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90.17% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 101: 101 Appearance of tasks

Capítulo 101: 101 Appearance of tasks

"Ughh! I am such an idiot!" Paul smashed his face in his hands as he finally remembered what he had forgotten. He was standing upside down in the ceiling as he lamented at how his own memory capabilities has been sealed as well.


But not entirely, it was just there are a lot of information already in his mind due to copying experiences of various doctors in many fields. Thus some of his initial skill were placed by his mind on the deeper parts which he almost forgot they were there.


"Ughh! How could I forget these when I had used them on the fight with Mephisto and Dormammu?" Paul was grumbling as he now realized he was also a ninja, with an experience of a Jonin.


"But it seems the bracelet is still working because I can only open up one gate for now. Yet that doesn't matter, sealing jutsus!! AGHHH! I have knowledge of sealing jutsus!!" Paul punch the air like a Jojo character with the almost silent ora ora ora chanting heard from his mouth.


"Urgh!" Paul then fell weakly on the bed under him as he felt stupid for forgetting these sets of skills.


"That's it, it seems there are things that I cannot remember because there is too much inside my mind. I'm going to make a list and I'm going to focus on this for the next few weeks." Paul said as he sat up then walked to his study to list down various knowledge he has stored in his mind.



[Meanwhile in Kingslanding]



King Aegon V, was in the small council reading a particular book that caused the shock of many measters as well as lords once it has been distributed.


While the talks about the situation of the nine penny kings were discussed in the chamber, the grand measter noticed the book in the King's hand.


"I see your majesty has been reading the book Introduction Human Anatomy and Physiology written by the Blood Lord Paul." The newly appointed Grand Maester Pycelle frowned a bit as he found the contents of the book rather distasteful. He had been elected because the last maester died on the way to Kingslanding without even able to serve.


"Blood Lord?" asked the Commander of the King's Guard, Ser Duncan the Tall, as he turned his head from the other members of the council.


"Aye, the author of the book is one dangerous man not caring about the lives of people and played with them as he pleased." Pycelle said as he knew there were passages in the book that would influence the King but it was too late.


"…Family group 4, this line of slaves forced to live by themselves was forced to marry their siblings and close relatives. After two generations of observation there were notable features that indicates such practices tend to result in the birth of weaker children prone to sickness…" King Aegon suddenly read the book aloud making those in the Small Council stop and listen.


"…in particular, four out of five children tend to be sickly looking, pale and tend to be frail. They would suffer to numerous ailments throughout their lives… quite familiar isn't it? My son also seemed to be like this." King Aegon said as he looked at the members of his small council.


"Yo-your majesty, there is a note in the next page that concerns the Targaryens." Pycelle said making Aegon open the book again then skimmed some details until he read the last part of the chapter.


"…Though Targaryens practiced such traditions, there was the existence of the Blood Magic in their line that had made their progeny ignore the negative effects of intermarrying…" Aegon slowed down in his reading as he looked at the book.


"It appears you majesty's worries were unfounded it seems…" said the Master of Ships, a noble who still sided with the traditionalist but still a loyal man, as he knew the King wanted to push some reforms in marriage laws but the King then kept reading from the book.


"…but with the Blood Mages gone as well as the dragons, the magic that run through the Targaryen's blood are thinning in every generation which slowly affected the birth rate of the royal line. It can be deduced that if this practice goes on, there will be a higher rate of still borne or premature births. The magic gained from their bonds with dragons were essential in keeping them strong but without the proper spells and a skilled Blood Mage there is little chance for there to be Dragons borne…" The king was shocked at the last part as he read it which made other members in the council alerted as well, they knew the King had been wanting to hatch a dragon of his own.


"Master of Whisperers, send word to contact this Blood Lord and tell him I will pay a King's ransom if he helps me hatch a dragon! Also find out everything you can about this Blood Lord and how he came to be called as such." King Aegon's eyes glowed as hope was reignited inside his heart.


"Yes your majesty but to answer the last part, I believe it was the Measters themselves who named him such after reading the book he wrote." The Master of Whisperers bowed as he received the orders from the King.


"And such is true you majesty, as you have read this man is cruel and downright inhumane. I think it is wise that we should avoid this madman and not consort with his fallacies. Most people know that magic is but a mummer's act of entertaining fools." Pycelle was a bit incensed as he spoke what most traditional Measters though in Old Town.


"Because a fool imitates a veteran's way of handling the sword does not mean that the veteran is not skilled, it is that people were too blind to see then think the fool knows how to hold a sword. You say magic is but a mummer's act then what of the Blood mages that had just been said in the book, there were no dragons before until the Ancestors of the Targaryens used magic to bond with dragons, seriously the measters sent by Old Town are always too old and senile." The master of ships, Lord Quellon Greyjoy, said as he rather disliked this old hunching measter.


"Senile?! How uncouth of you, you can expect no less from a..." the old Measter seemed offended as he looked at the Master of ships but King Aegon banged the table to silence them.

"Enough of this, there shall be no further argument on this matter. I need to at least have another plan than the one being prepared, are there other matters we should talk about?" King Aegon asked as he looked at his council.

"Your Majesty, what about these Nine Penny Kings? Since this matter now has a path to follow, I think we should address the fact that they intend to invade the Seven Kingdoms." Said the Lord Commander, the King having much respect to his old friend nodded, most of his worries about having dragons was gone after gaining affirmation from the book, as he must now face these trouble makers banging at his doorsteps.


"Lord Greyjoy, have the fleet ready. Master of Whisperers send a raven to the various houses Baratheon, Martell and Lannister to gather arms because we would be the first to be attacked once the Stepstones were to be conquered. Also call for my son-in-law, Ormund as he will assist the lord commander in leading the King's army." Aegon said as he knew he still need to do right to the Baratheons when the fault had lied on his side.


The King rubbed his forehead in resignation as he thought about his stubborn willful sons lamenting they were indeed their mother's children. It was then a servant came and told the news of the princess being with child and it has been three moons since her last moon blood.


The King still loved his children but their willful actions always bring worry within his heart, especially when his son believed this prophecy said by a woods witch.



[Two Months Later]


"Shit their postal services are a pile of ass, took two months for a letter to arrive." Paul read the contents of the letter that was given to his head servant in Astapor.


He was currently in Mereen as he heard a Khalasar was about to arrive and wanted to witness the Dothraki themselves atop the walls of the ancient city.


On his hands was a rolled up dried sour leaf which looked almost similar to tobacco and Paul had been experimenting with various herbs and flowers in making various products.


Thus as he sat on his palanquin carried by some puppets, because when in rome do what the romans do, he knew how these masters in Mereen think that one must be carried in such a manner to show their wealth and rich guy stuff like that.


Paul normally rode atop Grey Hill but it was hard to bring the giant pachyderm atop the walls so he went with mode B in transportation.


At the walls he can see the large host of Dothraki riders with his high quality scope that he created which could be adjusted to 30X magnification.


Seeing the Khalasar from the walls while trying the sourleaf, which made Paul think about the various things he had discovered as well as how many items he wanted were not created or invented.


Sure there were sugars which were made using something similar to a red beet. They had a form of selective breeding in agriculture but they somehow were content on the production of their sugar.


Good thing Paul has some plants that he needed in some of the Beast Rings, at least he has some seeds harvested on some of the sugar beets.


These were one of the plant he had changed in experiment with Rita using their abilities to manipulate DNA. It was one of the many things inside his storage ring as well, seeds of various different plants.


But only a few were normal as the others were mutated one that would grow into dangerous plants, in example one would grow a pair of eyes, a mouth then shoot hardened peas to nearby prey so they can become nutrients for the plant.


The peas were mostly 1.5cm in diameter, hard as a ball of teak wood with the same size and would be shot in speed of 500ft/s making it deadly for humans as well if they do not have armor.


Then there was a seed which would make a bed of weeds that turn into spikes once full grown, they were only an inch tall but the spikes would vibrate up and down once a victim is passing above it to turn them into nutrients.


There were various others too but the normal ones were Sugar Beet, Corn, Melons, Bok Choy, Chinese Cabbage, Cucumbers and Carrots.


These plants were improved that they would grow faster compared to their normal rates, like how a Suger Beet needed 170 days to be harvested now only need 120 days.


Four months which was three times a year, Paul knew once he secures a large area of flatlands he could make enough food that he could trade from Slaver's Bay and up to The North.


He might even contest against the Tyrells once he hatches this plan but Paul would only sell to the ones that needed it the most.


But that is a plan for later, soon the Khalasar reached in front of the city where the Masters welcomed them with lavish gifts and wine as the Khal arrived wearing luxurious clothing making the Master's sigh in relief.


This at least meant the Khalasar is not out to pillage but to bring gifts as well, the Dothraki had no like for trading and coins but they do give gifts as long as you gift in return.


But the transaction would not be immediate since it was gift giving, soon the Khalasar spent the night outside the walls as the Master's entertained the Khal and his Bloodriders.


Paul did not mingle with them much as he rather look at the gifts received by the Masters which were now being sold.


One thing caught his eye were the zebra like horse which were called Zorse by the people here. It was a hybrid from Horses and Zebras found beyond the bone mountains at the plains of the Jogos Nhai.


The Hybrids were not sterile and could reproduce, he found out that these particular breed were very hardy and could survive harsh conditions.


From the heat of the desert sea to the cold of the high peaks of the bone mountains these Zorse though smaller could last longer than most specialized horses.


Paul went and bought about 50 of such steeds since he felt these were great for making a normal cavalry regiment in his command.


After buying the Zorses, he went and bought more slaves which made some slave traders act servile in front of him as they had heard rumors as well as details on what he might have done to the slaves.


Even the Dothraki who were wandering the city heard rumors about him, some even thought that he practiced Blood Magic which the Dothraki were quite averse to.


It was a mystery to Paul how the Dothraki were still running around roughshod over these many cities when they do not even have any form of siege weapons.


They just ride horse with a sword and bow, but thinking about it these Dothraki could cripple a city's economic system if they pillage the town surrounding the walled cities for slaves.


And that the masters think it would just be troublesome to fight these horse riders when they can profit instead. But maybe having great numbers help too when outside at least 50,000 riders are present.


Though the city might be able to defend for a long time, the cost would be too much for them should they be hostile to the Dothraki.


In his opinion, there is nothing to fear from these no tactic army once he has completely trained 1,000 elephants for war. There were also the Wyverns which he is gathering, he only needed time and there will be no army that could stop his forces.


Not thinking more about the unbelievable behavior of these people, he finished his purchase and left during the night since it was easier to sail at night with the stars present to navigate.


As he set sail, Paul finally got an idea to have the King owe him something while also not giving him any dragons at all.


So that day he started making a specialized puppet, like the one he has back at Yeen, but smaller. One he could connect to, it would be like the eagle rider puppets which were designed to act like Elves riding a Great Eagle.


He gave them small composite bows able to shoot small arrows dipped in paralytic poison in case other large bird of prey wanted to cause trouble for the Golden Eagles.


This time he used a thousand souls to create the puppet core which would also act as a chakra container. So this small puppet could perform jutsus which were at most chunin level.


But the most important thing of all is that he would give this puppet a sealing scroll with hundreds of portions for a medicinal bath. As well as some acupuncture and other tools because he wanted to experiment with something.


He finished the Puppet the next day which made him awed at how small he made it to be, it was only 8 inches tall but was made with Valyrian steel.


The mount he prepared for this clone is still not ready though, he had some Golden Eagles given some drugs to enhance them but only thing it gave them were increased endurance and tougher bones.


But through a stroke of luck, a rare albino golden eagle was found and the effect of the drug was much better. It increased a bit in size making it twice as large than the other Golden Eagles and its feathers became something of a light biometallic material.


It can still fly but it was 25% slower than its kind, but endurance wise it can fly for two days straight non-stop.


With almost 100km/h horizontal speed maintained for two days meant it can travel 2,400 km every day.


That means he can reach Kingslanding in a day, but first he had to power up the teleportation formation spell in his room.


As much as he would like the bird to fly here, the puppet he has in Yeen only has fighting capabilities. No chakra or anything at all, only able to use magic which is limited as well so he cannot telepathically make the bird know where he is.


Besides, it was due time he resupplied some resources while also having the Zorses sent back at Yeen to have them breed.


They were better than the wild horse in Yeen in many ways, not as fast as the warhorses he has in his rings but it was not the speed he liked about it anyways.


He tried earlier and they were strong enough to be used for a semi heavy cavalry, like he had wanted before when he bought the warrior slaves, he needed archers and now he can create a mounted archer division.


For heavy cavalry there is already a plan, it was inspired by Ogap when he wanted a Boar for a mount. Hog riders on the way and with riders that look the part.


For infantry the young slaves are to be trained for that part, trained to become Spartans with everything good about it while trying to stop the bad.


Like having them stab each other in the dark in their back doors, that was why he bought bed slaves. The women were also trained to become archers and huntresses, they could at least bring some food for their men that were training hard.


Also he limited them with one partner only while warning them about the diseases earned from having too many partners making the older bedslaves pale as they heard some to be familiar.

But Paul eased them by giving them check-up and medicine to slowly heal those that have the claps or other rashes that burn their cave of wonders.

Now while charging the formation, Paul reviewed the developments in Yeen and the Flask Basin settlement.


The population increase in Yeen slowed down, jobs were introduced, the brutes started to gain some IQ, they now understood the concept of private properties, the concept of money, successful teaching of basic moral principles but it was adjusted to their current cultural understanding and the number of drunk people increased exponentially.


Yep, more drunks since the forest provides an abundance of fruits. Even the Beastmen tribe were influenced, since they have a taste for alcohol due to them being able to make some milk wine from goats.


Which made Paul think weird things knowing there was a goat beastmen tribe in the forest, but then the Green Hell while considered a rainforest also has cliffs like that of the movie Avatar in Pandora where many of these wild goats live.


It was in those Cliffs most Brindled Wyverns build their nests, only outliers were the Swamp Wyverns and the Mud colored Wyverns.


There were also other creatures found that looked like pterosaurs, but the locals still term them as Wyverns since they only had different snouts, shorter necks and an absence of tails.


He also found the Great Apes as well, there were other types like an Orangutan which reminded him of the Gigantopethicus that could grow up to 12 feet tall.


Smaller than the Kongs but were much numerous, he discovered a congress of these apes around 40 in number. Where a cousin species of these are rumored to also exist in the Summer Isles.

Other Giant Great Apes mostly are in groups of 5 or 10, this was very different to the Orangutans on Earth. These were not solitary and preferred going in groups with rather nomadic natures.


On the other hand, the marbles that sealed his pets and subordinates were almost understood fully but it became apparent the strengths of each marble are different.


The strongest had tougher seals, while the weakest could be opened by Paul in three days each once he fully understands the marbles. The missing parts he needed were filled in when he remembered the Sealing techniques he has.


Oddly enough, Smaug had the weakest seal of them all, Paul wondered about this but then he remembered that even in his current state he cannot release Smaug at all since he was the one who placed the seal on the grumpy dragon.


He would need to make a formation that might be too strong that the bracelet would just destroy it. Next were the young leviathans, they were not that strong since a skilled knight could kill one since they were harmless even as adults. He would need a week to unlock each one in the marbles.


It was just these sea monsters were not the fierce monster type, these were the ones he made with Rita. They were a bunch of gentle sea monsters like a giant sea horse that you can ride at sea, Shrimps or Large Prawns which you can ride as well, The chunky Crabbies(Sponge Crabs) and Giant Arapaimas with other sea monsters that just look beautiful.


They were all genetically coded to be gentle and were meant to be entertainment for children who would visit the Man-cave. It can entertain men too if they wanted to joust by the sea as they have a vacation with the boys, while their wives prepare the BBQ.


Paul nodded when he thought how cool would it be to joust with rubber lances near sea shore atop a giant prawn or giant sea horse.


Then next were the subordinates like Sapphire, Kana, Sonia and the Elven Lieutenants that would take at least a month of his time.


Paul's frown deepened a bit more and much more as he calculated the time to unlock the mini Kaijus. He speculated he would take 3 months on Skutoom, 4.5 with Ralph, 6 with George and a year with Lizzie.


He really wanted these four so he could steam roll over this world with only the Dragons, Krakens, the local Leviathan(Grey Whale) and the Fire Wyrms having a chance to fight these beasts.


Thinking about those Wyrms, Paul thought that he should go to get one once he has time. Right now he needed to get the King to his side, since he wanted to fuck things up some more.


He did meet some Krakens some time back but it was just a giant squid at best, yet there were accounts of some large enough to crush a dromond in half.


The local leviathan as well seemed interesting, Grey Whales who were said to even grow to the size of a small Island.


That much is enough for Paul to place a date on the calendar for Whale hunting.


But matters like these are numerous and it would take a long time for Paul to finish them all. Besides, there had been no indication from the bracelet that he had succeeded in his task anyways so making things more fucked up is the way to go.


But first, he sent a letter to Astapor for the connection of the Master of Whisperers there. All it said in the message was that he would send an envoy that would tell the King about his reply for that offer and that only the King is allowed to hear it.


He knew he should not be quick to take action on this matter to show that he is not that interested, or else they might demand more from him should he appear too eager.


Besides his initial plan in making the King into a Super Soldier in strength, it was mostly a pseudo super soldier state because unlike captain America who gained a boost in intelligence due to becoming eidetic, this was more of a Blonsky kind of serum without the over growing of bones and such.


And he would make it appear that this process would cost at least millions of Golden Dragons, also he would give some medicine for the feeble heir who seemed to have been rumored very weak and would topple from strong winds.



Maybe this action would change a lot of things in the future and many of the characters he might know would die or never be born but what does that have to do with him.


Soon he received a reply in a month due to the agents of the Master of Whisperers knowing where to leave the letter. Last time was slow because the spies intended to hand the letter to him but he did not appear in the past few deliveries to his shops.


Now the agent only needed to leave it to the caretaker in his mansion at Astapor.


He also appeared again in the three cities to sell more wares, most popular were the glass wares, medicine, lumber and weapons which earned him a total of 25,000 golden dragons per month after taxes and tariffs.


Now he has a store of about 250,000 or more golden dragons. It would have been more but he still used some to buy more ores, Zorses, even elephants in other places and more barrels of pitch(crude oi).


He also got news of the situation in the stepstones where the battle had been rather fierce lately, a member of the Lannister family died as well as the head of the house Baratheon which shocked many.


New names getting famous like the Black Fish, Barristan the Bold, Tywin Lannister and other names of noble families like Reyne but there were names in the side of the Ninepenny Kings that were getting famous like Blood Beard and such.



Still seeing the situation here in the Slaver's bay calming down, he then planned to open another shop at the river Rhoyne starting at Volantis.


He heard there were many slaves for sale as well and they have much more auxiliary roles present there like the builders, tanners, fishermen and some young slaves as well.


Also it is also a hub for merchants as well as pirates intending to sell their wares/loot. Paul might be able to get more profits there.


This time he brought five Cogs and two brigs with him along with the Flagship Leviathan.


Soon he also sent the special puppet atop the mutated Golden Eagle, he spent weeks to ensure that the bird was trained and gain a sliver of intelligence.


The puppet though small was special as well, with its small size it can still run up to 70km/h. It looked like a small black streak from the naked eyes, also it can punch with a force of 100kgs in that small fist.


Armed with a miniature compound bow, a small quiver that has 15 enchanted arrows/darts that would find its way back inside.


A knife that it could wield like a great sword made of Damascus steel and a scroll where many items like other miniature weapons for the puppet were stored with sealing techniques as well as packets of medicine meant for the King.


Then the ability to use chakra, though only at chunin level, when scaled to the body it would be smaller when executed. But the power is still considerable that it is lethal if done properly, also like might guy the chakra nature favors fire and lighting.


Though he could do other element jutsus as well but the effect is lesser than the fire and lightning jutsus, also he had placed a contract on the Golden Metal Eagle for summoning jutsus so even if he had the bird leave the puppet he could still summon the bird close by.


Paul felt that even a veteran knight could be killed by this puppet.


He just lamented on the fact that he did not make the puppet at Yeen able to handle Chakra, or else he could have just made a summoning contract and poof the items are now with him.


Still he could fix that after he finishes his matters in Volantis, he had also placed a seal at the Flask Basin which he could appear from using reverse summoning jutsu.


Too bad he could only make one of such mark, but once he modifies the other puppet he can have it summon him if he is needed in Yeen.


It took only a week for him to finally arrive in Volantis with only four extra ships in the fleet since he did not slow down for pirates that didn't bother him and only for those that dared to.


After selling them, he was able to buy a place as well in this city and set up shop. His fame had been heard over here already that just by seeing his sigil many gave space.


There his wares were also sold out in a week since the quality had also been heard by many merchants. After leaving 20 puppets and buying 200 slave warriors which he had placed as guards for his mansion.


Another special puppet was made that would train these slaves into something at least decent in his standards.


They were happy too since having to serve a feared man while being trained and fed properly means that their times of hunger would be gone, their only fear left is not to be experimented on like the rumors they heard about this new master.


And unlike other master's they heard of that would just use them as cannon fodder, they received proper care after Paul gave them physical exams and curing some of their ailments.


And just like what he did back in middle earth, he hired informants to find used to be famous warriors who were crippled in battle.


There they saw him make new hands and feet for these old veterans and knights that they swore to him with all their hearts.


Paul spent three weeks here to arrange all these and he had been invited to many parties hosted by nobles and merchants of this city.


Some did not hide their greed saying that they could take care of his wares better and have him earn more if he gives them the rights to handle the shops.


But Paul just ignored these people, no one dared too much when the fame of his two guards became widespread as well.


Ogap the Iron Hill and Kaash the silent spear, such names were spread by bards and merchants when other greedy people tried to rob or harass Paul.


There were those even much insolent that they tried to recruit them as knights for their houses back in Westeros saying they can pay more.


But the two does not even care for them, many more idiots tried and many more died.


Soon the fact that no one could get near Paul with malicious intent was spread around. While he was in the city his puppet had reached Kingslanding and is currently perched atop the Red Keep where no one would notice it.


So far Paul was listening to the meeting held in the small council, such is the advantages of the small body. Though some rats did try to eat him which he repaid with death by swift sword arts, Paul loved having such a novel experience.


But he stopped from time to time since it was rather taxing to control different bodies with his current strength.


Soon the time came when the King was alone in the office of the small council after dismissing his subjects and knights.


As King Aegon pondered about the letter from the infamous Blood Lord, he stood by the window looking over Kingslanding thinking that the people needed to be informed of the damages of practicing incestuous marriages.


Good thing he at least got the support of the Faith of the Seven as they too agreed such practices must be abolished. The nobles that were on the fence not agreeing with him while also not with the traditionalist were also slowly being drawn to his cause.


Then the King was shocked as a stream of fire came from above and burned the floor around him enclosing him in the corner where he stood.


"Gua-!" the King was about to shout but a figure suddenly dropped above him making him stop and focus on what it was.


"Don't be alarmed your majesty, I mean you no harm but it was necessary for me to have a talk with you alone." Paul controlled the puppet as he talked, he looked at the features of the King in front of him and found the silver colored hair looks nice.


"Wh-wha…what are you?" Aegon realized he was not harmed at all as the ring of fire was away from him and he felt no malice from this small human that was talking to him.


"Oh, you mean me? Well I am the so called Blood Lord you talked about earlier but this body on the other hand is nothing but a vessel which I can connect with my mind. This is the envoy I told you about that I would send, if you would your highness hide me under your cloak and bring me to your chambers. I will tell you my proposition when we are alone." Paul raised his hands and waited for the king to pick him up.


The King was still stunned as he looked at the small thing talking to him, it took a minute for him to understand who he was talking to.


"Is-is this magic?" the King's eyes shone as he seemed to have affirmed something.


"Well a form of it, but yes. Magic is such a broad term if you think about it, but first…" Paul clapped his small hands as he emphasized being picked up by the King.


Soon the King knelt down and held the small puppet, the fire around him slowly waned and only evidence it was there was the scorch marks on the ground.


"Now vamonos kid, there are things I need to do as well." Paul was placed in the collar of the King's robe which was large enough to hide him.


Soon they passed by the Iron Throne which looked better than it was shown on the show.


The Eagle was still atop the red keep resting after eating a cat it caught near fleabottom.


Soon they were in the King's solar as Aegon seemed to act like a nervous man hiding something looking left and right, the Kingsguard behind him seemed worried for their King.


"Ahem, no one disturbs me today okay? I've been rather tired for the past few days with all these meetings." Aegon said as he closed the door of his room.


"Yes your majesty." Both the Kingsguard said as they stood ramrod straight outside the King's quarters.


Paul saw this and nodded in appreciation, these guys were decent that they might be equal to the other Great Warriors.


Soon as the door was closed, he jumped from the King's collar and landed on the floor.


"Okay, first let me be clear that I cannot help you with hatching a dragon and before you refute me there is a reason, which is why I did what I had done earlier by surrounding you with fire." Paul said as soon as he arrived making the King frown while also looking curiously at the small figure in front of him.


"Was the fire supposed to tell you anything? Is this a toy you are possessing? But why does the material seem familiar? Is it Valyrian steel?" The King said as his experience in meeting people when he squired with Duncan the Tall told him that he is in no danger.


"Yes, yes it did. You can still feel the heat of the flames and flinch at its sight. It means the targaryen magic within you has waned, targaryens were known to be able to bath in scalding hot water and fire should only feel warm for you but it didn't." Paul jumped from the floor then into the table nearby.


"Also this is a puppet made of Valyrian Steel, reasons for such is that it was quite conductive with magic. The flames of the dragon had magic that seeped in the metal during its creation so it is good material for a puppet." He can see the King was listening to him but as he opened the scroll something caught his attention.


It was in his real body, the bracelet that was silent had finally shown some action besides destroying things that are too much for this world.


"Wait a moment, a matter needing my attention happened where my real body is. But for my proposition first, instead of helping you hatching a dragon, you should try this first…" Paul then pulled out a medicine packet from the scroll shocking the King.


"…This packet is a special medicine blend that would strengthen your body, all you need to do is place it in a large tub of hot water then wait for it to cool down for a bit. Then you must bath in the medicinal bath, I warn you it will hurt so much but if you go through with it you will become stronger and possibly awaken the targaryen magic inside of you…" the last part was bullshit-no-jutsu on Paul's part.


"…you will feel your body like it was being ripped apart in every part by razor sharp claws. So don't forget to have something to bite on, you want to hatch a dragon then you would need to rekindle the magic within your blood. This is the first of the medicine I would apply on you, there would be more every week and I would monitor the process…" Paul packed up the scroll and left the packet to the King who is still confused.


"…Oh don't forget to wash up after because it will stink a lot once you are done…" King Aegon was still not sure if the puppet was real or that he was being affected by the madness known to run within their family.


"…I'll hide the puppet nearby but if you need me and I am not here then just leave this token on this small trinket box you have here. But make sure you are alone but if you are with someone I will contact you by dropping an eagle's feather near you, bye." Paul then made the puppet run so fast the King did not see him hiding on the trusses above.


He took over a rat's area in the roof by beating the rat up and tying it with ropes. He then placed a small toy house for the puppet since he at least liked to treat this one with care.


King Aegon was still stunned in place as he felt he weight of the packet in his hands. He felt it was real and realized that the Blood Lord might have been more mysterious than he thought he would be.


[Summer Sea]


Aboard Leviathan Paul was stumped as he saw the message from the bracelet.


{Ensure the following are successfully met:

*The Birth of the following- John Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Deanerys Targaryen, Robb Stark, Brandon Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, etc…

*The Technological development advance enough for the locals to develop into the Steam Age.

*Medical advancements that would help solve at least 75% deaths from illnesses.

*Defeat the Night King without personally fighting.

*Refine the local magic so no more pointless blood sacrifices are made.

Rewards would be calculated on how much of the tasks you have completed, for every 20% completion rate there would be prizes given to you.}


"Motha…..URGH!!" Paul wanted to punch the one who handled this Universe.


Now most of his plans had to be put on hold so he would not interfere with much of the events, but that would mean the King had to die which was too late because he already influenced the King to become a super soldier or super monarch.


This time Paul was stumped as he brainstormed on how to ensure the birth of these bunch of undeveloped sperm cells without having to kill the King and dumping away most of his initial plans.


"Gaghh! Fuck it, let's see if there is something I can use to make things go to shit like it did in the show." Paul then had the puppet spy on everyone on the castle.




"Please punish us your grace, we were not able to realize that somebody had gone so close to you. Our incompetence cannot be excused." A Kingsguard said as he kneeled in front of the King who told them about his meeting with the envoy.


King Aegon did not speak about what the Envoy looked like but just he had met already and learned of the offer that Paul had given him.


"Don't sweat yourself with such matters, I am alright am I not? No harm has come to pass and even if there were hundreds of you there would be no chance for any to notice the Envoy. It is as I had thought it would be, the Blood Lord knew magic and he has given me a chance to give birth to our ancestor's glory." King Aegon still held the packet in his hands as he knew he could not do it alone.


If what would happen as the envoy said then he must ensure his guards would not misunderstand while also confiding to his wife, the queen what is going to happen.


"Are you sure about this my love." Queen Betha Blackwood asked in worry when she heard what would happen if the King goes through this.


"I must, to ensure that we have enough say in the future to enact the reforms. Get ten Knights to guard me while my wife ensures I succeed in my ordeal." The King then arranged for this medicinal bath to be done immediately.


Many were curious as to what the King was doing but seeing the Kingguard and the Queen adamant that the King be not troubled they stepped back.


Even the princes were denied entry by their mother, soon the King was looking at the greenish water that smelt of herbs and medicine.


"Husband, you said you needed this." The Queen handed the naked King a thick leather strap to bite on, Aegon took in with nervous hands as he slowly dipped into the bath.


"Oh..ohhh that's not so ba-Agh! What the?...ARGGHHH!!!!!" the King dipped for a bit and felt the warmth of the medicine seep through his skin making him feel warm but soon the warmth turned to heat as it gradually became too much that he let go of the leather strap.


"Egg!" Queen Betha immediately held the King as she shouted to the closest Knight. "Ser Gerold help me hold the King down!"


She still remembered Aegon having her promise to keep him in the bath even when he is screaming in pain. The young knight ran in immediately shocked seeing the King red as a crab being boiled.


Soon he held the King down while the Queen herself placed the leather strap back to prevent the king from biting his tongue off.


The King convulsed in pain as he felt millions of pins piercing his body, he almost fainted but something in the medicinal bath kept him awake not knowing Paul was watching nearby.


He sent tiny lightning beast tracking fang jutsu to shock the King awake, the effect is better when taken in conscious. He also skillfully sent electrical messages that made the King subconsciously absorb the medicine faster.


This was a rather dangerous process but he had theorized that other than the magic getting weaker, the generations of interbreeding had made them weak in body that the magic turned those into madmen when it had no outlet.


The blood magic though weak had a weaker host which made them more prone to the Illness known in their family. This was an experiment of Paul's which would make him understand a bit about the targaryen line.


But at least he could ensure that the King would not die, physically he would become stronger but mentally is quite questionable for now.


Still the process went on for two more hours, the young knight Ser Gerold was sweating on his armor as he never thought that King could exert such a force. He even called for the help of three more knights to hold the king down.


While the Queen was pale worried of her husband but when she looked down she was shocked as the water had turned into something like Pitch.


The foul smell made them wrinkle their noses but they remembered the instructions of the King.


They pulled him out of the first bath with some of the black goo sticking to the King. Then they placed him on a nearby bath readied by the Queen's hand maidens.


They too were pale as they thought the Queen was torturing the King, but as soon as they wiped down the smudge they were shocked. Even Queen Betha as well as she knew the body of her husband, he used to be fit but recently he had neglected his body.


Seeing the familiar bumps on his husband's stomach made the Queen subconsciously smile. She also noticed how King Aegon seemed younger as the black smudge being washed away.


Soon the King's eyes started to clear as he felt the pain slowly going away, he weakly sat up from the bath while the Queen dismissed her handmaidens.


He looked at his body and was shocked seeing the past muscles he had when he squired for Duncan reappearing.


"Husband, this medicine, does the Blood Lord have something similar for women but without the pain and all of that." The Queen pointed at the tub filled with filth that could still be smelled even with incense lighted in the room.


"That I do not know Betha, I'll ask the envoy if he could make some for you." Aegon said as he slowly regained strength.


By the end of the day his steps became spry that the next day many subjects were shocked at the rejuvenated appearance of the King.

(A/N: I truly tried to emulate how people of this time would react and act but that was too much for me because perspective of such matters is really hard. Living at our era where information is available is vastly different living in medieval times which was dreary and sounds boring other than the crusades and knights fighting in the battlefield.

The politics on the other hand is harder, but I realized I have a lot of friends who would sell me for two buckets of fried chicken and I would do the same so I asked them questions on how they would act and their answers made me realize we were all idiots and I have no idea how nobles think in GOT.

So I rewatched the show just to have an idea and boy did I forget why I watched when the bewbs came out swinging, shit that Ross was freakin hot. Theon's a bitch boy by the way...)

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