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50% American Fox / Chapter 18: 18

Capítulo 18: 18


Lupin was just having one of those days where nothing is going his way. Like tonight for example, where he finally managed to steal the Power Stone from empress Barbie at closing scene of her two duaghter's play. Which is why he, Goemon, Fujiko and Daisuke are now hightailing it in their getaway car, with what it seems just about everyone in France version of Spookhouse is now after them. 


"Drive faster!" Lupin shouted to Fujiko who's driving the car. He and Daisuke are firing their guns at the two securitrons who are leading the chase. Behind them are a number of police cars some with people from other worlds in them, in the air are 4 eyebots keeping an eye on them with some winged fliers also chasing after them. Even Rocksteady, Bebop, and Hops are on their trail, with the others guarding the royal family. 


"This thing isn't that fast you know," Fujiko shouted back, the car unlike the cars they're use to isn't one that goes over 20 miles per hours. Seeing how cars are still new around here.


"These things are bullet proof," Daisuke said reloading his gun. 


"Stop firing before they start firing back at us. This car be torn apart the moment those robots open fire," Goemon said. 


"Oh yeah, those lasers would eat right through the car and us," Lupin said getting back into the car.


"And the only reason why the haven't fired is the gem we have," Goemon said, wishing that he would be able to just get on the roof and deflect any shots fired at him back to the sender. But in this world it doesn't work like the old world, the last time he tried he almost died from the resulting gunshot wound. 


"Shit!" Fujiko shouted as something flew into the side of the car knocking it onto its side. 


The one who slammed into the car is Raging Raven a female soldier who wears an armored suit with robotic wings powered by jets allowing her to fly. She was called upon by Holy Light to help keep an eye on the American royalty. And once thieves stole jewelry from empress Barbie she was called in to put a stop to it. Once the car was knock on its side the pursuing cars behind it quickly surrounded the cat and the people in them got out pulling out their weapons. 


"Where's the jewel?" Lupin asked trying to stop the world from spinning. He spotted the jewel and was about to grab it when a furry hand grabbed it from him.


"I'll be taking that," Hops said as she had darted inside the car. Before anyone could stop her she darted out of the car.


"Now lets blast them!" Rocksteady shouted aiming his machine gun at the car now that Hops is no longer in the way.


"Wait aren't you guys going to arrest us?" Fujiko shouted from the car.


"Naw," Bebop said aiming his gun as well.


"We're just bodyguards, you should throw your weapons out and put your arms in the air. These two like blasting things," Hops shouted. 


"Ok we give up," Lupin said throwing his gun away and got out of the car with his hands up. Even if he and the others end up in jail, they'll be able to escape sooner or later. 


"You other three come out too!" Hops shouted. 


"We're giving up," Fujiko said as she, Daisuke and Goemon got out of the car with their hands up. 


"You guys can handle it from here," Hops said to one of the French cops. Who rush forward to put the thieves in cuffs and put them in one of the cars. 


"We got a jewel to give back," Bebop said as he got into the driver seat of the car he, Rocksteady and Hops took, both of whom got in as well. They drove back with the robots to rejoin their party while the cops took care of things on their end. 




America -


Rancher Barbie has been staying in Cowtown for nearly a month as she helped in settling the people of Cowtown in their new world. With the help of Mr. House railroad workers are building a rail line to connect Cowtown to the main railroad lines of the state. With the line supplies can be sent to the town as well as supplies for the building of Bolder Dam south-east from the town. While she stayed Barbie also drove around to find the towns and farms close to Cowtown to see how much of the world, Cowtown came with the town. And told the people of the nearby human towns of their new neighbors, with a new market to sell their goods to, as well as a new rail line that connects to the Bolder Dam project. 


Barbie also stayed because of the young girl who is still recovering who she found in the badlands, Jade Chan. She's strong enough to start talking again and able to move on her own after getting the food and fluids to put meat back on her bones. Barbie learned that Jade had escape from some Spookhouse agents after they picked her up from Mexico where she was traveling with her uncle to search for a magical item. And somehow she managed to make it all the way to Colorado by getting onto trains whenever she could trying to get back to San Francisco where she lived with her uncles. And Jade took it hard when Barbie explain things to her and how she's struck in another world and that magic along with other things just don't work. Now Barbie is once again looking after another lost child, just like what happen so many times before. 


And she isn't the only one as Barbie came across a pair of Japanese twins on one of her trips. They both wear matching blue, Japanese school uniforms of the sort based on European military uniforms (the sister wearing a skirt and her brother wearing shorts) along with large black shoes. They also have birth-marks on their faces which parallel each other. The right side of the girl's face is dark and goes in a curve under her nose, then curves downward around her mouth (muzzle) with her nose (which is in the darker area of her face) being pale like the left side of her face. The boy has basically the same, but the colors are reversed, like Yin-Yang symbols. The girl wears her hair in a pair of pigtails, and the boy has a pudding-basin haircut. They called themselves the Interesting Twins Beneath the Mountain, and only referred to each other as brother and sister. She learned they never had parents let alone names, both of them came from a strange world where young children battle against teenagers and adults. Both of them had been trying to sneak into the KND when an event took them from their world, and where Barbie had come across them. 


With no place to go Barbie took them in and named them Tom and Tara. They been helping her by looking after Jade while she's away, along with the robots she leaves behind to help out. Coop mainly stayed behind to look after Jade, who also help with the town's doctor in treating people. Spike and Trike have been helping in repairing the town and building new infrastructures. Bell the eyebot scouting the land scarp and using its scanners to see what could be mined underground. Mr. House has been making deals with the land owners and mayor Bulloney, Cowtown has valuable ores and rare earths to be mined but also a supply line to feed the workers at the Boulder Dam project and for building supplies. 


Barbie also gave out Sears mail order catalogs which made deals with Cookie Corners and the other businesses connected to them to handle mailing and shipping them around the country. Which Sears already did since 1888, sending catalogs all over where people be able to order things without having to travel for miles to get to a store that carries what they need. Barbie's truck could only carry so much so in the two trailers of the truck so, she's carrying mostly small objects and what the storage workbench is able to safely carry before it just got too heavy for the trailer to handle. The tech heads are still trying to figure out how the subspace pocket works for some of the objects like the different kinds of work benches of the world of Mr. House. (1)


"So Barbie how are things on your end?" Mr. House ask her through Ted the securitron.


"Been giving out samples of starfruits and ancient fruits, as well as jams and wine for the adults. Many of the farmers have brought the seeds to grow their own and the ranchers are interested in raising the Stardew dinosaurs," Barbie said.


"They really should had come up with a better name then that," Mr. House said. 


"The rule is that the person who finds it gets to name it and Maurecia was the one who found the first two eggs," Barbie said. 


"The work crew will have the new rail line connecting Cowtown to the other rail lines in about 4 days as long as nothing pops up to delay things," Mr. House said. 


"And the supplies I ask for be there?" Barbie ask.


"Yes they're in the supply car of the train. With the new technology coming from Quark Industries, has caused me to halt some projects so that I can improved upon them further. The technology of my world and theirs merged together quite nicely. Of course the old line of robots will be still made for awhile being cheaper to make then the upgraded ones," Mr. House said.


"Still have the plan of going to space?" Barbie asked.


"Of course. I might not be in my world anymore but I still have my sights to the stars. I just need to cherry pick technology here and there to make space travel be like driving across country," Mr. House said.


"Which is why you been talking with the ones from Star Wars," Barbie said. 


"They did lived in a galaxy that has space travel a common enough transportation and their culture been around for thousands of years. Which gives them plenty of time to refine their technology to a level beyond what we currently have, even the superheroes who still have their tech can only go so far, without someone else working on it to make it work better," Mr. House said. 


"So you know about the superheroes," Barbie said. 


"Adrian is a superhero and it be foolish to think there wouldn't be more. And I pick up that there be times where a event brought something more then what the normal agents can handle and a special task force is called in. Speaking of which you are one yourself with you being able to create copies of yourself with different skills one being a space wizard and all. I wonder if there isn't a super there as well. There are reports of how one of you Barbies displayed superhuman strength time to time," Mr. House said. 


"She's around but she mostly stay out of sight. She doesn't want people to be dependent on her like in her world, she does help out but only when there's something that no one else can handle. But once Teddy gets the superhero bill past, she'll be able to go and really help out," Barbie explains.


"So that all the heroes be government agents and in some cases bounty hunters?" Mr. House asked.


"Yes so that they be able to do what they use to do while getting a paycheck. Plus we're trying to avoid and nip the problems that happen in worlds with superheroes. But then again with what the events sometimes throw at us, it's only a matter of time before something big comes that only supers be able to handle with the least amount of damage and lost of life," Barbie said.


"I agree, some problem would be easy to deal with with someone like that Supergirl. But as you said we shouldn't be too dependent on heroes to save the day," Mr. House said. 


"Which is why the super Barbie didn't want people to know about her till people got use to people from other worlds being around," Barbie said. "People had a hard enough time dealing with all of me already not to mention space wizard me. Teddy wants super Barbie to lead the superhero team so that people know that there's someone they already know and trust leading them."


"You have earned the American people's trust with all that you did over the years. Your children are following your example quite nicely. Speaking of which those three children that you have picked up are they going to be joining the royal family?" Mr. House ask.


"It's not like every child I have helped over the years ended up being made apart of the family. There has to be something special about them and how they interact with the rest of the family. I'm not about to let someone who isn't right for one reason or another into the family. I seen how many of the children who came from different worlds have problems. I mean not like how Charlie was when he was younger, all he needed was a loving environment with people who didn't just see him as a failure. Children who would just bad in one way or another. There have been plenty of children who tried to suck up to me in hopes of being adopted. There was a Clarire Brewster from an all girl school which one of me was helping. Once she heard about how I adopted Sunset she did everything she could to get me to like her. I knew what she was up too and asked the unpopular girls about her and learn that she was the stuck-up, shallow popular girl type. So many girls who only care about their social image, beauty and popularity. The boys are also just as bad with them acting nice around me while treating others bad. That's why I make sure they're good and not just acting, I do give them chances but they end up not trying to turn a new leaf in this world. So I just leave them after telling them what they did wrong and leaving them at children homes. Which is why I make sure my children don't let money and status go to their heads. Some of them have managed to pull themselves up afterwards, while others are just lost causes," Barbie said. 


"Really a lost cause?" Mr. House ask.


"There was a Butch Magnus which me and Sunset when we were driving around the country to gain support to get voters to make us the official royal family. We found him in the middle of nowhere with 3 of his friends, we offered them a ride to the closest town. Which ended with him and his friends trying to steal things from us, with Butch hitting Sunset when she tried to stop him, that was when X49 who was driving stop the RV seeing the boys causing trouble and revealed himself to be a robot. That boy Butch tried to attack X49 which X49 just grab his left hand and broke most of his bones before pistol whipping Butch to a bloody mess. We kicked the boys out of the RV giving them a bag of food and 4 canteens of water. Telling them that they're on their own as I wasn't about to take chances with them around Sunset. I told them to follow our trail and they just might make it to the closest settlement before they end up dead. It was much later that I learn that Butch had made it to the town by himself carrying all 4 canteens and no signs of his 3 friends. He caused trouble in that town but unlike back in his world the people of the town didn't care if he was just a kid. He was shot by one of the locals when he tried to steal from his store, left to die as he bled out," Barbie explained. 


"You just left those kids?" Mr. House ask.


"People aren't as soft or have such bleeding hearts for children, especially when they go and attack someone who was trying to help them. I have told people about it and it wasn't big enough news to get people to pay enough attention. It's more as a story told around the Spookhouse help centers where people who just came from other worlds are help in settling in and hearing about people like Butch who taught that they could get away with what they were able to do in their world and no one would ever fight back. Butch thought he was safe because he was a kid only for X49 to pistol whip him till he was screaming and crying for it to stop. I told the kids that they're in the 1800's and that adults holding back because they're kids doesn't work like it did in their time and that the laws that use to protect them aren't like they knew or weren't made yet. Which meant there's nothing stopping X49 from beating them till they're bloody. It put fear of god in those boys right before we threw them out, as well as naked to make sure they didn't had anything on them before tossing out their clothes as we drove away," Barbie explains. (2)


"After that you took your time with any lost child," Mr. House said. 


"Yes. I take my time in learning about them before doing anything. Some just end up being friends of the family as I help them one way or another. To be apart of the family there has to be something else then me just liking them," Barbie said. 


"Very true. Seeing you never found a husband," Mr. House said.


"Oh there been plenty of suitors over the years, just never one that connected with me. Besides most of them were just after my wealth and status once, I was voted to be the empress of the United States," Barbie said. 


"By the way about X49, he is a very experience robot with emotions of that of a living being," Mr. House said. 


"Yes why?" Barbie ask.


"Quark Industries are advance but never managed to get A.I.s to work right. The only one they have is Rusty the boy robot with the emotion maturely of that of a young child. They did had Big Guy an older robot but he wasn't around when the event happen. So they're looking for an older robot to mentor Rusty," Mr. House said. 


"You have to ask him for that. But X49 has been happy being a bodyguard and looking after Bummer and Lazarus along with the other pets. He often plays his sax with Bummer and Lazarus joining in," Barbie said. 


"I have studied and made a copy of the emotion chip of X49 when he was powered down for maintenance on his body. His chip allowed him to learn on his own which according to him, he's been around for hundreds of years. Being nothing more then a robot soldier who just followed orders, till he started to have feeling and learning what he was doing was wrong till he finally went against his programing to stop following orders. And instead of going on the old robot becomes self aware and kills all humans like in movies, he just settles down in a apartment with a dog," Mr. House said. 


"Yes he was very attracted to Lulu till she died of old age," Barbie said. 


"Well past along that Quark Industries is asking for all robots to come to them so they can study and help repair them," Mr. House said. 


"Will do," Barbie said as the computer screen of Ted switched back to that of a picture of a cop. 




New Tronic City -


In the Quark Industries building Dr. Erika Slate was busy as she and the other robotic scientists worked on building a new Big Guy. President T.R. was impress with footage of how Big Guy was able to stop an alien invasion and other threats by himself. He placed an order with the company to build another one, using the technology that Spookhouse has gathered over the years. As for the A.I. that will control the new Big Guy, he came up with an idea to just to transfer the mind of one of the robots already apart of Spookhouse to control the new body. Captain Ironside step forward to be the one to have his mind transfer to a new body. His robotic crew be piloting the airship that Quark is putting together using the spare parts for the airship of the old Big Guy. 


Speaking of his robot crew they're being studied and upgraded to work better. They're not true A.I.s as they are run on powerful logic programs and can only follow what they're program to be able to do. But the way they are able to act within their programing is something that Dr. Slate had never seen before. And that all of them have been running for over 200 years without repairs is amazing in how much work went into them to be able to last. But she did learn that there are robots that are fully self-aware but they are rare. 


Then there is all the technology that Spookhouse has gathered over the years that while they understand how it works, they just didn't have the tools to make more or anything close to it. Which is where Quark comes in as they do have the tools as well as the knowledge to do so. There are the armor and weapons that are all highly advance for something called the UNSC. The green armor found in the supply crate with the weapons seemed to be for someone called Master Chief. Then there are the omni-tool which is powered by something called element zero, which after some work around was switched to micro fusion. Allowing the researchers to study the codex that the omni-tool had on it about all the different alien races the human race of that world interact with. Then there was all that the omni-tool is able to do, like making a force field around the wearer and be able to make thing with the inbuilt factory like tools in it. So many pieces of technology that are either breakthroughs in old problems or are so advance that they have little idea how it works. Then there's the machine that was found that they either have no idea how they work or know how they work but are so advance that some of them have no parts at all.


As for now the entire city was being settled into the new world that they found themselves in. Workers and robots are working to create roads and to connect water and sewer pipes to that of the ones to the surrounding towns and cities. They also connected their power lines to that of the main power lines so the fusion plant of their city can help power the rest of the state. And in exchange the government been supplying the city with what they need as well as setting up a new banking system so that they'll be using the money being used in this world. But only so much so that it wouldn't cause inflation for the rest of the country, they have a whole system in place to help people like them who came with a town or in this case a city to settle in. Mostly giving them a grace period before things go back to normal as it can be. 


"Doctor Slate!" Rusty shouted as he flew into the room. 


"Yes Rusty?" Dr. Slate ask.


"Captain Ironside made me apart of the crew for the Constitution!" Rusty shouted out.


"What?" Dr. Slate ask. 


"The youngest been bugging us older robots about one of us mentoring him. So Captain Ironside made him apart of his crew," Tick-Tock said as he walks in. 


"Yeah I'll be learning to be like Big Guy," Rusty said. 


"He's still shiny but he'll learn the ropes," Tick-Tock said. "Of course he still has alot to learn before he's ready. He's too much like a kid, which he is but he needs to be matured to be a real soldier." 


"Hey!" Rusty said glaring at Tick-Tock.


"Now, now Tick-Tock he is still learning," Ironside said as he rolls in. He turns to his new body being worked on by workers in building it. "So this will be my new body."


"Yes they're building the frame for your new body based on Big Guy," Rusty said.


"I read about him and while he does have some impressive weapons. I don't want to just be a copy of him," Ironside said. 


"Don't worry Ironside we're giving your new body upgrades and a new look from Big Guy," Dr. Slate said. "We're still working in inserting the different technologies together to work together." 


"You robots are old tech by our standards but are highly advance in other ways," Roll said. With her being the most advance robot in Spookhouse the scientists of Quark have been examining her to see how she works. With her using what she learned working with Doctor Light to help them as well. 


"Well in our world we had to work with what we had," Bert Riggs said. He and the other guest of Vault 118 was discovered underground in Vault 118 when Roll was scanning the island to see if the event brought anything else with it besides DiMA's home. After digging them out, Bert Riggs went back to work in robotics for Mr. House. He was sent to Quark to help out in building a new Big Guy and to compare notes with the scientists there.




Arlington County, Virginia - 


The Pentagon the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, is currently being built. Once complete the Pentagon will be the world's largest office building and will house all military departments and other government departments like Spookhouse. But as they were digging the basement level the workers discovered something, a underground level. They called in Spookhouse once they got a look what's inside the underground room. 


Joe Dredd once a Mega City One Judge now a new kind of judge in this world. He and the judges that came with him all came from the Academy of Law is where the Judges of Mega-City One are trained. The Academy of Law is a self-contained environment for prospective judges - affording them somewhere to live, train both physically and mentally, and to be tested. Dredd was at the Academy helping to train the cadets as he was recovering from a wound that put him out of action till it was fully healed. When the Academy was taken by a event and ended up in this world. He and the senior judges quickly learned where and when they ended up, with them having no power to pass judgement anymore as the environment that called for their type of law and order wasn't there anymore. And the current president Theodore Roosevelt talked to them about either being help to make a life on their own or work for the government. 


Theodore Roosevelt after learning the history of the world they came from got the idea that while they couldn't be judge, jury and executor in this world. They could still preform as special agents for the justice department in rooting out corruption in the government, while working within the law. Their unit be in charge of internal investigations in cases of crimes committed by lawmen and other government officials. But with that power they're also be just as hard on any judge who commits crimes themselves. And in case of a state wide emergency where there is great civil unrest or law and order break down because for one reason or another, they would be the ones who would take charge of things. Which is the plan written by Fran Klock who in her world was part of The Division and now is the boss of the judges. The main objective of The Division is to ensure the continuity of government in the case of a catastrophic emergency. There is a possibility their jurisdiction is worldwide as they are brought in when society falls. Released in waves, Division agents are activated when all other forms of public protection have failed and the President signs Directive 51 in order to activate the Division. 


America Beeny who wanted to change the system from within jump on board saying that, they should be doing whatever they can so that the world they came from would never happen in the first place and that people like them wouldn't be needed. Which got many of the younger cadets on her side wanting to make sure the future that they came from won't come to pass. Even Cassandra Anderson a psychic and a long time friend of Dredd got on board with the idea, leading to the older judges joining in too as there's no welfare system in place so all of them would have to make a living to survive in this new world. Dredd joined too in the end as while he isn't the law anymore, he still enforce the law of the land again. And with how events are happening bringing people and places to this world, they still have the job of protecting the innocent. 


The Judges now have branches in different cities across the country, spreading like the Spookhouse branches. 


"Dredd surprise to see you here," Beeny said as she's standing with a bunch of workers. Floating next to her is the eyebot that has become standard issue for all judges. They are still able to arrest people thanks to the judges being federal agents, but now with the robots from Mr. House they're able to get it all on film so that all the proof they need be on camera. Thanks to the judges and other law officers from future worlds, law enforcement is advancing with new equipments and new laws that don't have the loopholes that are abused. 


"Was in Spookhouse when the report came and decided to look into it," Dredd said. He still wore the same judge uniform which is the standard uniform for the judges. 


"The workers found a hydraulic door and a workcrew are doing their best to open it," Beeny said pointing to the pit where workers are trying to pry open the door which has no power and is partly open by a crack. 


"What's inside?" Dredd ask.


"As far as I can tell a storage room of some kind with what looks like a giant robot in parts. From what I can see from the looks of things it's another ," Beeny said.


"What kind of robot?" Dredd ask.


"Liberty Prime," a securitron said who has the face of Mr. House on it and is with Professor Dr. Jeremy 'Prock' Awesome and Harry 'Muscleman' Strong. 


"I called Mr. House and left a message if he knows about this," Beeny said. 


"It's your robot?" Dredd ask.


"Yes and I brought Prock and Muscleman to help. Now Muscleman would you open the door," Mr. House said to Muscleman.


"Sure," Muscleman said as he walks to the door and easily pries the door open to the amazement of the workers who have been trying to force open the doors for awhile now. The securitron lead the way inside the underground chamber with Muscleman and the workers following him.


"So when will you superheroes be able to go and help?" Beeny asked. 


"Oh by next month. We're doing everything so that it all works out like how it does in my world," Prock said. 


"At least it be legal," Dredd said not liking the idea of superheroes taking the law in their own hands but seeing how they're going to be a government agency with safeguards, it be legal.


"Oh come on Dredd you can't say it wouldn't had been nice to have super powered heroes around in our world. The Dark Judges would had a lot harder time doing as they pleased if we did," Beeny said. 


"As long as they were judges," Dredd said. 


"Is he always like this?" Prock ask Beeny.


"Yes," Beeny answers.


"Why are you here?" Dredd ask.


"I'm here to help House. Liberty Prime had a power problem that kept it from working so he asked me to help him find an solution to it," Prock said. 


"I noticed that many items, people and places came from the world where Mr. House came from," Dredd said. 


"Yes I noticed that too and been working on that. My guess right now is that the event not only took Mr. House from his world but also took things and people from different times as well. At least with what Naruto found out, we now know why magic doesn't work in this world and other things," Prock said. 


"Too bad he didn't learn why events are happening," Beeny said. 


"Bill Cipher wants to make a deal for that answer. And making deals with someone like him would just be more trouble then it's worth," Dredd said having read the report.


"If he's anything like the kinds of all powerful foes my dad use to face. You should never make a deal with him or anything like him," Prock said. His cellphone began ringing, Prock turn it on and listen with his eyes widening hearing the news.


"What is it?" Dredd asked.


"A big event just happen that got all the force users to feel it," Prock said.


"That's bad right?" Beeny asked.


"The Jedis can feel a event taking place only when they're near it or are actively looking for one. But when they can just feel it, a big event just happen," Dredd said. 


"They pin point it somewhere in Colorado and Utah, and parts of northern Arizona," Prock said. 




Colorado -


Diego Marquez Norton been traveling in the old RV that his mom use to drive around in, to explore the untamed lands. He's doing it to do research on the wildlife and to see if he can't find good spots for a nature preserve and parks. And to see if there are any undocumented animals from events that have made themselves at home.


He isn't traveling along with two of the family's bodyguards that his mother got him to accept for some protection. Mila who is a young mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter and diner waitress in Kronk's restaurant. An upbeat girl, Mila proves that she is a tough fighter among the rest of the fighters in the world. She has been a huge fan of Bass Armstrong since she was a child, and was encouraged to participate in the Dead or Alive World Combat Championship by Tina Armstrong. 


Lenny Creston who is a suffering journalist who is constantly looking for the "next  big thing" to boost her career. A stern woman and a strict perfectionist, Lenny is not one to be trifled  with. She'll get pretty upset if she doesn't get what she wants. 


And Alice a cheerful young lady, Alice adores and admires Terry. She is always supportive of her idol. Once she has trained herself to fight, she emulates him and hopes to gain his approval. All three are driving in the other RV just in case of trouble where one of the RVs break down or runs out of something.


Riding in with him, is El Fuerte, a luchador/aspiring chef. He enters the tournament to find the perfect  recipe for his new delicacy. And Cracker Jack or C. Jack, who was a bodyguard and bouncer for hire in his world. Having worked on a cattle ranch he was use to being out underneath the stars and knew how to survive out in the wild. There are also the two protectrons who fix anything that breaks, and the Mr. Handy who helps El cook. And two eyebots who Diego uses to record his journey. 


And right now Diego is blinking and wondering what's going on as he stared at the young redhead woman in front of him. They had camp for the night and were cooking outdoors when the woman just appeared out of nowhere. She's dress in native American like clothing but have pieces of metal on it. She's armed with a bow that's looks to be made out of metal and metal wires and also a metal spear, both having native decorations on them. She's also sitting on top of what looks to be a horse like robot. 


"Hi, my name is Diego what's yours?" Diego greeted her.


"Aloy," she said just as confused as he is. 



Author's Notes -

1 - The storage still works for Fallout workbenches and for pip-boys. But there is still a weight limit before it just become too heavy to be able to move around. 


2 - Laws to protect children from being beaten in the 1800's wasn't anything like it is today. 


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -


Kids Next Door




The Boondocks




Mass Effect.


The Division


Horizon Zero Dawn


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