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88.88% The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA) / Chapter 8: Day-11: Avatar Aang, The Last Airbender, and Zuko, The Banished Prince

Capítulo 8: Day-11: Avatar Aang, The Last Airbender, and Zuko, The Banished Prince

-Day 11-

After the canon came to meet the group, they stood in front of a big ice sphere holding a bald boy and a big animal, something Ky immediately recognized and couldn't help but look at in a bit of awe as seeing this made him feel like for the first time he was really in one of his beloved series, as subconsciously he always doubted the notion.

"I say we don't mess with the creepy giant ice sphere, who's with me on this?… Just me? Well, I guess it's unanimous then, let's go." Sokka turned around ready to leave.

"I'm melting the ice… whoever it is… they might still be in there, it would be cruel to just leave it be." Katara expressed with a somber look on her face as she moved closer to the ice sphere.

"Do it. Worst case scenario me and Sokka will knock the zombie back into the ocean." Ky joked as he nominated his friend without approval.

"Hey! Who told you, you could sign me up to fight zombies?! I'm not doing that! Your bullshit magic is scary enough, I don't need zombies added to my life." Sokka adamantly refused to be involved in some zombie movie plot.

"C'mon. It's every guy's dream to be awesome during a zombie apocalypse." Ky replied.

"I mean… yes, but I'm not going to put that theory to the test! I mean, what if they never make a cure? I'm not trying my luck like that." Sokka remained uninterested in being a part of that.

While they were talking, Katara got to work and slowly but surely melted the ice down, freeing the ones stuck in it soon after.

The boy was toward the ice but immediately woke up, and released a blast of air instead, falling right in front of the water tribe trio.

"Are you ok?" Katara was the first to walk to him, asking about his well-being.

"Be careful! Don't let him bite you!" Sokka half-jokingly remarks.

"He doesn't look zombie enough, I would say 70% chance we're safe." Ky played along with him.

"Guys! He's clearly not in the best state, can you take this seriously?!" Katara was not pleased to see them joking around when the boy from the ice was not in the best condition.

"Sheesh, fine… can't you just heal with your water voodoo magic?" Sokka questioned with a slightly annoyed expression, boomerang, and club combat-ready.

"It's waterbending! Can you respect our culture for a second?!" Katara was even more impatient towards his attitude.

"Potato, potato! Same, same." Sokka shrugged his shoulders.

Before Katara could say anymore though, Ky interjected.

"I don't think healing will be necessary." He commented and pointed at the currently awakening boy.

"Hey! Do you want to go penguin sledding?!" The boy asked with a goofy smile and full of energy, nothing like one would expect from someone who just got unfrozen from an iceberg.

(Image here)

Then the boy swiftly rises to stand tall with a pole in his hand after a gust of wind propelled him up.

"Huh.. Yes?" A confused Katara lets out the first answer to come to her mind.

"How is he doing that?!" Sokka was wary of this boy not sure what was going on.

"Hm… from what I know from back in Elemental Island… this is the current Avatar." Ky casually revealed the boy's secret.

"What?! That makes no sense! He was an airbender and those are gone!" Sokka refuted.

"I mean he's not wrong... This boy is way too young anyway, unless this is the new look for more than 100-year-old people." Katara remarked.

"Yeah! That's crazy! What's the Avatar?! Never heard of it! Hahahaha!" The boy tried to play along with it but was terrible at it.

(If we count in anime, the amount of individuals older than 100 who look like Aang is pretty high… So yes… this is the new plus 100-year-old look.) Ky thought to himself.

"… You'd be surprised… however, that's not the point, I've seen the current avatar before and that's the current avatar… it was a while back, but I wouldn't forget the tattoos." Ky expressed with confidence mostly because of his meta-knowledge, but even his pseudo-memories supported this claim.

"… I think we need Gran Gran for this… whatever hit his head scrambled it up." Sokka was not convinced.

"Yeah! You really need to check the head and make sure to knock it some sense!" The boy added.

"… I think we should focus on getting back after we're done fishing, and we should make sure the boy's fine, avatar or not…" Neither was Katara, after all, it had been 100 years of war, and no avatar, who could blame them for losing hope in his return?

"Fine, I'll talk to him and you two can start without me. I'll join in a bit." Ky decided.

Agreeing with it, Katara and Sokka start working to get some fish, so they don't go back empty-handed.

"So, how was your sleep, Avatar Aang?" Ky asked once they were far enough.

"… Hey… Who are you? Some kind of elder? You look so young though... Say, are you a bender?" Aang was still surprised someone he had no recollection of knew exactly who he was… then again part of him knew they must have been looking for him everywhere.

"Oh yeah, I'm Ky Spectus, I'm an R Master from Elemental Island. I was tasked with helping guide you by the spirits… though I have bad news and I'm technically not a bender at least not a typical one, but you can think of me as one." Ky spouted his background once again.

"Elemental Iseland?! That place is awesome! It was always so fun when the monks let me be there I would... Hey, that's- Wait, what? What kind of bad news are you talking about?" He was excited but then became confused by his unusual individual as the words "bad news" caught his attention.

"You have been encased in an iceberg for the past 100 years, and during that time a war was started by the fire nation against the rest of the world. Things don't look good." Ky told him bluntly.

Aang stared for a beat, processing everything that had been told to him. "... What... What happened to my friends? And the Fire Nation is still attacking?" His voice raised an octave in shock and fear. "I need to get to the Earth Kingdom and Air Temple!"

"Calm down! Right now you need to focus on mastering the four elements… since I imagine you can only use air right now. The war with the fire nation rages on, but there are still places in the world, not destroyed or conquered by them… One of them being Ba Sing se, so your friends if they are still alive after 100 years, are somewhere in there." Ky explained with a stern voice.

Aang takes a deep breath to steady his voice, trying to ground himself against this revelation in a storm. "... I don't have a choice, do I? I have to do this..." His expression hardens, the fear and confusion still present but now overshadowed by a steely resolve. "If there's a chance that I can save my friends, I need to master the other elements. I need to end the war once and for all."

(He understood much faster and easier than I thought he would… Now, I need to be ready to almost die for what I'm going to say next.) Ky was surprised but happy about it.

"Now… I'm going to tell you this now, so you don't let the pain consume you later, but the fire nation has already genocided the air nomads… Aang, you are the last airbender. My condolences." Ky told him simple and plain.

The news that Ky just relayed were crushing to Aang, who couldn't help but look shocked and horrified. "... No... it can't be true!" He turned away, the pain of the information seemingly too much to bear.

The skies turned grey and the wind around got strong as Aang began to glow, rage written all over his face as he yelled. "You're lying!!!" And a gust of wind sent Ky flying.

He immediately fell into the cold water and began swimming off back to the ice floor.

"Holy Molly! That kid is the avatar… and an absolute monster!! Here I thought you and Mister gravity were dangerous!" Sokka was in shock as he held the fish net that already had a good catch, as the wild and strong winds produced by Aang pushed against them.

"Well, this bad!… whatever is going on! We have to find a way to stop him or we might all die here!" Katara added with a worried look on her face.

As that was happening in the distance, the people of the South Water tribe village could see the storm forming, and it didn't look pretty.

"Where are those kids?! They have to come back before they get caught in that… may the spirits be with them." Gran Gran prayed for their safety.

Meanwhile elsewhere, sailing through the cold waters, there was an iron ship carrying a red flag with the symbol of fire. On this ship, a young man with a burn scar all around his left eye, with a horse tail as the only bit of hair on his head being a rat tail, looked at the storm wearing his fully red uniform, a frown formed on his face and he said.

(Image Here)

"It seems my search is aided by fate! March on at full speed! There's no way such a strong storm brewed in here naturally! Someone must be training! I guess you finally slipped up after expertly avoiding us for 100 years!" He declared with a wide and sinister smile fueled by his anger-filled expression.

"Prince Zuko, I believe we should wait a bit… after all, a storm like that could get dangerous with so many fragile glaciers around. Patience would not impede us from catching the Avatar, but rather it would aid us. Plus, I don't think my tea can survive that." An old man with a long and wide beard also wearing a fully red uniform spike to the young man calmly.

(Image here)

"Not now uncle! I'll have time for your half-assed lessons later! Right now my destiny is right ahead, waiting for me! So go worry about your tea somewhere else!" Zuko replied even angrier than before.

"Ok then, I'll be inside where I can drink tea in peace, call me if you need my help." Uncle responded and calmly walked into the ship's dorm area.

"I will catch you and restore my honor, if it's the last thing I do!!!" Zuko yelled with passion letting out some flames because of it.

Back at the center of the storm, a very emotional Aang was lost to rage and grief, festering on one of the most dangerous metal blocks that could be ever faced, a sea of what-ifs.

What if I didn't run away? What if I had listened to the air temple elders? What if I was there when the fire nation attacked? What if I wasn't the avatar?… the questions piled on, and on, most just variants of the same, some entirely new problems to pile on, while others were but martyring beacons of self-pity and or harm.

In the end, nothing, at least nothing they can do has the power to change the past, well, not that they knew anyway.

Swimming-throwing waves created by Aang's fury storm, Ky used his ability to pull himself toward the target, in this case, that being our young Avatar.

Pushing through the strong winds, he managed to reach the center of the storm, and as he landed with his feet on the ice, he began walking his arm still extended to Aang as he used the attraction link as an anchor, and walked to the boy.

Upon reaching Aang in the center, the force of the wind no longer affected him the same way, and he began talking.

"Aang! Listen to me! Things are not great… But you are here now, and you can change things, in fact, it's your destiny to do so… The past has gone, and while you lost a lot, today we'll start something new and you'll gain from this new world. You are not alone!" Ky put his hand on Aang's shoulder and pulled the little guy into a hug.

"But I wasn't there! I failed them! All because I was selfish! They died because of me!" Aang yelled even as the storm began subsiding and the glow in his eyes and tattoos went dim.

"It's not your fault the Fire Nation attacked! And even if you were there, you lacked the power to stop them, you would have died! But instead by sheer luck, you survived and gave the world another fighting chance, so because of you the Fire Nation has no idea where the Avatar is, and cannot stop you from accomplishing your destiny, of restoring balance to the world. You did great surviving this long." Ky expressed with a weak smile as he let go of the hug so they could be face to face.

"… But I should have been there..." Aang had calmed down from wrath to regret, it was a hard hill to climb over.

"You are here now, I'll be happy to help you in your journey." Ky pats his shoulder as he replies.

"You will?… Even I've been a terrible Avatar?" Aang replied still in a tough mental spot as he sat down on the ice.

"Don't make me repeat myself, I know what I want and I'll follow you around even if you go without me." Ky sat down next to him, as he responded.

"You're going where?!" Sokka who was now coming over with his sister asked.

As he asked a bit of black snow fell on his cheek, which confused and scared him, but before he could focus on that he heard his sister yell.

"Yeah! What do you mean you're going with him?!" Katara was not happy to hear those words and maybe even a bit of tears might have been brewing in her eyes, though it was hard to say it wasn't because of the storm just now.

"I meant, we are going on a journey with the Avatar!" Ky rephrased as he pointed at Aang upon confrontation.

Both Sokka and Katara looked at each other before looking back at Ky with eyes full of suspicion, but Sokka sighed while Katara looked thoughtful as if actually considering the possibility.

"I mean… that's not… You can't... What about the village?! We can't just leave these kids and grandmas there? Right, Katara?!" Sokka questioned with a look of worry and doubt.

"That's a little… I don't know… I mean, really think about it? Why else did we, of all those people in the past 100 years find him? It has to be fate!

"Plus, if he's really been frozen all this time as a kid, how can we just lat the last hope of our world wonder around lost?! Gran Gran and the others a strong, but the world right now Is weak! We have to help!" Katara concluded after reflecting on it for a bit.

"You can't be serious!… Avatar or not, we don't even know this kid!… Why was he even frozen on ice?! What if he's an evil Avatar?! What if he was there on purpose? We can't trust this!" Sokka replied skeptical of the whole situation.

"Ahem!" Ky interrupted their discussion with a fake cough, while Aang looked down beaten up by the accusations.

"I'm the R Master here, and well, I know of Avatar Aang, he's a kind soul and I'm sure that if we find him the masters to teach him the 3 elements he's missing, he'll without a doubt stop the Fire Nation and end the rule of Fire Lord Ozai." Ky calmly reassured them with a smile on his face.

"Yeah… very kind of him to almost kill us in that storm just now." Sokka pointed out, unconvinced.

"Sokka!" Katara who read the room much better punched her brother's shoulder as he said that.

"No… he's right… I almost killed you all cause I couldn't control my emotions, I'm deeply sorry and you don't have to come with me, I'll figure something out… it's my destiny and all." Aang got up and bowed to the other three and sincerely apologized, clearly still hurt from the truth he had just learned.

"Wait! Where would you even go?" Katara was the first to ask full of worry.

Sokka on the other hand found himself thinking as he decided to maybe reevaluate.

Meanwhile, Ky just watched waiting for the chance to convince them all to go on this journey.

"I don't… I guess I'll go to the Air Temples to look for survivors, Air nomads are crafty lads, so I'm sure some of them found a way to escape and hide somehow." Aang responded eyes full of hope, even though the sadness he was carrying was still tangible.

"That's... Good luck…" Katara wanted to tell him that there were no more Air Nomads, but she could not put herself to do it.

"… Just be careful and don't go destroying anything by accident…" Sokka commented not with malicious intent but with clueless bluntness.

"Sokka!" Once again Katara hit him on the shoulder.

"It's fine, he's right, I have to be careful with my emotions, would hate to destroy the Air temples by accident…. Anyway, I'll wake up Appa and get going, so I stop bothering you." Aang responded with a sigh.

"Hey, hey! Wait, you have no reason to hurry, the Fire Nation has no idea where you are right now, so let's just take it easy and relax." Ky said with a warm smile as he extended his hand to Aang.

In response, Aang smiled back, then went serious and used his pole to send a blast of wind at him, knocking him out of the way, then he stepped back.

"I knew! He's evil we sh-" Sokka was celebrating before he felt it coming.

A fireball hit the spot where Ky and Aang were standing melting the ice out and creating a hole, as a voice in the distance yelled. "Fire! That's an Airbender right there! We've finally found him! Today is the day I grab along of my fate and go back home an honorable warrior and man!"

Prince Zuko's ship came up to them sailing in between two massive walls of ice, as it reached them, imposing, big, and letting out smoke as more black snow began falling around them, it was the Fire Nation.

"""Yes sir!""" Various Fire Nation soldiers replied as they began readying fireballs to attack.

"Katara! Make an ice wall! Aang get your flying Bison! We need to get out of here! Sokka! Knock out as many Fire Nation Soldiers as you can from here!" *Ky immediately began giving out orders as he got up and looked around to figure out what to do, and immediately upon seeing the two huge walls of ice, an idea came up, and he began to focus.

"Got it!" Katara began pulling in water and even though she couldn't move that much yet, she was building up a wall of ice.

"Hey! I know that you don't have to tell me." Sokka took the chance and threw his boomerang, ready to take out as many as he could.

"Huh… Ok! I'll go do that!" Aang was confused but didn't bother questioning it too much as he saw the situation was dire, so he did as told and air jumped back to the crater.

Inside the crater, there was a big creature covered in white fur with the resemblance of a bison. Aang approached the creature and shook it in hopes of waking it up, but it did not work immediately… It seemed the creature might be a heavy sleeper.

(Image Here)

While that was going on, at the Fire Nation ship, the soldiers were shooting fireballs, most of which were being blocked by ice or water with a few of them reducing the floor their enemy had to stand on.

How 3 of the 12 soldiers at work got knocked out by a boomerang that flew fast and strong.

"What kind of weapon is that?!"

"I thought it was a toy."

"We can't let any more of us fall to that, or Prince Zuko will make sure will fall off the board."

"Focus on shooting!"

Many of them could not understand how they were being taken out by what many considered a toy, but they could not afford to lose.

On the ice, various holes created by enemy fireball attacks surrounded them, as a panting Katara did her best to keep up, but this was simply too much for a water bender at her current level.

Once again Sokka grabbed his boomerang and prepared to throw it again.

The ice under them was cracking and they would not last too much more time.

As this was all taking place, Ky was still fully focused trying to get his plan to work.

"Surrender now, and I might consider merely taking you in as prisoners, and if you hand over the Avatar, I'm willing to give you a good life in Fire Nation territory, think of it as pity for the weak." Prince Zuko was not impressed by their little resistance and knew that as his ship approached the enemy's time was ending, they had already lost, so why not make the most out of their clearly desperate situation?

"Never!" A heavy-breathing Katara refused with her every bit of strength left.

"Tch! Who needs Fire Nation anyway? I don't want that kind of heat!" Sokka equally rejected it in his own way.

At that time, coming from the crater, was Aang riding his flying Bison, and it jumped into the air ready to take off."Yipp, Yipp! Got on everyone!"

Unfortunately, it fell to the ice as it found itself unable to fly.

"Oh well, it's okay, Appa... Guess we're swimming…" Aang had a weak smile on his face as he realized Appa, could not fly right now.

"I'm a little busy right now!" Katara who was sweating and hanging on by a thread complained.

"Help us!" Sokka who had already knocked out 6 out of the 12 Fire Nation soldiers yelled at Aang.

"Oh! Of course!" Aang realized his mistake and air jumped high into the sky, before using his pole to charge by rotation and send three air blasts at the Fire Nation ship.

Blocking two of the air blasts, Prince Zuko finally acted, but the third air blast hit his remaining 6 soldiers forcing them to scatter.

"Useless! They are all useless!" Prince Zuko groveled as he began to attack the now-falling Aang with more fireballs.

Finally getting to rest as the constant attacks stopped, Katara fell to the ground breathing heavily, and Sokka came to her and immediately carried her to Appa, before calling out to Ky. "I don't know what you're trying to do! But we have to leave, now!"

Receiving no response from Ky, Sokka just ran to Appa with Katara on his back.

In the air, Aang deflected all of Zuko's attacks as he slowly fell back on Appa and threw another few air blasts back.


At that time as Zuko defended himself from the Air blasts, the ice walls around the ship began trembling, from slow to faster as they cracked, and a huge portion of them fell on the ship.


Ky nosebleed, panting from exhaustion, and fell to his knees, his arms hugging his body as he felt cold.

"That's crazy!" Sokka jumped off Appa after putting Katara down and went to go get him.

"That's amazing!… But are they ok? Wasn't that a little extreme?…" Aang questioned with somber eyes.

Right after, Sokka brought Ky back with him, and then as soon as he put him down looked at Aang. "Let's go! Fire Nation are like roaches! Before we know they're back up!"

"… Got it! Yipp! Yipp! Appa! We're leaving…" With that, Aang had the reigns of Appa and they left on top of him, swimming off to the village.

Later on, from under the whole chunks of ice, flames burst as Prince Zuko and His Uncle melted it all out.

"Uncle! Where were you when I needed you?!??" Prince Zuko was furious.

"You were the one who told me to enjoy my tea somewhere else, so I did, besides, since you never called for me, I thought it was all fine… But looking at the Ship and crew now… it was far from fine… Well, it's a lesson for both of us, hahahaha!" His uncle looked at him with a sorry look as he shrugged his arms.

"Grrrr! This is no laughing matter uncle! Our fleet just lost to children!" Prince Zuko was fuming.

"I swear I'll catch the Avatar if it's the last thing I do!!" He let out, in a roar of flames.

"… Hmmm, it seems you might want some Jasmine tea, it's good for calming your nerves." His uncle offered him a cup of tea.

Prince Zuko just pushed it away and then said. "Get your lazy asses back up! We have an Avatar to trail!"

At the same time, Ky's group was reaching the village, and that was how another day in this world ended for him.

HaremHobo HaremHobo

He's here! the protagonist boy…

What now?

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