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26.41% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 14: The Hunt

Capítulo 14: The Hunt

"Is there a reason why I have to carry you on my back?" Mark said drearily as he walked down the road towards the bus station. Harley just hit him on the head with her fist "You bang banged my house until I get a new one you better believe you're carrying me buster" she said before going back to leaning her chin on his head.

Mark sighed, he didn't expect the explosion to be that powerful but at least he knew now, he really should go somewhere and test his powers "Why do we have to get the bus don't you have a car?" He asked. As soon as he had told Harley they could use his house she'd jumped on his back and slapped him on the ass commanding him to move forward, but since he couldn't fly yet he couldn't take them to it.

"Pah! A car? In New York? Are you an idiot or something" she said while laughing "Well why don't you steal one?" Mark asked only to get hit on the head again.

"Why don't you just steal one" Harley said mocking Mark's voice "I am an ex-villain thank you very much, I don't commit crimes anymore I even stopped jumping the turnstile" she said with a hint of pride in her voice.

"You Could at least thank me you know, I did save us from the League of Assassins," Mark said as he rolled his eyes "You didn't save my house though did you..." Harley said as she bit his ear. As they walked down the bustling streets of New York heading towards the station, Mark noticed they were getting a lot of stares from the people passing by them. He suddenly realised that what they were doing must look pretty strange, he was walking down the road with a fully grown woman on his back as she hit him on the head and bit him.

Mark didn't know when it happened but at some point living with Harley must've desensitised him to all her batshit crazy behaviour 'I need a holiday after this' he thought to himself, though he did recognise the humour of relaxing and recovering after just spending a few months doing the same thing "Hey dumbass ya missed the turn" Harley shouted as she pointed to the left he had just missed, though when she went to hit him on the head again he didn't feel it "OW!" She shouted as she banged her fist against what felt like a steel wall.

Mark's eyes widened and he grinned, he took a coin out of his pocket and flicked it upwards, it shot into the air and they quickly lost track of it "You got your powers back? Well about time!!! You can start fixing up my apartment!" She shouted in excitement as she wiggled on his back.

'I could just toss her off me and fly away...' Mark thought with a smirk as he continued to walk down the road 'But she did take care of me these last two months, I do kind of owe her and I did destroy her house so maybe...'

'Nah' Mark thought as he grabbed Harley off his back and tossed her to the ground while laughing, he then crouched down and pushed off the ground shooting up into the air, only he didn't stay that way and he quickly fell to the ground 'Oh, seems like not all my powers are back yet...' he thought as he landed on the ground, cracking the concrete.

He had landed in the same space he was in before so he knew Harley was right behind him. He turned around with a sheepish smile on his face, Harley had her arms crossed and was looking at him with a very unimpressed expression "Did you just try to fly away and leave me in New York without an apartment or anything to my name" Harley asked in a cool tone as she narrowed her eyes at Mark.

Mark laughed nervously "No..." he said unconvincingly, even to himself that sounded like a lie 'Yeah there is no salvaging this situation' Mark thought to himself right before he turned back around and started running to the bus station



"DIE!!!!" Fire shouted as she unleashed a torrent of flames at Nolan who calmly walked through the corridors of the Watchtower. The Green flames scorched the metal surfaces as they impacted him, next to Fire was Ice who had been trying to impede Nolan's advances by covering the hallway with ice and creating walls, though they did next to nothing to stop the Viltrumite's advance.

Fire intensified the flames giving it all she had to try and turn the man into Ash, she had just seen Nolan tear one of the heroes in half with a grin on his face. She knew if she couldn't kill or at least injure him then they would all die for sure, she felt herself slipping out of her flame form as the torrent she sent at Nolan died down.

"Good amount of heat, I'm sure in the empire you'd make a good chef" Fire heard from behind the smoke as Nolan walked through it completely unharmed "Though it's a shame you won't be alive to find out" he continued as he speed right in front of her.

"Fire!" Ice shouted as she formed a wall between them and Nolan and then grabbed Fire by the arm dragging her down the corridor. Nolan easily smashes past the ice with a wave of his hand "It amuses me how hard you try" Nolan said as he zoomed in front of them making them fall on their backs. He steps on Ice's leg and the sound of bones crunching echoes out through the corridor making her scream, Fire shoots a ball of green flames into Nolan's face to try and force him away from Ice but it doesn't work and he grabs Ice by the throat before dragging her to the wall "Normally I am rather efficient when exterminating vermin, but being kept prisoner by you... insects has made me quite annoyed" Nolan said.




Nolan smashed Ice's face into the metal wall again and again, after the third hit she went limp but he kept on going as blood splattered on his face. Fire looked on in horror as her face was turned into a mushy paste, Nolan then threw her limp body to the ground before turning his gaze to Fire who started crawling away on her back "Please! Please! Stop!" She begged.

"Whether it's now or in 50 years you'll still die, why even bother begging" he said as he lifted his arm up. However he stopped as he was about to smash her face into a pulp when he heard heavy footsteps on the metal coming down the corridor, he turned and saw a large man with a blue mask on, Fire recognised him immediately and felt slightly relieved 'Atom Smasher!' She thought as she smiled. "Fire! Run!" He shouted as he suddenly started to grow larger, he drew his fist back and threw it at Nolan as hard as he could. Though it all seemed for nought as the punch didn't even make Nolan budge, with one hand he pushed Atom Smasher back "The different abilities you earthlings have are certainly interesting, Viltrumite scientists will love dissecting you" he said before punching Atom Smashers hand and breaking every bone in it "AHHHHGHHHHH" he shouted as he clutched his hand, though he wouldn't be in pain for long as Nolan flew up and sliced his head off his neck with just his hand. Fire got up on her feet and started to try and run again but in her heart, she knew it was futile.


She stopped moving and looked down, she could see Nolan's fist piercing through her chest, she felt blood fill her throat as it started to choke her, she couldn't feel her body anymore and when Nolan removed his arm she fell to the ground lifeless. Nolan just smiled as he kicked her body out of the way "After a thousand years killing weaklings loses its novelty, but after what these earthlings did I'm starting to enjoy myself once more" he said as he continued down the corridor.


Nolan was slammed through the wall as he was punched multiple times, he was then slammed through the ground and to a lower level of the Watchtower. He got up and looked through the hole seeing Supergirl descend through it with her eyes blazing red, her whole body was trembling with rage as she had to listen to Nolan kill so many people she knew, she wanted to stop him before the fight even started but Kori had stopped her and forced her to stay telling her to think of her baby.

But she couldn't take it any longer, she wouldn't stand by and let him kill anyone else 'I'm sorry Kori' she thought to herself as her friend wouldn't let her go under any circumstances so she had to knock her out "Ah it's you, the mother of my new partner" he said with amusement in his voice.

Kara grits her teeth wanting to wipe the smug smile off of his face "You know there is room in the empire for a Kryptonian, while you are useless under a red star I'm sure we can do something to fix that" Nolan said though before he could say anything else Kara sped forward and punched him in the face sending him down the corridor, she had to be careful not to use too much strength. Her eyes then started to glow red and Kara's heat vision sizzled through the air, but Nolan swiftly dodged each blast. He zoomed towards her and retaliated with a series of rapid punches, the force of which drove Kara back. Their struggle echoed through the metal corridors, the sound of their blows reverberating throughout the station. She was completely on the defensive as she had to protect her stomach in case Nolan decided to take a shot at her there.

He then grabbed her as he flew towards her, As they grappled, the station's structure creaked and groaned under the strain of their clash. Nolan quickly overpowered Kara, and with a powerful heave, he hurled her through the unforgiving metal walls. As she flew, Kara twisted in mid-air, unleashing a barrage of searing heat vision in a desperate attempt to halt Nolan's pursuit. But he merely extended his hand, deflecting the energy with a mere gesture before swooping in to grasp her by the head, slamming her down onto the floor.

With relentless force, Nolan continued his trajectory, his powerful flight dragging Kara's head along the cold, hard surface. Without mercy, he then flung her upward, sending her crashing through the ceiling and into the heart of the command centre. The resounding crash echoed through the room.

Grimacing, Kara felt a wave of concern wash over her as she felt a pain in her stomach though she remained resolute, her determination unwavering even as Nolan closed in. Her fist shot forward, aiming for his jaw, but he intercepted it with practised ease, his grip firm and unyielding. With a sudden yank, he brought her off balance, their bodies colliding in a forceful clash that left Kara reeling. The resounding thud of his headbutt reverberated through her skull, momentarily disorienting her as she fought to regain her bearings amidst the haze of pain.

Nolan's rapid combination of strikes followed in quick succession, each blow finding its mark with a precision that left Kara struggling to defend herself "If you weren't pregnant perhaps you would've put up a better fight" Nolan said as he grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground "You're lucky, the only thing stopping me from killing you is the Viltrumite child growing in your womb, even if it will probably die anyway" he said with a chuckle.

Kara's eyes widened at his words but before she could ask what he meant Nolan was punched in the back of the head loosening his grip, Kara took the opportunity to put all her strength into an uppercut that launched him out of the station and into space. She looked at the person who saved her and saw it was J'onn, he had managed to sneak up on them and attack him from behind "Come Kara we need to leave before he comes back" J'onn said grabbing her by the arm, she nodded and they quickly flew back into the station.

J'onn quickly led her to a part of the station that looked to be a dead end but he put his hand on the wall and it opened up into another corridor, they went further down the corridor and at the end of it was a door. When they went inside Kara scowled as she considered going back out there to fight Nolan. Inside Batman was currently at the computer, this looked to be what he was using as his workspace/cell "J,onn he's on his way and should be there in a minute, once he's back on earth we need to leave the station and join the rest of the league" Batman said without looking away from the computer. As soon as Nolan escaped he started formulating a plan to take him down, he also contacted the league and had them all gather on Earth, Superman would be the one to lead him to the others as space isn't ideal for most of the members.

J'onn nodded his head "Supergirl, I believe it may be best for you to stay here, I would not wish for any harm to come to you or your baby" he said in a soft tone. Kara couldn't help but nod, while she wanted to fight her she had already risked too much by fighting him the first time, she'd have to stay out of this and let the others deal with it.

Outside of the Watchtower Nolan had just gotten his bearings, the punch from Supergirl had sent him a fair distance away as she managed to get a clean hit on him 'Enough fun, kill the rest of them and take the girl' he thought to himself as he flew back towards the Watchtower. However, before he could fly forward someone was already in front of him 'Superman' Nolan said with a big grin on his face. Ever since he discovered there was a yellow sun-powered Kryptonian on Earth he'd kept something special just for him, unfortunately, last time he didn't get to use it.

This time however he'd kill every single member of the Justice League.


"I got you a juice box," Mark said as he sat down next to Harley at the bus station, after trying to stab him and having her favourite knife break in half she was giving Mark the silent treatment. After spending so much time with her and for her to suddenly start being quiet, it was pretty disturbing for Mark so he was trying to bring her out of it.

Harley ignored him and turned her head away from the offered juice box "It's mango flavoured..." he said waving it in front of her, but she didn't budge and still kept ignoring him. Mark sighed and then reached into his other pocket holding a small clear bottle with a red label in front of her "Small bottle of vodka as well" he said waving that in front of her face as well. This tempted her as she turned her head to look at the two drinks being waved in front of her, she huffed before grabbing them both from his hands "I still haven't forgiven you!" She said before downing the bottle of vodka and sipping on the juice box.

Mark smirked "Yeah yeah I know," he said as he leant back against the wall behind his seat "You better not try to leave me again when you get your fancy flying back! You owe me a house buster and I'll be staying with you till I get it," she said as she pushed a finger into his chest.

Mark held his hands up in surrender "Why not just sell that thing Luthor wants, I'm sure you'd get a generous amount from him" he asked.

Harley snorted "Baldy would probably try to kill me before giving me the money"

Mark raised an eyebrow "Why would he do that?"

"Because he'd assume I'd try and kill him" she explained.

"Would you?" Mark asked.

"Probably," she said with a shrug.

Mark sighed "I guess it doesn't matter, I'm sure the league have whatever it was unless it was at your apartment"

"Excuse me! I am a genius, I am one step ahead of those ninja assholes" she said as she reached between her breasts and took out a small pouch "I keep this puppy on me at all times" she said with a massive grin.

"What is in there that's so important that the League of Assassins wants to get their hands on it" he asked.

Harley smirked at him teasingly waving the pouch in front of him "No clue Marky, Jerker is the one who stole it" she said abruptly with a shrug of her shoulders.

Mark rolled his eyes before looking at the screen displaying the bus times seeing they still had a while before the bus they needed to get on left "Marky..." Harley said in a soft voice from beside him.

Mark turned and saw her with an uncharacteristically serious expression on her face "When you get your powers back... you won't leave me, right? I know I can be a bit crazy and hard to deal with"

"But it's been nice having you around, I don't want you to leave yet" she finished as she looked down to her feet. For a while Mark doesn't answer and it makes Harley feel a pang of pain in her heart, but she suddenly feels his hand on her head "I guess I was kinda responsible for blowing up your house, so I'll have to stick around with you till I can pay you back" he said as she looked up at him.

"Though I don't have a job at the moment so I may have to hang around you for a while," he said with a grin, Harley burst into laughter and jumped on him hugging him tightly "Good... now go get me some more vodka and juice," she said.

(AN: So two more chapters and the first arc is done, woooooooooooo. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter, next one will be Nolan vs the Justice League)

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