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54.71% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 29: All Hell Breaks Loose

Capítulo 29: All Hell Breaks Loose

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!!" Harley shouted as she slapped and tried punching Mark who just stood there and took it with a barely audible sigh.

"This isn't the place Harley!" He whispered loudly as he tried to grab her arms. Finally relenting she stopped hitting him and instead to his surprise grabbed him by the neck and pulled his face to her own.

Mark had no idea what was happening until her lips pressed against his own and her tongue was going wild inside his mouth. Harley moaned as Mark's tongue played with hers though as she opened her eyes she could see the Red monster standing up at the end of the corridor her eyes widened, and she moved her head back detaching her lips and pushed Mark away "What're you doing this isn't the time there's a monster right there!" She shouted as she pointed behind him.

"Are you for real?" He asked rhetorically, she just stuck her tongue out at him. Mark turned around and faced the monster that was roaring down the corridor, it didn't look so tough he could take it. Though he was feeling a little drained from his earlier stunt, he knew that all he needed to do was move a couple of metres below so he used his meta powers to bend space at both points and essentially attach himself to the opposite end when he let go and space was returned to normal he was flung to the other end making it appear as if he teleported.

'Quite a useful ability, though it hurt like hell," he thought to himself as he started approaching the Rognarr.

"Don't worry girls I'll deal with this monster in no time at all," he said cockily as he went to channel lightning through his arms to send another stream at the alien creature. Only as he did it fizzle out, he looked at his arms and quickly realised that he couldn't summon any lightning at all, he was also losing muscle mass and felt the powers of Shazam leave him, and his clothing also reverted to the ones he wore before the mission started.

"What the hell?!" He thought to himself but he didn't have much time to think as the Rognarr charged at him and lunged with its large maw open. With wide eyes, Mark held his arm up and sent a repelling force straight down the corridor which stopped the Rognarr but the creature continued trying to get to Mark.

"Here Marky use this!" Harley said as she took the small box-like item she'd stolen.

Mark deftly caught it before looking at it "What is it?" He asked with apparent confusion.

"She doesn't know..." Killer Frost said drearily.

"I do too!!!" Harley said adamantly.


"Oh, don't you start!" Harley said as she shot Cassandra an annoyed look.

"This isn't helping!" Mark shouted back as the Rognarr was pushing back and through his repelling force.

Mark decided this wasn't going to work and shot towards the Rognarr before flipping around and kicking it with both legs sending it back down the corridor though it seemed to barely phase the creature who charged back at Mark again who had to quickly dodge its sharp claws. Still, it seemed he wasn't fast enough as they managed to scrap his side drawing blood from his skin 'What the hell is this thing!' He thought to himself, he could walk off a tank blast without a bruise but a light graze from this creature's claws managed to cut him, he'd have to be careful.

Mark pushed off the wall before launching himself towards the Rognarr and sending his fist directly into the beast's stomach forcing it back in its feat. It charged at him again but Mark already had a Red Sphere in his hand that he shot towards the Rognarr, luckily this had a greater effect and forced the creature back giving Mark some breathing room.


He shouted and while he heard the bolt he didn't feel any different "Shit! It must not be able to reach me," he said to himself before sighing.

"Looks like I'm on my own this time." He said as he charged towards the Rognar who swung his large claw at Mark who avoided it by spinning midair, he went to go and grab the creature's arm to try and throw it but what happened instead was Mark being carried along with the creature's arm "Fuck!!!!" He shouted as he was swung at rapid speeds before being smashed into the wall of the corridor.

Mark's eyes widened as the creature opened its mouth to chomp down on him, he quickly brought his feet up pushing against both upper and lower jaws but it was quickly made clear this creature was stronger than him, it grabbed Mark's leg its claws digging it his flesh before throwing him roughly to the opposite wall.

Mark screamed as the claws dug into him made worse by the rough impact of being thrown. Mark quickly zoomed off down the corridor with the creature chasing after him on all fours, the creature was a lot faster than Mark thought and in this confined space he struggled to stay ahead of it. Flipping around just before the creature's mouth snapped around his leg he sent a kick up against its jaw launching the creature to the ceiling as it roared in pain, he capitalised on his advantage by sending a rapid flurry of punches to its body.

The Rognarr responded by swinging wildly at Mark who was barely able to avoid the unpredictable swings, three of the claws ended up scraping against his stomach leaving more large gashes "AHHH!" He screamed in pain before scowling and slamming his elbow down on the creature's snout. The Rognarr tried to snap at Mark's arm but Mark shoved a red sphere under its jaw sending it flipping backwards, he then reached out and pulled the Rognarr right back towards him before spinning around and kicking the creature in the snout again.

Taking a deep breath Mark thought that it might be over as for a moment the creature looked to be unmoving, however, the moment he let his guard down the creature lunged at him from the floor with its jaws open snapping its large teeth around Mark body. Mark managed to catch the two large teeth before its jaws could snap shut and undoubtedly kill him, he'd seen what the creature's claws could do to him he didn't want to find out what its teeth would.

"Get off!" Mark shouted as he struggled to push the jaws apart the teeth slowly sinking into his sides making him grunt in pain 'What do I do now!?' He thought to himself as he tried using his meta powers to force open the creature's jaws but to no effect. The teeth started to enclose more and more his legs finally started to feel the pressure.


The sound of glass breaking in his pocket made its way to Mark's ears and he was confused for a moment but then remembered the stupid box Harley had thrown to him that didn't do anything. As he tossed that thought away and tried to go back to figuring out a way out of this mess he started to feel a cold substance touching his skin through his leg. Frowning he looked down at his leg and saw a blackish metallic liquid start to pool all over him engulfing his body, he tried to shake it off but due to the situation he was in now he couldn't so all he could do was watch as it made its way across up his body towards his face.

Mark tried to move his head out of reach but it was all in vain, and the liquid covered his face engulfing Mark in darkness. Though it wasn't for long, in a matter of seconds Mark regained his vision though it was like he was looking through a red visor, it had a hud and information in a language Mark didn't recognise.

"What the fuck..." was all he could think to say.

*Language Recognised: Earth - English*

*New user detected*

*Please state your name*

"Ummm Mark?" He said dumbly.

*Recognised: Mark - Priority 1*

If Mark wasn't in a life or death situation at the moment he'd be freaking out, today had been one gigantic mind fuck with invisible ships, bipedal lions and now a monster was trying to eat him.

"Listen this is great and all but I am currently about to get eaten so if you don't mind getting off my body that would be great!" Mark said roughly as he felt his muscles start to strain. However the voice didn't answer him nor did it try and leave his body, meaning he'd have to escape with this weird thing on his body. Though as he continued pushing he almost jumped as the voice returned, though he had to admit what it said was something he wanted to hear.

*Maximum Armour*


Bruno stood on the stage with a frown on his face as he watched the feed from inside the tunnels, he was assured that the material used was next to invulnerable and yet this boy had managed to get inside, not only that but that damn jester had managed to steal quite an expensive item that was now bonded 'No matter the boy will die regardless,' he thought to himself as he straightened his tie.

Before he could continue watching he felt a strong grip grasping his shoulder and he was immediately spun around, Nolan was there and he didn't look happy "Where did you get a Rognarr from..." he asked, though it was less a question more of a command to answer.

Bruno dusted off his shoulder "Now now Nolan don't forget your place, we wouldn't want your new arm to disappear now would we," he said with a malicious grin on his face.


Bruno heard it before he saw it, in the moment that he blinked Nolan who was holding nothing was now holding an arm. He soon realised that it was his own arm that the Viltrumite was holding and began to scream in pain "You bastard!!!" He shouted as he gripped his socket where his arm used to be.

"You forget who you're talking to..." Nolan said in a deadly calm voice.

"I am not Superman, I am not a Hero, I am not a villain, do you want to know what I am Bruno Mannheim..." Nolan said as he floated towards the leader of Intergang.

"Your Conqueror."

With a quick swing, he slapped Bruno with his own arm sending him toppling to the ground and knocking him out, at the same time the guards started pouring in and shooting at him, and the criminals in the audience all started to go wild as they fought each other, tried to escape and started looting what they could.

Conner scowled as a man with a hockey mask tried to slash him with a machete only for it to break when coming into contact with his skin, he sent a fist to the man's stomach knocking him out before engaging with the other criminals. Donna was much the same as many men had already tried to grab her, she flipped and kicked and punched her way through the crowd as she treks to make her way to Connor 'Dick! It's all gone wrong, where are you!' She asked through the link.

'I'm breaking into the storage area now with Miss Martian, delay them as long as you can!' He replied before cutting off.

Donna watched the stage as Omni-man tore the intergang member's limb from limb while making his way to Bruno who had pulled himself up from the ground and was crawling away "Deathstroke!!!" Bruno shouted as he spat blood everywhere, his teeth were all but gone as they lay spewed across the ground.


Nolan moved his head as a bullet raced past his ear, he looked up to one of the top boxes where the mercenary stood with a sniper rifle "Is that the best you can do?" Nolan asked rhetorically and in the next moment, he was at eye level with Deathstroke.

The mercenary dropped the sniper before pulling out his gun and unloading the magazine into Nolan but the Viltrumite had already flown behind Deathstroke and kicked him off the balcony, the force of the kick made his armour creak but he was otherwise okay, while he fell he unclipped a grenade and threw it up towards Nolan. While Deathstroke engaged Nolan, Bruno called in for reinforcements, this whole thing was erupting and he needed to regain control.

Nolan caught the grenade in his hand with a smirk on his face though he wasn't expecting for it to start emitting a sonic frequency that made his ears bleed, he growled as he crushed the device in his hands and rocketed down to Deathstroke intent on impaling the man through that damn helmet of his. Though just before he reached Deathstroke he found himself being tackled from the side and carried through the wall of the building. Wall through the wall he was smashed through before he was spun and thrown outside, Nolan spun midair before slowing himself down only to be hit with a powerful bolt of lightning that sent him straight to the ground.

"Do you remember me Omni-man, we met such a long time ago." The man said as he floated down towards Nolan.

"Black Adam..." Nolan said as he scowled.


Dick was working as fast as he could as he hacked the panel leading into the storage area, after Megan had followed someone who was wheeling back a product from the stage, they had managed to find where everything was stored. But the problem was they had a high-level encryption key as well as a phase disrupted around the room meaning Megan couldn't shift through into the room.

Dick whipped his head up as the door opened and he grinned "Now we are in business!" He said excitedly as he rushed through the door, he had put his mask back on now as their disguises were practically useless now. Dick gaped as he looked at the large storage area, the amount of products in this room seemed to go on forever as it stretched down long aisles.

"Miss Martian quickly set up the transporter modules." He instructed before he quickly started trying to find a way to move all of this stuff in bulk, in the corner of his eye he spotted a forklift and he smiled, they didn't have much time so they needed to be quick.


As he went to approach the forklift he heard a banging sound and he turned around, before him was someone he knew well, ever since he was a child "Joker!" He said angrily, though his anger was short-lived as he felt a wet feeling on his lower body, he looked down and saw that he was bleeding just above his waist "Nightwing!" Miss Martian said in a panic as she flew over to her teammate who just fell on the ground.

"Ooooo Nightwing! hahahahahahahah." Joker Mocked as he placed his hand on his heart.

"What are you doing here!" Dick shouted weakly as he tried to push himself up with Megan's help.

"What is any man doing here old sport, trying to get himself a new toy to play with, or in my case trying to take back what belongs to me." He said as he threw a platinum rock up into the air before putting it in his pocket.

"I won't let you!" Dick said as he reached behind him for a wing-ding to throw.

"HaAhhAhAhahhHhahHah!!!" The Joker laughed with increasing intensity as he stepped towards the duo.


Dick fell to the ground as he failed to dodge another bullet from the Joker, the man continued to laugh at Nightwing as he struggled to push himself off the ground "Ooooo look at this." He said as he saw Miss Martian charging at him with her fist drawn back.

"Bizarro!" Joker called and before Megan could reach the Joker, Bizzaro reached her and tackled her to the ground before he started pummelling her with his fists spraying blood across the floor.

"HAHAHAHAAHAH!!!" Joker laughed as she was slowly being beaten to death.

"You didn't tell me you were such a wonderful artist Bizarro!" The Joker shouted out.

"Me like green woman!!!" Bizarro said as he punched her again which made her go limp. Nightwing saw what was happening and reached for his wing-ding before throwing it at the Superman copy who turned his head in anger as it rubbed where the metal had struck it.

Bizarro flew towards Nightwing and kicked him sending him straight through the wall. Nightwing felt all his ribs break in that kick and knew that he wouldn't be making it out anymore, he had one lad thing he could do but he needed teleport conduits to do it, getting them in his current condition would be next to impossible.

'Donna I need backup!' He called out through the mental link only to be met with silence, it didn't take him long to figure out what was happening as Megan lay in a pool of her own blood unconscious.

"I guess it's the hard way," he said to himself.

"Come on Bizarro I think it's time we make our grand opening!" Joker said as he tapped the monster on the back causing him to follow Joker around like a puppy.

"This will be my greatest joke yet..." he said in a dark deep tone that was accompanied by a malicious grin.

(AN: So what do you guys think about his costume, I bet most of you thought it was venom but nah, Nanites Son. But yeah it's the nanosuit from crysis, I've looked at how the abilities work and I think they'd work on a hybrid, even if they don't logically I'll just say they do, I think the armour is cool. Also there is a reason why his Shazam powers deactivated and it isn't for plot convenience. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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