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30.35% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 34: Chp. 34 Making personalized Mech

Capítulo 34: Chp. 34 Making personalized Mech

[Drowned Earth Wolf Clone]


Paul had taken care of this Teon Ma for weeks and now able to leave him be being supported by Medical devices. Now he is deep in research as he studied the virus being released by this Queen and how it has a connection to all of the sea monsters in Earth.


He also found out how it has tentacles running deep within the Earth and was gathering steam and heat from the Earth to keep the polar caps from freezing again. Because if it did then the water levels would subside and would give humans land where they can develop.


The Queen is keeping humans in as she was curious as she found them interesting due to the effect of Narisa's last will on her. Paul was just in the dark letting the people be as they struggled to survive, he's not a saint or anything in that matter as he has no plans in building an influence here when the world barely has a population of three million world-wide.


But the least he could do was to make a cure against this virus so it would not affect the humans surviving here once he leaves. He also found the other Seven Devils and saw how the one called Kentrassi is being fed and cared by the mad scientist of Busan.


But Paul just ignore the guy, if the thing backfire's it's their fault, he even discovered the children of Teon Ma staying above them living life normally with this scantily dressed Kana, a strong talented Harpoonist.


Since the kids are safe and these Genods here are asleep since he made them rest but sometimes he doesn't pay attention the male goes out and captures more divers. Paul frowned and saw that the Mayor seemed to direct these divers to be captured by the beast.


But Paul intervened, he let the good ones live and 'luckily' walk past the traps while pirates or people that had heavy sins were let to be captured and used by the beast. He also had the beast look for fish more than use humans and made the female accept it reluctantly.


This irregular actions of Genod made the Mayor tense as his understanding of the beast could not tell him what it was planning to do. Now he lived in fear that maybe the beast was angry at him and would surface to kill all of them.


Paul still did not get out but he still let supplies be found by divers, especially a guy named Jako. He found the guy to be a great man of honor and has a noble sense of finding the cure for the fish disease.


Right now his research has borne fruit as he understood the nature of the virus, he found ways to be able to handle what mutation a fish will have. Somehow the Queen used templates from the first humans she devoured so the reason why some sea monsters has hands and were intelligent enough to hunt people with traps.


The seven devils were the product of this and now they terrorize the people all over the world. So Paul made a counter virus that would kill this virus only and would die out if there are no more virus to kill.


He spent two years there using the various resources available which were plenty without the knowledge of the three inhabitants. Paul was able to make a hundred robots of different classifications.


Now he was able to hollow out a large part of mountain the whole Union Hong Kong was built upon and made a base deeper than what most divers could go. There he built a large domed space where many experiments were being made.


This time Paul was able to use his mental powers to the fullest by trying to use it like Magneto does. He was able to heighten his senses to feel the particles of metal and rock under then controlled it to change shape.


No one was able to notice how the base of the whole Port Oasis was now reinforced and stronger than ever. He was also able to find broken ships and tanks which he melted and made into something else.


Since he had learned the advance tech here he is now designing the largest ever creation he is going to make and was every boy's dream to pilot, a giant robot. Paul took a break in his research in the virus and watched as the two 90 meter tall mech he is making starting to take shape.


It followed the design of the Gundam CMS-223Z Zila, one very common Gundam that the protagonist would fight.


There were no weapons system on it yet other than the 50 meter long axe he had made that looked like a normal Hudson Bay axe, but bigger and made of Steel.


The other has the Mock Gunpla design, it was a stocky appearance and seemed to be the tanky version. Paul felt that he'll have a hard time making the programming work on these two but maybe he can go with the path similar to the Pacific Rim.


Giant Robots killing alien monsters underwater, quite a cinematic experience. He still has various small seagull drones flying about recording this and wanted to show this to Fury or maybe make a TV show or movie using the footage.


One thing Paul can say is that this world is full of trash lying about not being used. Now he is completely taking advantage of the advance tech here and sought to make the Neural Bridge similar to Pacific Rim.


Only he can pilot the mechs since he has a greater mind and the brain of the clone would not even burn out since it is now made of formations and liquid metal. Now he has monsters and robots in his hands, Paul is excited to play with his new toys.


He made the robots since he saw the other Seven Devils, Genod and Kentrassi was about 30-40 meters long and 10-15 meters tall if they lie prone weighing about 500 metric tons. They could also make many offspring that equals normal sea monsters.


Skutoom the large crab was 10 meters tall and 25 meters in diameter weighing about 350 metric tons with full body armor even tank rounds cannot pierce.


The one called Wormtooka was not so big but it has thousands of 4 meter long leech-like minions that would help it terrorize people.


Kraken is like its name, a large mutated squid 150 meters long from tip to tentacle. It is roughly about 750 metric tons in weight.


There is also this Bazrah, which Paul cannot know which fish the thing was but it was as large as the Kraken but only about 120 meters long and could shoot mini Bazrahs that explode. Also has its own minions that swim along with it.


Lastly the largest Gordic, the Whale beast that is 110 meters long and about 1800 metric tons in weight. It is the largest and the only other one that other than Skutoom that swims alone.


Paul saw them and thought how cool would it be if he could film the fight but now all things are automated here and the bots would just continue until they finished doing everything within the blueprint.


Now his computer just needs to finish calculating the equation he placed to see if he could make a similar tech in pacific rim using the advancements of this world.


Teon Ma is still in a Coma and he does not know when the guy will wake up, Paul was indeed tempted to bring them with him since they seem great warriors and he might need to have some people working for him too and not rely everything on robots.


For now he plans to disconnect much of his tech in Marvel World until Ultron is taken care off and Vision is borne. Some things Paul felt he should not change but he'll do what he can to make things better.


[Two Weeks later]


A lonely battered ship sailed towards the Trading Cities but what differentiated this ship to the others is that it has a lone occupant. Paul thought that maybe he should try to appear a bit since the underground mech factory of his is still ongoing and he has nothing to do until the results of the various cultures he made are done.


Paul found a 50 fishing vessel under the sea and refurbished it a bit to make it sea worthy. He is currently wearing but a pair of military pants and combat boots while a large 5 meter long double edged Steel Pole Axe made from parts of a ship welded together. The blade was about a meter wide and there were no signs of it being a Harpoonist weapon.


But his 6'9" frame and bulging muscles made the men in the port move sideways as he waited for someone to come to his ship. Then a group of Harpoonist walked towards him and saw his stature making them alert.


"Halt! State your name and Business here in the Trading Ports!" an old Harpoonist looked at Paul's gruffy face but his eyes landed on his shoulders seeing no Harpoonist tattoo making him breathe a bit but it made his face look more smug.


"I'm selling fish…" Paul said as he went to the side of the cargo hold of the Ship.


"We have fish here, what trick are planning to do here mis-gergkh!!" the man was about to find fault on Paul since a ship as large as this is rare to come by seeing it is mostly intact.


And he saw no other people inside meaning the guy was alone with a large ship, but when the doors on the side opened and dozens of corpses of sea monsters poured in made the guy swallow his planned words.


"This fish, so how much for this lot?" Paul said as he pulled on large whale sea monster that was almost as large as a Leviathan.


"Ughh….I'll call my supervisor could you please wait a minute sir?" the guy and the other Harpoonist gave Paul a wide berth as they went about to call the business men in the port.


Soon large number of people were looking at Paul's dirty attire and was amazed at how much Sea Monster blood was flowing out. It was then the scouts above realize what the bloody trail behind the guy was.


"This is bad, that much blood would attract a lot of sea monsters." The scout said but his partner made him calm.


"Don't worry, it's still the first half of the morning. There's no sea monsters coming this way to follow this ship." The man said.


Soon the wealthy people of the port came running down seeing large amounts of Sea monsters and wanted to inspect them. And when they saw Paul's intimidating frame they gulped then their eyes landed on that large slab of metal he carried around making them sure the guy was no pushover.


They all accepted the sea monsters because some scientist in Union Busan loved buying the stuff and would do so for a good price. Some of the kills of Paul were still alive but barely, yet is made the rich men happy since they could store these ones and sell it still kicking.


Paul did not say much but just went back to his ship to sail away as he looked at the currency this world has. He weighed the bag and was about to leave when one of the men asked something.


"Sir, are you not a harpoonist?" asked a man.


"Harpoonist? What's that?" Paul acted dumb as he looked at the man asking.


"Umm, sir how do you not know what a Harpoonist is?" the guy was shocked at Paul's question and it made the others present curious as well.


"I asked didn't I? Can it be eaten?" Paul said but his attention was on a small child watching everything. He knew it was the Queen but he just ignored it.


"Sir how long were you adrift in sea on that boat?" asked a female Harpoonist as she glanced imperceptibly inside the ship and saw many large skulls lying about beyond the pile of Sea monster corpses.


"I don't know, my whole life I guess. Just woke up and all the world was is deep water so I swam up and found a ship to fix. Then I sailed here, what year is it anyway?" Paul looked genuinely curious making the people look at each other unsure what to say.


"You swam up? Where were you before?" a man realized Paul's words and asked this.


"I don't know, I don't have a map with me but all I can tell from the stars is that it's roughly 120 years from when I've been…" Paul said as he walked back not caring at the people behind him. It wasn't until a large hand help Paul's shoulder as a man held him while smiling sinisterly.


"Hehehe, why the rush my friend? Come tell me where you came from, there might be people there too if you really speak the truth. Tell me did you come from a cryogenic chamber did you not? Most people before wanted to store themselves is places full of relics that keeps people alive for decades so please care to tell me the general direction of where you came from friend?"


A short man behind asked as he felt that Paul might be a person from the past who came from a hidden underground bunker full of relics. He waved his short swords around like it was a show but he was threatening Paul and the people around them moved away since these two were members of a large Harpoonist group.


Hearing that Paul swam up meant that maybe he came below the sea and only the ruins are below the sea. The amount of wealth possibly stored there is making the man drool not realizing that the man grabbing Paul's shoulder was sweating buckets.


'I can't move him at all!' that was all on the guy's mind as his harpoonist gear a battle suit seemed to not faze Paul a bit in the slightest as he wanted to guy to turn around but Paul stayed still looking at him with a poker face.


"Me and my fellow here are kind people so we want to save other people there that might have been sleeping like you have been. Now would you please follow my friend's guidance here and come with us for a drink shall we?" the short man asked smugly as he saw there was no harpoonist tattoo in Paul's shoulder thinking this was a greenhorn that has no experience of the real world.


"Really? I come with a ship of dozens of dead sea monsters and first thought you have was to coerce me by force?" Paul looked at the short man blankly as he raised his hand and grabbed the face of the bulky guy that is holding him, then he slowly applied pressure.


"Let go of me!!" the guy said as he let go of Paul but his face was trapped will as his brain felt like it was going to be crushed. "AAGHH!!! NO PLEASE EMRCY –ARGHH!!! IT HURTS!!!"


The large guys scream made the short man realized he kicked a steel plate but he still moved quickly as he waved his short swords towards Paul's face using gas to propel his attack faster.


But what he did not expect was for Paul to swing the other guy towards him making him pause and roll back to dodge.


"You know I just woke up and fixed this dump here behind me and before I could sleep these ugly bastard attacked the whole night. Now I see a sign of human civilization to get money here thinking they might buy the dead bodies of these things, yet first thought you came up with is let's threaten this guy into giving my past location?" Paul said coldly.


"I said I do not know right? All I can see is water and you even have this guy hold me still to what? Interrogate me? You think I'm dumb? Who would trust your ugly face!? You look like your mother dropped you in the toilet to flush you out!" Paul swung the guy in his arms like a rag doll trying to hit the small guy wanting to stab him.


"And can't you see this thing?" Paul walked towards the large axe still waving the guy in his hands to the smaller dude. "I made this from a bunch of scraps! In a broken ship! Wanna see what it can do?!"


Paul's words had made the small guy angry beyond measure as he tried to land a strike to him but when he saw Paul lift the large crudely made Pole Axe he paled. He saw how Paul lifted it with one arm and was about to swing it to him but a shout stopped Paul in his track.


"Halt!! Who dares to cause trouble here in the Trading Port!!?" a group of Harpoonist in uniform went to see the ruckus but Paul's form with the very large axe aimed to swing down and the unconscious body in his hands made the men pause and draw their weapons out.


"You there drop the axe and let go of the civilian!" the man in front did not see any weapons on the guy on Paul's hand and seeing him in an aggressive stance while the smaller guy in front looked ugly and weak. He assumed Paul to be the trouble maker in the people present.


"Are you police or something? And why should I drop my axe? Just cause you say so?" Paul acted like a hillbilly not knowing anything at all as he still aimed for the small guy.


"You are violating the law by attacking Harpoonist and we are the law here!" the man said as he readied his stance.


"Oh, really? Then show me your badge and ID number as well as which law states these fools here to force me to follow them where they want, go ahead and ask the people here what really happened before you go trigger happy there." Paul placed the axe on his shoulders as he looked towards the group of Harpoonist slowly taking positions all around him.


"You don't get to say anything commoner, you attacked a harpoonist and that is a crime worth death so be obedient and drop your axe." The man was confident because they were many and he saw no tattoo on Paul's shoulder.


"And again what the hell is a Harpoonist anyways?! You all go Harpoonist this Harpoonist that blah blah blah yet none of you answered my question!" Paul acted upset as he banged the butt of the pole on the port making it shake unsteadily as a loud thud reverberated.


"Hey what are you doing!? That guy is innocent it was those two ugly people that wanted to force him because they wanted to know where he came from, it seems the guy might be a survivor from a hidden ruin." A girl shouted which made the short man angry since he didn't want others to get Paul, he had already called for help and was waiting for his team to arrive.


"You shut up! You don't know what you're talking about, this guy just attacked us out of nowhere when we were just having a peaceful morning stroll. We don't know him at all!" the short man tried to excuse himself out not wanting to be enemies as well to the Trading Port's Harpoonist.


"You having a peaceful morning stroll? Look at your face, it's so ugly it make the day unpleasant for everybody. And besides who would trust an ugly face like yours, you look like a malnourished red haired orangutan that got bald due to how ugly you are." Paul said which made the guy twitch his face in anger making it red as he held himself in.


"I've seen ugly sea fish here but you make them all handsome with how much of a scumbag looking your face is."


"Even the devil let you out of hell because you were so ugly demons cried at the sight of your face."


"When you were born you got disowned by your parents then adopted the neighbor's old flea ridden homeless person to be their child because it looks more appealing than your face."


"Fish die seeing your face!"


"Bird's won't even sh*t on you fearing they'd get ugly too if anything of their sh*t touch you!"


"Mirrors break when your reflection appears on them!"


"When you drown the sea will spit you out at how ugly you are."




"Enough!! *sobs* Okay I give up *sob* Why do you have to be so mean! Waghh!!*sobs*" the short guy let go of his knives then cried in the corner as he felt no one loves him anymore. The other guys ready to pounce were stunned as they too felt pity at the sudden rain of hurtful words from Paul and they too felt scared he'll say something about them.


Paul shrugged his shoulders as he let go of the guy and went to his boat not caring for the stunned audience. Then sailed away, the team members of the short guy arrived and saw him crying in the corner.


No one spoke as they felt pity for the mental health of the short guy, it wasn't until the unconscious big guy woke up they learned what happened. They also asked the bystanders and heard what was said to their friend.


"Hey, don't worry man. You're not that ugly at all, look." The big guy said and took out a mirror to have the small man see his face.




The mirror cracked making the atmosphere as silent as ever because even the Port guards saw this and stifled their laughter at the coincidence.


"*Sobs* Boohooo, the mirror cracked! *Sobs* Waaahhhh!!" the short guy wailed as he cried by the corner.


Paul has wanted to have a presence in this world but he did not expect he gained a nickname on the first day he appeared, the "Curse Demon of the Sea". His appearance spread towards the Harpoonist community as well as his feat in making a two star Harpoonist cry with just his words.


The rumors of him being possibly a human from the past that survived someway using a hidden ruin with possible treasures made divers and Harpoonist a bit active in the area of the Trading Town.


From time to time they could find a ship just floating with dozens of dead Sea monsters around it while a bare chested man with an Axe so large sat leisurely on the front of the ship not caring for the carnage at all.


This earn his a great reputation in the seas and various Shelters, but he was always so elusive and no one could pinpoint where his ship is.


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