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Omni :"Professor paradox, Where are we going now?"

Paradox :"Now we are going to the next world, you might be familiar with this world."

Omni :"What do you mean paradox?" he in confused by what paradox said.

Paradox :"You will see omni and oh by the way I have gift for you." professor paradox said.

There was a blind light and there is two creatures one slime with black and green color, while the other is a dog like creature with a red spike collar.

Omni :"Wait aren't those two?"

paradox :"Yes ben, this is ship and zed."

Ship :"Ship ship" she goes to ben and hug his leg.

Omni :"Hahahaha, yeah it's nice to see you again buddy." he looked down at ship.

Ben :"But profeasor paradox, why is zed here isn't she supposed to be dead and why does she has the nemetrix?" he is confused and shocked.

Paradox :"Well ben zed is not from your dimension, it is from another dimension, she is dying with nobody to save her. So I save her in exchange she will help me, she agreed to my proposal and I gave her the nemetrix, she also can talk because I talk to azmuth to add and upgrade the nemetrix."

Omni :"Is that so, so she can transform on her own or Do I need to whistle to do it?"

Paradox :"No need for that she can tranform on her own and the nemetrix can only be removed by you and azmuth."

Ben nod his head and look at zed "Hey zed, now we are friends and partners."

Zed :"Friends and partners?" she is confused.

Ben :"Of course, because we are now partner now for working together to save the multiverse and being my friend."

Zed is thingking about what ben said "Thank you omni, from now on be loyal to you."

Omni nod his head at this.


Percy jackson universe, olympus

Artemis :"seems like omni is going to another universe again, but whose universe he is going to is it ours?"

Demeter :"I don't think so it must be the universe omni knew because paradox said omni might knew about this universe."

They were discussing what universe is going to meanwhile athenna nad hephaetus is looking at zed's collar, paradox and ben said it is the nemetrix but the question is what it's function, is it like the omnitrix or is it different.

Star wars universe, jedi council, before the purge

Ashoka :"What is that alien dog and that slime alien, I never seen them before?"

Anakin :"Me too ashoka, How about you master do you ever seen anything creatures like this before?"

Kenobi :"No anakin, I never seen it before."

DC Omniverse, Animtaed universe, watchtower

Flash :"I never see those aliens like tbose before have you guys ever seen it?"

Hal jordan :"No, me and stewart never see anything like this before."

Mr.Terrific :"The one thing taht was intriguing is the nemetrix in zed's collar, I wonder what it does?"

They see the collar of the nemetrix that Mr.T was talking about and they were thingking what is the function of this nemetrix.


They land in the top of the building and see the scenary.

Omni :"Wait the minute, I think I have seen this city somewhere." he have seen this city before but where.

Paradox :"Well omni do you remember when you said you go to alternate dimension and meet a robot kid?"

Omni remember and surprised, he knows what this universe is and he did not see him for a long time. "Wait don't tell me this is"

Paradox :"Yes, this is rex salazar universe."

Omni knew it because the city looks familiar before he ask questions to paradox there is an explosion from afar.

Ben :"Well, it's hero time, BIG CHILL"

Description :"Big chill is a species calles necrofriggian, it was a humanoid moth with wings that can be folded as a robe, it has ice powers and ingtangibility.

Zed turn into hypnotick.

Description :Hypnotick is a predator of big chill or necrofriggian, it has similiar abilities to necrofriggian, it is intangibility, flight super strength, durability, ice powers. It looks like a mixture of a moth and a bee. it has greyish

Decription :"The nemetrix is a device to turn into aliens the difference is it chnages the wearer into predator's of aliens in their own home planets, the creator build this device to counter ben's aliens using the oredator of each of the aliens species.


They see the description of each alien and they now know what is the function of the nemetrix.

Marvel multiverse, comic multiverse, unknown, Avengers tower.

Hank :"Incredible so the nemetrix is a device full of predators of omni aliens." he was astonished.

She hulk :"What does that mean?" she was confused.

Beast :"What he means is, it is like a deer is a prey while the lion is the hunter, the hunter chase the prey until it was killed, so the function of this nemetrix is to counter omni's aliens or you could say it was build full of predators of each aliens in omni watch."

They were thingking of what bests said and registered it in their head.

Natasha :"So what you said is this nemetrix is full of predators of each alien species in omni's watch to defeat him?"

Beast :"Precisely" he nods.

Reed :"All the possibilities we can have, if we get the omnitrix and the nemetrix," the scientist heroes agreed.

DC Multiverse, Comic multiverse, prime earth, watchtower

Mr.Terrific :"So that is the function of the nemetrix, it is simply made to counterattack omni's aliens and kill him."

Hawkgirl :"But who will build something like this to kill omni?"

Batman :"Probably one of his villains think he can't defeat omni's aliens, so he think he would build a device full of predators to kill omni." he look seriously at the nemetrix.

MHA universe

Dr.Garaki :"What a genius invention, so the maker of this watch build this watch full of predators to defeat omni aliens, what a masterpiece," he is thingking maybe he will make something similiar to the nemetrix to defeat that so called themself heroes.

Fate grand order, Chaldea

Davinci :"What a magnificent tool, the omnitrix can turn you into aliens and the nemetrix turn you into the predators of omni aliens, If I just meet the creators of this watch maybe We can make a project together.' she is fascinated by the two of these two device, she really wonder how the hell did they make this tools.

Ritsuka :"Calm down davinci."

Merlin :"But she is not wrong though, these tools are incredible, they can turn you into aliens and alien predators." he is also surprised about what these watches can do.


Omni and zed are flying through the city while ship is there waiting for them. Omni went intangible and he see there is a giant robot firing lasers through the city, he went indise the robot and freeze the robot from the inside, zed also do the exact same thing.

The robit freeze and didn't move, omni and zed goes outside the robot and see their work, omni see zed "Hey, zed smash that thing to pieces," zed hear him and nod.

He goes fly high and dive down to the robot he turn into some alien in the mix of a crab and a rhino

Description :"Crabdozer is a huge, rock-based life form with a crab-like body and a rhino-like face. Crabdozer walks on six crab-like legs and has spikes on its legs. It has a long horn and small ears. Crabdozer has a dark purple/grey color scheme with sunken red eyes. They are the natural enemy of heatblast, they have immense strenth, speed, durability, fire/heat resistance.


MHA univerese, the beggining of season 3

Denki :"This alien predator looks cool."

Kirishima :"Right, it also said it was very strong and fire proof too."

Mina :"that means someone like todoroki cannot hurt crabdozer."

Yayurouzu :"Not to mention that hyptonick is also resistance to ice that means todoroki cannot use ice powers to that predator."

Todoroki look at the the two of them and thingking of what they said, they are right from the screen showed are two predators that was immune to his fire and ice quirk so he cannot do anything, he gripped his hands into fist.

Midoriya is drawing and writing the description of crabdozer, he is thingking of what is the weakness of this crabdozer and the other predator hyptonick, he is thingking of what kinds of predators that will next show and ben's aliens. He is excited to see more.

Percy jackson universe, olympus

Artemis :"A predator that was immune to fire." she is interested in these predators.

Athena :"What an incredible alien predator, it looks like fire magic or fire powers is useless against this predator," she is taking notes of these predators.

Spider verse

Peni :"What a cool alien," she is looking at crabdozer.

Noir :"An alien that was immune to fire huh, that means we cannot burn that alien."

Gwen :"Thanks for reminding us genius." she rolled her eyes.


Zed smash that alien to pieces and beckme particles of ice, it was scatered everywhere like from the above like it was snowing ben is next to zed and there was soem sort of spaceship above them.

"Hold on you guys, prepare to be suqshed by me" said an 18 years old man infront of them, he is wearing a black pants, black boots, a shirt, an orange jacket and he was wearing a glass.

"Hey, rex long time no see." big chill is waving at him.

Rex is confused of how did he know his name "Wait who are you? how did you know my name?"

There was green light blinding everyone and he return to his original form and zed also return to his alien dog form.

Omni open his mask and now everyone see his face, rex is stunned and jawdropped of what he see, it's like he have not see this person for a long time.

Rex :"Be...ben."

Ben :"Sup rex" he waved his hand at him.


They now see the face of the person and they were surprised the face of omni was shown. What They are looking now is a teenager no more than twenty.

Marvel multiverse, comic multiverse, unknown, Avengers tower.

The heroes were silent of what they saw.

Falcon :"HE'S JUST A KID?"

Hank :"So all this time we are see now just a kid?" he is also surprised.

Rhodey :"Judging by the looks of the kid he is no more than twenty years old, he looks like a highschool teenager."

Gwen :"Wow he is handsome." she is blushing looking at ben.

Silk :"W...well you are not wrong though."

The girls are blushing and drooling looking at ben the same goes to the older female heroes, even susan who is married also look at ben with lust.

DC Omniverse, Prime earth, Watchtower

Supergirl :"WOW, what a handsome man we are seeing right now." she is miling and blushing looking at ben.

The other female young heroes are agree to what supergirl said this ben is hot and handsome, the older female heroes silently agree to the girls, this young man infront of them is definetly hot.

Some of the young and old male heroes are jealous of this, now they see their crush and girlfriend are now looking at ben with a blushing face.

Spider verse

Peter :"What the hell, he is just a teenager like you." he is pointing at gwen.

Gwen :" you're not wrong though," she is blushing at ben right now even peni is blushing.

Spider ham :"Wait are you two just blushing right now?" he ask gwen and peni.

The boys are looking at them and they are indeed blushing "Wait a minute, do you guys like ben?" he is smiling and tease them.

Gwen :" we are not." she is denying it while looking away.

Peni :"Y...yeah gwen is right we do not like him" she is also look away.

The spiders know they like ben.

The each multiverse the girls whether they are aliens, humans, gods or other beings they look at omni and they are blushing he really looks like a handsome and hot man.


Rex :"Dude where did you get here?" he walk to him.

Ben :"Well men it is a long story."

The two of them bumpfist and smiling, they really look like brothers or best friends that was not met each other for along time.

There was a protal bhind ben and they look at him, they see a man in white lab coat and a slime with black and green color.

Patadox :"Well hello there young salazar."

Ship :"Ship ship ship"

Rex :"Um ben who is he and whaat is that slime alien?" he is confused of what he see.

Ben :"Well that lab coat man name is professor paradox and that slime is an alien name ship."

Paradox :"Well young salazar there is something that we need to discuss."


Now the world see two heroes and they wanted to see what will happen next, they see the other teenager must have another superpower and it will be shown.

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