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10% Grand Gacha System / Chapter 3: Chapter : 1 : "Tutorial" World

Capítulo 3: Chapter : 1 : "Tutorial" World

Random guy P.O.V

I'm dead...


I can still think? Probably a courtesy of whatever messed up gods decided they needed to kill me for their system to work. Though I hope it won't last too long, I feel like this silence is going to drive me crazy-




Great, beeping, as if that is any better.




Seriously! Can it stop!

[ Initialization complete. ]

[ Grand Gacha System finalized. ]

[ Soul stabilization complete. ]

[ Synchronization complete. ]

[ Permissions and authorities complete. ]

[ Universal alignment complete. ]

[ Vessel... incomplete. ]

[ Locating suitable vessels... ]

[ Found. ]

[ Displaying to host now. ]

With that I was greeted with four different panels of what I assume are the vessels it was talking about. Hmm... they all seem to have their own benefits so it's really hard to choose- wait a minute... aren't these all women?! Really pretty women but still women! I'm a guy! A man! Y'know the gender with the literal built in weak point to hit that all game bosses seem to have!

[ Please choose. ]

Shut up system! I'm deciding!

[ Please choose. ]

Just give me a moment damnit! As I shout this mentally as I don't have a mouth right now, I motion with what feels like an arm, yet simultaneously doesn't exist physically. Is it like my soul's shape or something? This is really confusing. Anyways I slap it to shut up, phew it seems to have stopped-

[ Vessel selected. Reminder that a vessel may be changed at a later point in time with a [Fragment of Protagnilium] from the gacha system. Good luck. ]

Wait. Wait. Wait a minute! Since when did I choose!


Oh... it was when I tried slapping the system silent with the shape of my soul... oops... but what did I even choose? Well I guess I'll have to figure that one out on my own. Curse you my E rank luck that sometimes is EX! I really have bipolar luck, don't I? I won a lottery but simultaneously am losing because of it.

[ Vessel complete. ]

[ Essential info for host... incomplete. ]

[ Giving information now. ]

[ Host, you will be first placed in a tutorial world to learn of the basics of the Grand Gacha System. This world will be chosen at random and the rest of the information regarding the system will be given on site. Keep in mind any special abilities of the chosen vessel will be withheld until all tasks given in the tutorial world are completed as to avoid shock. ]

[ Essential info for host complete. ]

[ Beginning preparations for transfer to tutorial world. ]

My vision begins to fade, despite me being in complete darkness. How does that even begin to work? I guess it is better to not question these things... I... hope... I... get... a... good... world...

[ Induced soul stasis complete. ]

[ Accessing Grand Gacha System for available worlds. ]

[ Processing... ]

[ Rolling Gacha... ]

[ Complete. ]

[ Beginning transfer to chosen tutorial world... ]

[ Goblin Slayer. ]


My consciousness slowly fades back in as I begin to feel the air in my lungs, the hard floor I'm laying on, the sound of dripping water hitting the floor, and the complete darkness that surrounds me. Hey! This doesn't look like a tutorial world at all! I'm in the dampest, darkest, and muskiest cave I've ever seen! So I open my eyes and get up, just to see nothing at all. I try waving my hand in front of me, still nothing. I'm not still dead am I? I can't be, I mean I can feel around me and hear around me instead of pure silence, so surely not. Nope! This is scary!


It's fine. Calm down. I just got blasted with universe ending levels of destruction and got reincarnated with a system that does god knows what. Some nasty cave like this is nothing to me! Besides the fact that I can't see, so I slowly let my eyes adjust themselves to the darkness. Once that is done I'm greeted by a rather cramped area with a few hanging stalactites and puddles of water on the floor. Nice! A convenient mirror to see just who I got, or well more accurately accidentally chose.

So I slowly crawl over there, still unused to my new body and having been in some weird spiritual form for an unknown period of time. I can get a general feel of my clothing, so I can cross out a military uniform or a full on dress. So I know who I didn't get, the only issue is there were 2 others with similar pieces of clothing and I am not good enough at guess clothes based only on feel to determine which one it is. Ok so I've made my way over to the small puddle formed from dripping water, time for the big reveal!

I close my eyes for no other reason than suspense as I put my head over the puddle of water. I only know I am actually above it because I can feel the water drops plonking on my head, it feels kind of nice actually. Enough getting sidetracked though, so I slowly open my eyes and am greeted with orange eyes? As well as medium length orange hair and a really pretty face? Still I was not prepared for this so I ended up shouting out of surprise.

Me: Ah!

Then a feminine voice?! From where?! Wait a second... I was just checking which female character I ended up choosing. Why was I surprised? I'm not getting dementia already am I? I really hope not, that would suck, getting a system while not even remembering what or who I am. Nah, it's just me being a dumbass as always. Anyways it seems I ended up choosing Gudako, not the worst choice, I'd say its pretty balanced, with an ok start and pretty powerful end game.

Also why am I describing what is now myself like a game character? I mean I am one, but it's still really odd to think about once you let it sink in. But there are some issues with me being Gudako, she has pretty overpowered ultimate abilities, but her special abilities are lacking power or completely servant oriented as compared to Hakuno, Commander, or Lumine. But guess I gotta work with what I got.

I mean I still am in the tutorial world and according to the voice in my head- pause, that makes me sound insane. I really hope not, dementia and insanity isn't a good combo. Getting back on track the tutorial world makes these abilities not important since they are turned off for now. But imagine getting Gilgamesh for free! Even controlling the elements or being a master close quarters combatant would be super good early on!

What am I gonna do with Harem Protagonist EX early on?! Seduce my enemies?! Actually wait... that could work? Well at least I'll have Mash to back me up when I unlock her, which essentially means I have a super indestructible shield! So in fact I stay winning with my gacha luck! Hahaha! Moving on... where is the system? I've just been sitting here, can this thing hurry up and explain already-

[ System connection complete. ]

[ Welcome host. The mandatory explanation for all new users will be initiated immediately. ]

[ Message start: ]

[ The Grand Gacha System is a system that allows the user to gain anything related to gacha, through gacha. Currently, the system's library for characters consists of Honkai Impact, Genshin Impact, Fate Grand Order, Azur Lane, and Arknights as well as other miscellaneous items and abilities. The available gacha pool depends on the vessel chosen, thus, currently Fate Grand Order is the only available gacha pool until a vessel change, in which case both the previous and new pools will be available permanently. Host will start with a free 10 pull in the tutorial world, and further rolls can be gained through completing quests or other currently unexplained methods. That is all for now. ]

[ Message end. ]

[ 10 pulls being given. ]

[ Processing... ]

[ Complete. ]

[ Host may now press the '10x' button to use the rolls on the screen in front of them. ]

What screen- woah! Cool! From what it seems to be it looks like the standard character banner of FGO. Well as similar to the normal one as it floating midair in front of me, still really cool though and futuristic feeling. But what a bummer, no limited characters for now it seems since its just the standard one. So I bring my finger to the button, I wonder what I am going to get-


Pausing my finger in it's tracks I just have to wonder, the fuck was that?! I liked it when it was just me and the cave, not some weird monster or even worse multiple monsters in the dark with creepy laughter!


Hey hey! Don't get louder and closer! Ok... ok... I need to strategize... but where to hide? Oh! A conveniently Gudako, or well I guess me, sized stalactite! So I quickly run behind it as I begin to hear the unknown monster's snickering grow closer. I slowly peek out from behind, my curiosity winning over my caution, and catch a glimpse of a torch along with a creature with green skin- oh hell no! The stalactite is my haven, just stay calm and stay still. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

Great... there are multiple... and they are goblins. I really hope its the generic kind.


Uh... why did they all stop? This doesn't mean anything bad right?


*Sniff* Sniff*


Wait a minute, why are they shuffling this way? Also are they drooling? Why?! Ah damnit, they totally sniffed me out. Well might as well get the gacha rolling while I run for maximum efficiency, maybe I'll get something useful to fend them off along the way. It also seems that they left the corridor the entered this area through unguarded. So now is my chance! Go! Run my Gudako legs! Through the power of my salt and addiction to gambling! Run! So I get up and sprint harder than I ever have to the entrance.

*Kikikiki!* *Skreeee!*

As I run I hear the pattering of small feet behind me, as well as their gross drool filled mouths slobbering like a rabid dog, that's nasty. Just thinking how gross they are is making me run faster, c'mon, I can do this! Even if my legs burn and my lungs feel like collapsing, I have to keep going! Just keep on runni-


Me: Gah! Ow! What was that?!

It seems I banged my head against a stalactite on accident. I feel a warm liquid go down my face, slowly bringing my hand up to it and wiping it off, it's blood... my blood... I already died once... so why is this so terrifying?! No... no... no! I don't want to die here! Not when I was just given the chance to live out my dreams! I have to get up and keep going or else they are just going to get closer! I pick myself up even if my head feels like it's throbbing and keep going further into this unknown cave.

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Broken Pencil (F-) ]

How is that helpful at all?! Well at least it's something, so with my free hand that isn't holding my aching head I stick it in one of my pockets quickly. It's better than nothing, and worst case scenario maybe I can use the power of Keanu to beat them all to death with it! Hey! This isn't the time for jokes me! Focus on not tripping on the slippery and dangerously sharp rocks!

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Bag of Pretty Marbles (E) ]

I quickly rip the bag open and toss them on the floor behind me while continuing on running. Hopefully that should cause a few oblivious goblins to trip, enough to slow them down for a bit at least. But still! I need something more definitively useful! So I continue running, occasionally getting scratched by a protruding piece of stone, but I can't stop! I'm in the body of a protagonist who punched a demon god, I can do this!

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Single Potato Chip (F) ]

Maybe I can't do this! My right arm is covered in scratches and hurts like hell, I'm starting to get light headed from both the running and bleeding, and I just overall feel like complete shit. Damnit! I'm slowing down from fatigue, anything useful at all you useless system?! I still eat the potato chip, tastes like iron, either it's really shitty or it's the blood that got in my mouth.

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Box of Staples (E) ]

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Leather Belt (E+) ]

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Dirty Sock (F-) ]

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Fake Pair of Jordans (D) ]

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Arjuna Alter... ]

I've won! I've won-

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Arjuna Alter Poster (E) ]

Fuck you too!

[ Congratulations, you've won a: Toy Water Gun (E+) ]

I angrily toss the useless box of staples, dirty sock, and ripoff poster to hopefully be minorly distracting to the goblins. I keep the fake shoes, toy water gun, and belt, they could have some uses I hope.

*Huff* Huff*

I can't do this anymore... huh? Is that an exit? I see light? With my little remaining strength I run over hearing the goblins getting closer, hopefully they stop once I'm outside. I turn the corner and see...

A torch? It was just a... torch? No... no! I must be dreaming right?! There is no way this is happening right now! No! No! No! In my despair, loss of blood, and complete exhaustion I collapse to the cold hard floor of the cave, or I guess soon to be my second grave... well at least when I was dead it didn't seem too bad...


No... no! I'm not dying like this! I'm living out a full life in my second one! I refuse to die to a bunch of crappy goblins! I don't want to die to anything in fact! I want to live! To have a damn decent life for once!

*pitter patter*

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

Huh? They already caught up?

Me: Ahaha... ahahaha... HAHAHAHA! This is really how I go out? Ah... ahhh... AHHHHH! GET AWAY YOU PINT SIZED GREENSKINNED SHITS!

So as they begin to approach I pathetically crawl over to the torch, maybe I can at least fend them off with fire. But as I get closer to it I feel something grab my leg. It's one of the goblins, one that stands slightly above the rest in stature and seemingly importance. Hey... that isn't a hobgoblin by any chance is it?

Me: Get off! I said get off! I just want to go home! So why won't you just leave! Just leave-



I see what I assume to be the hobgoblin smiling, but at what? I look down to see he let go of my legs, did he actually listen? Thank goodness- wait... legs aren't supposed to bend or look like that... and is that bone sticking out? Huh? What happened? Did he just break my legs?

Me: No... this is a dream... this is a dream... shut up! shut up!

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

Me: What are you all laughing at huh?! Just be quiet! You aren't real! So go away!

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*

Me: Hey... don't come closer! Stop it already! Stop!

*Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki* *Kikikikiki*


Did he just rip off the skirt I had on? Why? Why? Why? No... that can't be it... that can't possibly be it... NO WAY CAN THAT BE IT!!! AHHHH!!! WAKE UP!!! THIS ISN'T REAL!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! AHH!!!

Me: Mom... I just want to go home and sleep...

[ Congratulations you've won a: C- ]

I don't bother paying attention to anything anymore. I just zone out to at least try and not admit the reality that is happening around me, so I close my eyes just hoping for it to be over-


Goblins: Kikiki-


Goblins: Skreee-


Hobgoblin: Graaah!




???: Phew... a nice warmup! Reminds me of my training with teacher when she had me fight banshees in a cave for a week straight.


???: Hey master, you don't look too good. Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest! A lady like you shouldn't have to go through all this, and let's just say these types of monsters get on my nerves. Anyways, Lancer class servant summoned at your request! So you take it easy from here on out!


???: Oi! Don't die on me, master!

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