money maker was still in Volantis as he controlled almost 30% of the gambling houses, brothels, smiths and the clinic which brought him hundreds of Gold Dragons a day.


There is also an increase in the crippled soldiers applying to his forces, now he has 400+ and he was tempted to call them the 'Cripple Threats' or 'Handy Men' and many other dumbass names his mind thought about.


264AC was rather repetitive like Queen Rhaela's miscarriage, other than that the young slaves now are around 13-15.


Paul knew they needed some experience so he sent them to face the other army he made in Yeen in a joint training excercise.


He spent three months planning the event in a cleared area in front of Yeen, the event had 300 young slaves trained in Spartan like ways that they now look like early 20s men with their body build.


Paul ensured abundant food to keep up with the much abundant schedule of training. He also scheduled a weekly ingestion of medicine that would help in healing the muscle damage incurred in the strenuous exercises.


Now they were totally mechanical when it comes to orders but Paul needed to give them experience to apply what they learned to the battle field.


Other than them the other younger warriors were also included which numbered around 500+ but they were not going to face each other.


Paul had prepared a special enemy for them all, to ensure the experience would become broad, he had built a sizable wooden fort for them to attack.


And the defenders were 2,000 soldier puppets, 400 archer puppets, 200 mounted puppets on puppet horses led by 10 officer puppets under the orders of a special grade commander puppet.


The exercise would not be one simple fight but a series of battles done on a large modified field that would emulate different settings of war.


They are all equipped with harmless wooden weapons with clothed edges that stain the surface they hit.


It was like a paintball competition, each weapon has a different color to know which kind of weapon hit them. Other than the young ones, this was also a chance for the Great Warriors to learn how to lead and Duncan became the Lord Commander of the event.


There were also the presence of the many elders who would also be there with their apprentices to act as medics as well as support troops but would only be doing mock performances for the event.


But they have a separate performance as well to showcase what they had learned on live subjects but with only animals to perform with. Yet that is for the later part of the event after the mock wars.


To grade the performance, Paul placed many surveillance puppets that would record every hit and every strike in an accurate manner then they would tally the results after very battle.


He even made an artificial Lake which was the reason for the long preparation, it was 2km longx2kmx wide100meter deep in size, and how Paul was able to displace that amount of soil?


Well after making a pseudo engine for the ship with multiple puppets, Paul thought and created something similar.


But this one is a large empty 6 meter tall, 10 meter wide crab machine with 2 ton buckets for claws, he had 30 puppets working 24/7 inside to control the joints and legs.


It was mostly controlled by hand cranked parts inside that loosen and tighten the ropes to act as tendons and muscles of the large contraption.


It was slow and unwieldy but it can displace soil around 20,000 tons a day so Paul built nine more. By the end the ropes were replaced five times for each Crab Loader.


The soil and trees were then used to make the other fields for the event, but the dugout site was not yet filled with water as Paul introduced a new material for building.


Cement, one thing great about Green Hell is the abundance of resources and Limestone were found everywhere thus enabled the availability of quick lime.


This had made his Steel Production increase, thus he planned to make a giant pool meant for the event. The area was 300 meters above ground over some sparse hills where not much vegetation and fauna lived in.


Paul leveled the area then made the event field, so far he had used 5,000 worker puppets in the making of this and it made him glad of the dark magic tome he read in Kamar Taj that became useful in his situation here.


He had also made other types of claws for the Crab Loaders to turn them into Crab Cement Mixer as it was like seeing large cocktail shakers to thoroughly mix the cement.


There were also the Crab Graders(For leveling the ground), Crab Hammers(For flattening the ground), Crab Pin Roller (for smoothening the ground) and lastly the Crab. Just Crab because the pincers are now pincers to pull out and carry wood.


This made Paul realize that he had a crab fever ever since he unsealed those chunky ones from the marbles.


And lastly to fill the large pool, he made several long Archimedes screws manned by more puppets to keep pulling water from the river.


Now after months of grueling labor, with little to no sleep Paul looked over the magnificent area he had built.


The Small Lake he made could still be used for future purposes as he can build canals to provide water to the farmlands he intends to build here. The land Yeen stood on could be considered a large Island since it was surrounded by Rivers and the sea at the northmost area.


The Animals near the city had fled so it gave Paul a large area to develop which he did and now this pool could provide water that is easier to access than that in rivers and wells.


It would flow down to the farm lands and the field creating similar to the rice terraces in Asia while the elevated area would become a future military academy for Paul.


Now he stood at a large tower south of the training field where many others observe the events using quality scopes. This Tower is 100 meters tall, 40 meters in diameter at the bottom and 20 meters at the top.


This is where most of the large stones dug from the site were used. It has 20 floors with 15 balconies on the north side to watch the events.


Paul was at the top most with Betha, Rohanne, Rhaenys and a few Chiefs of the nearby Beastmen tribe. He invited them to watch as well as also to remind that he has an ability to be able to change this large area into a place unfamiliar to these beastmen in a short amount of time.


Also to show the skills and prowess of his armed forces, Paul was dressed lavishly today as he sat on a throne watching over the soldiers in formation below.


Holding a microphone, yes a microphone which he created out of boredom two years ago and was powered by magic, Paul looked serious as he said the words.


"Let the first Army training exercises commence!"

(A/N: Well things are picking pace as Paul readied his own force to ensure he can have a say in future matters. So to let us forget about westeros for a minute, the chapter was focused on the developments of the various areas the MC are handling.

Also I had initially opted to have Duncan have Tanselle hidden in secret but from what I have found, he did not have any news about her after they last met while Rohanne Webber has a better chance for an old flame for big ol' Dunk. She had mysteriously disappeared after giving birth to Jason Lannister so I could insert her as another character that would become valuable help for MC.

Also nobles have a higher chance of getting old than the commoners so it would be hard to expect a puppeteer like Tanselle to survive that long where life expectancy are on average around 45-50 years old.

Also I am thinking if he should have a harem here that he would take with him as he leaves the world but I am still unsure on how I would make their characters important enough for the MC to bring them with him. Sure pussy is great but I think that is not enough reason to collect them like pokemons so for now I must venture to the real world and try having a relationship.

Please wish this wizard luck in my quest to get some booty...)

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