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54.46% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 61: Chp. 61 MC uses Bullsh*t-no-jutsu

Capítulo 61: Chp. 61 MC uses Bullsh*t-no-jutsu


The ones on the ship were cleared and done since Paul gave Noah a tablet to control the crane remotely. He then had Ling control a diver Mech to dig out the corpses of the two Genod's so he could have the others know of Kana and Bota's accomplishments.


Paul grew tired in the stupid actions of the rich people on the settlements like Union Busan. He had not checked on them for a while but somehow they went on an all-time low.


Now the water inside the shelter was rationed and said that the Fish Disease was found again inside the Union. But Paul knew that was a lie the rich people came up to cull the population as resources of the rich were getting thin.


And the water was totally contaminated with the virus because the mad doctor thought that the humankind has no more hope and all should evolve thus he placed mutagens of Kentrassi on the water.


Paul was fuming mad when he found out, these kind of people are what he hates the most. Sure he experimented on people but with their consent and understanding.


Yet this? A lie to make people drink the virus and now the idiotic self-proclaimed harpoonist of the Union now oppressed the poor with the thought that they were better because they were harpoonist.


The Mad doctor really had a defeatist mind, his view of human needing to evolve is right but to go on about with a slapstick science theory of making them evolve by making people drink mutagens of a Sea Devil is just plain moronic with no backed up science research. 


Paul really had hoped that they would at least develop for the better but they just made him see a lower side of humanity. Now Paul was thinking of using this family to take over that Shelter as a start then maybe influence the others slowly.


So he called for them the next day after the whole town has calmed down. This was the first time Sea Monsters ever attacked the Port, this was supposed to be the famed town where no monsters attacked.


The populace was scared and thought of Kana and Bota who were said to have defeated the Genod couple that lived under Port Oasis. Paul had them gathered as well but he would deal with them after talking with Teon Ma.


Inside a meeting room, Paul looked at the people present. Teon Ma's family, Kana, Ling and Noah, as well as Jako's group and the new town representative Mr. Mao.


"I called you all here because there is something I wanted to discuss." Paul said as he looked at the people present.


"What is it mister Curse Demon?" Jako asked in trepidation as he still felt fear from Paul, knowing he was able to make Skutoom run away.


"First of all my name is Paul not curse Demon. Secondly for the past years I have been…opps wait a minute." Paul looked serious for a moment until he pulled out a circular orb and pressed the top making it hum to life.


"Okay, that's better. What I am about to tell you shall remain here until we are all ready, because what I will show you will change the entirety of the world once word got out. So I take it that no one will speak of this once everyone leaves this room." Paul said in all seriousness as he radiated killing intent making the weaker ones sweat at the heavy feeling.


"Okay, for the past few years I have been wandering ever since I woke up and investigated what caused everything that is happening right now. I have been in cryogenic sleep for years that I recently woke up so it took a while for me to find the cause.


It wasn't until that Genod made a move on Rita did I receive a response from my equipment about a psionic Pulse that spread all over the planet…" Paul pressed a button on a remote in his hands making the orb in the table show a hologram of the earth while a red dot can be seen on the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


"…this was formerly the area of the Pacific Ocean, where 130 years ago an unexplained explosion happened spreading lots and lots of steam all over the world via air. This is where the Virus started spreading, this is where the largest piece of the comet that hit the moon landed and waited to spread its seeds…"


"Seeds?" Ling asked in confusion.


"…that's right seeds if we should give it a term, one for example is the thing that Narissa Ma has found in the ocean bed that gave her the Fish Disease…"


"!" Teon looked shocked as soon as Paul said that.


"…Anyways, this was when the spikes of events where the sea monsters became rampant. I have followed the trails of many roads and it led me to this…" Paul showed an image of the being in the pacific.


"What is that?" Kana looked creeped out for some reason while Rita was somewhat silent.


"…This Kana, is what I coined to be the 'Queen'. A being that has control over all Sea Monsters including the Seven Devils of the Sea." Paul's words made those present wide eyed as they did not expect that there was something much more dangerous than the seven devils.


"Let me all finish, thankfully this being somewhat became mild in her having the sea monsters kill people in the recent years. It has roots all over the sea as it sucks water and heated it below the lava and builds up a lot of pressure by collecting the steam so it can recreate what it did 130 years ago…"




"That's right, this was the one that did that explosion that spread the virus far and wide. It builds up a lot of pressure while placing some of these seeds which would send it into the air and make the virus go farther in the planet. It also plans to make a large one so some of the seeds would go to space and float there to land on distant planets…"


Paul showed them a video presentation on how that would happen making the people inside watch in awe.


"…but it did not kill all of humanity because of one person. It's tentacles reach far and wide thus absorbed the dead fishes as well as other organic matter as food to develop itself. It also has a nasty habit of merging the memory of the devoured matter into its mind…"


"So that's why the sea monsters became smarter and could do things like open a door." Jako mused as he listened.


"…yes, the queen could give the sea monsters traits copied from many organic matter it received. But one person made her act tame in the last few years, a mother…" Paul's words made the people present silent as they had been murmuring with each other from the words of Paul.


"…Whose thoughts about her children and her hopes and love that they grow up fine made the queen curious, curious about human life, curious about emotions, curious about being a mother. So she went ahead to gain a child, and what better than the children of the woman that she absorbed. Bota and Rita…" Paul looked at the two kids as well as Teon who was now stunned as tears started to pour out his eyes.


The other present in the room were also wide eyed as Paul revealed the part.


"…yes, Narisa's thoughts were so powerful and full of love that it influenced the Psyche of the Queen to watch over the kids. It was there when Kentrassi attacked you, it was there when you roamed the market place of Busan, she is everywhere watching curiously in the background at how humans lived but she recently lost sight of the siblings because she did not factor in the humans grow. In its mind it only saw a baby Rita and young Bota…"


Paul's words made those present shiver at how this Queen seemed to be watching them for years. Teon especially as he never thought his wife would be able to influence such a powerful monster.


"…since it can make Sea monsters and absorb a lot of organic matter, humans are also included. So it knows how to make a human clone that could watch everything like a curious child looking all over the world. Thus Rita is not out of the red yet, she knows you are out here and does not worry as you are now a part of her thus she can influence your mind…" Paul's words made Teon, Bota and Kana stand up pale and scared.


"I-is there no cure? Can't we just cure Rita? Don't you have machines in your boat that can?" Teon Ma was looking desperate as he thought about losing her child when he just got back to them.


"…whoa, chill. All hope is not lost yet, so calm down will you? As I was searching I also studied the Virus, so just like I said before. It can change a person into the genetic level, right now it is impossible to make Rita back into a normal human. But there is another way we can prevent her from being influenced by the Queen." Paul said while looking serious and all.


"Tell us, we will do anything so please tell us?" Bota said with reddened eyes as he kneeled in front of Paul while Kana and Teon also kneeled but Paul waved his hand and they floated back to their seats shocking those present.


"A mysterious thing the mind is no? It is so bizarre that a normal woman could affect a large powerful being like the Leviathan Queen who is a very powerful Psionic being." Paul smiled as he looked at the dumbfounded eyes present.


"Evolution, that is how Rita can avoid being at the mercy of the Queen." Paul said as he gave Ling and Noah a piece of chocolate making them silent on the side munching the candies.


"Is that how you became strong?" Kana asked as she seemed fiery eyed.


"Yes, but my direction would not suit Rita. The Virus is too seeped into her body, other people I can use my own ways but Bota and her cannot be compatible with my ways. So you must find another person whose specialty is in this field a certain madman who is currently reviving a foe you fought years ago to the death Teon…" Paul smirked as he saw the faces of the ones in front of him morph in understanding.


"Dr. Foid." Kana

"Kentrassi" Teon

"Revived?" Bota

"*Nomnom* Huh?" Rita


Paul patted the confused Rita who is snacking on dried meat that Paul made last night. It was just dehydrated Tuna meat which was like a jerky after it was put on a dehydrator for a few hours.


"Union Busan is on its way here from my scans they are four days away from here as they seem to have heard I was present in this place. So now that is out let us move on the other agenda, taking over the whole Union Busan…" Paul said like it was a simple dinner plan.


"What?!" the ones present were shocked as they thought Paul to be mad.


"Let me show you something…" Paul then pressed a button to show a video about how the leaders of the Union planned to cull the undesirables by blaming them to be sick with fish disease. And how the story of Teon Ma being a traitor came to be.


He used memories of others he found and reworked them making them like a blurry 90s video but was enough to be understood. The people present were stunned at the video while Paul was giving more dried tuna to Rita that acted adorably cute as she munched on the meat.


"That Dohu!! He dared lay a hand on Rita!? Was me cutting his hand off not enough for that bastard to stop trying to hurt my family? " Teon Ma banged his fist on the table so hard that it broke into pieces while his eyes reddened seeing the part Dohu tried to kill Rita and Bota.


"That trash! To lay a hand on a 9 year old! How can such scum exist!?" Jako was also fuming as the others were also angry.


"So that was why they labeled you as a traitor back then!" Gongtae was angry as well seeing the various clips Paul showed.


"A day from now, various ships from different shelters will come here to try and invite me. But I will use this as a chance to make a statement, that is why I would have Kana and Bota claim their kill as Harpoonist. Kana can add another star while Bota can now have one. Also there would be red stars placed on their tattoo to indicate they killed a Genod each…" Paul's words made the people shocked.


"..and before you react there is a reason for this, I want Kana and Bota take Rita inside Union Busan to meet this Dr. Foid. Tell him that you want to cure Rita of the virus but understanding that madman he will rather experiment on her by injecting the mutation of Kentrassi on her…"


"NO!! I do not want to be a monster!" Rita was suddenly angry as she said this with reddened eyes.


"…don't worry kid, of all the people inside this room you are one of the least likely to become a monster. You're such a sweet little girl, but you must go through this or else the Queen will one day exert her will upon you and control you like her puppet…" Paul patted Rita on the head as he calmed her down.


"But… if I get mutated more then I'll become like the sea monsters." Rita murmured as she feared that she'll one day not be able to control her urges and might her someone someday.


"…what makes a monster and what makes a human is totally different things Rita, but it is not our physical appearance. Don't you know a human that is less than garbage and acts more of a monster right? That poop head Dohu who has lots of insecurities, he is physically human but he is poop through and through am I right?" Paul said to Rita who seemed to understand a bit.


"Yes! He is totally poop!" Rita waved her fist in the air as she imagined punching Dohu in the face.


"That's right Rita, that guy stinks a lot!" Bota also did the same as his sister joining her as they punched an imaginary Dohu in the air.


"…let me show you something…" Paul stood up from his seat and walked towards a rather wide area in the room. He then slowly transformed his arms as well as his body into his werewolf form but only about 70% man and 30% wolf standing about 3 meters tall.


"WHAT THA HAIYL?!" Jako screamed as an over exaggerated chinese accent came out of his mouth, the others were slack jawed as they saw Paul transform into something else.



"As you can see, I am not entirely human as well Rita. But am I a bad guy?" Paul talked in his were wolf form as he sat down in a crosslegged position to be at the same level as Rita eye to eye.


"No, mister is good and mister is smart." Rita was curious that she reached out her hand and grabbed a beard of the wolf form of Paul.


"Fluffy…" Rita's eyes became dazed as she stood up and climbed on Paul's back to feel the fluffy fur, Ling and Noah were bright eyed as well as they too climbed the large back of Paul to feel the fur.


"In truth I am not of your world, I am someone from a different reality. When I came to your world it was hundreds of years ago and many myths came from my arrival. Others were also present but from what I can see I am the only one living left…" Paul used bullshit-no-jutsu.


"So you are an Alien?" Jako asked as he looked at the imposing form of Paul.


"No, I am human. This is nothing but a vessel for my soul, I intend to find a way back to my reality but is seems the Psionic energy of the Queen is blocking the planet and I cannot connect to my real body." Paul used Bullshit-no-jutsu again.


"Real Body? Psionic energy?" Sonia murmured as she looked at the wolf form of Paul and still thought he is handsome with the muscular furry body. The others also calmed down and believed Paul's words as they went quiet to listen.


[Bullshit-no-jutsu successful!]

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