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76.92% Multiverse: The True JUSTICE / Chapter 19: Chapter eighteen: The true final boss “Kenjaku” part 2

Capítulo 19: Chapter eighteen: The true final boss “Kenjaku” part 2

Author notes: I don't know how but I ended up in an orchestra playing violin (I have never played the violin in my life, I only know how to play keyboard/piano) and learning Portuguese

enjoy the chapter and sorry for the time who take but this chapter is better in my opinion


'This guy can be dangerous' Uraume thinks when she sees Izuku two meters away and realizes that he has the aura of a special grade sorcerer.

"Get out of here and stay away from Sukuna's recipient" Uraume says with a cold tone, preparing for battle.

While Izuku also prepares to fight, he also telepathically orders Alice to take Itadori (A/N: Izuku's clone only has 40% of his strength but he has all of his abilities, only less energy and power in his attacks or abilities)

Then Izuku's clone dodges an attack of ice spikes from Uraume while teleporting behind her to launch a black flash plus all the enhancement quirks he has activated, however before Izuku can land a blow that would potentially exorcise Jogo, Uraume activates his domain expansion due to his instincts and skills that he has honed for over a thousand years "[domain expansion: Frost King Castle]"


Then Uraume manages to successfully trap Itadori with the drone and Izuku inside her domain where there is a giant ice castle and a storm along with snowflakes that could freeze even lava in less than two seconds.

'Shit, in Yoichi memories Uraume never had a domain expansions that has ever been seen and she didn't show the power who is showing now either although considering that she is more than a thousand years old it is logical that she has at least this level of control and ability' the Izuku clone reflects while He realizes that he cannot teleport and mentally connect as always to the original, temporarily separating him from Izuku.

"Don't think that you will come out unscathed after delaying our plans" Uraume says completely hostile because she doesn't believe that she will lose to his domain, so unless they have an inter-domain fight Uraume wouldn't even consider losing by the clone of Izuku

"Okay, be a good bitch and help me test my new abilities with cursed energy" says the clone of Izuku, improving himself as much as he can with his quirks currently and taking up all the extra reserve of cursed energy that the original gave him in case of emergency [semi-cursed technique: release 10%]


A shock wave that surprised Uraume and quickly sends all the snow and weather to attack Izuku while a snowman brings Itadori to where Uraume is.

Uraume, without understanding that sudden wave and due to so much cursed energy gathered in one place, sent all the ice he could to buy time and be able to return part of his power to his master, so that he could return to his former glory on his throne and title that has always belonged to him: the king of curses

Then Uraume sees Izuku destroy all the ice as if it were nothing with just his fists but it's not all but every blow he gives is a black flash and not counting the wings and the strange aura around his body

Then Uraume occupies the skill of his mastery which is to give an "effect" in exchange for a "defect" or a "defect" in exchange for an "effect" whenever he declares it out loud.

"The guy who is still conscious in my domain will have lower speed in exchange for greater resistance to animal attacks" says Uraume as he approaches Itadori as fast as he can while Izuku suddenly moves at the speed of a normal person. (A/N:Uraume does not know Izuku's name and due to the situation s

he simply referred to him as she could)

'Shit' Izuku thinks as he gathers all the cursed energy that he previously used to power himself into one hand to throw it into a circular shaped ball strangely resembling a flame with light inside.


However, the attack surprisingly, even though it destroys everything in its path, did not reach Uraume because when he arrived he only broke an ice mirror.

'An illusion? No. He must have been busy with ice mirrors and taking advantage of the control he has over this area, I couldn't identify him' concludes the Izuku clone, however although he seems calmed by his thoughts he is actually feeling for the first time in many years the pressure that something is wrong (It's not going how he planned it exactly as planned)

Izuku destroys all the ice attacks that approach him with strange black whips that have undergone many improvements through multiple quirks that reinforce each other because all his senses and body do not respond as always, having to depend on his quirks for the moment

'Should I do a suicide attack? No, that wouldn't work, shit I don't have many options, think, think, I can't expand my attack range or perception because of Uraume's control over the domain, I don't know where she is and I don't have much energy cursed, first I'll occupy the shinso gift and then I will try to expand my simple domain although due to Uraume's pure ability at first I couldn't activate it and I don't think it will change now, but with the shinso gift I could although if I fail I should go for the "suicide domain" although yes goes wrong Uraume will win'

"It's obvious that you serve Sukuna after all, you escape just as he does," Izuku tells Uraume to get him to respond and having even a millisecond to reach her after all that is all he needs to have a chance to win. gain

"Shut up-" Uraume can't finish but reveals her approximate location to Izuku who, although he didn't see her, has a rough idea of ​​where she is, so he quickly activates all his speed quirks and power-ups quirks but without using cursed energy because he doesn't want to waste the cursed energy he has left (A/N: it's still a large amount for any user and he recovers cursed energy at speeds that even Gojo would be surprised however he's still nowhere near Gojo's level in terms of cursed energy control)


Without holding back and doing everything possible, Izuku's clone breaks the sound barrier while sacrificing a lot of his energy and power, to reach Mach 25 and thus manage to reach Uraume but 0.008 seconds later Uraume manages to free himself from Izuku's control by reestablishing his domain expansion and his effect making Izuku regain his previous speed at 10 meters away with Uraume and Itadori

'Please wake up Sukuna-sama' Uraume thinks while Izuku notices that Uraume had given all of the fingers she have to Sukuna.

'SHIT!!!!! This shouldn't be happening, calm down, calm down, I must do a suicide attack to leave the domain when Sukuna wakes up, this way the original will recover my memories about what happened and will come to kill Uraume and Sukuna while we wait for Gojo to fight against Kenjaku' Izuku finishes thinking

At that moment Izuku tenses when he notices that Sukuna is in control of the body and Uraume allows himself to smile when thinking of ways to kill Izuku for

"Well, what do we have here-" just when Sukuna was going to finish speaking a bullet enters and breaks the domain expansion.

"Alice said there was a disturbance but I didn't think it was that bad" says who is 3 buildings away on the roof 'Kaina' thinks Izuku clone the moment he hears her voice through a radio signal that he captured with a quirk

'Retreat right now!' Izuku's clone with a mental quirk tells Kaina while Sukuna simply looks curiously at everything that happened.

"Well, Uraume, although I appreciate that you have given me this time to take a breath, I hope you know that I have my own plans," Sukuna says calmly while looking at Kaina from a distance and thinking if it would be interesting to kill her or if I should let her live a little longer.

'Withdraw!!' Izuku's clone mentally shouts at Kaina as he releases all the energy he accumulated and uses 'recovery and durability' type quirks connecting to the original Izuku to be able to fight on par with Sukuna "cursed ritual: one for all " says Izuku's clone, occupying the ability that only the original could occupy but thanks to his multiple quirks Izuku can temporarily transfer that ability to a clone

Then seven lights, each of a different color, are placed on the back of Izuku's clone while radiating positive energy to such a level that each light looks like a first-grade sorcerer using the cursed energy inversion technique.

Then, feeling all that positive energy, Sukuna for the second time since he got a vessel, sees someone who represents a threat to his life.

"Wow, that's interesting but I have to ask you, did those seven sorcerers give you their souls or did you force them?" Sukuna tells Izuku since according to what he has seen about this technique, Sukuna has managed to understand a certain part of the technique/ritual but Even so, recreating it would require so many resources that not even the entire society of sorcerers could have a 100% success rate and that is not even a guarantee for the souls of the sorcerers to decide to serve you and although one can force them or make a restriction here Sukuna doesn't see any of that and his intuition tells him that something more interesting is happening than a simple cursed technique like he had seen Izuku show to Itadori.

"That's none of your business," Izuku responds dryly as red lines full of power begin to emerge from his body through his veins, bringing him closer to the power of the original Izuku, which is something that a clone should not be able to withstand for long.

"Well, well, before we go crazy I propose to make restriction for both sides before the battle Izuku" Sukuna says smiling and sounding like a politician who doesn't want to act like a politician 'I wonder how strong his mental defenses are, could can try to take his body but I don't think it will be that easy and I don't know if he has protection for those cases or if I get trapped in his mind like what happened with Itadori' Sukuna thinks while seeing Izuku's potential even without showing a cursed technique own

"Oh and what would be the restriction that the "King of Curses" proposes" Izuku says half mocking while he is increasingly panicking because Kaina does not follow his orders and is still in the building pointing at Uraume and ready to shoot at any moment

"The restriction that I propose that we make is very simple, I will not attack anyone other than you in this battle as long as no one else attacks me and in return you will explain to me what you did to obtain your strange abilities and how they work through Itadori " says Sukuna smiling and although he is not sure if Izuku will take the bait, he does know that he will be able to learn something while fighting with him after all someone with Izuku's abilities is quite a novelty for Sukuna

"Oka-" *Bang!!* a bullet interrupts the zuku clone's response because Kaina noticed that Uraume has his guard lower so she proceeded to shoot Uraume, however the bullet had cursed energy imbued into it by which Sukuna was able to detect and cut the bullet it before it reached Uraume because it could be lethal in the worst case.

Sukuna doesn't say any words and simply smiles as he starts to laugh only for him to start slashing at Izuku's clone with everything he has tearing even his clothes however even something like this didn't even move Izuku's clone as all the positive energy that one for all provided him plus his regeneration quirks healed him even before the attack was completed

"Wow, it looks like you're quite a challenge to kill," says Sukuna, smiling as he looks at the pool of blood around Izuku.

'Sir, I must inform you that all the sorcerers fulfilled their role, however I must warn you that they were currently heading towards Kaina to plan how to help Gojo in this battle with you original body or against Sukuna' Alice tells Izuku through her clone because in that area he currently has no way to communicate due to the "curtain"

'Try to convince them to retreat and tell Mechamaru to come with the mecha jjk prototype-0 ' Izuku tells Alice before the fight begins between Izuku's clone (buffed) and Mechamaru (on the way) against Sukuna and Uraume and the fight between Gojo and Izuku (weakened, he passed practically half of his power to his clone for the moment) against Kenjaku

~~~Flashback four days ago~~~

"You know Mechamaru your cursed technique could be considered the strongest in the future due to the best technology and with my technology it would be one of the strongest" Izuku says to Mechamaru as they stand in front of all his mecha

"So you're going to let me use your mechas with my cursed technique?" Mechamaru asks with mixed feelings since although he appreciates the mecha, he would prefer to do it himself.

"Don't hurry so much, my subordinate number four, first I'm going to transform all my mechas into a mecha similar to the one you used to fight with Mahito, however this time it will have much better technology and durability," says Izuku as his mecha begin to gather together and occupy the Overhaul quirk to rebuilds it in the parts that the mecha cannot rebuild on its own to be a big mecha like the previous Mechamaru mecha

Mechamaru watches with stars in his eyes as a giant mecha the size of Mechamaru Definite: absolute mode is created in seconds

"First of all, the mecha still cannot control or absorb cursed energy on its own, however it has a lot of energy that was designed to be easily imbued with cursed energy to damage curses and also has scanners and sensors that will detect cursed energy attacks. so they don't catch you off guard like Mahito did" Izuku says to Mechamaru.

"Ok, but are you sure you trust me with something of this magnitude?" Mechamaru says somewhat doubtful and still half stressed by everything that has happened.

"Don't worry, you have four days to master this Mecha and be able to fight against special grades, so you have plenty of time," says Izuku.

"You're listening what you're saying," says Mechamaru with a face that seems to prefer death, although internally he is already resigning himself to his fate and lost his time to sleep.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a gift," says Izuku as he touches Mechamaru's head with a finger and gives him a copy of the quirk [acceleration of thoughts] [improvement of understanding] and [adaptation] (A/N: it will be enough to accompany him without However, it is weaker than the combination he gave to Kaina) [receiver] which is a quirk that allows him to see everything about him, after all Izuku knows that Mechamaru betrayed the sorcerers before and although in the end he would try to help them Izuku does not know If he is capable of doing something like that again, he prefers to take precautions even though he hates the fact that he sounds like Batman, but if someone betrays them and people die because of it, he wouldn't forgive himself as easily as he would forgive himself for giving that quirk to Mechamaru.

"What did you do!!" Mechamaru says as he grabs his head and watches as everyone moves in slow motion and his thoughts become clearer and more clearer for seconds.

"Your body is naturally superior to that of a human, although your restriction has left it in such a bad state that you know a normal human being would have died with your restriction, so you should be able to adapt in one day to your new abilities," says Izuku.

"What you're doing doesn't make sense, it seems from another world" says Mechamaru as he begins to process everything that is happening much faster than normal and with a weight that he didn't know he had in his mind outside of him.

"Well you will soon find out but you will need to train and familiarize yourself with this state after all from now on you will be in my group and organization" says Izuku while internally wondering if he could achieve his dream with the help of carefully selected people and maybe just such maybe his dream will one day come true

"And you're going to think about naming your group or organization sometime," Mechamaru says as he collapses to the ground while he adjusts to the changes in his body.

"Well it will be called….(I would appreciate suggestions although I already have an ideaI would appreciate suggestions although I already have an idea)

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: I tried to make the chapter longer but at least leave everything ready for the next chapters, you know I would have uploaded more chapters but studying in the USA has been quite exhausting although at least it has gone well for me although I have barely slept but between yesterday and today I had time to write a chapter so enjoy it (The writing service has been updated and although it is a bit strange it seems better than before so thanks Webnovel)

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