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1.33% Contract Marriage: A Marriage Of Revelation / Chapter 1: SHOCKING EXPOSÉ
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Contract Marriage: A Marriage Of Revelation

Autor: obiparadise_purity

© WebNovel


The sun shone brightly in solea city, Auraxia, on a Monday morning like any other. Solea city is a bustling metropolis, with tall buildings that reach towards the sky and wide, busy streets filled with the sound of traffic and the chatter of pedestrians.

The air is scented with the aroma of street food vendors, and the sun glints off the surface of the nearby river. There's a sense of energy and movement in the city, as if it's constantly in motion, always changing and evolving.

The Sun's rays pierced the room, casting long shadows across the floor as Emily Kevan yawned and slowly opened her eyes. The light felt sharp and insistent, as if it were demanding her attention. As she sat upright, she felt a jolt of energy run through her body, as if she were waking from a deep slumber.

Her eyes roved across the room, dancing from one object to the next. The room was bright and airy, with a large window that let in plenty of natural light. The walls were painted a soft pink, and the floor was covered in a plush carpet.

In the corner, there was a small desk with a laptop and a stack of books. Next to the desk was a cozy armchair, perfect for reading or studying.

With a spring in her step and a grin that stretched from ear to ear, she rose from the bed, her heart fluttering with anticipation. A letter from the prestigious fashion design competition she had entered was expected to arrive that day, and she could hardly contain her excitement. She tingled with the promise of possibility, as if a million butterflies were dancing in her stomach.

Born and raised in the charming town of Vitrea, in the heart of Auraxia, she had traveled far from home to attend Asterisk university in the bustling city of Solea. There, she studied cosmetology and fashion design, gaining the skills and knowledge she needed to turn her dreams into reality.

Now, as she neared the end of her studies, she could feel her ambitions beginning to crystallize, like frost on a winter windowpane.

Though her parents lived in the quaint town of Vitrea, their business interests were far- reaching, extending well beyond the town's borders. Her father owned the largest company in the area, a behemoth of industry that provided a thriving economy for the surrounding communities.

Despite their success, her parents had instilled in her a sense of humility and gratitude, ensuing that she remained grounded even as her ambitions grew.

As she stretched and yawned, the words slipped from her lips, like a small blessing to the world. "Another beautiful day," she said, as she began to make her bed with careful, deliberate movement.

It was a large, fluffy bed covered in soft, white sheet. The pillows are plump and inviting, and the headboard is carved with intricate patterns. The bedside table is adorned with a lamp and a vase of fresh flowers.

She made her way to the bathroom, the bathroom was simple but elegant, with a porcelain sink and a large mirror. The shower was lined with white tile, and the toilet was tucked away in a small alcove.

She took out her toothbrush as she began to brush her teeth, the minty flavor of the toothpaste tingling on her tongue. The repetitive motion was soothing, and she felt a sense of calm as she focused on the task at hand.

After a few minutes, she set the toothbrush aside and undressed herself and reached for the bath towel, wrapping it around herself as she stepped into the bathtub. The warm water enveloped her, like a soothing embrace, and she let herself relax into the feeling.

As she emerged from the bath, she felt a renewed sense of vigor, ready to face the day ahead. She reached for her robe, the soft fabric enveloping her body like a comforting hug. After drying off, she began the process of getting dressed.

Her closet was filled with clothes, shoes, and accessories, all neatly organised and easy to find. Above the closet, there was a small shelf where she kept her jewelry and other trinkets. Choosing her clothes with care and attention, each article of cloth was selected with purpose, like pieces of a puzzle coming together to form a complete picture.

She settled with a pink shirt, as delicate as a rose petal, and a pair of black joggers, sleek and stylish. The colors complemented each other perfectly, creating a simple yet sophisticated look. The soft pink of the shirt brought out the warmth of her skin, while the black of the joggers accentuated her curves.

Looking in the mirror, she felt a mixture of relief and satisfaction. Her eyes were like liquid pools of honey, sparkling with an inner light. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and flawless, glowing with a radiance that was almost otherworldly. Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, shining with health and vitality. In every way, she was a vision of loveliness, a living embodiment of grace and beauty.

Every aspect of her was perfection, from the graceful curve of her neck to the delicate arch of her eyebrows. The line of her cheekbone was like a work of art, accentuated by the rosy blush of her cheeks. Her hands were delicate and elegant, with slender fingers that moved with an almost ethereal grace.

Her hair was a rich auburn, like molten copper, shimmering with every movement. Her eyes were a deep brown, flecked with flecks of gold and green, like precious gems. Her cheeks were a rosy pink, the color of a fresh rosebud, offset by the creamy white of her skin. Her lips were like a ripe strawberry, lush and tempting, begging to be tasted. Every detail of her was like a mater piece, exquisite and mesmerizing.

Her apartment was a cozy space, with two rooms that perfectly suited her needs. One room was dedicated to her living space, where she relaxed and slept.

The other room was her workspace, where she could let her creativity flow and bring her fashion ideas to life. Every corner of the workplace was filled with colors and fabrics, inspiration and materials, ready to be transformed into the next stunning design. It was a haven for creativity, a space where anything was possible.

After some minutes, she came out of her room, by her left was the other room. She headed forward through the small passage, leading to the stairs. She walked down the stairs, following to the familiar path that led to her favorite space in the house.

One one side, the living room beckoned with its comfortable furniture and warm lightening. On the other side was the dinning room with a door that led to the kitchen.

As she moved into the kitchen, she prepared a breakfast that was both delicious and nutritious, filling the room with the savory scents of fresh food. She sat at the dining table, savoring each bite as she enjoyed the tranquility of the moment.

Afterwards, she made her way into the sitting room and sank into the soft cushions of the couch, turning on the TV to enjoy a show. The room was a haven of relaxation, a place to unwind and recharge.

The next day's class was always at the forefront of her mind, and the book in her hand was full of the latest design trends, waiting to be explored. As she turned the pages, she could feel the excitement building.

Knowing that the next day would bring a new challenge and a chance to be creative. With a sigh of contentment, she uttered the words, "What a wonderful and stress - free life," savoring the moment of peace.

After poring over the pages of the book, her phone beckoned, drawing her into the digital world. As she turned it on, the notification symbol blinked, a signaling the arrival of a message. The sender was her best friend, Camilla, a confidante since their high school days. The message brought a smile to her face, and she was thankful for the friendship.

"Hey Beastie," the message from Camilla read.

The words brought a smile to her face, and she quickly replied, "Hey cami, what's up?"

The response was almost instant, "I'm good, just catching up on the latest. How are you?"

"I'm good too, just nervous about the letter." Came her response.

"Just take a deep breath and relax, I'm sure they'll pick you," Camilla reassured her.

"I know, but I'm still extremely nervous," she replied.

"It's understandable, just stay calm," Camilla wrote.

"Okay thanks for the support," she texted.

"Sure, bye I'll see you later," with that, the conversation ended, leaving her feeling a bit more at ease.

Camilla was studying theater and media art in the same university as Emily. Just then, another message appeared on her phone, this one from a different friend, whom she had met during her freshman year. Though they were close, they did not share the same closeness as she and Camilla did.

"Good morning!" The message was simple, yet it brought a smile to her face.

"Hay Lucy, how's life today?" She replied, eager to catch up with her friend.

"Hey Beastie, life is good, just that I have classes soon."

" oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe we can chat later?" Emily wrote.

"Yeah, I'll be around later, bye" she replied and the conversation ended then Emily dropped her phone.

Lucy was a nursing student, her studies were challenging, but she never lost sight of her goal. Nursing was not just a career for her, it was a calling.

"I'm in my last year of college, and then it's on to the next chapter of my life," she thought.

She had no plans to return to her hometown of Vitrea after graduation, as her sights were set on establishing herself in the vibrant city of Solea. She was drawn to the energy and opportunity that Solea offered, and she knew that it was the right place for her to pursue her dreams.

The city was full of life and possibility, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held, she was ready to make her mark, and Solea was the perfect place to do it.

She picked up the book she was looking at, turning to the page she had left off on. As her eyes began to feel heavy from reading, she decided to switch to the television for a bit of entertainment.

As the screen flickered with color and sound, her senses were captivated by the world of the television. Just then, a knock at the door interrupted her show, and her heart leaped as she wondered if it could be the letter she had been waiting for. She stood up and hurried to the front door, anticipation building with every step.

She opened the door, prepared to greet the person on the other side, but was surprised to find no one there. Perplexed, she looked around, wondering if she had imagined the knock, when she spotted a parcel lying on the ground. Bending down, she carefully picked it up, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation swirling in her mind. As she closed and locked the door, she examined the parcel, trying to figure out who could have left it there.

As she sat down on the couch, her heart was racing with anticipation. She slowly unwrapped the parcel, revealing a beautifully designed box underneath. Her hands trembled slightly as she removed the top cover, and a small red box, came into view, its surface decorated with intricate patterns, an envelope also came into view.

She gently picked up the small box and opened it, revealing a stunning ring inside.

Its intricate design sparkled in the light, and she was mesmerized by its beauty. But she was puzzled as to why someone would be sending her a ring.

Perhaps it was simply part of the overall gift, she mused, as she closed the box. She set the box down and reach for the letter, eager to see what it said.

"I'm too excited to open this letter myself," she said aloud. "I think I need my best friend to be here with me." She grabbed her phone and dialed Camilla's number.

"Hello?" Came the voice on the other end.

"Camilla, I need you to come over to my place right now," she said, barely able to contain her excitement. Without waiting for a response, she hung up the phone, her heart pounding in her chest.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" She called out, racing to answer it. As she opened the door, a beaming Camilla stood there, her smile as bright as the sun.

"I'm here!" She examined, as she stepped inside. Her presence filled the room with a sense of warmth and comfort, and the two friends embraced in a tight hug.

Camilla was also a vision of loveliness, with her long, flowing hair and her sparking dark eyes. She wore a simple yet elegant dress that hugged her curved in all the right places. The dress was a light blue, and it looked like it was made of the finest silk. She was on a pair of strapped sandals, she looked gorgeous in all.

"So, spill the beans. What's going on?" Camilla asked with a grin as they sat down. "Okay, well, I just received a package from La Belle couture," she replied, her excitement barely contained.

La Belle couture is a high - end designer company known for its impeccable quality and luxurious designs. They have locations all over the world, and their pieces are highly sought - after by celebrities and societies alike.

"You're not kidding, are you?" She asked, in disbelief.

"I'm dead serious!" Emily exclaimed. "And it also came with a small red box" she added handing it over to Camilla.

Camilla took the small box from Emily and opened it with trembling hands. Inside, she found a sparkling diamond ring, nestled in a bed of velvet.

She gasped, shocked by the sight of the ring. "This looks like an engagement ring," she said, holding it up to the light.

Emily laughed awkwardly, trying to play it off. "Don't be silly," she answered taking it from her.

"Why would they send you a ring?" Camilla questioned.

"Not sure, but anyways I want to read the letter for me" Emily requested, handing it over to her.

"Sure, what not?" Camilla replied taking the letter from her.

Camilla opened the letter, and her once smiling face turned completely solemn. "I don't think this is from La Belle couture" she said, and Emily had a confused look on her face as she took the letter from her and read it silently.

"Dear Emily Kevan," the letter began. "My name is Robert Rawlings, and I'm writing to inform you of some important news." A chill ran down her spine as she read on.

"I know you're aware of why you're receiving this letter, and the content of the box. The ring is an engagement ring, and it symbolized the contract marriage that our parents have arranged for us. In exactly seventeen months from today, we will be married. You will receive another package soon with all necessary information and documents, so please make sure to read them carefully. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better as we prepare for our life together. Until then, all my best wishes, from your soon - to - be - fiancé."

As she finished reading the letter, Emily felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under her.

"What? This is nonsense! It has to be a joke," she exclaimed, her voice rising with every word. She crumpled up the letter in her hands, throwing it across the room.

"Camilla, this can't be real. Please, wake me up from this nightmare!" She was shaking, her heart racing, her thoughts racing.

"It couldn't be real, it couldn't. There had to be some kind of mistake."

"Calm down, please," Camilla said, her voice soothing and steady. But it did little to ease Emily's panic, which only grew as she paced the room, her phone clutched in her hand.

"Don't tell me to calm down! My parents have a lot of explaining to do!" She vented out of control.

obiparadise_purity obiparadise_purity

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