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Capítulo 990: Wealth

After resting in Whitecloud Town for half a day, Yuga was planning to take his Pokémon back to Verdanturf Town.

By morning, news of the incident at the Pokémon Tower had already reached Whitecloud Town, and the townspeople were quite angry. However, the League's response was swift, and by the time Yuga left, the authorities that was sent to handle the matter had arrived in Whitecloud Town.

Once back in Verdanturf Town, Yuga became busy with another matter.

While Cosmoem was hatching, Yuga achieved a big achievement: taming a Level 1 Legendary Pokémon.

As a reward for this achievement, he received a formula for an exclusive Pokéblock. This formula contained the method to create a special Pokéblock used for nurturing Cosmog-Cosmoem-Lunala.

The situation was too chaotic at that time, and Yuga could only put it aside after receiving the system prompt. After returning to Verfanturf Town, he had time to deal with it.

It has to be said that a Level 1 Legendary Pokemon is worthy as its name, and even the system give it a preferential treatment.

The Pokeblock that was used to nurturing Cosmoem not only it was an exclusive Pokeblock, but the system also named this Pokeblock. It was named "Moonlight," which matched Lunala's identity perfectly.

It's worth noting that Yuga had previously named the Pokéblock formulas he obtained by himself. This was the first time the system itself named one for him.

According to the system, the growth of a Level 1 Legendary Pokémon is an extremely lengthy process. Allowing them to grow naturally would likely take a lifetime, and they might not even mature. Therefore, this special reward was provided.

The Moonlight Pokéblock could accelerate Cosmoem's growth and help it evolve into its final form, Lunala. With the Directional Mutation made Cosmoem lost the chance to evolve into Solgaleo.

Kartana, who also an Ultra Beasts and with comparable status and abilities to the Level 2 Legendary Pokémon, did not receive such special treatment.

As one of the two unique Legendary Pokémon in the Alola region, scholars in the Pokémon world typically ranked Lunala alongside Pokémon like Ho-Oh, Lugia, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, and more, which were considered Level 1 Legendary Pokémon.

However, Yuga realized that after encountering Cosmoem, Lunala's abilities might resemble those of a Level 1 Legendary Pokémon, but its identity was more similar to that of Ultra Beast, like Karatana.

This distinction was due to the fact that they did not possess the divinity of Legendary Pokémon Pokémon but rather the unique aura of an Ultra Beast.

But In the system, Lunala was grouped with Pokémon like Ho-Oh and others as Level 1 Legendary Pokémon.

Pokéblocks like Moonlight, capable of accelerating the growth of Level 1 Legendary Pokémon, were not easy to create. Even the materials alone were giving Yuga a headache, which was why he rushed back from Whitecloud Town in hurry.

The Moonlight Pokéblock's primary ingredients consist of four types: Ghost Gems, Psychic Gems, Dark Stones, and Moon Stones.

If Yuga only needed these four items individually, it wouldn't be much of a problem. However, the trouble lies in the fact that creating a small jar of Moonlight Pokéblocks requires an astounding number of Ghost Gems and Psychic Gems, each in the thousands, and they can't be combined.

The required quantity of Dark Stones and Moon Stones is substantial too, although not as much as Ghost Gems and Psychic Gems, but still, hundreds of them are needed.

How many Pokéblocks are in a small jar? Only a few dozen, which means they won't last long. If Yuga wants to use Moonlight Pokéblocks for Cosmoem's long-term growth, the cost would be astronomical, just thinking about it is frightening.

Dark Stones and Moon Stones are both special evolution stones, not as common as Fire Stones, Water Stones, or Thunder Stones. They are much harder to obtain.

To gather hundreds of them at once isn't impossible for Yuga, but the issue is that it's a long-term requirement. Who could continuously provide him with large quantities of Dark Stones and Moon Stones?

There are also two types of attribute gems, which are even harder to come by than Dark Stones and Moon Stones combined.

Attribute gems have always been considered a luxury items by trainers. There's price but with no market. They are often shared among high-level trainers. Buying them is difficult, and even if you can purchase them, they are not cheap.

Currently, the various attribute gems Yuga uses to train his Elite level Pokémon are obtained through exchanges with other trainers using the Ghost Gems and Psychic Gems, and it's just enough for his needs. He doesn't have an excess.

Thankfully, Yuga and Cynthia jointly own a Ghost Gem mine in the Distortion World, so he doesn't lack Ghost Gems. The real challenge is obtaining Psychic Gems.

The issue is that he doesn't know any powerful Psychic-type trainers who could help him.

It looks like he'll have to use connections. Yuga silently thought.

Apart from the primary materials, there are many auxiliary materials that are also quite rare. However, these can be obtained with money, and if it can be resolved with money, then it's not a problem.

However, the Ecopark has just been built, and now he has to spend such a large sum of money. His wallet can't take it!

Yuga quickly used all the connections he could, including Steven, Cynthia, Flint, Volkner, Mr. Norman, Robert, Wallace, the Joy family, and anyone he could think of.

At the same time, he organized his own resources to see what he could use.

He handed over a box of Reaper Clothe he obtain from Ghost World to Phoebe to help handling it.

This Reaper Cloth was obtained when he and Marlon were in the Unova Region together. He had used some of it and still had plenty left. Since he couldn't use it all, it was better to exchange it for something useful.

There were also feathers from Zapdos. When Zapdos shed its feathers, Yuga took the opportunity to collect a lot, and they had gone unused.

But they were valuable, and there were many Electric-type trainers who wanted them. So, Yuga gave all of them to Volkner. He had connections in the Electric-type trainer community and believed they could fetch a good price.

In addition, there are large quantities of Fire Stones. The Ecopark has a Fire Stone vein, and most of the mined Fire Stones have been stored by Yuga. They haven't been used much, and they can be used to trade for Moon Stones and Dark Stones.

However, the value of one Fire Stone is lower than that of an equivalent Moon Stone and Dark Stone, so Yuga will definitely take a bit of a loss in terms of quantity in the trade.

Apart from these larger items, there are various odds and ends, and Yuga took this opportunity to bring them out.

This is where having a wide network of contacts comes in handy, especially Steven, who is in the business. He helped Yuga deal with a lot of things.

To obtain the troublesome Psychic Gems, Yuga even had to contact Sabrina, who was all the way in the Kanto region. She's a specialist in Psychic-type Pokémon and is well-versed in Psychic powers. She should have the right connections for Psychic Gems.

To be honest, Yuga didn't have many opportunities to contact her since they parted ways, mostly it was Gon who would occasionally reach out.

Sabrina and Gon had a good relationship, and she contacted Gon more often than Yuga.

Gon is now the Holy Son of Bell Tower, and he has changed his name to match his current role as a little monk, called Josiah. He's been very busy since becoming the Holy Son, with practice and studies. He hasn't had a chance to visit Ecruteak City, and he only occasionally contacts Yuga and Sabrina.

But there's some good news – Gon has regained the Psychic powers he lost.

Originally, the flame mark left in Gon's forehead by Ho-oh gave him hope, and as his training deepened, it helped him recover his Psychic powers.

Gon isn't entirely human; he has some Pokémon genes in his body. After his Psychic powers returned, his strength started to grow rapidly. It's said that in the realm of Psychic powers, he's now almost on par with Sabrina, who has trained for many years.

Sabrina confirmed this herself.

The monks of Bell Tower, to say nothing else, must be experts in meditation techniques. They see Gon as the hope of the entire Bell Tower, and they are committed to his training.

Although Sabrina has always had a somewhat unfriendly attitude towards Yuga and often gives him the cold shoulder, when Yuga contacted her for help, she readily agreed, showing that she's someone with a warm heart beneath her cold exterior.

Sabrina has always had a reclusive personality, but after meeting Gon, her character has clearly changed. At least now, her reputation at the Saffron Gym is much better than before.

After reaching out to various contacts, Yuga went on to prepare other materials and became quite dizzy for a while.

Among the auxiliary materials needed for creating the Moonlight Pokéblocks is a gem of Starmie

The Starmie Gems will continually shed and renew as its age and strength increase, and its containing substances that are highly beneficial to Psychic-type Pokémon.

Although these substances do not affect the Starmie themselves but it doesnt prevent it from assising in the training of other Psychic-type Pokémon.

However, based on the formula the gem that used for moonlight Pokeblock has very high requirements on the quality. The Starmie that used to produce these gems cannot be lower than pseudo-Elite level.

So, it's a rare resource, and Trainers who have Starmie usually collect these gems to sell or exchange with other Trainers in need.

Fortunately, this material is just an auxiliary ingredient, and the quantity required each time is not large; otherwise, it wouldn't be easy for Yuga to collect them long-term.

Wallace himself has an Elite level Starmie, so he had many of these gems stored. He doesn't lack money or resources, so he's always kept them unused.

Then he exchanged some from his friends and sent them all to Yuga.

With this batch of materials, Yuga won't have to worry about the Starmie's gems for a long time.

After receiving the gems sent by Wallace, Yuga walked joyfully towards his shop. He had barely entered the shop when he heard a Chatot flying over, saying that Dusknoir had something to discuss with him.

After he had put away the items, he hurriedly went to the Haunted Mansion Sub-Ecopark.

At first, Yuga thought that Dusknoir had something urgent to discuss with him. He didn't expect that as soon as he boarded the Ghost Ship, he would see dozens of boxes of various sizes placed at the bow of the ship.

"These are..." Yuga looked at Dusknoir floating at the bow of the ship with suspicion.

"Dusknoir!" Dusknoir shouted to a Gengar nearby. The Gengar immediately opened one of the boxes.

O(_)O what the... When the box was opened, Yuga's eyes were blinded by the dazzling gold. The whole box was full of shiny, shimmering gold.

But this was not all; the Gengar did not stop there. It continued to open box after box, revealing gold, jewels, gemstones, antiques... one after another. This was truly heart-stopping.

This is too exciting!

In addition to these treasures, there were several boxes filled with Evolution Stones, held items, attribute gems, and various other training resources.

After all the boxes were opened, Yuga couldn't help but ask Dusknoir, "Did you steal the entire wealth of the Mirage Kingdom built up over a thousand years?"

Dusknoir: ...I didn't expect you to see me like this...

After some explanation, Yuga learned that all these treasures were collected by Dusknoir and its crews during their travels over the past thousand years.

Some were sunken treasures, some were taken from others, and some were found. In fact, there were some things in these boxes that even Dusknoir couldn't remember where they came from.

Dusknoir and its associates couldn't use these themselves and didn't want to benefit the Mirage Kingdom, so they had kept accumulating these in the Ghost Ship. As time went by, the collection just grew, leading to what Yuga had just seen.

When Dusknoir found out that Yuga needed attribute gems and other materials, it thought of the things accumulating in its Ghost Ship and decided to share them.

", these are all mine?" Yuga stammered with disbelief.

"Dusknoir!" Dusknoir nodded with its singular eye half-closed.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

That's the only thought in Yuga's mind right now.

In addition to the substantial treasures in these boxes, there were also plenty of attribute gems and Evolution Stones, spanning various attributes.

Of course, there were probably no Ghost Gems and Dark Stones in there because Ghost-type Pokémon would need these materials, and it's likely that Dusknoir had already used them.

It took Yuga quite some time to calm down from his excitement.

" I considered adopted?" Yuga hesitantly asked Dusknoir.

Dusknoir: ...

In any case, with the treasures generously given by Dusknoir, Yuga's financial pressure was significantly relieved.

Once he left the Ecopark, Yuga immediately contacted Steven, wanting him to help sell this batch of treasures.

When Steven received the pictures that Yuga sent over, he was stunned and asked, "Did you rob a treasure vault somewhere?"

Yuga couldn't tell Steven the true origin of these treasures, so he joked, "I've been adopted, and these are gifts from my benefactor. Tell me, can you sell them?"

"Who has the audacity to adopt you? Tell me who it is so I can get to know them!"

Steven didn't take Yuga's words seriously, but selling such a large batch of treasures wouldn't be easy. He thought for a moment and said, "I'll do my best. I'll send someone to collect the items from your place. Just wait for the message."

Yuga knew that selling such a large quantity of items wouldn't be straightforward, and he said, "Got it." Then, he hung up the phone.

Two days later, instead of receiving a call from Steven, he received a call from Cynthia.

"Did you say Caitlin is willing to trade a batch of Psychic Gems with me?"

Yuga was surprised to hear Cynthia's words. Even though he had received a batch of attribute gems from Dusknoir, he was still far from having enough Psychic Gems to create a sufficient number of Moonlight Pokéblock.

Caitlin is a friend of Cynthia's and currently sitting as the Psychic-type Elite Four of the Union Region. It wasn't unusual for her to have extra Psychic Gems.

"Yes, but she needs your help with something. If it works out, Caitlin is willing to give you a large number of Psychic Gems. Caitlin is quite wealthy, you know," Cynthia said playfully on the other end of the phone.

Help? Yuga asked with curiosity, "What kind of help? Tell me first."

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This is the last one for today(っ´▽`)っ

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