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96.22% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 51: Eternal Love

Capítulo 51: Eternal Love

Days passed, and Mark and Raven grew closer with each one. They spent nearly every waking moment together, their bond strengthening as they shared more of themselves with each other. For Raven, it was like discovering a new side of life—one where she could actually feel emotions without fear of losing control. She loved the simple pleasure of having her skin in contact with his, feeling his warmth seep into her. It grounded her in a way she hadn't experienced before, a constant reminder that she wasn't alone.

Their days often started with training. Mark was patient, guiding her through exercises to help her get a handle on her powers. It wasn't just about controlling her magic, but about learning to navigate her emotions too. At first, it was hard. Raven struggled with the flood of feelings that came with opening herself up, emotions she had kept locked away for so long. But day by day, she began to embrace them, slowly letting herself feel without fear. Having Mark beside her made it easier. His calm presence, his unwavering support—it all helped her to stay balanced.

There were times when she slipped, when her emotions got the better of her and her powers threatened to lash out. But Mark was always there, helping her rein it in, teaching her to breathe, to focus, to find the center of herself. It was a process, and Raven found herself growing stronger for it. As their bond deepened, Mark managed to coax her into doing something she never thought she'd be able to—he convinced her to go into town with him. The idea terrified her at first. Undoing the spell that erased her presence was harder than she expected. The magic had been in place for so long that unweaving it felt like peeling away a layer of herself. But she did it, for him, and the two of them set off for town.

The town of Bayview was small, quiet, but full of people who knew each other well. Mark struggled just as much as she did, feeling the eyes on him as they walked through the streets. He had made sure he wasn't seen every time he came here before, always slipping in and out without being noticed. Now, with Raven by his side, he was anything but invisible. People looked at him as if they were seeing a ghost, and the unease was palpable. To calm her nerves, Mark held Raven's hand the entire time. His grip was firm, reassuring, a lifeline as she navigated the overwhelming rush of emotions that came with being around so many people. She was only glad that their training had helped her keep her powers under control, even as her emotions swirled inside her. It was a challenge, but she managed, taking comfort in the fact that she wasn't alone.

At one point, as they were walking down the main street, Mark was confronted by his old friend Gary. The air between them was tense, Gary hadn't spoken to Mark since he returned to Bayview, not since the accident that took his father's life at sea. The guilt and sorrow between them were almost tangible. But then, the tension broke. Gary stepped forward and hugged Mark, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed into his friend's chest. He apologized over and over, saying how sorry he was for blaming Mark, how it wasn't his fault. Mark hugged him back, his expression tight as he fought back his own tears. Raven didn't need to see him cry to know how much this meant to him. She could feel the relief radiating off him, a burden finally lifted.

Gary invited them both over to his home, and Mark accepted. When they arrived, Mark finally made amends with the Evans family, who had been like a second family to him. He introduced them to Raven, explaining that she had moved into the mansion on the hill. Raven was uneasy at first, uncomfortable with the idea of being around so many new people. But the Evans family was warm, welcoming, and after a while, she found herself relaxing. They argued a lot, voices rising in heated debates over dinner, but there was no mistaking the love they had for each other. It was a love that extended to Mark as well, and by extension, to her.

Days turned into weeks, and before long, Raven found that they hardly spent any time at the mansion during the day. They'd be out and about in town, visiting different places, meeting new people. Mark introduced her to more of his old friends—though she didn't much like Megan. They'd spend time at the small diner on the corner, sharing milkshakes and fries, or at the park where they'd sit on the bench and watch the world go by. They even went to the small bookstore where Mark picked up a few new reads, and Raven found herself getting lost in the stacks. Raven was still getting used to all the attention. She wasn't used to being seen, to being acknowledged. But with Mark by her side, it became easier. He'd hold her hand, give her a reassuring smile, and remind her that she was doing fine. It wasn't long before the people of Bayview accepted her presence, treating her as part of the community. It was strange, but not unpleasant. She even found herself enjoying the sense of normalcy, something she had never thought she'd have.

Despite all the activity during the day, the nights were quiet and intimate. When they returned to the mansion, they'd often end up kissing a lot, letting their bodies touch brush against each other. She loved the feeling of Marks hands over her and she felt herself grow wet in the anticipation of it all. Though they hadn't gone any further than that yet, she'd never done anything like that before so she was slightly nervous at the thought. Something Mark thankfully understood and didn't pressure her to do.

Raven couldn't believe how much her life had changed in such a short time. She had gone from being isolated, cut off from the world, to being part of a community, to being with someone who understood her, who helped her grow. Mark had become her anchor, the one person she could rely on, and she found herself loving every moment they spent together. Every morning, they'd wake up in each other's arms, and every night, they'd fall asleep the same way. The mansion, once cold and empty, was now filled with warmth and life.


(One year later inside Bayview)

Mark stood by the grill, flipping burgers as the smoke rose up into the evening air. The sound of sizzling meat filled the space around him, mixing with the distant chatter coming from inside the mansion. The weekly gatherings with the Evans family had quickly become a tradition, something everyone looked forward to. Once a week, they'd come up to the mansion for dinner. It wasn't just because Mark and Raven—Rachel, as the Evans knew her—had a bigger kitchen, but also because the view from up here was incredible. It felt like the world was spread out before them, and they could forget their troubles for a while.

Gary stood beside Mark, sipping on a beer as they watched the burgers cook. The two of them had fallen into an easy rhythm, just like old times. Mark took a sip of his own beer, savoring the cold bitterness as he glanced over at Gary.

"How's the car coming along?" Mark asked, flipping another burger over with a satisfying sizzle.

Gary's eyes lit up. "Man, it's almost ready for a test run. I finally got that 12-liter engine in, and it sounds like a goddamn beast. You should hear it roar."

Mark grinned, remembering the hours they'd spent in the garage, covered in grease, getting that old Mustang into shape. It had been abandoned for who knows how long, but now it was a real machine, ready to hit the road. "Can't wait to see it in action," Mark said. "We'll have to take it for a spin when it's done."

Gary nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely, man. It's gonna tear up the road. Maybe even get Megan in there for a joyride."

Mark chuckled, turning his attention back to the grill. "Speaking of Megan, how're things with her?"

Gary's face broke into a wide grin. "Amazing, man. She's something else. Never thought I'd end up with someone like her, but here we are. Those tits, man... they're unreal."

Mark shook his head with a laugh, flipping the last burger onto the grill. "You're as crude as ever."

Gary laughed, taking another swig of his beer. "What can I say? I like naked women. Sue me."

Mark just smirked, rolling his eyes as he glanced back toward the mansion. Through the kitchen window, he could see Megan, Amelia, Raven, and Gary's sister Emma moving around, preparing a salad to go with the meal. Raven caught his eye, looking effortlessly cute in a light sundress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the hem brushing her thighs as she moved. The apron she wore added a domestic touch that made Mark's heart skip a beat. Her dark hair was pulled back, leaving her neck exposed, and the way she moved with such ease, helping Amelia and Megan, made him realize just how much she'd grown since they first met.

Gary noticed where Mark's attention had gone and nudged him with his elbow. "So, how far you gone with Rachel?"

Mark rolled his eyes again, this time with a bit of a smile. "You really don't change, do you?"

"Nope," Gary said, unapologetic. "Come on, man, you know I'm curious."

Mark sighed, taking a sip of his beer before answering. "We haven't gone past second base yet, but it doesn't matter much. I'm just happy to hold her."

Gary raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "I bet your cock says different," he said with a laugh.

Mark couldn't help but chuckle too, shaking his head. "Maybe, but I'm not pushing her. I sneak out to relieve myself when I need to, but she'll let me know when she's ready."

Gary nodded, taking another swig of his beer. "Fair enough. But something tells me it might not be that way for much longer," Mark said, a grin spreading across his face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square box.

Gary's eyes widened, a smile spreading across his face. "No way. You're really gonna ask?"

Mark nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Congratulations, man," Gary said, clapping Mark on the shoulder. "You're a catch. Who'd say no?"

Mark gave him a smirk. "That's a little gay, dude."

Gary shrugged with a grin. "I know." They both stood there in silence for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Their laughter was interrupted as the girls stepped out onto the porch, carrying bowls of salad and other side dishes. Amelia caught Gary's eye and waved him over. "Come help set the table, lazy," she called, her tone teasing.

Gary rolled his eyes but complied, heading over to help set up the long table they'd put out on the patio. Mark stayed by the grill, finishing up with the burgers and moving the different cuts of meat onto a platter.

With everything ready, they all gathered around the table, settling into their seats. Emma reached out to grab a piece of bread, but Amelia slapped her hand away. "Not yet," she said, her tone firm.

Amelia bowed her head, and the rest followed suit. "Thank you, Lord, for this food, and for the people we're sharing it with," she began. "We miss John, and we hope he's finally resting and not working himself to the bone in heaven." Her words got a chuckle from Emma and Gary, lightening the mood.

"Amen," everyone echoed, and then they dug in.

The conversation flowed easily, everyone talking and laughing as they ate. The food was good, the company even better. Mark felt a sense of contentment settle over him as he looked around the table. He and Raven were no longer alone. They had people who cared about them, people who felt like family. It was a feeling he hadn't realized he'd been missing until he had it. Raven seemed happy too, her usual stoic demeanor softened by the warmth of the evening. She laughed at Gary's jokes, engaged in conversation with Megan and Amelia, and even teased Mark when he accidentally knocked over his beer.

As the night went on, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the patio in a warm, golden light. They stayed out there long after the food was gone, just enjoying each other's company, Raven leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched the stars begin to twinkle in the sky. Mark wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as they sat in comfortable silence. The world felt right, and for once, Mark allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things were going to be okay.


Mark and Raven stood side by side in the kitchen, the sounds of clinking dishes and running water filling the room. Mark washed up at the sink, scrubbing the remnants of their dinner from the plates, while Raven floated the cleaned dishes over to the drying rack with her telekinesis. It was an easy rhythm they'd settled into, and with Raven's abilities, the cleanup was going faster than usual.

As Mark handed her another plate, Raven spoke up, her tone neutral as usual. "Megan and Emma invited me to go to a spa."

Mark chuckled as he rinsed off a dish. "A spa, huh? Have you ever been to one before?"

"No," Raven replied monotonously. "I've never had much reason to care for my appearance."

Mark paused, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Then why go now?" he asked, genuinely curious. Raven was always so practical, never one to indulge in things like that.

Raven's pale cheeks flushed slightly, a faint pink coloring her otherwise stoic expression. She seemed to struggle for a moment, then quickly tried to change the subject. "It's nice having so many people in the house," she said, avoiding his gaze as she floated another dish over to the rack.

Mark chuckled softly, not pressing the issue. "Yeah, it is. It's good to see you getting along with them too. Makes this place feel more like a home."

They continued talking about their plans for the rest of the week, the conversation light and easy. But Mark's mind was elsewhere, his thoughts drifting back to the small box in his pocket. As they finished the last of the dishes, he took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He dried his hands on a towel, then reached into his pocket and pulled out the box.

Mark hesitated for a moment, looking down at it as if it might disappear. He could feel Raven watching him, curious. Finally, he turned to her, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

"Raven, I—there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he began, his words coming out in a rush. "We've been through a lot together, and I never thought I'd find someone who understands me like you do. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, Raven. I'm completely in love with you."

Raven's eyes widened as Mark dropped to one knee in front of her. He opened the box, revealing a simple but beautiful ring nestled inside. The sight of it made her heart skip a beat, her mind struggling to catch up with what was happening.

"Will you marry me?" Mark asked, his voice full of hope as he looked up at her.

Raven just stood there in her cute nightdress, her expression a mix of shock and confusion. Her mind raced, trying to process what he was asking. Her voice shook as she finally managed to speak. "You... you want to marry me?"

Mark nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "I do. Do you want to marry me?" he asked as he stood up, cupping her face gently in his hands.

Tears welled up in Raven's eyes as she nodded rapidly, her emotions overwhelming her. She'd never imagined someone would want to marry her, to love her despite everything. "Are you sure?" she asked in a weak, emotional voice, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Mark smiled softly, his heart swelling with love for her. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground as he spun her around, their laughter filling the kitchen. He set her back down and wiped her tears away with his thumb. "Is that an appropriate answer?" he asked with a grin.

Raven looked at him with an intense stare, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "I love you," she whispered, her voice trembling with sincerity.

Mark didn't need to say anything. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Raven melted into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back with everything she had. Mark lifted her again, this time holding her close as her legs wrapped around his waist. They kissed their way out of the kitchen, their bodies pressed tightly together, and up the stairs to Raven's room.

Once they reached the bed, Mark gently laid Raven down, their lips never breaking contact. They kissed for a long time, their hands exploring each other's bodies, but when Mark began to move his hands under her nightdress, Raven stopped him.

"Wait," she said softly, pulling back slightly. "I want you... badly. But I don't know why, I want to wait. I want it to be special, on our wedding night."

Mark smiled down at her, understanding in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "That's okay, Raven. We'll do it when you're ready." Raven's heart swelled with love and gratitude. She was happy—happier than she'd ever been in her life. Mark didn't go to sleep right away. He lay there, holding Raven close, but his mind was elsewhere. Sleep had been hard to come by this past year. Every time he closed his eyes, he'd find himself dreaming about people. Faces he knew were familiar, but he couldn't place them, couldn't remember their names. They were always there, in the back of his mind, and every single one of them told him the same thing... Take the necklace off.

It was such a simple request, something he could do in a second. But the more he thought about it, the less sense it made. Why should he? He liked the necklace. It was a part of him now, the only thing that connected him to his past, to whatever life he had before he ended up in Bayview. It wasn't much, but it was all he had. Taking it off felt like cutting off the last thread to a life he couldn't remember but somehow still mattered.

He knew he could take it off, physically speaking. It wasn't like the necklace was stuck to him. But every time he thought about doing it, a knot formed in his stomach. Something deep inside told him not to. He wasn't sure if it was fear or something else, but it kept him from removing it.

Mark had stayed awake for weeks at a time before, skipping sleep entirely, training through the nights. It wasn't just about getting stronger; it was about trying to understand what he could do, trying to figure out the limits of his powers. But tonight, he wasn't in the mood to stay up. He was tired—not physically, but mentally. He just wanted to close his eyes and not think about anything for a while. He wanted to hope that, maybe this time, sleep would come easy and be free of those nagging dreams.

Raven shifted slightly in his arms, snuggling closer to him, her breathing soft and even. She was already asleep, completely trusting him to keep her safe. Mark looked down at her, his heart swelling with a protective instinct. He would never let anything happen to her. She was the best thing in his life, the one person who made him feel grounded, made him feel like he belonged somewhere. With a sigh, Mark finally closed his eyes, trying to push all the thoughts out of his head. He focused on the steady rhythm of Raven's breathing, hoping it would lull him into sleep. He didn't want to think about the necklace or the dreams. He just wanted one night of peace.


The next few months after Mark proposed to Raven were a whirlwind of activity. Everything moved so fast that it felt like a blur to both of them. The moment Amelia found out about the engagement, she nearly jumped for joy. Her excitement was contagious, and soon enough, Megan and Emma were just as involved, throwing themselves into the planning process with full force. They decided the wedding would take place at the mansion. It made perfect sense. The garden was vast and flat, with a breathtaking view of the sea and the sunset. It was the ideal setting for what was shaping up to be the event of the year in Bayview.

But organizing a wedding was no small feat. Amelia, Megan, and Emma dove headfirst into the preparations, tackling every detail with precision and enthusiasm. There were flowers to choose, menus to plan, a guest list to finalize, and decorations to select. The mansion's garden had to be cleaned up and arranged to accommodate the guests. It was a logistical challenge, but one that the women tackled with a sort of fervor that Mark found both impressive and terrifying.

Mark, meanwhile, was told in no uncertain terms to step aside and let the women handle the details. "Just show up on the day and say your vows," Amelia had told him with a wink, and he was more than happy to oblige. He knew better than to get in their way when they were on a mission. Instead, he spent his time helping out in the ways he could, mostly involving manual labor to get the mansion and garden in top shape for the big day.

As the weeks passed, it seemed like the whole town was buzzing with excitement about the upcoming wedding. News spread fast in a place like Bayview, and before long, most of the town knew about the event and many were even invited. The guest list grew longer by the day, with everyone eager to witness the union of Mark Grayson and Rachel Roth.

One afternoon, as Mark and Gary were having a drink in the garden, they held a mock funeral for Mark's bank account, knowing full well that this wedding would drain most of his savings. "Here lies Mark's bank account," Gary said solemnly, raising his beer in a mock toast. "It lived a good life, but alas, it couldn't survive the wrath of wedding expenses."

Mark shook his head, laughing. "Thanks for the support, man. Really."

"At least you'll be broke and married," Gary replied with a grin, only to yelp in surprise as Mark gave him a shove that sent him tumbling down the hill. Mark couldn't help but laugh as Gary struggled to his feet, cursing at him while still chuckling.

Despite the financial toll, everything slowly fell into place. The mansion started to look like a real wedding venue, with white tents set up in the garden and rows of chairs facing the ocean. Flowers were everywhere—white roses, lilies, and lavender. The whole place smelled like a dream, and by the time the day of the wedding arrived, the mansion was bustling with activity.

Finally, the big day came. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and a gentle breeze coming in off the ocean. The garden was filled with guests, all dressed in their finest, waiting for the ceremony to begin. The seats were almost full, with a sea of familiar faces from Bayview all eager to witness this special day. Mark stood at the altar, looking sharp in his suit. He tried to calm his nerves, but the excitement was palpable. As he waited, he glanced around at the guests. His friend Gary stood nearby as his best man, grinning like a fool. Mark couldn't help but smile back, even if his stomach was doing flips.

Then, the music started, and everyone turned to see Raven making her way down the aisle. She looked absolutely stunning. She wore a simple yet elegant white dress that flowed behind her as she walked, the fabric catching the light of the setting sun. Her dark hair was done up in soft curls, and a delicate veil framed her face. But it was her expression that caught Mark's breath. She looked serene, almost otherworldly, as she moved toward him, her eyes locked on his. As Raven reached the altar, she took Mark's hand, and the ceremony began. The officiant spoke, but Mark barely heard the words. All he could focus on was Raven—her presence, the warmth of her hand in his, the way she looked at him like he was the only person in the world.

When it came time to exchange vows, Mark went first. His voice was steady, filled with emotion as he spoke. "Rachel, from the moment I met you, I knew you were different. You've shown me a side of life I never knew existed, and I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to stand by your side, no matter what. I'll be your partner, your friend, and your love for as long as we both shall live."

Raven's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she took a deep breath and began her vows. "Mark, you've been my light in the darkness, my anchor when I felt lost. I never thought I could find someone who could see me for who I really am and love me anyway. I vow to love you, to support you, and to be your partner in everything, for the rest of our lives."

The crowd was silent, captivated by the moment as the two exchanged rings. When the officiant finally pronounced them husband and wife, Mark didn't hesitate. He pulled Raven into a deep kiss, the cheers of their friends and family filling the air around them.

The reception was a lively affair, with tables set up in the garden, and the sun beginning to dip toward the horizon. Mark and Raven shared their first dance as husband and wife under the twinkling lights strung up around the garden. It was a slow, sweet moment, with Mark holding Raven close as they swayed to the music. She rested her head on his shoulder, and for a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. After their dance, everyone joined in. The food was served, and the drinks flowed freely. Laughter and conversation filled the garden, with everyone enjoying the celebration. At one point, Raven threw her bouquet over her shoulder, and Megan, to everyone's delight, caught it with a grin. She winked at Gary, who looked absolutely terrified, which made Mark burst out laughing.

As the night wore on, people started to head home, leaving Mark and Raven alone in the now-quiet mansion. The house, which had been bustling with activity just hours before, now felt peaceful. Mark turned to Raven and scooped her up into a bridal carry, which made her blush deeply.

"Mark, you don't have to," she protested softly, but he just smiled down at her.

"Too late," he said, carrying her through the broken front door. He carefully made his way up the stairs, pushing open the door to their room. Using his powers, he moved the blankets on the bed to the side, then gently set her down on it before climbing in beside her.

Raven's exhaustion began to settle in again, and she found herself whispering in a small voice, "I'm scared this is all a dream."

Mark tightened his hold on her, placing a gentle kiss on her neck. "Then let's hope we never wake up," he replied softly. Mark's heart raced as he pressed his lips to Raven's neck, the warmth of her skin intoxicating him. Her soft moan sent shivers down his spine, and he felt her grip tighten on the fabric of his suit. The room was dimly lit, the faint glow of candles casting shadows that danced across the walls, mirroring the tension and desire in the air.

"It's just us now," she whispered, her voice filled with both resolve and vulnerability. Mark gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek.

"I've wanted this for so long," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion.

Raven nodded, her resolve strengthening as she closed the distance between them, her lips meeting his in a kiss that was both tender and urgent. This night was theirs, a culmination of the love and trust they had built together, and Raven was ready to take that final step into forever with him.

Mark's hands trembled slightly as he continued, his eagerness to undress fueled by the overwhelming desire building between them. He slowly peeled away the layers of Raven's clothing, revealing her smooth skin inch by inch. When he finally removed the last of her garments, he stepped back for a moment, his breath catching in his throat.

Raven stood before him, her bare shoulders leading down to her full, rounded breasts, the dusky nipples hardened slightly from the cool air and the intensity of the moment. Her flat stomach tapered down to the gentle curve of her hips, and below, the soft patch of dark hair marked the apex of her thighs. Her long legs, shapely and strong, were a sight he had only imagined before tonight.

Though they'd been together for over a year, he had never seen her so completely exposed. The sight of her in her natural state, unguarded and vulnerable, sent a rush of blood straight to his groin, his body responding immediately to the visual feast before him. Raven, noticing the hunger in his eyes, felt a wave of embarrassment flood through her. She crossed her arms slightly, as if to shield herself, and whispered in a low tone, "It's only fair if you do it too." Mark quickly nodded, understanding her request. He began to unbutton his shirt, his fingers moving quickly, eager to bare himself to her just as she had done for him. As he shed his clothes, piece by piece, he felt Raven's gaze on him, her eyes drinking in the sight of his chest, his broad shoulders, the trail of dark hair leading down from his navel to where his arousal was now obvious.

Mark leaned down, capturing Raven's lips in a deep, hungry kiss, their naked bodies finally touching, skin against skin. The sensation was electric, a jolt of pleasure coursing through him as he felt the warmth of her breasts pressing against his chest, the softness of her stomach against his, and the firmness of her thighs against his own. Every inch of contact sent waves of desire surging through him, making it hard to focus on anything other than the feel of her.

Raven's hands moved over his body, her fingers tracing the hard muscles of his back, feeling the strength there as he pulled her closer. Her palms glided down to his hips, her touch light but sure, sending shivers up his spine. She whispered, "I love you," against his lips, her voice breathless, her hands exploring every inch of him, memorizing the way his body felt under her touch. Mark's hands were just as eager, moving from her face, where he gently cupped her cheeks, down the sides of her neck, feeling her pulse quicken under his fingertips. He let his hands wander lower, tracing the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips, before sliding them to her rear, pulling her even closer. The feel of her soft skin beneath his rough hands was intoxicating, and he couldn't get enough. He responded to her whispers with his own, "I love you," the words spilling out between kisses, his voice thick with emotion and desire.

Raven's fingers found their way to the small of his back, pulling him closer, needing to feel every part of him against her. As their hips met, she gasped softly, the intimate contact sending a fresh wave of heat through her. Mark responded by running his hands up her sides, his thumbs brushing the sides of her breasts, feeling the firmness there. He lowered his head to kiss her neck, trailing his lips down to her collarbone, leaving a path of warmth and wetness in his wake.

Raven's breath came in soft, shallow gasps as she looked up at Mark, her eyes filled with a mixture of nervousness and determination. She didn't want to wait any longer; the anticipation was too much, the need to be connected to him too overwhelming. Her hand found his, and she squeezed it tightly, her voice barely above a whisper as she urged him, "I want you, Mark. Please... now."

Mark's heart raced at her words, and he felt a rush of emotion and desire flood through him. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, but also the trust she placed in him, the love that bound them together. Gently, he positioned himself between her legs, his hands running along her thighs, feeling the tension in her muscles as he slowly spread them apart. He was careful, tender, wanting to make sure she was comfortable, even as his own arousal was nearly overwhelming.

He leaned down, pressing a reassuring kiss to her lips, his hands moving to cradle her hips as he positioned himself at her entrance. Raven's heart pounded in her chest as she felt him there, so close, and yet still holding back, waiting for her signal. She nodded, her breath hitching as she felt the tip of his erection brush against her, sending a shiver of anticipation through her body.

Slowly, carefully, Mark began to push inside her, feeling the tightness of her virgin body envelop him. The sensation was intense, nearly indescribable—the warmth, the softness, the way her body seemed to mold around him. He forced himself to go slowly, inch by inch, not wanting to cause her any pain. Every muscle in his body was tense with the effort to control himself, to hold back the flood of desire that threatened to overwhelm him. Raven gasped, a mix of discomfort and pleasure washing over her as she felt him stretch her in ways she had never experienced before. It was strange, this new sensation, the fullness of him inside her. It was a little painful, but there was also something else—an underlying current of pleasure that made her want to keep going, to push through the initial discomfort. She focused on Mark's face, on the way he looked at her with such tenderness, such care, and it made her feel safe, loved.

Mark kept his eyes locked on hers, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he continued to ease himself inside her. He could see the slight wince of pain in her expression, but also the determination in her eyes. He whispered words of encouragement, telling her how much he loved her, how beautiful she was, how amazing she felt around him. His hands caressed her sides, trying to soothe her as he finally, slowly, seated himself fully inside her.

Raven's breath hitched as she felt him fully inside her, the sensation so overwhelming she almost couldn't process it. It was a deep, intimate connection, unlike anything she had ever imagined. The discomfort began to fade, replaced by a growing warmth, a building pleasure that made her instinctively move her hips, adjusting to the new sensation. She felt a tear slip from the corner of her eye, not from pain, but from the sheer intensity of the moment, from the overwhelming emotions that crashed over her.

Mark felt her body begin to relax around him, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He leaned down to kiss the tear from her cheek, his hands gently cupping her face as he began to move, slow and gentle, his thrusts measured and controlled. The feel of her tight, warm body around him was almost too much, every movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. But more than the physical sensation, it was the emotional connection that left him breathless—the knowledge that they were finally, truly connected in every way.

Raven moaned softly, her hands sliding up Mark's back, fingers digging into his shoulders as she felt the pleasure start to build within her. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, this mix of pain and pleasure, of vulnerability and strength. She moved with him, finding a rhythm that matched his, each thrust sending a shockwave of sensation through her body, igniting a fire deep within her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, wanting to feel every inch of him, to be as close to him as possible.

Mark could feel her responding to him, her body moving in sync with his, her moans growing louder, more urgent. It was a heady feeling, knowing he was the one making her feel this way, that he was the first—and only—man to ever touch her like this. The way her body gripped him, the way she whispered his name, her breath hot against his ear, drove him closer to the edge. He could feel his control slipping, the raw need to claim her, to make her his completely, overwhelming him.

Raven was lost in the sensation, the way his body moved against hers, the heat, the friction, the building tension that coiled tighter and tighter inside her. She had never known it could feel like this, so consuming, so powerful. Every thrust, every touch, sent sparks of pleasure through her, building and building until she felt like she might shatter. She clung to Mark, her nails digging into his back, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she felt herself teetering on the edge of something vast and unknown.

Mark could feel the change in her, the way her body tensed, the way her breath hitched, and he knew she was close. He quickened his pace, his thrusts growing more urgent, more forceful, the need to push her over the edge, to see her fall apart in his arms, driving him forward. The pleasure was almost unbearable, his body straining, every nerve ending on fire as he held back, waiting for her, needing to take her with him when he finally let go.

Raven's world exploded in a blinding flash of white-hot pleasure, her body convulsing around Mark as the orgasm tore through her, wave after wave of ecstasy crashing over her. She cried out his name, her voice breaking as she clung to him, every muscle in her body tightening as she was consumed by the sensation. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, so intense, so overwhelming, that it left her trembling in its wake.

Mark felt her body convulse around him, the tightness, the heat, the way she squeezed him almost unbearably, and it was enough to push him over the edge. With a deep, guttural groan, he let go, his own release crashing through him like a tidal wave. He thrust deep, burying himself inside her as he emptied himself, the pleasure so intense it left him shaking. He collapsed against her, his breath ragged, his heart pounding in his chest, as they lay tangled together, spent and sated.

As the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed, Raven felt a sense of peace wash over her. She was still trembling, her body humming with the aftershocks, but there was a deep contentment that settled over her, a feeling of completeness she had never known before. Mark was still inside her, their bodies still connected, and she could feel his heart beating against her chest, his breath warm against her neck.

Mark held her close, his hands gently stroking her hair as he whispered words of love and reassurance. He could feel her body relaxing beneath him, the tension melting away, and it filled him with a profound sense of satisfaction. They had crossed a threshold together, shared something deeply intimate, and it had only deepened the bond between them. He kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers as he murmured, "I love you, Raven. More than anything."

Raven smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love. "I love you too, Mark," she whispered back, her voice filled with emotion.


Raven woke up in the middle of the night, the cool air from the open window brushing against her skin. She reached out instinctively, expecting to find Mark beside her, but the space was empty. A faint tingle of pain from their wedding night lingered, bringing a small, content smile to her face. She pushed herself up, her thoughts already drifting to where Mark might be.

She didn't have to wonder long. Across the room, she saw him standing by the window, the moonlight casting a pale glow over his figure as he looked out toward the sea. Raven slipped out of bed, grabbing a thin robe and wrapping it around herself as she moved quietly toward him.

"Mark, is everything okay?" she asked gently, her voice soft as she approached.

There was no response. Mark didn't move or even acknowledge her presence. A nervous flutter started in her chest, and she hesitated, her steps faltering.

Then, a voice that wasn't Mark's replied, low and dripping with malice. "I apologize, but Mark isn't here at the moment."

Raven's blood ran cold. She knew that voice all too well. Fear gripped her, making it hard to breathe as she stood frozen in place. She watched as Mark, or rather the thing controlling him, slowly turned around. His eyes were glowing a pure, sinister red, a twisted smile curling on his lips.

"Hello, Daughter," the voice said, each word a knife twisting in her gut.

(AN: Wooooo big reveal Trigon has been inside Mark the entire time. He wasn't controlling Marks actions the entire time in fact the only scene where trigon was in control was when he killed John, why did he kill John you may ask. Well it'll be explained at some point. Anyway the necklace was being charged using Marks life force and also the chaos that it was causing. There were six gems and once they were all charged Trigon could switch with Mark whenever he wanted. But he chose not to for reasons that will be explained next chapter. His plan has nearly been completed. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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