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96.59% Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight / Chapter 84: Blood Torrent 

Capítulo 84: Blood Torrent 

With the Aura Rain surrounding him like a shimmering fortress, Arthur believed he had gained the upper hand. The razor-sharp droplets danced through the air, a manifestation of his Aura Rain turned into a lethal weapon. 

Vecna's flesh was pierced by the droplets, his face was constantly opening up but to Arthur's expectation he saw the crazy Regeneration of this monster in front of him whose wounds were closing up at eye-speed.

He tried to make this Vampire lose based on attrition, but the more he exerted his Aura, the bigger the strain over his Control was, and it didn't bring substantial gains in this fight.

Thinking about the final phase of the fight, Arthur suddenly noticed Vecna's body pulsing with Blood Energy, a signal that an attack was incoming. 

'I'll not let you attack first with those Shards.'

With a swift and practiced motion, Arthur raised his sword, manipulating the ambient energy around him to condense into razor-sharp Aura Blades.

The luminous blades hovered around Arthur, ready to be unleashed upon his opponent. Vecna, shrouded in the remnants of the Aura Rain, observed the Knight's actions with a cold, calculating gaze. He could sense the shift in the dynamics of the battle, the tide turning as Arthur took advantage of the slowed environment.

"This is the ending, you Vampire."

In response, Arthur, his eyes ablaze with determination, sent forth a barrage of Aura Blades. 

The blades, guided by his precise control over aura manipulation, streaked through the air with deadly accuracy. Each blade emanated a faint glow, a manifestation of the potent aura energy infused within.

'If I eat those Blades my head will be chopped off. Glad, I was channeling that skill.'

Vecna, unfazed by the sudden onslaught, decided to make his move. His crimson eyes gleamed as he activated his skill—Crimson Dash. 

[User's agility has been doubled for the duration of 30 seconds.]

[User's agility has passed a milestone. Attack Speed and Critical Chance will be increased by 5%]

[User's agility has passed a milestone. Movement Speed has been increased by 10%]

As Vecna channeled his vampiric essence into the activation of Crimson Dash, a thin trail of blood began to weave through the air, an ethereal manifestation of the power he was about to unleash. The blood, infused with his dark magic, danced in macabre patterns, leaving an otherworldly imprint on the forest surroundings.

In an instant, he became a blur of movement, dashing with supernatural speed toward Arthur. The forest floor beneath him quivered with each step, leaves rustling in the wake of his accelerated motion.

A hushed silence fell over the battlefield, the Yatan Zealots watching in awe as Vecna prepared to execute his signature skill. The ethereal mist around Zytherion grew denser, creating an almost hypnotic effect as it spiraled around the blade. The blood trail, now more pronounced, seemed to merge with the shadows that clung to Vecna's form.

With a final, deliberate gesture, Vecna thrust Zytherion forward, the blade cutting through the air with uncanny speed. At that moment, the thin trail of blood coalesced into a crimson streak, mirroring the path Vecna was about to traverse.

The forest witnessed the ephemeral trail of crimson as Vecna closed the distance with preternatural speed. The Aura Rain, initially Arthur's strategic advantage, became an intricate dance of evasion as Vecna weaved through the razor-sharp onslaught with supernatural finesse.

"Damned, monster. That's insane agility."

Arthur, momentarily taken aback by the sudden burst of speed, tightened his grip on his aura-infused sword. The crimson streak approached, and in the blink of an eye, Vecna materialized within the protective circumference of the Aura Rain. 

The droplets of arcane energy, once a controlled offensive force, struggled to track the elusive Vampire Lord. 

Vecna, as if guided by centuries of combat prowess, gracefully evaded the majority of the razor-sharp rain. Yet, a few droplets grazed his form, leaving superficial wounds that quickly regenerated, a testament to the inherent resilience of a vampire.

As Vecna closed the final meters between them, Arthur, determined not to yield ground, summoned the last vestiges of his aura. 

The Vampire Lord, with a triumphant glint in his crimson eyes, initiated a devastating combo against Arthur, starting with an imbued ability of his Demonic Sword.

'Crimson Guard: Taunt'

['Taunt' duration 5 seconds.]

Arthur, ensnared by the effects of the Crimson Guard: Taunt, shifted his attention entirely to Vecna. His aura-infused sword descended upon the Vampire with a relentless fury. The clash of blades echoed through the ancient trees, a symphony of conflict that resonated with the mystical energies saturating the air.

Vecna, despite being the target of Arthur's unbridled aggression, maintained an almost stoic composure. His Demonic Sword danced with a fluid grace, parrying each strike with calculated precision. The malevolent aura emanating from Zytherion continued to goad Arthur, ensuring that every swing was aimed at Vecna.

As the exchange reached a crescendo, in the exact moment the Debuff was cleared from Arthur, Vecna seized the opportune moment to unleash his follow-up move. The echoes of a dark incantation reverberated through the forest, and Zytherion glowed with an intensity that surpassed its previous radiance.

'Blood Requiem.'

The very essence of Vecna's vampiric power manifested in a devastating sword technique. With a seamless transition from defense to offense, Zytherion traced a sinister arc through the air. Blood-red energy coalesced around the blade, and the air itself seemed to shiver in response.

Arthur, momentarily liberated from the effects of the taunt, recognized the impending danger. However, the speed and precision of Vecna's Blood Requiem left little room for evasion.

The blade descended, leaving a trail of arcane crimson in its wake. Arthur, unable to completely avoid the strike, braced himself for the impending impact. The collision sent shockwaves through the Forest of Gloom.

[You have dealt 22,878 damage.]

'Just like how I envisioned it. Taunting your enemies while preparing to exploit their openings, doesn't leave room for errors.'

The numbers floated above Arthur's head right for Yura to see, indicating a significant portion of his health pool had been depleted, she was already awed by Vecna's firepower and skills against this Named NPC. 

Yet, despite the dire situation that Arthur found himself in, something unexpected occurred as the Aura Rain continued to pour down, smearing around the blood ejected by Vecna's Blood Magic.

Arthur, wounded and battered, erupted into laughter. 

"Huhuhu, this is great. Ahh, this wound on my chest is fresh."

His voice, echoing through the forest, carried a tone of exhilaration and joy. It was the laughter of someone pushed to their limits, relishing the challenge, and finding immense satisfaction in the intensity of the battle.

"Such a great duel. I think I got some enlightenment from your last attack."

[Arthur Vinespine - LV. 220] (Boss) [72.921/186,000 HP]

Vecna, momentarily taken aback by Arthur's unexpected reaction, regarded the Knight with an emotionless gaze. 

"That's good, I also managed to get some insights into what I'm lacking."

"Mhm, your swordsmanship is too basic and predictable. It's only because of your Blood Magic that you managed to disrupt your patterns."

"It seems visible even to you."

- Lord Vecna, after this sparring, I don't mind assisting you with some Swordsmanship Books that I collected.

- That would be interesting. But leave that conversation for later. Now, let's put an end to this spectacle.

As the two slowed a bit from butchering each other, Vecna glanced at his Health/Mana Gauge, noticing he was still in combat shape, even though some of his skills were on Cooldown, but compared to Arthur, he had the upper hand as long he wasn't hit solidly enough for his 'Blood Shield' to not resist the damage.

[Health: 12,872/20,549 | Mana: 9,850/15,655]

As Arthur stood on his feet, his chest still oozing blood from Vecna's earlier attack, the atmosphere in the Forest of Gloom shifted. The celestial rain continued to fall, creating a surreal ambiance that mirrored the intensity of the battle that had unfolded.

Vecna, the Vampire Lord, observed Arthur with a calculating gaze. Despite the wounds, Arthur's determination radiated like an unyielding force. Vecna's own stoic demeanor masked the subtle intrigue he felt. 

He was fully aware of how the human mind worked, and once faced with an impossible hurdle, human minds usually crumbled, but Arthur's resilience and the untapped potential within him intrigued Vecna.

'He hasn't shown his Ultimate Ability against Yuna, it's about time I see what you're capable Arthur Vinespine. Make me want to turn you into a Vampire.' Vecna mused inwardly, his crimson eyes focused on the Knight who rose from the forest floor.

Arthur's cold and ruthless demeanor, a stark contrast to the earlier laughter, sent a shiver down the spines of those present. The seriousness in his voice hinted at a decisive moment in the battle.

"Selina, withdraw from the scene and wait for me outside the Gloom Forest. I'll decide who is the winner of this fight right now," Arthur commanded, his gaze unwavering.

Selena, one of Arthur's trusted companions, hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with concern. "Leader, you're not thinking of using that ability? You still haven't mastered it," she warned, acknowledging the gravity of Arthur's intentions.

"Do I have any choice against such a monster?" Arthur inquired, pointing at Vecna, whose emotionless eyes were fixed on the group of adventurers.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Selena nodded reluctantly. "Be careful, Arthur," she said before signaling the other five companions to follow her. The group began to make their way out of the Forest of Gloom, leaving the battlefield behind.

"Where do you think they are going? You shall die too here along with the Heretic!"

As Selena led the companions away, the Yatan Zealots, initially eager to give chase, were halted by Vecna's swift intervention. Blood Missiles erupted from Vecna's outstretched hand, blasting the ground beneath the Zealots. 

The explosion created a barrier between them and Arthur's companions, preventing any pursuit.

"You'll only inquire about the wrath of the Ancient Beings of this Forest. Those six aren't such easy prey for you."

Now, with the Zealots no longer a threat, Vecna and Arthur stood alone in the eerie silence of the Forest of Gloom. The celestial rain continued to fall, adding an ethereal quality to the confrontation between the Knight and the Vampire Lord.

- Thanks. They would be capable of defeating those Yatan Zealots, but not without sacrifices.

- Don't bother about these rats, if they interfere I'll just Sacrifice them to strengthen my powers.

Arthur took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, a point that made Vecna's predatory instincts kick in as he saw so many opportunities to devour the Aura Master, but the intrigue of seeing what this man was hiding under his sleeve, made him reign in his aggression.

Despite the wounds that adorned his battered form, a newfound exhilaration ignited within him. 

"Vampire. I still haven't mastered the Aurora Convergence Art, I only grasped one technique."

He raised his aura-infused sword high, its blade gleaming with the radiant essence of aura power. 

As Arthur initiated the technique, the Aura Rain responded to his command, intensifying its downpour. Ethereal droplets of aura danced around him, converging into a swirling cyclone of arcane energy. 

The Aura Rain, now guided by Arthur's mastery over aura, took on a luminescent glow, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle.

The aura-infused sword in Arthur's hands pulsed with energy, resonating with the celestial forces he commanded. The divine glow extended beyond the blade, enveloping Arthur in a radiant aura that transcended the boundaries of mortal power. 

The Forest of Gloom, once a dark and foreboding landscape, became a canvas for the celestial display.

"I call this the 'Sword of the Celestial'."

With a focused and determined expression, Arthur advanced, the Sword of the Celestial leading the way. 

Each step resonated with the harmonious hum of celestial energy, and the aura-infused sword left trails of luminescence as it sliced through the air. The Aura Rain, now under Arthur's command, followed his movements like a radiant comet's tail.

"Impressive. Truly. It sure can kill me, even with all of my escape routes."

As Arthur approached Vecna with the 'Sword of the Celestial' raised, the celestial spectacle above began to shift. The vibrant aura and radiant rain, once serene and awe-inspiring, darkened into an ominous gloomy atmosphere as Vecna prepared to unleash his own Ultimate Ability.

"Knight, you're not the only one with Ace's left hanging for the right time."

'Blood Torrent.'

[You have sacrificed 50% of your Vitality,]

[You have consumed 550 MP]

The moment Vecna triggered the ominous Blood Torrent, the Gloom Atmosphere transformed into a whirlwind of crimson malevolence. 

The spell expanded rapidly, reaching out like an insatiable monster hungry for the vitality of all within its grasp. The zealous Zealots who dared stand too close found themselves ensnared in the malevolent tempest, their cries merging with the gruesome symphony of the Blood Torrent.

"Save us, ohh Great Being! We're your servants!"

'Blood Sucking.'

Arthur, undeterred by the horrifying spectacle, pressed forward with the Sword of the Celestial, attempting to pierce through the raging tempest. However, the Blood Torrent proved to be an unforgiving force, pushing back against him with relentless vigor. 


The celestial spectacle of Arthur's ultimate ability waned as the Gloom Atmosphere reclaimed its dominance.

'What is this Madness? Has this place turned into Hell or something?'

'Lord Vecna is for certain a Cursed Being, but this power is as the fabled Archdemons recorded by the First Pope Memoirs.'

The torrential onslaught strained Arthur's every muscle, his aura pulsating with resistance against the malevolent current. Veins bulged on his forehead as he struggled to maintain his footing, determination etched across his battle-worn visage.

Undeterred, Arthur gathered every ounce of his aura, channeling it into the Sword of the Celestial. The celestial blade radiated with a blinding light, contrasting starkly with the crimson abyss surrounding him. With a resolute roar, Arthur swung the sword, unleashing a cascade of ethereal strikes aimed at Vecna.

Yet, the potency of the Blood Torrent was overwhelming. As each strike connected, the malevolent force twisted the celestial energy, corrupting it into a dark, blood-infused manifestation. The once-pure aura now bore the sinister imprint of the Blood Torrent, turning the battlefield into a nightmarish Blood Abyss.

Blood-soaked droplets hung in the air, the celestial brilliance of Arthur's attacks corrupted by the malevolent force. The clash between the Sword of the Celestial and the Blood Torrent created a surreal dance of light and darkness, a chaotic symphony echoing through the Forest of Gloom.

As the clash between the Sword of the Celestial and the Blood Torrent reached its crescendo, the malevolence of the vampiric tempest proved to be an unstoppable force. 

Arthur, locked in a desperate struggle, felt the relentless onslaught draining his strength. The edges of his vision blurred as the corrupted celestial energy clashed with the vampiric tempest.


"Have I reached my limit?"

[Mana has been exhausted. 'Blood Torrent' can no longer be sustained.]

Suddenly, as if the very air sighed in exhaustion, the torrential crimson vortex dissipated. Vecna, having exhausted his mana resources to sustain the Blood Torrent, released Arthur from the suffocating grip of the Blood Abyss. 

"You're a lucky cockroach."

The celestial brilliance of Arthur's attacks slowly regained its purity, pushing back the encroaching darkness.

The forest, once shrouded in the grotesque tableau of blood and shadows, began to return to its normal state. However, the toll of the battle was evident. The few Zealots who had ventured too close lay dead, drained of their blood, their bodies bearing the scars of the vampiric onslaught.

Confusion flickered in Arthur's eyes as he found himself alive, spared by the very creature he had fought tooth and nail against. Before he could voice his questions, Vecna, devoid of any emotion, grabbed him by the neck, pulling him upright.

Then, in a surprising turn of events, the emotionless façade of the Vampire Lord cracked, giving way to a smile as he patted Arthur's shoulder. "It was a good spar, Arthur. I'm looking forward to our next duel; by then, I hope you have mastered this 'Aurora Convergence'."

"Now, this might be a bit painful, but I have other business to attend."

Confusion marred Arthur's face as Vecna's grip tightened. Before he could voice his protest, he felt his body being sent flying through the air, skillfully avoiding the lifeless trees that lined the path of the Forest of Gloom.

Before that event, Selina and Arthur's companions hastily left the eerie confines of the Forest of Gloom, the oppressive atmosphere gradually lifting as the twisted trees and malevolent shadows gave way to the relative openness beyond. 

The subdued glow of the moon cast an ethereal light on the clearing, creating an otherworldly ambiance.

As they ventured further from the forest's grasp, the group slowed their pace, a collective unease settling among them. Selina, usually poised and composed, found it difficult to shake off the lingering worry for Arthur. The others, too, wore expressions of concern, their eyes darting back toward the forbidding canopy of the Gloom Forest.

Levial, the stalwart warrior, spoke up, voicing the thoughts that lingered in the air. "Where's Arthur? Shouldn't he have caught up by now?"

The group exchanged glances, a shared sense of uncertainty hanging in the air. Selina, however, retained a flicker of hope in her eyes. "Give him a moment. He's been through a fierce battle. He'll catch up."

Worry etched their faces, particularly Selina, the assassin woman, who couldn't tear her eyes away from the Forest of Gloom.

The effects of the Blood Torrent lingered in the air, chilling Selina's heart. Her emotions for Arthur, who faced a true monster, reached a pinnacle, only to collapse as the Blood Abyss dispersed.

Soon, their worry turned to shock as they saw a figure hurtling through the air toward them. It was Arthur, unable to control the trajectory of the throw. Selina, ever watchful, intercepted his path, catching him just before he could crash into the unforgiving ground.

"Nice save, Selina. I would be dead if I crashed on the ground or some tree," Arthur remarked, his voice strained.

"Arthur, what happened inside the Forest?" Selina inquired, concern etched on her face.

"What do you think happened?" Arthur replied, a bitter smile playing on his lips.

"Of course, you won. Otherwise, how could you have escaped from those crazy bastards?" Selina reassured him.

"I hope so. But no. I was miserably defeated by Lord Vecna. He was the one that threw me at you guys."

"But how could he know where we are?" Levial interjected.

"You know, he is a Vampire. He might even be able to hear us from this distance. You guys might not know since you haven't fought him, but Lord Vecna... is nuts. I hit him with everything I had, but he either evaded my strongest blows or used that nasty Barrier of his to deflect them."

"Hah, to think you'll be in the mood to tell stories while you got me dead worried," Selina sighed in relief.

"Sorry, Selina."

"You two, it's not the time to get all dandy-fandy; we need to get out of this place and reach Summit's Crest. Those Yatan bastards might chase after us," Levial urged.

"Nah, you're worrying for nothing, Levial. Those Yatan guys will not act without Vecna giving them confirmation. So we have time, but you're right. Selina, let's move. Ahh, and don't mind the stench; I'll make sure to pay you back with the best wine from Vaintz Vineyards." Arthur grinned, his resilience shining through despite the evident toll of the battle.

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