"I still believe poker would have been the best choice," Demetri commented as he downed the small shot in one go.
Nora grinned at Demetri and quickly downed her own shot as she shook her head," That game is way too overrated. Also, I do not know how to play poker and you are an expert face reader. I would have been left without clothes in a couple of rounds." She slurred her words, while her flushed face and pouty lips made Demetri want to kiss her senseless.
They'd already polished off a bottle and were well onto the next bottle, all from playing a silly game of numbers called Apples.
Nora squinted her eyes trying to discern which of the three Demetris in front of her was the real one and finally spoke to the one on the left," Fine fine. We'll change the rules. The game continues the same way. We have to say Apple for every multiple of seven instead of the number and whoever misses has to do a seggy dare..."
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