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91.07% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 102: 102 Tragedy at Summerhall

Capítulo 102: 102 Tragedy at Summerhall

Rumors came to the ears of many how the King seemed to have become younger, some people just wanted to make trouble by spreading other rumors telling of the King's desperation to hatch dragons that he resorted to Sacrificial Rituals to learn Blood Magic.


They say that he eats young children every night to stay young and that he would later use the souls of the dead to hatch the dragons.


Mostly these rumors were spread by the traditionalist factions who do not agree in some of the reforms the King plans to introduce to the Kingdoms.


Though that was not something Paul would bother for now because he already left the next packet for the second session with warnings that this was different from the first one and the King should soak in the water for a whole day.


Also he made it clear to only do it after a week has passed since the first session.


Reason being is Paul is currently thinking of what to do so that the birth of the characters would still be possible, he does not have much knowledge in the lore of this world.


But he does know who the parents of these people were and right now some of them haven't even hooked up with each other.


Nor were they betrothed with the ones they are going to marry and birth these characters.


One thing he can do is send a puppet to watch over them in the dark to ensure they are not disgraced, mostly the women since the nature of this world is truly shitty.


In some places the tradition of first night still is being practiced, like the mountain clans of the Vale or the Boltons of the North. There were even times that the girl would lose her maidenhead/virginity once she is known to already have moon blood/menstrual cycle.


And from the people listed were the two kids born out of incest from the not yet borne Jaime and Cersei. Oddly enough to other child was not on the list but still it brought an annoying feeling in Paul's chest having to let it be.


Well it was the fault of Robert Baratheon at first not stopping at simping over a dead girl who didn't like him.


But from what he can remember that these twins were already doing the funky even before she even got married.


Though he was not sure though, Paul lamented as he walked the streets of the river Rhoyne thinking how he should maneuver now that these requirements appeared in the bracelet.


It was only Ogap who followed him out along with six warriors as Paul wandered the streets of Volantis watching its people live their lives.


There he found the hustle and bustle of this city reminded him of modern cities, there is too much difference in each other but also many similarities.


He then went and tried some local cuisines near the long bridge which made him realize the taste is just okay, but most places use less spice anyways since they were expensive.


He even went inside a rather fancy restaurant which served some decent meals, it then came to mind that some advancement was not yet found as their pastries and deserts were very limited.


Sugar was indeed very expensive and only the noble houses could afford the chefs capable of making such dishes.


But there were parts in Volantis that has places that make pastries with sugar, yet that area he does not care to wander.


The leaders of this city, the Triachs did not even meet him as only those who were their subordinates did. But it was mostly from the political side call the Elephants, merchants and moneylenders and the other called themselves the Tigers, old aristocrats and warriors.


But most were people who worked under Triarch Vogarro who was quite famous or rather infamous as he had married a bed slave from yunkai whilst freeing her and giving her lavish gifts as well as a say in his businesses.


Paul felt this seemed familiar until he heard that the Triarch is already in his 60s while the freed bedslave was in her 30s.


"Damn, she must have some head game if he even took the risk to free her." Paul said as he looked at the thousands of people still awake even in this time of the night.


The city was larger than any of those in Slaver's bay and the slaves sold were much more, this city is also the most populous of all the free cities.


But he didn't buy any for now as he found the profits in this city alone could match the total profits he could get in the three at Slaver's bay.


Though he rather not wander much in some areas since he knew there were these people who worship the god called R'hllor. He thought that maybe he should not wander in other god's backyards while he is here but he can just dally around the periphery.


Paul also felt that he should lessen the contact with Westeros but never non-existent. He should also have the men of the wall understand their real purpose there and stop antagonizing Wildlings.


Well except for the cannibals, those guys need to go because that shit just won't do for him. It was mostly because he had been served before by some crazy cultivators that seemed to appear like righteous but were deep fanatics about the demonic arts.


He almost ate a spoonful had he not felt the malice sent by the host that time, when he found out they were feeding him humans while also trying to enslave him made him real mad.


It was the first sect he wiped out using hundreds of meteors pulled by his telekinesis. Paul smiled remembering such fond memories but something suddenly caught his attention as his telepathic powers picked up a slumbering being beneath the river Rhoyne.


Not just one but dozens, he focused but also was careful because he felt the bunch of consciousness he felt under the river seemed sentient and ancient.


"Holy crap!" Paul exclaimed as he looked down the river, he forgot the people around him as he saw the gigantic turtles underneath.


They were massive, some even bigger than Lizzie who was already quite large. Largest was a snapping turtle looking creature that looked to be in hibernation, then he found the locals pray to these turtles and some occasionally were found surfacing near the city.


Though some smaller ones that were as heavy as a horse gets caught and sold sometimes as some people believe they would live longer eating these in soups.


He could even feel some were active in the river hunting large fishes that were at least 7 feet long in droves.


Some looked like Snapping Turtles while others looked like Galapagos Tortoise with horns of different shapes.


He realized how the fishermen only fish in rather shallower parts of the river since the depth could at least be a kilometer from Paul's senses.


It explained how the water seemed rather tame for a river delta, but it supports such a thriving ecosystem beneath that there were underground caves which lead to the nests of these gigantic turtles.


Their bodies were quite wide as well, from what he can see the body ratios from height:length:width is about 5:21:10 which makes them walking mini islands.


If such things could exist, how much more the fabled leviathans that said to grow large enough to be islands as well.


"I should unseal some leviathans of my own…" Paul said as he realized that this world is dangerous enough that he should not leave it to fate if it became fickle to the lives of his people.


Looking down, he thought he should explore the river next time when no one knows he is here.


Paul snapped his fingers and some of the puppets following brought his palanquin because he is content with his walk.


No one noticed how none of the filth and grime on the streets ever stuck on the shoes of Paul. Having elephant shit on his foot is not something he would like.


He knew the strange stares earlier made some think he is rather unclean but those who recognized him from the sigils of the warriors beside him did not dare give him judging looks.


But while he was on the way back he saw some Ibbenese and thought that indeed they look almost similar to dwarves of middle earth.


They were larger than the genetically malformed dwarves born from humans and were indeed very hairy, they remind him of Dwalin or Balin.


Their language that he is hearing seemed also similar in intonation and accent that he remembered how the writer of this series admitted he took inspiration from many fantasy books but mostly it was from the lord of the rings franchise.


As he passed them by he copied some memories to browse for later so he could get some general idea of the society in Ib, but while he does so he got a feeling of forgetting something very important yet he somehow could not recall, in the end he just shrugged and forgot about it.


The Ibbenese also were rumored to be great weapon smiths, but for now the surroundings were taken in as he relaxed for a moment as he just let the puppets wander in the areas he designated to be safe.


Paul was getting bored as he sat on the palanquin, he really hoped there was some action like assassins or something but it seems even the assassin's guild read his book and the price on his head is too much to pay for while the guarantee of success is minimal.


"Maybe I should wander around like a defenseless person? Nah that would be too obvious of a trap, unless some are really dumb but I'll try that next time." Paul got down and went to sleep with Kaash in his hands.


The next day was nothing much as he once again set sail after placing a small puppet which he could connect to for checking up on stuff here.


Same specs as the other one but it was not made with Valyrian steel yet it was deadly enough to kill a skilled knight.


On the way back Paul just forgot about the tasks on the bracelet as he just kept giving the King more medicinal baths that he now could beat a Kingsguard if he wanted to.


But to ensure no more rumors go around, he placed a glamour spell to make the King look as is. Only the Queen could see his real appearance every night, so things went good for the King until Paul heard something disturbing.




"Your majesty, I come to bear news that my son, your great grandchild would be born soon and that I hope you would be there with us at the Summerhall. Your precious arrangements are also in place should you desire to continue on your plans, the pyromancers and Bloodmages are ready for you Grandfather." A rather handsome looking prince said as he arrived at a small council meeting discussing recent events of the war.


"Hmm, is see…" King Aegon said as he sat on his chair, he was not as desperate as before but now he has hopes about this as he felt he was stronger than ever before.


Maybe this was the magic of his bloodline awakening making him think the chances for success in this ritual would be high. Soon the King decided to go through with it much to Paul's surprise making him think that maybe this was a cannon event.


But unlike what it was originally, the Knight Ser Duncan the Tall was not with them. From the talks he remembered that his uncles theorized that it was Duncan the tall who saved most living royal members at the tragedy.


But since he is leading the forces at Bloodstone in the war of the Ninepenny Kings, there might be changes if he does not do something.


Yet this was also a good chance to at least return to the original development of events. So he had the puppet follow them on the way at Summerhall.


Oddly enough Queen was absent as she was said to have gone on an important matter which Paul does not know where.


Yet it was a fortnight after when all the needed people were present at the gathering, the King still thought the envoy or puppet is back at Kingslanding as he was kind of guilty having to do this behind the back of the person who helped chang him.


Yet he somehow wanted to have dragons more to ensure his rule as well as his children's.


Paul felt the party was tedious as he sat on the hidden corners atop the ballroom so he disconnected for a while as it got tiring for him as well. He only needed to rest for a few hours to be in top shape again to connect to his puppets.


[A few hours later]


"What the fuck happened here?!" Paul exclaimed as soon as he connected because everything was in flames, thankfully the wards places on the puppet protected the scroll from burning.


He looked down and found the King was helping his knights while there is a large ritual circle below written with blood from sacrifices. Some old men in robes as well as carrying staves were screaming for help as they were burned by the fire that glowed green.


He then saw seven eggs in the middle of the formation still intact and has not yet been reached by the green flames.


"Those are?" Paul paused as soon as he saw the eggs then smiled. "Mine!!"


Thinking quickly he went full speed that no one saw the eggs were already gone, Paul got to the hallways and found they too were on fire.


"Shit, I was gone for a few hours and this happens!!" Paul then got to the kitchens where it was oddly not on fire yet. He went to the corner where he unfurled the scroll while doing dozens of seals that created Japanese characters in floating ink that flew towards the eggs.


He doesn't have time to check it they were okay but maybe he might be able to save some.


Soon the eggs got sealed on the scroll and Paul then rolled it up to go and see what was happening.


As he got outside he saw the large mansion in flames while the King himself had brought dozens of people outside but kept on going back to save more.


He can hear him mumble, about how he should not have done this and it was his fault. Paul understood the man blamed himself but it was indeed his fault for not being patient.


"ARGGHH!!!" a woman's scream was heard making Paul look to the side near the river where a girl with silver hair was giving birth.


"It seems fate would still force itself to keep things going, I hate this shit. I imagine it would feel like how a woman suddenly got fucked in the ass without lube and stuff." Paul grimaced as he felt how even with his presence some events went on as Fate had deemed it to be.


There were changes, like how Duncan the Tall is still alive and that the Queen at least was not present here.


Paul watched over on the trees to ensure the kid is born safe and sound, while leaving the King to fate who would decide to fuck this guy over or at least let him survive.


If he had completed the medicinal baths them there is a high chance for survival and saving much more from the fires.


But what happened next is like the world saying 'fuck you and your super soldier ass shit' as the entrance of the burning mansion toppled over trapping the King inside.


He could see the man try to turn around back but the path behind has also collapsed, Paul could see it, how the King reached for the fire but still felt hurt.


"I guess I am no dragon…" Paul read the lips of the King as the ceiling above him fell over finally putting an end to his life.


"Well shit… oh well, your fault for coming here." Paul said as he saw the baby crying and Rhaella naming the baby Rheagar.


"Hmm, it seems Prince Duncan didn't make it out as well…" Paul said as he ran out through the night with the small puppet's legs until he was far away so he could summon the Metal Eagle.


Taking out a talisman he burnt it and found a direction the Queen might have gone to, but the way made him confused as it seemed that the Queen is at sea.


Soon he flew over the Stormlands above the rainwood then into the narrow sea going into the stepstones where he found a ship of the Queen who seemed to have just arrived at the temporary port.


She is now riding a row boat going into shore while on the port awaited Ser Duncan the Tall wearing large robes to hide his identity.


Besides the tall man was a spy he recognized to be the one who brought the first letters in Astapor to his shops.


Paul had the eagle fly away as he spied the Queen who was invited by the tall Kingsguard to a carriage.


"My Queen, the journey must've been harsh on the way here." Ser Duncan asked worriedly as he knew that there had been a storm recently passing over them.


Paul was stop the carriage unseen as he listened to the talks, there was nothing much but he learned he was the reason why the Queen was away and not at the Summerhall.


It seemed telling he king the ones the queen wanted were much rarer than the medicines he is taking. So wanting to surprise the King she went to sea to find him and ask for medicine for rejuvenation.


Paul frowned as he was not sure how to break it to them, it had just happened earlier and with the war currently heated he was not sure if it was good to damage the morale of the troops.


It was then the Queen was led to the largest tent that he felt he should just give the news direct and outright.


One thing he knew that it was better to meet her in person as it would be hard for the small toy like puppet to bring in a serious conversation.


Finding the camp rather private compared to the rest of the others meant this was the personal tent of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.


He went to the trees by the side, there he started the summoning Jutsu to summon himself at this place, but to ensure he does not appear hostile he would be weaponless.




A large puff of smoke appeared as Paul himself felt he was pulled like a pasta in an instant as he accepted the summoning then appearing where his puppet where after he flew through space in a path unique to the contract summoning.


It felt bizarre than the way he teleports or travels through portals as Paul arrived looking like he was out on a walk in his loose soft leather pants, leather boots, white silk shirt, platinum head band, bangles, rings and two platinum bracers to hide the metal bracelet.


He still wore the giant belt where he added some small pouches made of wyvern leather with some prototype magi-steel Paul made as edging on the pouches.


These were his attempt on making storage devices but all he could do was make it store 20 times its original size.


It could be considered a success but Paul wanted one that slows down the time inside, unfortunately for him his cultivation and lack of materials needed to make storage devices are not enough.


If he had materials he could at most make a larger storage device that just slows the time inside for a bit but not like the storage ring he has that would keep everything fresh inside as long as it is functional.


But these pouches were great for tools and such, well his weapons are in here which is contradictory to his aim of going in without a weapon.


It's not like he is holding one right now which is the important aspect, he was weak and even a lucky strike from a knight could wound him. Even with the regenerative factor it would still hurt, he'd rather not put himself if too much of a danger.


Paul patted himself up and thought maybe he should appear atop an elephant, but he shook his head as he just found a boulder to sit on like it was his bed and placed a half tent with some furs to keep him warm as he sat.


He placed a brazier on the side as well as torches while sending a message to the Metal Eagle.


The Eagle then swooped down and landed on a post nearby the Queen's tent alert the guards nearby along with Ser Duncan the Tall.


When they got out they were surprised at the large Eagle perching atop one of the wooden post that some servants starter murmuring, the Queen herself was alerted as she too came out of her tent.


"Screech!" the eagle flapped its wings at the sight of Queen Betha and walked with the silly way most eagles do but a knight reacted and tried to draw his sword but the Eagle looked at him instantly as its feather's bristled while screeching in agitation.


Ser Duncan feeling something was wrong stopped the young knight while looking at the large eagle walking towards the Queen. Queen Betha herself was fascinated with the bird of prey as it started to circle around her then stood in front of her.


The Eagle straightened its body while turning his head as his one eye stared at the Queen. Somehow she felt no danger from the eagle at all as she reached out her hand to start petting it.


Which the eagle liked as it closed its eyes in content from being petted, but it opened its eyes soon and went behind the Queen and started pushing her to a direction.


The people around were shocked but only a few understood something.


"You want me to go somewhere?" asked the Queen while some servants thought she was crazy for talking to a bird but the next moment surprised them as the Eagle nodded.


"SKyaah!" the eagle seemed happy as it kept pushing the Queen to a horse racked up near a tree. The Queen understood as he signaled for her servants to help her up the horse.


"You get your horses now!" the Lord Commander said as he too went to his horse while the other knights hurried as well.


Seeing the Queen atop the horse the Eagle screeched and flew to the sky, it circled a bit first then flew to a direction slowly. The Queen followed behind as she liked the cold feeling of those feathers, it was like touching soft metal.


Behind her were a dozen knights and some Kingsguard curious as to where this Eagle is going to bring the Queen, soon they were greeted with a scene in a nearby clearing that shook their minds.


"Welcome, I was waiting for a while and started eating first but if you are hungry then please help yourself." Paul said as he ate a burger he made while there was a large fur spread in front with a small table filled with other foods.


There were also tables placed far from the fur spread, also filled with food and drinks. Paul was in front most atop the boulder he chose to lie on.


"Scree." The eagle landed in front of the Queen and waddled over waiting for her to come down.


She was confused at the situation that she rubbed her eyes for a moment thinking she might be dreaming. But alas the weird situation is still in front of her, she then felt her sleeve being pulled making her look at the eagle that is starting to lead her to the small table in front of Paul.



"Lord Commander, I see you and your men are weary as well. Why not have dinner here with warm soup and bread to sooth your souls, hmm?" Paul seemed like he was on a picnic as he watched the still befuddle knights and servants following behind the Queen.


Paul had realized he was hungry so he wanted to eat but he was going to meet a guest soon so he placed some tables and food to entertain them.


They would need some alcohol to deal with the news he was about to hit them with.


The Queen curious was looking around for clues and she saw glass wares as well as the clothes Paul was wearing making her realize who this person was in front of her.


"I greet Blood Lord Paul, I was on my way to see you at Volantis." The Queen's words made the knights shiver and almost drew their swords as they had also heard detailed rumors of this man in front of them.


"Stop drawing your swords, he is unarmed and also far too relaxed while surrounded by knights." Ser Duncan said as he went to the closest table while the other knights did the same, they were still looking at Paul warily.


"Please forgive my company Lord Paul, they've been in a rather difficult journey and had no time to rest yet." Queen Betha showed grace and gravitas as she spoke to Paul.


Paul on the other hand was silent as he stood up then bowed to the Queen with a sorrowful expression.


"My condolences you Majesty." Those words made the Queen suddenly have a foreboding feeling as she remembered her nightmare on the ship about a mansion on fire.


"It is truly unfortunate as the King Aegon V Targaryen has passed away, along with Prince Duncan and many others earlier at the Summerhall as the whole manse went aflame in their attempt to hatch dragon eggs." Paul laid it out instantly making the Queen and the others shocked speechless.


Duncan stood up in alarm as he heard the news but Paul was not done as he kept talking.


"In his last moments, the King carried his children to safety along with the grandchildren in which Princess Rhaella has given birth to a young healthy boy she has named Rheagar. But sadly the King still hoping for dragons went back inside the burning building to retrieve the eggs but was trapped when the ceilings were collapsing…" Paul held his arms out as the Queen collapsed in front of him, he looked at the handmaidens who also reacted and helped settle her on the soft furs.


"When did this happen?" Ser Duncan the Tall said as he walked towards Paul who was as tall as the old knight.


"I had received news from my Envoy…" Paul looked behind on the boulder where his puppet now rode the Eagle that brought them earlier here.


"…I too am saddened by this news your Majesty, but right now your son and heir to the throne is doing what he can to calm down the nobles still agitated from the accident. Sadly many older nobles who were there did not make it out of the fire." Paul then sat back on the boulder letting the Queen digest the news in while a question was asked by Ser Duncan.


"How are you here? Last our spies told us, that you were in Volantis and are on your way to leave towards Slaver's Bay."


"Hmm, my envoys could summon me through a spell sir knight, you know magic and stuff like that. Though I could only last for day and return eventually to my home. But this is only for emergencies and the death of the king could be considered as one." Paul said as the old knight sat down in sorrow as he murmured that he should have been there.


"From what my envoy told me, the King showed great valor and honor as he carried many out of the burning building saving many of the future of the Kingdoms, something he learned from you." Paul then reached out his hand to catch a goblet thrown at him.


"Valor? Honor? What use of it if he's dead!" the Queen was having a tantrum as she started cursing her dead husband, she knew the news was true as the King confided with her about the real identity of the envoy when no one was able to see him get in and out of the Red Keep.


Paul found that the Queen was quite a character seeing her not care at all of her image as she went to send flurries of non-lethal punches to the back of Ser Duncan who seemed used to the Queen doing this,


This made Paul think that maybe the willfulness of the princes was gained from their mother who was crying but still throwing a fit here and there.


'No wonder they did not like the betrothals, well except for the other son who was dead and gae.' Paul mused as he found it a pity when the guy missed out on marrying the future Olenna Tyrell.


Now that he thinks about it, maybe it was not the prince's decision to break the engagement but a ploy of the future Queen of Thorns to bag in the future Lord of High Garden.


Not that he cared but right now he is silent as he let the Queen cry herself out, soon the small puppet which the others thought to be the envoy was seen brewing tea on the side.


"Tea your Majesty? I believe your initial plans were to ask me for helping you and retaining your youth is it not?" Paul acting calm in the moment made others feel he was insensitive even when he gave such a bombshell type of news to the Queen.


"Thank you Lord Paul, I am currently unsure as what to do…" Queen Betha said as she seemed weak and soulless.


"Well first you should eat, it is hard to think in an empty stomach." Paul said making the Queen look at him thinking if he was joking but she saw him looking at the other people around them.


"I see, I think I could use a bite or two." The Queen nodded and sat by the small table where still warm dishes were present.


Soon the area was silent as oddly a feast was happening in the middle of the war on a discreet corner of the camp, the knights and servants drank with each other grieving that they lost such a good King, but the silence was broken by Queen Betha.


"You know, other than my husband, his servants and these people with me. No one knows I am here, they might have thought I was there with them as I told Aegon to just tell them that I am ill." Queen Betha said as she looked sad, Paul was thoughtful for a bit when he heard that and did a quick check on the minds of those present.


Fortunately they were all loyal and would not expose the presence of the Queen, soon to be Queen Dowager, to others in the camp.


He did see just now some people creeping by the tents of Ser Duncan at the moment.


"It seems the Queen has freedom on what she could do, but I suggest that you not return to camp right now because there are some spies of other people creeping about trying to find out who was the person the Lord Commander had to personally meet." Paul's words made the knights look at each other as to how Paul knew about that.


It was then the eagle landed near the Queen making them think he used some magic similar to what was rumored to be wargs in the north.


"No, I am not a warg. Don't compare me to those third rate users of magic, all they could do is possess animals which is quite boring. Only those that could possess bears and large creatures seemed decent." A look of disdain was in Paul's face as he saw the reactions of the knights.


"I didn't read your minds it was just so obvious from your eyes, anyways there is the matter of me spending a lot of rare herbs and medicine on the King while I have not yet been paid at all." Paul indeed felt it was a waste for all the herbs he used to make the specialized medicinal baths for the King.


"I see, it seems that the crown owes you a lot of debt. But with Aegon dead there is only me who could vouch for your services because I know many in court would not want to pay for something without any proof for the deeds done." Queen Betha calmed herself as she sat elegantly while talking to Paul.


"Well one proof is that the King was able to carry many to safety, but Fate still didn't let him go unlike you two. Both of you were not supposed to be here at all…" Paul's last sentence was only heard by Queen Betha and Duncan the Tall, before they could ask why their surroundings suddenly turned into hellfire making them pause in surprise.


They were about to react but realized they were not feeling the heat at all.


"Sire we should go now!!" the two heard a familiar sound and found Ser Duncan himself in his armor full of soot and ash as he tried to pry King Aegon away from a fallen chandelier where a hand could be seen poking out.


Betha and Duncan could hear the King blaming himself while calling out the name of Duncan which made the Queen swerve her head towards the hand, she panicked as she ran towards it to try and hold it but her hands just passed through like mist.


Soon the ceiling to a hallway collapsed leaving the King and Duncan trapped in the burning Ballroom, the eggs could still be seen at the side but greenwildfire was already surrounding it.


There they heard a scream as the scene changed with it being Queen Betha trapped in the King's room screaming in pain as her hand had been burnt trying to open the doors.


She looked pale and sick while holding her stomach in worry, it seemed she was scared about something while also saying she was sorry towards her stomach.


Paul added this because he realized the current Queen is pregnant, it was still early and he also monitored it so it won't get miscarried by the stress felt by the Queen currently.


"This should have been your fates, the one who would have carried the younger ones was Ser Duncan while the King and Queen also perish along with many others. I had tried to tamper with fate and it seems I was successful with you two. But…" Paul then showed what happened at the Summer Hall earlier.


"…Fate would still try to make things corrected, so reason why I am showing this to you both is to warn you fate might rewrite how you both die. Reason for this is because a prophecy was made and Fate doesn't like it if what was foretold could be changed…" Paul then showed them silhouette of a person wielding a flaming sword charging into the dark.


"…the one who was promised would not be borne if I had been successful in my attempt to change fate…" bullshit-no-jutsu max level activate. "…so I warn upon thee that your time of death would arrive unless you hide under another person of great fate and right now there is only a few and they are too young to be able to protect you."


Soon the scenery went back to the way it was before the Illusion, Queen Betha looked at Duncan who was still aghast, no one noticed their expression as others were eating the delicious food at the table.


They were shocked by the death of the King too but they were at war and times like these were rare and few.


The Hand maidens were in a table as well as they gave space to the Queen as they know how she loved the King.


"You majesty, I should also offer congratulation for the life that is within you. I will give the girl my blessing and hope she is born healthy." Paul's words made the handmaidens and the knights look at the Queen who was shocked and subconsciously moved her hand in her stomach.


Duncan stood up and walked towards the Queen and said something that only she as well as Paul could understand, this went on for a few minutes Duncan pointed out the most important part.


"My Queen, please follow Lord Paul. Is it not in your intent to get help to ensure the child is born healthy? He is known to have great skills in medicine." Duncan said as he looked at the Queen worriedly then towards Paul as he seemed determined.


"I know, I could even make old people live decades more but the price for such is quite too much for anyone to pay." Paul look uninterested as he said this while the knights and handmaidens were in disbelief.


"I you had read my book then you would have noticed that I spent generations to compile what I did, there are many ways to overcome age but most are to be in service to some gods. But not me, I am amazing…" Paul said feeling proud and all as he looked at the people in front of him.


"Well, all of the issue lies in how much can you pay or what would you give to have it?" Paul said as he picked a churro and ate not caring of the others.


'How rude.'


'Ugh uncouth brute'

'He's so handsome'


Paul tried to read the surface thoughts and this was what he received, he realized something as he talked with them.


He could see something above them only he could perceive, lines colored and seemed to coincide with their thoughts.


Paul remembered when he studied Karma and Fate, these things were different than those in Marvel World but they felt similar.


He realized maybe the Queen was indeed fated to perish in the tragedy at SummerHall with the others as her line was black now turning white with another faint thread connecting to something in her stomach. There were other lines as well but he cannot perceive all of them yet.


It was too much for him right now as his head ached, not realizing that the people watching thought he was having a dilemma over something.


"My lord, state the price and I would fulfill it with everything I can." Duncan even when at his 60s still looked intimidating and strong.


"Hmm…" Paul covered his face with his hand as he thought about something after he felt clearheaded.


"There is a high chance Fate would take both of you and I could cover you with my presence so it could not perceive both of you. But again, do you both think you can pay the price?" Paul this time said it out loud that the others suddenly fainted with only Ser Duncan as well as Queen Betha was awake.


His presence became gigantic as his eye glowed golden and skin shone like divine metal, Paul used a technique that he did before, the Asura Body Manifestation that he coupled with the Giant's Descent when he fought against Mephisto and Dormammu.


But this was only an Illusionary image which only those targeted can see, he was too weak to show it in full power or transform into the Asura form.


Yet it was effective as awe and fear was seen within the eyes of the two, he then stopped instantly like nothing ever happened as he sat on the boulder leisurely.


"If you cannot speak a price then I will, both of you swear to serve me for the rest of your life as that will tie you both to my karma which will prevent Fate from forcing you both to die. But both of your services are not enough, so I would have you to be rejuvenated so you can serve years under me, only if you both agree." Paul said went on his devil mode of wanting to make contracts with the two.


They had great talents and would be of assistance to him should he need time to focus on unsealing the marbles.


"But once you both accept, I would have it done that both of you would have died in the memories of your servants. If all think you are dead then Fate has a harder time chasing after you, but I'll tell you this though, the child would be able to grow with my support and be taught whatever she would desire and that includes a chance to learn magic." Paul smiled as he waved his hands and contracts appeared in front of the two.


"Y-you said rejuvenate?" Duncan the Tall asked seemingly focused on this part of Paul's promise, Paul looked at the man and saw hope as well as longing.


He looked at him and found a rather thick red string which he tried to follow and saw a bed ridden woman in her 60s as well.


Paul then returned and saw the old knight was holding onto an item tied to his neck, a necklace made of red threads but upon closer inspection Paul found the threads to be human hair.


"Ah, an old paramour perhaps? Would you like to add her to the contract Sir Knight? I can feel her thread of fate attached to you to be weakening though, only months left I'm afraid." Paul looked like he was amused.


"Do I have to disappear?" Betha Blackwood asked as she seemed dazed as she placed her hand on her belly.


"I am afraid so, your presence alone would threaten the plans of Fate. I may be able to interfere but too much and it would backfire to me as well." Paul waved his hands and the knights as well as servants were now on the ground as the tables and food vanished.


Only the half tent behind Paul as well as the brazier besides him was left making the scene feel dreary.


"So what will it be? Would you accept for the life within you? Or to give yourself a second chance in life with the one you desire?" Paul said the second question at Betha while the third was towards Duncan.


"How will you ensure that we will die in the eyes of the other people at camp?" Betha asked as she now seemed to gain strength to keep living on for her unborn daughter.


"For you it will be like what you said earlier, other than these servants and the King, no one knows you are here. All they think is that you are one of the casualties of the fire, while for Dunk here well there are assassins waiting for him at his tent so we can say they are at fault. And with a little tampering I can make the others forget what they were doing here and alter their memories." The smile Paul had at the last part made the two shiver as they now affirmed that Paul is not human.


"Oh I am human, just better than the rest of you mortals hehehe…" Paul turned around laughing evilly but the two as well as the eagle shivered as a nasty slimy feeling washed over them making them feel very uncomfortable.


"I-I accept…" Duncan said as he thought about the one who made him have sleepless nights and even took care of her after she left her last marriage in secret to be with him even when they were already too old to start over.


He had helped her hide in one of the places they had both met, both had close friends that helped them hide their relation for decades and now both of them were in their twilight years.


The Queen looked at the old knight and knew why he was like this, she and her husband were his confidants in matters like these as she treated Duncan to be family to them.


"I too accept, I just lost everything to my heart but I would not want to leave the world while not showing it to the last gift he ever gave me." The Queen thought about her other children and felt they were grown up enough already so she agreed.


In this one night their worlds were over turned just by meeting Paul, who now sported a large grin as he felt like he got two five star characters in one 10x roll in a gacha.


Such a feeling was great but he fixed his expression and turned around just seeing the two sign the contract that suddenly burned into fire then shot towards their hearts while Paul received two in his right hand.


"Well, I won't be here for long so follow me. I'll arrange for both of your deaths." Paul then vanished with the two following behind him.


Soon they witnessed a scene like it was witchcraft as the servants and knights stood up like nothing happened.


The knights rode their horses followed by the Queen's guards who were still cloaked, they saw them suddenly throwing torches on Duncan's tent along with the Queen's.


In that night news spread that the Ninepenny Kings sent assassins to the Lord Commander Duncan who died burning in his tent.


This caused the next commander go to the next highest ranked noble and they became fervent in revenge.


Meanwhile Paul was in the Queen's ship with the servants who acted like they were Zombies making the two fearful of Paul's sorcery.


Their destination, Kingslanding, because he already has something present there to ease his success in this sudden 'recruitment' plan, so he sailed in midnight with no wind but it did not deter Paul as he conjured gusts of wind to hit the sails.


The ship cut through the water like a sword as it picked up speed like never before. He had to return the ship in King's landing and manipulate the memories of many to ensure no one would know of the Queen leaving somewhere else.


The Queen and Duncan were shocked when it was only almost day break but they had already gotten past Tarth. Paul was sweating as he pushed himself quite a bit yet this was something of a chance for him to keep the flow of events continue as to what it would be.


But when they arrived at Black water Bay, he had modified the ship a bit and the crew were dressed like fisher men.


Using a glamor spell he arrived at the royal port discreetly while having the port guards coincidentally look in another direction to have the ship arrive with no one recollecting it was gone in the first place.


Good thing there were secret paths to the Keep which the Queen used along with the servants.


He had them return in their normal duties in the Red Keep forgetting they were ever gone along with the others thinking that they just got a week off.


The events were too fast that by the dusk of light they were now in a carriage going towards golden grove to where Duncan said the person he wanted to add to the contract.


Paul has some properties already in Kingslanding thanks to the puppet summoning another puppet to buy an Inn within the city.


It was one of those detailed lifelike puppets he always leaves to manage businesses in other cities.


It was a modest inn, frequented by adventurers and mercenaries, now getting popular because the dishes served were better than most.


Paul also hired a rather reputable mercenary group to become guards of the Inn as well as the warehouse he bought for storing supplies.


Though it only earned him a few hundred dragons a month, it was decent and no one would make trouble within the area as it was frequented by Gold cloaks too.


He had hired a family of commoners to become servants as well, the parents as cooks, sons as stable boys and daughters as waitresses.


He also hired a hedge knight from a broken noble house to become the head of the guards.


Now he is using the carriage reserved for his use whenever he should tour the city.


Queen Betha was asleep as she felt tired while Duncan was also nodding off they had seen many surprises this day that they felt the journey had been too long.


Paul was also tired as he felt he had overworked himself a bit, soon he left a note on the table near the bed, yes a bed as the carriage was a large four horsed carriage.


It was big enough to have a small sleeping space above while beneath was a small living room like area where he and Duncan are staying. The Queen was on the bed sleeping as the carriage was oddly not bumping as much as other carriages.


There was also a small bathroom installed at the back area which has a small tub and a toilet installed. The water was on the top part on an oak barrel about 200 liters total storage.


It was enough for a 2-4 days ride depending on where they are, they could refill on wells in small towns or by the creek or river.


He had them stop by the road for the night to camp as he left four combat puppets, they were dressed as mercenaries while the sigil by the side was of the broken noble house of the knight he hired.


Well he was only one of the few left in their house and his family stayed in Kingslanding all the time.


Paul seeing everything was okay left the small puppet and eagle to watch over the carriage as he left undoing his summoning.

(A/N: About Duncan the Tall, I kind of liked the way he is described as a character and imagined him to be the gentle giant honorable type of knight and I found it a pity he died just like that. So I thought about it and decided maybe I could make him into a character that would be of use to the MC.

Anyways the last chapters were mostly made as introductory chapters to become the foundation for Paul's later actions. So if you find the next few chapters too fast paced well that is what would happen, there are still other worlds to explore and other friends to save.)

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