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50% A New Max Thunderman / Chapter 6: Adventures in Supersitting

Capítulo 6: Adventures in Supersitting

Friday night. Friday night was all it took for him to realize what was going to happen, and what events were about to be set into motion, unless he changed the events in question.

Walking into the kitchen, he caught the smell of cake, raw meat, and he saw what looked to be a salad on the table. The dinner from the pilot that kickstarted the episode. Now, for those wondering, the order he requested Tara put in was on his way, along with a lot of cheese. He was improving Maxie's original prank from the show. It was necessary, plus a little fun. He needed Phoebe to initiate a prank war, that he was going to let her buy into. He would let her control that narrative. Plus, he needed to get as close to Tara as possible to make future tasks easier.

She was still his friend, though. He wouldn't forget that.

Sighing, he sat down silently, pulling out his phone and going to Chirper, starting to scroll. He mainly just signed up for the memes he could find, which, in all honesty, were pretty great. Some got low chuckles out of him.

Watching Phoebe walk to the table with a grin that he knew would be there, she showed the platter. "I hope you're all hungry!" Phoebe exclaimed, grinning as she set the platter on the table, with everyone but Max agreeing.

He couldn't help but note how chaotic this would be when Chloe arrived, and he huffed in amusement, crossing his arms as he put his phone away.

He decided not to grab the Peruvian hot sauce. The less holes in the ceiling, the better. The fight against Candi Falconman could be less difficult if there were LESS holes in the ceiling rather than MORE.

"It is so nice to sit down to dinner like a normal family." Barb says, and he can't help but snort, getting a look from everyone but Billy. Taking advantage of the distraction, he uses his telekinesis to lift Phoebe's arm, which was still grasping the lid on the platter, before using his heat breath to cook the raw chicken. He released her arm as multiple people were opened mouthed, partially in shock.

"Hey, knives for elbows, grab the forks." Maxie really needed to stop thinking of insults the second he saw Phoebe. They kept coming out of Max's mouth. He had a newfound respect for Max's ability not to insult Phoebe in every sentence he said to her.

Phoebe gave a small glare but quickly dropped it, turning around and using her telekinesis to pull the forks to her hands.

"I'll get the lemonade!" Billy exclaims, rushing to the fridge and digging things out quickly, before returning with said lemonade.

Instead of how the show went, Max didn't go for the cake. He needed to start getting fit, in order to do what he wanted. Plus, he was short, and cake could stunt his growth. This body was technically still growing... maybe. He didn't know for sure.

"Kids, no more superpowers. We will eat a single dinner like a normal family." Hank says, then instantly goes for his hot sauce. Max just makes himself a plate and starts eating silently, not talking to anyone. When he was done, he threw his plate in the sink, and slid down to his Lair.

~~Two Hours Later~~

Around dark, he finally broke into the last phone Tara stole then sent her a text from that phone saying, "*Guess who finally cracked open all of the phones? Going to factory reset them all to sell, text me on mine.*"

Throwing the phone in with the rest, he rubbed his hand against his face. Standing up, he moved to a drawer and pulled out some sweatpants, then shrugging out of his jeans and putting them on. Pulling his shirt off, he replaced it with a tank top.

Hearing his phone go off, he moved to the desk and grabbed HIS phone, clicking it on. Unlocking it, he tapped on the text icon to read her message.

"*I'm video calling you. Answer it.*" The message said, and he nodded.

The second the call came through, he hit the answer button, hovering over the phone. When her end loaded, she saw him and instantly looked away for some reason. She was still in her clothes from school today.

"Max, already turning in for the night?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He shakes his head, grabbing the phone and moving into his bed, grabbing the covers and throwing them over his lower half. "I literally just changed, T. Are you heading to bed?" He questions her in return.

"I was about to change, then you told me you finished cracking the phones open." She replied.

Max gives her a look. "Why didn't you change before calling me?" Max asked, plugging his phone up to his charger.

"Because I wanted to see the basket of phones resetting." She answers with a shrug then continues, "Plus, I could always hang up after."

Max nods in agreement before moving, his body stretching unintentionally and highlighting his torso. He switches the camera around and shows the basket, showing phones saying they were reset or are in the process of resetting. He switches the camera back around as he lays back down, throwing the blanket over his lower half again.

Looking at Tara, he saw her looking away from the screen for some reason, then she looks back. "You're good at that. Next time I need some phone help, I know who I need to go to." She says, then props the phone up before moving out of her bed.

He raises an eyebrow. "T? Are you about to change? I can hang up?" He gives her the option. He might have gotten around in his past life, but he always respected them.

She shakes her head, gripping onto the net top and pulling it off, the black long sleeve the only thing underneath it, though not hidden well, because, well, the net top.

He can't help but freeze as she tosses her bracelets onto her dresser, then she grips her shirt and pulls it off, revealing a black sports bra.

Max watches as she peels said bra off, then tossing it to the side, revealing her breasts without a care. His mouth goes dry.

"'Oh my god! She's topless!'" Maxie exclaims, and he subtly nods.

"'She is, now shut up. I'm watching the show she definitely knows she's putting on.'" Max responds.


Leaning over, her breasts dangle as she unlaces her combat boots, then kicking them off, her socks following soon after. Her hands reach up to her chain, then unclips a piece from around a belt loop, then pulls it off and tosses it onto her dresser, next to her bracelets.

Her eyes dart to the phone, and he sees her smirk slightly before giving a wink, then moving to the button on her cut-off shorts. She had a second pair.

She pushes them down her hips, revealing hidden skin as it slides down her legs. Seeing a matching pair of sport underwear, the same brand and color as her bra, he feels a reaction below. However, he doesn't move to react to the reaction.

Tara kicks the shorts away, then moves her fingers up to her panties and wraps her fingers around them before shrugging them down, coincidentally having to lean over with her back to the camera, giving him more than a good view as she does.

Tossing the underwear to the same place her shorts were, she opened her dresser and pulled out a shirt, then turned before walking closer to the camera, completely bare.

She flashes a devious grin, knowing that with her proximity, he was getting every detail. "That's my version of a reward. I hope you enjoyed it." She smirks as she slides the oversized shirt over her body, hiding most of her skin from view. "Maybe one day, you get to see what I do before I go to bed every night. Until then, I'll leave you to what I know you want to do. Goodnight, M."

"Goodnight, T." Max waves, then she hangs up with a laugh. He sets his phone on his desk, the charger still plugged up. He closes his eyes, to keep the image in his head as he reaches down. She was right.

"'What are you going to do with that?'" Maxie asks.

"'Exactly what you would do. Now shut up and go to sleep. After this, I'm turning in.'" Max replies.

"'Oh! You got it.'" Max feels Maxie disappear, so he starts.

A perfect way to begin the series.


He spent all of Saturday going over what Tara did. He knew she was blunt, but to be THAT forward? and she alluded to more? It had his head spinning. Tara in the show didn't show interest in Max during the one episode she was in. Was it the fact that he approached her like he did, or didn't treat her different after finding out who her parents were? Who knew?

Plus, he was wrapped up in what he could do. With his actions so far, an infinite number of things could happen. His presence and interference could damage or fix things. This was new territory, especially with this being the start of a brand new Thundermans story.

"'You are being strangely still today. You are usually always doing something. Always to further some agenda. I really should have been doing that all these years. Man, I have been SLACKING." Maxie noted in his head.

'"Oh, it's going to get eventful real soon, I think. Just give it time.'" Max replies, his face blank on the outside.

"'I'll take your word for it.'" Maxie replies, then continues with, "How did you get that Tara girl to strip for you? I mean, she is real Dark Empress material.'"

"'I have no idea. Shut up and enjoy the show that's about to happen.'" Max then stood up and walked into the living room at the same time as Phoebe, bumping into her. Perfectly timed.

"You should love your siblings." Phoebe was talking to Billy and Nora, but she bumped into him instead. He looked down at her with a blank face, and for some reason she seemed to get nervous, but quickly composed herself. She then turned to 'their' younger siblings. "Except him. He's evil."

"That's right. At the moment, I'm only at about a three on the evil scale, so you two should be fine. Can opener elbows though, not so much." Max said, nodding his head in Phoebe's direction and getting a laugh. He then pulled out the chain with Phoebe's old doll heads on it and dropped them on her books. "Oh, found these. Don't want them." Then he walked to the couch and sat down. Looking at his shoes, he noted the need to buy combat boots. Next week, he reminded himself.

"You... what? You used to boast about doing it? When did that change?" Phoebe asked, confused, and for some reason, slightly red.

"When I realized carrying it around was weird?" Max asks questioningly, hiding the fact that it was because he just didn't want them, and he was trying to lay down evidence for him to change. Phoebe just rushes upstairs without a word, probably to grab extra things and put the doll heads away.

Then Barb and Hank round the corner. "Date night!" They sing together, stepping into the living room. u

"Where are you going?" Nora asked.

"He's taking Barb out to dinner. Me and Phoebe are in charge of watching you two." Max says, looking at his phone.

"That's... correct. How did you know that?" Barb asked.

"'You came out singing 'date night'.'" Maxie said.

"You walked into the room singing about date night, and it's Saturday. You two are also dressed up and smiling at each other like he stares at cheap parking. Date night, probably dinner date." Max told them, laying it all out.

Barb went to open her mouth, but a horn aired out from the front of the house, and everyone but Max froze.

"Thundermonitor, who is outside?" Hank asked.

Max answered before the computer could. "Thundermonitor, don't answer. That's my friend. I have to give something to her." He then slid down his slide and grabbed the box before exiting through his window. Getting to the car, he saw her biting her lip for some reason. He set the box down in the passenger seat, then buckled it up with the seatbelt, which got him a laugh, and she didn't seem nervous anymore.

"Wanna come with?" She offered, grinning at him. However, it dropped a little when he shook his head.

"I have to watch my little siblings. The parents have a date night. Tomorrow, though, I'm yours. All day." His face is still blank.

She smirked widely again. "I'm holding you to that." She responded, and he nodded.

"Wouldn't expect any less." Max responds, tapping the door then turning around, walking back to his house as he heard the car pull away.

"'Nice flirting.'" Maxie complimented, and Max gained a confused expression.

"'I wasn't flirting... was I?'" Max asked, somehow knowing this was going to become a thing. Max catching onto something before him.

"'You're all hers tomorrow? That was flirting, man.'" Maxie replied, and Max sighed, stepping into the house.

First thing he noticed was a distraught Phoebe. Phoebe looked at max and asked incredulously, "Did you know that mom and dad are making us babysit!?"

Max simply nods. "Nora, Billy, want to do cool things in my Lair?" Max asks, and they instantly nod. "Then get down there." He watches as they both go down the slide, and he hears impact.

Phoebe looks at him in shock before turning to Hank and Barb. "Can't a neighbor watch Billy and Nora?"

"And risk the kids exposing their powers to a non-superhero? Max has already shown one our house, we don't need our secret revealed." Hank said, giving a pointed look over at max before returning to Phoebe. Max kept his arms crossed.

In case Cherry learns their secret, he could just use the BrainMelt erase this night from her head entirely (just the one night) and have her think the plans today were actually made tomorrow. He modified the BrainMelt first once he got access to Maxie's gadgets.

"They won't. They're really responsible now." Phoebe responds as Max plops back down onto the couch.

Right after, a laser comes up from the open space on the slide and bounces off of something then head straight towards Max, which he notes as he looks up.

He debates on using his telekinesis to divert the laser away from him, but decides against it, instead opting to push himself off of the couch and onto the floor, turning to see the laser hit the couch. After, he turned and glared at Phoebe like he meant it, even though he didn't. "Are they, Phoebe? Are they really?"

Phoebe immediately turned to look at Barb, who shook her head. "No. That is the final answer." Then she turned around and walked to the kitchen with Hank, Phoebe close behind, likely ready to continue the discussion that was clearly over.

The way he saw it, Cherry finding out tonight was inevitable. With the way Billy and Nora are, and the fact that to preserve their friendship, Cherry HAD to come tonight, it was going to happen. He should get downstairs and ready the BrainMelt.

"'You almost got lasered.'" Maxie helpfully tells him.

''Wow, thanks captain obvious, I had no idea.'" Max replies, still on the floor, staring off into space.

"'Are you alright? It would suck if you lost it.'" Maxie says.

"'Compared to other things I have seen, that was on the lighter side. I'm fine. It actually helps with my plan.'" Max replies.

"'How so?'"

"'I haven't figured that part out yet. But eventually, it will. Now, quiet.'" Max tells him, and Maxie complies.

He stands up, hearing the door in the kitchen shut, then watches Phoebe storm into the living room, upset.

He walks in front of her and stops, however she keeps going and walks right into him. He grabs her wrist and pulls her up quickly. Once she's upright, he notices how close they are, then let's go and takes a step back, not noticing her red face before she shakes her head to recover.

"Invite her over. You never know when you are going to get someone else to want to be your friend. I'll look after Billy and Nora to the best of my ability." Max told her with a straight face.

Phoebe just gave him a look. "You will look after our siblings voluntarily?" She questions.

In response, he uses his telekinesis to pull her phone over, gets into her phone easily, then sends a message basically asking if she was still on for the night. He wasn't going to say exactly how he typed it, but he will tell that it was painful to write. Then he held the phone out to her. "Answer your question?" When she took the phone, he went to his slide and slid down, having to use his telekinesis to divert a laser into a rock on the way.

~~Later That Night~~

He had been keeping them occupied most of the night. Videogames, exercise, etcetera. They seemed surprised that I was taking time out of my day to do things with them. This was also a ploy. Yeah, he cared for them, obviously, but doing this would build trust and bonding. It was to prevent further problems in the future, the problems revolving around trust or bonding.

"I have to go upstairs for a snack. You two want anything?" Max asks, looking at them. Billy and Nora both look at max then nod. "Well, what do you want?"

They glance at each other again before answering, "Pudding cups." They both say, and he nods before walking out up the stairs and into the living room, where he sees Cherry in the kitchen, her back to him. He takes a glance down to see the back of her skirt, then moves his eyes back up, mentally smacking himself.

Stepping into the kitchen, he sees Phoebe perk up with her eye wide for some reason, while Cherry turns to look at him. She looks red, redder than she was in this scene in the show.

"'I think she likes us.'" Maxie states.

"'I know she does.'" He lets slip, knowing what she said at the end of the episode when he was alive.


"'Don't focus on that. Quiet.'"

"Oh, is this him?" Cherry asks, glancing over with a smirk, one he can't decipher. Was Maxie's inability to decipher facial expressions a trait he picked up? He usually could decipher every expression he saw.

He took a glance at a reflective surface to see himself, then really took in what he was wearing. Sweatpants and a tank top. Really? This is why she likes him this time?

"Cherry, meet Max. Max, meet-"

"Cherry, I know. I heard her name the first time you said it." He notes, making sure she notices him looking her up and down. "Anyways, I'm getting me, Billy and Nora some snacks." Max grabs some cool ranch Doritos off of the top of the fridge, then opens it to grab pudding cups. Opening a drawer, he pulls out two spoons then closes it.

Looking back at the two, he raises his eyebrows. They were both staring at him. "What?" Max asked, giving them a weird look.

"Nothing!" Phoebe answered quickly.

Meanwhile, Cherry bit her lip. "You know, you're pre-"

Cherry was cut off by Nora yelling, "Give it back!" Max had to hold in the sigh. They found the Nose Hairalyzer anyways.

"No!" Then he immediately put the snacks down on the counter as Billy yelled.

Stepping out to the living room, Cherry and Phoebe on his heels, he saw them fighting over the device. Nose hair was going each time they pressed down on the device, and he had ot even duck to avoid getting hit.

"Hey." Max tried to call out blankly. When they kept fighting, he shouted this time, "Hey!" That got them to stop, then look at him. "Where did you get that?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.

They both paused before Nora said, "He found it." Nora accused Billy, of course.

Billy nodded. "That means it's mine!" Billy tugged on it.

Phoebe finally had enough. "That's it!" Then she uses her powers to float Billy and Nora in the air.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as Cherry walked past him. Immediately taking the chance given to him, he used his freeze breath to freeze Cherry in place.

Raising two fingers, he used his telekinesis to grab onto Billy and Nora. When Phoebe turned around to see Cherry frozen, she lost focus and her telekinesis faltered, but thanks to him using his, they didn't fall. Instead, they were gently lowered to the ground before he released his metaphysical hold on them.

Turning to Phoebe, he shoved his hands into his pockets. "You should go make sure those brownies get done. She doesn't get unfrozen until they are." Max said, casting a glare Phoebe's way. It looked real, but it wasn't. He had a part to play.

"But-" Phoebe goes to explain, but Max cuts her off.

"I modified my BrainMelt to erase only a day of memory. Or a few hours. It really depends on if you want to continue with your plans tonight. I recommend letting me erase this whole night, unfreezing her at her house, then, telling her you have to reschedule, then move the girl's night to tomorrow. However, your friend, the final decision is yours." Max says.

Phoebe opens her mouth to speak while Nora and Billy simply look at each other, seeing Max give her a choice. He was trying to fix this? He ALREADY had a way to fix this?

"How do I know-?"

"If it works? I tried it on Colosso. He was wondering what my reason for skipping school was this morning." Max cuts her off, telling a complete lie. "Would you rather come up with a horrible explanation for what she saw, like a school musical, or would you rather just erase a few hours?" Max asks simply, hands on his sides.

Phoebe opens and closes her mouth, then sighs. "We will... erase a few hours of her memory. It sounds simpler. I'm trusting you, Max." She says, giving him a pointed look.

Max nods. "Okay. Hand me her phone." Max holds his hand out.

"It's in her pocket." Phoebe points at a pocket on the back of the skirt, and he makes a 'huh' sound.

Moving closer, he leans down and focuses his heat breath on unfreezing that part before grabbing her phone. He then uses his freeze breath to refreeze the spot. Turning around, he quickly hacks into her phone and turns 'Do not Disturb' on. "Send Cherry a message that you have to reschedule right now." He says, and she complies. Max then looks at Billy and Nora. "We are going to need you to come with us." Max says, then looks at Cherry. "I have to grab a few things, change, then we leave. Got it?" he gets nods. "Good. Get ready to go."

~~Close to Cherry's house~~

Max checked his watch during one of their breaks, noting the time. Hank should be pretending to be a Thunder Man performer right now, using real props might he add.

"'Why are you going through all of this effort?'" Maxie asked and Max rolled his eyes quickly.

"'If we are outed, my plans go down the drain. I have to preserve the secret.'" Max responded.

"'Okay, that makes sense.'" Maxie said.

Max replied with, "'I know. Now shut up, I have to focus.'"

Looking at Cherry's frozen form, he looks back up at Phoebe who seems to be out of breath. "Just a little more, Pheebs. The injection I gave her will knock her out the second she's unfrozen, then it's just a matter of erasing her brain. Nora, you still have the BrainMelt?" Max asks, looking at Nora.

Nora nods then responds, "Still have it." She shows the helmet-like device.

"Billy, check to see if they are back yet." Max orders, and he watches as Billy runs back with superspeed, then returns.

"Not there yet." Billy says, and Max nods. He already knew that, but best to keep up appearances.

"Okay. Elbows McCreary, let's finish this." Max says, and Phoebe sighs.

"Alright. Three, two, one, lift!"

~~Inside Cherry's Room~~

They went through a long process to get Cherry up here. It consisted of Max climbing the two stories to the blonde's room, getting the window open (which he had to do one handed) then getting in. Then both him and Phoebe had to use their telekinesis together in order to get Cherry to her room, which was a bit harder because they had zero cooperation skills. He hoped to fix that in the future.

Laying her down, he plugged her phone up to the charger before unfreezing her. The second she looked at him, her eyes widened before they closed, the tranquilizer taking effect. The thing he theorized about the freeze breath was that when frozen, only the outside and processing of the brain were frozen. However, the other functions of the body, such as breathing, still happened. the heart was still beating, blood still flowed through their veins, it kept them alive.

That was why when she was unfrozen, the tranquilizer took effect, because it still carried to the brain, however the brain could not process it until defrosted.

When he knew she was out he poked his head out of the window then whispered, "Phoebe! Levitate the BrainMelt up here!" Okay, he whisper-shouted. She complied, and he turned back to the interior of the room.

Aiming it, he adjusted the setting before hitting blast, and it erased everything from this night. he had already deleted the message so that she had no idea she went to Phoebe's, and as far as she knew, she passed out in her bed. Easily believable, especially since Cherry was a little... slow.

Once done, he poked his head out of the window and dropped it, which Phoebe caught with her telekinesis after turning to look up. He noticed leaves blowing, so she had probably been telling Billy to check the house.

Climbing back out of the window, he shut it and locked it (again, with one hand) before climbing down. Once down he grabbed his device.

"Let's get back." He said, and they all nodded.

~~Later That Night~~

Sighing, he leaned back into his desk chair. Him and Phoebe put Billy and Nora to bed hours ago. When Hank and Barb came home, they complimented them both for a job well done, and went upstairs to take care of Hank's back.

He hears steps and groans. "What do you want, Phoebe? I just had to break into someone's house and erase their brain with you. I'm tired of seeing you today." Max turns around, showing displeasure. The displeasure was genuine this time.

"I just... wanted to say thank you for preserving the secret and going out of your way to make sure my friendship with Cherry stays intact." Phoebe tells him, folding her fingers together.

He raises his eyebrows. "Don't thank me. I was doing it for my own selfish reasons." Max tells her simply.

Phoebe nods. "I know that. But still. Thank you." Phoebe swaps her stance, seemingly thinking before making a choice. She steps forward and presses a kiss to Max's cheek before turning around and heading upstairs. His eyebrows raise, but he turns around, nonetheless.

"'Did she just...?'" Maxie asks.

"'Best not to question it. Soon, I will find a way to shut you up. You can get annoying.'" Max tells him.

"'One day. But not today.'"

He gets a message on his phone, and he opens it. It's a picture of Tara. The camera is pointed at a mirror, and she is topless. However, she is covering her chest with an arm.

The message that accompanies it is. "*Hope next time we talk; I can show you more. ;)*"


Max sighs. He definitely has to get rid of him.

~~Even Later That Night~~

Feeling a presence in the room, he cracks his eyes open quickly and sits up. He sees a glowing figure and it takes him a second before he recognizes it. Her, actually. It was the woman who sent him here.

"I told you I would visit." She told him, and he turns to look at Colosso. "Do not worry about him. Time keeps moving, but his body and mind are paused. He has no idea I am here, and unless you tell him, never will. I must admit, when I first scanned a universe to see what you were most familiar with, this was not what I was expecting of a man of your caliber." She spoke.

"I had a daughter who liked Nickelodeon. She also liked superheroes. This was practically all I ever watched." He shrugs. Then he blinks. "What about Maxie?" he questions.

"He has no idea I am here either. I made sure he could not interrupt this conversation, and he has no idea this conversation is happening. If you must know, you can get rid of him. Not permanently, as he will always be there, but you can silence him. I cannot simply remove a soul from a body, especially a preexisting one. If I were to try and do that, your soul would perish in the process, and the body would die. However, you are the only one that can do that. What I am able to do at the moment, is give you the ability to pause him for one activity you do a day. He would not comment, he would not interrupt, and he would not be able to see what you are doing. If you miss a day, they do not stack." She explains, and he nods.

"That makes sense." Max replies, then takes a second. "What is your name by the way?"

She gives him a sad smile. "I do not have one." She explains.

He thinks for a moment. "Then I'll give you one. I'll think of one, then next time you visit, I can suggest a name. Would that be alright?" Max asks.

She smiles happily. "Of course, it would be." She waves her hand and a book thumps down onto his desk. "If you read that book, by the end, you will be able to silence him. However, I do know that you have other things to work on, so it just might be awhile before you accomplish the ability to silence him. I wish you look. I must take my leave; I have spent too long here. I must straighten out other matters. I will work harder to be able to visit you more often, and for longer. I wish you luck. Goodbye." She waves, and he waves back, then he blinks, and she's gone.

He looks at the book, then sighs. "Tomorrow at the earliest." Then he covers back up to sleep.

{End Note: Voting will now be an option. At the end of each chapter, you will vote on what he does between chapters, whether it be working on getting read of Maxie as a voice, practicing his powers, working on new devices, running ploys, etcetera. Now, each choice will affect the story in some way, so don't just choose one over and over, or do, I don't mind. Training the powers could open up more power opportunities, however if you choose a ton of these in a row then choose something else, there is the potential that he loses a power ability. However, if you choose a bunch of book reading to get rid of Maxie, he might not be able to solve problems, and they could get worse Along with the fact that too much could damage his brain, and he might not be the same. Choices have consequences, so choose wisely. Most of the time, they will be in an Author's Thought, though they might be sometimes accompanied by a question. This vote will have two things to vote on; however, most of the time it will be one, sometimes it might have two. Every choice matters, so choose wisely.}

Vote (What to do):

- Book Reading (Get rid of Maxie)

- Practice with Powers

- Screw Around

- Etcetera (What other thing you think he should do)

Vote (Name for the woman that transported him):

- Caity

- Dani or Danielle (long version)

- Ash

(There is no other option, choose the one you like best here)

ArrowMaker15 ArrowMaker15

Is there anything you want to change? An age change, gender change, a request for a minor change in plot? Major changes are always up to me, because those shape the story.

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