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20.75% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 11: Living Hell

Capítulo 11: Living Hell


(One Month Later)

The mood was solemn as Clark walked through the corridors of the Satellite base of the Justice League. He had felt a pit in his stomach form ever since the fight he had with Mark, the way he lost control like that and killed the boy had kept him up at night and distracted him during the day, he didn't know how he had let it get that far, sure he was angry at what had happened to Kara but he'd never gone that far before.

What hurt him the most was the look Kara gave him when she found out what he had done. After beating him senseless she looked at him and said that she never wanted to see his face again, even Starfire who he had never seen mad before looked angry at him. Though he couldn't blame them at all, if not for Bruce he would've gone straight to the police station and turned himself in for murder, he wasn't sure why Bruce insisted he not do anything yet, out of all of them he adhered to the no killing rule the most.

Clark turned a corner and ended up bumping into someone, it wasn't hard to know who it was as very few women nearly reached his height "Diana I-" but before he could finish she pushed past him and walked away ignoring anything he had to say.

Clark sighed but continued walking, most of the Justice League had been a bit cold to him as of late but none more so than Diana. It seemed that Mark had saved her life at some point though she didn't go into details, it made the weight of Clark's guilt grow heavier as Mark was never a bad kid he just happened to be the son of a dangerous man.

Clark cleared his thoughts as he entered the high-security area of the Watchtower, Bruce had insisted they install a prison on the ship for those too dangerous to be left on Earth, he also wished for it to be capable of containing Clark himself. They did end up using it so maybe Bruce's paranoia was warranted.

Clark walked deeper and deeper until he came to the last door on the corridor, putting his hand on a scanner it opened, and inside was a large cell that held only one prisoner.

Sitting on his bed reading a book was none other than Nolan Grayson the ex-hero known as Omni-Man. As Clark entered Nolan looked up from his book before looking back down again quickly losing interest in the Kryptonian.

"I have something I need to tell you" Clark said as he walked close to the glass window, however, Nolan did not reply and kept on reading.

"Your son manifested his powers recently, in our efforts to secure him there were complications" Clark stated, at the mention of his son Nolan put down his book and started listening to what Clark was saying.

"I fought him... and I lost control and ended up killing him," Clark said regretfully as he looked down at the floor.

"How" That was the only thing Nolan uttered, as a matter of fact, it was the first thing he had said since he was captured.

"I impaled him through the stomach and threw him into the sea" Clark stated bluntly refusing to hide any of the details as Bruce had suggested.

He expected a lot of things, for Nolan to curse him, to try and attack him, or maybe even to cry. What he did not expect was for him to start to chuckle and for that chuckle to break into full-on laughter.

"Perhaps it should be you in this cell" Nolan said before picking up his book and going back to reading.

Clark clenched his fists but didn't say anything because a small part of himself agreed with him.


The last thing Mark remembered was that he was drowning, he tried to hold his breathing but he couldn't. He couldn't move either and he just slowly sank into the abyss unable to call for help as his voice had disappeared.


He opened his eyes and started greedily gulping in air as if he hadn't breathed for years, the last thing he remembered was being impaled by Superman and then being thrown into the ocean. He looked around and saw he was in what appeared to be a large studio flat though the furniture was pretty bare.

He tried to move but found he couldn't, he looked down and saw his stomach was bandaged up but there was a small indentation, he could still feel his body so he must have healed though how he healed from that he had no idea.

"HEY IVY! YA BOY TOYS UP" He heard someone shout in a very exaggerated Brooklyn accent. He managed to find the strength to turn his head just in time to see a pale woman with blonde hair in twin tails slam herself on the bed, each of her tails had blue and red at the tip and she wore some sort of clown makeup.

'Oh fuck me' Mark thought to himself as he realised who she was.

"Hiya there! I'm Dr. Harleen Quinzel and I'm here to check ya temperature!" She said cheerfully as she held up a comically large thermometer.

"Now turn around!" She said in a much more aggressive manner making Mark's eyes widen.

"Leave him alone Harley, Swampy wants us to look after him and I don't want to make him mad" Poison Ivy said as she followed Harley in from where she came.

"Aw come on he could end up enjoying it? I mean why would he have a pleasure button up there if you weren't meant to boop it" Harley said with a sad look on her face.

"P-Please don't boop my ass" Mark struggled to say.

Poison Ivy looked at Mark and sat down next to him "How're you feeling" she asked

"Cause ya look like shit!" Harley added with a quick nod of her head.

"I-I h-have... a fucking hole in my stomach" Mark breathed out in frustration. Harley leaned forward crawling towards him on the bed, had circumstances been different Mark might've enjoyed the eyeful he got when she bent over but he had a hole in his stomach and thus was Harley Quinn...

"Hehehe! That's pretty gross" Harley said as she peeked under his bandages, she kept poking her finger through it while giggling to herself.

"Swampy said you should heal but it is hard to believe when your guts are nearly pouring out" Ivy said as she started poking into his hole as well.

"P-Please stop poking my hole" Mark asked, though while Ivy obliged Harley kept on doing it as if she hadn't heard him.

"H-How l-long till I'm up again," Mark asked.

Poison Ivy snorted "How the hell should I know, if you hadn't woken up I would've dumped your body out back," she said with a laugh.

"I-I am injured, and to look after m-me I h-have two useless doctors," Mark said with a humourless laugh.

Poison Ivy smiled sheepishly "Actually... I am gonna be pretty busy at my new house so..." she looked to Harley who was still giggling while playing with his hole.

Mark looked at Ivy with widened eyes "N-No..." he said disbelievingly, 'She wouldn't actually do that would she?' He thought to himself but when he saw her face he realised it wasn't a bluff.

"I'm going to leave you in the capable hands of my best friend Harley," she said with a smile, though it was clearly a smile at his expense.

"P-Please d-don't leave me alone with her" Mark pleaded but it seemed Ivy didn't hear him, or more likely she chose to ignore him.

"Harley, I'm going to be away for a while make sure to take good care of Mark here," she said sternly to her.

Harley looked up from Mark's wound and smiled manically "Oh dontcha worry, me and Marky will be best buddies in a few weeks just you wait and see" she said clapping him on the stomach just above his hole.

'Superman killed me, there is no way my luck could be this bad that I have to live with an absolute psycho' Mark thought to himself as he grunted from the pain of her slapping him. Either she was a lot stronger than she seemed or his powers were out of whack, which made the thought of living with her a little worse.

"See! It'll be fine, now please excuse me but I have to go and fix up my new house since meat heat over here made a massive hole in it" Ivy said as she pointed at me.

'Wait... does she mean my house!' Mark thought to himself, he was about to start shouting but he ended up coughing his guts up, his vision started to blur and he quickly ended up passing out.

When he came to he saw Harley who was sitting by the bed with a frown on her face, there was an IV drip sticking out of his arm confirming his suspicion that his invulnerability wasn't working, maybe cause his body was working overtime to keep his organs in his body.

"Marky I have bad news..." Harley said in an uncharacteristically serious voice.

Mark frowned as he looked at her, he still couldn't move much without pain but he managed to shift himself so he was leant up slightly "What do you mean?" He asked with slight concern.

"I-I didn't understand before but when they started playing that tape on the news of Superman impaling you, it made sense" Harley said as she put a hand on his own.

Mark scrunched his eyebrows and considered moving his hand but he didn't have the strength to "Harley, get to the point" he said a little bit snappily.

Harley then looked over to his wound "Superman is an Alien, no one really knows how they reproduce, but now we do" she replied.


Mark frowned and looked down "WHAT THE FUCK!" He shouted as he saw this fishlike silent start to push out of his hole and through his bandages "GET IT OUT!" He shouted as he tried to move his arms but he didn't have the strength to do so.

"Congratulations Mama!" Harley shouted as she hugged him.

"This can't be happening! Harley get it off me!!!" Mark shouted as he wiggled around.

Harley just sat back in her chair, though she couldn't control herself anymore "HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!" She started to laugh uncontrollably only making the situation worse for Mark.

"HARLEY!" Mark shouted.

"Oh calm down, it's only a toy," She said with an amused expression on her face as she raised her arm, as she did the 'alien' came out of him, and Mark saw the glint of light reflecting off a thin piece of string. He calmed down but couldn't help but be annoyed at her little prank.

"Hehehehehe you should've seen the look on your face! Thinkin' Superman was ya baby daddy" she said as she started laughing again. 'Alright, I can't keep this in any longer' Mark thought to himself.



(Mark & Kara's House)

Kara lay curled up on the bed that she and Mark used to share, with her was Kori who had not left her side for a single moment, she spooned the Kryptonian from behind as she comforted her. When she saw the video of Mark being impaled from behind by none other than her cousin it felt like her whole world came falling.

'Everything was so perfect before' she thought to herself as tears started to fall from her eyes again which surprised her. She'd cried so much this month that she'd thought there wasn't anything left. Her only comfort had been Kori and the baby, her stomach had started to swell slightly and while it brought her untold amounts of happiness she couldn't help but feel sad knowing her baby would never know who her father was.  'All because of the damn Justice League' she thought to herself, while she knew it was mostly the hormones talking she wanted to burn Martian Manhunter alive with her heat vision and toss Batman into space.

If it wasn't for Kori she would've beat her cousin even worse than she had, she just didn't understand why Kal had done such a thing. He had always kept villains alive before, LEX LUTHOR was still alive and yet he killed Mark, she just didn't understand why.

"Friend Kara, it is past noon, maybe we should get up I believe both of us could use some solar radiation" Kori said as she stroked her hair, Kara just turned around and buried her head into Kori's chest "I don't feel like getting up..." she mumbled.

Kori looked down at her friend with concern, she knew situations like this were hard to work out and she didn't want to fail again like she did with Raven. Even thinking of Raven filled her with such sadness, she wished she could've helped her so she didn't have to leave.

However, they were both brought out of their thoughts when they heard the sound of a jet engine above the house. Kara who was a lot more short-tempered these days scowled as she looked through the walls and saw the black jet, she practically disappeared from the bed, there was only one person she knew who had a jet like that and he was not welcome here. She zoomed in front of the landing jet though she quickly calmed down when she looked inside and saw it wasn't who she thought it was.

Out of the Plane came Barbara and Dick, the former of which immediately ran towards Kara and embraced her, Barbara had been just as emotional as her friend was this past month. She had known Mark for years before and so it hurt a lot to see him die in such a fashion, but for her, that wasn't even the worst part.

Barbara looked up at Kara with a tear-filled expression "Kara I need to tell you something" Kara looked at her with slight confusion and then looked behind her to where Dick was standing, he had a grim expression on his face as if someone had just died.

Kara looked back down to Barbara "What is this about?" She asked as she wiped her own eyes.

"Let's go inside first" she said as she grabbed Kara's hand and walked into the house, she was surprised when she saw Kori who was in a skimpy nightdress walk down the stairs. While Barbara had been having an awful time recently she couldn't help but feel a bit better when the tall girl smiled brightly and pulled her into a hug.

"Friend Barbara! It is good to see you once more, I haven't seen you since I ran away from you at the cafe" she said as she hugged the redhead tightly.

"It's good to see you too Kori" she said as she allowed herself to sink into her friend.

Dick walked in and couldn't help but blush when he saw the beautiful Tamaranean dressed in next to nothing "Hey Kori long time no see" he said trying to be casual.

Kori looked up at him and smiled "It has indeed been a while, how are the rest of the team doing" she asked while squeezing Barbara into her breasts.

"They're doing well, though I think we've all taken Raven's departure a bit hard," He said slightly sullenly.

Kara came in last and quickly pushed past Dick "Barbara what is it you need to tell me!" She asked as her concern and curiosity were both rising.

Barbara detached herself from Kori and sighed before grabbing Kara's hand and leading her to the living room. Once they sat down she took something out of her pocket, it was a lead box. It didn't take Kara long to figure out what must've been in there, but when Barbara opened the box to her surprise it was a metal syringe filled with a pale red liquid, there should've been three syringes but two of them were empty leaving only one left.

Kara felt a rush of dizziness and started to feel sick, she understood why when she saw the needle wasn't metal but kryptonite, Barbara quickly closed it as she saw Kara go pale "What are you showing me, Barbara?" Kara asked as she rubbed her head trying to regain her focus.

Barbara looked uneasy as she faced Kara "A while ago we foiled a plan by Lex Luthor, he was going to drug Superman and make the world think he'd gone rogue, and soon after he would swoop in and defeat him" she explained.

"Me, Dick and Batman stopped him, and Batman then took these and locked them in the vault in the Batcave" she continued.

Kara looked at her with scrunched eyebrows "What are they, Barbara!" She asked severely her temper rising.

"It's a diluted and liquidised form of Red Kryptonite... according to Luthor's notes when used on a Kryptonian it wouldn't bring about a full personality change but would amplify emotions that they might not feel often" Barbara said in a low voice, at this point Dick couldn't help but clench his fists as he looked down at the box in disgust.

"When we took the box... there were three syringes full of the liquid, and now there is only one" she finished, when she looked back up at Kara she felt that she might've made a mistake in telling her, she'd never seen her look so angry before.

"Where is he..." she asked with bright red eyes.


Mark always thought he was a good person, he tried his best to help people where he could and he even tried to help his Mom out by making enough money to move them out of Gotham. But it turned out he was wrong, he was a bad person, he was scum, a regular villain. How could he not be when he was living in hell, he could barely move and right now he had to lie there as Harley lay next to him watching a film on the TV.

She'd also had popcorn in a bowl, and where was the bowl placed? It was in his would and when he asked her why she said it was the perfect place to hold it. Mark sighed as he looked at the TV 'I hate this film' he thought to himself.

"Harley if you're going to use me as a Popcorn holder can you at least give me some" Mark asked

Harley snorted as she looked at him "Are ya some kinda idiot? Where would it even go if I gave it to ya" she said while laughing.

'That's a fair point actually' he thought to himself "Can you at least change the film, this is the third time you've watched it"

She covered his mouth with her hand "Shhhh this is the best part" she said as she sat up.


Noah: I wrote you everyday for a year.

Allie: You wrote me?

Noah: Yes!

Noah: It wasn't over...

Noah: It still isn't over

Noah and Allie then embraced in a loving kiss in the rain that slowly escalated into a passionate love-making scene


"Aw look how romantic it is Marky!" Harley said as she bounced up and down on the bed.

"I don't care, just please don't do-"

"This romance is making me feel hot and bothered," Harley said as she fanned herself. She then reached over Mark pressing her breasts into his face and grabbed something out of her draw.


"This is the fourth time! If you're going to do it can you not do it right next to me" Mark complained but in response Harley just hit him on the head with her vibrator, Mark felt like he was going to cry when he felt a wet patch on his head.

"Hey, Buster! This is my house and my bed, so if I want to I could do it right on your face! But it's only Tuesday and it's not something Allie would do" Harley said as she pointed the vibrator at him.

"Please throw me back in the ocean..." Mark said as he closed his eyes.

"Oh dontcha worry there'll be an ocean here in a minute" Harley said with a manic chuckle.


(AN: Another chapter done, so yeah those of you who thought Mark would get imprisoned, nah that isn't my style though I guess this kinda counts as a different kind of imprisonment. Anyway Barbara managed to discover what Batman did to Superman, Bruce has got a few screws loose. Also in regards to update frequency once a week is normal for most fics, I mean come on I do have other things to do and other fics to write and a full time job. Anyway Viltrumite powers are a bit different in this fic, when it comes to lethal injuries like that they can survive them but their 'Smart Atoms' will prioritise healing over everything else making their body weak. This will most likely not play into the plot at all beyond Mark learning to use his Meta powers more. Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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