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70.66% The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2] / Chapter 48: Epilogue: Vacation (All I Ever Wanted~) (18+)

Capítulo 48: Epilogue: Vacation (All I Ever Wanted~) (18+)

AN: Another 12k+ words but it's done… The final word count for this story (according to my word processor) is 279,877. This chapter kind of got away from me but I'm happy with it. Originally, it was just supposed to be two smut scenes. But I figured all the girls deserved some smutty/fluffy screen time.

But this is it, folks. It's officially a wrap for Book 1. Feel free to hit me with ideas for a potential crossover. I haven't decided if the coven is going to be world-hopping or if the crossover will still be in the HP universe. I can think of ways to do either, depending on what the crossover ends up being. But for now, I need a break from this story.

Currently, I have ideas for an OC slice-of-life/childhood friend romance one-shot, some character-focused smut, some OC smut, a yandere warlock/patron story, some tomboy stuff, some goth stuff, some femboy stuff (for fans of that), a monster-girl harem, a cultivator in HP story (probably going to avoid until I recharge my HP batteries), something I'm calling 'My Religious Zealot Sister Can't Be This Cute!', a DC-Gotham story that will be pretty cracky, a historical/Greek Mythology story, and a few OC novel ideas.

For those who don't like to read certain things (yandere and femboy stuff come to mind. They're acquired tastes), don't worry. Everything will be tagged extensively. If you don't like something, you'll be able to avoid it. Simple as. Please, don't complain if I write something you don't personally like. I'll be trying to keep things varied so hopefully, everyone will have something to enjoy.

Feel free to support me at Pat if you want to read my work early! I have 10 chapters from various stories already up at time of posting and another chapter should be going up later today as well.


"Septima~!" Aurora whined playfully. "It's puff-puff-pass, not puff-puff-puff-puff-puff-pass. Don't be a joint hog."

"Shhhhh~!" Septima shushed her in reply. "I'm on the verge of greatness here! If we… Then use the Three-Fold Rule… Infinite loop of smoke-leaf production!"

Aurora giggled, "Septima, they're plants. They're already an infinitely renewable resource."

"But," Septima reasoned, as far from the concept of 'sober' as possible. "If we use Arithmancy, we can get three times the profit for the same investment!"

"Yeah? Do you want to be the one to tell Pomona and the Hogwarts Cartel that you're cutting in on their turf?" Aurora smirked.

"Eep~! Nevermind!" Septima squeaked.

"Still, if we keep the math in mind and tell Pomona instead, maybe she'll give us a discount," Aurora suggested.

"Genius!" Septima exclaimed.

"Good. Now, pass that shit, Witch!"

I reached up to intercept the spliff before Aurora could. She gasped, scandalized, "Atlas?! I'll get you for that!"

With the joint firmly in my mouth, a wrestling match soon ensued as Aurora tried to steal it back from me. The hammock swung freely. Aurora found herself mounting my hips with a grin. She ground down against me.

I groaned at the sensation. Her skin was warm on mine and her arousal was obvious. She took advantage of my distraction, snatching the spliff from my lips. Grinning smugly, she claimed her 'victory'.

It seemed she'd forgotten something though. Something that was quickly hardening between her legs. My cock parted her pussy lips. Shuddering, she ground down on the underside of my shaft again.

My hands grabbed ahold of the swell of her hips. White on black, the contrast was beautiful. Perfectly dark skin glistened slightly with sweat. Her body was soft, yielding like clay to my touch.

Liquid arousal coated my crotch, pouring forth from her core as I raised her up a bit. I slid into place and slid into heaven at the same time. Aurora moaned, her eyes fluttering. She breathed out a cloud of smoke with a shuddering exhale that did wonderful things to her chest.

The hammock made things difficult from there. I couldn't really thrust. She couldn't really ride. We ended up just grinding against each other. I was buried to the hilt. She ground her clit against my pelvis, my cockhead deep inside her.

A soft whine drew my attention partially away from Aurora. Septima cuddled close on my side. Kisses blanketed my neck and chest, asking for my attention. A hand came up to cup the back of her neck and pull her into me.

Septima melted into my kiss. Her soft tits molded to my chest. Diamond nipples tingled with electric pleasure. She pushed herself further onto me. At the same time, Aurora shifted, trying for a proper thrust.

The hammock gave up the ghost of stability. It flipped, dumping us onto the sand. Squeals and yelps of surprise left our lips. Aurora moaned, somehow still impaled on me. Her inner walls fluttered around me as she went stiff.

When climax left her beautiful body, she leaned backward with her hands on my thighs. We all looked at each other for a few moments. Aurora giggled. Septima and I soon joined her. Then Aurora took advantage of the more stable surface to begin riding me properly.

I sighed, "Ahhh~ This is the life."

It really was. Sprawled out on a hammock hanging between two palm trees with Septima and Aurora, nothing could ruin this. Whatever was going on in Britain at the moment — Hell, the whole rest of the world even — could be ignored. We had a whole island to ourselves.

Our vacation was in full swing already. The White Coven, House Black, and our allies were free of stress and anything other than the most petty concerns. Like keeping Aurora's stock of magical herbs full. Or like making sure to remember alcohol runs with Sirius and Cygnus. Only the barest thought was paid to modesty as well.

In the aftermath of Voldemort's defeat, we removed ourselves from Britain to a private island in the Azores owned by House Black. Fleur begged off inviting her parents out of pure embarrassment but I invited House Malfoy, House Parkinson, House Greengrass, and the Tonks family as well. Just to be thorough. It wasn't like we were hurting for space here.

Black Island was exactly seven square miles in total area. More than enough for a small party of 20. It was warded against trespassers and unplottable on every map but House Black's. Set in the middle of the Atlantic, the closest land was the Azores island chain. They were close enough to apparate to.

The island itself was tropical. It was picturesque, really. Beaches of white sand on one side of the island. Beautiful cliffs on the other. In the middle, most of the island was a tropical forest. A small mountain rose in the center, likely the remnants of the volcanic activity that formed the island, with a crater-like hotspring at the very top.

We were all staying in bungalows near the beach. Everyone was enjoying themselves so far. No responsibilities, no stress or pressure, good company, and seemingly all the time in the world took care of that.

Even the Grind took a backseat for once. This was a vacation. I wasn't about to ruin it with strenuous Grinding. Well, no Grinding other than the sensual kind.

The important part was that I wasn't training for anything at the moment. None of us were. There was simply no need anymore. We could spend our time and attention on the more important things in life. Like smoking in a hammock with my lovers.

We relaxed on the beach. We explored the island. We bathed in the hot springs at the top. We swam in the wonderfully warm waters of the ocean. We feasted on the island's bounty of fruit and wildlife. We danced, partied, and bonded next to bonfires when the sunset. We didn't have a worry in the world.

The comforts of civilization were only a quick apparition away but we had magic for most things. If anyone was feeling particularly homesick, Britain was likewise close. Only a single international portkey. But none of us were willing to leave paradise for Wizarding Britain just yet.

Even Hermione wasn't willing to leave. She was having trouble giving herself over completely to the vacation spirit though. Much of her time on the island was spent glued to her WWO parchment. Keeping in touch with the people back home was nice but she needed to realize that she didn't have to control everything.

I felt the need to do something about that little issue of hers. Luna joined me. On the island, we had all the time in the world to plot and plan for her own good. Hermione needed to relax and Luna and I were determined to make that happen.

A few days into our vacation, Luna and I put our plan into action. The girls were playing in the surf on the beach, clad in Muggle bathing suits sold at Ponta Delgada (the largest city in the Azores). Tonks joined them, having begged off (literally) from her job to come on vacation with us. Pansy and Astoria were with them as well.

Most of the adults were relaxing a short way up the shore. Surprisingly, the Muggle bathing suits were a huge hit with the Witches. The same could be said for me, Sirius, Cygnus, and Ted, though we Wizards enjoyed them in a slightly different way than the Witches.

Much to Daphne's understated embarrassment, Ada Greengrass was a pale vision in black with her newly acquired bikini. Cygnus certainly made his appreciation clear. He hadn't stopped complimenting his wife since she bought it and Ada's cheeks seemed to be perpetually rosy now. They stole away for some private time almost as much as the coven did.

Phoebe rocked her suit as well. She seemed to take pleasure in leading Sirius around by his nose like he was a dog… He was. Still, romance was in the air between those two. And I for one, was happy for my father. I didn't envy him having to tell Amelia though.

Andromeda wore a much more modest suit than the other Witches. She was content to show off for her husband Ted and him alone. Narcissa and Bella though…

Narcissa was a Witch who was still very much in her prime. She took to the concept of a bikini like a woman repressed. I'd seen her in a different suit every day so far. Every single one showcased as much of her body as possible, an ever-changing wardrobe of thin straps, thongs, fancy slings, and even specialized lace. Bella was more than happy to copy her sister.

Draco had put himself firmly in denial of his mother's femininity. Thankfully, he had Svetlana here to distract him. And distract him, she did. Let's just say he walked everywhere on the island with a pronounced limp.

Compared to the rest of us sitting in beach chairs or laying on towels on the sand, Hermione stood out. She wasn't in normal clothes but she hadn't let herself relax freely either. That was most shown by the fact that she was still wearing a cover-up over her bikini. And the fact that she still had ink and quill nearby to scribble messages on her WWO parchment.

Luna came out of the water, draping herself over my bare shoulders. I pulled her around me to settle her in my lap. Clad in a tight white one-piece suit, she slotted into place perfectly there like always.

"Ready?" I asked, whispering in her ear.

"Mmmm~!" Luna hummed. "Operation Fuck Hermione Silly Until She Forgets About Britain is a go~!"

I chuckled, "Right, do you want to kick us off?"

Luna nodded, getting adorably serious for a moment, "I've got this."

She popped up from my lap. Almost instantly, she crouched as if going into stealth. Humming what sounded like a theme song under her breath, Luna crept across the sand. I tried to stifle my laughter.

Only Hermione didn't notice Luna's antics. The others smiled but didn't move to interfere. Suddenly, Luna popped up in front of Hermione and shouted.

"Sneak attack!"

She snatched the parchment from Hermione's hands and took off, running and giggling as she went. Hermione shot to her feet.

"Luna?! I need that! Give it back!" She tried to give chase.

I stopped her before she could, bodily picking Hermione up and swinging her onto my shoulder, "No, you don't need it, Hermione. What you need is to relax. So that's what we're going to do."

Hermione protested, "B-But-! The revolution! There's so much going on back home! I need to make sure it goes smoothly! The transition of power is the most important time in a successful revolution!"

"No," I said firmly. "You've been a very bad girl, worrying yourself while we're on vacation. The people back home have got this under control. Cedric's doing fine. They don't need you helicoptering from 2000 miles away."

"B-Bad girl…?" Hermione whimpered.

I smirked, knowing I'd gotten through to her fatal need for praise, "Yes, now let me and Luna show you how to be a good one again."

"… Okay," Hermione agreed in a very small voice.

"Luna!" I called. "You can come back now. She's agreed to give the parchment a rest."

There was no reply for a moment. Then Luna peeked her head around a tree at the tree line. I saw her grin even from a distance. She skipped back over to us, hopping into my other arm and hanging onto my free shoulder. I didn't even notice the added weight.

Turning back to the others to find them all smirking or chuckling, I made our excuses, "Sorry about that, everyone. I'll take care of our worrywart here."

"You can let me down now," Hermione tried as I began the short walk back to our bungalow.

"Nope~!" Luna singsonged. "Bad girls who can't relax on vacation don't get to walk themselves~!"

Hermione whimpered at the reminder of her 'bad girl' status at the moment. She hid her face in her hands.

"Don't worry," I reassured. "We'll make you a good girl again."

Once inside the bungalow, I still didn't set her down. Instead, I swung her off my shoulder and held her in front of me. My fingers sunk into the plush flesh of her thighs, holding her up so her eyes were level with mine. Her arms naturally encircled my neck and her legs, my waist. Luna maneuvered herself around onto my back like a monkey, unwilling to get down either.

"You did so well, Hermione," I praised.

Her eyes went wide and I continued, "Such a good job with the revolution and everything. I'm so proud of you. You're simply brilliant."

Her eyes lidded and fluttered. She whimpered, "A-Atlas~…"

"So you deserve a break. A vacation. That's what this is for. You don't need to worry about anything happening back in Britain. You don't need to know every little thing that goes right and wrong. You need to relax. Like a good girl~"

"I-I'm a good girl~…"

"Yes, you are. The goodest."

"And me~?" Luna chimed.

"Also a good girl. Just in a different way. You were willing to sacrifice some of your vacation to help Hermione relax. You'll get your reward as well," I answered.

"Me first!" Hermione was quick to assert.

"You first," I agreed. "Let's get your mind off those worries, yeah?"

"Y-Yes, please~" Hermione moaned.

I shrugged slightly, unfortunately dislodging Luna from my back. She was a good sport about it though, skipping over to our enormous bed to watch. Hermione gazed into my eyes, her anticipation and need readily apparent there.

I didn't even need to flex my magic to make my girls' clothes disappear anymore. Just a thought and they were gone, only to reappear folded neatly in the corner of the room. Hermione gasped, "Oh~!"

I pulled her tightly against me. Her chest smooshed against mine. My clothes disappeared in the same way as hers did.

Her legs interlocked behind my back. One of my hands was allowed to roam free. Her arms held on for dear life. I didn't let her drop an inch. A shuddering breath grazed my skin as she buried her head in my neck.

Hermione's masterpiece bum was squeezed and fondled by my questing hand. My fingers dipped lower, collecting sweet feminine dew as they went.

"So good for me~" I cooed. "My brilliant little Witch~ You even organized a whole revolution, overthrowing a corrupt Minister~ I couldn't be more proud of you~"

"I-I didn't do all that much…" Hermione demurred with a stutter.

"I disagree. You did more than anyone could have reasonably expected. You went above and beyond with your plans and organized cooperation not just between the Hogwarts Houses, but two other schools as well."

She whimpered, trying to muffle the noise with my neck. A flood graced my fingers down below. I stroked her petals, slowly and softly, coaxing her through her praise-induced orgasm.

Her arousal coated my erect cock. Slick, sweet, and deliciously hot, my shaft throbbed in the air. I lowered her just a touch, angling my hips. Her lips spread eagerly around my tip. A touch further. She began to part around me.

A high, keening whine of pleasure escaped her lungs. Slow and steady, I lowered her onto me. She split, she stretched, she surrendered to my steely desire.

My cock pierced deep, kissing her core. Her walls fluttered around me. She gushed, both from her lower lips and the ones above.

"Oh oh oh~! Atlas~! Yes~! Praise me~! Praise me more~! I'm a good girl~! I did good~! Praise me~!"

I did, "So good~ You feel absolutely sublime, Hermione~ Look how easily you take me now~ Can you feel it~? My heart beating inside you~?"

"Yes~! Yes yes yes yes yesssss~!" Hermione screamed and came again on a hair trigger.

I pulled her down all the way, hilting myself inside her. Hermione's limbs tensed and locked around me. One moment. Two. Her whole body shook with ecstasy. She clenched around me, trying her best to suck the seed from my balls.

"Good Merlin's motherfucking tendencies~!" I groaned.

"I-… believe Merlin was an aunt-fucker as well," Hermione panted in reply.

I laughed as I pulled out of her pussy, "Oh yeah? Is that something you've been researching?"

Hermione blushed, "History is interesting…"

"You'll find no denial there from me," I smirked.

My hands gripped her thighs as handholds to raise her off my cock. The lips of her pussy gripped me in return. A long wet slurp sounded as I left her quim, only to be replaced by a moaning gasp as I thrust back in.

My hips fucked into her from below. Her ass rippled, her tits bounced, and her head fell back. Eyes closed, Hermione made her pleasure known with whines and whimpers.

Even more praise poured from my lips. I fucked her hard. My cock reached deep. Her depths swallowed me eagerly. Clenching and quivering, her insides were set alight with pleasure. Every movement around me made my core pulse and my cock throb.

Thrust after thrust molded her into the perfect shape for me. She stretched and squeezed. Orgasms wracked her body, only causing her to cling to me even tighter. She wrapped around me completely. I split her open the same way.

Practically sobbing, it soon grew to be too much for her, "Ah~! Atlas~! Please please~? Too much~! I cannn'ttttt~!"

"You can take it~" I rasped. "You can take it. Because you're just that good~" 



I punctuated each compliment with a thrust, "Stunning and amazing beyond belief~"

"I'm a gooooddd~ giiiirrlllll~!" Hermione screamed.

The peak of ecstasy slammed into her. Hard. She was struck by bliss like lightning. Her whole body went stiff. She clamped down so hard I couldn't move.

Her eyes rolled back in her head. Her tongue lolled out in a fucked-silly expression. The climax hit her so hard that her brain couldn't keep up. Her words failed her. All that was left was a breathless scream that declared her ecstasy to the whole island.

Hermione's body went limp as she passed out. She twitched in her mind-numbing bliss. Insensate and satisfied, only unconscious whimpers escaped her lips.

I walked over to the bed and set her down. Still throbbing fiercely, I tried to pull out of her gripping pussy. Her limbs held me tightly, even without her mind to direct them. Chuckling, I wiggled out from her grasp. Hermione gasped and panted in her sleep, curling around the pillow I used to make my escape.

Standing there, hard as steel, I watched her fondly as tremors wracked her body. A pair of lips closed around my cock. I jumped slightly, having momentarily forgotten about Luna. She looked up at me with excited eyes.

Pulling back slightly to speak, Luna said matter-of-factly, "Good reward. She won't be thinking about Britain anytime soon."

"And now you want yours?" I smirked knowingly.

Luna nodded, "Of course. You promised, after all."

I chuckled, "I did, at that."

"You did~!" Luna agreed, her smile lighting up the room.

She dove back forward, taking most of my cock with a single swallow. I groaned. She'd gotten so much better at this since her first time.

She licked and lapped and lavished my cock with her tongue. Her cheeks were soft, her lips softer. Her mouth was wet and warm. Her throat swallowed around me, sucking me deeper.

Luna didn't mind the taste of Hermione on my cock. If anything, she seemed to like it more this way. She hummed, throat vibrating around my shaft. She took me deep, cleaning every inch along the way.

She drew back and nodded, satisfied with her handiwork. My hands twitched. I wanted to pull her back onto my cock so badly. I felt myself throb at the idea. Still, I resisted.

Luna looked up at me, "Up~! Up~!"

Chuckling, I complied, scooping Luna up and settling her into a position similar to Hermione's previous one. She wiggled in my arms. She was so light, so small, such a perfect fit. Her petite body molded itself to mine.

She giggled, "Now, down~! Down~!"

Picking up on what she wanted, I sat down on the bed. My cock slid into her as I did, so naturally, so easily. She slotted perfectly into my lap.

Wiggling her hips slightly, she ground my cock inside her. I could swear I saw a hint of my cock inside her from her stomach. She moaned and giggled, wiggling her hips some more. Yep, that was me making that slight bulge.

"Too much?" I asked, just to check.

"Mmm~!" Luna hummed and shook her head. "Nope~! Perfect fit~!"

"You sure?"

"Yep~! See, you can stretch me like this~… and like this~… And-! Oh~! Yes~! Right there~!"

She moved as she spoke. My cock stretched her this way and that until she found a particularly good position. Then she stopped and raised herself up to push herself directly back down again.

She hammered herself down on the spot I ended up poking. She moaned her pleasure like the most wanton of whores. Her eyes fluttered. She did it again. It quickly became apparent that she was more than comfortable in this position.

Chuckling, I took ahold of her waist. My hands encircled it, almost touching again around it. I felt her core tense and twitch beneath my fingers.

Luna paused, "… Can you summon your cowboy hat?"

I blinked at the strange request, "I… can. Why?"

Luna grinned, "I've always wanted to ride a cowboy~!"

I laughed, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy?"

She nodded eagerly, "And I have the best cowboy east of the Mississipi~!"


Heather stalked the island, looking for her prey. The vacation had been fun so far. Exactly what she needed, really. A chance to relax, play, and bond with her new family.

And when she got bored — which didn't happen often —, she could always turn back to pranks! Sirius was too busy chasing after Phoebe Parkinson to help at the moment. Not that Heather blamed him. But that just meant she was alone for her pranks. Nothing particularly new for the Girl-Who-Won.

Heather found her target in the island's hot spring. Heh, how ironic, Heather snickered to herself. The Ice Queen in the Hot Spring. And with Heather's planned prank, that icy mask would soon be melting.

Atlas was with her but that wouldn't stop Heather. She was only planning on targeting Daphne. And what better way to enjoy a melted Ice Queen than to watch like a voyeur as her facial expressions fall apart atop Atlas' cock.

Heather picked a rock to hide behind. She wiggled out of her swimsuit bottoms in preparation — practically all she ever wore nowadays. She took aim. She held back her devious giggles.

"Ahegao Maximum," She whisper-cast.

Invisible to the naked eye, the spell hit Daphne. She twitched but otherwise didn't react. Atlas did, however. He instantly locked onto Heather's hiding place, spotting her and raising an eyebrow. Heather grinned back at him and spread her legs, giving him a tantalizing bit of encouragement to stay quiet.

Atlas didn't out her immediately, partly because the view was so nice and partly because he knew she would never purposefully harm anyone in the coven. Still, his magic swept over Daphne discreetly, checking for what Heather's spell did.

That precaution quickly proved unnecessary. Daphne's face split into the widest smile either of them had ever seen. Pure joy and excitement that could have rivaled Luna at her best radiated from the 'Ice Queen'.

Every time she and Atlas had the chance to come together like this, she was this happy. Now, she could finally show it, even if she didn't realize the change just yet.

Atlas was stunned by the intensity of her expression. Heather grinned, settling in for the show of a lifetime. Daphne pushed her betrothed down in the hot spring. She mounted him, her smile never wavering at all.

"So~ Atlas~," Daphne purred. "It seems we're finally alone again~"

Still slightly stunned, Atlas said, "… Yes. Yes, it does."

"What's wrong?" She asked, seeing his odd reaction.

"Your face… No, your expression," Atlas tried to explain.

Daphne rolled her eyes while smiling brightly, "Yes, I realize it isn't the most expressive of faces. What of it? You should know that already."

"Daphne, you're smiling," Atlas said.

"What?" Daphne's eyes widened, her mouth dropping open in shock.

"It's beautiful."

Daphne's smile returned. She reached for her face, feeling it in awe as her expression did a complete 180 from its usual icy mask. Her smile lit up her whole face. Her cheeks hurt.

She rolled with the change very well, "Good. Now, I can show you exactly how I feel every time we're together."

"I can always tell, Daph," Atlas reassured.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Yes, but now you'll actually see it. Plus, I want to see your reactions to my reactions~"

Purring her intentions, Daphne dropped herself onto Atlas' exposed cock. After all, what was the point of a hot spring if you wore a bathing suit?

He sunk into her to the base. Daphne's eyes fluttered. They practically rolled back in her head. She moaned freely. A melodic voice graced Atlas' ears as he was fully engulfed by goth heaven.

Daphne rolled her hips. Every sensation played out on her face. She sang her pleasure for him in humming moans and little gasps. Atlas watched in silence, struck speechless by the beauty of the scene.

Dark hair shrouded her face like a halo. Soft lips painted black by magic quirked and twitched with each roll of her hips. They parted breathlessly, heralding more whispers of ecstasy every time they opened.

Her face was flush with color and life. There wasn't a trace of ice to be seen. Her eyes lit up with pleasure and love. They fluttered closed. They opened wide to stare into his soul. They were vessels for her every emotion.

Her inner walls squeezed and clenched. Her lower lips drooled, coating Atlas' entire shaft. She was so hot and tight, practically scalding and choking every inch of his cock.

Atlas throbbed within her. He was as hard as he'd ever been. He sat back and watched as Daphne put herself on display for him. It was a performance that could have matched the best actresses but Daphne was completely genuine.

This was how she always felt. Her emotions lit her up from the inside. Usually, that's where they stayed. Now, they poured forth from her as freely as her arousal did. She wouldn't waste this chance to tell Atlas exactly how she felt when they were together.

Laid bare and loving it, Daphne began to fuck herself upon Atlas' shaft. Every thrust made her body shake and jiggle. Every thrust made her mouth fall open with another loud moan. Every thrust made her eyes flutter and roll back.

He struck deep, all the way inside her. When his cock left, she craved that oh-so-full feeling, pushing herself back down on the steely rod as soon as she could.

Her lower lips stretched around him. Her core pulsed for him. Her whole body glowed with sensation. Daphne was so full, so empty, and so full again and again.

She threw her head back from the intensity of it all. Atlas grabbed her chin and directed her face right back into his sight to enjoy the scene playing out there. Daphne blushed. She smiled. She wanted him to watch.

Soon enough, the water of the hot spring prevented Daphne from going any faster. Atlas stood, taking her with him. He laid her down on the rock nearby, making the position comfortable with a wandless Cushioning Charm.

He took over. Their bodies came together over and over again. Slapping skin, tender flesh, and blazing passion. He fucked her deep. He fucked her hard. Daphne's expression betrayed every ounce of bliss she felt.

When she came, her eyes crossed in pleasure. Her mouth fell open. Her tongue lolled out. A perfect gothic ahegao. All that was missing was the peace signs.

Atlas buried himself deep. He groaned, filling her completely. His cock throbbed. His balls clenched. He thrust through her gripping tightness.

His seed flooded her depths. Sparks went off in Daphne's brain, washing it as white as her insides. Atlas wasn't far behind. Still, he never took his eyes off her face.

Her expression grew even more fucked-silly, drool dripping from her tongue. Her legs wrapped around him, locking him in place. He didn't want to leave anyway.

They came together. They came down together. As they did, Heather's spell began to wear off. Daphne's fucked-silly ahegao — masterpiece that it was — slowly disappeared from the world.

The ice returned to her expression. Once more, the Ice Queen stared back at Atlas. He could still see the usual hints he'd grown used to. See the cracks in that icy mask that showed what was always beneath.

"Well," Daphne's usual monotone had returned as well. "That was fun."

Atlas agreed, "It was. Maybe you'd like to thank the Witch responsible."

"What do you-… Potter," Daphne's expression somehow got even flatter.

"Got it in one," Atlas nodded. "Heather? Wanna come out here?"

The Girl-Who-Won stuck her head out from behind her rocky hiding place. She grinned sheepishly at the pair. Atlas beckoned her over. Heather came (again but in a different way).

Atlas pulled himself upright and Daphne propped herself up on her elbows, "So, Potter… Anything you'd like to tell me."

Heather smirked, insufferably smug now that she was in front of them, "Yeah, you're welcome."

Daphne raised an eyebrow, "Welcome? Why would I thank you?"

Heather gaped at her, "But you said yourself that it was a good thing!"

"You still hit me with what I assume was an untested spell and interrupted my alone time with Atlas."

"I tested it… On myself…"

"And why would I thank you for doing something as foolish as that?"

"Heather," Atlas said, disappointed. "We've talked about this. No testing pranks — especially not unknown spells — on yourself. Conjure a lab animal or test them on Sirius."

"He was busy chasing Phoebe's skirt," Heather whined.

"I think she's earned herself a bit of punishment," Daphne suggested.

Heather perked up at that idea. Atlas waved his hand dismissively, "She'll just enjoy it, the pervert."

"Aak~!" Heather playfully reacted as if she'd been struck by Atlas' words.

"Good, then this can be her reward as well as her punishment. She still gave me the opportunity to show my emotions to you, after all."

Atlas looked at Heather consideringly, "So what do you think? Her usual? Or do you have something special in mind?"

Heather grinned, practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of 'punishment'. Still, she wouldn't make it easy for them, "You'll never take me alive~!"

Before she could even begin the chase — her favorite form of foreplay —, Atlas caught her. A limb of pure magic rocketed forth from him, grabbing Heather by her ankles and holding her off the ground. She was brought in front of the pair as Atlas plotted her punishment.

She was still grinning, "Oh no~! You seem to have caught me. Whatever will you do with me now~?"

Daphne got on her tiptoes and Atlas leaned down so she could whisper something in his ear. He nodded at whatever she suggested, leaving Heather in the dark. Heather felt the excitement inside her double and bubble.

She barely had time to process what happened next. One moment, she was in the air. The next, she was cumming her brains out from… something Atlas did.

"Now, we should be ready to begin," Atlas nodded, satisfied with whatever he'd done.

"Before we even started, Potter? For shame," Daphne deadpanned.

Heather's whole body tingled with electricity and pleasure. She panted, "Y-You'll have to do better than that! Whatever that was!"

"Heather, allow me to introduce you to your new best friend. This fox-tailed butt plug. I felt it was appropriate for some reason~," Atlas rumbled through an amused smirk. "And now, your actual punishment. Count the spanks with me."

"O-One~!" Heather came again on the first stroke of Atlas' palm — a gentle caress, really.

Atlas laughed — Laughed! The bastard! —, "No, Heather, that was just me touching your bum. Ready for the first spanking?"

Heather bit her lip. She nodded. The pressure in her bum was so new, so different. It was playing havoc on her nerves in the best of ways. She couldn't wait to feel what actually being spanked was like~!

"Onnneeee~!" On the first actual spanking, Heather squirted her foxy brains out…


"Un mating press~?!?! Noooooooooo~!" Fleur cried. "Y-You can't~! I will come apaaarrrtttt~!"

"Come now, Fleur~," Gabrielle teased. "Surely, you can resist this Devil's attention~ You're strong, aren't you~?"

"Strong~! I am so strong~!" Fleur moaned. "He is stronger~! So much stronger~! Before him, I am laid weak~!"

"That's because you are his, Sister~" Gabrielle purred.

"His~? Oh~! Oh no~! I-It cannot be~!" Fleur quickly changed her tune as a particularly hard thrust brought her over the edge. "His~! Yessss~!"

"There is no shame in losing to Mon Ange, Sister~ It is simply in your nature~ Your heart, your mind, your body, and soul belong to him~" Gabrielle soothed.

Fleur's feet kicked futilely and she slurred her words as one orgasm transitioned into another consecutive one, "Nooouuuuuuu~! Plwease~? S-Spare me~? Save me~? Toooouu musshhhh~! I can'tsh keep looooossssiinngg~!"

Gabrielle whispered in her ear like a silver-tongued devil, "Surrender, Fleur~ Give yourself over to his love~"

"I alreadyyyy havvveeee~!" Fleur screamed utter ecstasy to the heavens.

Her legs were on my shoulders, kicking desperately. Her toes curled by my ears. Her arms hugged me tight, pressing her even further into the mating press position. Her expression was as silly and dramatic as her words.

My hips thrust like a piston. My cock cored her pussy, stretching it as it clung to me. Passionate heat consumed us. Her pussy burned and fluttered around me. She felt more amazing than I could put into words.

I pressed her down into the sand. She'd insisted on tempting me on the beach. Gabrielle had joined her. Together, they pushed me until I was forced into action, forced to fuck the sense out of Fleur for her 'insults'.

As much as I loved her usual theatrics, this was the most fun part of our games. The part where Fleur got what was coming to her. The part where she broke down and 'lost'.

Our passions boiled over. The rest of the world faded away. Man and Veela, we did what came naturally. Of course, with Fleur 'what came naturally' was turned up to 15.

She lost her mind to passion and pleasure. I drove her mad with heavy thrusts and relentless attention. Gabrielle pushed her further into 'insanity'. Cock and quim, we fit together perfectly.

I grunted through my thrusts, "Oh? You love me, Fleur?"

Even as she came and squirted around my cock, Fleur swooned dramatically, "N-Nooooo~! Naaayyyyy~! Love is not enough~! My feelings burn as bright as the sun~! Oh, this devilish Rogue beats beside my heart in my chest~! With him inside me, I am whole~!"

"Mmm~" Gabrielle hummed and leaned down to kiss her sister on the cheek. "I appreciate that you can finally be honest with yourself, Fleur."

"I-I am always h-honest~!" Fleur stuttered out a blatant lie.

That brought me up short of my next thrust. My eyes met Gabrielle's in disbelief. She giggled at the ridiculousness of Fleur's lie. I couldn't help but start laughing too.

Fleur whined, "Noooo~ Please, don't stop~?"

I chuckled, "Who am I to say no to such an honest maiden?"

My hips started moving again and Fleur slurred, "Yeeeeessssshhhhh~!"

Her body quaked. Her core quivered. Her walls fluttered tightly around me. Despite the short break, Fleur was quickly pushed past the edge of orgasm again. And again.

Gabrielle kissed my neck, mumbling temptations into my skin, "Yes, Mon Ange~ Show her your love~ But save some for me~ I wish to see the same heights of mad passion as my dear sister~"

Fleur sang like a songbird as she came apart at the seams, "F-Fiend~! Devil~! I can feel all of you~! Yes~! Don't show me mercy~! Drive me past the point of no return~! Yeeeesssss~! I love you, you u-utter beast~!"


"What're you up to, Cissy?" Bella asked perkily.

"Writing a letter. Nothing to concern yourself with, Bella," Narcissa answered.

"To who? What does it say?"

"Again, nothing for you to concern yourself with."

Staving off her sister's questions, Narcissa sealed her letter. She clicked her tongue. Like magic, a powerful Harpy Eagle swooped onto their table on the beach. Fluffing itself imperiously, it stuck its leg out for Narcissa. She attached the letter and sent it off to do its mission.

Instead of taking off again, the eagle turned and hopped across the table to Atlas. It stuck its leg out again, cawing to get his attention. Narcissa acted as if nothing unusual was happening, simply cleaning up her writing supplies as the rest of the table looked at her in askance.

Eventually, Atlas gave up, taking the letter from the eagle to read. The eagle flew off with a mighty flap to continue its hunt. Confused more than anything else, Atlas began to read the letter silently. Bella popped over to him to read over his shoulder.

As they read, Bella giggled and Atlas sighed, "Narcissa? Was this really necessary?"

"I'm sure whatever you're referring to — not that I would know considering it's a private letter — was, in fact, necessary," Narcissa said, unphased by his exasperated tone.

"How officially lewd, Cissy~" Bella teased.

Narcissa kept up her charade easily, "Oh? Does the letter concern me somehow?"

"It does," Altas admitted, saying nothing more as he finished the letter.

"We just watched you write it, Auntie," Tonks said incredulously.

"It's a strange prank but I can't help but feel it fits Cissy," Sirius commented.

"I'm sure it was just official family business, dear," Phoebe reassured the man she was becoming quite fond of.

"Do you want to do this here or somewhere more private?" Atlas asked Narcissa.

Narcissa shrugged, playing unconcerned, "We're all family here. I'm sure you can take care of this private letter however you wish."

"Right… Holding hands during the act?" Atlas tested Narcissa's cool with a tidbit from the letter.

"What…?" Tonks asked, confused. Narcissa was unmoved by Atlas' test.

Andromeda sighed, "I believe I know what is going on."

"Go on," Narcissa said with indifference.

Atlas pushed further, "Holding hands, eye contact, romantic missionary and mating press…?"

"Those all sound like perfectly reasonable requests to me. Whoever wrote the letter must know what she want," Narcissa commented almost absently.

"There's a whole formal form for me to fill out here, Narcissa," Atlas let amused exasperation show in his voice. "You seem to have already done your half. All of those boxes are checked, along with a request for me to yell 'Get pregnant!' and another that says we have to repeat the process until 'proof of impregnation' has been provided."

"Aaaaannnd that's me out," Draco said, getting up from the Black Family Breakfast table.

"Yes, I am feeling rather… randy now as well, Little Dragon," Svetlana followed. "Shall we put your mother's genius to good practice~?"

"I-… Meep~!" Draco never got a chance to protest. Svetlana scooped him into her arms in a bridal carry. She quickly made their exit for him, beelining straight for their cabin on the edge of the beach.

"What a woman…" Sirius marveled.

"Amelia gets first dibs. Otherwise, we would be doing the same," Phoebe shared. Sirius quite literally started panting like a dog at that information.

"Grandbabies as well. How fortunate," Narcissa was utterly unconcerned by her son's kidnapping. "Now, back to this request from an unknown widow who wishes to be a mother again and wishes to enjoy the process this time…"

"Oh! I can join! We can make it a Black Sister Orgy!" Bella suggested.

Andromeda shook her head, refusing outright, "I'm quite happy with just Ted. But I'm sure Nymphadora could take my place easily."

"W-Wha-? Mum?!" Tonks sputtered at the 'betrayal'.

"Nymphadora dear," Andromeda lectured sternly. "You're perfect for the role. And don't pretend me ignorant of what my own daughter really wants. Don't worry about the incest. It seems to be a rite of passage in our family."

Bella pouted slightly, "It's not completely ideal but I suppose Tonksie can take on your form, 'Dromeda."

Sirius sniffled dramatically, "I-I'm so proud. The son surpasses his father."

"So are you going to honor the request?" Narcissa asked intently while still trying to pretend she wasn't concerned with the answer. "Everything seems to be in order. Whoever is responsible for this appears to know what she's doing and what she wants. It would be practically criminal to refuse."

Atlas sighed as Narcissa danced around the fact that the letter came almost directly from her hands into his, "Yes, Narcissa. I will honor the request."

Then a bit of mischief crept into his eyes, "Bella's as well."

Bella squealed in excitement, hopping in place. Tonks squeaked, turning bright, bright pink before she could hide her face. Narcissa nodded, "Very well. I will see that all of the important things are taken care of for you."

"We'll help!" Bella cut in. "C'mon, Tonksie! We have to prepare for the Black Family Orgy!"

"Definitely won't be the first time someone in this family used that title for a family event," Atlas muttered to himself under his breath.


"I will go first," Narcissa said firmly, hiding the tiniest bit of nerves. "And last as well. To ensure this… process… takes. I'm not sure how my name ended up next to yours on the Breeding Request Form, Atlas. But I suppose I'll take advantage of the chance provided to me."

"Yes, how indeed…" Atlas' deadpan turned into a smirk. "It's a miracle."

Narcissa coughed elegantly into her fist to hide the pink that reached her cheeks, "Yes, a miracle… Shall we begin?"

Atlas smiled at her, "Sure. You wanted a bit of romance, right?"

"The request did," Narcissa 'corrected'.

Atlas nodded graciously, "Of course. It's solely the request's idea that I gaze deep into your eyes, hold your hands, kiss you sweetly, and breed the absolute fuck out of you."

"O-Oh my…" Narcissa stuttered, breathless.

"Oh my!" Bella exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh m-…" Tonks began to say before shaking herself out of the cycle. "Damn, Atlas doesn't play about, does he?"

"You'll find that out for yourself soon enough, Tonksie~" Bella leered lewdly.

"Not sure I'm ready for that," Tonks nervously admitted.

"That's okay, Tonksie~ I'll help you get ready for my baby boy's thick~ hard~ perfect~ cock~" Bella cooed.

"M-Meep!" Tonks' face went red, then pink, then yellow. Her hair followed along. Her figure shimmered slightly. For a moment, her breasts grew, her waist narrowed, and her hips bloomed. Then she went back to normal.

"H-He's not going to make me show my true form, is he?" Tonks asked.

"This is your true form. You're a Metamorphmagus, Tonksie," Bella reassured. "Your true form is whatever you want it to be. But I can guarantee Atlas won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. Now, let's see if Auntie Bella can't get you all revved up~!"

Tonks' squeal of surprise transitioned into a breathy moan. For Narcissa and Atlas, however, the noises faded into the background.

Atlas gazed into Narcissa's eyes. He saw her anxiety, slight though it may be. He saw her desire, for him and for the new life they would make together. He saw her hopes and dreams.

"Ready to be a mother again?" Atlas asked.

Narcissa couldn't find the words. She just nodded. Atlas took her hands, interlocking their fingers. Narcissa swallowed hard. She couldn't look away.

Atlas leaned in. Her eyes drifted shut. Their lips touched and her world exploded. Those hopes and dreams for a second child latched onto the kiss like a lifeline. She squeezed Atlas' hand, leaning hard into his lips.

Narcissa was floating. Literally. Atlas had swept her off her feet at some point. He gently laid her down on the bed. Their clothes disappeared. She was too lost in the kiss to truly care or notice.

When she was just a girl, Narcissa held out hope for love. A love she would share with her future husband. Then she married Lucius and none of those hopes panned out.

But here and now? She revived those hopes and directed them toward Atlas. He couldn't love her completely. That was okay. She was mostly just using him to live the loving life she'd always dreamed of.

She wrapped herself around his body. She held him close to her breast. She kissed him like a schoolgirl with a crush. That childish romantic optimism she'd lost stirred as he matched her in enthusiasm and passion.

Before she knew what was happening, Atlas was inside her. He slid in deep. He stretched her pleasantly. She gasped into their kiss. He slipped his tongue between her lips. Narcissa moaned and melted.

Their hips rolled together. Not a single inch separated them. Atlas pushed forward, strong as steel. Narcissa felt herself molded around him, easily and eagerly.

She never broke the kiss. She needed it as much as she needed him inside her. Maybe more. It was loving. It was warm with affection and desire. It was everything she'd been starved of for more than 16 years of marriage.

He moved slowly, gently, allowing her to adjust to his size. He was certainly bigger than Lucius ever was. Not that Narcissa got many chances to test that throughout their loveless marriage. She pushed the thoughts of her foolishly late husband from her mind.

She felt him throb within her depths. His speed increased. Narcissa moaned into his mouth. She sucked on his tongue as her pussy sucked in his cock.

Her legs locked behind Atlas' back, giving him no chance to escape. Her clit ground against the top of his thick shaft as it sawed in and out of her.

Something deep in her core pulsed and pulsed with each thrust. It was so close. So close. She'd timed this perfectly. Of that, Narcissa was sure.

Her egg was ready and waiting. Her womb was fertile. She could practically feel the life-giving seed churning in Atlas' balls as they slapped against her bum. Atlas was so close to giving her everything she wanted.

She whimpered as he sped up even further. Her body was laid open for him. His for the taking. She was putting her trust and hopes in him. And so far, he wasn't letting her down at all.

Narcissa whined as her legs came unlocked from behind his back. She almost broke their continued kiss to protest. Then Atlas took hold of her legs and folded them up onto his shoulders.

Narcissa's heart skipped. Her body shuddered. Her womb throbbed in her stomach. Atlas practically bent her in half. Narcissa had never felt so horny — so ready and primed — for something in her life.

She wasn't the most flexible Witch. But she managed. This was what she wanted. A proper mating press. Atlas fucked down into her. His thrusts felt as if they knocked her eggs loose in her womb. She gushed around him. She took everything he had to give.

Finally, Narcissa broke their kiss to come up for air and gasp, "Yes~! Yes~! Breed me~! Breed, breed, breed, breeeeed meeeeee~!"

Atlas growled something low and primal in his chest, "Get pregnant~!"

Narcissa's body went stiff. She felt her every muscle tense. She began to cum on his cock. Thankfully, he didn't lag behind. He came, exploding into her depths. Narcissa's head fell back and she screamed.

Her legs shook on his shoulders. Her womb was flooded with sweet, delicious warmth. Atlas buried himself inside her. Rope after rope of virile seed rushed for Narcissa's eggs. Bliss, pure bliss bubbled up inside her with every spurt of his throbbing cock.

Narcissa smiled up at him as they both basked in the afterglow of their breeding orgasms, "Thank you, Atlas. Feel free to go take care of Tonks now. I believe that should be enough until our next session."

"Fingers crossed, yeah?" Atlas leaned down to plant one last peck on her lips.

When he pulled out, one of Narcissa's hands was immediately there to keep his important 'deposit' inside of her. She conjured a pillow and set it under her hips as well. Then she laid back with a happy sigh and a silly smile on her face. Her other hand rubbed her abdomen as if she could feel what was happening inside her womb.

Panting slightly, Atlas turned to find Tonks so she could get her turn with him. He was immediately brought up short. Hard and throbbing in front of him as he turned, Atlas' cock ran straight into Tonks' tummy.

Tonks stood in front of him, blushing fiercely. Bella supported her from behind, having to wrap her arms around her niece to keep her shaking knees from giving out there and then. She whispered something in Tonks' ear, encouraging her. Tonks took a deep breath to fortify her nerves.

Atlas paused, taking in the scene before him. Tonks had shifted her form with her Metamorphmagus powers. Then it seemed that Bella had transfigured her clothes into something more seductive.

Tonks' usual punkish look was almost nowhere to be found. Not completely. There were still traces of her usual look in her facial features but most of her new look was fresh and carefully tailored to drive Atlas mad with lust.

Her short pink hair was gone, replaced with flowing black curtains of silk. It was straight and styled perfectly, seemingly without effort on Tonks' part. Her eyes were blue and her lips were a vibrant, eye-catching pink.

She wore a cliche-looking Witch's hat on her head. Wide-brimmed and droopy, it would have looked more at home on a Halloween costume. On her neck, she wore a decorative collar that was completely connected to her dress.

The dress itself hugged her new figure, looking as if it was painted on. Her breasts were bigger. Much bigger. Full cups of gravity-defying perkiness. A bit of side boob spilled out from around the edges of the dress.

Below, the dress transitioned into something that almost looked like a loincloth. Flaps of fabric only covered her crotch and the middle of her bum. The generous swell of her hips was left almost completely exposed, crisscrossed with enticing strappy strings that dipped below the dress and were tied into bows on either side of her waist. Plump thighs spilled pleasantly over tight nylon thigh-highs. Elbow-high gloves covered her forearms and hands.

Gathering her courage, Tonks tried for a sultry grin, "Y-You like it, Atlas~?"

Atlas nodded, "I do. It suits you well. Just as well as your normal look. Both are good. Yes, both."

The matter-of-fact way he stated his appreciation caused another blush to spread across Tonks' cheeks but she pushed on with her 'seduction', "Y-Yeah~? Well, how about I give you a little taste of what a Metamorph can do for a man like you~?"

Atlas' eyes flicked up to Bella's for the briefest of moments. Before Tonks could react, he was acting on whatever he saw there.

She squeaked as he took her by the hand and spun her into him like a dancer. Her hands landed on his chest. She looked up into his eyes with surprise in hers. He cupped her chin. Her lip quivered, her eyes going even wider. Slowly, he dipped his head down and brought her lips up to meet his.

Tonks' eyes fluttered shut. She moaned into the kiss. She'd been kissed before. It had never felt like this. Gently and firmly at the same time, Atlas dominated her lips with sensuous kisses. Tonks felt herself begin to melt.

Arousal dripped from her core like a river from a glacier. Warmth and Heat pooled below her belly. She found herself defenseless, completely at Atlas' mercy.

She was slow to realize when he broke the kiss. Her lips moved against thin air for a moment. Then her brain caught up to reality. Her face flushed with color.

She found herself spun again and pushed over the edge of the bed before she could protest. A pillow was dragged under her, propping up her hips perfectly. The bows at her hips were untied in a flash. Her dress was pushed up over her waist. Tonks froze.

She muttered in realization, "Oh no… Someone cooked here…"

A solid, thick, burning-hot, shaft spread her open. Thoroughly, completely, in a single continuous thrust that pierced to her core with ease. She didn't even realize how wet she was, how ready she was for Atlas to fuck her.

Tonks' eyes crossed. He fit perfectly, stretching her just right. The pillow beneath her hips gave him the right angle to drag his cockhead across her most sensitive spots. Her legs quivered, her pussy fluttered, and her G-spot was practically ground to dust.

She gasped as he seated himself fully within her. Despite the mind-numbing pleasure, Tonks still tried to play strong, "Ah~! C-Careful there, big guy~ G-Guess you couldn't resist someone like me, huh~?"

Atlas ignored her bluff, drawing himself out from her depths. Tonks groaned. Her head bowed into the bedsheets. She couldn't stop her hips from chasing his unconsciously. He held her in place by her wide breeding hips.

Tonks thought she was ready. Anything Atlas could throw at her, she thought she could take it. Then he pushed forward with his second thrust. Tonks felt her brain try and dribble out her ear. She melted like ice before a fire.

"F-Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk~!" Tonks groaned.

Atlas didn't stop to give her a chance to recollect herself. He never stopped. And Tonks wished he never would.

His cock struck deep. It stretched her wide. He was so hard, so solid inside her. Her hips bucked against the pillow under his thrusts. Her nerves ran wild with sensation. Tonks felt like she was melting over and over again every time their bodies came together.

Her senses blurred. Her mind crackled and popped like a flickering flame. Her body rippled, both naturally from his thrusts and magically as she struggled to hold her current form.

For the briefest of moments, Tonks shifted. She would look like a younger copy of Bella with short hair. Then she shifted back to her preferred form for seduction.

Atlas felt her shifting around him, her insides coiling and quivering on his cock. He bent over her back as he thrust, engulfing her body completely beneath his. His arms boxed her in on either side of her head. She grabbed them, desperate for anything to hold onto.

"Any form you want, Tonks~ You're sexy no matter what~ Merlin, you're fucking sexy~" Atlas rumbled next to her ear.

Tonks gasped in pleasure. Her form shifted again. Bella, Heather, Daphne, Fleur, one for each of Atlas' girls. Atlas fucked her just as hard, just as passionately in every form.

She tried someone he didn't know. His pace and passion never changed. He never wavered or faltered. Tonks whimpered in realization, shifting back to her first form. He fucked her the same, no matter what form she took. It was her he was fucking, not whoever she turned into or the novelty of what her powers could do.

The thought made Tonks weak. Soft. Maleable. She was melting beneath him. Every thrust molded her body around him. They stoked a fire that burned her from the inside out. Tonks came, her mind dissolving into ecstasy.

Atlas' pace never ceased or slowed. Tonks came again, immediately after the first. She was strung along on a path of pleasure, leading higher and higher with each climax.

Her muscles, her whole body felt as if it was liquid. She could barely twitch a finger on purpose. Still, her body pushed back into Atlas unconsciously.

He buried himself inside her. She felt his chest shudder with his groan. It sent shocks of bliss through her. Then he was filling her even more than she thought possible. Warmth flooded her depths. Tonks gasped as she came for the final time with him.

They lay there like that for what felt like an eternity. So comfortable. So warm. So full. So melty~! Tonks felt like she couldn't have moved even if she wanted to.

Her defenses were gone, her confidence beaten in the most amazing way. "Oh Lord," She realized with a whimper. "He's going to bully me about this forever~"

"Mommy's turn~!" Bella chimed on the edge of Tonks' awareness.

She barely noticed. She did notice when Atlas was removed from around her. She whined, reaching for anything to fill the void.

Conveniently, Narcissa was there, feeling particularly motherly at the moment. Tonks latched on and Narcissa held her niece fondly.

Neither of them paid much mind to the commotion Bella and Atlas were causing or Bella's screams of ecstasy. They were content enough for now. Tonks melted into unconsciousness not long after. Narcissa cooed softly, still rubbing the spot over her womb and now hoping for a daughter this time.


I was trapped. Trapped by a little, loveable blonde gremlin. Surprisingly, it wasn't Luna this time. I was being cornered by Astoria. She boxed me in with a wide, perky smile on her face.

With her hands on her hips in a grand pose, Astoria declared, "It's my birthday!"

"I know. We're throwing a party for you in a couple of hours," I said.

Her momentum faltered slightly as I didn't react how she'd expected, "W-Well… It's my birthday!"

"You said that already, Astoria."

"Quiet! I'm not finished! It's my birthday and that means that, for today, you have to treat me like a princess!"

"How is that different from how I always treat you?"

Astoria giggled and blushed at that reminder, "Well, today it's official."

"Of course," I nodded. "That does make a big difference."

"It does, doesn't it?" Astoria beamed a bright smile at me. "So since it makes a big difference and since it's my birthday and since Daphne isn't here to disapprove right this second and since Mother and Daddy gave me permission…"

She paused her ramble for dramatic effect, continuing in barely a whisper, "… You're going to… lewd me."

I blinked and mimed clearing my ears, "I'm sorry. Do you mind repeating that? I know I can't have heard you correctly."

Astoria gathered back her courage to shout, "You're going to lewd me! Lewd! Lewdy Lewdy Lewd! All the stops, Mister! I'm going to s-suck you… and you're going to f-f-fuck me! And you have to because it's my birthday and I'm the birthday princess and I'm not too young anymore!"

I stared at her silently for a few moments, trying to process all of that. I suppose she was right about one thing at least. She wasn't too young for me to consider anymore. 14 was a bit touchy but Luna was 15 when we first slept together. And now Astoria was 15 too… Was I actually considering this?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pansy watching us. She'd been… well, stalking seemed a bit harsh. But ever since our vacation started, she always seemed to have her eyes on me. It was hard for me to not notice her.

Now, she was barely bothering to hide, just leaning around a palm tree nearby. She worried at her lip, seeming to turn something over in her head. Then she nodded resolutely and began striding toward us.

"Me too!" Pansy declared.

Astoria jumped slightly, shocked out of her worry over my silence. I raised an eyebrow at Pansy, "You too?"

She nodded, "Yes! It's my birthday too! And that means I'm also a birthday princess and I deserve the same treatment as Astoria!"

"It's your birthday as well?" I asked, amused.

"No way, Pansy!" Astoria gasped, hopping in place in excitement. "I didn't know we shared a birthday! Eeeeeiiii~! This will be so much fun~!"

"You know, I hadn't even decided to go along with Astoria's request yet," I said. I decided I didn't mind but I didn't want to make it too easy for them.

"C'mon, Lord Daddy~" Pansy purred with lidded bedroom eyes. "You wouldn't want to let down two birthday princesses, would you~?"

Smirking back at Pansy, I turned my attention to Astoria, "Happy birthday, Astoria. Would you like your present now?"

Astoria squealed in excitement, "Yes, yes, yes~! Lewding, please~!"

Pansy gaped at me, "Wait, what about me?!"

I ignored her, scooping Astoria up in a princess carry instead of replying. I started making my way to someplace private. Pansy followed, not intent on giving up.

"T-This isn't fair! Pay attention to me, Daddy!" Pansy whined.

That brought me to a quick stop. Right, Pansy had a plethora of daddy issues she was repressing. And not repressing well, at that. But I could likely help her with those. The idea of being at all comparable to her birth father sent shivers of disgust down my spine.

"Why does this always happen…?" Pansy sniffled, cementing my decision.

"Right, can't have my other princess feeling left out. It is your birthday, after all. We'll have to talk about how you're supposed to ask for things politely though, Pansy," I said, shifting Astoria to sit on my shoulder and pulling Pansy tightly to my chest as I resumed walking.

Pansy froze in shock. Her legs only kept moving cause I was leading her. She almost started hyperventilating.

I rubbed her back to bring her back to reality, "There, there. Use your words, darling."

"D-Daddy…?" She asked in a small voice.

I hummed in reply, "Hmm, yes, princess?"

"I-I'm sorry… for trying to barge in and ruin Astoria's birthday present," Pansy seemed to naturally fall into a subby headspace.

"There you are. Good girl," I praised. "I'm more than willing to indulge you if you ask politely."

"Then… may I please join in?"

"You don't mind, do you, Astoria?"

Astoria giggled atop my shoulder, "Nope~! Pansy should be spoiled just like me~!"

"There you have it. You're welcome to join us for an early birthday present, darling," I emphasized 'early' to let her know I'd seen through her rather simple ruse.

Pansy blushed but seemed to relax. She practically melted into me, latching onto my side. A breathy giggle escaped her throat, "Wow~ Princess play with Lord Daddy~…"

I looked up slightly at Astoria, "Think we should team up on her?"

Astoria's grin was positively demonic, "Hehehe~! Yes, Big Bro Atlas~!"

"W-Wait! H-Hold on!" Pansy stuttered. It was already too late for her.

We'd reached the girls' shared cabin. I stripped Pansy with a thought. She squealed and tried to cover herself in embarrassment. My hands pulled hers away from her body. Astoria hopped down from my shoulders, quickly joining Pansy in the nude.

Astoria was proud as can be. Pansy was the opposite, nervously fidgeting as I took both of them in. As much as she played and pushed my buttons, her self-esteem wasn't the highest. I aimed to change that with plenty of praise and physical proof of my affections.

Astoria posed with her hands on her hips and her whole body on open display. She was petite but not childish. Her body was already well on the way to maturity. Small, impossibly perky breasts adorned her chest and her tummy was taut. She was a tight little work of art and proud of what she had.

Pansy was a bit less petite and a bit more curvy. Nothing that could have matched Heather's shortstack figure, Hermione's lower half, or Daphne's elegance. But she had her own charms.

She'd taken to the goth trend that struck Hogwarts just as well as Daphne did. While not huge, her breasts were nice handfuls. Her waist slimmed before blooming out into perfectly nice hips.

But the best part of her body was her skin. Pale and blemish-free, she practically glowed as if she was made of glass. She looked so smooth to the touch, so soft, so delicate.

I only had one word to describe them both, "Beautiful."

Astoria beamed at the compliment. Pansy blushed, her gorgeous skin coloring like a watercolor work of art. She needed my attention first. My clothes disappeared. Pansy's eyes widened as her mind stuttered. I swept her into my arms.

She stared up at me in shock, "I-Is this really happening?"

"Of course, princess," I reassured. "Now, let's see if I can fix the damage your birth father did to your self-esteem."

Pansy's face darkened for a moment, "Him…"

"You're a beautiful girl, Pansy," I whispered, laying her down on one of the twin beds in their cabin. "And you should be valued for more than just your looks and what selling you off in an arranged marriage could bring him. You're smart and resourceful. Strong. You're worth so much more than he could ever imagine."

That chased away the clouds that covered her expression. Her blush returned in full force. But she also looked almost relieved. Like she had been waiting for someone to say something like that for a long, long time.

"Also you're, like, really fun to talk to~!" Astoria chimed in over my shoulder.

Pansy giggled, "Alright, alright, no more sappy stuff. Lord Daddy needs to get it up so I can finally get a taste of everything he has to offer~"

"Already done."

"Wha-… Eep!"

My cock probed the entrance to her pussy. Hard as steel and fully erect, I throbbed against her skin. She was even more ready than me. Dew drops sparkled on the perfect skin of her inner thighs. Her flower glistened for me.

"O-Oh Merlin… You're going to split me in half," Pansy gasped.

"That's the plan. Don't worry. You won't feel a hint of pain. I'll make sure of it," I promised.

I pressed forward slowly. Pansy spread open around me. She let out little gasping moans as I pushed in further. Her insides were so smooth. Soft and wet, she clung to me like glue, putty before my hardness.

Pushing myself to the hilt, I held myself there. It quickly became apparent that Pansy wasn't used to these sensations in the slightest. She writhed and wriggled, fully impaled on my cock. She mewled constantly like a kitten.

Her hips bucked when I first pulled out. She desperately wanted me back inside. Filling her, completing her, driving her to heights of pleasure previously unknown.

I thrust myself in the second time just as slowly as the first. Even with the languid pace, Pansy was driven wild. Her legs spread, welcoming me in deeper. Her fingers threaded themselves through her chin-length hair, scratching at her scalp as if that would help her hold on just a moment longer. It didn't work.

"M-Mercy! P-Please! D-Daddddyyyyyyy~!" Pansy gasped out.

Since she wasn't Fleur, I slowed my pace to a crawl. Her body still shook with orgasm after orgasm just from the feeling of me inside her. Pansy was panting, overwhelmed. I figured it was a good idea to give her a break.

"I-I'm sorry…" Pansy whimpered as I pulled out.

"It's okay, darling," I cooed, stroking her hair. "You're just a pillow princess. One without any real experience. Nothing wrong with that."

She still whimpered, hiding her face in a pillow to hide her embarrassment. I kissed my way down her body, down her beautifully flushed skin. I left her with a soft touch to her clit that sent her spiraling into yet another climax.

Turning to my other princess, Astoria immediately jumped into my arms. She wasted no time, just like Luna, sinking down on my shaft.

I gasped. Actually gasped. She was tight. Oh-so-tight. It felt as if she was trying to strangle my cock. And as if she was succeeding.

Astoria wiggled her hips. She shuddered atop me. That vise-like grip fluttered in turn. I sunk another inch deep inside her. All the while, she never lost her trademark gremlin grin.

She ground herself down. Another inch. That smug grin got to me slightly. I wanted to wipe it off her loveable little face. I grabbed onto her petite hips and pulled.

Astoria gasped. Her head fell back at the sensations. I stretched her, split her open completely. It was a miracle she could fit all of me. Or magic. Let's go with magic.

All that mattered was that smug gremlin grin was gone. I held her there in my lap. She shivered and shifted. Then shivered again. Her pussy went crazy around my shaft. Her inner walls tensed and relaxed as if they were swallowing.

Astoria was breathless, "Wow~…"

"Is this the 'lewdy lewdy lewding' you were expecting?" I asked with a smug grin of my own.

"Oh yeah~! The lewdest of lewdings~!" Astoria's grin returned quicker than I expected.

Then she moved. I was caught off guard. Her pussy gripped all the way along my shaft. It felt like she was dragging my soul out as she pulled back. She pushed herself back down hard. I grunted as my soul 'returned'.

"This is fun~!" Astoria chimed cheerfully.

"Oh no," I muttered in realization. "What have I done? I've introduced this insatiable chaos demon to the pleasures of the flesh…"

"Wooooooo~! Lewding~!" She cheered. "Look at me go~!"

She rode me with her usual endless energy. With every thrust, her pussy squeezed tightly around me. With every orgasm, her whole body shook. It didn't stop her at all. It just motivated her further.

I held onto her hips, intent on taking back control. She seemed to enjoy that just as much as riding me. Even as I stood and she lost her footing, Astoria just grinned and basked in the sensations.

She clung to me tightly, inside and out. She came like a fountain on my cock. I pounded up into her harder and harder. She never stopped enjoying everything I had to give her.

Her tight little pussy milked me over the edge. I groaned, pulling her down to meet my hips. My cock exploded. She was so tight, the pressure so intense, that I was afraid my first shot would bruise her womb. She just wrapped her legs tighter around me and squealed with excitement.

I let myself fall back on the bed. I had to hold her in place so she wouldn't start going again. I almost regretted my choices for a moment. I'd unleashed this 'evil' upon myself. This 'evil' known as Astoria Greengrass.

I dismissed those thoughts. Dying in that vise-like grip would be worth it. Holding Astoria in place, she pouted because she couldn't easily start riding me again. I ignored her, taking the moment to catch my metaphorical breath.

Pansy cuddled into my side, muttering to herself, "S-So what if I can't take Daddy's cock yet… I-I may be a pillow princess but that just means I'm even better at cuddling!"

Astoria shrugged, "Cuddling is good too~"

Chuckling, I let myself relax into the bed beneath us. Merlin, my life rocked. Oh, what a year can change… I suppose that just goes to show, that it pays to help Heather Potter.

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