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70.53% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 79: Chp 79 I can't wait...

Capítulo 79: Chp 79 I can't wait...

"Whoa whoa whoa! Gilgamesh in the flesh! To what do I owe this visit my cuddly large friend?" Kingo was surprised when a camper van arrived near his set and Gilgamesh came out from the driver's seat but he soon looked at the woman who peeked out the window.


"Get in, I'll explain on the way." Gilgamesh said as he looked at Kingo who was being followed by a rather chubby Indian guy.


"Why? You just got here and with Thena with you…" Kingo said but he leaned over and whispered in Gilgamesh ear when he was close. "…is it alright for you to bring her out G?"


"Yeah, she's fine now. No need to worry about Mahd-wy'ry again but you need to follow us since this is of importance." Gilgamesh said as he patted Kingo in the back.


"Sir! What about the movie?" Karun asked as he looked at the set being prepared.


"Oh right, G can I take care of something here a bit? It'll be quick." Kingo looked at the muscular Eternal with googley eyes.


"Yuck, don't look at me like that. Just be quick with it and don't tell Ajak or Ikaris about anything okay?" Gilgamesh said making Kingo pause a bit and looked back at his friend silently.


"Karun, can you reschedule everything I have up to the next month?" Kingo said making the chubby guy nod and run with his short stubby legs to inform the set as well as the other actors in the area about the changes.


They did not get angry at all since they cannot offend such a big wig like Kingo who came from a line of famous actors and performers with wealth that could be considered old money rich.


In a about ten minutes Kingo was going to the camper Van with Karun carrying a large bag following behind him.


"Who's this?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at Karun.


"Oh, this is Karun he's my valet or butler and he knows, his family has been serving me for generations," Kingo said as he looked at the small camper van thinking how did Gilgamesh live to only afford this thing.


"Oh, like Alfred with Batman…" Gilgamesh's words made Paul inside perk up thinking that he forgot to check on something, this he used his powers to search and indeed found that there as a DC comics within this world.


"Weird…" Paul said but the door to the side opened as Gilgamesh showed Kingo in but the dark skinned Eternal paused as he looked at Paul slouching by the sofa.


Then he looked around then stepped back and looked at the camper van again then walked in looking at the wide interior. Kingo was silent as he walked out and circled the van then got in again.


"Did Phastos do this?" Kingo asked as he seemed to have forgotten about Paul.


"Neat huh? Get it already, we'll be going to fetch Phastos then Sersi and Sprite." Gilgamesh said as he closed the door and went to the driver's seat which Kingo can see at the opened door at the side.


"Make yourself at home." Thena said as she was in the bar corner of the rather large room.


"Okay this is trippy and I want one on my plane." Kingo said but he looked at the other odd one out in the room.


"Paul Esteban glad to be of acquaintance." Paul smiled as he looked at the confused Eternal.


"Thena help…" Kingo looked at the silent woman who was staring down Karun making the chubby man sweat a bit.


"He's good, he's the one that showed us something to get out of our place and also owns this vehicle." Thena said making Kingo look at Paul more seriously.


"Does this come in Pink?" Kingo asked as he seemed seriously considering buying one from Paul.


"No, not yet. But I have a good Rose colored one though yet it is not here." Paul smiled as he looked at the rather amusing Eternal.


"Really? Can the interior be modified as well because I want to have mine a ballroom along with a Jacuzzi and many other things…" Kingo lost all restraint and went on a chatter spree as he thought about the things he can do if he has one of these vans.


"I have larger units as well like Buses and trucks, but they are still being made. Phastos can make these too if he likes but that would need for him to be with us here." Paul smiled as he saw that Phastos was currently holding a small baby with his partner in his home.


"Anyways, are we gathering the others except for Ajak and Ikaris? And why?" Kingo looked at Theno who was sipping on a cup of tea.


Paul and Thena looked at each other preparing to explain but it was at this time Gilgamesh came in.


"Okay, van's in the air so we'll get to talk about certain things." Gilgamesh looked serious as he walked towards Kingo.


[30 minutes later]


"What?! We are raising a celestial here on Earth?!" the once calm and cheerful Kingo was aghast as he learned the truth, Paul did not unlock his past memories since Gilgamesh and Thena said it was better for them to not know too much of their past.


Just the truth was enough and even then Kingo was shocked while Karun was on the side a bit scared.


"Hey." Paul called at the scared chubby indian.


"Huh? Is what they said true mister?" Karun was a bit scared not knowing what to do so he prayed a bit. Paul knew this was a bit too much to learn for this guy but he thought of a way to distract him.


"Who are you praying to?" Paul asked as he looked at Karun.


"I don't know, this moment I want to pray to all of them but will they really hear me?" Karun seemed despondent as he said this.


"That depends, if they are all in an orgy hosted by Zeus then maybe they are a bit busy. They tend to party everyday there in Omnipotence City with the other Gods, did you know there is a god named Bao? He's the god of dumplings and he is a sentient Dumpling that has powers…" Paul went on Yappanese mode as he talked with the nervous Karun.


His words made the Eternals pause and listen since there are things they were not aware of, there they heard that a smaller kind of Celestial were made as guards in the City while golden Dragons are present as well floating in the clouds.


Thena especially listened since she heard the name Zeus which means there must be an Athena, a real one. But she already knew a bit with her past memories and all yet things seemed a bit foggy since Paul ensure she would not overload her mind thinking everything all at once.


The whole journey was Paul talking a bit while they flew straight towards the location of Sersi who is now a teacher at a school in London.


A 'young' teacher full of promises who is currently flirting with a young man who looks like he knows nothing and sounded a bit winded with his voice.




"Motherf*cker, to think a lot of hidden actions were in plain sight all along. HYDRA has been releasing their members under the guise of them not guilty for the crimes committed by their leaders, what a load of bullsh*t." Fury said as he looked at some few old files which were from hidden vaults from the time of the SSR.


He was given a clue by Paul that this project paper clip has made SHIELD very vulnerable not just in SHIELD but also in the US government thus he went on investigating various things some politicians did for publicity.


At first glance it would seem just a way to gain voters and support but once he knew that these Politicians were HYDRA and the ones they released were supposed to be high level commanders of the organization makes him a bit angry that actions of HYDRA are totally in plain sight and nobody suspected a thing.


Like this Werner Reinhardt, who was a high level researched of HYDRA that was put in captivity by Peggy Carter herself. Who he recently gave a visit since she has a right to know the capsicle is alive and also inform her of the release of her prisoner during 1989.


Since then no signs of Reinhardt was ever seen but to think a rather zealous HYDRA member was released meant trouble.


Even for a few years he can maybe put a lot of people into their fold and slowly build up from there.


And it says a lot when the one released was a researcher that knows the tech HYDRA used to manufacture which even now was a bit ahead of its time.


Fury now understood many things like project Pegasus which he thought was just a precaution to prepare for alien invasions since he himself had knowledge from the Skrulls of the strength of various alien empires.


A lot of stress and a lot of work, add up Stark who recently made his stunt of exposing himself made things a bit hard.


But it gave Fury a chance as HYDRA had their eyes set on the power armor of Stark giving them openings that were fed to the X-men and Ophelia Sarkissan.


"These are just the ones we uncovered right now director and that is just from this hidden base. What more would we find once we search everything rather scares me." Maria Hill said as she felt a bit disturbed at the information she too learned.


"Well, it pains me to say it but there are a lot of sh*t show we are going to face from now on. Consider it a gut feeling of mine, but for now we can rest easy for a bit knowing that no one would dare use Nukes right now ever since our friend made his say on our world's matters." Fury said as he kept browsing the files in his hands.


"Are we going to rely on him sir?" Maria Hill asked unsurely since she knew Fury would never place his bets on one person, even if that one person is a very powerful one.


"We don't have much of a choice Hill, things are going too fast and we have no seatbelts to hold us in. He does have the cover for us that will let us in the ride even when there are going to be lots of loops on the way." Fury said as he looked at Maria Hill who was still looking unsure at his words.


"Like you are thinking I usually do not put my eggs in one basket of course, but if this basket is made up of Nuke proof material and could potentially crush everyone in the planet if he pleases then my nights is as peaceful as a country side Villa." Fury stood up and grabbed a cup on a side table then went to pour himself some coffee.


"I see, what about the avengers Initiative sir?" Maria Hill asked as she was curious about this initial plan of Fury.


"He did say it'll be successful, but I won't go complacent yet since it seems he already gave us a way to sort things out for ourselves. Seems not bad being baby sit on for a while, many things we recently learned would have been only solved by making rather tough calls." Fury sat back down again and read more on the files.


"How long do you think he'll babysit us sir?" this time it was Coulson who is going to be sent to New Mexico for a new assignment.


"That I do not know of, I just hope it will not end soon. You ready to go to this 084 Agent?" Fury looked at Coulson who seemed to be rather relaxed.


"Absolutely sir, just had to come here and tell you I'll be going in a few minutes." Coulson said as he looked at some files on the table.


"Why not ask for help from him sir? He does not seem to mind much." Coulson said as he looked at Fury who frowned a bit.


"You know he still charges us a hundred gran every time he uncovers a spy but this also includes the miss which by now has made up to 60 million of American taxes in his pockets." Fury scowled as he seemed a bit upset at Paul's exorbitant prices.


"Yes, but we get to write it off as charity since he always donates them somewhere. We did get a lot of fresh potential recruits because of this." Coulson said while Maria Hill nodded since she too got a long list of good seeds discovered early due to the many charity programs Paul made.


"Though even now I can still not understand the way he thinks." Maria Hill said as she thought of the various assessment and data they have gathered on Paul.


"You don't have to, only thing you need to understand about mister Esteban from my observation of him is that he is very simple. He does what he wants if ever he feels like it, though it sounds a bit childish he does not do anything detrimental to us based on our knowledge." Coulson said as he remembered the relaxed way he just acts as the cashier in the Gym.


"So what do we have to be able to prevent that?" Maria Hill was a bit worried as she thought about this.


"None, we can do nothing about it. That guy activated all the world's nuke supply at the same time in one minute, his punches could clear out large areas of land if it ever hits earth and we have not seen the limits of all of it yet." Fury's voice sounded out as he was in the table reading the file of the very first 084.



"But he is the last resort if things ever go sideways so right now we better put together our special team in place to handle the rather bizarre stuff we cannot handle but won't need the assistance of our dear friend, let us just hope Romanoff's assessment of Stark will be music to our ears once she's done." Fury said as he put down the file and looked at Coulson.


"Don't you have an 084 to handle Coulson?" Fury said making the two in front of him look at each other.


"I'll be on it Director Fury." Coulson smiled and left to go towards New Mexico.


"Ever since we found the captain he has been rather excited and active in doing missions." Maria Hill said as she looked at the retreating figure of Coulson.


"I'd be giddy too if I could meet and idol of mine in person, but enough of that. We have a lot of files to comb through Agent, we better get working." Fury said as he looked at his assistant.


"Yes Sir." Hill nodded as she too returned to which vault she was scouring in.


"*Sigh* Finally, I thought I could never get a break." Fury said as soon as no one was in his office and picked up a glass underneath the table and a bottle of gin.


"An hour rest should be good enough…" Fury then slunk back on his seat as he sipped a few on his glass.




In a dark room a couple of individuals had just finished their plans of action against a recent threat that had recently defeated the strongest of their group.


"Are we really going to make a move on this new Variable?" a deep male voice said.


"I concur, must we offend someone that has defeated En'Sabah Nur alone? If this plan ever goes south then we might just have made an enemy for nothing." A mature voice sounded out in the dark room.


"There is nothing to fret, If this plan works we might be able to gain a chance to put this powerful being into our palms and if goes bad we can just tell that this is nothing but a test and invite him in." an old proud voice said in the room.


"That's right, we have nothing to fear of this new man. Though he might have defeated Apocalypse, he is one mere mortal. If the plan ever fails then that means he is probably the same as us, but if it succeeds he will die like the rest of the mortals that dare meddle in our grand design of the world." A man's haughty voice sounded out as he voices his opinion.


"Hmph, even then that is no reason to provoke someone stronger than that pretender. You may go on about this plan of yours but I will not be part of it nor my Guild of Thieves and Assassins place our hands in this matter." Another charming voice sounded out coupled with the clacking of heels as the person left the room in a calm manner.


"I too will not partake in this endeavor, I still have a country to rule and I will not risk my kingdom endangered in your plans which since the beginning we have no part of. You revel on your illusion of control but do not include me in your plan on self-destruction…" the mature feminine voice sounded out as she also left while darkness followed her steps.


"Do not mind them, they are but unable to see the vision we have of the future and we will be the ones to rule this future." The arrogant voice of the male said as he looked at the ones left.


"When will I be able to fight him?" a brusque deep voice said as a man with large stature looked at the one that proposed the plan.


"Soon, you will get to face him soon. This will be the time we announce to the world who their rightful rulers are and you will be the one to open the curtains, Crule." The arrogant man's voice sounded out while he looked at the burly man that was illuminated by moonlight from the small window that is present on the room.


"Hehehe… I can't wait."

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