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62.5% Marvel a Story : Isekai / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - My Gamer System Is ……

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3 - My Gamer System Is ……

AN: This Chapter is mostly an info dump about his gamer System mechanic, I won't include updates about it in every chapter, but there will be a dedicated chapter for discussing the character's status and skills.The Marvel universe the MC is on based on the movie as I didn't read the comics at all. Most of the characters is based on their movie counterpart ex: Tony is RDJ, etc

Chapter 3 - My Gamer System Is ...

I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and blinked again. It was still there. Now, if I were in some generic fanfiction story, this would be the point where the main character would be excited.

Imagine a futuristic dashboard from a sci-fi movie crossed with the UI of a high-end video game. There it was, hovering effortlessly, displaying various stats and figures – like some sort of cosmic character sheet.

"Wait… is this… a gamer system?" I whispered to myself in disbelief, my voice tinged with both awe and incredulity. It was as if I had been thrust into an epic fantasy game without any prior warning or consent. My mind raced through a hundred questions – was this a prank, a glitch, or perhaps an extremely vivid dream?

For a moment, I considered pinching myself, but given the recent oddities in my life, I wouldn't have been surprised if that just triggered a side quest involving pinching a certain number of times. Or worse, I'd find myself trapped in some reality-TV show where an audience of interdimensional beings watches my every move, placing bets on my choices.

With a groan, I scrubbed my hands over my face, half-expecting the interface to vanish in a puff of digital smoke. But no such luck – it just hung there like an AI assistant waiting for my next command. A nervous chuckle bubbled up within me.

"Well, this is officially the weirdest day of my existence," I muttered to no one in particular, as if the universe was eavesdropping and needed an update on its own absurdity ranking.

I sighed and take a deep breath. And with that, I clicked on "[Yes]," bracing myself for whatever lay ahead.

[Confirmed, initializing the system commence] monotone robot like voice said.

[Quest Tutorial]

[learn about your Gamer System]

Rewards: Gift Box x1, Stats point 10, 100 system point, 1000$.

a "Quest Tutorial." Seriously? I half-expected a neon sign to pop up with "Step Right Up!" flashing in bright letters. And the rewards is pretty underwhelming, I mean in the fanfic I read most MC gets like a mil in minimum, some got an absurd legendary weapon.

"Alright, alright," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Let's see what tutorial this tutorial has in store for me."

Gamer system menu:








Point and money:

As I stared at the menu, I couldn't help but chuckle. After all, I had just declared that I wouldn't be a part of this crazy adventure, and yet here I was, succumbing to the intrigue of the unknown. With a half-amused sigh, I clicked on the "Stats" section, fully expecting to be greeted by another wave of absurdity.


Name: Saga S. Springfield

Age: Currently 17

STR: 13

SPD: 8

CON: 7

MAG: (locked)

SPR: 10

Stats points: 0

As I looked at the stats displayed before me, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. It was as if someone had quantified my physical attributes into a set of numbers, like grading a particularly lackluster homework assignment. My teenage body, which had spent more hours hunched over books and computer screens than in athletic pursuits, wasn't exactly a beacon of strength or speed.

I wonder what each these stats represent,

"So, essentially, these stats are like my own personal report card, huh?" I muttered, half to myself and half to the system.

[In a metaphorical sense, that analogy is quite apt, Host. These stats serve as indicators of your physical attributes within this system's framework.]

"System can you explain these stats in detail?" I ask the system

[Certainly Host] The System explain is as follow

[STR, representing for strength, reflects your ability to exert force and carry objects efficiently. It's closely linked with CON]

[SPD, representing of variables such as Speed, Agility, Reflex, measures how fast you can run, how agile your movements are, and how quickly you can react. It's connected to CON as well.]

[CON, representing body constitution, encompasses your overall physical health – your muscles, immune system, and endurance. It also influences your pain tolerance and stamina. It works hand in hand with your STR, SPD & MAG.]

[MAG, currently locked, pertains to your potential for magic and other mystical abilities. Once unlocked, it will correlate with your CON.]

[SPR, representing of variables such as Luck, Willpower, Perception. It determines how well you can resist mental attacks or temptations. how well you can detect hidden things or avoid traps.]

Feeling more informed about the meaning behind these enigmatic stats,

"So, how does this numerical data currently translate to my physical capabilities?" I asked for explanation.

The system's response was as prompt as ever, its robotic tone resonating through the virtual interface.

[Your current STR of 13 signifies that you possess an average level of physical strength. While you may not be able to perform feats of extraordinary might, you can handle everyday tasks comfortably.]

[Your CON rating of 7 indicates a moderate level of body constitution. You're reasonably healthy and can endure regular activities, though you might find strenuous efforts more challenging.]

[With an SPD of 8, your speed and agility are on par with a standard level of physical dexterity. You can move swiftly and respond reasonably quickly to sudden situations.]

[As for your locked MAG attribute, its potential is tied to your CON. It suggests that once unlocked, your magical capabilities will increase alongside your physical well-being.]

[Your SPR value of 10 signifies a balanced sense of luck, willpower, and perception. You possess a natural resilience to mental influences and a knack for noticing subtle details.]

I couldn't help but sigh, as far as initial stats go it's not bad either, But, hey, it could've been worse. At least I had a starting point – and if there's anything I've learned from watching countless shonen anime, it's that even regular folks can rise to greatness. Since this is a Gamer System I just have to level up.

"Wait a Minute, system where's my level?" I ask the system.

[statement: this Gamer system did not include Level on the player.]

You're seriously telling me that this whole gamer system thing doesn't involve leveling up?"

[Statement: That is correct. The current configuration of the Gamer system excludes the traditional leveling mechanic.]

I scratched my head in bewilderment. Seriously, what kind of gamer system decided to omit leveling? It's like getting a sandwich without the filling. "Well, then, how on earth am I supposed to get stronger?"

[Answer: Should I compile a series of exercises aimed at improving your physical capabilities?]

"Oi...oi…oi..." I muttered, frustration oozing from every syllable. "Not only is there no leveling, now I have to work out too? Who's the genius who thought this was a good idea? Would it be too much to ask for a little bit of cheat in this shenanigan? I mean, come on!"

I sighed again, noting that it seemed to have become my signature move since landing in this new reality. "Okay, hit me with it."

[Confirmation: Certainly, Host. Here are the exercises that I've compiled for you:]

Push-ups: (0/100)

Sit-ups: (0/100)

Squats: (0/100)

Running: (0/1KM)

I stared at the list of exercises, my disbelief reaching new heights. "...." A speechless pause hung in the air. "Oiii... system, what the heck is this? Don't you have an ounce of originality? Did you just copy this from One Punch Man? Am I going to end up bald if I do these continuously?" My veins practically throbbed.

[Query: I failed to comprehend the correlation between this exercise and baldness.]

I blinked at the system's response. Did it seriously just ask about the connection between exercise and baldness? Was this some kind of glitch in its virtual brain circuits? I mean, sure, there's the whole joke about Saitama from One Punch Man being bald, but was that really the takeaway here?

"Uh, never mind," I muttered, my exasperation seeping into my words. "Well, at least I have Gamer Body and Gamer Mind, right?" I posed the question to the system, hoping for some reassurance.

"Right…?" I reiterated, waiting for confirmation.

[Statement: The Gamer system you possess does not encompass Gamer Body and Gamer Mind.]

My jaw practically hit the floor. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," I trailed off, baffled beyond belief. What in the world was going on? Was this some sort of cosmic joke? How could a so-called gamer system be missing some of the most basic, expected features? It was like getting a toaster that didn't toast bread.

"Let's just get this over with. I'll start with exercise later, I guess." I said to Gamer system.

With a shake of my head, I moved on to the next menu option. There was no telling what kind of absurdity awaited me there.







Quest Items:

"System, can you give me the most basic rundown of what each of these categories means?" I asked, hoping for a straightforward explanation.

[Explanation: Certainly, Host.]

[Items: This category encompasses general non-equipable items you may acquire during your journey. They can range from key items to miscellaneous objects.]

[Equipment: In this section, you would find wearable gear that enhances various aspects of your attributes.]

[Weapon: Weapons you acquire will be listed here. They are essential for combat-related activities.]

[Accessory: Accessories are items that provide supplementary benefits when equipped. Think of them as your sidekick gear.]

[Consumables: This category covers items you can use, often providing immediate effects like healing or temporary boosts.]

[Quest Items: Special items that are integral to ongoing quests will appear in this section.]

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer simplicity of the explanations. It was like having a conversation with a tech support bot that had been programmed to keep things idiot-proof. Well, it certainly saved me from drowning in a sea of gaming jargon.

"Alright, let's see what's up next," I mumbled to myself.








[Buy/Sell: This option allows you to purchase items or sell your possessions in exchange for currency.]

[Items: Here, you can find a selection of various non-equipable items available for purchase.]

[Accessory: In this category, you'll discover wearable items that can provide additional benefits when equipped.]

[Materials: This section includes raw materials and resources you can buy. These are often used in crafting and other activities.]

[Skill: Skills can be obtained through purchase here. They are abilities or techniques that can grant you advantages in specific situations.]

[Abilities: Similar to skills, this category offers you the chance to acquire special abilities that can be utilized throughout your journey.]

"Oh, this is nice. Even if I don't have any points yet, there's no harm in taking a look," I commented as I clicked on the "Items" category. To my unsurprising discovery, it was empty. The same held true for the other categories: Accessories, Materials, Skills, Abilities.


"Why is everything empty?" I muttered in a tone devoid of enthusiasm.

[Answer: Host is currently not connected to the Gamer Merchant Guild.]

"..." I trailed off, my mind whirring. "Gamer Merchant Guild?" I couldn't help but wonder if there were other players like me caught up in this mess. wait is it like guild of gamer' bunch of villains wreaking havoc across the multiverse? The mere thought left me feeling apprehensive.

"System, what is the Gamer Merchant Guild?"

[Answer: The Gamer Merchant Guild operates as a unique interdimensional marketplace accessible through the Gamer System. Players can engage in trading, purchasing, and selling a variety of items, skills, abilities, and even knowledge across different universes.

It's important to note that direct item or points trading between players is while permitted is not recommended. For safety purpose Instead, all transactions best be conducted through the guild's marketplace.

Additionally, the guild occasionally offers special contracts in the form of quests. Completing these tasks can earn players exclusive items, points or abilities.

In order to purchase items from the guild, players can accumulate points by completing quests, challenges, and selling items within the system. It's essential to understand that external points cannot be transferred into the system.

Most items available in the guild's shop are unique and one-of-a-kind, meaning that they can only be acquired once. Once an item is sold, it won't reappear in the guild's inventory. Some items also have limited stock, so if a common item is temporarily unavailable, it may take some time to restock. The guild employs anti-exploitation measures to prevent players from abusing the system to gain infinite rewards or duplicate rare items.] the system explained.

As I listened, a few things caught my attention. First, the realization that there were other players besides me in this multiverse. Second, the concept of crafting items and selling them in this complex market. And third, the existence of some sort of administrative organization overseeing it all.

"So, when is the system connected to the Gamer Merchant Guild?" I ask.

[Answer: The system connects to the Gamer Merchant Guild when you become more experienced with using it. As you do quests and gain experience, you'll gradually get access to the marketplace. It's like a trial period to make sure you know how things work before you start trading across dimensions.]

I sighed as there's nothing I could do now, then I clicked on the "Craft" menu, curious to see what options in there.







Crafting Recipes:



[Notice: You do not have any skill relating to crafting yet.] The system's voice chimed in before I even had the chance to ask. At least it saved me from uttering the question out loud.

With the craft section presenting a locked door for now, I turned my attention to the topics of skills and abilities. I knew these would be essential aspects of my journey, even if they were empty at the moment. "Please explain skills and abilities," I prompted the system.

[Certainly, here's a simple description of the between skills and abilities:

Skills: Skills are learned actions or techniques that a player can develop and improve over time through practice, training, and experience. They often require a certain level of proficiency to use effectively. Skills can range from combat techniques and magic spells to crafting abilities and social interactions. Each skill has its own level.

Example Skills:

Swordsmanship: Proficiency in wielding a sword, allowing for more precise attacks and defensive maneuvers.

Healing Magic: The ability to use magic to heal wounds and cure ailments.

Cooking: The skill to prepare delicious and nutritious meals.

Abilities: Abilities are innate or unique qualities that a player possesses, often granting them special advantages or traits. Unlike skills, abilities are inherent and don't necessarily require active practice to improve. They can be physical, mental, or magical in nature. Each ability has its own level.

Example Abilities:

Super Strength: The innate ability to exhibit extraordinary physical strength, allowing the player to lift heavy objects effortlessly.

Telepathy: The power to communicate with others using thoughts, bypassing verbal communication.

Invisibility: The ability to become invisible at will, making the player unseen by others.

Keep in mind that these are just examples, as you don't have any skills and abilities in your gamer system at this moment.] the system explained.

With a resigned sigh, I moved on to the next menu option. At this point, I had learned not to expect any surprises, but I clicked on it anyway.

[Point and Money]

Points: 0

Money: 0

"Yup, still empty," I muttered to myself. It was almost comical how this whole system seemed to mirror the emptiness of my previous mundane life. But hey, at least it was consistent. With a shake of my head, I decided to move forward.

"Oh, I almost forgot, so what exactly are you, the system? I mean, what's your primary function?"

[My primary function is to serve as the central hub for managing the Gamer System. I handle various tasks such as inventory management, quest tracking, and providing notifications for quests and rewards. Additionally, I offer in-game assistance for skills and abilities, making your journey within the system as smooth as possible.]

"So, do you happen to have a name?" I quirked an imaginary eyebrow, amused by the idea of naming a virtual system." I mean calling you system or the system is kinda mouthful"

[Designation: I am referred to as the Gamer System interface. While I lack a conventional name, you are welcome to assign one if you wish.]

"Hmmm… let's see… let's see… what name should I give you," I pondered aloud. A surge of inspiration from the realms of anime, games, and movies flowed through my mind. Cortana could be an excellent choice, or maybe the name 'Great Sage' would suit you. As I continued mulling over what to name the system, my earlier apprehension seemed to evaporate, replaced by the excitement of bestowing a name.

"I got it! I'll name you A.D.A, which stands for Assistant Data Analyst," I declared with a sense of accomplishment.

[Confirmed. From this point forward, I will respond to the designation A.D.A]

"Okay, so A.D.A what's next?"

[Statement: Congratulation Host, for finishing the tutorial]

[Your reward will be given now Rewards: Gift Box x1, Stats point 10, 100 system point, 1000$.]

A.D.A 's question popped up, asking if I'd like to open the gift box. I pressed "Yes," curiosity getting the better of me. In many fanfics, this is the point where the MC gains some overpowered ability or something similarly game-breaking.

[You gained [Dragon Core Lv1]]

That's actually sound so awesome, so I click on the description

Dragon Core Lv 1.

-Fragmented core of a mythical dragon from another dimension, allowing the user to harness generated energy for various purposes, empowering skills and abilities the user possesses. Capable of leveling up and evolving.-

Okay that not bad, with this I might be able to use magic and everything else.

[Would you like to Install the Dragon Core into your soul?] A.D.A's question hung before me. The mention of my soul gave me a moment's pause.

"Is it safe?" I asked A.D.A, my skepticism evident.

[The process can be completed during a night's sleep, ensuring minimal discomfort.] A.D.A's response held an air of nonchalance.

"So, it'll hurt a bit, then," I mumbled under my breath.

Don't get wrong I'm not a pussy afraid of pain, But I'm also not exactly signing up for a crash course in masochism. yup I'm not interested in BDSM stuff

[Shall I proceed with the installation process then, Host?"] A.D.A's voice chimed in, that same monotone robotic tone.

I gave an exaggerated shrug. "Might as well, right? Can't be any worse than those times I accidentally stayed up all night trying to beat a video game level." I smirked at the irony of comparing real life to virtual reality while standing at the precipice of having a dragon core wedged into my very being.

"I'm about to become a high-tech toaster with a turbo button." I snorted,

A.D.A paused for a moment, as if pondering the comparison. "[I wouldn't say toaster, Host, but there is an element of energy amplification involved.]"

I raised an eyebrow, A.D.A's speech pattern getting cheekier by the second. "Energy amplification, huh? Does that mean I'll be able to power my house with a single sneeze?"

The system didn't miss a beat, "[Unlikely, but it might make charging your phone an interesting experience.]"

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Who knew my soul could become the ultimate green energy source?

With a sigh, I leaned back in my chair, my fingers drumming against the table absentmindedly.

"Alright, A.D.A, let's get this over with. Set it up, I'll take my not-so-cozy nap."

"[Very well, Host. Initiating installation protocol,]" A.D.A replied, its robotic demeanor completely unfazed.

As I closed my eyes, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was about to step into a sci-fi spin on Sleeping Beauty. Only instead of a prince and a kiss, it was me and a dragon core. Yep, just your typical fairy tale.

I waited for a few moments, but the process hadn't started yet.

"A.D.A, what happened?"

"[Notice: It seems the host has an imbalance soul. Due to that, it is recommended that the host synchronize the soul first.]"

I blinked at the message, my eyebrows doing a spontaneous pole dance somewhere around my hairline. "Imbalance soul?" I muttered incredulously.

It was like being told your house needs a paint job when you were expecting the delivery of a pizza. I mean, sure, I'd been told I had a quirky personality, but an imbalance soul? What exactly did that even mean? Was my soul sitting on a seesaw trying to maintain a cosmic equilibrium?

"W-what do you mean by an imbalance soul?" I asked A.D.A, my voice tinged with curiosity and a touch of skepticism.

[An imbalance soul refers to a state in which the spiritual and metaphysical energies within your soul are unevenly distributed or in disharmony. This can potentially affect the successful integration of external enhancements, such as the installation of the Dragon Core.] The system's response came without delay, its tone as monotone as ever.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, despite the fact that I was currently soul-deep in a conversation with a robotic interface. "Of course, because why would anything in my life be straightforward? Now I've got an imbalance soul to add to my list of quirks."

A.D.A.'s next words almost seemed sympathetic – if a robot could even muster sympathy. [I believe this is happen due to you transmigrating to your counterpart body, by my analysis, while at the core you both are the same person, fundamentally you both have different personality traits that making integration process not run smoothly.]

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You again, my counterpart? Why do you have to make everything so complicated?! It's like trying to merge two jigsaw puzzles with mismatched pieces – both frustrating and bound to give you a headache."

And then A.D.A.'s response hit me like a punchline from a cosmic joke. [Due to your imbalanced soul, your hormones and neurotransmitters are rising, causing you to experience mood swings commonly found in adolescence. Diagnosis: Puberty.]

Unbelievable. Puberty attack? Really, universe? It was like the universe was playing a practical joke on me – punking me just because I happened to mention it a couple of times first with Aunt Cass and then MJ. I couldn't help but rage internally at the absurdity of it all.

[you should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpit and…]

"Whoa..whoa…whoa A.D.A stop.. I don't need to hear that"

[You may also experience strange and powerful new urges]

"Okaay,.. okay stop, Thank you." I cut off A.D.A.'s robotic commentary, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and exasperation.

"To think about it, I've been having mood swings all day," I muttered to myself, an incredulous tone to my voice. "Getting annoyed easily, getting flustered by a teenage girl, then getting annoyed again by that same girl."

I leaned back and sighed, contemplating the cosmic absurdity of it all.

"Alright, A.D.A., spill the beans. How do I balance my soul? Yoga? Meditation? A round of karaoke with the universe?"

[I believe, I could assist you with that, would you like me to start the soul synchronization process] A.D.A.'s response maintained its typical robotic composure.

"What exactly will happen to me after my soul is fully synchronized?" I asked A.D.A, my curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension.

[Your soul will achieve Fusion, making it stronger. Your emotions will also become stable…] The robotic response came promptly.

I didn't let the explanation continue before I interjected, "Will I still be 'me'?" I had to know. The idea of my personality merging with another version of myself was both intriguing and unsettling.

[Unknown, one possibility is that your personalities will merge together. However, at this point, it is still a hypothesis of what the effect will be.] A.D.A.'s tone remained as emotionless as ever.

The implication of A.D.A.'s words sent a shiver down my spine. The prospect of such a transformation was both fascinating and frightening. But whether I liked it or not, it will happen.

I let out a resigned sigh, my shoulders slumping.

"Okay then, let's get this over with… Afterward, start installing the Dragon Core," I instructed A.D.A.

[Confirmed, soul synchronization process commenced.] The robotic interface confirmed,

-Unknown Place-

As I embraced the sensation of synchronization, I found myself standing in an otherworldly space – a place that felt both familiar and surreal. All around me were floating platforms suspended in a void, reminiscent of the Station of Awakening from the Kingdom Hearts series. Each platform held a memory, an emotion, a piece of my life.

Amidst the ethereal platforms, a figure materialized. He was unmistakably me, yet simultaneously not. A younger skinny teenager version, still bearing the fresh-faced innocence of adolescence.

He looked around, his gaze distant and wary. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Well, I could ask you the same question, but I have a feeling it won't lead us very far." I shot him a smirk.

"I'm... me. The real me. The one who's been here all along." He hesitated for a moment before answering.

"The real you, huh? Is that what you think?" I chuckled softly.

"Yeah. The me who's been protecting Aunt Cass all this time." He nodded, a flicker of defensiveness in his eyes.

"You mean the Aunt Cass who raised you after your parents were... gone?" I said

"Yeah, that's her. She's... everything to me." He nodded again, his gaze dropping to the shifting platforms beneath his feet.

I couldn't help but smile, an understanding dawning within me.

His eyes widened, surprise mingling with disbelief. "You... you're me, aren't you? From the future?"

"Something like that." I chuckled, more like from another world.

He seemed to relax a bit, as if we were just two old friends catching up on life. He leaned against an imaginary railing, as though we were having a cosmic chat at a space-age café.

"So, what's it like? The future, I mean?"

I shrugged, trying to explain the future into words. "Well, while my world isn't as wild as yours, we have our own set of challenges. There's a pandemic that hits around 10 years from now, social issues taking center stage. Movies are all about politics...."

He looked down again, his voice almost a whisper. "Your world..."

"In my world, this place is fiction," I began, my words carrying a mix of nostalgia and amazement. "A universe where superheroes and villains battle it out, where stories like yours become a canvas for imagination. But it's not all capes and masks, trust me."

I launched into tales of my own world, not sparing the bizarre, the humorous, or the downright outrageous. From larger-than-life characters to unexpected twists, I painted a picture of a world that was both different and strangely familiar.

He absorbed it all, his eyes wide with wonder and a hint of disbelief. "That's... a lot to take in."

We continued to talk about everything – anime, manga, games – sharing anecdotes and opinions like old friends catching up on years of separation.

"Do I... do we turn out okay? Do we ever stop being socially awkward?" He finally voiced a question that carried the weight of uncertainty.

I laid a hand on his shoulder, my gesture meant to be reassuring. "More than okay. We grow, we learn, and we become someone we can be proud of. And well, we learn to navigate social situations better, but I can't promise you won't still have your awkward moments. It's part of our charm."

"Charm, huh? Is that what they call it?" He raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Hey, it's better than being boring. And trust me, I'm anything but." I shrugged with a grin.

"Is that what being an adult is like? Figuring things out as you go?" His curiosity was genuine, a window into the mind of someone standing on the precipice of maturity.

"Pretty much. We never really have all the answers, so we act as if we know the answer and hope for the best." I nodded, my expression thoughtful.

He met my gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and resignation. "So, am I going to disappear now?"

"What do you want to do?" I asked gently, infusing my voice with empathy and understanding. Here was a kid who hadn't yet experienced the fullness of life, suddenly facing the prospect of it being taken away.

"I don't want to disappear. But I also know that I can't stay."

"...Why can't you stay?" I probed, try to understand his predicament.

He let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping as he admitted, "I think... I think I died. I-I don't really remember the details, but I know I'm not supposed to be here anymore."

"So, what happens if you do stay?" I asked, my voice tinged with a pang of sympathy for him. Standing at the crossroads of existence and departure, he looked down, his words a blend of resignation and uncertainty.

"I don't know for sure, but I think it might mess up everything. Like a glitch in the universe or something."

Silence settled between us, allowing me the time to digest his words, to absorb the weight of my experiences in this world. After a moment, I spoke up again.

"...Believe it or not, I think that we're here to bond. You know, to combine our souls into one," I offered, attempting to make sense the nature of our current situation.

"Like F-Fusion from Dragon Ball?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, 'hey what do you know there's a dragon ball here.' I thought amusedly to myself.

"M-more permanent, I think. Sort of like the Potara fusion," I clarified...

"Aren't potara is also temporary? He raised his eyebrow.

"T-that's just plot holes making Goku and V – the point is we're going to be merge as one."

He stared at me, his expression a blend of contemplation and surprise. "You really think that's possible?"

"Eeeh… it's the best explanation I've got" I shrugged while chuckled, leaning against the dreamlike scenery.

"Fair point." He chuckled too, though his eyes soon grew somber. "If... if that's the case, then maybe it's for the best."

"What do you mean?" I asked, a mix of curiosity and concern in my tone.

He hesitated, as if debating whether to voice his thoughts. "If we fuse our souls, maybe some of the things you 're struggling with – the fear, the uncertainty – maybe they'll become easier for you. And you can... you can take care of Aunt Cass for me."

The weight of his words settled on my shoulders, a bittersweet acknowledgment of the bond we shared across time. It was a task and a gift, an exchange of experiences that transcended the boundaries of existence.

"I promise," I said softly, my voice carrying the weight of my commitment. "I'll make sure she's taken care of."

He smiled, a weight seeming to lift from his shoulders. "Good. I trust you. After all, you're me."

As the swirling energies began to dissipate, the platforms shimmered and merged back into the void. I felt a surge of warmth, a newfound determination that wasn't just mine but ours. As the synchronization process completed, his voice echoed in my mind one last time.

"Take care, older me."

With a final burst of light, I found myself back in the room, the sensation of fusion lingering like a fading dream. Lone tears dropping from my eye.

To be continued

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AN 2: So yeah, Saga acquires a Gamer System that's relatively simple but comes with many restrictions. I will be blunt this story will be slow burn there will be a time skip here and there. To those that hoping for harem and yes, it’s very enticing to do that as there is a lot of hot heroines/waifu in marvel but as of now I haven’t made up my mind yet in that aspect. Fair warning There will be no Lemon whatsoever, it will be implied probably but there will not be any explicit scene. Anyway Vote and review I would love to hear from you guys.

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