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93.5% Champion: Shazam in the M.C.U. / Chapter 71: Chapter 69: Accessing The IRis.

Capítulo 71: Chapter 69: Accessing The IRis.

Advanced chapters in my Pat.reon.


My New Fic called Spiderman X as well.

I shall attach the Cover Image I chose for Spiderman X here. (P.S it's not mine but it best encapsulates the Protagonist.)


(General P.O.V)

The Stinger shimmered into visibility as the cloaking around it deactivated.

There was no need to stay hidden anymore. If Ultron didn't know they were coming, the absolute carnage Shazam had wrought on his forces was spoiler enough.

"Can he take them all on?"

Crystal asked worriedly, eyes stuck on the holo feed projection.

A scant few minutes later, they were all rendered shocked by Shazam's unbelievably powerful attack.

Billy had clapped his hands together, unworried as thousands of Sentinels swarmed him from all directions.

The clap produced an explosion of red-orange flames.

The flames coalescing into a hellfire storm that rippled through space, burning everything in its path.

The Stinger shook as the Shockwaves reached the ship. The Holo Feed started flickering on and off.

"Everybody hold on!"

The Invisible Woman adviced, strengthening the barrier around the Stinger.

A few seconds passed and the chaos on the outside came to an end.

The Holo Feed displayed something unexpected.

"He- destroyed them all?"

Gorgon, who stood as a bodyguard to the King and Queen stated in disbelief.

"I knew he was powerful, butthis is something else."

"Yeah well, that's Shazam for you. The Kid has always been impressive."

Tony complimented the absent Champion.

"He's done a wonderful job at keeping Ultron's forces at bay. Now it's my time to shine baby."

Iron Man cracked his fingers, then immediately started typing out a long series of code on the console before him.

"With the Barrier around the IRIS down, we can access the Satellite via a backdoor installed on the Payload Module."

Tony explained, the Schematics for the Satellite appearing on the Holo Feed.

"Our objective is to take out the power systems, avionics and the antenna. That will leave the AI powerless and unable to escape."

Iron Man magnified the scope of the blueprints, using a pen to motion to a certain part of the Satellite.

"We won't need to do much after that. Without a way to jump into another Satellite, we can trap Ultron...and kill it."

The billionaire turned to Black Bolt with a small smile.

"It's worth billions but one whisper from you and this nightmare will end."

"You just want to be reimbursed, don't you Tony?"

Reed saw through his intentions.

"Not really."

Stark shook hus head.

"But I wouldn't mind getting a sple of the Levithon's hide."

"If all this goes according to plan, then yes."

Medusa agreed.

"What about the Hulk?"

Cap questioned.

"That's also part of the mission Tony. If Ultron has him..."

"Then It will probably have him locked in here."

Falcon pitched in, finger pointed towards the GNC, the guidance, navigation and control systems.

"There's a containment unit meant for a specialist in case the Satellite needs some hands on servicing."

He knew that much because he'd helped with the IRIS' design.

"Let's split up."

Tony proposed.

"One team remains on the Stinger, ready to intercept any transmission or force, while the rest handles Ultron and finds the Hulk."

Very quickly, it was decided that Crystal, Lockjaw, Black Bolt, The Thing, Mr. Fantastic and Captain America would access the Satellite while the rest stayed behind.

"Aaaand done. I have control of the surveillance system."

Tony said, providing a camera feed of the IRIS containment unit. The plan was to have Lockjaw instantly teleport them into the Satellite.

Crystal waved at her sister just as a portal manifested before the giant bulldog.

"Wish us luck."

The blonde said.

"We don't need luck."

Ben Grimm, the Thing said, punching his fist into an open palm.

"We just need to clobber."

The six of them disappeared through the portal.

Instantly, they came out of the portal and onto the Hallway m with the containment unit, visible through the holo feed.

"We're in. Confirm visual?"

Captain America's voice came through the transmission.

"We can see you."

Tony sighed in relief.

"Alright Cap. You know what to do. I'll send you a passkey to-"

The camera feed immediately cut off. Iron Man got to his feet.

"Cap? Can you hear me?"

The others were clued in that something had gone wrong.

"Stark, what's happening?"

Medusa asked worriedly. Crystal was her sister. If anything bad happened to her on Medusa's watch... No, her husband was with her. He would keep. Crystal safe.

Tony's eyes narrowed.

"We've lost transmission. It was a trap. That bastard Ultron must have known about my backdoor and let us think we had him."

"I learned from the best after all."

A voice spoke through the Stinger's speakers.

"And bastard? Oh father dear, how unfilial."

"Is that?"

Hawkeye inquired, his Asgardian bow held at the ready.

"Ultron, I assume."

Mr. Fantastic called out,

"You've caused us quite the trouble."

"As have you."

Ultron accused.

"But that shall be resolved soon."

In the emptiness of space, hovering above a once beautiful planet,

The IRIS satellite begun to reorient itself, the antenna changing position and placing the Stinger on it's direct path.

The dish started lighting up with blue panels.

"Stark, we have a problem."

Fury's voice came through the Comms. He, Karnak and The Ancient One were left on Attilan.

Their duty was to coordinate both teams. The one handling Galactus and the ones after Ultron.

"Let me guess," Tony started, trying to bypass Ultron's restrictions.

"Thor and the others failed and Galactus is headed this way."

"How did you- you know what? It's not important. What are we going to do? We have 3 of the smartest minds on the team. Tell me you have a backup plan?"

Fury responded.

Iron man gave no answer, his fingers still flying across the console.

Then he stopped still.

"Ultron, has locked me out. Completely."

He told the others, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Let me try."

Mr. Fantastic pushed him off the seat and occupied the console, trying to hack the system himself.

On the outside, the dish finished powering up, the pannels glowing blue.

Then a blast of sonic energy rushed out, drowning the Stinger under its torrential power.


Invisible Woman cried out, the barrier around the Stinger failing to hold up.

"Oh no."

Black Widow muttered, spotting the blue wave of energy headed their way through the Stinger's viewport.

A second later, the Stinger was blasted apart into hundreds of pieces, all floating in space.

(Billy's P.O.V)

Tendrils of Symbiote goo weaved together into bone, flesh and blood, replacing both of my arms which had turned into Ash.

"High speed regeneration huh? Sweet."

I tested my new hands, clutching my fingers into claws and then channeling Hercule's Strength through it.

The skin started glowing red and both arms increased in muscle size and density.

There were zero hiccups. They felt just like my original limbs.

The text box I was expecting to appear did so in a timely manner.


(New Racial skill Unlocked)

Regeneration:- your body can heal from extreme damage, recover lost limbs and replace organs. The only thing that can put you down is if you get decapitated.


Racial Abilities:-

Royal Demon Bloodline:- There are high rank demons and then there are Royal Demons. Your body was created from the diluted essence of a Royal Demon, placing you in the High Rank category. Due to absorbing the essence of a Hell-Lord, your bloodline has evolved to the next stage.

Hellfire:- Inextinguishable, this red flame burns with an intense heat, enough to turn anything into ash, including souls! The darker the flame, the hotter it burns. The pinnacle of its heat is a black flame.

Special Effects:- This particular

flame devours energy.

Demon Physiology:- 10× base physical stats.

Azazel's Legacy:- ???

Klyntar:- Popularly known as Symbiotes, the alien race of Klyntar was created by God Knull. Klyntars are master manipulators of bio-matter. They bond with a host for mutual survival and growth, enhancing the host's physical parameters at the cost of sharing a body. Weakness to Fire and Sonic attacks negated by the Royal Demon Bloodline. Klyntar Bloodline can be evolved by absorbing other symbiotes.

Regeneration:- your body can heal from extreme damage, recover lost limbs and replace organs. The only thing that can put you down is if you get decapitated.



Only the Mutant tab was left empty. I call that progress.

Fortunately, I even had a suspicion whose mutant d.n.a had been used to create my new body.

It was pretty obvious really. The increased telepathy and telekinetic capabilities pointed to one particularly powerful Beyond Omega mutant.

Jean Grey.

The question was why it wasn't showing on the Interface.

Ugh. Let's think more on it later. For now we had an AI to deal with. I blasted forward at subsonic speeds, occasionally teleporting a certain distance.

On my way towards the Satellite, I grabbed any robotic parts I could salvage. Unfortunately, there was next to nothing left after the Hellfire storm.

Everything on it's path was turned to ash, much like my hands.

But everything had worked out splendidly. The barrier was down and without his Sentinels, Ultron would be easy to deal with. Heck, they might have already succeeded in destroying him.

Closing in on the IRIS, that conjecture turned out to NOT be the case.

Through Reikaku, I immediately felt the massive levels of energy exuded by the Satellite.

I instantly teleported into the Stinger's cabin, memorized everyone's position in the Spaceship and then activated mass teleportation.

The distance between the IRIS satellite and Attilan was more than 100000 miles. That was a range much much larger than my Psionic Field could cover.

The range of Psionic field was continental. Meaning not more than 10,000 miles across.

Given I couldn't teleport them straight to Attilan, the next best thing was to send the team down to Earth. Luckily Kathmandu was within range.

The teleportation activated and Tony and the others disappeared.

Right after, the Stinger shattered around me, metal shrapnel slamming onto my TK Aura.

I absorbed the Kinetic energy and released it to my front. The kinetic force impacted the sonic blast from the Satellite. Instead of negating the attack like I had intended, both forces combined and my position became the eye of an even greater explosion.

All the debris hanging around was sent to my Inventory. My body was revealed, my symbiote side fixing the clothes that had been destroyed after both attacks.

Fuck. That was close.

Had I been 1 second late, everyone would have died.

The IRIS started turning, the antenna dish aiming my way.

It's pannels glowed blue.

Solomon's wisdom informed me what the pannels were. Vibranium. Somehow, Ultron had found a way to weaponize the metal and produce blasts of concretrated Sonic Waves.

How that was scientifically possible in the Vacuum of space was an enigma.

I pulled the Psionic Field closer and tighter around my body.

Bring it on. I wanted to see if my barriers could stand up to It's attacks.

Suddenly, the dish tilted as a shockwave rocked the back portion of the IRIS, the blast of sonic waves missing me by dozens of feet.

Something burst out of the Satellite's body, moving at Terminal velocity.

I stretched out my Psionic Field and when the object was within my range, I teleported it to me.

The Thing's unconscious body appeared before me. His brow was bleeding, mostly owing to the imprint of a massive fist on the left side of his face.

Thinking quickly, I pressed the side of his neck, deploying the protective suit around his body. Then I dove into his mind.

Only to widen my eyes in urgency. Crystal and the rest needed me. Now.

Ben was sent down to Kathmandu while my form dissapeared and appeared within the IRIS containment Unit.

Right in the middle of the Hulk and Black Bolt's onslaught.

I took a split second to read the room, just as Black Bolt's attack landed on my TK Aura.

Mr. Fantastic was in the form of a ball and within it were Crystal and Lockjaw. Next to him was Cap with his shield held before him.

And standing at their front, maintaining a concetrated sonic attack at a purple veined Hulk, was Black Bolt who seemed to be injured. One of his hands was bent the wrong way.

The Hulk looked more monster than a gigantic green man. His joints had metal spurs and spikes that similarly glowed purple. Animalistic eyes stared down at me.

The fact he was tanking Black Bolt's attacks showed how powerful he was in this form.

I blinked, finally getting the gist of things. The Hulk was obviously under Ultron's control. And to get to Ultron, we had to go through him.

The TK Aura around me absorbed Black Bolt's sound waves much easier than I thought it would. So, it wasn't just kinetic force huh?

Knowing who the enemy was, I redirected the sonic waves, enhancing them with telekinesis before blasting the Hulk's body down hall.

The hallway warped and the matal walls groaned. The lights above flickered on and off.

I turned around, facing Black Bolt and the rest.

"I'm guessing things didn't go as planned?"


Cap nodded in what I would like to think was gratitude for saving their hides.

"Is it over?"

Crystal asked, peeking around Reed.


She called out upon spotting Black bolt's broken arm.

"You got here just in time."

Reed said, baloon form changing back to his normal human shape.

"How are the rest? We lost transmission a few minutes ago. Right before the Hulk attacked."

"They're safe."

I replied, readying myself after detecting movement through my Psionic Field.

"I sent them away before Ultron's attack landed. However, the Stinger was destroyed in the process."

"Thank god."

Cap sighed.

"We still have a mission to complete. We need to get to the power source and shut it down. That will take out the control pannel for any Sentinels still active and effectively trap Ultron here."

"A solid strategy, Captain America."

Someone announced from the PA system.

"That voice..."

Crystal muttered.

I knew what she meant. It was slightly mechanical but polished. Deep and carried with it an air of malevolence.


(General P.O.V)


Shazam muttered, rare seriousness in his tone.

"I've been waiting for this."

Crystal knew the mission had gone FUBAR. Her brother was hurt and all she wanted was to get them all out of there. There was no way they could fight that...thing.

He'd blasted the Thing out of the IRIS with a mere punch. Crystal had tried to attack the Hulk with her elements but nothing had worked. The monster had plowed right through everything.

"Oh no..."

She mumbled in fear, hearing a crashing sound from the end of the hallway.

He was coming back. The Hulk.

Lockjaw started growling while backing away.

"Listen up."

Shazam called out, his voice spearing through her terror.

Crystal turned to regard him. The strong back, the tensed shoulders and the Aura of power that just seemed to waft out of him.

She remembered the first time she'd seen him. He'd walked into the Throne Room lile he owned it.

"You guys go on ahead. Find the Power Source and take him offline. I'll stay here and deal with Banner."

He instructed.

At the end of the Hallway, an infuriated Hulk roared, tearing apart everything before him. It was time for round 2.

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