I stand infront of the court dressed in my grey pantsuit, black stilettos and a large file in hand waiting for my lawyers to finalize somethings with the judge. I glance at my watch and I'm shocked by the time 'shit shit! I'm late again'. I'm not gonna make it in time for dinner. I'll just have to order takeouts. Good thing I have such an understanding husband and children... huhhhh If i knew this was how stressful it was going to be... maybe i wouldn't have taken up this responsibility. In an attempt in being a good daughter and sister I ended up being the worst wife and mother. I'm barely available for my family. My children are forced to adjust to not always having their mother with them. But I just CAN'T help it. I can't let those idiots take everything my father worked so hard to get. He put his blood, sweat and tears in those estates. I can't just let them get it easily. The property means nothing to me. I have no interest in his wealth, I just want to make sure my dad's legacy is kept on and intact. I dont want let someone out of nowhere coming to claim his sufferings. He built it from scratch, I can still remember him staying in the fields all night long tending to his crops and animals, how mum will scold him because he spent so much time on the farm that he would forget to eat and take care of himself... he used to spend more time and money there than with his family... now they just want to snatch all that away? "NO!!!" I can't let that happen. I can't backout now!!!
And besides... I'm in too deep. Even if I want to I can't back out... I'll be crippled in debt. I'll be put behind bars. I've spent all my and father's saved money fighting this bastards and I foolishly mortgaged our house. The only property Bob and I owned is about to be lost too.
God. I'm crumbing and taking my family down with me.
But what could I have done? Court cases need money and I ran out of my savings a long time ago. I just can't give up now. I pack my bags and practically run out of the court room to try catch up with time. I don't have time to cook so I just decide to get food from our local diner. I begin walking as fast as I can... I would've driven there if I didn't sell my car to pay the lawyers. Anyways its just 5 blocks away I'll be there before I know it.
I walk in and Maggie the receptionist greets me with a smile on her face "Good evening Sally" she says .
"Good evening" I return her greeting with a smile too.
"one large Family size tray of lasagna to go please"I place my order.
She writes down my order and shows me to a table for me to sit wait for my food. The food comes 10minutes later,I pay and leave. Now the walk home is a little longer and I'm tired so I hail a taxi and get in. Mummy!!! Mummy!!! My kids come shouting and running to my side as I open the door. I entangle them in a huge bear hug. Just what I needed to releave my self of the stress I am feeling.
"How are my little babies doing... how was school?"I say as I kiss their cheeks.
"all good mummy"patricia answers.
"thats good" "Now who wants lasagna? I ask waving the bags in my hands.
"meeeeeee!!" They both scream.
"Alright you both go wash your hands and come help me set the table". I tell them as I walk into the kitchen with the food and begin setting the table. Just then Emilia walks into the kitchen "good evening mummy"
"Good evening sweatheart... how was your day?" "Was good" she shrugs.
"Alright go call your sisters down for dinner" I say setting the table.
"Mum... Remmie has locked herself in her room and she won't come out"
"I'm sure its just one of her wierd tantrums again". "Ok what about your dad and Silvia?"
"Dad isn't home yet and mum have you forgotten Silvia is in college now?"she asks shocked
"oh... yes... college" "well I guess its just us four then,c'mon lets eat" We all gather at the table and almost immediately my phone rings and I excuse myself to go answer it. I check the caller ID and its one of my lawyers and the greediest of them all.
"yes micheal" I train my voice to mask my nervousness.
"Sally we have a problem you have to come to my offic right now!".
"But micheal I can't. I just got back home. My kids need me" "we were just about to eat dinner,I can't just leave they'll be heartbroken" "Isn't there any other way Micheal. Can't it wait till tommorow please" I try to reason with him.
"I don't think you understand how serious this is and you want to stay home to have dinner with your kids" "ok you can stay and have dinner... atleast they will get to see their mum one last time before she goes to jail" "Or have you forgotten about your debts" "I don't even know why I'm stressing too much, you can go have dinner with your kids atleast they get to eat with their mother one last time before she goes to jail!"he yells and kills the line before I can say anything. I fall to the ground and cry uncontrollaby. I couldn't stop the tears. This was alll just too much. I know why Micheal called me. He just wants more money. He knew from the start I was never going to win. I'm sure he has just come up with another means to get money from me all in the name of helping me. I should have known from the day he asked me to mortgage my house without telling my husband... I should have seen the red flags. I was blinged by false hope.... hopes that I could make my father proud. "I'm sorry father I've failed you!"